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C Alyn Jun 2014
I'm chained to this wall,
A belt round my neck,
Tongue tied, cannot call,
My heart's a ship wreck,

Sunken to the soul,
Where no light enters,
Just like this hell hole,
Where insanity centres,

Encaging patients,
Deemed untreatable,
Losing their patience,
With nurses incapable,

Of treating our minds,
The pain in our veins,
Or pain they can't find,
"Hopeless" they claim,

But in this darkness,
Fear is controlling,
Just like the madness,
Existing in the nursing,

And pain turns to death,
As rain turns to tears,
While they take their last breath,
For screams that last years
Francis Sep 2016
A mystery woman named Mystery,
So suspenseful yet so majestic.
A damsel in distress she was,
Who keeps it all to herself.

Pale as the snow that fell one evening,
An evening where I had met her.
Her luscious red lips,
Her black painted finger tips,
And her wavy dark hair has intrigued me.

Her eyes were so mesmerizing,
But so lovely as they were frightening.
Her smile was rare when she showed it,
But her laugh was much too sinister.
Yet I had an urge to sound it more.

A sudden lust I felt for her,
Once she had been flirtatious.
What her motive was,
I'll never know,
But her love making surely was bodacious.

The rapid lust was frightening to me,
As it became an untreatable addiction.
Once lust had turned to love,
I knew it was a bad contradiction.

Once she felt that feeling for me,
She couldn't help it much longer.
She rose from the bed,
Her hands on her head,
Wishing that she had lived stronger.

Amazed at what I had witnessed this instant,
I felt a sudden chill.
Her body glowed like Christmas Eve,
And then I started to feel ill.

I don't quite remember,
what happened post chill,
But skeptical I seem to be.
As I woke up with a slight aching head,
My memory was somewhat fuzzy.
I wanted her but that wouldn't do
I wanted her to want me too
But she saw right through me.
I cut my wrists
they took me to the infirmary.
SHE did not even send a get well card
to me.
It's hard to be
in love.
Hal Loyd Denton Jan 2012
Love is an unsolved mystery
Fine like scenes spilling from favored and crowded memories to stand as two who honor each other
This plays off one against the other one strong one soft one invites tenderness the other craves to give it
There is no greater fit a head laid on a shoulder an arm encircling the fulfillment a fire burns for another
Spark was the signal at great depths there it smoldered the knowing of combustible lives ignited eyes

Nothing sweeter untreatable once the heart is smitten clueless the heart leads the way two it will sway
No matter what others miss but sight is given it sees pure and true virtue its soul deep lives unite untold
The story might go here and there look closer the sewing of a single garment has begun an altar one day
Love crowns a single man and a woman the colors of their lives are fused they hang galleried in a home

From courses quiet different now form the central issue of all life whatever differences they are a family
Souls speak without words in this towers rise and create monuments the hearth’s warmth blesses each
In a world where divides and cold indifference creates lonely hurting ones come pained yet leave calmly
As one who observes intently and knows things at deep levels you reveal secrets that even you miss

A book has many pages some of the best lines ever written came out of dreams your life is one story
The swelling filling of the void takes time and effort a measureless happiness brimming full covers you
You don’t need introduction on this page you live all I have said flows out from your incomparable glory
Thank you for a story that is ageless filled with promise continues in days with love’s boundlessness
My apologies are like offering medication to a patient
Who's illness has already been deemed untreatable.
Hal Loyd Denton Nov 2011
Love is an unsolved mystery
Fine like scenes spilling from favored and crowded memories to stand as two who honor each other
This plays off one against the other one strong one soft one invites tenderness the other craves to give it
There is no greater fit a head laid on a shoulder an arm encircling the fulfillment a fire burns for another
Spark was the signal at great depths there it smoldered the knowing of combustible lives ignited eyes

Nothing sweeter untreatable once the heart is smitten clueless the heart leads the way two it will sway
No matter what others miss but sight is given it sees pure and true virtue its soul deep lives unite untold
The story might go here and there look closer the sewing of a single garment has begun an altar one day
Love crowns a single man and a woman the colors of their lives are fused they hang galleried in a home

From courses quiet different now form the central issue of all life whatever differences they are a family
Souls speak without words in this towers rise and create monuments the hearth’s warmth blesses each
In a world where divides and cold indifference creates lonely hurting ones come pained yet leave calmly
As one who observes intently and knows things at deep levels you reveal secrets that even you miss

