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Red, orange, yellow
Green, blue, indigo, violet
Fair reflecting arch
Against a dark and brooding sky
Bouncing back the sun's bright light
Look upon that arc within the storm and know the sun is at your back...turn around and all will be bright
Traumeria Apr 2016
Red is the color of our blood that binds our bond,
As we watch the sun set and rise.
Laughter and happiness caught us by surprise.
The grass we stand were wet with dew,
And the blue birds singing was nothing new.
After the storm of deep midnight blue,
Lies a rainbow with the colors you knew.
Joe Satkowski Aug 2013
we saluted the flag that morning
we sat down that morning
we all partook in class that morning
we all slept a bit too long that morning

tune it out, try to
distort the frequency
forget the consequence

you can't pay for **** like this on tv anymore
Ar Feb 2015
I saw a rainbow, 

Looking at our dreadful situation. 

You notice the colors it gives,

It's the inverted smile I see, 

Like happiness faltering to its curve,

Just masking it with ROYGBIV.

Even so,
It never fails to share every hue, 

To lift every mouths to grin,

And to give color to the greyscale scene.
A random poem for a random day after randomly seeing a random rainbow.
Melinda Barrett Jul 2016
Anyone can marry their high school sweetheart. Don't try to sell me on your watered down version of a fairy tale. Like it's some sort of an accomplishment, locking yourself in a dark room and pretending there isn't an entire world out there. That's like painting with only one color the rest of your life. I want to experience first hand every aspect the rainbow has to offer. I want to know how red and yellow make me feel. I want to try green on for a summer. I want to be absolutely sure that orange isn't for me. I want to find just the right version of blue. I'll spend the rest of my life searching the depths of the earth for deep violet if it means I'll never settle for the first color I tried on. By the time you realize you're over red, I'll be well on my way to indigo horizons.
Kenna Jul 2012
My pens and pencils neatly arranged.
From largest to smallest.
From shortest to tallest.

My markers perfectly aligned.
Rule­ to live by.
In order of the Rainbow.
Aesthetically pleasing.

My erasers meticulously stacked.
widest to thinnest.

My pencil case empty.
The teacher approaches the board.
I grab a number two pencil from the small end.
(get the weak out of the way)
I am ready to go.
Ready for action.
Prepared for anything and everything.

James comes up to my desk, grabs it with two hands and shakes it.
My masterpiece crashes to the ground.
I was not prepared for that.
He laughs.
I cry.
                                                                                                                        Whaddya have to do that for?
On your mark... Get set... GO! is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Ginamarie Engels Feb 2011
i like to be wise with my beautiful brown eyes
my thick thighs and my voluptuous size
fruit flies sticking to me cause i'm so sweet
i make the beats but dont eat that red meat
sensitive but calm and super duper collected
will get you wrapped around my finger, kid
pinky promises is how i keep it real
drinkin' tall boys, always breakin' the seal
addicted to my flavor, youll be on dis fashionistaquena
part puerto rican, but got money but not enough lend ya
crowds call my name and it keeps on echoin'
famous like the amos cookies, keep my green in a tin
i'm so frickin' visual, ROYGBIV colors make me trip all day
so vib-rant, i spy a red ant and rainbows are the color "gay"
lets collaborate, take your hands & drop all the hate, i just ate...
chips and dip, my lip ring fell out so i put in a paperclip
bobbypin in my hair, my lion locks
i'm like uffie "i pop the glocks"
Austin Heath Jun 2014
Fireworks that spray paint
brain matter and bits of tongue
like obscenities in a bathroom stall.
Spray paint everything yellow.
Own everything. Burn everything.
**** everything. Invade it;
infect it, vivisect your name
as an iron-on patch into it's guts.
Stitch it in close to something necessary.
A little bit of everything dies.
Anything that can be possessed,
umbrella of oppressions.
You'd make me cry just to see if it's possible.
You'd push me off the edge to see how close I am.
You'd push me off the edge to see how fast I fall.
You'd step on my fingers to see if they bleed.
You'd stomp in my teeth to see if they crack.
You'd spit on the corpse to see if it hydrates.
Anything abrasive, anything slightly toxic,
something disgusting to indulge in.
**** the gardens, **** the rivers and lakes;
Died in a boar's den,
died in the stomach of a volcano,
gave it three days and decided
death suits one just fine.
stuck between your toes.
A rainbow in violent undertones,
the ROYGBIV of slashing motions.
Tax exempt.
A little bit of everything dies.
i straddle

