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Sally A Bayan Jul 2018
The sight of rain,
of wet clothes, wet plants,
wet doorsteps, wet hopes and dreams,
and, that known scent of sadness and grief
all these...create soggy, sluggish minds

we just lost two dogs to the virus
the glum of monsoon rains affects the moods
the "yays" from cancelled classes
have all passed...
sun is shining, not too bright, though,
peeps like a tease, but,
enough to dry the ground...

i see vacant lots...almost naked now
motor's droning hum is a lullaby
that lulls the mind
a strong smell stirs the nostrils and
defines a welcome pleasance...
i sniff....and chase away sadness,
with this intriguing scent
.....of freshly cut grass....


© Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
    July 25, 2018
EgoFeeder Nov 2013
Can't you feel my screaming heart?
I feel all yours and it's unbearable
To know everyone's intention may seem ineffable
Though my passion is emotion and empathy my art

Dwelling silent in a crowded room
To the right a pursuit of lust
And my left a lack of trust
Empty grins with their facade and doom

Another item has been stolen
My peers in an unknowing uproar
I see the culprits guilt pour
From his weary eye and coven

The ***** swoons the love of an unworthy patron
She gazes at me with a tempting question
Attempting to construct my envy and affection
My will is stronger than that seducing notion

The lonely man makes a joking inquisition
All the rest see it as a laughable gesture
I look with sad eyes to see his slouching posture
He wants to die in his pathetic position

The muscle bound dunce smacks his lips
Glorified as the acrobatic conversationalist
Strapped men in shackles and girls can't resist
His compensated shortage of yays and yips

A quiet smile looks on with a perfect mask
Playing pretend with an inglorious burden
Faking a life inside of her chaotic garden
Of hollow theatrics in which she basks

There goes the lad with his flippy hair
The little ladies want a picture with the fellow
Oh you're so rad the flocking lasses bellow
And, you wonder why I don't seem to care?
laura Apr 2018
Friday is for fry yays, queer guys
coming at me with the gold heart
and smooth, skin tender intentions
I’d rather call all my friends

and sit around being poor and pretty
at a park
Lawrence Hall Jan 2019
Imagine this centered: And lunch with Kirk and Uncle Bubby

Even the birds are staying home today
Those flocks and flights whose accustomed spirals
Make animate the skies are grounded by frost
And leave the waters of the marsh in peace

Young men uniformed in Nomex 1 and beards
Spiral into Hollier’s Cajun Kitchen
From the barges and the maintenance shops,
Cracking units, pipelines and hotshot rigs

They are smart, tough, and strong; they fuel the world
And pose for pictures with the concrete pig 2

1 Nomex is a flame-resistant material developed by DuPont and is worn by workers in many industries, especially petro-chemicals.  The man or woman in Nomex keeps our cars, our lights, and our lives functioning.

2 There are in fact two concrete pigs outside Hollier’s (pronounced “O-Yays,” says Uncle Bubby).
Your ‘umble scrivener’s site is:
It’s not at all reactionary, tho’ it might be drivel.

Lawrence Hall’s vanity publications are available on as Kindle and on bits of dead tree:  The Road to Magdalena, Paleo-Hippies at Work and Play, Lady with a Dead Turtle, Don’t Forget Your Shoes and Grapes, Coffee and a Dead Alligator to Go, and Dispatches from the Colonial Office.
Sharde' Fultz Aug 2014
You are truly magnificent; you're great, you are marvelous, you're expansively strong, you are out of this world!
Be courageous, be humble, give back and build up, be dynamic, a student, and teacher, be BOLD!
I'm telling you this 'cause you don't hear it enough and I know you're unique and can impact the globe.
You have dreams and high hopes. Though negativity surrounds you,who you want to be fervently burns in your soul.

Hey beautiful and dedicated! Hey handsome and strong-willed! Don't let this life pass without honing your skills.
See success is not businessess, money or boats.
Established is not a doctorate, true wealth is not in notes.
Those "Yays" can't compare to the gleam in your eyes.
Those True Religion jeans are just fabric for thighs.
Those Jordans may be hot, all these things show you're paid but don't matter 'cause you're already beautifully made.

