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Rai Sep 2011
She wants to feel the softness of feathers upon the tips of her toes
Reaching out for comfort that will surely come
Caresses the moments before midnight
With suger kisses so sweet
Like honey coated forgiveness
She smiles into her lovers eyes of crystal dew
Her sences reeling
Twirling, dancing
Like the figurine within an ancient music box
As the music surrounds the childs mind so pure
And yet
There is more captured within
The sweetness is soured only by memories
She paints with fingers in the suger
To forget
There are things so worth forgetting
She sees him sleeping and places
mirrors where his eyes once looked upon her
For now she will see herself
The way he see's
The blood from the girl child dried as he slept
There was to be no more sugered moments
No more honey for him to savour
she had seen
Her worth in his eyes
Such a shame sweet child
She should of loved herself with toes touching feathers
Reaching for a comfort
That would only be found in forgiveness of self
Far beyond the place he sleeps
With mirrored eyes of crystal dew

He awakes to find his beloved drenthed in death
He reaches for moments which never come
Her projection of him so false upon this moment
As in a moments seperation
She sees with her angel presence
The suger he tastes on lips so pure
His tears now mingle with the blood
As he tears her mirrors from his eyes
He understands not
The reason
Why white feathers are falling from the sky
Rai Mar 2014
She wants to feel the softness of feathers upon the tips of her toes
Reaching out for comfort that will surely come
She caresses the moments before midnight
With suger kisses so sweet
Like honey coated forgiveness
She smiles into her lovers eyes of crystal dew
Her sences reeling
Twirling, dancing
Like the figurine within an ancient music box
As the music surrounds the childs mind so pure
And yet
There is more captured within
The sweetness is soured only by memories
She paints with fingers in the suger
To forget
There are things so worth forgetting
She sees him sleeping and places
mirrors where his eyes once looked upon her
For now she will see herself
The way he see's
The blood from the girl child dried as he slept
There was to be no more sugered moments
No more honey for him to savour
she had seen
Her worth in his eyes
Such a shame sweet child
She should of loved herself with toes touching feathers
Reaching for a comfort
That would only be found in forgiveness of self
Far beyond the place he sleeps
With mirrored eyes of crystal dew

He awakes to find his beloved drenthed in death
He reaches for moments which never come
Her projection of him so false upon this moment
As in a moments seperation
She sees with her angel presence
The suger he tastes on lips so pure
His tears now mingle with the blood
As he tears her mirrors from his eyes
He understands not
The reason
Why white feathers are falling from the sky
Rai Oct 2015
She wants to feel the softness of feathers upon the tips of her toes
Reaching out for comfort that will surely come
She caresses the moments before midnight
With suger kisses so sweet
Like honey coated forgiveness
She smiles into her lovers eyes of crystal dew
Her sences reeling
Twirling, dancing
Like the figurine within an ancient music box
As the music surrounds the childs mind so pure
And yet
There is more captured within
The sweetness is soured only by memories
She paints with fingers in the suger
To forget
There are things so worth forgetting
She sees him sleeping and places
mirrors where his eyes once looked upon her
For now she will see herself
The way he see's
The blood from the girl child dried as he slept
There was to be no more sugered moments
No more honey for him to savour
she had seen
Her worth in his eyes
Such a shame sweet child
She should of loved herself with toes touching feathers
Reaching for a comfort
That would only be found in forgiveness of self
Far beyond the place he sleeps
With mirrored eyes of crystal dew