A book has many pages some of the best lines ever written came out of dreams your life is one story
The swelling filling of the void takes time and effort a measureless happiness brimming full covers you
You don’t need introduction on this page you live all I have said flows out from your incomparable glory
Thank you for a story that is ageless filled with promise continues in days with love’s boundlessness
My mind is going so fast that it feels like it's pounding and burning
I'm Just laying here in my bed eyes open sweating, tossing and turning
Just go away so i don't lay here and weep , so i can try for some peaceful sleep
There's so many memories my head is wanting me to go back and meet.
Memories I've hidden far away in a very deep dark place
Begging, pleading and fighting for these things to never show face
When I had my beautiful 1st son Phillipe , that gave me so much happiness and bliss.
Taken and stolen you were , all your moments in   life that Cps forced me to miss
I tried calling one day to set up our court ordered visit
Only to be told he's not yours anymore so you should just forget it
His father was nothing more then a quick bang with no lust
7114 days we haven't had us cause court said it was a must
Or the one guy Eric  that liked to **** me and my sister
Then we both were badly ***** by this sorry *** mister
All the family i grew up with that i love and so very miss
Have seem to forgotten who i am and thati even exist
When my mom was always out partying bringing different guys home every  night
Growing up i never had a permanent father that ever treated me right
My dad was just a coward that killed himself because he had no strength to fight
Mr. Green the old man neighbor died right in front of my 9 yr old eyes
Thats the moment i realized everyone i love always dies
Two times taken because family and neighbors couldn't stay out of our lives
Seeing my mom in weekly visitation and having to say painful goodbyes
Or what about the physical and emotional abuse the foster parents loved to share
The abuse and neglect was way worse there then in my mom's care
Why must you run me through all these horrible memories  I just can not continue to bare
The molestation I've never told anyone about and have hidden so deep and oh so well
You Keith ,should die and burn forever in the flames of hell
My old step dad ****** me up so bad , telling anyone would have lead to my death
So I've promised myself I'll  keep his secret til my very last breath
I found my friend Crack , he helped take all the pain you caused away.
When  my mom kicked you out was to me a beautiful day
The times i was stupid and people had to post my bail
******* brain, why tonight do you decided to put me through hell
All these painful memories are not something i truly miss
Remember Shaun the first man of my fantasy  dream
Never in life could i imagine that he would just be so mean
It started with only a few slaps then went to big hits
Then  black eyes and broken bones that came from his fits
I very easily made myself believe abuse equalled  love
That you were  a guardian angel sent from the heavens above
It took so much courage to finally make myself pack up and leave
My life would have been taken by you and that's what i truly believe
Megan my beautiful baby is the only wonderful thing that came from him
He doesn't even know who she is, being a bad dad should be one of the 7 deadly sins
One day i hope you open your eyes and finally put the bottle down
Because At this point in her life she really needs her father around
My life was getting a lot better,  i swear that's what my beautiful eyes saw
Only to be handed and introduced to the worst best friend of them all
You made me feel so great, happy and invincible and so tall
I fell so in love and couldn't live without you at all my friend ****
I refused to ever leave your  side and the crazy high unless it was by death
Until she took me to that nasty cold frightening Jail cell
Couldn't even get out she took all my money i had nothing for bail
After that i left you because you dragged me through hell
Found my next buddy so dark and brown he's so smooth we'll just call him Crown
With you i could let all my fears and walls completely down
I had finally  found the man I thought I'd share and make a perfect life with
Life was so amazing ,but super blinding that no one could see it was a myth
Loneliness and depression and sadness was underneath all the happiness lies
Your words taught me to feel pain from a heart that slowly dies
Screaming, fighting and crying is what the kids always were around
Problems could have been fixed, yet you didn't want them found
Your goal In life was for people to see me as lazy and crazy
You did a great job putting the wool over thier eyes making them all see hazy
The abortion i was forced  by you to have done
I'll never ever forget or forgive you for that ***
All the Emotional abuse that filled the walls of our lovely house
Narcissistic love was hidden by you always being as quiet as a mouse
Don't  get me wrong , you and i accomplished a Lot,
I just wish you would have given effort a little more of a shot
Collage was beautiful to me, finishing was my ultimate goal
But you said Gymdoll came first and ripped collage right out of my soul
Two beautiful children  Aiden and Caylin were your only wonderful gift
The 11 years we shared ended and ended very swift
You did the same thing as Megan's father did before
You gave up and forgot about your kids as you walked out that door
It's so very sad when you always make your kids become last
I never knew you'd walk away and actually do it so fast
Met a lady named Nellie and connected on a beautiful best friend level
Only to have  her taken from me, did you know cancer is the worst ******* devil
She was my ride or die,  we were always side by side
The day you you passed a huge chunk of me also died
What about the time i got hit by the van and walked away with a broken back
My lawyer ****** me so  bad and ran off with all my money in a sack
Left me to live a life with nothing but horrible unbearablpe untreatable pain
Eating through pain pills daily just to be able to live life and try my hardest to maintain
Why did the 17 times i tried to end my life never  could be completed
And all these painful memories get permanently deleted
Why do i  go thru all of this **** every once in awhile
Couldn't you just please brake my bad memory dial.
Can they please just go away so they'll never replay
I could sit and scream and yell this to myself everyday
Yet I'm  very aware as to why this keeps going on and on
1000 times over I've heard it,  seems too be my brains favorite  song
I know my life is beautiful,fulfilled,overflowing with love
That i have many beautiful Angels watching me from above
My brain does this so that I'll always remember what my life used to be
So i can remember all the pain and bad thats happened to me
My brain is doing an important job by making sure my gratitude never lacks
So that I'll always remember and never  convince myself to go back
Even if i don't for one day sleep,i know it's ok too lay here and softly weep
It's showing me, my happiness is well earned and for me to keep.
I'll never forget any of my awful past
It's what keeps my happiness last
Serenus Raymone Oct 2012
They call me gifted