Do what you enjoy.
Fight for what you believe in.
Don't take "No" for an answer, please realize your dreams.
Reality is relative, no goal is impossible,
The prowess you subsume can create NEW extremes!

I love you and I believe in the positive change that you can be to the community and this world, but it's more important for you to believe in, respect, and love, YOURSELF.
RJ Days Nov 2016
must recognize our Form
in the mirror,
see our Face, and make our reflection
as we kiss it, though it regularly sickens


We are still Us, though
that probably means little if it ever did;

We have been amended beyond recognition
from centuries of lobbing
off limbs, appendages, stitching clauses
like bandages then forgetting about them
if we ever shower,
disfiguring the pale torso of our Body
politic, naked and middling before posterity
grotesque genitalia dangling
hopelessly, and useless
between marble columns
unable to unite in congress assembled
erasing pluribus unum;

We're our Legs, buckling under obscene weight
now cloture’s invoked, the question ordered
on history with yays and nays,
discourse long reduced to the nuances
of blusterfuck;

We're our Buttocks, passing gas
bills, denying a snowball’s chance of
melting in frozen hell or on house floor,
and our Brain, lobotomized
better half yearning “Yes, we Can…
…ada” beckoning the coasts, blue dots
on blue dot ever browning;

We're our Fists, clenching gavels
while advising Mother Earth to **** up
because even without her consent,
reality’s adjourned;


We're our Skin—yes, our Skin—, thin-
ly veiling contempt insufficiently concealed
by layers of spray tan and unmarred
by blood sweat tears of our foremothers
and our Brow, not sweating more perfect
when it's so easy to turn and follow storybook greatness,
when our Fingers, callused from tweeting
Little Bits of *****,
which though once again retitled
and re-released, remains a classic,
completely unrevised;

We're our Ears, nostalgic for the crack of doom
and we're our Tiny Hands, unable to help themselves
from popping a Tic-Tac and grabbing
onto those titillating, dusty buttons
on the hydrogen jukebox;

We're our Eyes, heavy
as a defeated queen
with makeup running, blessing us
all for this operant foray into madness,
ever observing how our Arms, which
(torches now extinguished)
flail in confusion amid incalculable darkness
still hoist our pitchforks low and
our Tongue still grievously petitions
for more deplorable words amid
hallucinations of victimhood;

We're our *****, *******
on progress, except
which—failing to rise to the occasion—
nonetheless manages
to flop over and strike once more: a dis-
chord in common defense of
fragile white male privilege
always showing, never growing,
general welfare and tranquility flushed down
the toiletbowl of history
hoping those old turds never
resurface, still ignoring the stench of injustice
and the chipping of gilded porcelain;

We’re our Lips–which neither Broadway hits nor
newspaper clips nor high minded pleas alarmed,
and with Dr. Franklin’s warning notwithstanding–
We are our Lips on treacherous steps which will be
all executive power herein vesting;


We're our Palms, grasping rope amid air
saturated in deathly vespers, which tugs
down-up toward unearned heavens;

We’re our *****, pretending to be
our Mouths which chide & otherize, while
our Shins expose their cuts to ****,
bullet-holes welcoming the swift infections
in what dank sewage now pours from open
Overton windows, broken along with
any pretense of civility; ultimately,
the only thing we could shatter;

We’re our Holes, shamefully enjoying
the prodding and poking caresses
of anarchy, be-
moaning un-
Equal Protection law & order bestows,
depriving life, liberty, property
when our Hearts, weary of
the long hard due process, supremely
malign centuries’ holdings;

We’re our Immunity, sovereign it be
fighting all insults foreign and domestic
and our Voices rising in lamentation
for what we’ve lost and what we’ve barely kept;

We’re even our Hair, unkempt, distracting us
from enduring corruption of our Blood;

We’re our *****, too. No, never mind.
We never had any. But She did,
and class despite the strength
of glass;