He awakes to find his beloved drenthed in death
He reaches for moments which never come
Her projection of him so false upon this moment
As in a moments seperation
She sees with her angel presence
The suger he tastes on lips so pure
His tears now mingle with the blood
As he tears her mirrors from his eyes
He understands not
The reason
Why white feathers are falling from the sky
didi anderson Dec 2012
im suger high so hipper that i could bounce off the wall
AJBusse Mar 2021
You're a boy of clear seas and early mornings
Messy hair and smiles
Grass splintered sneakers and a laugh that makes the world shake
Storms on the water that drift into pink
Lonesome words looking for a heart
Rose petals pressed between your fingertips
And music that gushes and flows
And bounces and calls
Through the air
And the ground
And the water that sits there too
You're red velvet cupcakes with creamcheese frosting
You're fluffy white clouds that drift in the sky
You're all of the little beautiful things you find in far off lands
You're a boy of sweet dreams and cherry tomatoes
A boy of careful daisies and gentle hands
A boy of purple lighting that doesn't touch the Earth
A boy of sweet lemon tea that sits in my glass
A boy of honey and suger and mint
A boy of thyme and rhyme
A boy of silly words and careful thoughts
A boy made of marble so beautiful and perfect
hands- ruff, hard
see- colors, half, suger
smell- good, sweet
hear- nothing
taste- chewy, cherry, orange, grap
Frederik B Feb 2015
åh hvor er du afhængig
af den forbandede nikotin
du kan jo ikke give slip
du kan jo ikke vælge
han er din e-cigaret
en midlertidig løsning
mod en konstant trang
du savner dine cigaretter
men de er jo bare så skadelige
de er jo bare så fandens farlige
du tager en cigaret
mellem dine læber tændes den
du inhalerer ikke
du sidder bare med den
til den går ud
så finder du din e-cigaret frem igen
og suger indtil dine lunger kaster op
for så virker cigaretterne knap så fristende
så er trangen knap så stor

ungdomspoet Oct 2014
Tankerne kører rundt i hovedet på mig, som en karrusel snurrer de mig rundt
Jeg kigger ned, rør ved mit hår, har lyst til en smøg
Jeg betragter flammen da jeg tænder: jeg ryger i stilhed
Jeg er halv beruset, jeg tænker på dig
Jeg suger røgen ind og trækker vejret dybt, lader det fylde tomrummet i mit hjerte
Det føltes som at danse på knust glas
Jeg kan mærke smerten, jeg kan se at mine fødder bløder
Men jeg bliver ved og ved med at danse, til de smukke toner som fylder mit hoved og dæmper smerten
Jeg danser, som om at intet var galt
Jeg er ligeglad
Jeg ville danse i 1000 år, bare for at få hans opmærksomhed
SE mig
Den rigtige mig
Den pige der danser sensuelt rundt på gulvet, rør ved sit hår og ryger cigaretter – er det mig? Kan du se det?
- om kærlighed og alkohol
ungdomspoet Nov 2015
pigen der tavst traver gennem
skoven der efterhånden er helt nøgen
og iagttager de gyldne blade der er faldet
med hendes rødvinsfarvede læber suger ***
grådigt på den sidste cigaret *** kunne finde i lommen
og vinden hiver i hendes lange lysebrune bølgede hår
men *** er ligeglad, for *** kan kun tænke på at
en dag, snart, vil *** forsvinde fra dette sted
i ørene danser der stille toner komponeret af engle
og sunget af Bon Iver
pigens øjne er store og runde, og vidt åbne
for *** prøver at sluge så meget af denne følelse
før det er for sent igen og lyset der titter igennem de spinkle
grene atter er forsvundet og erstattet af en grå tåge
hendes tanker står så stille, samtidig med at stemmerne
aldrig nogensinde stopper med at hviske til hende
de hvisker, at en pige som hende aldrig vil blive lykkelig
pigen griner da lyden af ordene giver genlyd i hendes
hovede, *** havde nemlig for længst affundet sig med at
lykken er den nøgne skov, gyldne blade, rødvinslæber,
cigaretter, de sidste solstråler og Bon Iver
Lisa Lesetedi Apr 2016
I passed by your old house today,
A sudden rush came over me as memories filled my head.
Memories of a simpler time.
And how we would play our childish games to enjoy the fruits of our youth. Then an angel would call from inside and ask if we wanted to eat or if she should get us something. Im suger coating because she wouldn't ask ,she would insist.
I remembered a time when pain ...I mean real pain ...was a stranger .
Now pain keeps us company...
I remembered a time when you where just a little girl with dreams just like I ...
I watched this girl get thrown into womanhood ...
Pent up aggression ...but how could I possibly resent the one that created me.
For taking a piece of you...
As an angel ascended, your spirits descended ...
Waking up became a nightmare...not the kind that involve screams , but silent mornings instead ...
I passed by your old house today and I thought to myself
God I didn't have a choice or say in the first passing ...
But I won't let the little that lived inside this house die too...
And as the smell of the kindness and pure heartedness that once lived starts to escape her clothes...
Let the memory live on

