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Aug 2014 · 845
Promise me something
Yarelis Aug 2014
Promise me something.
Tell me that
what you feel
is true.

Hold my hand,
look into my eyes,
and make me feel
that I am you.

Tell me you won't hurt me,
that all you want is good
for me,
for us.

If life ever gets on our way,
and forces us
to go our separate ways,
promise me something.

Promise me that
you'll never forget me,
what we have,
this whole thing.

And promise me that
if you ever see me again
you won't treat me
like if I was nothing special.
Aug 2014 · 3.7k
What I love about you
Yarelis Aug 2014
I love your eyes
and the way you look
into mine

I love your voice
and the words you use
to make me smile

I love your skin
specially when it's
against mine

I love your lips
and your kisses
every time

I love when you say
that you love me
more than I

I love the feeling
of your fingertips
through my spine

I love that with you
I can be myself
even though I'm shy

With you everything feels
like if I had met you
in another life

I love that you're tough
some might say the strongest
yet I've seen you cry

I love it when you say
that I'm yours
and that I can call you mine

I love that your name
is always
invading my mind

I love when you
call me beautiful
even though I think you lie

I love your hands
and our fingers

I love that
when I'm with you
everything seems to be fine

I love you
and I will
for the rest of time
Aug 2014 · 874
Yarelis Aug 2014
I once thought you were everything.
Turns out you're less than nothing.
Aug 2014 · 1.3k
Yarelis Aug 2014
There are good sounds
and bad sounds.
There are those we want to hear
and those we don't.

There are sounds that make some smile:
     the voice of a person,
     a baby's first cry,
     the melody of a song,
     the chirping of birds in the sky.

There are sounds that make some frown:
     the sound of a gun firing,
     military trumpets at a funeral,
     the sound of a phone ringing
     when it's an unwanted call.

But those that make some frown
also fills others with joy,
and those that make some smile
could be the misery of a young boy.

Sounds can repair,
and sounds can destroy.
Aug 2014 · 3.1k
Yarelis Aug 2014
I search through my mind
Trying to reach
My deepest thoughts.
All I can find,
Every mistake,
Chances never taken,
Things I regret.
Aug 2014 · 608
What is life after all?
Yarelis Aug 2014
What is life after all?
We walk around in circles,
Sometimes with no purpose,
And what is it for?

What do we take?
What do we keep?
What do we loose?

Nothing at all,
Or everything we want,
But what is it?
What do we want?

What is life after all?
Aug 2014 · 3.2k
Yarelis Aug 2014
Sweet and sour
just what you are
sweet to my eyes
sour to my heart
sweet with your lies
sour when you try

I try too hard
I make myself believe
that are not real
that were never here
that will never happen

Your presence was sweet
but sour to my emotions

Your presence was sour
so sour

Sweet and sour
so addictive

Now everything is sweet

I couldn't predict it
but now I see

This was all I ever needed
Written 3/7/14

— The End —