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I've never felt so out of place
Didn't think I'd only be another face
To be placed under societys mandate
Of what perfection is supposed to be
To be, to be how your supposed to be seen
As being perfect an benevolent
Place the emphasis on eloquence
But the evidence goes forth to suggest
That we're supposed to be invincible,
Like bullet proof vests
But even those vests tire of bowing to the standard
Of Americas "best"
But being the best is irrelevant
Forget what society says and follow your dreams
I know that your bursting at the seams
With dreams of movie stars and shining seas
And all of that could be yours if you try
If you muscle through the wear, tear, and salty eyes
And standing there with arms open wide
To welcome you, though they're not supposed to
These were the ones who made their own path
And forged their own destiny
so before you give up, give it another try
Before you say,
"The world has got the best of me"
Maddii Lloyd Aug 2016
isn't it ******?
that Society has a specific image
for women?
the way they look

if we arent blonde hair
blue eyes with a small waist
***** and a ***
we arent socially acceptable.
if we have a little weight
to many piercings and tattoos
regrowth and scars
we are shun upon.

most girls these days have the small
figure and wear barley any
their hip bones their collar bones
showing without any struggle
and they think they
look beautiful
they think they will fit in
because thats what society wants

there are girls starving themselves
wearing makeup
to hide the imperfections
society deemed ugly
wearing long sleeves in
summer hiding the scars they
have inflicted on themselves
because they know,
they know they will never be
what society wanted
and it kills them every time they look
down at their wrists or
knowing they will never be accepted into

i just want to go back to
where size 12 was deemed
as beautiful
and scars were a sign
of battling ones self and recovery
where it didn't matter
if you had acne and wore makeup
everyone was beautiful in their own way
i just want to go back in time
where happiness was a feeling
that happened naturally
and wasn't plastered on

society is ******.
DaRk IcE Dec 2015
Shallow stones skipping across the water careful not to penitrate the surface...maintaining a suave demeanor

All to careful demonstrating a perfect front for the crowd, always pleasing...

Class clown turns bullying into a comedy skit humiliating the girl in the corner who is homeless...If he only walked a mile in her shoes

Thoughtless and unbound acts of the most popular, always shunning the one's whose crowd is smaller

Its not easy being the underdog, the less fortunate...outcasted by societys cruel intentions bound from a silver platter
The bullying needs to stop. Its such a mean and disgusting thing. It takes lives every day.
And you wonder why they call u *****? ?
Cuz ****** n hoes quick to switch
Like this one muthafucka
Tried to set me up with the feds
Now he dead clothes soaked in red
God bless the dead
I aint lyin'
Keep my thai **** fryin'
My spirits cryin'
Out loud tryna tell me to avoid
The pain but i cant in then rain?
Uh unless i wanna get wet up
So all my real homies throw ya set up
Guns up
In gats we trust bust
At the pulpits from hell
We dont care we ride or die
And if we fail
Ill little semens will grow
and vanish the demons thats schemin'
Be on the look out
Watch ya mouth
Cuz fools quick to rush in
Pistol smokin' i seen one of my homies eyes open
Stiff as a log mind began to jog
Tryna escape the smog
But they really wanna see dead or in the penitentiary
But i see ten years ahead of the game
No shame quick to light the flame
Burn muthafuckas if they try
Still running in the fields
Pressure buildin' up
Cuz my society corrupt
Ya might be here today
And gone tomorrow
And the family only feels the sorrow
A tinted window in the stretch limo
Sayin' eulogy
For all the thugs before me
But im still battlin' the sable
Makin' gilt that my peeps fall for
And end up in the killing fields uh
**** life til i die!!!!

Foools wearin' bulletproof vest
To protect they chest
When muthafuckas been takin' head shots
With the infered dots
And Yea... i call 'em the cops
Somebody gotta drop
**** the law we raw and rugged
With our ****
Hardest to spit soon to hit
Every ghetto city in the country
They'll mourn me
And remember the the game
I gave to ya
cuz if you got a mind
They'll try to abuse ya
Told ya the time is now
Muthafuckas quick to take a bow
Givin' honor to temporary fame
Learn the game
Bring ya own rules fools
Still search for 40 acres and a mule
But they aint gone never give it to you
But dont give up
Just bomb rush these muthafuckas
Until they act up
Bawlin' for state of an emergency
Call up the national guard
Cant **** a million nigguhs with
Then when they step in
Let them ******* have it
With the automatic
We causin static
To every news radio station
Shook up the whole nation
Got everybody screamin **** life
Revengin' for Malcolm X
This is for all the real leaders
That got killed
And ended up yoooo
In the killing fields

Im deeep in yo brains
Like illusion from *******
Mixed with hennessey
Gotta nigguh think
He strong mayne? ??
Aint no rest for the wickd
Since societys sadistic
I gotta keep my nine
On the side of my hip
No bloods or crips
Just real killers ready to bust at yo ****
Guard it well
Cuz if we fail
My troops goin to jail
The next day they out on bail
Though im dead
Ill be comin' back
Penetratin' enemies
With the bullets of my mac
No slackin' bodies Stackin
**** life is way of the game
No shame
To bring the pain
Uh we exterminatin' nation
Leavin' no remainsssss
now ya stuck in the fields!! $$
Vladimir s Krebs Dec 2015
society is scared of peopls big ideas.  they all have small wispers saying they cant change the ideas of the ones put in place !
this world should be afraid of me cause i have ideas that could free the ones who had nothing wrong they did.
this world should be afraid of me cause my ideas are strong and officiant and will throw the leader out of his game.

