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3.6k · Feb 2021
The Snow May Fall
The snow may fall

But I'll hold my tears
Alone I face my haunting fears

The snow may fall

Against my tongue
But I feel nothing, all is numb

The snow may fall

Atop my home
Unlike those flakes, I'm all alone

The snow may fall

Yet never land
For this is it, my final stand.
The snow outside my window inspired this one.
1.0k · Apr 2021
Don’t you try to hide that smile from me
I’d like to be among the lucky who provide you glee
Let me in on all the places that you’d like to see, cause baby girl I’d take you anywhere you’d like to be
Express yourself, tell me girl what’s on your mind
I find it difficult to read you cause you’re one of a kind
Even if it’s just a peek I’d like to see your design
Everytime I search for love it’s always you that I find
And that’s okay with me; especially; when you’re all that I want to see, honestly; everytime you smile it’s like my remedy
Pouring all my heart to you in rhythm with this melody
Wanna wake beside you living all my days in ecstasy
This simply felt good to write
822 · Feb 2021
If they really knew what's good for me

They'd turn away and leave me be

It's for the better.
Sometimes I just wish the world would leave me alone.
691 · Feb 2021
A Crimson Flower
This path is drenched in blood and tears, with me walking upon it,
My reign shall run for many years, without a question on it,

This path I pave is narrow,
But it's the only one,
To rid of all the sorrow,
I'll do what must be done,

I wish this path were one of love,
And not one of damnation,
For there is a goddess up above,
And I'm riding of her creation,

A crimson flower blossoms in it's search for the sun,
Again this path is one of pain but it's my only one.
A poem inspired by Edelgard Von Hresvelg from Fire Emblem Three Houses(I'm a gamer geek like that.)
651 · Mar 2021
This Mind
I lay out the paper
I pick up my pen
I rattle my head again and again
Yet nothing emerges, I draw a blank
Just like this paper, all but blank
This mind far from empty, my thoughts race
Yet I can't get them down, can't find a pace
This mind of mine, so sporadically poetic
This mind of mine, equally pathetic.
615 · Nov 2023
Most nights, I can feel tears well under my eyelids when I close them

Flashing, undesirable images concerning both past and possible future

Hurting, me in every sense of the word

Tonight, I spend another beside someone special

Alone, I still sleep.
604 · Feb 2021
There is no rhythm

There is no rhyme

Having an opinion is no crime.
Mutual respect, we could use more of it.
599 · Feb 2021
Midnight Wanders
My body still
My mind amok
I found myself consumed by thoughts,

Thoughts I wish I'd rather hadn't
For I can't sleep as they run rampant,

My mind hunts down and strikes my soul
It strips me of my only role,

If I find sleep; when will I wake,
Is it then I'll know what choices to make?
Anyone else just lye in their self destructive thoughts at night?
465 · Mar 2021
You were once a part of me
A piece that I lacked,

now you're a piece I don't ever want back.

449 · Feb 2021
Don't look now,
but my heart is in two

The last I'd think to be hurt by is you

I wish I'd known this prior to our post,
that those who love you know how to hurt you most

So don't look now,
but there's a dead end

For you and I can never start again.
This one's from one broken heart to another.

— The End —