I got it down to an exact science

You can call me scientific

Poetry personified

Powerfully prolific


So addicting you’ve become dependent

You’re so lost in me

You have no choice

But to defend it

I’ve turned you into a believer

When you were just a cynic

You’re sick

I’ve infected you

Sending you to the clinic


Wide reachable

My mind is an epidemic

A disease that destroys

The things that you

Were taught to mimic

And shows you

That the world around you

Is a cleverly designed gimmick

They call me prophetic

I say no

I’m just not afraid to

Point out the pathetic

Power hungry people

Whose sincerity is synthetic

The futures in their hands

And you’re content to let it?

Some call it rhetoric

I call them irrelevant

Speaking out of the side

Of their necks

Hand held out for paychecks

Employed by evil-Ignoring the Hell of it

They call me gifted

But they can have the same gift

If they open their minds

Don’t disregard the signs

Refuse to stand stiff

Then watch the world shift
Poetoftheway Jul 2015
so it is.

the things you love, you worship,
quiet-like burn you,
returning your favor
with fever.

was innocent, naive.

didn't know the sun could
blister hearts,
you babe,
were my sun,
centric universed.

your hurt,
gift packaged,
disguised as warmth,
way way past dumbfounded
surficial flesh.

doc pronounces.

time will heal you,
begging for magic pills

surgery, I need surgery,
blood transfusion,
excise this poison,
**** it out.

nope, dope,
use your pretty words,
like aloe,
to salve and soothe,
stay away from the
sun of love.

from each poisoning,
traces accumulates,
blisters burst,
love becomes
untreatable, untenable

