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 Jul 2017 Alana S
Mary-Rose H
Tonight is a night when the sky is
                   midnight blue velvet,

                   a night when the city on the
                   hill turns to Christmas

Tonight is a night when laughter and
                                 mirth flow freely,

                                 when camaraderie
                                 pillows in the air.

Tonight is a night when friendship
                                            warms the

                                           good company
                                           fills the heart,

                                           and you wish it
                                           wouldn't end.
Inspired by an evening hanging out with friends I haven't see in a while.
 Jul 2017 Alana S
Donna S Jones
I'm a puppet in your theater
You pull my strings for pleasure
So I dance to your command
And twist with each demand
Sometimes I think it a jest to see
That I am you and you thus me
For after the curtain falls
While the crowd's applause
Is it clear, can they decipher
The puppet from the master?
puppets, strings, jest
 Jul 2017 Alana S
Elise Jackson
How is leaving someone alone hard?
Day 29/31 of my "Six Words A Day" Challenge for the whole month of July, the whole collection can be found on my page on the first of August.
Write a garden into bloom.
Write a romance in the room.
Create, create, create
Life is short; Life won’t wait.
Shift, shuffle, sort, sift
Try and try your spirits to lift.
Do whatever is not writing.
You and your inner critic always fighting.

I am scared.
The first week of NaNoWriMo 2015 was when I had to write a novel for the first time. It is easy to say, yes I can write a novel, but will you? It was a challenge to allow myself the space to write and to, perhaps, fail at it. The idea of jumping off the ledge and then building my wings on the way down was terrifying and I found all sorts of excuses not to write. Procrastination and the inner critic are in cahoots I tell you!
 Nov 2015 Alana S
The guest
 Nov 2015 Alana S
She knocked on my door
I invited her in
She made me belive I could really have it all
She came into my life
Or she was there all along
It's been too long
One of those
Basically a part of me
She sits there
So strong and mighty
Telling me it's for the best
She mimics my intuition
I know in my truth  
She is my poison
Holding me back
I could stay here forever
With her holding my chains
In this state of being
But I know about the rabbit hole
Deep down I crave to explore
But she seduces me with emotion
She disguises herself as logic
Everyday is a new struggle
She cast a shadow over me
I thought I knew who I was
But I've just been her puppet
Her entertainment
The more I fight her off
The louder I hear her laughing
Echoes in her empty shell
She knows I know
She keeps trying to unstretch my mind
Into my reality
I told her it's time to go home
I'm sure she'll come back to visit
I'll know how to treat her this time
Hopefully I can just smile and wave
And tell her to F* off
I know I wasn't her first
And sadly not her last
Her name
By the way  
I just call her
My Ego
For that time I felt stupid for a second, and happy for a lifetime.
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