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tom krutilla Feb 2014
entrenched in this mind set, these daily duties
I saw my own self walking past me, curious
I wanted to catch up to him, ask him were he's going

He look strange to me, somebody with the joy of living
slapping all the ilks of life away, plodding his own path
but surely he must follow the daily routine, I ask myself

then, like every night when I reflect on the days events
when fear and uncertainty may surround me
I know I can enter that stargate, if I'm willing
Jordan Aug 2013
'I think that your divine, you're my kind, you're my kind, go on shine your light.'
Paul Butters Sep 2023
Some say we all live in a “Multiverse” –
A myriad of universes
All parallel to one another
Invisible to us
Apart from our own universe
Wondrous as it is.

So in some other universe there is
Another version of yourself,
Where you turned right at some junction
Instead of left
And had a serious accident
Instead of winning the lottery.
Or nothing much happened
Or Everything.

Even my own fertile imagination
Is floored
By the endless possibilities here.
My mind is truly boggled
Fit to explode.

For every tiny insect in our universe
Might fly right
Or left
Or not at all
To thus create another universe.

I could write an epic poem on this.
To think that somewhere out there
I may be Immortal, or a King, or Rock Star
Or even about to be Executed
If not already dead.
And you might be these things too.

Versions of ourselves might live in universes
That echo those of fiction
In worlds such as Narnia, Middle Earth
And that of Star Trek, Star Wars
And Stargate SG One
To name but a few.

Oh to have a TV Remote
Like the fictional “Sliders”
To take us from this realm
To any other of our choice.
Or a “Uniscape”:
A machine like a Tardis
Which can take us to any place
Or time
Or universe
Or Other Multiverse???

My head is aching now.
My mind explodes
Like The Universe
And The Multiverse
Or Multiverse of Multiverses.
So I’d better stop
Before this becomes an epic
And my head explodes.

But, meanwhile, in another universe
I didn’t stop!!!

Paul Butters

© PB 18\9\2023.
This is what I'm all about!!!
Raj Arumugam Oct 2010
since the first pop use of the phrase
window of opportunity
(was it Bush or Stargate SG-1?)
politicians big and small
corrupt and incorruptible
fallible and infallible
have all bombarded
the media – on radio, in their blogs
and personal sites
newspapers and journals and broadcasts
and through any speech
they get a chance to make
with that ready phrase:
window of opportunity

Oh, turn on the radio
as you drive maybe
and some glum Finance Minister whispers:
* …grab the window of opportunity…
read the papers and some plump Minister of Health says:
…we must grab this window of opportunity…

Oh, whole speeches in the English Language now
are bullet-ridden with that cliche
and of course the financial planners
and educators
and doctors and even unimaginative lovers
they have all jumped in
into this *window of opportunity

till I’m so irritated and angry now
that if I hear one more eminent personality say:
window of opportunity
Oh, the next time – just one more time –
if I hear anyone use that phrase
window of opportunity
I’m going to send in contract window cleaners
and they’ll grab the window-of-opportunity-user by the collar
and throw them out through the window
and clean the window after –
and I’ll assure you,
those contract window cleaners
will not miss that window of opportunity!
Stepping onto the spray of pebbles
making our way onto the grounds
I considered to myself
And to myself alone
This will be a pleasant evening
with all parties involved behaving
as they should
Or something else entirely.
Something low.
Bellies down.

We gathered before
a small card table and
made our way unsteadily
Weaving up the incline
like skiers intertwining
down the molehills
to the properties.
Up is down.
Not good.

You moved to the right
Sprinkling pleasantries in one direction
and into one direction only.
Close and physical.
Like a sprite always looking up in quiet confidences
But a bit too early.
I wondered
Did the companion notice?
Can this companion see the play?

When too many seconds pass
And it’s time to head to the right
Where I am strolling
Disturbingly care free
Unattached and
No sign of attaching
You shakily try a few words
Yet offer no enticements
for that **** costs
It’s expensive
So you hoard and bestow sparingly
To well considered targets

Knowing this
And that there will be no payout
My body has told you that much
You return back to the companion
again and again
Softly stepping And considering
with your magical archetype-wielding
Hustle and shake down.
A threadbare con under the moon
And blackened sky.
I am left alone.

I had looked into your eyes at some point
and wondered
What are you? Peering deeply.
Are you a daemon?
I felt badly. To wonder
And certainly not for the first time
That this extended moment
sitting side by side
On stools
In the Mexican night
Was with some kind of creature
Not human
Not kind
A predator
You said so yourself
With pretty eyes
And two harmless old canines.

