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anna charlotte Aug 2015
jeg er extraordinær
og du tog mig alt for ******* seriøst
tag dog en joke ******* dreng

ik tro du er extraordinær
for du var ik noget, og du var ik noget ******* specielt
indtil jeg ******* gjorde dig til det
Edna Sweetlove Nov 2014
I heard the world's loudest **** today
It echoed round the town enough to say
"I am a **** of great renown and fame,
I am a **** who's worthy of the name
  KING of FARTS!"  Unthinkingly I sniffed
And, let me tell you, I have never whiffed
Aught so potent, dank and dread and foul
Blasted out from heaving human bowel
As that king of farts I smelled today
And which took my ******* breath away.

Who was the pumper of that putrid beauty?
How many curries in the line of duty
Had he consumed?  It must have been a man -
No pong so strong ere blew from female can.
Can no one answer yet my urgent question:
And say who suffereth such dire indigestion?
O heavens! his torment must be something chronic.
Can no one subsidise a high colonic
Irrigation to prevent another
Noisier and more noisome than its younger brother?
This has a slightly Shakespearian or even Chaucerian ring to it I feel. Or maybe even Marlovian, bearing in mind some of Christopher's well-documented sodomitic frolics. Yes I know it's a teeny bit ******, but then so were Shakespeare, Chaucer, and Marlowe. It has tragically never won a prize of any sort, although it's secured quite a few rounds of applause elsewhere. It is truly one of my masterpieces.
Mateuš Conrad Nov 2016
your eyes are like oysters i'd wish i would have gulped,
  a scenario of Narcissus who ate by the mirror...
     but then i listen to a heavy metal song:
and retract to change the lyrics
toward: fear of the selfies... fear of the selfie...
fear of the selfie... i have a phobia that someone
somewhere needs me to pose.
it's almost a cheerie cry, i'm a big boy i can walk
into a deathly hollowed-out road of
confiscated pride... the route i took,
engaged me with seven horses and one that almost
mistook my fingers for sugar cubes
and knocked my brains out after discovering
the plight of what it was nibbling on...
  but that's so ****** personal,
i might have insurrected the existence
of a satanic cult with me shouting
in the forest one time or other...
never mind that... your eyes are still akin
to oysters... a gulping-down of
whatever content it suggests...
no tongue-waggling, no breathing,
         just that shape akin to feline asiatic squirm
above a permanent slit: entangling with
what's known as sober-faced poker... or beyond
    purring: murmuring a sodden / well-trodden
path: and was anything else expected to suffer less?
   those eyes: esp. bound to a hispanic frozen lot of longing...
oysters jeopardised along with snails
  whenever the inquisition dared to come between us...
ergo dispersed the oily sexed up
***** Juan stereotypes of piston pump-pump...
nevermind, i call them twirling pumper-nickle gymnasts
of all things necessary kneaded into a chasm of org':
                         hispanic tilde eyes...
the eyebrow within the eye encompassing whatever
needs an expression... surprise? mmm, nada.
sunrise and was phone-*** so ever interesting as to
forget writing mistimed odes such as this?
                  thespian hoplites raised their tongues
toward the spear that suggested a marching was
the proper aversion toward a coup
with the director of theatre too violently itemising
Shakespeare toward a boorish scenario of
thrown rotten cabbage onto the stage.
        fewer hoplites suggested ******
  in the trojan horse, and fewer of the said "hashishin"
might have allowed history to bite at Homer's narrative
for posterity, had they not already said: ha ha! dope!
still, that locomotive tilde of the hispanic girl's eye
that ate the eyebrow, and squinted toward a sunrise
in demanding asiatic slit offense:
                           as monogamy for the sun invoking
                    spinoza im eisen mädchen?
     hilfe anaconda! hilfe anaconda! hilfe aisha!
pricklengrund von hattin!
              hispanic tilde of the eye that ate the eyebrow
and demised the asiatic natural "squirm"
    and the forgotten sales of eyeglasses for myopia,
or too the once ticklish origin of silk with her
spinning don quixote's platonism to a
dame (akin to that fabled bride of Athos, good grief!)
that's dubbed *riza'doviento'dealma.
Francie Lynch Mar 2021
Aine, Xav and Ga, their dog,
Were hiking through the Sifton Bog
On Sunday morning, sunny and warming,
Hunting for their Easter eggs;                                                    
When Ga sniffed, then barked in a hollow log. 
What is it, Ga? Aine asked in wonder
Is it a frog? Xav asked Pumper.

But Ga smiled and left to lift a leg.

So Aine peeked in one end,
Xav peered in the other.
It was hollow, that's for sure,
They waved to one another.

Oh!... But Oh!... something moved inside.
Brown and hairy, with flaming red eyes.
It moved at Xav, who stepped back, then cried:

Aine, come here! Come here NOW!

Quick as a flash she stood by his side.

(Together they would live or die.)

With twelve powerful legs and six beady eyes,
It leapt at them, then hopped outside.
There cuddling ‘n twitching at Xavi's feet,
Were three wee bunnies, cute as can be.                              

Ooooo, Ooooo, they both sighed.
Can we take them home to feed and keep,
And play bunny games till we fall  asleep
Xavi asked. No. Xavi begged!

Hmmm, thought Aine, quite perplexed;
But then remembered what her parents said:

Be cautious with our furry friends;
The birds, fish and earthy crawlers;
When you find them,
Be careful-kind,
And they'll be with us always

Still,  Xavi worried, so he asked his Sis,

Are they okay if left like this?