im not crazy or insane. but i will lead one idea till the coruptness ends and no more lives get taken away.

if you want me to go insane on you try me cause i wont let people suffer cause peope ith ideas have ideas that can change the torture and blood shed.

ill go complet ****** on all  of your ***'s till you take the ideas of chang for a better way of life
Vladimir s Krebs Nov 2015
i'm completely insane im not afraid to do any things you give me to try!i cant function with out my music playing but ill do anything that is crazy.i take thrill seeking rids that last till im called up on the phone saying your insane. that means noting to me cause i already know that! is there any thing this world that can be done cause whats the point if you dont have the exitment in your life to try new things. im insane cause i dont think stupid i think smart before its tested. my parents think im insane cause im not afraid of what the consequesnes that come with the dangerious ideas. im insane cause i think big not small . this world has never showed what my insane mind can build. im insane cause i show no fear cause im willing to make sure the road is safe for my own friends and insane cause im not afraid to prove the skeptics wrong. im insane cause i want to improve this world better with new ideas. im insane cause im not afraid to speak my mind wen my heart starts to cry.
im insane cause i can read a chapter book and build the storie around society.
im insane cause i have so many things to try. im insane cause i have a big heart and im always caring even when things get dark. im insan cause theres no fear when it comes to the new suroundings that blind the beauty in  life as we go. im insane cause ill never let go of what the truth has told me . im insane cause im inovative and mechanicaly inclined. im insane when riots break out i stear the grouyp the right way. away from the danger. im insane cause i only follow what my heart and mind say to. im insane cause my family tells every one im not afraid of what dangers wait for me. im insane cause i'm willing to get answeeres for the hopless who needs to be insane cause ill risk my life to help you in the most worst conditions. im  insane cause im not afraid to help you fight when your insane cause i want more answeres to help societys troubls. my family thinks im insane cause im always crating someting crazy to solve a problem even if its really stupid. my mind is insane cause im not afraid to take things to a new level. every one i know thinks im insane cause i want people to fell free and not traped that slaves them to. people call me insane cause im always working on new things to improve my theriories that might be insane but what if they became the next thin g to work for societys lies. im crazy insane cause theres nothing im willing to try so follow me in my foot stepf and be com what you truly want to speak your mind. speak your mind with me and society will be come opened with ideas to try for future hope . so follow me and we will open a world with ideas that will never be silenced by fear

thank you letting me speak my mind

follow if you dare for change
my heart and mind split it all out
Vladimir s Krebs Jan 2016
no trust just lies that burn holes in my mind why should i say i actually want to be apart of society. i don't want to be held down the weight of what they say will make me want to strangle all of those who ****** me off. i don't agree to follow social media. theirs nothing healthy of society just you will end up screaming your lungs out like being trap'ed in a box or room wheres theirs no place to get out or any air to breath.
what do you breath is society's lies that will make you want to **** every one of them.

i rebel i don't agree with society i don't want to be forced to live in the land of **** face people who i don't give to ****'es about.

society is nothing but madness and sadness i ******* hate. suffer in silence they say! but isn't that what we all do every day in this world. no forgiveness just broken traders who have no point to try. **** filled rooms you end up having to learn in.

people in your way only leave you angry cause they can't even ******* walk.

i don't agree what society is suppose to give. but what it makes you have is a bad taste in your mouth you have to put up with this **** .

yes no OK yeah promise yeah right society is nothing but air you choke on when i stair right down at you. all your ****** mistakes make you a better person hell no you only suffocat on the ******* that you wait for to make time go faster.

i am venting apon what i have to do all day **** this this theirs only words i can't even wait to say

i'm done listening to the problems that are the same as every one elses.

say something new that's worth listening to
im vented im just tired of every ones ******* say something new i haven't hurd yet
On a filthy street corner
in a town on the outskirts
of the City
we congregated
I was the only white
& was dressed in my usual
tattered finery,
ripped jeans &
a silk shirt
halfway undone
I imagined myself
a sea rover of the Spainish Main
silver 38.
tucked in my
back waistband
I glanced at my 3
comrads, gangsters
of the lower class
sagging jeans
dreadlocks reeking of ****
I imagined myself
a rover
but in truth
we were nothing
but societys corrosion
words were exchanged
by my comrad
& another rover
from down the way
until shots
rang out &
shattered the evenings trance
snapping into action
fire was returned
we held ground
until music
from the keepers
of law
sang down the street
we scattered
I sailed to
the train tracks
but was pursued
I turned & raised
my silver 38.
but the lawman's bullets
took me down hard
the last thing I remember
was the sky
beautiful and orange
with the coming of dusk
the most beautiful evening
I had ever seen
Lost in her eyes Wondering why the charming type seem to act shy but love deep, we go to sleep to dream about the beautiful bein occupying our daily leeps as progression proceeds to keep the soul on its feet, underneath societys heat of constant mistreatment and misory will your souls paire to defeat any hole misseemed in lifes wrinkled sheets, we iron on straight, no crease to misplease any fabricated link. Instead of Why is my kind extinct, why is it that hip hop lines arive but dont speak, while poetry will poor out my seeds, i cry at night sometimes to fight her from talkin inside my mind "Hip Hop",, thinkin is it my time to die yet,, sudden falls in raw death,, last drip regret, wondering why it has felt so good laying on her chest. Praying that i never have stress again.. but its never the end, , forever is my purpose and the purpose provided friends,, but honestly where do i begin.
One of my personal favorites
Nikita May 2015
Green dances like waves around her wide pupils, eyes lashes like curved feathers graze the top of her eyelid.