We sat and waited for the companion
Who showed up with a bottle of wine
And we sauntered back to your rental
The senile dogs entered and retreated immediately
into the darkness
to face the walls
immobile yet somehow agitated
A bad sign.
Spirits are here.
The dogs are aware.
You have said that they could be
Easily corrupted by being pure souls.
By a force that’s
bent upon the destruction of
All Souls
Not just dogs.
However if you asked me
The devil gets his due.

God that’s funny.

You withdrew to get them sorted
In the darkened rooms
Especially that dusky mauve poodle
A miniature with a frazzled dying coat
And questionable eyes
Blindness or Defeated?

You and the companion dug into your chicken
Ravenous and American style.
I, horrified, ate a bland soup of corn

Out came notes and pens and post-its
And the data was exchanged across
the central kitchen prep-table
with the white quartz top.
You paused and turned to your right
Facing me and my spoon
And speaking under your breath to your shoulder
Confirming with your angels
and channeling guides
That the real estate numbers looked good,
In what wasn’t any language
that I’m familiar with,
But they validated your inquiry
As they should
And perhaps you scribbled a notation
Or a mathematical calculation
Perhaps not

The companion saw none of this
Apparently hearing no little squawks or soft babble
Too busy grinding into her meal
and her resentment.
This is not going well at all.
My soup is bad
My company is bad
I must change this immediately.

The companion has a word for me
You are too nice
You have made yourself too available
You will get hurt by bad people in this town
You with that sweet smile
Warm hands
huggable shoulders
kissable face
and laughing eyes and all those euros in your
Change purse!
They will mean you harm.
I know about these things.

I chose not mention the man that drew my portrait that day
Although it did look like a rock
And yes the one that arrived at our lunch unannounced and uninvited
That did not go over well either.

But you
You have your daemon
You are safe
And protected
And loved
Touching fingers
And make offerings at her altar
by way of undeveloped but
real estate
Giving the devil her due.
Lucy Tonic Nov 2011
Major Tom
Where's your tea-set?
It's us and them now
Forget Ziggy
You're the Starman

Becoming more like a machine
Each and every day
Dusting my hard-drive
Pulling wires from the
Seeking control
Who am I?

We know you got this
Death-drive type thing
Pure desire
Driving you up walls
But don't worry
Your bedroom's elegant
Just lacking in a certain shade of green

Got my death tools
Got evolution's bent
LSD morals
Cardboard Soup
But any malfunction
Means I plummet

Starling child
Superman's coming with
Great Insights
Red Suit, Yellow Suit
We know it's you
Rest now
Your homecoming awaits

Penetrating gravity
Swallow me slowly
Black hole
The rules of brain
Have changed
I repeat
The rules of brain
Have changed
(Throw up,
Man in yellow suit
Miscarried today
He floated away
Tried to save him
But the jaws of life let go

Let's talk drill bitter
Hold that thought
(Pod B- Eyes Open)
Hey we're back
Let's play chess
Testing Testing
What a brilliant

I keep having
The same dream
I see this floating
Taunting me like Moses' tablet
But it always dissolves
Out of my reach
The door keeps closing
But floats back to me

Hold your fact sheets close
This decimation is critical
The millions will praise you
Don't eclipse your mission
Enjoy the scenery
Remember your duties

If God has a face
Will I soon see it?
Can he not hear us without
These markers?
Did he abandon Gaia
The minute she fell?
Ancient astronauts
Invade my nightmares
I feel like I've been here before

We assure you
There're no witch doctors
In outer space
There's a time for revelation
And a time for concealment
Please learn the difference
You're almost home

More imaginary friends
But their intentions
Are unknown
The bow-man
With his shaky spears
Tells me I have
Nothing to fear
But I wonder why he
Looks so sad
The motherboard is dead
Polite robots politely abandon you,
Just like people do
And I'm still carrying
The motherload
"My mind is going- I can feel it"

This is a prerecorded message
By now you're in
Jupiter's time warp
Deep inside the
You're making history here
Keep your eye on the prize
You'll do fine"

Neon light seizure
It's too much
It's too much
I see the Universal shape
Of a pupil
The iris is white
Consumed by light
It's too much
I see another door
In the bedroom of the Sun King
I've arrived at Stargate
Made a room in my mind

A blank, black slate
A nothing state
The secret's out
We yearned and pined
For nothing
The blind-fold's off
The secrets out
We ached and pained
For nothing

*And when the glass breaks and
Wine stains my bedside
I quench my endless thirst
With the vine inside
The Birth Of Gaia

"The changes themselves are already under way for quite some time. They are energetic changes, not so much on a physical 3D level. The Hunab Ku wave signal, on its way to Earth aka Gaia, will open a Stargate. The wavefront will get here by the end of 2012.