Hmmm, thought Aine (who's getting real good at this).
Let's call Granda.
Tell him what we've seen.
Mom says he knows everything

(They Zoom Time on Mom & Dad’s phones)

Hello, Granda, this is Aine.
Xav and I have a question for ya.
We came across some wee bunnies
Huddled in their home.
Are they okay if left alone

Granda heard their concern,
So he told them all he had learned.

All the bunnies I have known,
Have done real well when they have grown.
I knew Buggs as a wee bunny,
And he grew up to marry Honey.

Rabbit's a friend to Kanga and Roo,
And Mr. Rabbit got carrots tricking Cap’n Kangaroo.

Miffy was Kathleen’s first rabbit friend;
Mark loved Velveteen’s happy end?

And Roger starred in his own movie,
Like me, your Granda, he's so cool and groovy.

Thumper keeps thumping his left hind foot,
And Br'er Rabbit’s still naughty in all his books.

The White Rabbit leads Alice down a hole,
Where March Hare’s late... as usual.
If you like heroes found in comics,
Read Captain Carrot, he’s supersonic.
I can't forget Crusader Rabbit,
He rides a horse and feeds it carrots.    

I’m sure you've heard of Beatrix Potter’s
Tales of Peter, and his sisters and brothers.

All these rabbits were once wild bunnies,
Now in movies, books and funnies.

Why, even magicians pull rabbits out of hats.

Your three wee kittens were left alone
While Mummy Bunny left on her own
To gather food bits to feed her wee kits
Waiting for her safe return.
I surely hope I’ve allayed all your fears,
Don't worry, your bunnies are here for years.

But there's one more bunny I should address,
And I'll tell you who so you needn't guess
This bunny's the one we might like best:

It's the Easter Bunny, au chocolat

Xav and Aine were much relieved
To let their bunnies
Live wild and free.

Thank you, Granda.
Hope to see you soon.
Happy Easter, and too-da-loo

And off they hopped for some Easter treats,                    

Pumper got his treat back home.
Leftover from dinner-
A tofu hambone.
Written for my grandchildren, Aine and Xavier (Xav). Their dog's name is Pumper, but they also call him Ga. The original has many pictures embedded in the verse, but they don't copy to this site.  Kathleen and Mark are the parents. The Sifton Bog is in London, Ontario.
Heath Leonard May 2013
Vessel of blood, pumping life,
thrumming quickly to the world's pace.
Vessel of warmth, pumper of love,
squeezing every drop of red out.
Vessel of ice, pumping pain,
cold and lifeless while stabbing itself.
Vessel of stone, pumper of strength,
protecting against emotion's varied arrows.
Clumps of cholesterol, good or bad,
deflecting the flow of normality,
throwing off with simplicity,
so easy to fix but unnoticed,
seemingly not a problem at all,
until it seeps into your heart,
strangling it with its own agenda,
blocking and changing the beat,
the pulse,
until everything;
Maja Klit Jul 2015
Endorfiner pumper gennem mit blod for hvert
like post follow
Undskylder og gemmer min trang
like post follow
Wi-Fi er priotet No. 1

Impulsive depressive symptomer uden mit platoniske sociale netværk
Rastløs uden
Føler mig glemt når jeg ikke har været levende i flere dage

Tager  på lange trips
Behøver ikke politikens rejseguide
Verden er så nem og ligetil derinde

Har prøvet rehab
Holdte kun til de værste abstinenser gav mig wi-fi
Er jeg afhængig eller bare et produkt af min tid?
Fuglene flyver kun fordi de brændes nedefra.
Og vi er teenagetragedier der sucker for elendighed.
Vi griber efter pigtråden og blodet minder os om dig.
"Jeg smager af galakser" sagde du, men bed mig.
Vores hænder stiger febrilsk fra undergrundens hjertetåge.
Ingen ser og ingen rækker deres hånd i frygt for afhængighed.
For blå øjne er farlige.
Det var sådan et drag at se dig.
Dyrke aliensex i mørket med mine fjender,
drikke kaffe med mine dæmoner, og selv dér var du rødvinssmuk.
Vodkaen smager af ensomhed.
På jagt efter den perfekte choker . På perfekt
I mine endeløse flugt fra det ordinære. Måske man skulle passe ind?
Men separatismen sidder i mine kindben.
Autistisk-sukkende strømmer blodet i mine smerteknuste vener.
Søgende efter varme, men med et nul graders hjerte der kun pumper anakroniske ****, kan man ikke flyve.
Er jeg den eneste der ved at jorden er ved at gå under?
Begraver sig selv i undergang og drømmesvigt. Er jeg den eneste der ikke længere kan se sig selv i øjnene og leve -
Men jeg kan se stjerner og de skinner som bløde ferskner ikke gør det. Jeg ser mørke og opfinder selv patetiske solglimt. Vi længtes efter ægtheden og det hudløse, uden at vide hvad det er. Vi tør ikke mere.
At elske
at leve
at spise eller dø. Men vi har bløde ferskner og lange nætter der pumper vores hjerteblod af espresso shots.
I mine årer pumper
Kemiske stoffer
Fornuftig som jeg er
Betaler jeg ej selv
Jeg snører min kære
Til at lade
Kemiske stoffer
Pumpe rundt i mit
Jeg har danset natten
For der er kemiske
Pumpende i mit
Det var hvidere end
Det typiske
Snuden længere ned
Hovedet tilbage
Det svier
Smager af
Jeg har kemiske stoffer inde
I mig.
snotsniffende, tallerkenøjnet, distræt og bankelam
llcb Apr 2016
Når du rammer min nethinde så pumper mit hjerte kraftigt blod ud fra min venstre hjertehalvdel til min højre, så jeg bliver helt varm i kroppen af al blodet der cirkulerer rundt i mine arterier, og der er nu ikke længere plads til H2O indeni, så det damper ud som sved i mine små håndflader og min krop bliver til noget jeg ikke kan holde styr på med kolesterol på speed og kolde tær og molekyler der danser ind i hinanden og årha, al den forelskede gør min krop helt udmattet og får mig til at smile som en vanvittig.
Elsbeth Poe Dec 2013
I want you to touch me
I want to feel your warmth spread
Filling me with friction of blood moving through veins