the danger is not realizing
that in eight minutes,
she, sun goddess,
can travel 93 million light year miles,
leaving you gasping,
eight plodding human years later.
only seven years but I wake up sometimes hating her like it is still a hell, real...
Belle Jul 2018
I want to hide.
I want to isolate.
I want to leave.
Because this was a mistake that I can't easily get out of.
I see myself and all i see is a disappointment.
A sad, fat, shameful disappointment.
I hate myself so much and I am so afraid because now I'm eating everyday and I can hardly stand my body.
I look in the full length mirror and I don't recognize myself.
I used to be so much smaller.
I want to cry.
What am I without my eating disorder?
A shell of a boring, annoying person.
Not special.
Not unique.
Just, Belle.
I pretend like I'm okay,
but I'm not.
Belle is useless and can't think of anything else except for when to leave and can go back to behaviors again.
I am absolutely horrible. Seven times in residential treatment and nothing has helped.
Why am I still trying?
Maybe when I leave this time the eating disorder will **** me.
Cause after this, I don't have any more opportunities.
I am untreatable, unlovable, and unseen.
I act like the perfect patient, because the more I do that-- the quicker I get out of here.
"I cant wait until I starve myself again"
Constantly repeats in my brain.
i am tired.
i am in ******* pain.
i am crumbling
i am not okay
but i am happy.
My eating disorder gives me more happiness than anyone ever has.
I am my eating disorder.
I just wish I could shrink
I just wish I could have that control
I just wish I could make nobody know about this.
I am surrounded by people who support me,
but I want none of it.
Yet I wonder why I feel lonely.
I am worthless, I am a willful brat.
Even when I am pushing so hard, I'm still just as pointless.
My family can't wait until I get better.
I can't wait until I get worse.
I don't know what to do anymore, I want to recover, but I can't. I'm too hyper focused on being thin that nothing else matters.
Nothing will ever matter.
Not anymore.
Sam Temple Dec 2015
shadow people flash across cracked windows caked in icy fog offering my epidermis a thin layer of gooseflesh and sending thoughts cascading into visions of murderous strangers and Victorian era hauntings…catching my breath and remaining froze to the ground while the very blood within these veins seems to turn and transform into thick slow moving maple syrup fresh from an Eastern Canadian tree… attempting to regain my composure I conjure images of sunny days and buzzing bees, free government cheese and freeze tag in the warm breeze…ticking of the wristwatch forces reality into the scene and my pleasant daydreams seem to vanish into the mist swirling around dilapidated stairs greyed from years of weather abuse and staining deficiency…splinters, jagged and threatening, stand poised to pierce shoes and send victims screaming to hospital only to discover untreatable infection based on ancient ***** matter and insect larva bacteria…one deep breath coinciding with a white-knuckled gripping of the three special pamphlets is followed by the most courageous step ever taken…confronted with the specter of the large wooden door, I stop, look skyward and ask god for strength before knocking on the twenty-second home this day…
Tasha Gill Dec 2012
The disease bit at her soul
tore logic from actions
wouldn't fade away

The disease pushed her further
than she'd ever gone before
and yet, dragged her down

The disease stole her strength
built her up, ripped her down
took away all that she'd made

The disease loved her though
and she couldn't just leave
not without saying goodbye

The disease reeled her in
during those final breaths
before walking away

The disease is chronic
untreatable, incurable
and with him forever she'll stay.
Alyssa Feb 2014
It's days like this when I still feel in love;
then I realize he's gone and the pain comes rushing back again.
Now I just feel the chill of the open window
and I'm no longer enlightened, just bitter cold..
Time is supposed to make this easier, but why wont my heart forget?
Just reset like before.
I don't understand.
I seriously think it's untreatable, unrepairable.
That was all I had left in me and now I'm just tired..
It's exhausting trying to feel anything other than heartache and terror.
Even those feeling exhaust me.
I'm tired...
Silver Heinsaar May 2017
We were young and dumb, we would go to these parking lots and break the windows of random cars, we didn't give a **** about anyone or anything around us, to us we only had each other and i would have never imagined that one day it would come to an end.
You got diagnosed with an untreatable cancer, it turned my life upside down, for weeks i was stuck in bed with my face in the pillow, crying.
I didn't know what else to do, you were everything i had, nothing had a purpose anymore, i lost my appetite, i didn't leave my room, i just cried.
But you came back, you assured me that nothing was wrong with you and that the doctors were just mistaken but i didn't buy it, not until we got out again and went on with our usual mischief, i regained my faith and every day was fun with you around, no better feeling than being chased by the security with our cheeks full of stolen goods.
You promised me that we'd always be together and nothing could stop us, i loved you, i wasn't sure if you felt same about me but i truly loved you, i asked you to marry me as a joke and you didn't hesitate to give me your yes.
It was the most beautiful day of my life, storming the church with your dress ripped apart from all the running through the woods, we grabbed that priest from his neck and forced him to perform a ceremony, poor guy almost choked and wanted to call the cops which was amusing because they were already on our backs.
The night we spent after that, we found this abandoned house that looked really spooky and you never were fond of scary things but you didn't complain about it, even though the roof was collapsing and rain poured down the cracks, you kept your smile.
I made love to you, to be honest, it was my first time, i didn't dare to ask if i was your first because it could have ruined the moment for me but it was great, everything felt so right, we were perfect.
And then it happened, you started coughing blood, you kept losing weight, your hair was falling out, you, i hate you.
You made me the happiest person alive and then, you destroyed me, i don't know how to feel anymore, my emotions are all over the place, everything was a lie.
I passed out from those sleeping pills you slipped in my drink and once i woke up, you were gone, didn't even leave a single note or a letter, i never saw you again, i never heard from you again, i still hate you and i hope you get eaten by worms wherever you are right now.
Kennedi A Apr 2016
Depression is...
like a disease
No, scratch that it IS a disease.
One moment you think you're better,
then BAM it hits you like a **** ton of bricks.
Depression is...
a never ending cycle
Like a merry-go-round on a child's playground or carnival.
Your mind spins and spins
round and round; over and over.
Never ending, never stopping
that's what it's like.
You try and try to find your way out,
but yet come up shorthanded.

