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vy Dec 2013
i. "Why did the number of parking tickets spike
when Persephone was carried off to the underworld?
Demeter wasn't working."
She liked greek mythology puns.
It was a good thing I was creative.

ii. Truth or Dare, I asked her what
was the best decision she's ever made.
she answered with, "In 7th grade I named my puppy Achilles,
so when I saw him I could say, 'Achilles, heel!'"

iii. It took me two weeks to realise that
when we held hands, I wasn't really
holding her hand, but a chainsaw,
ready to slash through anything that stood in our way like
Hercules chopping off the Hydra's head.
I was immortal.

iv. August eleventh; 9 PM
we watched for the meteor shower.
I connected the freckles splayed upon her knee,
told her they looked like the constellation of Cassiopeia.
"Be Sirius" she jested.

v. She had a bad habit
of smoking at the beach and I
Wondered if she knew that with
every single flick of ash into the water,
Poseidon was cursing her to the River Styx.

vi. Headaches visited her often, I joked that
maybe she was getting ready to birth
a Goddess from her cranium. She
did not find it clever.

vii. You could say we became like Aphrodite and
Hephaestus. I, longing for her. She,
lusting after another. A synonym for her
headaches would be me.

viii. Apparently if you hack off a Hydra head, two
would grow to replace it. Knowing this sooner
probably would have saved me from numerous
amounts of Kleenex and chocolate.

ix. She left me a note on the dresser,
"Fun fact: Medusa's favourite cheese was
Gorgon-zola. PS - you remind me
of Medusa, please remember to brush your hair."
She reminds of Medusa as well, I do not doubt that if we
meet again, her eyes would still turn me into
Sammie Nov 2014
"i want my baby back
g clair Mar 2014
have you ever felt shot into space
with nothing to hold to without any trace
of the one who was always around
who could laugh really hard and without any sound

and you fear that someday he will see
that you're mind is a strange one indeed, yet it's free!
to be up in the air and then down
hear that music that plays like a carnival sound

and it's something that's deep in your soul
from the day you first met he's been making you whole
cause he won't let you feel afraid,
fix you up when you're ****** and knows his first aid

Five of us kids to take care of
and all within seven short years
Leno then Beano then Bonzo then Labo then Damo
all laughter and tears.

It seems that we share the same feelings
about our ol' dad, and it's said
much better to share them while we are alive
than to wait until after we're dead.
and so I will write about Daddy
and because I am long with my word
my poems I will say can go on for a day,
and a night or so that's what I've heard.

To Tony, Loretta would cater
she cooked for the man who would date her
they married and so, and what do you know
three children would come along later.

Born October two four, nineteen hundred
and twenty eighth year of our Lord
at home, the first child of Tony and Rhetts
baby Vinny, was cut from the cord.

This sweet little Vincent Morrone
raised up in by my Nonna and Tony
quickly stuck in his ways, from the start of his days
and could size up the truth from a phony.

He grew up in old Jersey City
where he polished the width of his witty
had a sister named Claire who remembers him there
dear old dad, handsome lad, and she's pretty.

Their brother was born sometime later
our sweet uncle Jerry Morrone
Handsome and good and well liked in the hood
got those genes and that same funny bone.

 After Highschool, staff sergeant in Air Force
guiding take offs and landings, his post
Four years of St Pete, put him smart on the street  
and he left for the likes of our coast.

He was offered a job down in Jackson
elementary dear Watson, it's said
he would fall for another young teacher, a screecher
whose sassiness got to his head

He married our mother, that's Jacquie
they really were some kind of a pair
she knew he was smart, liked his looks and his heart
and respected the good that was there.

So five days a week Dad would teach
and he liked those nine months of the year
but he lived for the summers at Jenkinson's beach
where that salt water pool was so clear.

in a torn old white sweatshirt and plaid shorts
he was sharing a Bud at the fence
loved his mower and pool, and that backyard was cool
much more like a park, you would sense.

we know how he hated the gurlic
and that onions would just make him hurlick
my mother would never use any such thing
he could drive her to sing like Steve Urlick.
( did I do that?)