In physical terms Hunab Ku (Hunab Ku aka Perseus aka Ouroboros, the Milky Way Serpent who swallows its own tail) is a quasar radio source, also known as Sagittarius A, 'weighting' about 4 million suns and so 40 million kilometers (or 2 light minutes) across and about 25,627 lightyears distant from the core of the Earth.

The changes will result via energy Matrix changing not the planet itself. Gaia's ascension is interdimensional, not physical.

Changing the rotation and inertia of Earth (geographic pole shifts,..etc) could easily destroy the planet. The higher dimensional envelope is changing (subtly seen in environmental changes).

Energy shift is slowly displacing the old Matrix - this is the ascension. By 2013 it will complete the reconfiguration. Old humanity will be "forced" to either adapt or go crazy. The less "dense" reconfiguration will enable the ET (extra terrestrial ) contact by then. Until that time, ET will only be seen as plasma (white light, orbs..shadows of 4D).

There will be a pole shift....but at the center of the Earth. Its a dimensional 'Opening' or Rupture of spacetime itself as a 'SelfIntersection', of geometry. The wave signal will than bounce back and begin transmitting all the gathered data from Noospehre aka Akashic Records aka... to the entire universe."

Edward Laine Oct 2011
The Boogaloo plays on the rin-tin, tin-can speakers at my Mexican hang out.  
Spinsters smile in sun-glow, while I cower in the shadow,
being not buzzed but bothered by some sort of flying ant;
floating around the purple flowers on the sill in which I sit.
I am waiting for the autumn.
The sun has got his mace out. The sun has got his Cat-O-Nine-Tails out,
and he is whipping me without a whisper of mercy.
I will feel fine when the night falls,
when sun becomes moon, when sun kills moon,
when the old man dying in his ship with the great fish strapped to the bow dreams about the lions once more and how it is a good thing that man does not have to fight the moon each night.
Today is the day they said that the world would end.
I am waiting, waiting patient, still, like some great stone Buddha,
for the rapture, or the four horsemen or the stargate,
the end all of the be all.
People around me seem calm.
I am calm too.                                                             ­                                                                 ­  

The lizard people are coming!!

later we drank and smoked and drank some more; running in the rain and falling off of buildings like nothing had ever happened.
”Just one more step”

{thoughts on tomorrows Rapture to be added in the next few days... probably}
I thought I'll not go on after sixty one,
but now I'm here and the fear is I will,
age is the bitter pill we swallow when life
has left us lined and feeling hollow,
used up like a matchstick that's been burnt.

Sixty two will have to do or maybe three, I'll wait and see.

If you believe we never leave
and just move to another plane
I for one don't blame you
I'd rather move the
Mia Oct 2012
I read a poem today
about life and love
it brought a rush of warmth
it showed me a light
in a dim dark tunnel
that maybe its not predetermined
you don't have to do
what the others have done.

I heard a song today
the lyrics got me thinking
it's not easy and not hard either
there isn't a half way point
you either go to the ends of the earth
or die trying.

I thought about you and I
call it us..
it seems surreal even when not ideal
two separate worlds
joined together by a pull;
call it a stargate
where you go I go
always only together.
tom krutilla Sep 2014
just outside the city lines, bout half mile down
stands the old stucture, guiding folks to town
legend says its an arch, pass under it to be free
my thoughts are still pending, not sure to believe
the sun sets early now, as we say good bye to summer
Its shadow seems longer now, least I remember
the people welcome in the fall, the season of colors
the crispness of the air, cleanse the summer druthers
It seems to stand guard, firmly gripping the ground
the people amass and gather round
could it be an ancient stargate, from a forgotten time
built to keep the human race in a lockstep line
now if you look closely, where it bends and streches
the fading words still spells its message
welcome all you strangers and old friends alike
relax, take care, hope you stay awhile
a m a n d a May 2020
i was sitting here
searching for how to
do something mundane.
syncing accounts.
trying to find passwords.
downloading data.

i sprinkled eucalyptus around
earlier to try
to make myself feel better.

i lit a candle and everything and
even pretend made my bed.
cranked the air conditioning.
so i could cool off.
and calm down.
and r e s t.

i took 2 dove milk chocolates
and ice cold water to my room.
i just wanted to watch
Stargate Atlantis
and go to sleep.