We’re all that still, and our Souls'
politic too, fractured much asking
what Un-
ited States we’re in;
September 17, 1787 – November 8, 2016. Not a bad run, I guess.
Quentin Briscoe May 2013
Unhealthy thoughts running through my head and I don't know what to do with them, attempt or pass, or may be should I shoot em dead, but with pistol or her heart which is failing to do its part, I'm standing in this pool of wonder when I start to wander. Keepin my feet still is the trick that i constantly skip, But I'm trying not to move but somethings killen my grove..........Pay me with 100 kisses give me what my heart misses, but slowly i find no way to heal these burses, My mind is in constant daze surrounded by thick haze, As I can't seem to breathe through this phase, But its something deep that says misbehave, Stay true to you to myself, but I can't be real if I'm standing by myself, Who knows I exist but me, is a Unicorn real if he believes but no one can see him, Is there a *** of gold at the end of a rainbow if there is no end to them.....Deep thinking for a fool, With yays and nays but no real news, Just random questions that leave him confused, A beautiful Lie can tell the truth but the ugly truth just tells me lies! what to do with my Wandering feet that stay still every time I start to sink...........
Mykarocknrollin Dec 2020
this year was never
it was all about
your choice
you yielding
towards any
but most importantly
this is all about
so just let's turn everything around
with new hellos
turn those yawns
to happy smiles
paint them yellow
let's yell
our young selves
with yearning

CC Sep 2014
Spread your wings

feel you up

by the swings

keep your shirt

snowfall dirt

By the bench

keep the *****

heal your heart

it's all in French

Most are days

Sunny yays

moistened lips

Myster slips

he's got blood

on his shirt

most of all

a bit of dirt

quite a fall

down the drain

sunny days

no more pain

pitch that tent

keep your heart

quite intent

to imagine

heaven sent him

for a break in

make or break it

It's my time

I think I'll make it

Most of all

try your best

It's all you're worth

Just this pile

It's how I satisfy

Just don't tell me

I can't fly

In 2 years

With a smile
Hannah Kwon Jul 2013
JUST as you are.

In yays,
In nays,
In dirt,
In praise,
In all,
In nothing,
In cold,
In sweat,
In confusion,
In conviction,
In tears,
In presence,
In chaos,
In faith,

He says “Come."
More grease to your elbows
We say, I hear
Why not? Why not?
More paraffin to your elbows

We will go on a honey-moon
We say, I hear
Why not? Why not?
We will go on a sugar-noon

We say, I hear
Why not? Why not

Slap slapped, sleep slept
We say, I hear
Why not? Why not?
Slap slapped, sleep sleeped
I own ten sheep and fishes
We say, I hear
Why not? Why not?
I own ten sheeps and fishes

He is going to three stadia and banks
We say, I hear
Why not? Why not?
He is going to three stadiums and banks

Tall, taller and handsome, more handsome
We say, I hear
Why not? Why not?
Tall, taller and handsome handsomer

Give him his book, and give her, her book
We say, I hear
Why not? Why not?
Give him, him book, and give her, her book

Shall, should and must, must
We say, I hear
Why not? Why not?
Shall and should and must, mould

This world of nays and yays
We say, I hear
We say, I hear
This world of ups and downs

This crazy world of English
Why not, why not
Why not, why not
Where I am so proud to be an alien.
mike dm Oct 2015
the mindseyewide
receptor of
(from who the hell knows where)
called "thought"

palimpsest of them
hitting send send send
signals crisscross  

fingers laced
lovers curl into blur
then gone

you space
where it went

Precept One:

all yays are soon to be blah


all's jus a
super quick
so get it get it

make sure yer gods are
tied tight n double knotted k?

because you will get hit
right in the feels

Pablo Luna Sep 2020
Louis saw skies of blue
Skies of white

But here I see skies of red
Clouds of grey

I wish I could see the world from Louis's point of view
I truly would love to see some unfiltered sunlight.

I would love to see the flames not assist souls to the land of the dead.
I would love to hear, once this is over, all the yays.

From people who were once blue
to have a chance to show their colors that are true.

Where my west coast can see clouds of white
and people going outside to fly a kite.

I proudly salute the brave souls who arrive in trucks of red
for without them a lot more would be lost and/or dead.

I proudly with everyone else will scream and shout yay
Truly grateful I get to see another day.

— The End —