No qualms about eating cold hotdogs
and cheddar in chunks from red foil
liked his eggplant cut thin, and his gravy could win
a blue ribbon, the secret? No spoil!!

Could deliver a joke like Bob Newhart
or a pun just for fun was sublime
he was always aware, but for crowds, didn't care
unless it was harmony time.

Best one on one at a party
but the life when it came to his cracks
made small talk okay, but preferred just to stay
to the side and be watching the acts.

Old Spice and that weekender stubble
did his thing and his speaking was soft
he was never a man to cause trouble
but he'd tell you when something was off.

McDonalds and corn on the cob
smoked a pipe, did not curse, and was never a slob
though I know he was not always neat
he was clean, never smelled, never spit in the street.

taught us never to take wooden nickels
and he loved a fresh jar of those kosher dill pickels
drove a large Orange bug in the day
with a driver side  SPEBSQSA

he wiped off my face with his thumb
that he'd lick first to clear away jelly and crumb
and he'd always be there in a pinch
if I needed his help, he was there, not a Grinch!

He was always the Good Humored one
bought us Ice cream and took us to places for fun
an occasional "word to the wise
you've cashed in your chips
and don't hand me your lies."

and the one who would walk me not once
but twice down the aisle of heartache and gloom
as a wife I have failed, a dunce
yet dismissing that elephant out of the room.

and tried not to laugh at my lot
at my barrenness, troubles and all of that snot
took me back to this place for some peace
never charged me a dime, not a landlord with lease
but a man with the mercy he knows
he understood sometimes that's just how life goes

and suddenly everything's changed
I am fifty two times around, feeling deranged
and it's not because I need a crutch
feeling lost in this world  
which I've lived in and such

but that I have been shot into space
having lost what I loved, it's my dad's loving face
and I'm here in the house that he bought
it's the one where we loved and the one where
we fought

and I cried here at length at the table
feeling shot into space, as if I am unable
to cope with the loss of my dad,
with the loss of his smile  and the voice that he had

and the place that he had in my life
in my my my mind...So I climbed
to room where my dear daddy slept
and I laid on that bed and I wept and I wept
feeling shot into space I recalled that man's face
and I reached for the  tissues he kept in that place

and in one second flat, as I blew
from the nose of his likeness,  I knew and it's true
I was beamed back from space
into someone's embrace
and believe me, as if my dad knew...

For my father was known to be punny
always quick with the wit, such a honey
he would tell me to write, for it was his delight
that his children were his kind of funny.

I am never to think I am odder
for I am what I am, my dad's daughter
I hear distant strumming and now my dad humming
the theme song from Welcome Back Kotter.
My dad was a teacher and enjoyed music, jokes, puns, crow sounds, barbershop harmony, golfing, wearing certain colors which made him look good,  his own family, grandchildren, crossword puzzles. spy novels, movies. hotdogs, eggplant parm, radio talk shows, good food at the same restaurant, the Chapter House. Singing Barbershop harmony a tear jerker song or movie, peace and quiet. mowing the lawn and working in the yard, his car, a little whiskey sour or a cold Bud in the summer. BBQ out back. Football. Baseball. Ice cream. root beer floats. smoked a pipe ( the smell of sweet pipe tobacco still reminds me), applesauce with cinnamon , apricot jam, my cookies.  etc.
Irate Watcher Nov 2014
The year you were born
was the year I turned 6,
leaving my second home
to a place where I didn't exist.
It was the first time
I remember being scared,
of a knock on the door
to a dark street corner,
not a voice to properly
enunciate my fears,

hands trembling,
I was naught a writer then,
just a poetic mind
inable, hands not stable,
to open doors to
concrete streets,
the gentle ****** or
the careful cat,

daddy loves you,
under my breath.
He only had time to run,
from place to place,
the most logical option,
for his career,
but not his young girl.
The world's forgotten friend,
having not a voice,
to say hi at the door,
or accept the house-warming gift
from the neighbor girl.

Dear Fish the Pig,
The year you turned 6,
I hit puberty.
Grew tusks,
that kept inching,
toward a person
hidden in the swamp,
watching beneath reeds
the blondes and skinnies
courting Hercules.
An ugly pink pig,
jealous of the swans
gliding across water
drowning my squeals for approval,
left behind from highs and *** and flight.
Snarling away the bugs,
company that could have been friends,
retreating to being busy,
terrified of high school eyes
that adjust to the darkness,
and call isolation insecurity.
No worse a disease.