I want you to kiss me gently and sweet
But to you not yet knowing who I am
I am just an idea
But I am a blood pumper too
Fearing my potential
Just like you do

With deep yearning for connection and care
I become a body aching
A brain sleeping
Trying to escape that lonely feeling

You met me in a moment of need
I want you to touch me
Teach my blood to move again
Pumping feeling back through me
Freeing my mind of the trap it's in

Yours is sunshine on my skin
I want you to touch me

*Dec 2013
Ace Sep 2018
My pen have lost its will to bleed;
For the blood in my veins dries slowly as I give.
My papers began to rip as I live;
For the pumper in my chest slowly dies as I grieve.

My hands have lost its sense of touch;
For I forgot to perceive what I can hold and I cannot.
My tongue turned pale as it perpetually rots;
Unable to taste what sweet and sour— unable to determine what’s cold or hot.

My words may come out gibberish and censure;
For my eyes couldn’t see what else is unsure.
And as my mouth speak the words of cure;
A sacrifice must be done— just take my breath and let me wither under the sun.
ungdomspoet Dec 2015
nogle gange glemmer mit hjerte at slå
når tiden pludselig står meget stille
jeg ligner mest af alt et spøgelse
der lister rundt på glasskår af knuste ***** flasker
mens livet langsomt bliver suget ud af min tomme blege krop
men der findes også dage som suser forbi hvor
mit hjerte pumper dobbelt så meget blod ud som det burde
til mine blå vener er ved at sprænges
og jeg kan mærke at det banker helt oppe i halsen
mit hjerte banker for dig
og når du forlader mig
så er der ikke længere noget at banke for
det vil aldrig være besværet nok at arbejde så hårdt
blot for at holde mig i live
så hver gang du forlader mig dør jeg en lille smule
Daniel Magner Nov 2013
Oil fumes
wove with
that burst of laughter
so sought after
by my blood
thump, thump
my god
what is this?
Can it be
I'm finally
ready to
breathe out
Daniel Magner 2013
Jordan LC Murphy Mar 2021
Will she or won’t she
I don’t ******* know?
Again my hearts being torn apart
And thrown out in the snow ❄️
It’s okay I’ll just leave and quietly suffer in silence 👿
It’s no big thing my pumper has been ...long lost and tortured in defiance
No reliance on you only made me stronger
Bolder wiser and totally bonkerz
But I was wrong koz I should of seen it coming. 💔
Little girl my veins are cold it’s honestly so numbing
Borderline ****** son and a bi polar mother... like 2 peas in a hot *** of ****; puke and ****
Sailor graves and constant pain is all I seem to be promised
Broken dreams and shattered hearts
Just burning up in solace ☄️
Wack Tastic Nov 2012
I've been neutered,
Drill a hole in my head,
To relieve some of this,
This place,
Where I've lost it,
Everything that once made sense,
Totally disarray,
Meaningless prose to try and,

O sweet, depressed loneliness,
How you mock,
On the verge of tears,
Pumper keeps pumping,
Make sense please!
I beg you to help me.

Lonesome, sinking,
I try to think of something else,
But I just get turned around,
O the hatred I feel,
The burning hole where,
Desire was,
False happiness was,
I pine for it now,
Ignorant Bliss.

Take me away from all this,
In the impossible way,
Tell me everything’s going to be okay,
When the world comes unraveled,
Striking  keys in shabby manner,
Looking for that temporary relief,
That wasn't found.
DP Younginger May 2018
Watch closely as I construct my Monday forecast,
I see clouds shifting this way with bags under its eyes,
A rainy day is approaching,
It's been summer for over a year,
It's been gloomy at times,
I've had the occasional sprinkle,
But, there is a storm headed this direction,

You see, it didn't drizzle that day,
Stuck in a drought, I crave the waters of the sky,
But when you expect things to happen, the head is rotated counter clockwise,
I sit and wait, way too much,
My love used to say that,
The queued are the *******, your patience will let you down like tears from the sky,
I feel her words with every innuendo of new days to come,

They are glorious dreams to rocket a brain into space,
But, what goes up must come down eventually...right?
I tried to think the worst, but when the tears slid down her cheeks, my heart lurched,
It rose with a recharged happiness that I have never felt before,
Once again, her first words spitting "I can't",
Poking a hole in my overinflated pumper, the juice leaks into my stomach,
A wounded gut,
She is always right,
This heart was floating so high, but with a scattered like a runaway balloon,

You love em',
You hate em',
But hating them is a quick glance into what is next,
Live for now,
Love later,
Conquer your ridiculous hopes,
And those pesky expectations.
Stephen E Yocum Jul 2020
A neighbors' barn caught fire
last night, full of newly bailed
hay, lit up the sky with yellow
glow and black smoke,
Many of us came running but
could do little but watch, it was
not a blaze controlled by a well
and a garden hose.

