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16.7k · May 2015
yass min May 2015
she was an average teenager
a normal living creature
until the day she faced failure,
since then , no one has ever seen her.
12.4k · May 2015
shy .
yass min May 2015
the cat  steals  my tongue
when i see your pretty face
and my words  start to race
fighting to get along
you often  wonder why am i so shy
you say ,  you  should at least try
try , make an effort to talk
i know you're just worried 
  that i'll fade away alone in the dark.
9.1k · May 2015
cheer up !
yass min May 2015
do you ever feel so alone
that your usual smile
is replaced by a frown.

when you feel like you lost the crown
and you're being replaced
try to smile and  throw the frown
cheer up!
you will be amazed
of how beautiful  life can be  
you're too young to be sad.
6.0k · May 2015
yass min May 2015
tomorrow is my birthday
you probably don't care
i just wanted to say
stay safe and take care .
acctually it's monday
4.1k · Oct 2015
the *shadows*
yass min Oct 2015
hello ,
would you like to hear
about my deepest fears ?
would you?
sometimes ,  at night
i go to dark places
i try to fight ,
but i see scary faces
it all happens in the shadows .
3.4k · May 2015
reasons to beak up with you
yass min May 2015
**** me ,
but don't ignore me
don't pretend i  don't exist
you think you know me
but  i'm the last in your list
2.2k · Oct 2015
yass min Oct 2015
what's wrong with you ?
they ask me all  the time.
i'm wrong  with me ,
i'm too much to live with .
1.8k · May 2015
sweet love.
yass min May 2015
sometimes i wonder ,
what would i be if i never met you
would my heart be on fire ,
anticipating to find out who
who will be the misterious theif
that will steal my heart
and make me beleive
the existence of a *sweet love
870 · May 2015
yass min May 2015
a place where kids gather
in orther to learn

when in reality .
we challenge our brain abilities
i , personnally,
found my flaws
i faced the truth
i'm not the smartest,
i **** in math
and i have trouble fitting in

bullied everyday
but i swear  i tried ,
to be a better student,
better friend, better me
you just never gave me a chance

i hate you school
you made me notice how ...
stupid, naive , weak i was
but now ,
i'm stronger
i can ****.
782 · Sep 2015
should i?
yass min Sep 2015
should i ? or should i not?
that's a hard choice
if i do , i'll leave my family behind
the person who gave birth to me
who offered me life
if i don't , i'll just be waiting,
in this miserable life
for my miserable beating heart to stop.
782 · Sep 2015
locked up.
yass min Sep 2015
a room , a girl , a laptop , a guitar
i sit alone , in an emty room
i feel at home .
stuck in an endless routine .
sad music , oversized shirts
i'm losing my mind.
no self esteem , no self worth
but still , it's a thousand time better
than fake smiles and fake friends
746 · May 2015
just a teenager
yass min May 2015
they asked me about my future
that's when the truth hit me like a truck
that i have no talent
no luck ...

they say that soon all my  fears
would disapear
i say...
i'm just a lost teenager ,
that is waiting to be found
find yourself
728 · May 2015
yass min May 2015
death ,
an unknown destination
we all have to face
that ,
some of us fear of
and some of us imbrace.
658 · May 2015
yass min May 2015
god  ,
god  help me choose
between two fools
who are deeply in love with me
i don't know what they saw in me
599 · May 2015
who ?
yass min May 2015
who do you turn to
when everybody turns their back?
who do you become
when you're alone at home ?
i become myself.
593 · Nov 2015
Take my life
yass min Nov 2015
When the truth hits you in the face
When there's a thing you can no longer embrace,
You hide behind a happy smile ,
Miserable inside  ,
Every little comment,
Makes you want to commit suicide
After a double homocide...
At least , these are only my thoughts ,
And thoughts often cause actions
571 · May 2015
yass min May 2015
sometimes i feel so happy ,
that i can't beleive it .
most of times i feel so dismal ,
that i got used to it .
539 · May 2015
yass min May 2015
when words can't understand me
when they can't explain what's inside of me
i grab  a pencil, and a paper
then i start doodling what you fail to see
until you start thinking that i'm mental..
then , i come back to reality.
484 · Mar 2016
yass min Mar 2016
as i run through my days
i stumble upon faces
faces, that leave  traces
today, i carry my heart
all broken and shattered
oh , what a piece of art
his love was all that mattered
then , it all fell apart.
but now the little game is over
young love ?? was i wasted?
475 · May 2015
yass min May 2015
the first one ,
we'll call aladin
dark and charming
with bright black eyes ,
that leave me trembling
but what i hate is,
he is way too hot and stylish
he attracts way too many pretty chicks
he goes with them
and leaves my blood boiling
he's my 1st love
i'm his 14th
my first bf ever
412 · Jul 2015
yass min Jul 2015
the sky without the clouds
is *dull
393 · May 2015
yass min May 2015
i'm not good enouph
i don't have the right words
i keep writing these stuff
to creat my own world
385 · May 2015
think.. think
yass min May 2015
i am sitting in a dark room
infront of my bright blank laptop screen
i force my mind to think
i push my mind to creat
what should i write ?
what should i say ?
think .. think .. think..
am i being too dramatic?
am i complaining too much ?
aren't i using the right words?
aren't i good enouph ?
i guess i'll never be .
i better go.. i better leave ...
381 · Jun 2015
yass min Jun 2015
every day ,
the same way
the same road
the same mistales
the same faults
this routine is *fatal
369 · Jun 2015
yass min Jun 2015
i ******* hate her
i want to **** her ,
then  burn the world
hate is strong word
but it expresses what i feel,
what i'm saying is real ,
i just want my mind to heal
the world is so cruel
it treats me like a fool
and she is a ******* liar ,
she deserves fire .
342 · May 2015
yass min May 2015
he  wishpered  into my ear
so close  that i can hear
what i loved to hear

he said
you know  i love you
  i'll die for you

my heart started to race .
then  he ran  far away
but i wanted him to stay
i wanted to see his face

then after 1 or 2 years
i got rid of all my fears
then i saw them kissing!
him and the girl with the curly hair

he is just a memory in the past
memory that never meant to last.
256 · May 2015
that time.
yass min May 2015
remember  that time ..

when you kissed my cheek
i know  it was only a dare
but  everytime , you fail to see
how much  i care
  that  is not fair.

— The End —