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Dee Bach Feb 2012
Where their is no populars their is no leader.
There is no games of beauty and fashion.
Because true beauty shines without the populars.
There is love through everyone not hate.
When there is no populars there is no jealousy.
There begins the new tomorrow without hate.
Without the populars begins a world of peace.
ashley Apr 2013
Description: Sam's not at all who people think he is. He might be quiet, he might be shy, but he also was diagnosed with cancer. When Briar moves to town, she catches Sam's eye. What will happen once the two get closer? Will Briar light a spark in Sam's heart?


Distant Memory

Dedicated to my cousin, Blake, who is currently fighting a horrific battle of Lymphoma.

You're probably thinking this is just some clichè love story, one about a girl having a crush on her best friend's brother, or how two people fall madly in love, but it's anything but. This is my story, with a twist unlike any other.


It all started in our Junior year of high school. You were new to Wakefield High, just moving here the previous year from New York City. On the first day of school, you were so unsure of yourself, not knowing what to do or where to go. I watched as you made your way through the halls, nudging your way through the crowded bodies as students made their way to class. Even though the halls were tremendously over-crowded, you were easy to spot. Your blonde hair and strikingly blue eyes stood out by the school's bland beige walls. You were more radiant, more powerful and glowing, than anything or anyone in the whole school.

Eventually, you made friends in all the clubs you'd joined - culinary club, photography club, and ASL. I don't know what made you stand out from all the other girls at Wakefield High, but whatever it was, it was strong. I felt drawn to you, like we shared a connection deeper than either of us knew. And it was then when I made it my goal to get to know you.

For the first few weeks, I'd tried bulking up the courage to speak to you. I had planned it all out in my mind. I would talk to you at lunch, right as you gathered your food and headed off to the library like you do every day. That was my chance, and I was determined to stick with it.

On that day, I was behind you in the lunch line. Once you got up there, you ordered a chicken empanada, then headed off to the library in the West wing. I quickly grabbed my lunch, a light Cesar salad, and trailed behind you.

You were walking faster than expected, and I was just too weak. I stopped, holding my knees as I gasped for breath. That was my chance to talk to you, to finally hear your beautiful voice, and I blew it.

It wasn't because of what you think. I couldn't keep up because I was lazy or out of shape, because I was neither of those.

I was diagnosed with Leukemia last October, and after tons of treatment, my doctor said I could try going back to school. I decided it would probably be best for me to live a normal life - as much as normal can get for a boy with cancer. Knowing that I was going to die soon - my doctor predicted I would only last for another year, tops - made me want to get to know you more.

After many wasted days of trying - but failing - to get your attention, I gave up. You were too wrapped up in your new life to even acknowledge my existence. Too busy maintaining your new found reputation, too busy dating a new guy every week. I always thought you were a ***** because of it, that you took advantage of different guys and then left them to crumble to pieces, but all of that changed on that faithful day.

I had gotten dropped off late to school because I had to get tests run at the hospital that morning. I tried to get to class on time, running as fast as I could. Only that didn't work because before you knew it, I was out of breath once again.

I headed over to the restroom, hoping a cool splash of water on my face would do the trick, when I heard wailing in the girls bathroom. I looked over my shoulder before entering, just to be safe. As I closed the door, I locked it behind me.

You were leaning against the wall, knees drawn to your chest as you cried. Noticing a presence, you looked up at me, thick black mascara running down your rosy cheeks. Your eyes were puffy, and I could tell you'd been crying for quite a while.

I didn't know what to say or do at that point, so I did what my heart told me I should do. I held you.

I sat next to you and wrapped my arms around you. Your body seemed small and weak, heaving in my arms. You cradled your head into my neck as tears fell from your bright blue eyes. I didn't bother asking what was wrong. Figured I would at a better time.

Just then, you looked up at me, face flushed and blotchy, and grabbed my hand. It seemed to fit perfectly within yours, our frail fingers intertwined in each others.

I tucked a few of your light blonde strands behind your ears as your cries dwindled. Even after you'd finished crying, you sat with me.

"What's your name?" Your eyes shone with curiosity.


"I'm Briar."

Briar. What a beautiful name. I smiled in your tangled hair. I never in a million years thought I would ever talk to you, and even if I had, I never would have expected it to be quite like this.

"You like Ed Sheeran too?" You asked, your eyes widening in delight as you scanned my shirt. I watched a smile creep to your face, lighting up your gorgeous eyes.

"Yeah, he's my favorite singer," I smile shyly. I can feel the heat rushing to my cheeks, and I feel embarrassed for acting this way.