With a twenty minute response
time by our rural volunteer fire
department, having not enough
water in their two pumper trucks
to do much good, it burned for
hours and was a total loss.

In the morning after most everyone
had gone my stoic friend, a man
of 60 years and few words wept,
he had lost his tractor and his beloved
border collie herding dog in the flames,
Molly obviously not able or willing to
abandon her seven newly born pups.

He said, the barn, hay, even the tractor he
could replace, but "never my wonderful
sweet Molly girl."
Travis Green Jun 2023
His strong hot rod is
The most thrilling treasure
That mesmerizes me deeply
That makes me crave him
Deep in my mouth

Feel his long, thick piece poke
And smoke my throat
Melt my heart and soul
Make me high as a *******
Hold on to his thick tattooed thighs

Admire his bright divine sight
His ripped, kissable abs
With big Zaddy vitality
I wanna bob on his rock-solid throbbing rod
Give a mad hot dose
Of his overflowing passion

Cause me to gasp as I snack on
His pleasure monster pumper
Run my fingernails
Up and down his dreamy manly waist
Crash-hot magical kisses

Delicious lips lock
Sprightly smiles, beguiling eyes
He is so ******* seductive
The touch of his sturdy construction
Enraptures my whole world

Makes me so bowled over
By his majestic poetic flow
The most heart-stopping macho charmer on the planet
The type of desirable fiery knight
That has me so in love with his untouchableness

Such a nasty passionate smash
I dig his rhythm of virility
He got gangbuster game that hypnotizes me
That makes me hanker
To collide with his enticingness

Make my gleaming cream pies
Shake from side to side
Make me sweat as I taste
His unparalleled sensational enchantingness
He pounds my mouth

Pulverizes my entireness
Finesses my **** velvet playground
Makes me choke on his dope man-motor
**** his bouncy danging coconuts
***** his hypnotic hips

Lick him everywhere
Let him **** my face ungovernably
Plunge deep into my throat
Knock me sideways
Make me speak ****** ****

Arrest me from head to toe
Give him the hottest mind-blowing *******
I didn’t know a potent rugged Romeo like him
Could have me blissed out
Desiring him for hours on end

Listen to his top-notch baritone voice
The foul slang that rises from his mouth
His bang-up bulging muscles
His oohs and ahhs take my breath away
The way he licks his lips
Leaves me so **** speechless

I call his name, feel his intensifying flame
Streaming within my domain
I am so wet for his flex
So lost in the way he gazes at me
With his amorous eyes

I will do anything for him
Keep him rock-hard
Face down on his long, suckable sausage
I wanna know what it feels like
To be stupefied in his sight

Feel him ****** my jaw-dropping knobbers
Arouse them, bite them
Make me feel his formidable heat
Turn me on with the way he slays my nation
Make me breathe heavily

****** my mouth with his manhood
Tell me how ******* lit my ****-hot head game is
Shove his hella hung junk down my throat
Shoot his *****, make me crunk and drunk
Crushing on a hunkish luscious stunner like him
Travis Green Mar 2023
I am hungry for his unfuckwithable monster pumper
To kiss and spit on the tip, to slide my tongue all over it
Go down on it to the base, slay his space, in his embrace
I taste his mad splashy grass, grab and mack with his sack
Place passionate rapturous kisses on his thick ripped thighs

Trace his shiny ankles, set his mind’s frame aflame
Blanket him in my majestically sexalicious homosexualness
Feast on his savory salacious takingness
Taste the nape of his thick, sun-kissed neck
In his captivating waves of radiant intoxicating elation

My gayness swaying with his straightness
My adventurously appealing lips touching
Every fraction of  his smashing masculineness
Grab his sturdy shimmering rear end
Let my gropers console his dopeness

Tune in to the musical, sensual rhythm of his heart and soul
My lustrous thuggish muscleman
My shareable honeyed treasure
My mind spins a thousand times the more
I embrace his devilish measureless incredibleness

Let him carry me to the most tender tempting dimensions
The more I play with his impressively hard snake
Let it dance and tantalize my tongue, devour my throat
Draw me deeper into his undoubtedly magical
And incandescent fire, make me submit to his brilliant
Wicked intriguingness, stare at his enticing, all-powerful splashiness

My fierce ecstatic smash, he brings me pure absolute joy
He lives in my dreams, a dynamic craveable sensation
That leaves me breathless again and again
Delightfully defined and shining delight
I wanna belong to his five-star disarming machoness

My pretty young stunner swirls me around and around
Renders me dizzy and squiffy, got me swimming
In his electrifying tide of lurid torrid hotness
Take in the unconquerably hypnotic and strong taste
Of his refined, satisfying enticingness

Feel how he awakens me more and more
As I explore his ardent uncharted starriness
Wanting to connect with his expressive selective majesticalness
Coalescing with the warmth of his wondrousness
I am absorbed by every part of his alluring and flourishing charm

I melt away into the blazing hot gates
Of his contagious breathtaking sensationalness
Never wishing to stop ******* on his intensely succulent lollipop
So amazed and carried away, merging with his muscularity
Deepthroating him passionately, ensnared in his ****** attraction

Beads of sweat build on my flesh
I relish every second he blesses me with his sexiness
Locked in the heartland of his steamy entrancing grandness
As he holds my head down on his firm serviceable turgescence
And spurts out his rude man fuel down the rollercoaster of my throat