Flaming orange spirals from her beautiful mind down to the end of her back.

A canvas
Her face resembled as the flecks of freckles formed a gorgeous piece art.

Her body was as though it was sculptured carefully to put on display in greek goddess section of the museum

Sadly it wasn't
Instead her body was forcefully abused and harmed as it wasn't societys shallow idea of beauty

She wasn't tan
She wasn't blonde or brunette
Just a pale ginger.

She considered herself to be hideous

She became weak

It wasn't her fault
She needed the money
She lacked self esteem
And so selling her body gave her the worth and attention she never had.


Her life was gone
The green waves in her eyes stop dancing
The lashes were now harsh lumps of dried mascara
Her beautiful hair was bleached blonde, frayed and cut.

And her body was now just another puppet to an old mans torture.
E B Aug 2015
The friends you party with are not really your friends. They’re just there for the ***** and the *** and the drugs and couldn’t care less about the problems you’re dealing with. Find the friends who will stay up all night listening to them no matter how pointless they are.

2. Stop conforming to societys forms of normality. Carry yourself with pride and never let anyones ***** looks get you down. You are beautiful with the way you dress, the way you walk, and the way you talk.

3. If you want to travel and you have no money, make enough to buy a plane ticket and travel. Don’t waste your money on eating out with friends, don’t waste your money on those boots from Macy’s. Save it for the trip.

4. The boy who tells you he loves you but doesn’t make you feel good enough is not someone you should spend any more time with. Just because you don’t have a good enough reason to end the relationship doesn’t mean you shouldn’t. You will never question real love when it comes around.

5. If a lie is being said about you, don’t waste your energy fighting it. Your true friends will know what is true and they will be there at the end of it all.

6. Drive. Drive to far places just to see the sights that you don’t see on your everyday drive to work. It’ll make you not hate where you live so much.

7. Go to dinner at your Moms house even though she lives 20 minutes away. She’ll always offer you food to take home and you’ll get to see your favorite animals. She will eventually become your voice of reason and the best, best friend you’ve ever had.

8. When your Dad argues with you try to not take it as personally as you used to when you were a kid. He’s just very stubborn and so are you. Things will look up, don’t lose faith just yet.

9. Always make time to go see your grandparents. They will always be the most understanding, forgiving people in your life. They will ALWAYS have your back.

10. Stop spending so much time on the computer. Books are good, books will always relax you. Read three books at once, buy cook books, books about life, and books about the universe. There is no such thing as useless facts.

11. When your closest friend is depressed, make blanket forts with them, watch happy movies with them and laugh about things that don’t make sense. Be there for them but not out of pity, out of love. One day it may save their life.

12. Be nice, no matter how much you may dislike someone, **** them with kindness because at the end of the day it may help you have a better understanding of who they are. Who knows, you may walk out with a new friend.

13. Don’t believe things when people tell you them. No matter how convincing they may be, don’t trust a word someone says that you haven’t known for more than five years. Chances are they are only telling you what you want to hear.

14. QUALITY over quantity. With everything, always.

15. Don’t feel bad about taking time for yourself. Sometimes it’s too hard to muster up someone else’s problems along with yours. Spread your wings, let go, be free and find yourself.

16. Watch the sunrise once a month because it’s different every time and you will forget your thoughts for a short period of time.

17. When your best friend of five years cries in front of you, be her shoulder, be her back bone. She has fought too many years that her back may be breaking but you are her reinforcement, never let her go.

18. Go hiking and see all the beautiful places you have only seen in photographs. Take time to breathe in the air, take mental pictures of the way the clouds look, remember what shoes you were wearing and how ***** they got. Climb to the highest peak and scream at the top of your lungs.

19. There are better places than home. But home isn’t really where you’ve come from or where you’re going, it’s where you find yourself comfortable. Where you are 100% capable of being yourself. Whether it be with your best friend, at your mothers home, at work, in nature, or by yourself. Find your home - it will always make you feel better.

20. No expectations, no disappointments. The saying goes - do as you would what others to do onto you. But, we all know this isn’t an actual concept, because my friends, chivalry is dead! BUT let me say, when you live life without expectations, you will be very surprised at what will be presented your way.

