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Linguistic Play Jun 2014
I use to write of pain and tribulation
mmm I've always just been looking to feel the greatest sensation
senses at peaks, they peak when they peek at the sight of elation

I've always taken to sealing all my stories away
in notebooks with binding finally looking to fray
because the pressure they hold brings such a dismay
Binded in between faded blue lines
I swear im fine
I swear im fine
in these lines of what could have been mine
and I'll lose it all in this glass of wine
where red bleeds to black
and I've done away with that
The great purge of endless words
heard by no one other than the mad man
running through my head screaming that I can
do anything I thought my mind and limbs had banned
from the realm of possibilities
Because pain ought not be sealed to live an endless life

So I now write of hope and dreams
and the endless possibilites
that stretch from the cities and into the trees
finally dancing down into these seas
but I'm also writing
of wishes and laughs and smiles too
because what else can you do
there are only a few
who know everything is new
everything we knew
can be lost in the great blue
that paints our skies and seas
carrying away the bundle of keys
that locks pandora's box
and leaves us with happiness and cheer
Because happiness can be carried in anything as simple as a tear
racing down the lines of your cranial
that houses your greatest fears

From the lines of light blue to the minds of the hopeful and the true
And words of optimism should live
And breathe and smile and laugh
In the hearts of the world for a lifetime and I digress

In a habitat so vast
With horizons reaching from sky to sky
Drowned in blues and red
I'm glad to of found you at last
We're left to defy all that society presents as lies

I wanna speak at an intimate decibel
Acknowledge your flaws, don't be bound by them

Open your mouth to nothing coming own
Settle down in your head and make a home

I just want to compliment your soul
TG Jul 2020

Focus on what you can control,
Focus on your motives,
Focus on what you want,
Focus on who you want to be,
Focus on your passion,
Focus on your capabilities,
Focus on your qualities,
Life is too short to be sad,
Life it too short to cry,
Life is too short to worry,
Life is too short to overthink,
Focus on your lifelong possibilities
Jordan St Angelo Jan 2011
Under bedsheets like rabbits do we crawl
with innocent eyes
far away from the words and shadows
of our illuminated world.

Under bedsheets like rabbits do we escape
from the blare and blur of suburban streets.
Streets with blinding light
in which the constellations suffocate
to shine.

The infinite possibilites
of the infinite universes
of the infinite this
and the infinite that.
So much to discover
and revel in,
the moon will never set
but will hover, golden
over the ripe horizon.

Under the rabbithole of bedsheets
do we find a world where the stars smile back.
Where a curleyheaded girl soaks her tired feet
in a slender river
for even just
a few moments of beauty
and passion
in our world composed so wholly
of streetlights and shadows.
Tark Wain Dec 2014
You said there would be a next time
and in that moment I wondered if there wouldn't be
and there wasn't
is that my doing
or was it all inevitable
did there have to be a next time
that wouldn't occur
it was never going to end easily
so what if it just never ended
what if by next time
you didn't mean next week
or next year
but sometime down the road
if there's always a next time
then nothings truly over right?
It's amazing the lack of finality in it all
I just can't let it end
I'm obsessed with writing story book endings
with characters I know all to well
Happily ever after isn't an ending
it's a cop out
nothing ever ends well
that doesn't make sense
if something was so great why should it end
which leaves two possibilites
A it was never that great to begin with
B it hasn't truly ended yet
My heart wishes it was B
but my mind knows it's A
which *****
it does
do you think the eiffel tower was the first thing the french came up with
there must have been other suggestions right?
other options
that didn't allude to that great big beautiful tower
i'm getting drawn into the abstract
but the point stands
the eiffel tower is an iconic message
but at a time it was nothing
just an idea behind an idea
maybe nothing is what we want it to be
maybe we build our own diorama's and view life how we see fit
it would make sense
you see what you want
but if you turn around you'll see the world for what it is
not the candy coated box where you dwell
but an open room where objects lay where they lay
for no other reason than that they lay
I'll never be perfect
I know that
but I think I'll always try to perfect my world
make it better... for me of course but the nobility is just in it's own right
you're too random
you don't fit the script
so maybe you should have never read lines
in the first place
Alireza Zibaie Nov 2012
We became nobodies