I behold his potent mind-blowing showiness
Pining to be with him for a lifetime
Entwined in every ounce of his profoundness
My heavenly pleasurable Zaddy, there’s nothing sweeter
Than drinking down his glistening river
Of legit explicit slickness until I am replete
Travis Green Jul 2023
I wanna be with him
For hours on end
Feel him deep within me
Bang me, tame me
Slide deep into my mind’s frame

Make me feel the unrivaled power
Of his hard-hitting hurricane
Pulverize my backside
Put me on cloud nine
Manhandle my mounds

Bite into my rock-like points
Love me hard, *** me recklessly
Make me sweaty
Tongue my neck
Rub his nose against my shoulders

Be my wildest inviting dream
Conquer me, punish me
Pound me like a *******
Feel his macho **** head
Deep in my tight warehouse

Make my entire world
Swirl with unparalleled amorosity
Captivate my heart and soul
Slap the **** out of my ***
Tempt every inch of me

Hold on to him
In a frenzy of delight
So high on his enticingness
His smashing sensuality
My favorite radiant lover man

I am so tender toward his toughness
So hung up on the way he ***** me
Give me his thugness
Take my manhood
As I look lasciviously at him

Take command, fulfill my fantasies
Dive deep into my insides
Make my head spin
Make me beg for his top-shelf pleasure pumper
Again and again

Make my thighs shake
Grip my *** cheeks
Rail me, daddy
Rock me to the core
Explore me more

Tell me he needs me
Tell me he loves me
Tell me that our *** is bomb
Never cease when he gives it good to me
Please me with his rude hood wood

Rake his fingernails down my back
Bite me, delight me, overpower me
Pump his hung succulent gun
Shoot his massive yummy ***
All over my bouncy brown buns
Travis Green May 2023
He is where I yearn for my world to be
To discover his gentle, tender kisses
Feel his sublime brown chin
Stroke his spectacular black beard
Permeate me with hot scarlet fever

Make me moan as he charms
And conquers my heart
Gawp into his breathtaking amorous eyes
So beguiled by his sexually tantalizing virileness
His flawless red-hot *** appeal is

So worthy of mention, so sensually dreamy
So effervescent and supereminent
So clean, keen, and supreme
He titillates my gayness
Amazes and blazes my senses

Seizes and teases my existence
Unleashes his high-powered piping-hot heat upon me
My dope soldier Romeo
Take my body, rock me steady
Show me how he loves

Touch me like a ****, sleek, and spacious truck
Make me erupt like a ferocious smoking volcano
Lost in his erotically thought-provoking hotness
His studly seductive thugness
Dominates my mind, body, and soul
Like potent, addictive drugs

Give me a thrill as I catch feelings
Feel me, tease me, defeat me
Wrap me in his splashiness
Relax into his jazzy dashing majesty
Slide my hands all over his fresh gleaming skin

Our dimensions lock together
I melt into his majesticness
His contagious fragrant flex
Makes my mouth water
Makes me want to drop down to my knees

See and please his long and girthy stick
Kiss it, stroke it,  compose my perfect ****** poetry all over it
Pull him closer to me to ******* his heart and soul
Take him to the edge of incredible treasured ecstasy
As I delve deep into his marvelous spotless hotness

Such an ardent sharp, hot boy
So glorious and well-proportioned
I love being in his nearness
Servicing him, cherishing every area of him
So stranded in his enchantingness

I **** his steaming cream-filling meat stick
Savor the intoxicating taste
Of his **** **** head
Lick his handsome man bush
As rich hot sweat trickles on my flesh

I hold on to his lean supreme hips
His bright mountainous thighs
His wicked rippling muscles
So overwhelmingly compelling
In all his super-alluring glory

My mind wanders away
To fascinating faraway lands
Of unparalleled delectation
Steadily bobbing on his piece
I can’t control my hormones

He is everything that spellbinds my homosexualness
Has me so taken with his brazen captivating manfulness
He makes me the happiest heavenliest dream girl
The more our worlds swirl around each other
He sets me afire, devours my mind’s frame

Puts me on cloud nine the more I work his firmness
**** his massive **** sack
I lose myself in his luscious rugged mantasticness
Pining to delight in his sizzling hot machoness
He tattoos his name on my mouth
Leaves me so blissed out as he rises
To a mind-blowing ******
And shoot his pleasure pumper ***** down my throat
Travis Green Aug 2022
Ravish me, super smashing and sweaty Daddy
Be my everlasting pleasurable passion
Take me downtown in your unquantifiable
Underground man cave
Let me venerate your contagiously defined muscles

Feel your heart-stirring storming seduction
Let your hotness pierce through my beguiling sunshine paradise
Devour my magical psychedelic rainbow
Lick me like a sweet luscious lollipop
****** my crash-hot red-hot softness

Sink me into your nastiest lecherous dreams
Speak to me sexually, ****** me effortlessly
Make me linger in lust, drunk on your hunkalicious thuggishness
Endlessly entranced by your manfulness
Nothing else parallels with your freshalicious finessing funk
A bomb, full-bodied, and sparkling prodigy

You make me so superheated and speechless
So deep in my treasured mesmerizing ocean
Your divinely spellbinding prowess hypnotizes me
Makes me so raddled, enwrapped in your arresting
Perplexing incredibleness, with your infectious heavy pumper

I love how you govern my lush searing galaxy
Make me fall deeper into the wettest wicked fantasies
The compelling smell of delectable honeyed fragrance
Streams all around me, makes me lose myself
In your impassioned world, fierce eternal thunder

Tremendous echoing dopeness
Whirling earthly immersiveness
Take possession of my homosexualness
Take me downtown, throw me in jail
****** my moist magic box
Guard my femininity, feel my hot pool of passion
In my smashing satin center

I want to watch your heavy hairy chest move
Dark rock-solid maple brown biceps
Impressive incontestable heavenliness
Arouse me, my dreamy premier peer
Deconstruct my curvy saucy structure

Tether me to intensely irresistible bewitchingness
Plunge deep into my wetness
Give it to me so strong, so unbelievably reckless
Make my vessel erupt in sizzling passionate bliss
Grazielle Lota Dec 2020
Wake up!
It's time to tap more ryhthms on screen,
Feel the beat of nerves from conscience
To ****** pumper
Feel the images filtered from
Those beautiful windows
To the heart of your soul.

