Stop talking.
The silence hurts less than this.
The loneliness consumes me.
I feel numb, empty.
What have I done?
I should know better.
I didn't think this through.
They won't stop.
I can't stop.
Shut up.
It doesn't matter.
It continues.
I die some more.
I probably deserve this.
Please stop.
What about me?
Shut them out.
I can't.
I try.
I fail.
It's not so bad when I close my eyes.
But I can't keep my eyes closed for long.
They'd get worried.
My brain chemicals I can't confess
Large bodies of people I detest.
It only happens when I'm with them.
I never feel this way by myself.
I only feel lonely with them
I can never be alone and lonely.
The noise,
It continues.
I think I should write in first person more.