21. Let yourself loose, don’t be afraid to live. Making adult decisions may be the hardest thing you have to do. You will worry about what your family thinks, what your friends will think, and maybe what your old college professor may think. Your life is your life, DO NOT be afraid to do as you please. And if you fail at something, so what? Get up and try again. Be smart, be vivid, be wise, always be open to learn new things.
what ever happened to originality? the way were living is pure brutality.
trying to find ourselves in a world thats so broken, where no one really listens to the words being spoken.
were all clones of societys creation, waiting on the world to change, but no ones vouching for retaliation.
we'd rather be silenced by a higher power, do you not remember this is our world, you cowards.
we must take our stand before the end comes, are you not frighened by the idea of what we may become?
this is a battle we cannot afford to lose, will you rise when it is our time?
Ryan Suder Dec 2010
All the people look around and wonder
How did we break this eternal slumber
Societys blindfold draped over our eyes
Don't you know they are nothing but lies
Stop blinking, stop wincing, and open up wide
Can't you see it's beautiful outside
No hatred, no anger, only knowledge and love
It's not hard you people, you just need a good shove
Perception is the key to open this lock
As life passes by with a tick and a tock
Vladimir s Krebs Nov 2015
i feel like every breath i take when i am angry fill with smoke that takes my soul away.
every mistake i have made brings me and you closer. i want answer's that will tell me the truth.  why do i have a demonic life with smoke that fills my lungs! how angry do you have to make me till i lose control and go on a rampage. how long before i can get my own soul back.i am a demonic being that will take a life and rote it to death. i stand alone with anger that spits all your ******* lies out. im going to lose control and show this world what life with out a soul will be like when all you breath smoke in your lungs that destroy you life roting your mind away wiht only


smoke filling my lungs with only anger and *******.
i dont stand along with the crowd i stand alone away from societys ***** triks.

my demonic life has nothing but darkness that writes my life storie of what its like to be in hell.

smoke fills my lungs cause thats whats going to happen when you trade your soul for what ever greed needs

so trace my foot steps ill dissapear like the sun dose every day.

smoke fills my lungs cause i'm just a broken soul that has no where to go exept rain hell onto those whoe made my life misrable enstead
like is so pissy with every one so sufficating when yo have to work on a project for school
Cory Meece Apr 2014
Am i okay with being another peice of societys puzzle? just to be lost in the folds of this old couch and never find my spot ? I want more ... I want to be remembered.. I want to be something bigger than what people settle for .. but i keep following the same stupid plot ...
Vladimir s Krebs Dec 2015
let the state of mind release into peace.
all the stress please leave me alone.
breath by breath all my life flashes behind me.
i'm not going insane but i have that dark heavy feeling that just sufficating.
all the darkness that has pushed me down slowly tearing me apart all around.
all the people in class have said wispers behind my back.
but my fight will never stop sun set to sun rise.
the weight of darkness runs wild like wild fire burning every thing that was beauty. but now lies.
every step i take one foot after the other. my impresion in the sand. will fade away and come back.

i leave to find my cozy safe haven that i can spread my new colorfull wings and warm them up spread them wide.
my safe haven is full of joy no one can find it cause youl just have a fight to get to me.
my breathes show when the cold weather go' next *** is a feild of roses that drip the new spring dew.

my life is filled with chaos and hectic things i don't under stand.
what is the reason you only just hold me down and drive me ******* crazy.

i have a safe haven where i just think pondering about my ideas that can change life and improve the blood shed to leave and go away.

my life has been stronger that any one who has try'd fail'd and lost the fight.

but i have a place that is filled with life that never dies i have a place to vent and ponder and let my thoughts out to think about what could change.


you could tear me appart by my wings will grow stronger and maybe ill sheil'd you from the bulletsthat will hit you.

i take breathes of air and clear m mind of the danger i will never escape.

but every breath i take makes a new place that i can go to to just release the anger/ that floods my vaines.

im a vary shy person but that never will change the way i see this world threw my eyes of this world that lies to me like paper that burns in the hand of the devil or demonic  ******* that just rip your (*******) (HEART) out.

my shyness lets me just watch this world an all its moves.

to me this world is like a vary vary big (CHESS GAMES) every peace is a pawn that moves to the place where you want to follow a path to lead the king or queen to fredmon.

every breath is seen when the winter starts to let heavy snow fall consume your mind.

the train tracks i walk my tracks stay the snow fall is so thick i will follow till you look ahead and just see me vanish in to the white.

my breath breath the fog on the cold dryry days.

i may be alive but deep down i am scared and beat but yet i still walk this world with no regrets only ideas that can change this corrupt world that only teaches lies that make people riot.

my life is nothing but one big scare.
but ill never just sit down and cry ill just walk this earth till i die.

if it aint black and white peck scratch and bit.

my eyes a vary blue as the kristal waters of of the gates to hell.

my breathes have nothing but ideas and people i want to leave my life.

every breath fills my lunges with energy that i can harn's and breath out fire that is nothing but my stress.

stress has riped my life apart but every new scare of wound ill manage.

my min d is strong as lifes demonic eliments.

ill never let this world leave me behind cause ill always be watching your every move.
every fight i  take in is all the night mars that will **** your soul away leaving nothing but a broken lie .

my safe haven has hid me well away from your ****** up lies that have twisted that ******* smile off your face. my save haven has my life to recover from the **** society  throws my way when darkness fills my lungs i want to go on a ram page that will drown all you out from me.

nothing is great noting is promising nothing is good or bad nothing is good nor evil. life has the rads and paths that you can make life.

i might be quiet by my eyes listen as so ears my words have nothing nice to say but that's only cause were alive.

day by day the weather changes so dose my mood.