Breathe in memories
Breathe out words
Inspire humanity
Feed lost souls.
Reawakening of passion
Travis Green May 2022
He is the only juicy, exotic, and
Sparkling fruit I want to devour
To feel his desirable fresh flesh
Golden, aromatic, and matchless
Transcendently tempting
Rich and sweet-scented
Inviting as a shiny, pear-shaped diamond

I want to traverse into his blaze of fiery passion
Feel his lean, succulent body all over me
The most charming and deserving Samson
I cherish how his name nuzzles my tongue
How ardent archives sparkle like
Rare, dark, and warm marbles
Like a dazzling black dresser

In my heart, in my treasure trove
Is where I hold on to his myriad magic
His deep indescribable poetry
He got me under the influence
Of his intoxicating captivatingness
Lost in his unstoppable tropical storm
Feeling his firm, earthy physique
His raw, monstrous, and maximum momentum

I need his lusciously humongous *** pumper
Unleash his lightning-like fire upon my body
Make me shudder in his nearness
Leave me bewildered, blissened, bewitched
By his grippingly slick irrestibleness
Travis Green Jun 2023
I don’t wanna be without
My smooth, best-looking lover man
So deliciously dreamy, sweet, and sexalicious
A handsome treasured devil
His attractive swagger is so irreproachable

His thick, irresistible beard
Draws me nearer to his superiority
The feel of his bare spectacular abs
Make my mouth water
His wondrous prodigious pecs
Enraptures me more than ever

I am so in love with his solidly sculpted shoulders
His magnificent iridescent arms
The seamless gleaming prince of my dreams
He tempts my existence
Has me crushing on him
Blushing and lusting for his steamy hot loving

I need to feel him all over my skin
Undress me, caress me, grip my desirably lewd sugar plums
Run his feelers all over my aroused, rocklike nips
****** his huge rude pumper in and out of me
**** me in every position

Make me feel his pure unmatched manliness
Streaming in my veins, making me extra heady
Give it to me deeply
Make me say his name
Over and over again, as I take in
His pristine supreme eminence

Take me hard, feel his hot rod throb in my altar of softness
Make me moan and gasp as he slaps my astonishing ***
Make me drool, ***** my shoulders
Pound me fast, have a blast
Make me beg for it to last forever

To be penetrated and violated
By robust **** machine
Make me tingle all over
Roped in his smoking, sultry machoness
My potent dope boy

I love how he stands behind me
Bends me over and tames me
Confines and spellbinds me
*** me up to perfection
Cause me to have such a perpetual affection
For his sexually arresting majesticness

Slide his tongue up and down my thighs
Lick my spine, tantalize the nape of my neck
****, he drives me insane
How he places his hands over my mouth
Plows my sublime backside

Venture deeper into me
Open me up, render me struck up
So hung up on his top-shelf blood-red sauce
How he makes love to me so professionally
My source of unstoppable showstopping glory

He fills my guts up with his unimaginably vast knowledge
Rock my walls, brand his handsomeness all over me
Got me so turned on by his phenomenal muscles
How he inserts his fingers in my mouth
Accelerate the pace, reach the deepest parts of me
That enthrall me, that keep me bound to him

Loving him, clinging to him
To inhale every inch of his invigorating masculinity
So addicted to how he composes
The most memorable poetic lines all over my body
Stare at me with his bedroom eyes
Pulverize my insides, make me cry out in pleasure

Relishing the effectiveness
And impressiveness of his heavenly shredded freshness
Got me so boy crazy, so infatuated with his electric stance
His energetic architecture, craft his aesthetically
Compelling masterpiece all over my physique
Clutch my thrusting jugs
Come to the hottest thrilling crescendo
Blow his load all over me
Travis Green May 2023
He is a desirable and powerful frame
Of unmatchable mantastical art
With charming arms that turn me on
Mad hot swagger that has me
So obsessed with his majestic effervescent impressiveness

I fancy his handsomeness, savor his manliness
Burn for his firm-worthy superbness
Delight in his flaming bolt of dopeness
His explosion of energy, his piping-hot machoness
He has so addicted to his fresh, sweet-smelling threads
With his badass flamboyant J’s

He catches my attention
Entrances my feminineness
With his passionate, extraordinary splashiness
I am so tender for him
So stupefied by him, so wild about
His delightable prizable enticingness

His coveted rugged construction
Has me so in love with his lickable suckable thugness
I am so hungry for his crunkness
Longing to feel all of him against
My sleek voluptuous body

Hold my bouncy banging mounds
Indulge in my seamless succulent ends
Knead them, squeeze them, tease them
Make me moan ardently
As I marvel at his manly chest

Pull down his bright, stylish pants
Taste his pleasure pumper
Lick it in all directions
Drool all over it, kiss it
Give me a sugar high

