In the house of judgment
Stands the statue of Libra
And there also stands
A man in a suit
and polished black shoes
Beside him,
A black man in his thirties
With clothes wrinkled and unclean,
but pure within.
The hammer strikes;
The battle begins
To defend a black man
confined by society’s chains
because of white’s vain
The hammer strikes;
The battle ends
All pieces of truth,
shred by lies
and poisoned with vice
Beside him,
The black man is shackled
with chains on his hands
and chains on his life.
In the house of judgment
Stands the statue of Libra
with a balance on its hand, balanced.
But when the man in the suit
looks once again
The balance tilts more
to the other side.
This was made for an English project, where the poem has to be in free verse and the theme is To **** a Mockingbird by Harper Lee.