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AD Sifford Apr 2014

Why did I follow you?
And why did I listen to you?

Why, O Why
O why, O Why)

Why did I trust in you?
(In my pain)
Why did I go to you?
(Well I've been changed)

You can, you can,
You can try

But I've got some news for you
(I've got news;
I'm through with you)
Listen, now I'm done with you

I'm sick of your game
I don't want to play
My time with you is done
So just go away

I've got news for you
(This is long past due)
And punk, I'm done with you
(Devil, I am through)

I am sick of your game
I don't wanna play
My time with you is done
So just go away

I am not your slave
I've got the key to your chains
By the *Blood
I was saved
So, devil, no more games

That's right, I'm done with your game
I'm not going to play
I have felt your pain
And Jesus is the way

Sin, you've had your fun
But now I'm free
And this is done
(If you were smart
Then you would run)
I've got the key
God sent his Son

You came after me
Now I'm coming after you
You took over like a ****
But, see, now my heart is new

You're still chasing after me
I do not belong to you
I am done with your games
I'm not going to play
I'm not following you
I know Jesus is the way

You came after me
Now I'm coming after you
And today now you will see
What I'm gonna do to you

I'll expose your lies
And I'll cut your ties
I will spread the Truth
And you will be despised

Light will burn your ships
And it will melt your chains
Oh, you made me sick
But I am not the same

I am done with your game
I have found the way
(Now whatch'you gotta say,
devil, whatch'you gotta say?)

You came after me
Now I'm coming after you
You should run, now, when you see
What I'm gonna do to you

I'll expose your lies
(Yeah, I'm coming back at you)
I will cut your ties
(I am gonna scream the truth)
I have played your game
And you had me asking why
But I am free of your chains
And your turn has come to cry

You came after me
(Now I've been set free)
Now I finally see
(Soon the world will see)
It's time for you to flee
(You've no power over me)

'Cause only God has victory
I said only God has victory
(and soon the world will see)
That only He has victory

Every tongue and every knee
One day all the world will see
That only *God
has victory
You've no power over me

Only God has victory
So, devil, listen to me
I've been freed from your chains
See, only God has victory
So, devil,
       *No. More. Games.
|Written April 8th, 2011|
*from my Ignite collection, being poem #3. Please see the collection page itself. P.S. I made a mistake in the order when I originally posted this. This was written the day before "Alive", and so should come first.

I wrote this one with some musical intention, but finished it in a form that didn't fully work for a song. I tried later refining it more into a working song form, i.e. with a fluid, consistent verse/chorus format, and while there are some ideas I like, I haven't got far in making progress on the true song version of this one, and have had trouble sorting it all out in a way that I like that feels natural and works.

The imagery of an army's ships being burned while docked on enemy shores was still fresh in my mind from reading Homer's The Illiad the previous year in Language Arts.

© 2017 A.D. Sifford.
I'm okay with you sharing my poems, but I ask that you show courtesy. Please be honest about the authorship by attributing it to my name. Thank you,
- Sifford
keki Nov 2010
crystal with pearl sitting among the earth starting at its beauty then whatch a swirl a blood covered coating the peals white now completly drowned with red boiling radge filled with anger twisted emotion with a broken heart on half sad, cold hearted in the shawdows afraid to be loved again and the other half wicked and always swoling and evil grinning like a ****** thats gone sycho and lost it way and all ties together into a death blood full moon.
I only see...this no one else i walk alone knowing i lost my friend and she has gone to depths in the shadows like a black whole ****** every bright hope she gets or has slowly get torn by the black whole the resting in her heart. She cries for help but lies in silnce no one can find her not even her soul can find her. She ask for no help, no one...she trust no body not even her self. I repeat over and over to my self only nobody can see her but my other friend may know her may know here but she has no clue she keeps messing every thing for her i create the demon moon with my friend i under stand her that i cannot not tell my other friend
i find her in the black whole and slowly recreating her her white moon
Diana Sep 2012
Put a noose around my neck,
Let me hang in my misery,
Infinatly, without defeat,
Let me hang in my misery,
Openly, I say let me hang,
Whatch my vaines turn black and blue,
No need to run no need to hide,
Promise me you will leave me be,
Put a noose around my neck,
Let me hang in my misery.
Ellyn k Thaiden Sep 2013
I had a dream
The other night
And by the end
All I saw was white