Dear Fish the Pig,
The year you hit puberty,
I lost my virginity,
my naked body
a prime scientific diamond
to the boyfriend who
just wanted to love me.
Two heads rested upon his bed,
vocal chords distilled,
when I replied "love you too,"
and felt hollow inside.
His mirror cracked
with my scraggly hair and fat.
I was a treadmill mess
with no time to stretch.
My secret of the weighted, edible variety.
How could he be skinnier than me?
So I traded being a pig
for the femme version al him,
and gleefully changed
my nickname from stocky
to skinny-Minnie,
until I could wear his pants baggy.

Dear Fish the Pig,
two years from now
you will be 19.
Let me remind you of something
from someone who is 23
and is still uncomfortable with her body:

Don't be.

To be is a simple mistake
with a complicated result,

A haute girl fainting in university,
isn't martyrdom for beauty.
It is stupidity.
Purging friends for a toilet,
isn't just punny.
It is insanity.

Dear Fish the Pig,
Don't turn your fantasy
into my nightmare.

Don't sign the loneliness
that wastes me.
Don't bury yourself in dust
it doesn't feel as good as the dirt,
knowing the roots,
and working through their kinks.

Dear Fish the Pig,
I admire your honesty.
Your struggles
make for great poetry.
But idolizing a girl with
skin pale as white roses
also made a good story.
Longing is beautiful
with the promise
of a happy ending.
But depression
sporn from jealousy
isn't so pretty.

Dear Fish the Pig,
wear your tattered clothing,
blow my mind
with beautiful melancholy,
sit in that obscure place to reflect,
but never forget,
your life doesn't have to be an indie movie.
Weave words into beautiful tapestries,
but when you tire of their decor,
go out into the world empty.
Tint white walls joyfully.
Don't re-write my history.
The words in italics are those of Fish The Pig. Go check out her stuff @ She is awesome!
Aaron J Mason Apr 2012
I am from too long grass
that left muted green stains on my knees
From rock gardens overrun with punny yellow snapdragons
which delivered into my care all sorts of fascinating creepy crawlers

I'm from ash grey two by fours
which were all together fun to climb on
but gave nasty splinter when they were mad

I'm from the woodchips and sand
that provided me an elaborate landscape
in which to house my boundless imagination

I'm from the tail of sulfur smoke
that burned white hot through the crisp October Sky
and propelled my rocket to high heaven
or so it seemed to my eger eyes

I am from Thursdays
from green and red rhubarb leaves
and dirt under every fingernail
I'm from hurling half-rotten tomatoes
at the fence accross the ally
and running haphazardly from angry neighbors

I'm from lasagna and jell-o
candels on Christmas eve
and the squirt bottle of water
my only defense against ants

I am from obscure old families
who came over like so many others
and played the ***** in the secret choir loft above the church
I'm from woodwinds and piano strings
and never a silent moment
From reading aloud and reading alone
and from those who did the reading

I'm from the future and the present and the past of a million different stories
And I've always been headed towards
Where I'm from.
Sander Jun 2014
In the end is just a flatter.
Once wa said  it start with us.
"Us" who? a man would ask.
But it's not about an "us" we know,
It's about the beginning of the flow.
The world gets thirsty, wild and rampant.
Insanity all over the place.
The Blood Moon have conquered the sky,
Judging mortals on her whim.
The war has started.
The night is long.
The Blood Moon demands another soul.
Oh you wrathful fate,
Why are you torturing me?
I'm so punny and you know.
You just want to see me like a rat,
Chased and laughed by your soldier of death.
And for what?
Take your women and just go!
I''ll just find her tomorrow.
Richard Grahn Oct 2017
Just a little fun
Parsing words is so much pun
Laugh until you’re done
M Sep 2014
I tried keeping my love to myself and it left me empty-

Bottling up all I have left me heavy.

The weight anchored me to a quiet ocean floor beyond the sunlight.