lazily mining for data
half paying attention
and suddenly an
  intergalactic time portal
opened up before my eyes.
and boom.
(i'm here again)
in this place
of so much
l o v e
my heart pounding
as if no time has gone by.
as if you had just come around
the corner and i see your face
again for the
first time.

literally tachycardia
a loss of all logic
a stupid, stupid grin
my body shaking
in anticipation
of hearing your voice.

by accident.
gigabyte after gigabyte after gigabyte
                and year, after year, after y e a r
and no matter which
one i choose,

i find pieces of you.
    funny little pieces.
        big, honest pieces.
secret pieces.
my pieces.

tears are streaming
d o w n my face
but i don't care
because it is the only
time i can remember
what it was like.

to be a different person.
in a different time.
to overlap with you.

every click
and swipe

the reaching and
the r e t r e a t i n g.
     the coming together and
the sudden
     a ll
in g
a p

all neatly in chronological
order like i'm
reading my own story.
but seeing it from
the outside.
the entire picture.
and i can see
where i was wrong
   i n t e n s e
and stupider
and flailing.

but i have always seen you.
     always from the
           very first moment.
you were like an assault
  but in a cosmic sense.
and at the same time
a peaceful, serene, beautiful,
rare combination of atoms and ****.

and i don't think something like that
   could ever happen again.
i can't even imagine it,
   and imagining is the
only thing i'm good at.

curse the interwebs,
saving all this ****
i didn't even realize.
and thought was lost.

but also thank you,
google overlord.

i think it's ok to cry
  about loving someone,
and missing someone
so so so so much.

because nothing matters more
  than being honest
about your love.

and then i looked out
my window in despair
and i saw
a crescent moon.
Brycical Oct 2014
Truth is fluid, like molten lava,
it can be forged into many things.
Like truth,
I cannot be contained
in a single definition
of ***, diet, address, culture, occupation, income, hobby, brands, religion, genetics, being,  path, journey, source...

Everyday is potential chaos
waiting for us to caress
the stargate flower folds of time
until it's dripping, throbbing,
electrified enough
for us to twist our fingers inside
as it moans in deja vu serendipity.

Everyday I am a new person
born from subconscious dreams.
There is potential for me to undo everything
in my life by a simple choice of deciding
to eat a sourkraut and mayonnaise sandwich
with salmon roe despite the fact I dislike all of those things.
Or I could put my head in an oven.
I could get hit by a bus.
I could save someone from choking.
Maybe the best **** of my life awaits tomorrow!
Everyday has potential,
though some days I waste it.
Sometimes I wallow in dark steaming ***** pits
of self despair berating myself for something dumb
like not being happy enough.
Then other days it feels like
I could ****** a dragon into my bed.

Either way, I am allowing these moments to flow freely
as I swim unabashed in their currents.

I cannot be contained
because I am a living being,
every part of me is moving
atoms that make up my skin cells
to the blood cells
to my breath
to my blinking eyes
to my mind
to time
to this large blue planet hurling through space!