It was a appoctalyptic world
Many years after a war
World War Four
Is what I knew

And I felt a force
Slip into my dream
Making reality a myth
And tear at the seams

Every where I looked
Poeple were paranoid and afraid
They pretended like it was not real
That it might just leave or fade

But the evil force stayed
It grew strong and brave
It told me I must **** myself
If my dear ones I were to save

My father was the one
To hand me a razor blade
He said I must slit my throught
For every sin I had made

So I started slicing the skin
But I realized it would never end
There are too many sins Ive commited
So I choked on my blood and the razor I did bend

I awoke seeing white
And air couldnt grace my lungs quick enough
I cried for ten minutes
Because to me it was real and tough

Dont let dreams take over
Your life and your mind
They might seem fun at first
But whatch them and mind
Tommy Johnson Jul 2014
Copyrights and patents
"What up reality?"
"Whatch you got for me today?"
The Marksman ****** on his cigarillo
His voice was distinct
A whirring voice
Vocable word choices
A man of great aptitude
Never blinked, never winced
With acute paranoia
And a metallic nucleus
He heard voices
Egging him on
Baiting him
Taking ****
"How's the ulcer oh glorious gunman?"
They said
"Hurts doesn't it?"
"Ready to give out?"
"Put that plastic bag on your head and end it"
The Marksman pivoted and headed toward the kitchen
And made a stew of whatever he could find under the sink
And ate it
"Hail to the chief and send my complements to the chef!"
He put the barrel in his mouth and pulled the trigger
He was buried and had the most dignifying funeral I ever had the privilege of attending

      -Tommy Johnson
Emily Nov 2014
I want to be on the moon
because everything is gray
and I will feel lighter

I won't have to see you anymore
In the ugly fluorescent light
looking through me
reminding me that you don't care

My heart used to pound and shake
vibrating like the sound of your voice
But I don't hear you anymore

Only clouds will know
how I drift away
Take me to the moon! I shout
But the mud around my feet is
pulling me in

Now if you wanted to hear my voice
I would give you a tree to plant
and pretend that it is me
Whatch is grow like you
wanted me to.

Il watch from the moon.
labyrinth Jan 2022
When you feed your mind
Through eyes, ears and so on
You’re setting its new limits
Whether of service or illicit
Akira Chinen May 2016
I want it all
All the good
All the bad
Push your hair
From your face
Wipe away the tears
And when you need
Sit and cry with your pain
Until its consumed by us both
Becoming each of ours to bare
Whatch you dance with
Monsters of gloom and doom
And take over when your feet hurt and start to bleed
Sleep with your demons and depression
Absorb their tooth and claw
No pain of yours would I not share too
Never see the moon again
Never dream under the star filled sky
I would die by your side
Ask nothing in return.
I don't need heaven
There's no paradise
Worth staying in without you

To love you
All of you
I would glady stay
Eternaly in hell
devante moore Jan 2015
Even when my whatch stops my love keeps ticking on
Vladimir s Krebs Feb 2019
In mind I feel like I have been suffocation all my demons I have trapped in my time goes love just seems to be so deeply  neglected. my many mistakes I made just seem to leave tears that can show your honesty to your heart. the music I'm listening to just seems to leave me feeling emotionally drained just like all the sadended lies you left me with. before you speak just tell me if can handle the emotional pain you cause me. if I could change my ways I would be normal just like the rest of society. everything I give to you day and night just seems like you don't care about me. all you do is stair at me like I'm blind many ways your words have. I told you again and again over and over just speak the truth bc your just hurting your self on the lies you are purseing. pretty soon you will run into your fate when all I asked is for you to tell me the truth. anything is possible. look at your self tell me who you truly see or who you truly are. love only becomes true when you just tell the truth. my heart just cryed when you have lied to me my fear is real but the music that I listen to just wraps around me injecting me with pain relief. this world is so scary when your not around me this world is so toxic society is  so dangeriously toxic everyone around me is toxic. what do we do when times runs out? where do we go where do we run. where will it be safe to play sleep or dream. I'm so tired of your dishonest lies so what me just pack up my stuff walk out the door while you sleep whatch me disappear threw thin air. I thought your voice was just lies. I'm losing my patiants  with everything you do that rips me apart.
Mateuš Conrad Aug 2017
no, really, learn it from me,
this can't can't get any better...
youtube videos by
   please please, i'm not being
mean: just ******-well pedantic...
wait... what's that word?