So I took my love and divided it up in ways I can give to everyone-

The corny yet punny sense of humor, the hand to hold, the advice even when you don't want it, the adventure seeker, the invested listening, the lover, the 2 am "I'm thinking too much my heart might implode" texter, the hopeful disposition, the empathy, the person you can call only when you need.

I learned that keeping all my love kept me in the dark,

And giving it all to one left me eventually alone.

I learned that in order to float back up from the depths, I had to love far and wide;

I learned that this is how I must be to stay alive.
I know that I do love people and at that, I don't always do it well. I struggle most with loving myself and loving other people. Ironically those are the two types of love I want most. I've learned though, that in loving many has helped me more than giving it all away or bottling it all up. I sometimes feel sad that I'm not any one persons perse number one person but I am indeed a person for many. I am lucky to know the amount of people I do, and at that know them well enough that I could turn to just about any of them.
Linger Jan 2015
I love you because
You make me smile
And I want to be with you
For more than just a while

I love you because
You make me nervous
You're so beautiful
I don't know if I deserve this

I love you because
You fill up my day
With thoughts of you
And time just slips away

I love you because
You are so cute
When you get embarrassed
About the silly things you do

I love you because
I know you care
You tell me how you feel
And encourage me to share

I love you because
You think I'm funny
Even though my jokes are lame
And usually pretty punny

I love you because
You are open to change
You try the things I show you
Even if they are a little strange

I love you because
Of the passion you display
I see your love for the things you do
And it motivates me every day

I love you because
I know you'll always be there
Although we're so far apart
I feel your presence everywhere

I love you because
You gave me a chance
And I can't wait  
To hold your  hands

I love you because
You are so playful
The laughter that you create
Makes me feel so grateful

I love you because
You want me to stay
And I hope
It always is that way

I love you because
The sight of you
Overwhelms me
So I don't know what to do

I love you because
You just be yourself
You're so perfect
How could I want anyone else

I love you because
You love me back
And I don't think there's anything
More important than that
I love you in so many ways
And please excuse my spelling, but
Natalie for dayzz
Stephanie White May 2015
Cats say "meow, feed me punny human."
Dogs say "I love you, Master! Could you feed me please?"
Cows say "Moo, I'm a cow."
Ducks say "Quack, get the hell out of my way."
Bugs say "Oh look! A freshly cleaned car! Let me go explode my insides on it!"
Society says "You're fat, Go **** yourself, You're stupid. Ew, your thighs touch? That's nasty. Oh my god, your ribs aren't visible through your skin! What's wrong with you!?"
No one likes society, maybe society should just go **** itself rather than making us all hate ourselves.
Bob B Dec 2016
Santa breathed in the cool night air,
Thinking back on the days of old,
Before the polar ice cap started
Melting. When weather was REALLY cold!

"I barely need my heavy jacket,"
Santa said to himself in dismay.
"With all this ice so mushy and slushy,
How will the reindeer pull my sleigh?"

A polar bear came trudging by,
Emaciated and sour in mood.
Shrinking along with the habitat
Was the bear's supply of food.

"Santa," asked the polar bear,
"Do you know what's happening here?
Something very sinister is
Adversely affecting the cryosphere.

"The temperature's rising on land and sea.
I have to say, this isn't nice.
I don't mean to be punny here,
But we are walking on very thin ice."

"Seabirds, too, are leaving," said Santa.
"And so are ice-dependent seals.
Pressure on the ecosystem,
Is making it hard for them to find meals."

Feeling pessimistic, the bear
Wandered off, shaking his head.
Santa muttered, "**** fossil fuels!"
And sloshed his way into his shed.

The once-jolly man started to work
On a project in which he seemed engrossed.
Soon he emerged, carrying
A "For Sale" sign stuck to a post,

Which he placed on his property.
He sighed, "Talk about regrets.
Why the heck didn't I give
More kids chemistry sets?"