I passed your old house today
And made new the memories.
It's not done ...but I wrote this for my bestfriend ...she lost her single mother and changed so many things...A wave of thoughts hit me when I was driving past her old house the other day...
Maja Klit Sep 2015
Du uinspirere mig. Suger energien ud af mig. Tamponen til  blodet. Ligner ikke mig selv længere. Snarere hende du ikke kender. Ligner ikke mig selv længere.
Jeg skulle være i es.
Forventningens skuffelse er der noget om. Du skuffer mig. Du er ikke som reklamen. Mit våben er forbrugerundersøgelser. Du er hvad jeg ikke blev lovet.
Heyaless Sep 2020
When a person is drowning or struggling through life , he doesn't make a sound !
You'll see him laughing his heart out .
A man with great humor .
A man is sweet a suger blend with others just like suger blends with water .

You'll see him shining
Blowing conversations with home's
Cheering other's .

But there always a other side of a coin ,
There always a dark side of the moon .

Let's forget about his hidden depression , sorrows his tears...

What about the little things we miss out ??
When he asks i need you ?
When he left the party after everyone's left ?
When he talks deeply to cheer other , where is this comes from ?
When he Post's something sad online and everyone mocks him around .
When he spend hours in bed , sleepless ..?
Have you noticed his playlists '" where the light in your deep dark room '"......
Have anyone noticed his health shrinking ?
Have anyone notices he's offline for days ?

Please notice . Please be there
I hope I had you when I said I needed you , but you said not possible...🙂
sara p Mar 2015
jeg danser i cirkler
i 360 grader
kraftigt farve bølger over mig
den varme stilhed bliver højrøstet
og hvad laver jeg her
uvante gulve, der klistrer mig fast
med klister, som sidder i 118 dage
men det er jo spild af skridt
kraftige farver, som forenes i ét
langt mørke der strækker sig ud
samtidig med, at det råber
en melodi
en kronisk sammenhæng af toner
og jeg suger det ind, så
det sætter sig på rygraden
Chase Graham Dec 2014
You all the time
to feel your loving
Glance to hold you close
and be your ride
Past the park
Some little longing
To exist by your side.
I need you baby
I want to be around you
at all time's you're the only one
that I want when this world turns grey so please let me be around you
Don't even need to hold you
just let me breathe your same air
from your lips your the only suger
For my bitter world.
So climb over the front seat
into my uncle's Chevy.
Rai Nov 2024
She wants to feel the softness of feathers upon the tips of her toes
Reaching out for comfort that will surely come
She caresses the moments before midnight
With suger kisses so sweet
Like honey coated forgiveness
She smiles into her lovers eyes of crystal dew
Her sences reeling
Twirling, dancing
Like the figurine within an ancient music box
As the music surrounds the childs mind so pure
And yet
There is more captured within
The sweetness is soured only by memories
She paints with fingers in the suger
To forget
There are things so worth forgetting
She sees him sleeping and places
mirrors where his eyes once looked upon her
For now she will see herself
The way he see's
The blood from the girl child dried as he slept
There was to be no more sugered moments
No more honey for him to savour
she had seen
Her worth in his eyes
Such a shame sweet child
She should of loved herself with toes touching feathers
Reaching for a comfort
That would only be found in forgiveness of self
Far beyond the place he sleeps
With mirrored eyes of crystal dew