but every one in my life is a lie.

my safe haven is my sheild that blockes the words the texts have no effect.

this life with lies have no effect. on me that only creates wounds not love or like.

my simple words words of HATE ANGER  back stabbing words that only dig your own grave that you have started when you were able to starting to talk. talking

life has led  me to insanity or insane but if you just followed a path maybe you can make your own safe haven that will not scare you.

if i tell you it only take one person to start a wave of love caring and compassion to start people to love and follow a way.

it only takes one person who's voice had been silenced in the shadows.

ill take every breath it to take to show you all a world from my point of how i see it to show how life can be made  to survive and maybe ill show you my one idea and path i want to show love.

only one person it takes to spread a world of love .

thank you my  breathing saved my anger now my breathes leave out the  harsh but ill never get knocked down ccause my safe haven has saved me from this world of fear anger hate lies societys tricks but all of tho  have

MADE ME GROW WISE WITH  answeres of life
i had anxiety
kirklefrance Feb 2013
A soul cast into societys drama
no comfort zone
no word from my mama
to lose a friend is darkness never ending
todays end nights beggining
to life's expirience this smile im lending
the only one i've got
now sorrow never ending
never to the point life's roads forever bending
countless broken hearts love never mending
to you friend this message im sending
in a dead zone notes forever pending
so sorrows my friend now lonliness never ending
me and sorrow friends forever
the worlds end our tomorrow
holding hands upon lifes sands sinking fast
looking up at the stary sky
its night so vast
on sorrows shoulders my burdens are cast
no matter our past
sorrow and I a friendship that'll last
ajit peter Feb 2014
Society doth draw a line
status of people to define
learned and rich welcomed with delight
the poor despised in sight
Sucess bringforth affection and fame
the failed left alone to bear the blame
doth a childs heart draw a status line
color and creed in his heart fine
clothed in rags human not a criminal
dressed sauve human deeds animal
lines drawn an image to uphold
lines drawn dreams are sold
doth society breaketh the chain
status quo societys gain humanitys pain
dennis drain Aug 2016
       Keep every name I'm known by on your mind
Im just one of those guys that never trys to be in the light
But I'm a bit loud late at night and hard to forget
Strike fear in those who ain't know me, I'm really nice to have as a homie
Your first thoughts of how I would **** you are true
Get to know me and I'm obviously a nice guy
I try not to put myself in positions that could cost me time
2 and a half years  was enough wasted life
So I can see how it would be easy to forget that first bit of fear you felt at my sight
Don't get it twisted tho I did grown man dirt starting at 9 so 18 only means I'll be after this time
I'll let being jacked for dope money slide
I'll let a few words that you said slip my mind
Even takin my kindness for weakness I can forgive for a time
But don't even for a second believe that i'm any different than I was when I rolled with gang
Age 10 I earned my first stripe with a hand gun
At 14 my name was D. For family and ZtickZ to the rest
I took the rap for my homies and took my time with a calm breath
Learned a lot locked in a box like nobody has my back
Family by marriage, by blood or gang ties ain't enough.
I can't trust to be respected by anybody IV meet
I love my girl to death but don't doubt she would slit my throat in my sleep
So all this I'm a real homie and I know you would never hurt Me or rip me off should probably stop.
As nice as I come off I must let you know I stay calm for the love that I hold
For my girl first off my dog and the freedom I hold
I don't care who you are or how tight our bonds hold step on what beliefs I hold close
I won't hesitate to let what we I have unload
My fist'***** harder than most you know
I roll with a knife most the time and late at night fo sho
So be real don't get comfortabol with any body you know
I keep a ******* or two close cuz I can teach a *** actin stupid how to be a bro that has the game on point from every angel as long as his head don't get big when the positives of a boss mentality kick in
An even then I'll step back till you realize who you should have as a friend
I don't look for reasons to put what you believe in on blast as incorrect or wrong
I'll help you along give you a person to look to when your not so strong
I hate immaturity in everybody old or young
But regardless of who you are or your age if you let parents didn't teach you to watch what you say
There's a good chance I could be your killer one day
I believe in peace and I see need in war
But I also believe that survival of fittest is needed in the world
I'll speak truth for everybody that'll listen if you can't at least take in simple life lessons and blow off knowledge of life
Given by a highschool drop out that has proven to understand simple methods on how to survive
Than please do a favor to the young and bright that learned early how to act right
Don't have a child we don't need stuck up rich kids as a group in life
Don't speak in any form
poison in the form of words is what causes wars
And people that follow every rule
think that it's cool to be A list rich and good at school
are the people that voice strictly that situations of pain and suffering don't matter when it comes to the words they've twisted to properly fit what what keeps degenerates out of the click
Cuz there blind to seeing life from a real position
Power is what drives the socially accepted to stay out of prison
But the leader of a generation of bright children all ages including the old and wise
Is the man that regardless of age race size or number of crimes holds the greatest respect in my mind.
So next time you decide that a **** lookin drug using nice guy is a week man with a front to hide weakness member that intelligence and power are also measured by the worst people alive
Leniency is what all we ask for in life
Life needs rules and people like a voice that carry's waight and still Cry's for or worlds sad fate
Keeps a head straight on shoulders carrying the world's waight
Doesn't break mentally even if hate is all he gains
And didnt act violently for every slander thrown there way
But won't hesitate to **** what is poisoning the world's fate
There personal gain of being respected is above what anyone can say
So now that I've written a couple of pages of rhymes randomly and in a sparatic melody
With no specific order or story I'll lastly say....
The greatest individuals hold power in perception. Without action of any form they are perceived as as one to fear.
Once you know them that fades and my be mistaken for weakness. they have no problem letting people feel as if they have bettered them or outsmarted them in the least.
Because they know that restraint is powerful. Perceptions deceive every person with eyes that see.
Honesty earns respect from every person god can see.
Understanding and appropriately acting without over reacting is a noticed thing
Physical and mental strength are one and the same
Intelligence in the fform of traditional schooling only carry's relevance to point
Survival is a necessity to which our history has forgotten as being what allows knowledge to grow century to century
All tho they use currency and work like slaves there entire life's to achieve riches
The firmly believe that societys who allow a body of governing people to mass produce specific currency that holds the only value in trade is what will cause this worlds demise
And most importantly they hold the understanding of both sides
Regardless of their social or economic value in others eyes they have the ability to smile in stressful times  take into consideration a situation before making decisions that affects others life's
Our world has yet to be led on any continent in any country. State. City. Town. Or government by an individual who understands that what what we know can Chang regardless of what ages of script say is a correct way to live simply by voicing down to earth undeniable truths of life. Gaining respect from everybody who hears of there attempts due to an outlook focused on joining together the people of earth as a population that neglects to find reason in any form of segregation. And has respect earned by morals not accreditation from bosses or schools
I firmly believe at my current age of 18 that this things are all that we need in a person fit to lead not a group a state or a country but the world. Not as a judge or a powerful being but as a voice and a face of a person that our dying race of anamazingly intelligent beings can look at as a leader in bringing back what makes being a person on earth great.

