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920 · Feb 2016
Overheat (10w)
xmxrgxncy Feb 2016
Do you know just thinking of you
makes my heart overheat?
Ohhhhhhhh I miss him>,<
909 · Aug 2016
xmxrgxncy Aug 2016
How is it that my intuition, usually so on my side, can be wrong?

Perhaps it's not.

It tells me that you hate me. That you want nothing to do with me after how I reacted. That you wanted to say it much earlier but just wanted to spare yourself my reaction. That I'm way too sensitive.

I wish these things were wrong but I've no intention to assume so, not after thinking things over until 4 am when my brain and my heart are crying out for rest.

My intuition tells me to believe that it's not your fault. That it's happened the same way so many times before- I'm told no, then a rebounding yes, then an overwhelming no that leaves me in a shell-like trance gasping for air and grappling for hold of my emotions. It wasn't you, it was Fate. I'm not allowed to be happy, how is that your fault?

I wish this was not how life had chosen to treat me, but how can I change the patterns it has set for me? I can't expect that things are going to miraculously become one hundred ten degrees better because of a ****** set of words I post on a site where no one reads. Even if I were posting on billboards, it'd make my situation that much more laughable.

Maybe it's my mental state. Maybe it's the insane amount of time I have to spare in which I let my feelings elevate too much, scaring off any possible chance there ever was of perhaps feeling whole for the first time in I can't even remember how long.

Maybe it's my intuition.

Maybe it's Fate.
903 · Oct 2016
xmxrgxncy Oct 2016
Oh really?* interrogated her cunning eyes, Speak you the truth?
Doubt what you will, mine glowered in return, the ice melting to fragmented liquid between my fingers. **But truth and desire are the same thing, no?
895 · Jan 2016
Give Him What He Wants
xmxrgxncy Jan 2016
Give him your eyes
Let him stare for h o u r s

Give him your lips
Let him kiss them till they're cracked

Give him your mind
Let him rampage in your thoughts at one in the morning.

Give him your body
Let him touch what he wants to keep his sanity

Give him your sanity
In exchange for sanctuary

Give him your soul
Just so he won't hurt you

But he does....
Luckily, you didn't give him what you value most.

You didn't give him your heart.
894 · Sep 2016
I pledge allegiance
xmxrgxncy Sep 2016
I pledge allegiance
to my heart
to live unafraid
in a world apart
in a dimension of fear
to have hope and love
in times where I tear
to rise up above

I pledge allegiance
to my heart
to let it rule
or tear apart
for of it I have fear
to lose hope and love
but i'll not shed a tear
but wait for attention from above
893 · Jul 2016
Shattered Irises
xmxrgxncy Jul 2016
her eyes looked down at the broken glass
and the petals drooping between her toes
and knew what it was
to be alone
877 · Jul 2016
Entry: 21 April 1943(#9)
xmxrgxncy Jul 2016
My mind
Likes to deceive me

I find someone
truly someone

And they're shattered from me
by a gas smaller than I can see

Shattered into a reality
I've been avoiding my whole life

Dear young, hopeless Cherie
How shall I hope to survive?
852 · Oct 2016
Construction Update #2
xmxrgxncy Oct 2016
We are sorry for the inconvenience.

While our project has made some headway- a new and improved venue coming soon!- there are a few impasses that have come to our attention.

Once we eradicate the hurt feelings, loneliness, and confusion from our work site, rest assured our progress shall continue.

We are sorry for the inconvenience.
tagalong to the "update" i wrote over the summer. i'm feeling kind of dry on poetry lately.
847 · May 2016
To His Followers
xmxrgxncy May 2016
He had it coming, he only had himself to blame.
If you'd have been there, if you'd have seen it, I bet you you would have done the same...*
So don't come crying to me that he's depressed.
Where were you
when I needed that support?
Lyrics from Chicago's Cell Block Tango.
844 · Feb 2017
It won't happen
xmxrgxncy Feb 2017
If you just ask me to out my blades on your nightstand while casually checking your email on your iPhone, it won't happen.

If you offhandedly remind me to eat while heading out the door for a few hours, it won't happen.

And if you tell me living is worth it while slapping me in the face with a ton of mistrust and coldness, it won't happen.

Trust me.
836 · Oct 2016
my sHadOW
xmxrgxncy Oct 2016
she follows me everywhere
does what I do
says what I say
brews what I brew

she wears what I wear
and eats what I eat
plays what I play
and meets who I meet

she cries when I cry
and talks how I talk
she drinks what I drink
and walks where I walk

but to think what i think
is not her cup of tea
her name is depression
and her target is me
not hurting right now, just feeling like churning out a whole bunch of poetry for some reason. It'll probably all be terrible so bear with me.
802 · Oct 2016
Abstract Musings #10
xmxrgxncy Oct 2016
Tell me a tale of the sparkling seas
full of odd riches and timidity,
covered in lives lost with nary a thought,
stained with the coral-bound lessons you've taught.