Ever since then, we began talking. The more we talked, the more I knew how wrong I was about you. You weren't a ***** at all; all the guys you've dated broke up with you, but blamed it on you every time. That's how you got the title as biggest ***** of the school. I felt bad because you were one of the sweetest people I'd ever met, portraying someone you weren't.

I felt like that Ed Sheeran shirt brought me luck. It was the start to our budding friendship.

After a while, you completely changed. You stopped hanging out with the populars, claiming they were never into you anyway. And I found you enjoyed yourself more. I ended up joining the photography club later that year. Whenever we would go out on weekends, I was always taking pictures of you, catching the memories within a moment of time.

You always loved my pictures. As we sat in my bedroom, I'd let you pick out your favorites for you to keep, writing little notes on the back of each picture. Your absolute favorite one was that one of the two of us.

We were in a huge field, smiling as I held you in my arms wedding style. Your blonde hair flew around in all different directions and your eyes held happiness and joy. That was my favorite one too.

I had always had feelings for you, ever since that day in the bathroom, but I'd never have the chance to show you how I really feel. Even if I did, why would you love me back? I have no hair anymore since going through chemotherapy. My body's frail and weak, barely able to stand up on my own.

I had went to the doctors two days ago for more tests, and the doctor found that the tumor in my brain was growing more and more rapidly by the second. Therefore, I would be dying sooner than expected. I only had four days left. My mother held me in her arms as she cried, her wet tears staning my t-shirt.

That night, I called you and told you the news. You cried into the phone, and I wish I was there to hold you, tell you that everything would be okay, that I would be better soon. It was a lie, but I didn't want to hear you sad. I felt bad for being the cause of it.

The next day, I was rushed to the hospital after my mother found my collapsed in my room.

It was then I knew my life was coming to a close. I grabbed a pen and piece of paper, and wrote you a letter.


Dear Briar,

If you're reading this, I'm probably gone by now. I just woke up to the dimly lit lights flooding into my room, tubes and needles inside of me. My heart monitor is beeping weakly next to me, and I feel very frail. Cold, frail, and in tremendous pain. You're alseep on the couch right next to my bed and I watch you, take in your beauty for the last time. Your blonde hair is flowing around your head like a halo, your lips look like delicate red rosebuds. Even though I am weak, getting skinnier by the second, I make my way over to your side, kissing you lightly on the forehead.

I never told you about my cancer, and I'm sorry for that. I'm sorry for causing you the pain of me leaving you. I never meant for it to be this way. All I wanted was to live a normal life, and you showed me that there's happiness even in the smallest of places.

When you miss me, look at the pictures of us, pinned to a board on your bedrooom wall. Remember the memories we've had together. Remember the way you always made me smile, the dozens of laughs you filled me with. You showed me how to enjoy life, Briar. And I could never ask for anything more.

You filled my gloomy days with so much laughter I could barely contain myself. Remember me like that, Briar. Remember me happy.

I never realized it before, but I've fallen in love with you; your glowing smile, eyes the color of the raging ocean. I'd never known what love felt like, but I found it with you.

I love you so much, Briar. Never forget that. And remember I'll always be with you.

Love forever and always,



Briar's POV

I woke up to Sam's heart monitor, constantly beeping.Looking at the monitor, I noticed his breaths were slowing.

I made my way over to his bedside, rubbing my thumb gently across his cheek. His eyes were closed as his chest rose every so often.

"If only you knew how much I love you, Sam," I whispered, a single tear falling from my eyes. I watched him smile as he dwindled away.

"Sam? Sam?" My eyes filled with panic as I shook him lightly. "Sam?" My voice rose as I looked at the monitor, seeing the thin red line.

"Help! Somebody help!" I cried. As soon as those words escaped my lips, his hospital room flooded with doctors and nurses. They surrounded him, pushing me away to see what had happened. But they didn't need to. I already knew.

A doctor with black curly hair came rushing over to me. "I'm sorry, but he's gone.."

He's gone... He's gone... He's gone...

Those words rung in my ears, filling my head. I ran over to your bedside, crying my eyes out and practically screaming your name, hoping you'd come back to me.

I lay my head on your unmoving chest, letting my tears soak into your shirt. I noticed a small white envelope on the table next to you, To my sweet love, Briar, was written on it in your handwriting. I stuck it in the back pocket of my jeans before heading out of the hospital, feeling numb and empty.

I reread the letter over and over, tears staining the white lined paper.

"I love you, Sammy," I said, looking up at the bright blue sky. Even though the world seemed empty without you, I know I had to be strong. For you.