- by Bob B (12-20-16)
wichitarick Oct 2016
Normal names ,mediocre games many awaiting the evening to be untamed

Tantalized by trickery to be teased with the expectation of tasty treats

Carousing kiddies can't wait to click their heels but to stay away from home

Tall top hats tilted with final facials gilded ,laughing or trembling just for the sweets

Dedication by many overlooking a link with religion ,cut loose with no chaperone

Frightful or often funny ,individually punny ,some just trying to give others the creeps

Dancing damsels are distressed, Knights to guard them while monsters just groan

Freaks frolicking standing aside while the princesses make their leaps

Graveside now nice for a time,freaks from the shadows both smile & moan

All invited to the grand ball,party to remember for peeps & those that are tall

Uncage the animals,make up for others,imaginations rule, no excuse to sit like a stone

One night to recall came to play in fall,beautiful or bewildered came together to enthrall . R.C.
Bit of fun for the "spirit" of a Holiday,we love our holidays no matter the reason.   Appreciate your reading, I never know what people think so any input is appreciated . Happy Fall. Rick
Jessica Jarvis Jul 2018
Puzzle pieces,
Pretty pieces,
Punny, pretty, little pieces.

Lovely, little
Puzzle pieces
Play a part pretty places.

Pick apart
The puzzle pieces.
See the playful pieces play

To put together
Punny puzzles,
Purposefully planned and made.

Oh, yes,
Pretty puzzles,
Practically perfect in every way.
Sam Feb 2018
Memes, memes,
What a wonderful thing!
They're funny, and punny,
And all around lovely!

But sometimes memes can be
They can be very, very
They can make you feel
They can make you feel

I am sad.
Sad that I grew to
Sad that I got to know
You beautifully, horrible

Garry, come home.
I couldn't help myself. @Mayo, Nel, and Mah
Jelena Apr 2020
There is no line so no punchline
And no punishment for the punny puns
Since they are no punks
They are not puny, right
There are other that is punier puns
Was bored and I love puns
Delton Peele Nov 2022
From dark Iniquities to open pleasantries
What ever floats to the top of your dreams.
A deep velvet crush?
Could it be ?
Or is it an obsession to hear
Your arch nemesis screams'?
A painful memory
creates a loquacious bleed .
Purest intent kept
Protected or proclaimed
Remains in the heart of one
Whose pen flows from their veins
Syntax in  ambivalence
"hieroglyphic script"
Mystic cryptic punny things
Secretly lie in between ......

The lines
Words for keys .....

Hypnotic reads these,
Pains or pleasure awakes the mind
Break the grind
lexicons asylum
mercurochrome for you soul
Time to let go some healing words of your own ......
I love you poetry .....
This one's for you ......
wichitarick Nov 2017
Tantalized by trickery to be teased with the expectation of tasty treats

Carousing kiddies can't wait to click their heels but to stay away from home

Tall top hats tilted with final ****** gilded ,laughing or trembling just for the sweets

Dedication by many overlooking a link with religion ,cut loose with no chaperone

Frightful or often funny ,individually punny ,some just trying to others the creeps

Dancing damsels are distressed, Knights to guard them while monsters just groan

Freaks frolicking standing aside while the princesses make their leaps

Graveside now nice for a time,freaks from the shadows both smile & moan

All invited to the grand ball,party to remember for peeps & those that are tall

Uncage the animals,make up for others,imaginations rule no excuse to sit like a stone

One night to recall came to play in fall,beautiful or bewildered came together to enthrall . R.C.
A little leftover candy from last year,but never finished my thoughts on this year,never quite had the spooky mood either:(   Hope folks had a perfectly ghoulish time:)   Thanks for reading I appreciate your thoughts. Rick
Dream Fisher Dec 2019
I might be just a distraction
Like flowers during hard times
Giving a funny quip to obtain reaction
Then falling back into line.
It's a bit obnoxious, leaving me a lack of real
I can only imagine how everyone else feels.
The goofy kid who opens his lid
just to laugh at himself and what everyone else did.
That's how I play it in my mind
That's how it plays in theirs too.

A one note joke spoke is funny
Until it's being told the hundredth time
It was quirky and a little punny
But best to leave a dying joke to die
Don't laugh, it encourages attention,
Walk past, leaving me no mention.
It's humorless and rumor is
I do it for self-defense and deflection,
The room is heavy and I hate the tension.