Depression is...
more than just feeling sad
It's a plethora of emotions.
Yes, you feel sad
but it's more than that.
You feel sad; anxious; alone; angry; lost; confused
you don't have an appetite, and when you do
you eat everything under the sun.
The passion and enjoyment you once found in things,
no longer remains.
Rather it is replaced with emptiness and disparity.

eats you alive.
Gnawing away at your innocent flesh.
You become a shell of the person you used to be,
unrecognizable from your friends, eventually your family
ultimately yourself
You don't know who you are anymore, what your purpose is.

leaves you broken.
What was once a whole, is now a fragment of broken pieces,
that you just can't seem to put back together.
Your eyes no longer have that glimmer, or gleam, or sparkle
Rather you gain the thousand mile stare.
and you can see the emptiness within your gaze.
Initially, I hated that word...
Implies that you cannot get better
But that's exactly what depression feels like.
You feel incurable, untreatable.
Everyone says you find happiness within yourself,
but how can you find something that's been lost for so long?
Ryan Nyberg Dec 2015
my love
will you be mine forever
will you be my untreatable and everlasting

Will you throw me off balance
leave demented
will you please would me deeply
scar me gently.

leave marks on my arms
on my wrists
my thighs, my neck.
carve crosses, broken ties
on heart and legs.

disfigured leave me
will you?
shall you try
suppressed, forgiven
humble, shy.
Nallely Martinez Dec 2019
Striding like the wind.
They are frightened,
Unable to cope with their bleary prospects.
They'll have intruders,
On the abrasions of that frigid, slick trap.
They're maniacs,
Ripped to bits, violated, and then spit out.
They've been repressed,
Miserable under the Hippocratic Oath.
They've become untreatable,
Battering and shrieking at whoever draws near.
They were mistreated,
Deformed body parts set ablaze for all.
They should've perished,
In that filthy amniotic fluid.
They'll be laid to rest.
Hallucinating and screaming into nothing.
They are traumatized,
Boring craters into your jammed skull.
They will obliterate you.
There are multiple reasons as to why I wrote this. However, I feel like it would be too long to list here.
This voyage.
This wonderous emporium of unimaginable feelings has come to a trifling hault.
The natural hot springs dried up.
And like ever bristle on a tooth brush my feelings have been plucked.
Just my luck.
And maybe it was never the tell tale of an oceans sigh breathing down my heart
Signaling an alarm of emotion ships to sway down a never ending voyage of teenage hormones.
But maybe it was my belief of kept unharmed untouchable innocence treated as untreatable waters for a no mans land to reserve the perseverance perceived child like humor and gestures adults lack.
I'm left sorrowful as the sun without any civilian's to share its rays.
But more like chimney smoke releasing toxic fumes into my mind not realizing the damage they've done to the ozone layer of my heart.
When alas the ships have returned to a now land known not.
And feelings of once no mans land, yet to forever be forgot.
I'll have missed that long journey's trip that tore apart my heart.
And made me an adult.

-I miss falling in love sometimes.
Thom MasT Oct 2020

It’s not your back
they said.
The problem’s
in your head.

The lump,
they said,
is unreachable

There’s nothing we can do
they said
under the knife
to save your life.


When hope seems gone
And days seem dark
I drop to one knee
And think of 23.

Fifteen and me,
the untreatables,
to experimental surgery.

One by one,
we dropped,
to 10, then 6, then 3
then only me.

Sometimes I question why  
I was the one to survive
But mostly I thank God
I am one alive.
Jason Cheney Mar 2023
Isn't it funny how throughout life we run,  run, run
Till life and sickness get us so run down
Forever thinking that we would always be invincible
And nothing could slow us down, now how laughable

Half a century old….and I'm still aging
With each passing year, the days are accelerating
Now my body grunts and groans
Because of my rickety old bones

Just to do those once easy to do tasks
Now I don't take any unnecessary risks
As I look in the mirror, no matter the angles
There's no covering up all these unsightly wrinkles

I can see both the past and the future
Knowing that there's not much I can alter
But wait for a gosh dang - bloom'n moment
I now have an untreatable ailment

I ask everyone, What was I doing a moment ago?
My mind swirls dropping cells like unneeded mementos
Life has a way of forgetting about Me
Heavens to Betsy, since when can't I see?