Weave me an epic of the gold-crusted clouds
that filter through air and make not one spare sound,
filled with the voices of chanting young boys,
and all of the most heavenly ilk of noise.

Spin me a story of leaves green and pure
which drift toward the heavens with sensory ores,
that make for the sky as they stretch emerald-tall
before the time comes when they just have to fall.
I needed something with structure.
799 · Feb 2016
xmxrgxncy Feb 2016
Can't keep my eyes from melting
Those tears that they've been smelting
Because loneliness is pelting
Poor young, forsaken me

Can't keep my eyes from wondering
Why silence is now thundering
Between us and its sundering
Poor young forsaken me

Can't keep my eyes from missing
Those lips that I've been kissing
But now they keep on enlisting
Poor young forsaken me

Enlisting me to cry and
Enlisting me to try

Because if he's not here beside me
Then I might as well have
I haven't heard from him for a day and I'm just worried>.<
795 · Nov 2019
xmxrgxncy Nov 2019
One day I swear I’ll figure out
If I was who you were writing about
791 · May 2016
As I Sink
xmxrgxncy May 2016

.......wish I could ask for help from down here.....

But I'm not an attention seeker.

Just a groundling.....
780 · Jan 2016
xmxrgxncy Jan 2016
What we shared today wasn't just a hug....

It was a surprise.

I came into those arms expecting a brief enclosure....
And received stone walls that wouldn't let me leave.

Do I like being closed in, do you ask? You think I'm claustrophobic...because I pulled away?

If only there was more time.

Close those stone arms and take me captive.

I wouldn't mind at all.
The hug I received today- one where i expected just something brief and he tightened his arms around me-made me so happy that I wanted to just forget the urgency of an errand I had to run and just stay there forever......wish I hadn't been in such a hurry.
xmxrgxncy Jun 2016
Just because it looks like I'm paying attention
doesn't necessarily mean
that I'm not pondering Shakespeare.

Roses are running through my irises,
pentameter bleeds through my veins,
and inwardly,
Macbeth reigns.

So know that when you look my way,
I may be listening in...
But more than likely, you will find
Shakespeare will always win.
766 · Oct 2016
Shooting at the Stars
xmxrgxncy Oct 2016
not gonna ask you to stay
not gonna wait for an explanation
don't know if i should leave or love or cry
won't sit and play little games
won't hurt and take all the blame
don't know, so i'll keep screaming at the sky
if love was a myth then it's all just pretend
so i'm shooting at the stars
cause it's not gonna end
just the chorus to a song i'm writing
765 · Oct 2016
xmxrgxncy Oct 2016
Because of me.* She let me stand, snow falling off my bare legs like a shower of ash. Because of us.
What us is there left to lie about... My legs tensed to run. **Who can lie about what is in plain sight?
752 · Oct 2016
xmxrgxncy Oct 2016
Up is up, so down is down.

Red and green means Christmas, obviously.

Birds singing? Happiness.

Rumors equal catfights.

Cheating leads to divorces. Multiple.

And this poem is about you. Duh.
just a weird way to look at people who assume. i'm so bored and uninspired lately.
745 · Sep 2016
My Own Personal Hiroshima
xmxrgxncy Sep 2016
I hate feeling like I'm dropping bombs.
And it's always on someone who doesn't deserve them.

You never asked for me to confuse you or to make you wonder how to put your feelings into words.

And Im so sorry I would ever even deign to pressure you.

Don't associate with me.
I'm toxic.
730 · Sep 2016
Repay joy
xmxrgxncy Sep 2016
happier than i can remember
sadder than i can remember being
as the sparrows sit on my windowsill
and sing in dirge
I'll cry with happiness
and mourn with joy

I have what she wants.
It's mine to enjoy.

Somehow I'll make it up to her.
Somehow, repay joy.
730 · Oct 2016
a perfect day
xmxrgxncy Oct 2016
is where all the ropes swing free
from the willow branches
with no inhabitants to wish them
a steady tugging downwards into
the grass and magma flowing below
724 · Sep 2016
xmxrgxncy Sep 2016
Ignorance filters through the air likened to a plague
as the screens fill the silence
with plasticized glowing.

What adventures are we missing?
Ivanhoe, Dunsinane, Middle Earth?

Between the pages of our very busy lives, we miss
the written out thought processes that inquire
after why exactly we are so hellbent on
radiating our only pair of eyes out of our skulls
with the futile use of nonrenewable energy.

How is it that something so natural, so ******
between the lines of our genetic makeup
can be filtered out all within the means
of a filtered lense and a shining
artificial light?

I digress.
722 · Nov 2015
A Degree for Remembering
xmxrgxncy Nov 2015
You get
a degree for remembering,
and all you had to do
was pass a test about
Abe Lincoln
and the Zhou Dynasty.