He awakes to find his beloved drenthed in death
He reaches for moments which never come
Her projection of him so false upon this moment
As in a moments seperation
She sees with her angel presence
The suger he tastes on lips so pure
His tears now mingle with the blood
As he tears her mirrors from his eyes
He understands not
The reason
Why white feathers are falling from the sky
llcb Nov 2018
Jeg glemmer den cigaret jeg suger på og skraber ned til filteret så cigaretten smager af pap. ikke tobak. Pap. rester. Resterne og gaden, der svinger omkring mine hofter i vind og nattelys mens jeg står med mine rester. Resterende. Ligesom jeg selv er rester.
Mims Feb 2019
Suger kisses
Silly crushes
Candy hearts ask
"Will you be mine?"
Wandering eyes
A glance at her thighs
Thorns on the roses in the bouquet you bought yesterday
Two things that can pierce
And in between
Two things that bleed
Heart shaped cardboard boxes
Filled with chocolate
And caramel
Walking through target
Commercialised, consumerisim
And everyone likes talking about how
This holiday is what it is for more sales
Than romance
And its true
Sugar hearts do not equal ancient love
But we love to spend
Money and time
On someone we love
Or someone we are saying sorry to
Maybe its the same one
Humans are so cute
Making cards
Red and pink
And surprising with favorited
Chocolate things
But today is take out
The girl your 'one true' doesn't know about
Or maybe they do
But choose not to mention it
Because maybe they



Lacy black things
Long receipts
Long nights
Not at the office
Where you claim to be
Let me ask you
Were the flowers for her

As large, and as beautiful,

As the flowers for me?
Things I hear about in wine tainted conversations between the wives
Rai Apr 2017
Tread lightly upon the Earth you call your home
Be gentle in heart and strong of mind
And on days when that's hard
I don't mind being your rock
Your anchor
A haven within your chaos
Tracing your feelings
Suger paper sweet
Yet bitter like lemons upon your taste buds
Hold on to moments
Remember to breathe
Remember there's people out here that care
Amalie Skov Feb 2017
*** kom videre og jeg har ondt af dig, for *** overså alle dine fejl, dit temprament, din egoisme, din manglende evne til at elske andre end dig selv. *** kunne have fået alle i verden, men *** valgte stadig dig, hver gang. Alt du er nu, er en revne i hendes fortid, et ar på hendes bryst, et minde der falmer hurtigere end et billede af dig i en forseglet kasse, der er blevet gemt. Måske *** nu vil kæmpe for en der elsker hende, i stedet for en der suger livet ud af hende, aldrig tilfreds, selv ikke med hendes slående hjerte i hans grådige hænder.
Latifah A Feb 2016
you were the thief that stole my ability to trust.
I tried to fight you but you stabbed me with your suger-coated lies.
I am the victim, you were the culprit but why am I the one tortured with memories and jailed in the prison of pain?
Man this single life fun!
Eaten bread and cheese
Never thinking to sweeeeet
Take a dose maybe three
Suger coded disease
It's not hard to see
I'm caving in me
Ain't this fun

I just got back from over seas saved some money
Bought myself a lovely home in a lovely place
Heaps of room to plan a garden landscaped too
From home down to the road simply loads of space

Never took long next door to find I lived alone
Still young retired army rank just bought the home
A good cook house keeper too no way skin and bone
Planting flowering trees gardens loved them as grown

Up on my second floor padio stars they shone at night
Sitting there peace in freshest air beyound compare
A few beers salami watching the world go slowly by
Then I heard a yell from below is anybody there

I walked down opened front door suffering pole cats
The moonlight shone through all she there wore
A sight a retired major was not used to seeing true
I can't really remember but I think I may have swore

She said with wine under one arm a kind of welcome
And as it goes I'm right out of suger too by the way
Thought I might **** two birds with the same stone
Give a little get a little as my mother used to say

I said come in sit down your from next door right
She crossed her legs then changed her comfort there
I was enjoying a cigar at the time loved the wine
But almost choked on both gasping for some for air