I will never subjugated myself to believeing false truths. Believing facts only proven by human beings to be true unless comments sense makes it obvious and testing unneeded.
I will break laws. Do drugs act concedly in times when I am not needed to act for others.
I will steal from the rich and give to the pour but will under no circumstance take more than what is needed .
The week and willing to learn will never be overlooked by myself for as long as I live
I will do as I can to the best of my ability to use common sense integrity and simple hopes of unity spread by my voice starting with family then my community and one day earths people as a whole to not lead but voice how simple unity can be. Piece can be attained and happiness can spread

I do not intend to be great   I am an evil minded sinner to those who believe god Hale's ever ending judgment. I never once said I was the one that will join the world. I now and for ever will only state that I am one of a Likely large gripe that offers his voice to speak to and not for the world's simple humanistic values and needs.

Delilah Moon Dec 2014
We all wish we were poets
Forgotten passions
With Deep
Selfish wanderings of a restless soul
Cascading over the cricket shell
Empty yet humming
Delirious yet craving
Vladimir s Krebs Dec 2015
Every day is new sunrises so do you. even if you feel like you have nothing to say nice.
day by day new challenges fly bye hitting you with out warning. when it rains i rather walk  in the rain so no one can see my eyes . have the time of your life. but it only last only a few min light when your high. when night comes the only thing to escape reality.
the music you listens to carry you along the way with all the wounds that riddle your body.
every thought you think twice but your own ideas have the weight like a ton. your friends have been there for you and so you both have each others backs no matter what.
even if your tired and have little patients all you have to say is ill just keep walking.
the emotions you drown in with every thing the day dreads and loses you in the mix.

but dad by day you have to face your fears even if it means passing you own boundries.

love that emotion is just a ord love is just something that means nothing.

for me i was told when i was little you should never sit down and cry cause youl never have the strong image in you.
emotions walk behind you but your shadow is the thing that has to fight your own evil side to push the demonic eyes away.

life is filled with lies and pathetic people that wast your time.

emotions are the whole thing that human society has to stand therer ground.

day night is the same except that's the way it is night people currl up and let the dreams slumber.

but night is a nother when people only come out when theres no light to hit them.

the thins you said the night before what do u really know what happened to your promises and trust.

my life i walk this earth trying to show my ideas to this world. but this world is afraid of ideas that will change society and every ones time to the good of it.

the emotions have so many things that will bring out in your words.

but i have no regrets or fear what happens to me. cause people fear me and are scared of me for my smarts. but i have nothing negitive to express in my words.

but the sun rises bring the sweet calm breez that flowls threw my long hair but what do u really hear when you listen close. just the music you have never heard of the beauty that will make tears stream down your face.

in my own words you cant fix every thing or every ones problems. all you can be is ears for listening and to suport them untille the end.

i have a life that is full of trapes and surprizes.

im not scared or threaten  by people but why do my ideas scare and threaten society.

but night falls my music plays sun rise comes and my music is still playing but thats the only way for me to deal with life and all its (****)

i walk this world creating my ideas writing away that will spell your name telling you im always listening.

but in this world i can only escape from societys gripps with my music playing loud and drowning people out so i can feel things. in my life as we keep going along.

my life is full of words but my voice will never be heard cause im tired of trying to talk over your voies.

have any emotions like your own appearance ******* you down ******* your strength away wearing you down.

have you just felt your life is and endless ride that leaves burns and blood stains.