A degree for remembering;
you claim, "It's my major."
You pore over books that explain Henry VIII's malice;
you want a degree for remembering.

What sweeter sound is there to your ears
than the utterance of an educated reference
to the history of our forefathers?
A degree for remembering
will grant you that satisfaction.

History majors.
College American History professors.
Degrees for remembering.
Think...and understand.
Just a new way to think about a history degree.
721 · May 2016
Fire Extinguisher
xmxrgxncy May 2016
I need to put out
My love for you
713 · May 2016
xmxrgxncy May 2016
Don't you think

That I want to be a singer
And an actor
And a painter
And a writer
And a race car driver
And president

But I can't even be happy
With my sexuality

And it's not my fault
But yours?
706 · Feb 2017
"Just Deal With It"
xmxrgxncy Feb 2017
That's what they always say.
Get it   together
Apparently all the doctors and psychiatrists' opinions mean nothing.
Stop dramatizing
Apparently, I'm just faking.
Get over yourself
Supposedly, my chemical imbalances are my fault.
Just fix it
Supposedly, the solution is purely my own willpower.
Stop the gabs for attention

You want me to "just deal with it"?
Fine, I will.
You just won't like the outcome.

The real question is, will you miss me after I've just dealt with it?
695 · Oct 2016
Swirls Are Better
xmxrgxncy Oct 2016
Swirls are better than slashes,
and I can tell you why.

Swirls are better than slashes,
for they help you up to fly.

Swirls are better than slashes,
with ink instead of red.

Swirls are better than slashes,
but they do not help your head.
xmxrgxncy Jan 2017
The watermelon's tears alighted lightly against the bloodstained perfume, and when the steam cleared, light was visible filtering through the fingertips of the victorious battle-bound man with the paper crown. Was this ice and freezing of the tongue to be his reward for the conquest of the wooden palace of Arbol? We would soon see...
sketch of a young boy eating watermelon after playing kings in his backyard around his treehouse.
685 · Oct 2016
Home Is Where the Heart Is
xmxrgxncy Oct 2016
"Home is where the heart is."

My heart has been on vacation,
got lost at the station,
missed it's connecting flight,
has come down with a plight.

It's missed the school bus,
forgotten how to trust,
spilled coffee in its lap,
fallen into a trap.

It's still playing dress up,
afraid still to mess up,
losing its car keys,
crying after a tease.

If home is where the heart is,
a place where a warm hearth is,
then mine has missed the boat
for I'm still just out afloat...
Just a five minute jot. Sorry for the ineloquence and terrible pentameter.
682 · Apr 2016
xmxrgxncy Apr 2016
When the world is weary
Your problems have converted
Into a silver gold chorus
Of pots and pans

When your arms are tired
Because of the wooden
Hard grained electricity
They carry

Drop yourself
Into an armchair
Of silken iron and platinum
And drink the splendors
Of the barrier reef
679 · Sep 2016
xmxrgxncy Sep 2016
he wanted an uptown girl
but she was from down home

that sugar shaker was just
too sweet for him to
we country girls rock. admit it.
676 · May 2016 for the weak
xmxrgxncy May 2016
Shouldn't nine hours of sleep
Be enough?

Someone's gotta tell me
Why my life's so rough

I used to be able
To play my own games

But now I'm so tired
I've forgotten my own name...
675 · Feb 2016
xmxrgxncy Feb 2016
I'd make myself a ticket home
But the destination's poor
For he's not where my family is
So I'd be left wanting more.
674 · Sep 2016
xmxrgxncy Sep 2016
In the silence, there is a sound.
Nay, it cannot be heard
by the naked ear
but rather by
the naked eye.

In the darkness, there is a light.
Nay, it cannot be seen
by your barren eye
but rather by
the passers by.

Watch your love, and watch your life
For in itself, beauty's strife
will take a hold
on your lowly, downed life.

Unfiltered lenses cover eyes
create a day where no one spies
on hearts of truth and hearts of lies
no one hurts and no one dies.

Beauty is in the unseen, unheard.
And one day, one day
more lessons shall be learned.
Bad pentameter. But I'm not in the mood for editing.
672 · Sep 2016
If I Was An Actual Poet
xmxrgxncy Sep 2016
I'd like to pretend for a moment that I was a poet.

My words could mesmerize
and my glance could be seen to be more philosophical
than Socrates and Plato bound together
in chains of writing
and time

My very breath would wisp along the lines of insanity
and my heartbeat, keep time with the frenzied
dance I keep my toes working through
on this tightrope
I have strung
so tight and high

And my heart?