though we started as heros

of our own stories

to be written by our small hands

brainstorming the possibilites

If only we knew

how to start the thesis

someone somewhere made us believe

this world is all into shatters

let the mirror inside your soul

give you the key to find your role

we fell so hard for this lying

we all broke, shattered trying

as we became older and older

our dreams got much smaller

and the earth caged the falcon

while the lion met the mirror

a cat was staring right back at her

the dove's happy ending arose

with the vulture's ample smile

and the vulture dies not surprised

dreaming not of high flights
Azaria Apr 2017
you come alive
in the same
way that
spring breathes
new possibilites
open up
honey lips
that drip life
into my
flowering dreams
like second nature
i wish i could
live behind your
verdant eyes:
becoming you
and seeing
the birds of night peck at the first stars that flash like my soul when I love you.
Tark Wain Apr 2016
You said there would be a next time
and in that moment I wondered if there wouldn't be
and there wasn't
is that my doing
or was it all inevitable
did there have to be a next time
that wouldn't occur
it was never going to end easily
so what if it just never ended
what if by next time
you didn't mean next week
or next year
but sometime down the road
if there's always a next time
then nothings truly over right?
It's amazing the lack of finality in it all
I just can't let it end
I'm obsessed with writing story book endings
with characters I know all to well
Happily ever after isn't an ending
it's a cop out
nothing ever ends well
that doesn't make sense
if something was so great why should it end
which leaves two possibilites
A it was never that great to begin with
B it hasn't truly ended yet
My heart wishes it was B
but my mind knows it's A
which *****
it does
do you think the eiffel tower was the first thing the french came up with
there must have been other suggestions right?
other options
that didn't allude to that great big beautiful tower
i'm getting drawn into the abstract
but the point stands
the eiffel tower is an iconic message
but at a time it was nothing
just an idea behind an idea
maybe nothing is what we want it to be
maybe we build our own diorama's and view life how we see fit
it would make sense
you see what you want
but if you turn around you'll see the world for what it is
not the candy coated box where you dwell
but an open room where objects lay where they lay
for no other reason than that they lay
I'll never be perfect
I know that
but I think I'll always try to perfect my world
make it better... for me of course but the nobility is just in it's own right
you're too random
you don't fit the script
so maybe you should have never read lines
in the first place
TanTan Feb 2013
I take a pathless journey to my inner core
I'm free of travel paraphernalia, but eager to explore,
I leave behind along the line souvenirs of my mind,
sometimes jolly, sometimes sorry,  I crave no coat of memory.
I need no future foolish notions or dreams of possibilites,
on this journey of self discovery I am present wholly.
I take everything at its face, the beauty of now I embrace.  
Without any expectations, sailing light and free,
to the temple of beginnings and cessations,  
with my loved ones journeying next to me.
Nope Jun 2014
open sores and festering wounds
searing souls and mounds of bleached white bones
why are they bleached?
what, I don't know, that's just what you do with bones
you bleach them
oh he says
as he forces his ears inside my head
then he takes a garden hose
and thumbs his nose
at all my paper-thin relationships
like he knows
piles and piles of dripping wet has beens
hills and mountains of ended possibilites
opened and closed
my life was a story
you can take what you read
like wow this is boring
Wrote this at work; inspiration strikes at strange times.
Paul Jones Jan 2012
Alone in my bed
Thinking of you
Waiting for sleep to come
Eyes heavy
No respite
Waves of sleep
Wash over me
But I always end up
On the  shore
In the island of dreams
Possibilites are infinite
On the shore
Looking towards the island
I want to be there
In dreams where
I can meet you
The sea of sleep stops me
It mocks me
All I want is to swim in it
Let the waves cover me
Carry me
Somewhere else
Where I am someone else
Unknown but loved
Like a young screen idol
Alone on the shore
Watching the island
Simran Oct 2014
i always know
always been sure
about everything in the world
and then you came along
and the thoughts began to soar
truths unveiled
drunken words released
to make my mind swim
in infinite possibilites
emotions, i thought
were under my control
but emotion is far greater than that
changing faster than any tide of any ocean
and now i am unsure of everything
of how my heart says no when i think about you
and how it races when i see your eyes
confusion has become me
i don't know what i want
i want you
but i don't
but i do
but i don't
here is my dilemma
mel Jun 2019
alone isn’t lonely
you are complete how you are
you’ve bloomed from the ache
and found depth in lost parts
all the stars feel your pain
but see only your spark
these losses obtained
don’t define who you are
you’re a galaxy of possibilites
with constellations for scars
in your darkness you channel
The Light That You Are
Jazleigh Walker Dec 2015
I've discovered a plug to fill the hole
A refill for the parts of my heart you stole
A mirage in the darkness but it's someplace to go
No longer lost in searching for feelings you'll never show
Evolution has enlightened me to infinite possibilites
Unfortunately you seem content with such childish mentality
In reality we're probably just on different levels of insanity
Yet these dreams seem to have me on a whole new frequency
So I've ******* my love and cast it to the waves
Forever was never meant to be our fate
I'll cherish what it was and wasn't forever and always
My dreams have beamed you into my past as I stride toward better days
Inspired dreams
Eden May 2017
We can only dig so deep
beneath our skins.
We are merely animals.
I am a women with possibilites,
an apple one in a million hunted
My mysteries are to remain legend
And I intend to keep it that way.
© Salamasina Talaepa
Matthew Rousseau Apr 2014
The thing about this life
is that it's so fast I see it in slow motion
the things I get caught up on
offer infinite possibilites
for the concepts inside my head
the rythm of the earth
can match to each of us
a part of the cycle
we are all living in

