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 Jul 2020 Silence
I can see it in the way
she watches me;
she hates me.

I've tried and tried
from birth
to be what she wants.

I've been sick too many times
each time not
never taken to heart

I promise I didn't will
my brain to be this way
I promise I'm trying
I promise I'm not pretending

Please believe me

They've tried to
force open the gates
of her heart
But it's no use
Everybody has a key except me.

Please let me in mom
Please give me the key
I promise to try harder this time
If loving you is a sin
Tell the Devil I'm in
 Sep 2015 Silence
is it selfish to hope that my son
turns out more like me
to hope he cares more about things
like the lunar eclipse or the lifetime of a tree over the next level on a video game?

to see the world through a wider set of eyes
and to know there is much more to life than the day to day routines
that nature matters
and so does recycling and knowledge of plants

reading should still be done out of books
and learning to write in cursive still matters
I hope he sees the beauty in the stars
and how small but important we are in the vast universe we get to be apart of
how what we do here on earth
effects our solar system

when he gets older I hope he realizes
other people's feelings around him
how the things he says and does truly effect someone else
I hope he cares about his health
that he dosent smoke and dosent drink too much
is conciencious of his eating choices
and goes for an apple over chips
I hope he sees he only has one life
and that he sets out to make the most of it

I hope he is never too ******* himself
because he realizes no one is perfect
and that he takes the time to
take care of himself
I hope he wants to live in this world over the makeshift realities brainwashing todays Youth through TV and games
I hope he questions who he is
and who he wants to be even in the good times not just the bad

I hope when the next lunar eclipse comes around
he will want to watch it with his Mom
because he knows how much she adores both the moon and her son
 Sep 2015 Silence
 Sep 2015 Silence
Cause i'm young and I hate the world but am too afraid to die.

Leigh Herondale  *August 2015
 Sep 2015 Silence
Bek Blanchard
Ayer is the Spanish word for yesterday

I am his *ayer

His tomorrow I’ll never be
All the days have been stolen away
By an unyielding melody

I am his ayer
He’s the only air I breathe
The smell of lilies gone
Polluted by my disease

I am his ayer
He is my Aries
I can’t live without his fire
My heart he still carries
I'm still trying to figure out if this poem flows nicely... Work in progress.
 Sep 2015 Silence
Arlo Disarray
i almost find it cute
the way her naivety allows her to believe you're in love
but she'll know soon enough that you're just really good with words

you can trap girls like flies in your massive web of lies
but they'll soon become wise,

and then what?

you'll just throw another one away like yesterday's trash
and walk away
with a smug grin on your face
whistling a song to the beat of your footsteps
and pretending like there is nothing left behind in your dusty tracks
you guys are *******
Chasing the dream
Is harder than it seems
But i have more than one escape pods to jump into
Just in case the writing one fails and crashes into the wrong place
I have another Mount Everest to face
This time it won't untie my shoelaces
I'm ready to give everything i got
To make up all the time i fought
With the battles i was thrown
And the wars that were waged
Around me and within me
But most importantly
Never lose sight on what's most important to you
Because i promise you
Not everything you pursue will be a crash and burn
If you try hard enough and work with blood and sweat
You might even get lucky the first time
Raise those monkey bars you used in kindergarten
So you can set an example for the future generations
To make up their own destiny.
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