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Lucrezia M N May 2016
Trying to understand this suffering sky,
I wonder why you paint it dark
breaking stares by ravishing storms
and blues at times, cause so do I.
Your true spark there it belongs
wonderful abyss that can’t ever be denied...

Empathy, chemical reaction to my thoughts,
rebel emotions on skin we wrote like
through your fingers drops of soul,
pure water, infinite source of light
love, you and so I did grow fond of.

Rain falls only on this face of mine
reflecting all smiles I make wildly
catching your words like souls in flight,
hearing sounds of precious stones and intensity,
sunbeams transfix my eyes
widening the esteem of immensity...

The sunset with it’s rumble,
whispers of a starry sky,  
warm wind,a striking rainbow,
fluffy clouds to admire,
it’s time…

I know, this one is so imperfect... but I didn't want to change the way and so the reason I wrote it about 3 years ago...
BrittneyForever Apr 2016
It is okay to be broken
The comforting words that were once spoken
It is okay to cry it all out
That is what Love is all about
You’re the summer breeze in the city of skyscraper love,
Where teardrops have always needed pearls to shine,
And You,
To bring back their smile.

You’re the lipstick stain on your city’s memories,
A teasing reminder not of what’s gone and past,
But of what’s yet to bloom.

You’re the last sip of expensive wine on christmas eve,
Filled to the brim of newfound happiness,
So that it lingers in your senses,
Till the sun rises in protest.

You’re all this and so much more,
A maiden of march on summer’s shore.
Yet I heard the season’s gossip yesterday,
Whilst I bet on how you will conquer,
Your dreams today
Sethnicity Jan 2016
His Reality Teardrops Ripples Into Puddles of my  Childhood Heros.
It actually hurts more than I thought it could, would,.... probably should.
AnnSura Moon Oct 2015
I stare at my face in the mirror
Yet I cannot see the lies
Or the pain within my heart
Blinded by memories of the past
I gaze into the void of nothingness
Hidden within these deep brown eyes of mine
Staring back at me from this reflection
My hatred is gone
All that’s left is emptiness and sorrow
Now flowing through my veins
Poisoning my mind
Teardrops of ice are blurring my reflection
Drowning it in silent grief
Lost behind the lies
Never to return
Can’t you hear my cries?
My soul was left to burn
I’m falling through the mirror
To a world beyond
I open my window
Welcoming the cold, moonlit night
I reach for the pale reflection of the sun
It’s taking me forth on a journey
A journey to the world of twilight
Nightfall take my hand
Guide me away to the stars
I fall into oblivion  
Frozen tears are in my eyes
As I now close them to dream away
Slowly drifting forth
Into the shadows
every letter in my poems
has been carved from the contents inside my heart
with every dancing lines and singing words
exposed sorrows
every lyrics portrayed loneliness
akin to the approaching rain
rain that has been hiding from the sky
that will come out when the sky cannot hold the weight anymore
this is just a piece of paper that i use
to be written with my bleeding pen and make the blood as an ink
blood that came from my heart
i wish you will know that you are the reason
why i write these ****** letters
you are the reason why these poems has been crying
you are the reason why there are teardrops on my poems
teardrops that i use to erase this loneliness
but i didn't expect that these papers will be broken
to the point that you cannot see the line anymore
the line that says
"i love you"

but what would be the reason that you will see
there is already an owner of your heart
i'm hoping that this loneliness will fade through time
and i will make a new poem
and you are not the reason anymore
why my poems was crying
not with loneliness
but my poem will cry
because of
Parikshit Murria Jun 2015
You Wrote this for u earned it too..
You are doing d same..what he did wid u..
Somebody choped you heart...u killed me too,
Even i hate myself for loving u a lot.
Wish i could understnd what you always thought..
i gave you my heart my soul
Evn u left me with this emptiness like a black hole   

I loved once...i told you what i feel...
i thought you have d day you will reveal..
That best moments of us still makes me smile..
you ended up things just in a while....!
Its Your turn to tell whose gona handle its Bleeding Blue..
Evn i wont love sum1 my feelings were ****** true..

i thought you as a soulmate,Wished a lyf with you
you killed me at every it happend with you...
You threw me out of ur life...wat abt my heart n ur mind
Now YOU tell me the place..where peace i'll find..
I wil pretend to laugh whole day but only my pillow know how much i weep..
With this dead heavyheart...i can't even sleep..