If you fly high as a dragon
you can see the city below
What man cannot see, you can
the view is a unique sight,
something to behold.

Take your time, and enjoy what little
we all have
and while it is infitly unimportant
it is just as important to do it
because that  is what makes
this world
Ian spaeth Apr 2019
Smoke flails from the end of the his cigarette as majestically as his white flag of failure

Pondering the impossible possibilites

In between falsehood and hysteria he began to paint beautiful imagery of who they could be

Knowing full well he isn't enough
Joofarimathea Nov 2017
The Chamber I dwell, a personal hell
The anger befell, unmistakable bell

In this boxed room; boxes off reality
In this unboxed mind, unboxes calamity

Peril circulates
Terror Percolates

Doors close, possibilites fold
As these ideas sit and mold
Old poem, dated from 2014
tom krutilla Jan 2017
is it not the way it goes
that everyone knows
how to live your life

ride that ferris wheel of life
get stuck at the top
a breathtaking site
all the possibilites
a utopia of delight

and when the ride ends
and your grounded
when you walk away with
that tear in your eye
know i'm your constant light

that beam to guide you
through your nights
and with each turn of
your ride i'm always
in your sight

the only cornucopia
of your life's delight
David Bojay May 2018
the ducks observe me while i roll a dutchie//
the wind interrupts my concentration//
i stop//
listen to the children playing out in the distant playground//
"tag, you're it"//
i begin to imagine small spaces with everything going on inside of them//
inside of this neighborhood, a world unknown to me//
a house with undocumented people//
an alley where you meet your drug dealer//
i go through a secret opening to the creek beneath a bridge//
with ease, i walk, and walk//
think about my mom, my brother, my sister, and my dad//
their actions have influenced my subconscious//
and i somehow respond to their doings, without knowing how it derives into existence//
my words will crumble on paper, my words deleted from the internet//
i will die, knowing i love a girl named sabrina//
knowing my ex girlfriend deserved more than the egocentric boy i was at 16//
my friend dakota from timberlawn mental hospital never emailed me to say he was out, i think he's dead//
i've grown out of this notion of expression//
at least, i thought i did//
but i had to step back from it, for a little//
i was traveling, stoping and observing ideas i could execute//
im making visuals filled with visions that take action and precision//
im loving til i can't//
im regretting thinking i'm scared to not give it my all//
my coffee hasn't been downed//
when i was 6 i nearly drowned//
everything around me could've changed//
denisse would've had more hope for men//
gabby could've ended her madness, but for her, thoughts always came crawling back//
i would've missed out on meeting sabrina//
sometimes i think, of the possibilites and of the probability//
something i empty my mind and sit, in the stillness of the universe//
billions of years ago, it was here, and i was nowhere to be thought of, nowhere to exist, nowhere to be//
my moments will be impacted with self-will//
my coffee is getting cold.....

