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is just like taking an exam
and you don't know the answer
because you forgot to study
all you can do
is to stare the line of these blank pages
no answer
no reason
and the next is

 Jun 2015 Andje
Ronald J Chapman
A field with one thousand roses,

I only see one white flowering rose,

Obsession is only one white rose,
Obsession is only seeing you,

Blind to all others,

Using soju,
I create a mist,
That only surrounds you,
This, obsession with one white rose,
Is an impossible thing,
Sun shining through the mist,
Reflecting your love out to me,

But I can not see your face,
The sun is too bright,

Still I see a lovely white rose through the mist,

I want to grab hold,

But your thorns are too sharp,

How can I suffer knowing you exist, in the midst of my dreams,


I will never be able to touch you,

Why am I obsessed with a single white flower?
When fate has sent to me a gift of 999 red roses?

Copyright 2015 © Ronald J Chapman All Rights Reserved
Love and obsession Korean drama OST
 Jun 2015 Andje
I hate myself
I hate my mind
I hate how I work
I hate anxiety
I hate wheezing
I hate making myself be alone
But if I don't
My pathetic life
Becomes so obvious
And I don't want...
I couldn't take...
I can't handle...
You seeing me.
 Jun 2015 Andje
DaSH the Hopeful
Frost on your window
     Heartbeat off tempo
     Don't wanna open the door too scared what you're in for
     You've been here before
     But it's never hit so close to home
     You don't know if you need to be held
     Or just be left alone

But come in girl, I swear it's warm inside
If you can't take it baby, we'll both go hide
Tell me what you're thinking, I've been around
In a room full of frowns, you still put it down

     Calls on your phone
     Letters at home
     They used to not talk, now they've missed you so long
     But they just can't make it
     Their time has been taken
     And your stuck here waiting
     Circumstances won't change just

*Let me in girl, I promise, just confide
I can take it, I've got nothing to hide
Tell me what you been thinking, baby I've been around
In a room full of frowns, I'll still hold you down
 May 2015 Andje
Thomas EG
 May 2015 Andje
Thomas EG
I am inferior... Semilunar, even. It's on nights like these that I can taste the stars. They shine almost as brightly as your eyes.

Your eyes continue to amuse me, to consume me... I suffocate, deprived of key elements of freedom.

A conscience says a lot about a person. Your conscience is as pure as gold. Why don't you bite down on me? See if I am authentic. I promise you that I am worthy. We are worthy.

The sky's teasing crescent is enough to push you to let go. You are so in love with the idea of a world beyond Earth. I can see a whole solar system in your eyes' smile.

You admit that this is a new kind of journey for you. It's a journey all the way through my mind. I'm aware that things are still a bit behind.

I guess now we are looking for more than just a shallow dip. We want deep water. We want the opportunity to drown.

You know, the only way to truly satisfy me would be to reveal your methods of survival... My favourite scent rolls off the tight knot that is your tongue. Cherries.

You dismantle my heart and then build it back up, by my side. You say that you love me and begin to cry. It is beautiful. The misery even surprises you. I see no teardrops.

Amongst others, we have to stay in touch with who we are... For there is no more than one person displayed in my shadow.

Because my body belongs to me. It is mine and mine only. It is a home. I invite you to come and sit by the fireplace... My heart is a fire... Your eyes are its flames.
Another long poem!!!!
 May 2015 Andje
Ishana Singh
Come glaze these dark serpentine walls,
With the iridescent kisses of your soul.
My heart is swimming in the calm waters
Of your insatiable mind, my love.
You blaze in the dungeons of my heart
Like a winter wind in a sweltering night
I glide in the blunt blueness of your eyes,
Lost in the translucent clouds of floating melancholy,
I freeze in the stillness of your skin.
The poised moon shies,
Its silver hides in the lining of your
Celestial body. You shine brighter
Than the infernos of passion
You ignite within me.
My limbs are mere meat for foxes and ravens,
As you caress my paralyzed psyche
With your love written in impeccable
Prose. Who are you, calling yourself a
Pariah, travelling with a million stories
Tucked inside the folds of your eye lids?
Come, dip your quill in the very depths
Of my being and weave another symphony.
And maybe, sing to me someday.
When first I did see you,
My heart was a drum, beaten,
A fog horn blew out to sea.

When you looked at me,
Stark, true, across blue sky,
Sunshine piercing the clouds.

When you touched me,
Frost thawing at first light,
Misted dews on the heathers.

When you were upon me so,
Could I not but open, bloom,
Softly, wind on the petal.

When your hot eyes got me,
Set smoulder to stoked flame,
Aye, I burned for you.
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