It would be taken.
And it would be happy.
And not confused.
I feel so confused and lost right now, my feelings won't let me rest but  don't just go bug people about what I feel about them. I just....need clarity>.<
661 · Jan 2016
xmxrgxncy Jan 2016

You are my Darcy
and I love the pain.
656 · Apr 2017
xmxrgxncy Apr 2017
try to unsee the horrors you've dealt me, the crosses burnt into my thighs.
then ask yourself...
did you ever really care?
650 · Jul 2016
xmxrgxncy Jul 2016
To feel like something is lacking, a something
that keeps you in line, a something that helps
you to think, a blunt "no" from a blunt someone
647 · Feb 2016
Sorry I Interrupted....
xmxrgxncy Feb 2016
What were you going to say
Before my heart got in the way?
642 · May 2017
xmxrgxncy May 2017
You're not displaying sentiments of sadness and deepened emotion simply because you wish that I, through hearing them, may feel a sense of calm and clarity over what has been done.
You're speaking this ******* so that you feel less guilty, that you lessen the pain on yourself, knowing that you've said I'm sorry to the person who calls themself victim.
You ease your conscience whichever way you see fit.
And I'll ease mine.
638 · Nov 2019
xmxrgxncy Nov 2019
They’ll tell you nothing tastes sweeter than life
When all they’ve tasted is defeat
637 · Mar 2017
Letter # 1
xmxrgxncy Mar 2017

If I could touch you just once, then I'd be whole, I swear.
Sitting here letting youtube shuffle like the muddled thoughts within my mind, you're all that won't dissipate into thin air.
All Time Low, then church tomorrow morning, why won't you leave?
Are you lonely?
Do you need someplace to stay for a while?
Well, my arms and ears are open. Stay here a while.
Everyone says "shes an invalid" and "she needs help", but I know it's not true.
Because if she feels half what I feel, all she needs is me.
And I need her more than the breaths I take, the words I write, and the ideas I spout.
One day, we'll be together again, angel, angel, angel. My angel.
My one and only angel.
And I can't wait for the day I can roll over in this same bed where we kissed and see your sleeping eyelashes fluttering admist your sleeping sighs.
I won't be doing much sleeping.
I promise.
635 · Apr 2016
xmxrgxncy Apr 2016
If your heart
Was as soft as your hair
We would still be
On the same
634 · Sep 2016
the song of the starling
xmxrgxncy Sep 2016
hate me, hate me,
go ahead and hate me
slate me, slate me,
you know that i am lost.

harp me, harp me,
you know you want to harp me
start me, start me
onto the path of spirals.

change me, change me,
try if you dare to change me
play me, play me,
for the game i am.

but love me, love me,
why would you ever love me?
you're above me, above me,
and i'm just on the ground.
633 · Nov 2016
xmxrgxncy Nov 2016
i'll find myself
in a shattered drumbeat
on the waves of a newfound cry

when the sobbing hits
one ladder rung lower than before
and i decide that my feelings must live or must fly.
just need more to write about lately. you out there....are you reading this?
633 · Nov 2015
xmxrgxncy Nov 2015
It's hard rereading.

You can reread your history
or your notes on physics,
the life of Marie Antoinette
or the dead Mayan mystics,
but you can't reread
your own poetry.

Why not?

When you read anything but
the things you have scribed down,
the emotions don't fly off the page
or take your heart to town,
high on the feeling that
rereading your own poetry brings.

But how?

My poems are usually written
about loves I once had
and that meant the world
until they soured into bad.
These vent sessions don't normally rhyme,
and take lots of time to write.
But I still reread them.

Terrible as they are,
guilty as they make me feel,
I reread.
and reread.
      and reread.
             and reread.
                    and reread.

My whole being feels stuck
on the bottom of someone's shoe;
forced to go down the path I don't want,
sticking to the past,
stuck to the future,
and unable to enjoy the present
presented by the present present.

629 · Apr 2016
xmxrgxncy Apr 2016
If you loved the thought of me as much as you love the air you breathe
with the passion of a hundred lights of night fire
with the greenness of a parlor fireplace

If you waited for what is clearly yours within the skin that traps me
with the tenacity of a tigerlily
and the brutality of a butterfly

If you wanted what lies beneath the cold hard marbles beneath my eyelids
with shyness befitting a lion
and coldness that wisps from deep within the earth

If you did
why are you
so far
629 · Jul 2016
xmxrgxncy Jul 2016
Angel, again?
If you only knew the secrets
this fence barricades from your mind
dear one.

The higher the fence, the higher the fly
Some make it over, some crash and die
there is no alternative to what God will decide
As Mama says, we're just along for the ride

Family, not present, I understand.
But inwardly, they're there.

Do not tear open your heart
in the hopes they'll become more visible
They'll rather slip out, like wisps of fog
Never to be seen once they hit the sun

Perhaps I can be
what you lack?
19 year old me
does not hold a candle to the
candle a mother burns within the heart of her child

But ...I may endeavor to try?

My  name.... Cherie.
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