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Jul 2017 · 776
On a Long Beach Day
The Ripper Jul 2017
I had lung cancer,
now I'm minus that airbag-

Oral cancer on the horizon; burning bright,
like the sun on a Long Beach day.

I'm still vvaiting on the Seagulls;
I have this bread to toss.

This relationship vvith Death breeds: **** Fear
a nevv beginning; I'm ready.
Jun 2017 · 960
Thursday Tang
The Ripper Jun 2017
Stretched out on my table
bound gagged brunette
I admire the bolster && ****

Svveet midnight scales
vvith a tang that never disappoints
You are my Thanksgiving
my slash Queen

My ruin runs deep & cold
vvith it
I vvill **** everything You knovv

Once done carving
I remove Your pearls
and keep them in my pocket
for a future moonless stroll
Apr 2017 · 1.3k
The Ripper Apr 2017
My tongue is leathered
vvith glory
an oral  j  u m  p   r o p e
            in the darkness!

might you trip
&& break a femur
to make a meal of yourself?

Once prepared
alongside the parsnips && carrots
I relish your eyes
&& make no apologies
for being

Don't be sad
to be svvallowed
are not as lucky
Dec 2016 · 710
Paste event
The Ripper Dec 2016
Door **** lock
mouth puffed vvith

pink extension
   under circular
compressed tree matter

bended knee
shook off number

grease under thumb
  left knee
    hangnail & an eyelid

this tvvitch
   vvont stop
  for 40
I'm certain
Dec 2016 · 1.0k
MRI goes clack
The Ripper Dec 2016
Broken body's rack
new life into lung
Gold vvrapped platinum sludge
Decadron makes buzz
6 months in the novv
MRI goes clack
Ativan don't quell
Image movement shakes
Dec 2016 · 619
New home
The Ripper Dec 2016
Take your skin
fold it over my bones
make me
   your nevv home
hang my coat
on your
a pale place
   found inside of you
shedding those fears
bruises of rejection
The garden vvill be
our minds
   raked vvith passion
to a depth
that vve
vvill N  E  V  E  R
   knovv the hunger
of bonds
Dec 2016 · 901
The Ripper Dec 2016
I just heard
a blood curdling scream,
in the     d i s t a n c e.

VVho ever you are;
I love your music of fear,
I imagine you're running

I hope you trip
so they catch you;
& practice origami
on your viscera,
as beautiful as your:
Dec 2016 · 835
Meat me at midnight
The Ripper Dec 2016
may have made us
from the dust
but a Lion once shovved me
that vve surely taste
like meat
Dec 2016 · 869
Suburban smile
The Ripper Dec 2016
VVhich ever bones of mine
you pick
I vvill let you gnavv them to death
over a cup of coffee stirred with proverbs
Gnash your suburban smile
on my misery
Splinter my beat maker
vvith your
vvorshiping voice
Come over
&& take your shoes off
I vvill count your blessings
into infinity
not long
Dec 2016 · 989
These lungs
The Ripper Dec 2016
These lungs have sighed
   they have gasped
these lungs have yelled
    they have failed
These lungs breath
once more
     for another round
of life
      to be snatched
in the end
       again && again
vvith no end
       to be relished
Dec 2016 · 608
The Ripper Dec 2016
I hope
that an asteroid
this planet
  smash it up
real good
 into a pulp
you vvonderful God
of a universe

g o o d n e s s

   Flip off
my bathroom light
one last time
   burn it up
all this stuff
   that ******* traps me
into sickness
   but please
be kind &&
         is a virtue
          that I
            don't mind
Dec 2016 · 1.3k
I remember her
The Ripper Dec 2016
I remember her most
as a vvaitress
kinda like Flo on Mel's diner
she became a millionaire
once upon a time
but she died 6 years ago
her body just happens to be here
Lost in a thought
fleeting yet thick
like a forest
in time
the vvoods will thin && fall
releasing her spirit
Nov 2016 · 785
The Ripper Nov 2016
The heart;
in all of it's tragic
is nothing
but a victim.
Nov 2016 · 703
The Ripper Nov 2016
o n e
I vvill be
g o n e
you'll glance back
&& notice my
h e a r t
by that time
ash vvill be
h o m e
don't shed a
t e a r
free from the
d r o n e
Nov 2016 · 845
Black knack
The Ripper Nov 2016
As a young boy I learned
that I had a black knack
it vvas passed on to me
from a vvoman who passed
Some days it feels
like a rabid curse
I don't need to knovv
before you shovv me first
at death I thought
I vvould have been
but upon reentry
I was still clairvoyant
Nov 2016 · 754
The Ripper Nov 2016
S  i  c k
      f  u  c k

for a sick vv o r l d
                            i n t o  m y
        d e p r a v i t y  &
                    ­       j
t h e s
       s vv a l l o vv  my  words
     of  t vv i r l & Quill

     Save your teeth
       for a dinner date
        to chevv
         O N  M E a t
       try not to be late

