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Rad Tad Apr 2015
Clenched in a man's hand
Is it a sign of nervousness?

The gooey red dye 40
Oozes into his hands
Was it just being nice?

Never being eaten
Never being enjoyed
Only being clenched

The twizzlers match his red shoes
Is it a fashion statement?
Or is it just to please the giver?

The twizzlers could be a sign
Why is he suffocating them?
Is it an omen?
Or merely a coincidence
Wrote this on a plane. Good times.
Bows N' Arrows Aug 2017
City lamps in clusters of concrete
On 18th and Sherman street
The cars pass by scanning me
Each unsound engine roaring
Darting pupils
I feel it on my externals
On my lips and phalanges
Intruding glances cascading over
my silhouette

Deja-vu-like resemblances,
Sunken cheeks look bizarre
and blotchy as the socket drains
something toxic to the veins
that's permeated the future in an instant, like a comet,
encandescent and shimmering like a scale, the awareness fades

Like some dreary mirage
I remember those little band aids
Vintage carnival tickets
discarded on the scratchy ground..
Blue-violet bruises
The paradox of pleasure
A vague creature in
it's discomfort
sitting in defiance and
quivering my sentences

It reminded me of those
incandescent bugs that
smush into Chryslers
With a curled lip, bulging eyes
and ******* up tongue...
Antennaes intertwined like
Making peace with all
that's stung as the
windshield wipers turn on
Some black tar-smack-oil-

My generation consists of
inheriting environmental
destruction and mal-parenting
Global warming. Animal extinction.
Polluting the oceans. Deforestation.
Biting shards off night-time to
suffice for the daily pangs
Shuffling the dregs of karma
to grow roots and vines all about the room

It's not Winter yet
Under this morning dew
I envision it in my mind
A crystal ball vision
contorting into smoke
I caught it in my breath
Catatonically hanging
A turtle with it's legs bending toward the sky
Searching for my tribe and a pulse
on this Earth in sentient souls
Emily Nov 2012
She never said she was sorry,
And worse still,
She never knew that she had done anything wrong.
For while those ridiculously red lips of hers
Were biting viciously on the stale red rubber
She called Twizzlers,
I was pouring instant coffee into that mug,
The one she tried to paint the solar system on.
She gave up though when she realised only 6 planets would fit
and smeared that mug,
Handle and all,
In black paint.
I know it was fired at the ceramic shop,
The paint made dry as lips in late November,
Yet every time I dare to stomach a sip
Of my once warming brew,
My mouth is dyed darker than
a night that has never known stars.
Tie Nicks May 2014
Your middle name?
How long has it been since you wore a diaper?
How old were you when you first noticed you had feet?
How tall lying down?
A glowing thing or a burning dark,
Pick one.
How many needles will fit between my eyelids?
How big was your first?
Your last?
This last light switch do I flick it?
Can you handle candles?
What’s it like to wear no skirt?
How many bras have you sniffed?
Define addiction.
Define a lover’s hip.
How many languages are enough?
How can you free yourself without getting committed?
And what’s it like inside yourself?
And I see your feet are like freaky small
And your hair smells like flies
And feels like fishes eyes
And you have three nostrils.
And the third one is for ****.
And that your eyelashes are made
From spider legs
And they move by themselves when you’re angry
Or turned on.
Can you believe me when I say
Your scent steams beautiful?
Did I stutter?
Did I stutter?
I don’t know, did i?
How many lines ago was that
Can you count the orange sticks
In the fridge honey and know that I’ll always want more?
What do you see from eyes so blue? Can you see that mine are glass?
Can you tell that they aren’t windows?
Can you quantify exactly more or less all you’d want my eyes to be?
Also, You have grass eye brows.
And one, two, too many tails
And your tendons are made of twizzlers
And you only drink Windex orange blue orange juice
And your hands are made of pancakes with lifelines
And your bellybutton has an eyeball in it
But we’re not supposed to ask who’s.
And your earlobes have lips and sometimes they
Whisper sweet nothings to the pigeons on the park benches while
You stroke your fingertips across various things,
Like pigeons,
Like me.
Like me?
Well, I broke up with my boyfriend and then spent the night,
And my roommate’s mom thinks we just need more hangers
And I start all my sentences with oh, well, look
And I ran through my apartment,
counted all my pairs of tights
And I noticed not a single
Tear looked like him
And I heard that song that he reminds me of
And it was the birds screaming the earth back awake
So I drank a whole bottle of V8 and went to sleep
And I broke up with that boyfriend and then spent the night
And my roommates convinced I can
Just go back tomorrow
and I dropped my sisters black vintage gloves in the mud.
I dropped my physics class and told everyone I’m a pyro
And I’m still not quite done with that last
Guy I spent the night with
And I’ll never be as high with anyone else
As I was with dell but I didn’t call him dell
When we were together
But I never understood people when they said they could remember a touch
Until I felt his thick palms four days after he left
And when he said he wasn’t coming
I ate a strawberry
And tasted nothing
And I haven’t eaten fruit since
And I haven’t made sense 10 days before he left
Now I’m way past losing track of who left last
And now I wear lipstick
With a disclaimer
when I dropped him,
I shattered.
Translation, no mans pleased me since.
But I’d like to watch you try.
So, your last name?
Do you have any pets?
Can you be with a woman you’ll never be able to please?
Olivia Ophelia Apr 2016
i want to hold your hand
and gaze at the stars
listen to our favorite songs
and drink out of twizzler straws.
this isn't quite a fairytale
but it's good enough for me