It was I suppose a hot night but I wear more to bed
She asked you ok I always dress this way when hot
My God and this lived next door my mind boggled
I said well sugar must say I do have such a lot

Out of her bag another two bottles of wine came
And not of the cheaper brand to say the least
From the refrigerator I got a dish of salami
Oh I love this stuff i'll stock up for a feast

They say angels have a sense of humor might be
A blackout all lights gone the music player too
Or maybe a couple of mates I lost over seas
Some of them always playing jokes so true

Came over and sat next to me love this leather
No lights and never could handle real good wine
I think she had a tollerance re this situation
Whispered I live alone one thing I have is time

Goodness I'd been away now for a six year stretch
I came here for well earned peace of mind
I thought to myself won't get much of that tonight
And besides beautiful she was ever so very kind

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
Skip Jun 2019
We at the rock
Yeah that one
That big rock
Heated by sun
Beside the calming water
Nothing matters

Meet me at the rock.
Where we first met.
Where we first kissed.
Black coffee, white suger and ocean mist
Laying beside each other in the shade
Where we can just be us.
Under a shade with palms of a tree

Meet me at the rock
My mind’s favorite place to wander,
Because you’re always there
Waiting, welcoming.
Dreaming seeing.
Arms wide open
Words need not spoken

When I close my eyes
I can’t wait to dream
Because no matter the weather
Sunshine will be at the rock.

Meet me at our spot
I will listen to the waves waiting
By that spot, by that rock
By that shade, near that rock.
By that spot where we first met
Thank you Kiz for my thoughts in your poem. I think of the rock
Rory Smith Mar 2019
Today I sit here in a room watching shows of doom and gloom, Rain and it’s sounds wetting groups of dog hounds, The gritty street turned to wet and dark, Water on knives those who choose to end life’s, Yet still, Rain, Beatification in every drop, Natrual and Nice like Suger and Spice, The news gives the blues the wet has turned red all these events I’m truly fed up, Another gloomy day will me and my friends live to stand another day, These are the days where the rain is now blood and it never rains, It always pour deaths on the street to survive in the streets is grisly a feat, But after all it’s just that.

Another day in the thread of history.
Hello guys, I’m Rory Smith and I will release poems weekly every Saturday.
TO night step into the chamber of love
with whip cream , strewberries and you
taking my time laying on sensully strong and long having you singing your own song

taken each one of your toe's licking upward as i **** just enough to help release your ****** soul groove twine with me
it's about you not me
THIS moment is just your night I'LL SET THE MOOD AND brake all the rules as the disc spin our favorite tunes, ISLEY BROTHER, LET ME groove with  U

YOUR PEACHES AND CREAM FILLED DESIREABLE CANDY BLOW serves my tougue with a taste i cant stop just want to give you just a little more licking you up and down stopping at your
play ground were your most wettest suger  the man in his boat bring your body to a ****** over load
but never the less this is just one of many test and you've passed with screaming ***......

let me love u
you tell me...
KittenKat1 Oct 2018
I spent the day with a freind,
We went shopping for the latest trends.
We got ready for the night,
We were amazed by the sight.
Our first homecoming,
My heart rate was growing.
I danced in a weird way,
But everyone had nice things to say.
I got a faint suger high,
And I kept on craving pie.
I just wish my boyfriend was there,
My freinds didn’t have dates, so I guess it’s only fair.
My first dance of the year,
This memory I shall hold dear.
JA Perkins Mar 2020
Drowning in the white
waters of his own rage,
He stared a vacant
stare that could never
give light - only drink it
like a barren desert
growing desperate
for a few drops of rain.

That kind of stare can
only look inward
toward the stinging
and distorted
memories -
never peering out into
the suger-coated  
sub-reality (the
monotonous practice
of model living) -
his vision obscured by
the traumatic scenes
of a nightmarish movie
playing in repetition -
bearing down on his
consciousness and
becoming all the more
vivid and consequential.

The contrast of her
soft-spokenness seems
to mock him - and so
he rages..
Seven years

— The End —