I fumble for my fashionable, old person bifocal glasses
Just to find out, now I can't fit into my old, sportier britches
So out come them ugly, stretchy suspenders
That bring back some horrible reminders

Of laughing at my dearly, beloved great grandfather
And now, I'm the brunt of each round of laughter
Since when did this pop belly appear in my midriff?
All of these maladies, make me reach for my handkerchief

I suddenly realize, that no longer can I run
It's something that I now know can't be done
Nope, no more races against all them young bucks
Hecks bells, now I'll have to get rid of all my spandex

I tell everyone I have to go home, because I have a headache
But it's really because, it's too cold outside and my knees do quake
Now that I'm home, I put my plastic dentures to soak
Then I take my medicine against heart disease and stroke

This life's race against time can never be won
But while it lasted, gosh, it sure was fun
So, hum, now I've wandered off in this sticky, smelly, old nursing home
As I scratch my bald head, let's see if I can remember how to get back to my room

Written by:
Jason Cheney
March 25, 2023
Halfway up the stairs to the bone-white, beehive Basilica of Sacre-Coeur, I lost count of my climb. My legs remembered every trembling step, but they could no longer do the math  On the vast portico, swarming with earnest worker bees, guidebooks in hand, I turned to take in the triumphalist, panoramic view of smog-shrouded Paris -- a vision marred by the massive carbon boot print of 11 million Parisians. As my stomach snarled from my meager morning meal, I searched for a place to eat my equally meager lunch.Soon, I spied a bench wide enough for three people, but with only one occupant, an old Frenchman, blind from childhood. As I watched the tourist crowds run amok, careering into one another, I  asked if I could sit down beside him, and we struck up a conversation in French. Affable, intelligent, alert as a bird among cats, he was reading a braille biography of Marie Antoinette. I was impressed. He then told me how as a result of an untreatable eye disease, he had had his optic nerves cut as a boy. It was a drastic treatment,  to be sure, but common at the time. Now, he said, his life nearly over, he seriously contemplated suicide, plagued by the meaningless daily routine of a visit to Sacre Coeur, where he rested, a fixture unseen by the unsettling crowds. He could find no other purpose. So, thinking myself a therapist to the world, I leaned in close and remarked, "There is always hope." "Why do you say this?" "Because God exists." "Ah, God exists," he retorted in a half question, half scoff. Below, the carousel's calliope played a delightful, dancing tune. He listened intently. After that, we sat silently side by side for several minutes, he hearing the shuffling feet, I watching the mobs of visitors overrun the balcony. We never spoke again, until it was time for me to enter the basilica. We  exchanged "adieux," and I walked away. To this day, I  wonder what the blind man heard, among the noisome crowds, on his lonely bench at the base of the beehive Sacre-Coeur.
Mr E Apr 2020
From depths below and tangled threads
Where cobwebs stow the darkest machinations
Caught like droplets from the dew
Poisoned liquid, envelop mends.

Old wounds bite deepest
Where they're cut again
Where mold and mildew inch and spread
Dark bruises form and grow in hues
Green, yellow, red, and blues.

Bleached wounds that hide beneath the skin
Deep below that soft pink shield
And from within they do not yield
Old anger enflames those ancient wounds.

Some are seen like boiled flesh
Of scars that cut too deep years ago
Or of pains that never truly healed
Be cautious and be wary though.

Of stabs and cuts
Invisible to the eye
Be wary of the blights within
Wounds that slice and gnaw each passing day
Untreatable blights without any cures
Cancerous burdens who always stay
nivek Sep 2023
untreatable full blown psychopath
with a nuclear arsenal on tap
Qualyxian Quest Aug 2020
Not compassionate conservatism
Ala George W. Bush
That type hates poor people
And goes into the Middle East
To **** hundreds of thousands
Of innocent men, women and children

Rather, Buddhist compassion
The kind that knows there is no hope
That tells you you have an untreatable
Fatal disease (desire)
But precisely because there is no hope
The Compassionate Buddha
Like a wise and kind doctor
Promises to stay with you
And suffer with you
To the very end

And then
To chant you
Into the mystery of mystical silence.

Totally unknowable.

Nirvana. Extinction of Desire.
Crowned knot of Fire.

— The End —