Erica A Arnold Jan 2014
The pace isn't the same,
I don't know how to do the dance.

It doesn't feel right.
The two of us connected,
like Twizzlers...
waiting to be pulled apart.
Melded together if by accident,
but ill fitting all the same.

I don't like this hold...
counting the seconds until it's over.

I miss his imprint.
I miss his acrobats.

I miss the shape of our twisted bodies,
a smattering of arms and legs like Krishna.

I want to petrify it,
keep it always how it was.

For my records, of course....
just to compare.

The science is behind it.
My own personal form of chemistry.
Madison Brooke Nov 2015
oh, my god,
stop praising little girls for being "tiny" and "slender" and "willowy"
for being skinny.

because the scale offers validation
and eating cheetos and twizzlers and cookies and candy without gaining a pound becomes an accomplishment
a sharp and boasting laugh
ha, ha! i can eat all the **** i want
and still be /skinny!/

because a girl will feel pride
in her ballerina legs and bony joints
and guilt
in her best friend wishing she were as small.

because "skinny" stops being an adjective
and becomes a definition.

because being skinny becomes
owning stacks and stacks of size zero jeans
but ******* and shimmying and squeezing your *** into them
(god forbid you buy a size two.)

skinny becomes looking flat in the midsection
but only if you eat triscuits for lunch that day

becomes seeing the outlines of individual ribs
but grabbing with a grimace the layer of fat and skin that covers them

becomes standing with legs spread apart and back tilted and eyes squinted
and looking maybe kind of like a forever 21 model,
until you sit and your thighs melt into huge endless expanses of tissue

becomes avoiding the bathroom scale because you told yourself two years ago you'd never get above double digits.

becomes knowing that most girls would **** for your body, or for the absence of your body - for the carved out spaces where flesh could be.

becomes feeling guilty, feeling ridiculous, feeling ungrateful
becomes never admitting to anyone that you feel anything but skinny.
SWB Jul 2011
A single scrap of paper

and the child within me springs to life-

the child with bed head and a LEGO fascination-

leads me up and down stairs on all fours;

lights my face, shines my smile

soaks my senses- oversensitive;

takes a horizon, gives me an infinite shadow box;

takes a coincidence, gives me providence;

reminds me that some trees are ladders,

the others are giants, like buildings but wiser;

makes me giggle, as the circles untangle;

makes me ask myself,

Are they following us?

Who made this video game?  What's a boat made of waffles?

makes me too excited to eat; gives me dessert first;

lets me eat infinite Twizzlers;

lets me laugh at all of the sleepy adults,

and stay up late talking about collective consciousness;

lets me decide, "next time I'm going to the nature park",

as long as I can talk to all of the statues and sculptures on the way;

lets me write till there's no more room.
look ***** i aint tryna play you
Just trying to mack to you
Show ya real thangs
Embrace the world
With my **** brain
Hard to maintain when weeds settles
I get that ******* blowin' like a kettle
Baby dont settle for less
This aint no wild guess
Let me mack to ya ears and grab ya breast
And put yo fingers on my masculine chest
Yea i know like that gangsta ****
**** passion im long lastin blastin'
My *****
In ya puddy cat
Ya dont have to wonder where the daddy at?
Im right bebe have no fear
Droppin' game faster than the clouds drop a tear
You cant fade me???