     say it again, lay-sure?
leisure studies?
              lesion studies?
the **** am i reading, russian, or hebrew?
i'm scratching my head
like the first monkey that thought
up a sling-shot Y...
and i'm still scratching my head:
sumthin'... sumthin': to crack
open this coconut... hmm?
head to toe, sensai bow head-bang
the ****** open?!
scratch scratch... maybe tomorrow.

you really could cast this orangelo
kid into the quicksilver role for
the x-men movies...
      humming along to sweets in dreams:
homie!? what? d'ough....
                       ******* nut-case.
me? i'm always in a party mode:
   i'm the ******* protagonist in
a b-movie, whatch'ah expect?
good luck sergeant;
   do you take two or too spoonfuls with
         your coffee, or half and some cream?

i still don't know what this american
is talking about...
   some people who moved fresh off the boats
biding by the gates of dover
find the scots hard to understand...
me? the irish... i can't stomach their
clover turned spinach turn of phrase...
scots? oh i get them...
   i just think of them as: she'k'shee...
shean! get yir *** out of the *******
elevator! not 'avin these hush overtones
when i'm not even in a turkish diner
ordering a shish kebab...
     dinner....          dye-ner...
               and all you get is a missing N....
dim went the lightbulb:                d'uh!
high as a ******* kite,
  and all i have to compensate is a mouse
on a dog-leash...
   that high bit... yeah... drunk...
   ******* my rockers... who who minds?

this is not exactly going to lullaby me...
i don't know whether this
american is saying:
leisure (lay-zschechshzshch....
   oh you know, the english tend to complain
about slavic words having
too many consonants segregating
the vowels...
  a stick has two-ends...
   the slavs complain about the post-germanic
amalgam of english saying:
  anything that sounds the same -
but otherwise is written differently:
   buggers are naked!
    how do you actually begin to
write a distinction between
dinner        &                     diner
   (dim-ner vs. dye-ner?!),
or   (the less bewildering scenario of)
   leisure                   &        lesion -
              shoo-ba(h)               shoobaba(h)...

a double u that is actually a double o...
   well... so much for vv...
                                if ever a language
be stranded at belshazzar's feast...
                                            it would be english!
****-naked adam gaius pretending
to own the world because he's treating
insomnia with a linguistic span of:
from australia! to alaska! via greenwich
Mateuš Conrad Aug 2017
best opening track? slipknot's (sic).