my voice has the calming tone's that bring peace to your life.

in my life there's no such thing is war only the rules i have if you show any threat or threaten me i will do the same to you.

every emotion i have been able to control by using my music to drown out every one blaring it away tuning any scream or voice in my way that is only sufficating.

in my own words i have no fears /regrets but i walk this barren world just living and surving any thing hits or breakes me.

but in life/society/emotions. we wont be human if we didn't have any emotions that we have to live with.

i you want folow me  cause youl never have to be alone i am listening to our voice ill say just follow your foot steps and dont let go
emotions have just pathetic life but with out emotions we wont even be human
Aaron P Feb 2012
I am my own person
I have my own thoughts
I only need me in this world
Empowered on hate
Fueled by desire
To prove all of them wrong
I am me



Who push me back
up against societys wall
I've got a bullet with your name on it
coming out of a 44
I'm going through an unbarable time in my life.

I'm writing down anything that comes to mind no matter how bad or good and posting it to see how people react and anything they think I should improve.

There is no editing, no going back, just typing as I think and saving.
Vladimir s Krebs Nov 2015
my life has been great my best friend who is my savior.
you have protected me when the world has be came a danerous place
we travel with only our note  as well with a change of clothes
you left me for a whole week with no no note
i have tried  calling you but u your voice mail said you have
i had to come out in the dangerious world
you finally got here back. you never said any thing you just gave me a blank steare.

i start tearing up cause i feel why ou are quiet
tell me you didnt sell your soul to the devil

hours go by when i start to cry i hope you we ok

he said to me he is dying
he said it was cancer that have arrested him in life
he told me he will stay with me till that day comes fi final day
i said why did you you not tell me you wernt okay
he said he didnt want to scare me
he told me he will show me how to survive in this internal hell.
my tear drops drown my words.
pls dont go i dont have the skills to trust my deal

i just cant telll you my broken broken self

you told me that some day we will meet again some day

your my only famiy i have been abandon
you wonnt be alone

i cant stop crying for every memories you and me made to the chapter book closing the end.

i know i have to be strong srong for you but im scared to be wondering the world alone .

i know that i am scared cause i have been abandoned.

i let my demons run wild the the dark street during the night like starting a wil fire

you have been my sworn protector

but you cant escape your life
you seem like your in pain

you told every thing will be okay even when my vary last day ill all wayd be with you.

i have lost the family that i had now your leaving me to a battel you cant survive
i dont know how to talk in society. you have tought me well.

i dont know where to go when you leave

i love you just hold on tight long enoth to learn to survive th worst of societys games
getting teared up
Vladimir s Krebs Nov 2015
Being the one in society fearing the mistake u have shown. being a vary antie social outcast all ways looking over your shoulder being kinda crazy allways making sure no one can make a big circle around you with a simple text. always fearing that your the cent of attention like speaking in a huge crowed choking on every word! what can you only do? put your hood up and turn  your entire head phones up really loud so you can drown the scared jittery feeling away. walking in society is step by step hoping no attention is at you. how you survive is what you need to do to make you you from the rest of the others. the key is my music my head phones my huge baggy hoodie with my hoodie up drowing your self in a song that makes you finally feel alive. music has saved my life every min of societys rules.

SO go **** your self (SOCIETY) come find me whn you can handle the (REBLES) who wont take you **** any more!!!!!! would you?
society has its ups and downs to it
Rose Sep 2014
you make me wonder why
i have to beat you off with a baseball bat
when you want to pluck the
hairs on my body

i am sorry,
but i am trying to defy societys norms
and let them grow
before craning my neck to try to see these hairs
i know i wont be able too

but i am also trying to get a boyfriend,
so i shall bend and break
and pluck the ones i can see
i will want to cry when i cannot get them all
i want to slam my fist into the mirror
when i realize i can never get them all

i will not let you pluck my unwanted hairs
i will let them sit there because they are apart of me
and they are my rebellion
they will let boys know that
i don't care
and they cannot take me down

they are my rebellion and they are my pain
Vladimir s Krebs Nov 2015
what am going to o when all i do is ponder. this world filled with silence danger. how to hid when all we are just batteling all of our own fear. im not afraid to speak my mind even if it takes my own soul. nothing is my life only head on fear that never ends alone.

i know i can hide from societys games so i rather fun threw hell to flip up this world of lies
no changes could be made when i just have long empty pondering thoughts how. can i let my words out when i have nothing to say my every mistake has reflected on me to run threw hel and back
Arcassin B Sep 2014
By Arcassin Burnham

i don't know how i made it far this long in this condition,
don't know the deal with this high,
somebody turn off the lights,
did you forget to lose sight,
come with me lets get lost tonight,
setting examples for different things i like,
heart was good and cool call it frost bite,
just cause you do so wrong,
it dosen't make it right,
but i just wanna stay the night,
societys got their head on backwards,
reverse phychology in brain,
so as possible,
make it quiet.
poetic mafia
Vladimir s Krebs Oct 2016
awak all night with shallow minded thoughts. awak all night with nothing to say except the rejection you have been to lost and shattered dreams. tears have shed but no point to even care when you have nothing to hold on to when u feel abandoned like every try u made to make a new friend. my heart will sing to it own rythem. but my voice will never be heardd ever again from societys ****. fallen angel what regrets when you feel hollow and weak with thoughts and regrets. loved or not loved nothing to keep up just fall deep into a path that will break apart making you spin into darkness you cant lift.
shallow hearted nothing left to say
We sacrifice what’s valuable for less
Than it accrues in interest on your debt
Which will only double like the puddles
When tears from struggles and regret