Now that we in this relationship
I gotta lotta thangs
To confess im freaky as they come
Watch me roll up some sess
Take a puff with me
And lets do some lesbian ******* ****
Promise I won't hit
Unless ya let me girl i make ya forget me
Like amnesia  
The ***** pleaser
These other nigguhs jackin'
With twizzlers
Im my ***** hot as a sizzler
Ask ya girl i bet im dickin' her
No shame in my game
You know the rules
Yo ***** chose me
Cuz of my m a c k
Still pack the AK Everyday
Just incase a hater got something
To say
So **** peace im still in yo ear piece
Now rest in peace ***** can ya fade me???
Sam Newton Apr 2013
As Some early rap group plays in the background of my life
The relationship with my Brothers has changed my insight, it helps me decide when to lie and defines who I am, what I mean to the fam and everybody who truly knows me as Sam.
That isn't to say I'm not intimate today,
I love everybody in a different kind of way,
It makes me smile even just to say it.
I have people in my life, worth the slang I derive from these pretty soulful lines
Something I cannot measure, but simply as a sense of pleasure
All in a world I feel is mine, making them Brothers and therefore a lifeline
Any person I can call when I need little time,
If I need a friend or a relationship to mend, some cash in my pocket for my next canned soda
Looking at the twizzlers thinking I could use them as a straw, daydreaming again, just a big kid standing a little too tall.
Looking from the top thinking that's a long way to fall,
But as I get closer to edge and look down on,
I see that my Brothers already have me harnessed up, they intend to let me jump.
Letting me learn my mistakes to help discern from the fake,
Because the ones who criticize you are the one's who hold you when you cry,
Trying to make myself better, if only for my guys.
The brothers that I never had, they help me see who I want to be
Help me envision what I want, but make me stand to reach my next treat
To find the earth from this place up here.
Looking, I contemplate how I want to create to change, or maybe cause fear
If only small things, I will be the force to define the voice of my people
A generation left behind to figure out what is evil.
A knew definition nowadays because of where it's living, in our hearts and even in this page.
All I want to do is sleep because without my Brothers I'm just dead meat.
All I want to do see a world made for me and you, my Brothers, a relationship above all others.
The thing that means the most to me these days, is the fact that no matter where I go, my Brothers will be with me. Something I can always see, it resides somewhere inside of me. Emotionally and Mentally. Today they rest with me. Humans, people, beings, whatever they are to me, you couldn't possibly begin to conceive.
I would **** for the people I call my Brothers. It deserves to be capitalized after what we've been through together. It sounds a little too sentimental. But without them I would not have developed into myself.
umbrellas Jul 2013
let me tell you about lethargy
lethargy is like picking up the phone with your feet
because your mind is too tired
to send a memo to your hands
lethargy is making your lips dance
around a string of twizzlers for dinner
just barely

lethargy is so strong
you can't even remember what rolling out of bed feels like
in fact rolling out of bed
feels like lying in bed
the only move you make is to lay your head
on the cool side of the pillow

lethargy is getting to that point
where you lack all strength to breathe
eyelids way too heavy to see
the body feels numb
and the only thing the ears can hear
is the heart

I come from the land of grime
Of slaps and snack cakes and stray cats
And many petty crimes

I caught lice eight times before I  started school
My world was loud and I thought those anger fits were the norm
But that's how it is when you're raised by fools

I come from that side of town
With drugs and ****** and broken swing sets
And everything tinged brown

Here is where we wallow in mold and **** -
All the things you'd scrap off the bottom of your shoe
And somehow the streetlights were never lit...

But this was my world
This is my world

I was quite literally dragged through the mud
And every time I staggered back to my feet
I was swept away again by a sudden flood
Or shoved back down beneath the elite

Now when I tell you this is where my soul was forged
With red hot fury of the beaten and the ******
Do not mistake me for a simple woman scorned
For that is only a title for what makes me who I am

When I say my heart was shaped by the hands of vile men
And the hesitant, shaking fingers of those as fragile as me
You need to know that this is the reason for my estrangement
Though am I not defined by those who touched me with greed

Where I come from shaped me
But there is much more lying beneath

I am grime and mold and crime
I am daisies and fire and bumblebees
I am salt and Twizzlers and a loosened vault