I might just be a distraction
Like an ice cream cone,
A sometimes treat worth a smile
But you don't miss it when it's gone.
Nevermore Mar 2018
Stolen glances
Bronze sunsets
Feather touches
Sapphire dawns

Unspoken entreaties
Suppressed tears
Tender kisses
Furtive giggles

Moonlit midnights
Spilled beer
Breathless moments
Moist gropings

Crisp autumn
Tokyo sky
First snow
Auspicious meeting

Crowded Christmas
Bended knee
Diamond ring
Torrential felicitations

Seething traffic
Placid drive
Harmonized songs
Punny banter

Perilous storms
Locked hands
Whispered prayers
Renewed hope

Winter noon
Tearful vows
Golden rings
Joyous feasting
For my geisha.
V Feb 2018
rip me to threads
but relatively speaking
you'll never destroy me
because I('m) matter

now it's time for bed
VividaVortex Mar 2018
I find more joy in getting on Facebook to see what happened "On This Day." It's a gamble I'd rather, the familiar no matters. Could be a photo tag with somebody no longer a "friend." A beautiful piece of me I decided to share. Afrocentric stellar art. Depression markers. Funny meme. Punny me. Beats scrolling the news feed, being a lurk, seeing the same personalities at work, letting me in but not all the way. The beauty of Facebook. It's like a new relationship. You learn somebody. Their mannerisms. What they find socially palatable. Soulfully compatible. Well, you think you learn somebody.  Then your spirits meet below the surface and you pretend you don't see each other. It's easier to deal. Easier to bare. Mmm. Distractions, righ?  They're everywhere. This day, I chose not to bother with Facebook and commanded what would happen on this day. It's the gamble I'd now rather, actively choosing to simply live happier.
LaFayette Dec 2019
Below is a comprehensive list
Of the woman I want, but just the gist

Smarter than me isn’t saying much
And not too much, but just a touch

So beautiful that she leaves me defenseless
It’s kind of important to me, I must confess

It would be great if she had a really nice job
So she doesn’t pick a bank for me to rob

Oh and of course I want her to be very funny
I’d even be okay if she was just super punny

She needs to care about me and my interests
Which are not all that numerous, I like my rest

The last thing is she needs to be my best friend
I want the type of relationship that never ends
171 E Swedesford Rd,

Unexpected positive experience
with regular totally tubular
gnarly patron first name Maureen
hmm... if only this burbling blurb
blog could somehow
be communicated - pro bono, cuz green
legal tender (mine) scarce -
anyway earlier

today December sixteenth
two thousand and nineteen
ah, my dog how serendipitously
I did germanely, modestly,
quintessentially shepherd convenient
rhyme with reason (hubble spontaneity)
three, five, eight, plus
this line thirteen...

(you get the idea, si?)
with eyes shut tight e'en
absentmindedly maneuvering "fake"
steering wheel, while zee queen
(think four foot eleven
spouse wearing spongebob

pajama pants) profusely thanked
police seeing eye dog approaching
and barking unforeseen
drove sitting on his haunches
on driver seat cop cruiser
smack dab nabbit
on our figurative docked toured tail

emulating crash test dummy
nearly didst almost careen
into our two thousand
and nine Hyundai Sonata
gave spouse faux paw high five
while flock of seagulls,
eagles, black crows...,

attired with red and green
holiday outfits suddenly appeared clean
(white hove out blizzard)
out of thin air nearly collided
with our self driving
automobile I amazingly
gratefully dodged tween
twenty plus miles north east

back to Schwenksville,
Pennsylvania, where this mean,
(once lean twice shy)
poetry (aye sup prose) writing machine,
now exuberant poet hoping
to garner (no bull lariat) keen
punny hush meant toward anybody

including trumpeting mujahedeen
hoot aches objection, which
courtesy self typing keyboard really
cool and groovy power
(smart thinkpad) reads my mind
pressing corresponding key visible
on Lenovo external large screen.
Delton Peele Jun 2021
Frozen in motion
.....Doing .....
The same
Back to back
Olympic Gold medalist
Believe me.
Good at this.
Of the
Stupid crown wearing stupids wear in
I not only wear mine stupidly
I take the crown .
I wear mine the stupidly-ist
To enable
Other cultures to glean