On days where I feel I can't bear your absence, I look at the pictures you took, just like you'd asked. I never knew you would change my life in such a drastic way.
A short story I wrote on Wattpad; not that it's any good, but yeah.
josh nunn Nov 2013
I should have guessed,
The dress up parties...
Doctor doctor...
I'm not as manly as the rest...

I was born to be different,
To stand out amongst the grey
But it wasn't easy to accept,
It isn't easy to be this way

My parents still love me
My friends are still there
The hockey jocks think I'll jump them in the locker rooms...
The populars think I really care...

Every girl wants me to be their BGF and to go shopping everyday.
But honestly I'm still the nerd I was, and that's how I'm gonna stay.
But even then I'll be the pretty boy, the one  that they call gay.
Its ByrnByrn Nov 2013
It's the same dull presentation every year.
Her friends all aware.
She stands out today,
but then again,
not really.

She is of the few who remembered,
the occasion that is.
Simple black dress.
Black boots.
Poppy ablaze on her heart.
She is quiet today.

The Marlboro-huffing voice,
crackles over the P.A.,
telling students to report to the cafetorium.
She rises out of her seat,
smoothes her dress,
and straightens her poppy.

She is first to hand in the annual
"I Will Remember..."
slip of paper.
Along with her older brother's name.
Not looking back as she leaves.

Everyone files into their seats,
their bland, identical, mauve-coloured seats;
fidgeting before they even sit.
The "populars" in front of her,
texting and tweeting life away.

She silently studies the band, bitter as can be.
All there for extra cred, or to get out of class.
"Delinquents reading sheet music"
Printed on white, crisp new paper,
only to be forgotten about,
or thrown out tomorrow.

The anthem is played,
she loses control.
Tears tearing a path down her face.
Nothing but a scratchy wool sleeve to help;
all the while,
not without a stiff upper lip.

And as soon as it started,
the entire thing is over,
and everyone files out of their seats.
While she and a friend quietly duck into a bathroom,
seeking refuge from the common calm.
She cries.
Then quickly collects herself and walks back alone.

She enters class,
late with bloodshot eyes; daring anyone to speak.
Smeared makeup like warpaint.
Catching the eyes of her classmates,
as well as those of her teacher,
who now understands.

Though it's a silent knowing,
of course;
because nobody enjoys talking about,
nor remembering,
the day of the assembly.
-November 11th, 2012
Gwen Thoresen Oct 2011
He might be going to another school
**** him, **** the school with an actual application,
He's smarter than me, for sure.
But can't we be together forever?

If I'm going to a good university on a scholarship,
Instead of a ****** cheap college, I'm going to need good grades
Where the **** am I going to get those?
My parents can't afford school funds
They spend ten grand on renovations
But now they don't have anything for our educations
Wow, thanks Mom.

I rubbed globs of Vix into the bridge of my nose this morning
It burns a bit, makes my eyes water
But it feels good

Am I suicidal because of that?
I don't think so, I don't ever want to die
I don't like pain, either, which rules out a lot of suicide methods
Unless you think Vix is super painful. I don't.

But I'm fat, stupid and ******
And if I got a %50 on a math test
The girls in my class talk about it behind my back
And laugh, even wondering
"How did she even get into eighth grade?"

My best friend told me about that, which I'm grateful for,
But I forgot to ask if she'd stood up for me.
I bet she didn't, she probably laughed with them
Because she's got a nice, cozy spot in the Populars.
Who wants to risk that?

I want to find my portable CD player
It's been missing for months,
but I'll just borrow my sisters and go for a walk.
I'll need to put on a shirt first.
I found my diary from when I was thirteen, and adapted it into a poem. It sure shows teenagerhood.
Luna Montez Oct 2014
Today I learned something maybe not everyone know.

As always I sat by myself, in the middle of the classroom, in the center of sounds.
Voices keep hitting me in the head all the time, but the meaning of the speaking sounds was nothing more than nonsense.

A group of ******'s sat in the corner, so popular they could shine. I sat with them, too observe how the populars acts.

When I was in this bird cage, I didn't understand why people would hang with people like these. All they said made no sense. It was like some children talking.