Put me on cloud nine
Guide me to his lush, sumptuous paradise
Devour and satisfy entireness
While I admire his wildness
Let him invade my mouth

Blaze my throat, make my head spin
Command me, manhandle me
Eat me like a cherry cream cheese pie
Make me call his name over and over again
As my tongue relishes the feel
Of his hung monster shotgun against its surface

He makes my skin sweat, has me rapt and wrecked
Caught up in his thrilling thunder
I can’t control myself, so lost in the way
He slays my gayness, holds my head down
On his rock-hard chocolate cigar
And sprays his daddy sauce all over my face
Travis Green Jul 2023
I wanna sniff, lick, and kiss his big thick stick
Marvel at how long and hard it is
How it slides in my mouth, strikes my jaws
Causes me to choke the more it grows in my throat
The way it feels against my hands
Makes me so incredibly heady

So blissed out the more I give him brain
Down on my knees, in between his lean legs
Grip his tantalizingly virile thighs
****** his marbles, slurp on his top-notch **** head
Let my hands scan his flawless chocolate shotgun

My breath on his shaft, caress his chest
Taste his sleek muscular abs
Drown in his bright, astounding dreaminess
Spank his tight, bouncy buns
Revel in his hunky sun-kissed thugness

Stroke it, ******* it, float in his machoness
Show him my **** ******* skills
Make him feel my ****
Give him the hottest *******
As he rubs and ***** my bare thrusting points

Manhandle my brazen gigantic melons
Pinch them, spit on them, twist them, slap them
Whisper seductive slang in my ear
Fill my neck with hickeys
Run my tongue up and down
His hung monster pumper

Let him dominate my inner space
Make me disoriented as ****
Corrupt me completely
Make me go all the way down to his base
As he chuckles and flexes his robust muscles

Put his hands on my head
Tell me to keep ******* his ****
Make it sloppy as ****
Make love to his hot stuff
Rim my mouth roughly

Shove it in and out
Move faster and faster
Travel deep in my throat
Provoke and smoke my heart and soul
Rock me, taunt me, make me hot on thee

Give me all of his supercharged sparkling sauciness
Make eye contact with his splashiness
Consume his mushroom head
Drive him wild, savor his pipe game
While he climbs to a dramatically gripping ******
And blast my face with his massive jets of man batter
Travis Green Jul 2023
Being in his presence takes my breath away
Makes me crave to be taken in his bold, beefy arms
****** his rock-hard phenomenal chest
His impressive iridescent abs
Kiss his thick, velvety neck

Rub his wondrous prominent beard
Behold his dope yoked machoness
My super sensational Samson
I love the way his luscious body feels against mine
To delight in his top-flight divine appetizingness

Smell in his alluring bad boy cologne
Let him rock and shock me all over
As I take in his supremely adventurous
And shimmering masculineness
Such a hairy, spectacular, and incomparable smash

I am so soft on his ****-hot saucy sparklingness
So lost in his unconquerable remarkable marvelousness
I marvel at his bright magnetic eyes
How he draws me into his seductive world
Of succulent muscle-bound thugness

Make me succumb to his hella hunkish hotness
Press my hands on his tight chocolate buns
So caught up in his crunkness
The way he makes me feel
When he squeezes and teases
My crash-hot traffic stoppers

Pleases and seizes my rigid nips
Make it so hard to resist his *** appeal
My disarming chocolate bar
He is so fantastically magical and kissable
Got me so euphoric to the core

Feel him slide his long, rock-hard sausage into my vault
Make me relinquish my femininity to his masculinity
Let him cop my softness, dominate my walls
Ram my bountiful bouncy back end
Make my body shake

Make me moan to the max
While he caresses, finesses, and inspects my vessel
Tattoo his name all over my frame
******* away when he breaks down my gayness
Swirl his magic stick inside me

Change my world, enrapture me everywhere
Smash my guts, dig deep inside of me
Divide me, ride me, hypnotize me
Take me to his badass, banging boulevard
Make me answer his every command

Make me wet as a *******
So in love with the way he works every inch of me
Got me cussing up a storm
Feeling so feverish, cherishing
The way he punishes my sweet tasty man *****

Stretch me out while my big ***** jiggles
On his mega pleasure pumper
Let him get the best of me
****** it in and out of me
Rub my attention-grabbing *** cheeks

Spit in my hole, control my wholeness
Leave me so stuck on his hot stuff
Make me sweat the more he manhandles me
Show me his **** game, set me aflame
Rail my sloppy ******* love tunnel

Make it creamy as ****
Make me feel the force
Of his megalithic majestic manliness
Traversing further within me
Devour and electrify my delectable fruit

Tear every perimeter of my realm up
Make me beg for his gorgeous torrid hardness
Gape at his sensual face
So ***** deep in my hot sleeve of sweetness
Make me call him Daddy as he terrorizes my tightness
Rises to a highly exciting ******
And spray his man oil all over my utter ***** cakes
Travis Green Mar 2022
I just want to be with you
Kissing you more and more
Beyond the reality of time
****** your swirling squirt burner
Take it in my mouth
Allow my wildness to overpower me
Allow my saliva to slide all over your pipe
Excite your bright electric mind

Make the lights go out inside you
Breathe my desires all over you
Taste your sweet hard solidness
Your heavy delectable *******
I just love your super **** expressions
How your flex your amorous frame
How your chiseled cut chest emanates magnificence
How your aesthetically appealing abs allure my senses