one foot
firmly planted
on an
elusive dream
the other slipping
on a rock covered
with forgetfulness

a palate
of roygbiv
my face
and covers
addled hands

to tomorrows
green pastures
and yesterdays
blue hues

all the colors
of my endless
through fingers
that always fail to
remember my
inability to

Trizia Jul 2019
There is not always a rainbow after the rain
Storm after storm, I feel the same.
There goes the sun, I still see dim.
He walks with a candle, and blew it as he came.
Terrified, to never see a light again.
coral cinnabar crimson carmine
cerise claret cochineal cardinal
burgundy ruby scarlet vermillion

apricot amber carnelian topaz
nascarat saffron jacinthe tangerine

flavescent lutescent xanthic citrine
jessamy ictericious ochre meline

vivid viridian olivaceous teal
zinnober porraceous and eau de nil
caeisous virescent cyaneous corbeau
celeste celadon pavonated azuline

cobalt peacock prussian pthalo
saffirine aegean denim blue

amaranthine amethyst violaceous plum
heliotrope purple violet mauve
ianthine porphyrous lilac lavender too
روبرت Nov 2018
God so loved the world that She....
Gave Her only son; duh
She also turned our feeble existence into a barren, destitute and flood soaked wasteland
But then came the Rainbow
Her Rainbow
Her plea to humanity for forgiveness
Love spelt out in ROYGBIV
The sky glimmered with the foreshadowing of the ultimate form of sacrificial love
Let my heart be ensnared by Her Rainbow
Her grace came at great cost so mine wouldn't have to
Its wonderful after having a conversation so full of love that you catch sight of Her love smiling down on you.
Amanda Jul 2013
I am human and triarchyness is I
it is everything I stand for
it is how I dive, slide, and ride
this crazy thing called life that's mine.
I am human and triarchyness is me
it is the ROYGBIV goggles from which I see.
At the core
it is my values, beliefs, opinions and more
it is the guiding force behind my closing or opening of doors.
I am human and through the fire and the bliss
I will forever maintain my triarchyness.
SCHEDAR Nov 2020
There dwells a divine
The interim of
Battles the lost
to find their truth
Hides the found
that are nowhere
Looks beyond
the black of night
Swallows the sun
the light of day
No judgement will rise
for those who see
Lumin Guerrero Oct 2024
Society sees us as black and white,
Good or bad,
Wrong or right,
Even their shades of gray are seen as improper and strange and not right.

But I am not black or white and
I am not those shades of gray,
I am bent light.

I strive when it's rainy and shine high and bright
I am the small ray of rainbow light,
A ROYGBIV full of life.

Even if they say I'm too blinding,
I'll keep on shining and I won't conform.
I’ll blind them with my radiating pride.
I won't let the world see me in black and white.
Uni Feb 13
Red is quiet, a hush before the storm

Red is peace, the warmth of steady hands

Red is rage, burning, blinding

Red is passion, a growing ember

Red is love—deep, consuming

Red is…
Not for me.

Orange was the plan, the path, the promise!
Orange was destiny, written in stone

Orange was expectation, certainty
Until stone was no more

Orange dimmed, disappeared

And left me behind

Yellow is warmth, a gentle glow

Yellow is sparkles, laughter spilling over

Yellow is a sunflower in a field of daisies
Bright, unburdened, free

Yellow is everything I cannot touch

Green is envy, creeping, gnawing

Green is hatred, whispered in the dark

Green twists my lips into a sneer

Green is inside, festering, listening

Blue is calm, but distant

Blue is cold, the sharpness of winter air

Blue arrived too soon, yet I was late

Indigo was hope

Indigo faded

Violet is what’s ahead, begging to begin

— The End —