And this I can proudly claim:
I am no longer ashamed
my heart feels heavy after writing this. it took seven days because i couldn't write more than a couple lines before getting overwhelmed. im a big baby    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Every soul is a raindrop
fall from sky to ocean
most hit the surface
to ripple and fade
but some ripples
(rip) become waves
so careful when
you be willing this villainess  script
the 97 igrets no regrets
so often we split
universe forging and smith
an I’m off to Egypt

mind morbid
****** silly
sight been
****** psilocybin serum

might have been
a son of Sam
but now I happen to hope
he’s found **** - luminous scope
rather sacrificial lamb
to roll up and ****

fingers like spiders
re-twisting helix like twizzlers so no outsiders
untwisting logic like Cicero updated outdated drivers
no ****
no really though
that’s dope
like holy diver
****-lighted self

sun is well
moon caught
call it a moonwell
moon sought
call it a moonswell
how soon
call it a monsoon

(they buymoney’s well
they liefunnycreate hell)

Is it that I get consumed by my work
or work to consume the clerk

Is it that I’m a leader
or I preach to lead the self ;
either way overwork
cause we ovastand
what it mean
To be a conscious being

I lord over time
it doesn’t lord over me
got that **** on lock
honest priority

with no real priors
been Skirttin on roads
with no real tires
I’m running I’m running so often off-roading incoming
I'm running I’m running I’m tired Im scratched

but see now we off the path
calc'ing chaos math sacred shapes and 'ometries

'Grow the mountain
'GGrow the trees

Mind and body manifest these
8 them mushrooms drank the tea
Found God and Action make the Free

...still eyes on shadow to oversee
see how’s that **** float over me
winding warping whisper free
darkness cold and forming we
mark of clover safety  be
safety make me nobody
and I take one breathe

what is the difference

Ganesh (shout)
refresh my syllabus (what’s about)
image of synthesis (written down)
**** I’m mischievous (ima clown)

breath in
breathe crown

Jesus (sing)
and it’s all around

redeem my sinfulness
(the talk and the walk)
sparing my infamous
guide all my kinfolk when
I’m lost in indifference
pray for deliverance

brothers and sisters we gotta ask
what’s the cost of the difference
[w]hen Liminal's lost is the difference?

my only preference, reverence-evidence
of my life and all of my testament, prevalent

{Discipline and Chaos}
develop the eminent american-experiment
Never-lose scope ; envelope intelligent sentiment

my, my design
down so close
finger prints shine
passing the fine approach
what’s broached when l align
chaos and order impose in my mind

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trauma healed
now I’m ******* rediculous
how the **** can I think of this
off the cuff with my instantaneous
transmission of knowledge
but some are to slow
hear it as words
one by one
when I’m speaking feathers and flight
dove by dove
and drove by drove
from coast coast and coast to cove
chris Nov 2019
you are the most delectable twizzler
and i do not even like twizzlers
your sweet cherry twists and your saccarine kiss
grandest of loves my heart is in bliss
Bows N' Arrows Mar 2016
Unconscious con-artists
sipping on each other's pop
intertwining their legs like Twizzlers
Squeezing the back of their necks
playing in the dark
tumultuous bed sheet
half-hanging on a mattress
Bruised lip, scratched skin
Disowning our faults
Pulled triggers on abrasive guns
for provocation and
crawling into trouble
b e mccomb Jul 2016
We tap-danced in Target
Skipping up and down with
Doublemint and Milky Ways
Twizzlers and the bittersweet chocolate waltzes.

We crouched in the corner
Not to shoplift, just to talk
Exchanging philosophy with paper towels
And lead the paper plates through secrets.

We walked on cracked sidewalks
Chipped with the dubious glances of fate
How many feet have wandered these streets
And how few have really seen?

We sat in the backseat
As the brownish gray fields rushed by
The setting sun stayed suspended in the sky
Burning up the tired atmosphere.

We drank mixed lemonade in chilled, clinking cups
Front porch step afternoons
Frosted glasses drained of sugary pink
Summer expectations.