Your solid soul rod rocks my heart
I got a mad ectatic crush on you
I am in an endless stream of ***** drinkable dreams
That seem to satisfy my system
The more my eyes lock with your hot charming ****
I writhe sexually to every astonishing response
My mouth makes with your powerhouse pumper
Boy, you take me into uncontainable trances
That enchants my body everywhere
Makes my hands go crazy as I stroke and blow your dynamo
Fill me up with your hunky manly ****
I want to watch you gush everywhere on my flesh
Paint me with your creative salacious mind
Travis Green Sep 2023
I wanna be with him
Under the glow of the majestic stars
Caught up in the formidable force
Of his astonishingly remarkable machoness
Delight in his enchantingly commanding demeanor
His untouchable muscular torso
His gorgeous core muscles

My desirable ivory-skinned kryptonite
Lock me in his rock-hard arms
Put my hands on his turgid shaft
Behold it, stroke it, ******* it
Let him shake it in my mouth

Give him some tongue play
Lick the lollipop, don’t stop
Make it hot, ****** his ****
Taste it from side to side
Let it slide down my throat

Make me choke, control my flow
Spit all over it, take me to pleasure paradise
Bring me the most unforgettable memories
The more I dive into his long, thick pipe
Show him my mouth motion

Bobbing and slobbering uncontrollably
**** on his big *** *******
Eat it up like a milk chocolate candy bar
Willing to do anything for him
Immerse myself in his big, juicy meat

So veiny and girthy
Delectable 12” inch pleasure pumper
I admire his awe-inspiring art
Take it ***** deep
Show me who’s boss
Show him how bad I want it

Stretch my mouth
Unleash the beast
Sniff his bush
Face **** me
Revel in his majestically
Imposing grandioseness

Call me his **** gobbler
His showstopping pole-smoker
His banana crammer
Let my lips glide up and down
His gigantic throbbing sausage

Feel his hands cling to my plentiful peaches
Swim in the ocean of thoughts
As he thrusts his big Italian sausage
In and out of my trap
Blow his mad hot load down my throat
Travis Green Jun 2023
Claim me, inflame me
Tame me, run his game on me
Make me feel the pressure
Of his incredible majesticness
His top-level treasurable *** appeal

Delicious, kissable lips
That whet my appetite
Sheer beardalicious immersiveness
Moist gorgeous lover boy
Rock-solid, strong-toned macho man

I wanna be in the presence
Of his heavenly effervescent manliness
Marvel at his rock-hard rearguard
His long **** rod, his thick *******
His massive swinging ball bag

Such a spectacular hairy beast
The sweetest eatable dish
My delectable confection
With flashy tatted skin
He makes my body tingle

Makes me wanna mingle
With his seamless tempting dreaminess
Fold me in his hunky, gunned-up arms
Feel the measureless magic in his rareness
Such a personable ardent charmer

His masculinity is the epitome
Of the maximum magnificence
I yearn to be in his superlative world
Allow him to beguile my entireness
Make me feel his mighty, deep-seated power

Relish him all over me
Smell the sensual scent of his supremeness
Lean into his unlimited tender excellency
Let him dissect and inspect my homosexualness
Bend me over, shove his thunderous pumper
Of incomparable fury in my tunnel of wetness

*** me like a fierce extraordinary lover man
Stick it in and out of me repeatedly
Part my thighs, hypnotize my insides
Make me breathe loudly
Make me sweat from the incredible pleasure

He brings to me, such a mean, muscled buster
I hunger for it, love it deep in my guts
Love the way he makes me feel
Open me up, leave me thunderstruck
Give me a headrush, got me feeling so drugged up

So hung up on his stunningly scrumptious seductiveness
The way he slams it deep inside me
Makes me utter ***** words
So drunk on his monster crunkness
His fiery electric heat, feening for him and no one else

Give it to me, harder and faster, deeper than ever
Make my bang-up **** cheeks jiggle
As he steadily pushes his thickness further into me
Make me so consumed with desire
For his white-hot striking fire

Check out his enticing smile and tantalizing eyes
How he divides, electrifies, and stupefies my mind
Got me so ******* dickmatized
As he rises to a sexually exciting ******
And ejects his man jelly all over my hot glossy cakes
Travis Green Jun 2023
A loveable rugged studmuffin like him is
So unbelievably dreamy to the maximum extent
So lusciously muscular and superlicious
So vigorous and thugalicious
I need him deep in my sweet glistening sea of heat

Need to feel his ****** energy streaming within me
Breathing heavily, relishing his top-shelf succulent finesse
Kiss me with his manly lips
Lick me up and down with his slithering tongue
Never let me go, rub me, handcuff me

Be my bang-up love drug
Give me his raw, hypnotic passion
Creep into my extraordinary candy store
With the mad hot force
Of his mega heavy pumper

Make me feel his powerful blast
Of unsurpassed thunder
Toy with my core
Explore my flawless fetching form
Destroy my creamy tight hole
On his astounding action-packed playground

My mighty man mountain
My top-drawer rock-solid hard charger
Hunt me down, ride me like
A powerfully electrifying ranger
On a smooth, sleek, and speedy horse

Go deep inside me, stir up my nerves
Make me cream all over his steaming-hot ***** stick
Cherish the way he penetrates me
Like a radiant enamoring champ
In all his boundless insurmountable glory

He is so badass with it
Such an ****** animal that has me
So  sweet on his megalithic rhythmic litness
Ram my hot glossy cakes
Kiss and spit all over me

Make me love everything he does to my body
Long stroke my manhole
Beat it up to perfection
Come to a breathtaking break record
Spray his rich, sweet man milkshake
In the innermost parts of my squeeze box

— The End —