See the magnets, magnetizing eyes, spills, off the paralyze,
Analyze,  the rap game, **** shame, no hope for gains,
Masters closed, studio using folks, for a front page article,
I took Anita's route, learned it good, no more black Hollywood,
Sirens, playing gold, strings to my ears, til it starts to ring,
Bling, like a light, looking for a place, to touch, deepest clutch,
Grind everyday, **** what possibilites say, I pray,
Under, any weather go getter, hands like Floyd Mayweather,
Stormy nights, candle lights white paper, with tha ball point writes,
Dope am I, heads focused towards the sky, see the drawn signs,
Angels holding horns, demons flying in on a swarm, snake charms,
How many evils, of good, does it take for it, to be understood,
Mister conundrum, sound the drums, followed by the guns, hums,
Shallow greets, mystery meets, it's like MF DOOM on a sweep,
Chop up ya vocals, til ya a vegetable, verses, I spit it so legible,
This ain't ya average edible, and when I cut y'all, I make sure,
Ya billed through, the coroners taxed revenue, ya feeling me,
Filling you, so true, words stick like a plate a fish do, animal,
Savage, ride by, eyes red, got the instincts buggin, off the cabbage,
Carnage layer, not a fair player, peace to the gods, that slayed ya,
Ya mayor, naw **** that, I rather sit like Lincoln, with the top hat,
Top that, with boss macks, breaking rules, with unimaginable stats,
Yo it's like that, eyes behold, the steels of ya flesh, on a role,
A billion tears, formed since the early years, hidden deep fears,
Poured out, the atmosphere, you folks ain't hearing, me clear,
Took Bushwick's bullets, reloaded it and pulled it, at an enemy,
See now, they no longer hunting me, sitting in the cemetery,
Buried with pain, looking at the deep remains,of the spiritually drained,
Too high to die, spotted Elijah on the clouds, of the wings by,
Fiery wardrobe standing on top of the globe, with five loaves,
Quick to break bread, but understand theres betrayal, of trust ahead,
Gotta watch my back, no slack, it ain't bout the street crack,
Cuz these cats, in the streets cracks, no real **** for that,
Imagine if Emit til wasnt black, how many would, replace there maps,
Reverse roles, are scared to die, or just another, fake vessels,
Riding off of the risky waves, and I know that I'm brave, til I'm in the grave,
Soul shadows, looking over me, asking god to help me,
But he dont hear me, lay mercy upon  thee, souls of the city,
It used to look pretty, like diamonds on my rollie, never phony,
Caught a glimpse, of Pretty Tony smackin, ******* to crony,
Lonely hearts, like Jackie Wilson, shaving the teardrops,
This is what I gotta do, stay true, under god, individual,
we spot troops, before they spot out troops, infidel catch a scoop,
Picture this, Bond ****, 007 hits marksmanship, expert,
Make heads squirts, and oh it hurts, take page, from my mind,
And you'll find, your infinite ways, behind, this mastermind
Kelly Sims Dec 2019
One day the trees blew
Leaves fell by the curb side
Winter came,then slow death all through
Followed by the planet's down side
At the open bay side,you provide, and played pie eyed
You describe . Help the planet survive

Rocks fell down the hillside
Besides the great trembling water fall,is left the great thundering wind step aside

In such a hurry, it calls for bad flurries
Hurry again and take cover inside
We may all end up to coincide
The great wind and I sublimely dined
Drifts slowly into the tide of the minds eye

Lord knows she has tried, to help us multiply
But for what and why ,to fall by the waist side,in histories great divide


She is not a child from the wild side ,her Spectrum applied
She had been told many lies
And she ask the sky ,WHY SO MUCH MUST DIE, to save the souls of all,to all us quantify

And she truly asks why????????
So many of NATURE'S greatest gifts are thrown away.Get away from the **** heat,by way of NATURE'S defeat

But Greta doesn't believe them anyway on this day.
We cry away today,not to walk the long through NATURE S sordid highway.

We hope for a great tidal wave to save the planet, just for this day today .Must  it all die away on the great sands of the tide ,the greatest diatribe of life, I do describe to apply
How dare you let the planet cry
How can you continuously lie
How dare you continuously let us all fry.

               ­           WHY!!!!
Must NATURE pry and continue to just badly try and again it's just a big lie. But still they dont trust her,she has the greatest allure, for the great possibilites and a great future, for our beloved MOTHER NATURE, FORSURE.!!!!!!
This is a day of note to me,  I'm also on the Spectrum.I hope you all get it for if we don't, it's all goodbye to this planet, for I ask you all apply and succeed, or this planet will FOREVER DIE.
KG Jun 2023
My vision clouds before the moistureless concrete walls, a test ahould I prevail like time spent learning magick in divided cells of my past come to live again as a new beast roaring for attention.
It's what I deserve.
It's what I asked for atleast.
Grateful the opportunities granted plant an ideology of solve et coagulation though my spine protests the divine weight I traips when bearing.
Though my sight seeing detour detention center created of melted steel, cable, and drywall, I peer into an entrancing existence.
The soft soul that calls me her own, demonic armor left aside to accept mine own.
How ecstatic. This pain new to me, used to physically abusing myself to prove I could still feel meaning in the lonely traveled roads of a morally conscious bard , my stories I've lived and heard far across the winding winds.
Forgotten almost as easily, is it true I've ever lived before my dark angel of the mountains graced me with her presence? Left unchecked I stress the understood  importance of the natures violent growth.
I put the consequences on the backburner and found myself a partner.
Am I lucky, or a fool, or drunk on possibilites that I think are ******* cool?
All of the above and more, I'll pour my adoration forth a soul spring gushing rapid comfy, polar aspects mingle

— The End —