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 May 2014 ALamar
 May 2014 ALamar
Line by line
I dissect you
Embrace your mind
Pick at your soul
Your dark past
Your changing present
Your beautiful flaws
Your regrets
I am trying to learn
Each crevice of your eye lid
Each stretch mark on your side
Every freckle and bump
And current bruise
And when I think I know it all
That's not possible
I'll never know enough about you
 Apr 2014 ALamar
Although my heart aches for you, the stars stay the same.
They do not mourn over my aching soul that weeps in sorrow.
Nay, they stay painted on the night’s sky looking down --
They feel no pain nor grief as I bend over in agony
Reminiscing the way your silhouette would stand in the doorway
Although my heart cries with loss
Although my soul weeps
The stars stay the same.
I blamed our separation on the fact that the edges of the universe keep moving away from each other
In whiskey sodden dreams I feel silky bedclothes encompass
my flimsy pretty negligee clad body
Whimsy takes a hold, bold dreams drape my mind
My dimly lit boudour welcomes the vibrancy of the dream
Unblushingly dis inhibited by the sweet sickly whiskey
I feel frisky, risky, risqué
I want the silkiness of the dark dimly lit night to
ignite, I want flimsy, gipsy, filthy, ***** love.
In whiskey sodden dreams I feel my inner *****,
in dreams I can open the door.
 Apr 2014 ALamar
Ariel Taverner
Ten: im scared
Nine: your scared
Eight: I miss you
Seven: do you miss me
Six: give me a blade
Five: let me cut your heart in half
Four: let me kiss you
Three: I'm lost
Two: find me
One: kiss me

Zero: the end
 Apr 2014 ALamar
Desert Rose
 Apr 2014 ALamar
Desert Rose
Too perfect
To let you go

To happy
To cry

Too special
All this time
I'm spending with you

Too sad
to say goodbye

Too late
To leave

Too much fun
So you stay with me

Too in love
To not tell you
I'm in love with you
 Apr 2014 ALamar
Allen Wilbert
Bad Day
When things seem rough,
life getting way to tough.
Feel like giving up,
drinking from a Dixie cup.
No food on the table,
been awhile since cable.
No money to be found,
too shy to make a sound.
Already ate dogs and cats,
lowering down to only rats.
Lost the house, and the car,
no more cookies in the jar.
Living now with mom and dad,
roof overhead, just be glad.
Looking for any kind of job,
tired of being a lazy slob.
Not a dime in the bank,
Only yourself to thank.
Burned all the bridges,
never was very religious.
All this happened in a day,
hoping soon to find a way.
Things could get no worse,
drug overdose, put you in a hearse.
Just another lost soul,
who had no self control.
 Apr 2014 ALamar
b for short
Boy's hand works last hook.
Bra flies. Girl grins. Ain't no shame
in coming undone.
© Bitsy Sanders, April 2014
 Apr 2014 ALamar
You are not who I thought you were
You are not what I wanted you to be
You are not what you claimed
You are not your promises

*You are but the lies you told
 Apr 2014 ALamar
free fall
 Apr 2014 ALamar
it's easy
to let your blood drip
to let your tears flow
to let yourself fall
for it feels freely natural
when you exert no force
and yet you end up hurt
because that's how
it always ends up anyway
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