bear with me, i'm reaching the peak
of tipsy and the english
humour (sarcasm) is coming out
in full bloom & swing...
well you know... it had to happen
one way or the other...
point being: i never understood
nor will i understand the concept
of... *boredom
        the ****** thing just flew right
over my head, scalping me
while it did its predatory swoop...
nope, still don't get it (what if now
only scrathing my skull
evem though it's not itchy) -
      now, if you told me:
whatch'ah up to? nothing.
        i can understand that crystal clear,
boredom though? i have no
idea how to approach that
"disclaimer" with regards to someone's
"procrastination": people who are
"bored" usually procrastinate,
don't they? and my guess is that they're
probably of an extrovert disposition,
    boredom i can never fathom,
every time i'm "bored", my memory
plays the trick of asking me to the cinema
and i see my life flashing before my eyes
without ever falling off a bridge
with only a second to spare being
allowed the sigma-of-consciousness...
     *******, nothing beats home-made
wine 3 years old...
   ****'s feeling groooooo V,
   ha ha, hmm, hmm, ha ha! the giggles....
plonker doing a dunker -
well... that rhymes, doesn't it?
nope... boredom? can't conceive the precious
space of my mind worth entertaining
this dynamic...
   i can understand what doing
nothing is like... ****** hard...
     itchy ***, itchy scalp, itchy arm-pits,
itchy whatever...
    but then again, when you acknowledge
you're doing nothing, and aren't bored...
you can be super-busy watching ants;
or? notably sparrows...
                                   a.d.h.d. per se.
janessa ann Sep 2019
r u goin too whatch mee plaiy tenniss todaiy?
eye wil b plaiyin att tha Middel scool.
Thangque fer ur suport!
luv u!
so fun to annoy parents
Shaquille Reid Apr 2018
To be confused
Since the womb days/
I move
Loosely /
Thru theses beats
I wonder how many
Soldiers i can defeat /
shadows creep
When i weep
of The life that
So to speak
I flick the bic
that clinks a
spark to
release /
My darkness thoughts /
That I defeat /
Its manifique /
Oh so discreet
Like my life to live
to make ends meat/
Move thru the streets
Switching sheets
On repeat /
My soul yells
To dispels spells
My enemies use
at their peaks/
Whatch em retreat
As if gravity
Moved to a 90 degree/
Im the top pedigree
Make my presence aware Of me
The **** is scary
My fury runs well deep/
But i refuse to remove
These shoes ive abused /
Its like the old news smells
Brewing in twos
And i cant tell if its old cheese
Or tofu /
Yet i dont eat neither
Guess i need a blues clue/
i wear my past like a cape
Because it reminds me
what made me great
Or at least when i wanna escape
The clutches of fate
As time dissipates/
Yet im always late
To the flights that i create
Though it makes me appreciate
The people in my life
Even though we cant communicate/
Mateuš Conrad Jul 2017
oh i'm not being smug about it...
this article about a former
soldier, gay, tuning into
the london "vibe" of chem-***:
g.b.l., m.d.m.a.,
      something akin to
ammonia? cheaper drinking
****... ah! mephedrone...
no you're cool, i prefer my amber and
my schadenfreudekichert...
why the **** did i write it as
englosh -
    was it loshed or lashed
that mean you were
drunk silly in essex spreschen?
can't remember.
i love german,
it's like writing
    organic compound
schematics! there's that oomph!
in it it...
          probably the best
way to take the **** out of a people
that say sorry too many times,
and have these psychiatric
orientation about eye-contant
within a commute -
  the ****? hardly conscious of it
in the first place...
   whatch'ah lookin' ut, ya mug?
that's an imitation of a scot
breeding with a cockney accent...
ooh... sore-e, sore-e... chirpsing
(flirting) with it...
but talk some chem-deutsche,
better still... spell it!
           the anglo-saxons reduced
the original schwäbischdeutsche
into shrapnel...
         the only place where
deutscherbschaft (german legacy)
exists in the english tongue:
is in chemistry...
              only chemistry expresses
the legacy of originating in german
for the anglo-sax...
        yeah... you do that,
i'm doing it now... i'm counting,
for some reason german words teach
you arithmetic of syllables,
and becoming a surgeon at the same time...
most notable when drunk,
e.g.? schwäbischdeutsche
well **** my silly jim...
              are more letters popping out
of their oyster-surd-shells?
              next thing you know,
         i'll be speaking mollusk, via french!
Yo its funkoroma Daytona Darlene to a coma ***** a sauna
Sweating these chicks after me no eggs to begs legs
Of them stay open but I closed the invitations stations
My tune back to June and July keys of life my wife
Rhymes to beats see the hits sitting on Top seats complete
The oblivious fleet my love jones flowing like a creek
Wonderous magic mountain lounging styles housing
Eric sermon on the jousting pinning tunes over ya mind
One time I stay with claps like applauses at shows
Kick down the doors swift enemies to the runs of a boar
Down shore ya go I'm too ******* polish the floor with more
And more keep my women freaky as Charlie Baltimore

Styles of a houston brother still in living colors smothers
Others who plays undercover I'm a true hip hop lover
Still tripping off the black saint lady yo it's crazy hazey
Got me ****** dazed amazed by Coltrane's eerie plays
Disco jazz soul music made to last I breaks complete any task
Without a painted mask tilt the flask machete for the slash
Cold cut what up dont be tripping or I'll expose ya guts
Just giving up the the what? The real face to face steel
That'll slam ya harder than O'neal  funk you can feel
****** out like Cheech at the wheel up in smoke
Crush coke whatch em go far out man out land stands
Only on my tip cuz they see my rubberbands hands
Is out reaching I'm stitching all eyes to haters preaching

— The End —