When I wished innocently in February on
One cold night saturated in body spray
For friendship to be free
I had no idea how lovely life could be.
Copyright 4/14/14 by B. E. McComb
Madeleine May 2019
The first gleaming light in the early Morning
Is the beginning of my happiness
To see that sun hitting the tree tops
As its rising
Brightening the land below
A smile as big as the east is from the West
Seeing the colors come to life
Hearing the birds singing
A cool breeze brushing against my cheek
Taking that deep breath of fresh clean air
Like twizzlers I cannot help but smile
Being thankful for yet another day
To have some fun and explore
And seeing the day go to sleep mode as the sun begins to set
More colors as beautiful if not more so
As the sunrise
Leaving me to rest with a smile and a happy soul
Juliana Oct 2019
I am from books; yellowed pages and black ink.
I am from shoes; leather and worn.
I am from dancing; Tap, jazz, and modern.
I am from Disney; DCOM's and the Disney Channel.
I am from television; Riverdale and Pretty Little Liars.
I am from Freeform and the CW.
I am from Bones and The Pretender.
I am from Pokino, and Forensic Files, and pasta.
I am from Ireland, Italy, and Germany.
I am from Belgium, France, and Grease.
I am from my bed in the morning.
I am from Science and Anthropology.
I am from painting and graphic design.
I am from Twizzlers, and Kit-Kats, and Oreos.
I am from apples and peanut butter.
I am from Okemos and Syracuse.
I am from ADHD and anxiety.
I am from happiness and the sense of calm.
I am from blue.
I am me.
Inspired and In the Style of "Where I'm From" by Ella Lyon
Tati Sep 2018
I’m not quite sure what hurt the most
Everything for me seems to be in a daze after what happened that night
Kind of like the morning fog when you’re trying to walk to school
And it’s so thick you don’t know if you’ll survive
Then you realize you’re exaggerating and the only way you won’t survive the day is if you don’t pass that math exam and get beat with the sandal when you get home
But am I exaggerating in this situation?
I feel numb
And like it’s all my fault
Even after I screamed and begged for you to stop and you wouldn’t
When you were finished you looked at me and said “you liked it though” and “calm down. You know I love you”
But is that really love?
Is forcing the person who was always there to give you the world and everything in their soul to make you happy to do things you know they didn’t want to do for your own selfish wants love?
Is it?
I think I’d rather fail my math exam and get beaten by the sandal
But unfortunately, I’m not a child anymore, so that can’t be my main concern
Instead of getting beaten by a sandal because of my laziness in failing to study since I was up all night watching novellas and writing poetry while eating Twizzlers
I was beaten by you
Rebecca Oct 2020
A candy castle so tasty and sweet
made out of the most delectable treats.

Peppermint domes that swirl red and white,
glisten and shine in the glorious light.

Licorice steeples, to the sky they ascend.
with Fruit Roll-Ups as flags flapping in the wind.

The drawbridge is made of warm gingerbread,
suspended by Twizzlers of cherry red.

Toffee and brittle brick up the structure
Painted with icing of contrasting colors.

Frosting fastens gumdrop shingles in place,
the roof sparkles with crystallized sugar lace.

A lollipop wreath hangs on the chocolate bar door,
whip cream and cherries top the decor.

Jolly Ranchers are the windows that do reside.
A rainbow-tinted world can be viewed from inside.

The palace is surrounded by a gentle chocolate stream
Where marshmallow peeps like to float on and dream.
I am deeply in love
with the world;
with the improbable variables
of the universe

they collided on a tacit
turn in time;
split the beatles,
sent a man to the moon
and gave us twizzlers

and me

I was too young to see
the light,
groovy and bright;

to join the fight
down yonder;

to blow a joint in saigon;

to march with john and luther
over the bridge;

to stop life-shattering
bullets of war
and hate;

yet those stars
of fate

and we are here
in the flesh
with beating hearts
to start
a new

ell Apr 2020
anti-electricity crawls through my veins, slow as molasses and just as suffocating. push the worms for fingers under scalding water or force them to feel something with crushing pressure, as long as the only sensation you feel is your pounding heartbeat and not whatever that sickly zing in your blue twizzlers are.

funny how, after all this time, the proof that you’re alive is comforting. if only the gaggle of muscles could push a lil harder, keep my fingers functional with oxygen and warmth but i guess that’s asking for too much.

for someone who always used to give and only got more taken away, it should be no surprise that my body learned those tricks to play as soon as i refused to bend to outsiders.

it is alarming, but not enough to do much about, that my head is heavy to hold up and that my fingers beg to stop moving, beg to stop holding up the phone. it seems that every aspect of me was created to betray me, as if even the cells making up my organs have it out to get me, even the atoms making up my existence know i’m unlovable and need to show it, to me at the very least; we all know i have no problem carrying that action along whether i want to or not, what with it being an integral unavoidable part of my nature and everything.

— The End —