By the time you try and define me
I've already disappeared
into the deep flow of time and space.
So catch up if you dare.
Anyone have any ideas for a title?
jacob hulecki Aug 2018
love is all around
sweet and sound
within and without
resolve all the doubts
Air breathes on down
as it touches our crown
kings and queens of the earth
divine right in your birth
manifests all around
breathe and ground
you are the one in all
don't fear and fall
come and take your place
and feel God's grace
cause all is possible
you're bright and full
your focus brings it here
your faith takes it there
and now we're here
all that holds dear
direct source incarnation
The Sphinx in its location
The beauty and perfect form
to be you what is the norm?
Alchemical fire calcination
Spiritual flight education
The Pheonix is rising
top of the pyre blazing
infinitely rising upwards
talks of sheep and shepherds
Illusions are called real
try to get your appeal
be careful what to trust
testing it is a must
dancing flames of fire
on top of the pyre
a feather blowing away
on a blissfully sunny day
with the ease of ebb and flow
we all reap what we sow
souls merged together as one
in the now let us have some fun
letting go of the worries of past
being here finally at last
ascending ever higher above
with hearts filled with divine love
sailing on the quantum wave
experiencing the new on the path that's paved
riding in the left lane full of spirit
feeling ungrounded yet with good merit
riding the right lane grounded to earth
clinging to the material to find worth
the middle path where to extremes meet
this is where you'll find my souls seat
circling the square
translucent and clear
goldeneye drop energy wave
remembers its vibrancy to save
comes from the center of all
brightens away like a great ball
infinite interwoven reality frames
looking at things differently never to be the same
the microcosm meets the macrocosm
Jacob's ladder leaves a great chasm
infinitely going up and down
vibrationally connected no need to frown
a beautiful infinite universal melody song
many octaves of realities never get you wrong
spirals of energy swirling around
unlimited manifestations are profound
waiting for a savior without
finding the savior within no doubt
following the path ready to serve
guiding others on the spacetime curve
bringing them back to the one
speaking truth that is not spun
sacred geometry and fractal waves
philosophers climbing out of the cave
breaking free from controls
flee the thought police patrols
breaking through the chains
shifting to new with birthing pains
dreaming a dream in waking state
not paying any attention to the date
interconnected dreams simultaneously
drinking from a nice herbal tea
experiencing no beginning or end
watching space fold and bend
cosmic encounters of another kind
treading lightly among the spiritually blind
symbols speak a thousand words
truth is mightier than a sword
cutting through the illusions deep
having great faith to take a leap
into the arms of the creator
not knowing for sure you'll know later
going within and ask to know
your higher self-goes with the flow
All the answers of life are inside
be careful not to have excessive pride
on this path learn to be humble
or else things around you crumble
moderation in all things
enjoy what it brings
narrow middle math of balance
like a inter-dimensional dance
the oneness of all omnipresence
God is everywhere universal essence
infinitely complex conscious creations
Existence of infinite dimensions
secretion of the pineal gland
Stargate portal inside so grand
Light pouring out of the gate
a wave that flows called fate
giving and receiving energy freely
feeling God's love so deeply
Awaken, Remember, Receive thought forms
manifestations of thoughts they break norms
intention, think it, act it, be it, so it
the world around you matches it
treat others the way you want to be treated
if all did this equal respect can be seeded
the guardians of white light
prismatic rainbow beings of might
Keeper of the Golden Ray
do not be lead astray
By being center you help all
let us evolve and not fall
by accepting a new reality
we accept that its not fantasy
a m a n d a Dec 2018
the wraith from
stargate a t l a n t i s
scare me
James Floss Feb 2018
Right now, there is
a new Star Trek playing
Right now, there is
a new Stargate streaming
Heck, there’s several new
Star Wars movies in the planning

Now comes an older
but a new-old X-Files
I’m in heaven with
season eleven
Indulging in my Sci-Fi
Meme in ex-treme
All of them
just stood around
hands in their pockets
and looking down at the ground
as if the ground was a stargate!

too late for that crew
they blew it
drugs and drink
doesn't that give you reason
to think
that being sober and productive
is better than being ****** with
by something that's not even there.
The truth is somewhere
Twelve disciples disciplined for thirteen rifles/
Do the math who's the thirteenth one see me stun/
Criticism mysticism embrace by the occultism/
Learned who I am slams those with damns/

Curse words once vocals heard make birds/
Fly south closed mouths don't get fed shed/
Peace inside of war spread it's blooshed/
Wed to flows past the cosmos glows souls /
Energized by the dogons Stargate childs
Stars smile against mankind's wild style /
Moon essence tilt my bed like a crescent /
Thinking ways with no blinking stare linking
Portals into past millennials walkin ghetto/
Cathedrals this is for my people same sequels /
Pastors pimping the pews drunk off the *****
Spiritually confused bruised why he in a benz crews/
Mercedes been used past through my new eyes views/
I saw a burning bush not through the kush
Lustin' wisdoms over kingdom and how come/
Folks say they love you but quick to bury you /
At the same time plotting ya will with blue bills/
Carousal thoughts cluster how can I muster /
The seeds prides greed like Apollo Creed's /
Feeds a hungry soul what I'm waiting for
It's an intergalactic face lifts off a virus its an all out war/

**** those folks giving out false lessons /
Of blessing mad stressing see us pyrexin' /
Cuz ya reaches to short t-rexin still flexin' /
Beats flawless mental prowess left ya jawless
Can ya manifest what I make out of a mess /
It's easy baby believe me I feel for the greedy /
Needy souls waiting for the ultimate halos /
God scrolls ain't written by the universe /
More like man's curse stories told in reverse /
**** the rebirth I make ya head hurt extort
Abort smash forts go up in the
courts /
I stencil paperwork with my Chicago writers /
Haters become inviters death row biters
Glide ya like Drexler cold body collector /
Wicked as Lecter Hannibal true animals /
Instincts walking a path of
a panther /
Black and white flashlights coped medias on site/
We taking over **** ya rights we copyright /
Illegitimate wills in these corporate fields /
Turn capitol hill into a ****** reel until
They fill out they death certificates
bit /
Harsh times long ago out the spiral I'm pyro /
Move like sandstorms transform into a beauty of harm/

— The End —