I think

....I guess
Really ..
I think ,
I think
Too much .
And no that wasn't a stutter or typo.
Here I go again ...
I think
What I'm trying to do.
Is talk or,
Type my way through
Emotionally speaking.
Using cryptic
Nursery rhyme
Little one
Play on word
Sayings ....?
(Axioms I suppose if you will .
Not in prose
Yes I do wish it were so
And although
I'd like to think so
Uhhm yah!
Im no pro
And yet I digress
And usually
I hide in poetry
I guess to escape
Coming to grips with this .....
Or these .
Whatever this and these are . ..
Hang ups or addictions
By products of being I'll equipped
With the appropriate tools to handle unprecedented situations
And swept under the big **** carpet with self medicating
And of course self appointed
To write my own prescriptions
it s like the other day I was reading psychology today .
( I don't want to talk about it)
(No seriously.)
Ya actually it was yesterday
And the article read
I started to read it and fell asleep
.... So I wake up ..and it's today is it still today or because I technically fell asleep ye...s..t..erday
Should I ...
.. .ehhh
Let's save that for another day

Back to the .

I sometimes  
Find myself whitty
Others may find
With in the way I can get explicit
I like the raw side ?
true to life
Gripped in
I think I would rather feel
That instant pain of a slap
Followed by tears and a passionate
Than the soul ******* ache
Leaching life
Away living
Day to day
With the one

The one....


My once

And only

Soul mate.  
Who pretended
Never no why
Said she....
Lov ...e.
No secretly she hated me .
Awe geeze
Where the
Double hockey sticks
Wuz I goin with this.
Of the spastics ..
I'm like wh
Oh yah.
Pardon me
Yadda yadda
I'm witty
Let's see
Oh ok
So I can be explicit and gritty
Some say hey it's unexpected
Eclectics call it eccentric
Others read only the top layer and say woe that's too close to reality
Still lie
Say dude!
Thats ******* cool yo!
Oh they don't even know.
Then there is the few
The ones
The only ones
Persuading gravity
The truest ones that's mean
Most .. .
.  ... .
Wait for it
The may like yeah.
Or they may
Nay say it.
They may even say its ****** stupid and ******...
Food for thought. .
More like cry myself to sleep)
What I'm tryin to say is
" Like it or not .
Some people say they love ya and take a bullet for you ...
These ones who never correct you .
Really stuck a knife in you're back with a paper attached saying
I'm stupid but dont tell me.
So The ones you need to cherish
I guess are the beautiful ones that tell you.
did I say that right? I mean yah I write,
And yah right handed.
And I know I'm right
I just don't  
Know if I'm wrighting it
Bob B Jun 2024
My dad could be a character.
He often loved to get your goat,
But in a fun or teasing manner
And always keeping his wit afloat.

Very well read and articulate,
He used his humor to be quite punny.
However, when he teased my mom,
She didn't often find him funny.

He could be loquacious with his
Gargantuan vocabulary.
Since he could talk about anything,
The topics, of course, would always vary.

He possessed the enviable
Ability to think on his feet.
To hear him talk at events to me
Was an unforgettable treat.

My mom would listen attentively,
But after a while her ire would spike.
I could hear her softly mumbling,
"******, Warne, put down the mic!"

The use of the word "******" here
I have to admit is rather tame,
For both of my folks could string together
Words that would put a sailor to shame.

No offense to sailors here,
But certainly you know what I mean.
After we left our family
Gatherings there'd be a scene.

"Stop talking politics
At family parties!" Mom would shout.
"And stay away from religion," she'd add.
Of course, I've left the cuss words out.

But Dad was truly a loving man--
Warm, affectionate, and kind.
His liberal outlook on life taught me
To open both my heart and mind.

Twenty-six years ago he died,
And yet so much of him survives:
The love that he had for his family
And the ways that he touched so many lives.

-by Bob B (6-16-24)
Charlie Harman Sep 2023
Love's quite punny
All those funny lines
I love you:
(insert pun here).

But our love must
have missed the memo.

The closest to a pun
you ever got, was when
you spun my love into
the rope I hung
myself with.

F**k you.
*Figuratively Speaking*

— The End —