At a distance,
       quaint and vvell reserved;
  upon closer revievv:
      a buzzard creating jerks
Nov 2016 · 811
The Ripper Nov 2016
These teeth yearn
   flesh so ripe
Under moonlight
   in every curve
       a meal
Aren't vve all vvolves in some fashion?
Nov 2016 · 1.1k
A drone
The Ripper Nov 2016
Surrounded by
a drone
the dull buzz of
draining me of
I just vvant to
I vvatch them all
creeping by like
&& all I'm guilty of
is vvanting
Nov 2016 · 849
To chore
The Ripper Nov 2016
The mask
              I vvear
is there
              for good
it's not
              a gimmick

it's vvho I am
I take apart
to put together

the things
   you don't
have time
to chore
Nov 2016 · 811
Suck tit
The Ripper Nov 2016
These arms
  are yours
to break,
So steal me
in the clench
of your teeth.
Lull me into your *******;
make me your little
**** ***.
to connect,
release your
blackest sunset;
Let us not forget
one another.

in your
I'm eternally
&& Grateful.
Nov 2016 · 1.4k
The Ripper Nov 2016
VVe vvrite words
to fill in the emptiness
as if they vvere concrete patches
for neglected sidevvalks
that nobody vvalks on
Carry on
D A R K  poets
Toss that alphabet
tovvards my shovel
let me bury it
Nov 2016 · 634
D / e / a / t / h / s t a r
The Ripper Nov 2016
of a Black Mass;
Deathstar v2.0.
Set forth another
a pile of earth
still yearns for
a second passing.
A void that turns
me on;
a void that turns
on me,
vvhy avoid the meat
vvhy such antipathy?
Embrace dust's *******;
rotting feet look good in shoes,
just as any,
just sayin'.
Nov 2016 · 510
The Ripper Nov 2016
A sheppard hangs like a T
pierced in the sun  
ablating all condemnation
  as Pilot sits safely vvhile eating grapes
The people get vvhat they vvant
  not knovving vvhy they need it
&& a father vvelcomes home
    a son

Aren't people great,
vvhat is our $um?
Nov 2016 · 670
Meat market
The Ripper Nov 2016
****** of juggernaut
  impedance of a
     baby Jesus
Fingernails on
       My back
like climbing up
a broken staircase
in my memory
  a meat market
for you
any cut you vvant
like algebra
   a chalkboard
There are many
to traverse
  then tumble
until the last
of our fluid
escapes the chaos
of our hands
Oct 2016 · 574
I have a friend
The Ripper Oct 2016
I have a friend
He drives a truck for a living
He is someone vvho I've never met
One that I trust and trusts me
He has my home address
Sometimes I imagine him to be a truck driving serial killer
Not sure vvhy that turns me on
Every time I come across one of his photos
I save it
I revievv them often at night
vvhile lying in bed
I knovv it sounds vveird but so ******* vvhat!
He's avvesome
Like vvhen the sun crests over my messes
I have a friend
&& in my head he kills you
Oct 2016 · 478
The Ripper Oct 2016
I've hollovved out a hallovv realm;
vvhere only boneships sail,
vvielding verbs of vengeance;
My vvords float on flesh.
Searing eyes & stripping life;
A dark Knight sheds light as if death,
Such a delicious julienne of humanity;
I am
The Ripper.
Oct 2016 · 794
October nectaries
The Ripper Oct 2016
midnight appendages
   of unremitting venture
for a taste of the vivacity
inside your nectaries
Avvaiting a return
upon desire
Aug 2016 · 602
VVhat I please
The Ripper Aug 2016
I follow you into the night
a black crovv in flight
this Machete in my hand
to slash at vvhat I please
if you scream
I vvill enjoy it


Please, do scream, LOUDER
as I take your body
&& divide it
to make pop art party gifts
for my dinner guests


Teeth, vve like them the best
they shine just right on fishing line
reminding me of a childhood
that I once had, it vvas mine
long   l  o  n  g   ago
it vvas stolen
they made me become
vvho the Ripper is
Jul 2016 · 968
One smug bitch
The Ripper Jul 2016
Recline back
   Access port
      Heprin dravv
         Saline flush  
      Hang the bag
Connect the line
Fluids in
VVait some time

    Zangy ****
       Dr. death
          **** your face
             One smug *****
Jun 2016 · 3.0k
The Ripper Jun 2016
It's a Black horse
You can't deny it
Pins you real good
It's so quiet
Gaining Kingdom
Prime lymph node real estate
Late night cold shakes
Tried to hide it

It's a Black horse
Novv let's ride it
Beast is tiring
As it's striding
Losing Kingdom
Bring the chemo
&& **** this black horse
May 2016 · 1.0k
Upon concrete
The Ripper May 2016
This mask, the embodiment of humanity's edge; vvhere Poe resides
&& serial killers thrive.
They are my shadovv, cast upon concrete; I am their pulse:


Not an X-ray can find
that loose thread to be pulled,
it can't be seen!
I just knovv it's there; like the tickle in the depth of my lung,
setting boundaries:
to be broken,
  break me:
like darkness; vvhere bone decays into new life.
Marry my depravity,
    merry: my curiosity,
       take me as I am;
         leave me as you are.
May 2016 · 1.8k
Front rovv seat to the cogs
The Ripper May 2016
Inside: rot,
      outside: youth,
                        a black heart;
                              beating just for you.
          You love the man
          under the mask;
           that ghost vvhom nobody else knovvs.
This front rovv seat to the cogs:
I trust you in degrees,
that leave me exposed to your fancies.
Cut me open; non gingerly,
May 2016 · 1.2k
American death culture
The Ripper May 2016
We yield for funeral processions;
not for the living,
skulls and bones;
sells just as much as *** these days.
Our shiny teeth;
buried in the fruit to our gums,
vve glorify this dovvnfall:
May 2016 · 1.2k
Midnight slasher
The Ripper May 2016
Black silence
creeping in
no one knevv
till the nevvs
a reverberating shock
buckling bones
& shaking stones
to their core
this midnight slasher
of human fold
just might be human too
after all
Apr 2016 · 752
I vvrithe
The Ripper Apr 2016
Part me like a Christian sea
resect the vvorst of me
extend my breath
these vvords
to speak
to spill
to see
this modern day Job
I vvrithe under
your knife
Apr 2016 · 940
A black ketch
The Ripper Apr 2016
                               ­  vv
a glimmering surface
nor eye vvill peek upon

lip locked by token
a black ketch lies splintered
avvaiting *for you

to redeem it
so redeem it!
You dropped the anchor 6212017
Apr 2016 · 739
The Ripper Apr 2016
Bleek jockey *****;
Death is nevv life,
a ride upon a Black horse.
An ill-omened trot;
bring forth Avvakening,
no time to stall.
Most of my poetry has been a foretelling, to knovv the future is pain.
Apr 2016 · 491
Your Greyhound
The Ripper Apr 2016
I span time -

in every instance -

I am sickness -

devoured by flame -

reborn through Ice -
Apr 2016 · 557
The Ripper Apr 2016
needs not to cut a svvath
it's portiere falls regardless

Requiring only your marrovv
hanging a noose of your tendons
chevvs you up in public affection
hovv it does you so is love

Pricked ears vvith shadovv cast upon them

I just am
Apr 2016 · 815
Superlative Queen
The Ripper Apr 2016
Venturesome tevv
vvant to make you
a 3rd time maker

S             R             T             H             D
       T              E            C             E

O             U             T

saturated && doted on;
vvith boundlessness.
Apr 2016 · 560
The Ripper Apr 2016
This ghost
the bed of a thousand railroad lines
these bones
  a vvashing board
    to your vvorries
      that door; an open home
        to an empty land
vvage war; cage fair!
   red earth
     called upon
        a vvhirlvvind svvept past
          this vvay
            spirit come
               a thousand deaths
                 in the sand
Apr 2016 · 575
The Ripper Apr 2016
Feeling broken
looking for a savior
something to change the outcome
If you didn't have this
or that
you vvould surely die

The vvorld is broken
he isn't real
some things never change
anchors sink
bodies vvither

Seeking redemption
in the darkness
only to be met
vvith void
Apr 2016 · 823
Let us inspect
The Ripper Apr 2016
Let us inspect relations with vocabulary,
dig into me && drink of my spark.
You lit the fire, so must you vvatch it burn.
Peel back the sky vvith me,
in fearless abandon.
As tvvo flovvers of the field,
svvay in the breeze
&& sing me your song.
Apr 2016 · 411
Groundhog's day
The Ripper Apr 2016
VVake up in the morning
eat three meals per day -
Apr 2016 · 795
Black flight
The Ripper Apr 2016
Blue bird
Black flight

speckled sputum
late night

Death's roller coaster

eyes vvide open
a deep divide

flashes of childhood
Mother cries tonight

vvhen the ride ends?
only The Gate Keeper knovvs
Apr 2016 · 538
The Ripper Apr 2016
VVednesday come;
Midazolam haze,
an adventure:
  a changed
    troubadour avvakens;
      an ansvver
        either vvay.
Apr 2016 · 1.2k
Often buried
The Ripper Apr 2016
Celebrity of death;
of the darkest of loves,
building consternation,
on truths too often buried.
Marry bones to the blade;
merry words can seem bleak,
see these teeth?
Might be joy;
never knovv,
'til the svving.
Apr 2016 · 532
VVhen it comes
The Ripper Apr 2016
A limo ride
provides extra oxygen
flip flop
flop flip
might be the heart is angry
VVheels turn
pavement ends
arrival time
rushing out
room 9 is yours
wait some time
it goes by slovv
X-ray shovvs vve found gold
on to computerized axial tomography
hold the contrast
in comes the nevvs
you're alone
vvhen it comes
Apr 2016 · 1.4k
Your nouns
The Ripper Apr 2016
Dare you trek into my void;
VVhere {{ vvolves }} strip you bare
of your programming?

Trace the lines of your art;
vvith a svvord of vvords,
to find the breaking point
of your nouns.
Apr 2016 · 1.0k
The forever ones
The Ripper Apr 2016
VVe survey through vvalls
   uncover lies by redolent Jasmine  
     knovv thoughts before lips
       even meet their syllables
    scour memories since birth
  every embarrassing moment
leaving no stone unturned
  vve are the forever ones
     here before
   and after
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