I was also innocent i just loved you like anything...
You sweared on want to feel nothing...
You get irritated at each n every talk of mine...
and Sitting with other's you are laughing n more thn fine

You dnt want even 5 mins of your journey with me to spend
Now Strangers in bus are better thn dis so called friend..
Its not your dnt have to defend
you cared for sometime...and now leaving, that is the World's trend..
Thomas EG May 2015
Two burns, left wrist
Two more burns, left hand
Two fading slits, left ankle
Easier to deal with, to understand
These six scars...
They are the only ones that I have
Well, the only ones in your eyes
The only ones that were deliberate
Deliberate necessities
There is one on the right side
Of my nose too
But it was accidental
Nothing more than a childish
Slip of the foot
"Sorry, it was just a slip of the tongue"
I need you
I need more
Two more, in precision
(a double incision)
One on the right
And one on the left
"No cesarean for me, thanks"
No life coming out of this body
No matter how beautiful
I could have made you
I would have kept you safe
I promise
I won't let them hurt you
They'll understand
They have to
They have to
They have to

But that's what I thought before
And yet they still don't
Not today, not quite yet
But they have to
And I've been thinking
And drinking
And smoking
And toking
And I do not know
How far I will go
So cut me open
Take what I don't want
Because I do not want this
Remove my heart
You may as well
While you're in there
It's been aching so badly lately
And this is all that I want right now
They will let me do it
They have to
They have to
They have to

They will...
Won't they?
You can not see teardrops
Amongst raindrops
Can not distinguish between
The peaceful and the pained
And I fall, I fall hard
I crash and you feel me, you do
But rain is a friend
Rain is something that I can trust
Something that I can relate to, rely on
Too quiet to be seen as thunder
Too dull to be seen as lightning
Too transparent to be seen at all
From a distance...

You get used to rain after a while
We are known for our weather
(Rain rain go away)
Let the sun shine
So that I can become a rainbow
Cut me open and pull out my heart
Offer it to that planet's glorious rays
Look up at me
Not down on me
And tell me that I am beautiful
Tell me that I mean something
To you
That I mean anything
Because I am not mean
I mean
I love you
I love you
I love you

I try far too hard
You think that I don't try at all
But it's ******* hard
It's SO ******* hard
And I am trying my best
And I am transgender
I am the she / he / whatever
The it
I do not deserve you
But do I really deserve this?
I know that these are not raindrops
I can taste the salt, slowly rolling
And rolling down
And down my face
My tear-stained face
Please tell me that I am worthy
Please let me do this
Please, please, let me do this...
You have to
I'm not alright
I'm not okay
I'm not alright
I'm not okay

Save me
Fish me out of the ditch
Ditch me halfway through
My transition
You have to
You have to
You have to

It hurts
It hurts so bad, oh God
And I'm not getting anything in return
So let me pain myself
Until I can breathe again
With a smile on my face
A smile that will not run in the rain
I am running through the rain
Running away from myself
I am falling, as rain falls on me
And I am crying
I'm not alright
I'm not okay

So let me do this
You have to.. You have.. You..
You will...
Won't you..?
Because I'm not alright
And I'm not okay
I am transparent, I am transitioning
I am transgender
Whether you like it
Or not.
This poem is purely to express what I'm feeling right now in some way other than crying and pushing myself too hard... Life ain't too good right now. Writing this definitely helped though.
Rabiya Zafar Aug 2014
Going through our chapters
feeling those hidden pictures behind,
Keeping count on my tear drops
from your first breath, till my     heart stops
© Rabiyazafar
D I A Mar 2015
Teardrops fall from the heavens,
Tasting of ashes
From the world below...
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