Come to collect your self respect
if our soul was fashionable you can bet
Most people would strangle the life from it, just to wear it around their neck

under the impression our possessions worth the Misdirection from stressin
including the Indiscretions collectiin
Like it’s infection is a blessin

Ignoring what’s left in its lessons
like imperfections are progression
Lack of investment in self affection
leaves us detesting our Reflection

Masking insecurities with our *******
women with make up, no exemption
Our projected Self imagerys Placed above our spiritual growth, causin is the tension

The Self hatred, suicide, depression
We forgot who we were impressin
our vanity is insanity, and its calamity
is savagery but these obsessions

are Useless as thoughts and prayers
Or Facebook profile pics with frames
Showing support for tragic Terrorist attacks, or mass shootings that aim

at the innocent, but the truth is
Most don’t care, as much as they buzz
They do it to feel better about doing nothing, when even donating blood,

is doing more that fake Facebook posts
Of useless sympathy could ever
It’s just condescending well wishes
from fake *******, we all must endeavour

As if were all eating each other’s *******
Putting on fake fronts for other fakes
like a masquerade for *******,to dress like **** heads, for other ******* snakes

and it’s hilarious, but also nefarious,
just like your local politician
who’s poisonous like physicians,
sellin big pharmas drugs wit prescriptions

causing opioid epidemic, addiction
but cognitive dissonance is positioned
So whistle blowing, the little knowing
is labelled conspiracy theory so vision

Is lost when brainwash takes intuition
leaving thought useless like tuition
why invest in an education system
when our own government ****** isn’t

societys becoming economical prison
but we just allow the constant piracy
too self indulgent to protect our rights
to protest and fight, so our privacy

Like freedom of speech, gone entirely
before anyone starts their *******
too distracted by issues for division
media creating bias’ on our television

Instigating prevention of unity risen
til our power in numbers gives immunity
strategically calculated, and predicated
on us inadvertently granting impunity

to the rich and powerful when brutally
is gun smoke, and cut throat lunacy
expressed in attitude to our neighbours, how can strangers have a community?

narrow minded views cause collision
sexuality, race, and gender, opinions
arguing over the illusion of equality ignoring quality, still we argue religion

and beliefs, that make us see difference
Instead of what’s common, our positions
On protecting our family, our jobs,
the fundamentals in the life we are livin

too blind to see any of it clearly
Most of our control we lost when ignored
busy hating each other while the
real threats are laughing at how poor

and how stupid, petty, and ridiculous
do you think rich powerful men
Give a **** what god another rich man prays to, or if and when

He chooses to have ***, who he bends
Over and rams? Cuz really truth
Sexuality is irrelevant in this case
Cuz we’re all about to get *******

but what the hell do I know? True.
I’m just a self righteous dude with words
but one day we’re gonna be like caged parrots who look up at other birds

Who fly free in the sky
and pity them for not having their own
little space like they do not recognizing freedom, thinking his cage is a home
Huh I'm the one that cause the funeral
From the plotting rehearsal expose those
Foes now they got wet clothes ya knows
How it goes biblical radical mad man disciple
Stickin' to the fifth roll me another spliff
Keep my eyes wide rack back the slide
Another ***** machine in my hand understand
Man It gives ya power to devour enemies turn to cowards
Hands up no freeze up once I ease up
Never dat my cold cannon loves to crack
Like smiles problem child spin the world like an owl
Nocturnal ya gigs wacks so I hand twist ya mental
Metals makin' rose pedals sounds of angelic kettles
Whistles blows that's just the death settles
Rhyming genuflect one man threat make crews break
Eject then ill inject a cold select no regrets
Makes the world better
with so many hits from chasin' the cheddar

I gave you power.....

Im the spark to a light shining bright
Outta sight I'm the last source to a fight
One click equals serious **** mad hits
No questions no answers laws swoop in
Only to find me in a trash chute with piles of loot
The things we do for the money playin' like a dummy
See how many turn friendly when the see the ending near G
Naw not me just take me away quickly
Let it sneeze from the squeeze and if I don't breath
O well destined for hell societys still ringing liberty's bell
No justice for us just let the led spray us for justice
Another mack in the back can't see his own death
Execution style souls running a mile all ya heard was blaooow
And oh how
Many days are ending like this massacre
Battlin' for the face of the throne my ears sharpen
Once I click the pen grenade lyrics it's hard to clear
Ya mind when you full of fear conceal my tears
Only eternally whos burning me equivocally?
I tried to be but so many enemies wanna be free

So I give em power....
Questionable Jul 2019
Understanding is impossible
Multiple reasons bash your mind
Each suited with their own form of torture
Society says to choose
As you bow at her knees
You can't please her
For any reason you choose
She will have you beheaded
Life is a trick question all itself
Each choice opens a door to a new danger
In the end
Death is the only understandable option
That seems to seize Societys grasp on your neck
And calm her never ending storm

— The End —