I now know that I prefer too hang with smart losers than dumb popular folks.
Ember Evanescent Nov 2014
I was so scared to do it
So terrified in fact that I created a script
How’s that for pathetic?
You actually mostly stuck to the script
Which was nice
I stumbled on a few lines
Even though I was the only one who actually knew the script
And the one who wrote it
How’s that for sad?
I thought it seemed like it was going okay
I’ve seen you around
You don’t have a lot of friends with you most of the time
Any, actually
And for some reason
I have always found unpopularity attractive
How’s that for unusual?
Maybe because I never was popular
Or maybe because I hate the Populars for how they treated me
Or maybe because the Populars have their own little culture they’ve created among themselves
With values like drugs, alcohol, cigarettes
And beliefs that they are above everyone else
I’m just not into that
You aren’t outspoken
You don’t say too much
And I want to unlock you
You are so quiet
Like a secret I’d love to unravel
I’d take mysterious over excessively confident any day
But I don’t really get to pick and choose
I’m not the pretty type who has that option
Still, I took a chance
How’s that for stupid?
I decided to go and just do it
Because I figured you were worth the risk
You were musical
And athletic
Physically attractive (although, that isn’t my priority)
Nice eyes
Really, really nice eyes
And quiet
I really liked you and hoped maybe I could have a slight chance with you
How’s that for incredibly dumb and delusional?
So I thought it was turning out okay
And when I did it
When I finally gave it to you
You smiled at me
And said Alright
You know what
Why did you have to smile?
That was cruel
If you were planning on just leaving me hanging
For 95 hours and 58 minutes (yes I've kept count it is really pathetically sad)
If would have been less painful if you had rejected me up front
To my face
Refused to even accept my number
Told me you were not interested
It would have been better if you had even just said
…um okay…
Then I might not have gotten my hopes up
Like I promised myself I wouldn’t
And of course I couldn’t help myself as usual
I almost wish you had said something hurtful
Told me I was worthless and ugly
And you didn’t want to be seen anywhere near me
Then it would have been easier
To make myself not like you
If I knew you were an unkind
It’s just that you are not
And I guess I just misinterpreted
The way you acted
I guess I mistook your actions
I really thought you would at least text me
Even just to be friends
Even just out of politeness
But you didn’t
And I blame myself
And the funny thing is
I don’t regret it
At all
I don’t regret taking that risk
Even though it didn’t work out
But I really wish it had worked out
I still find myself hoping
That maybe you lost my number
Maybe there is still hope
Maybe you could change your mind
How’s that for wishful thinking?
Arantxa Dec 2013
our encounter
so real
I did not know
how to let
you go

away from the populars
that lint a blanket
for us, due
predestined love

you as yourself
I like me
together intimately

Ana Gonzalez Jun 2014
Dear popularity
You think you are so clever
Like the monsters under our bed
Hiding when parents come
Denied by most adults
But the kids know the truth
We feel the pain
Because with you around
The smaller people
Are wallpapers
And the it kids
Are neon logos
Vandalized on our walls
Slowly seeping their
Poison into us
Leaving no room for
Our thoughts
Making us zombies
In our own world
What will become of them
When our walls break down
When they can't feed off us
When we give up
And the bricks crumble
What if one of us
Took off the mask
Tore off our label
Which was planted on our forehead
Without our consent
What if we defied them
And let our light shine
What would we lose
If they took everything
And we realized
there is nothing
To cover our light
But if we outshine them
Will the world become
Topsy turvy
Will the ****** follow us
Will the world revolve about
The shiniest star
Making them another
Generic mean girl
And ****
There is
No justice in power
No divine being to lead all
And not give in to the darkness
Because the one person
Who could figure out
Who would be smart enough
To take a step back
And see the wall
See our generation
Break out from
Would be stupid
To not remember
The pain caused
By the ignorant
At least
Most are brain dead
And their thoughts only
Stretch as far as their
Of what people
But the smart ones
Befriend all
And cleverly
Use them as stepping
Stones to the top
No mercy
If we tore
Off the rotting wallpaper
We would see
The dark insides
Of the it kids
The hunger for
revenge in the
And those
Who copy
Who don't feel
Don't think
Would jump off the
Bridge happily
If everyone did
Not interested
In saving their own ***
But then there's the quiet ones
The ones who take
All the **** you throw at
At me
And shape it
Into something beautiful
And when you glimpse
Our power
You befriend us
To take it
But I give it to you
Because in your hands it's ****
But in mine
I can make it gold
I can be the sun
But will I use
My power
For good?
For evil?
Whose side are you on.
Because I have enough
Self respect
To want to live
Without further
And if that means
Not being part of your group
Well so
Be it
I will live
Without you
Pulling me down
Fish The Pig Nov 2014
I'll never have the style of J.K's **** chic
Nor the grace, sass, and presence of the black she-goddess.
The blondes and skinnies and populars and poors
will never look at me with desire.
I'll never be like them.
I can run and follow,
but when the swans glide across the water
I will drown.
I can chase them
squealing for approval
but when they take flight
I'll be left behind.

I'll never be beautiful,
be the object of another's jealousy.
No I''ll never be them
I'll never have that life.

I'm an ugly pink pig,
but just as an ugly pink pig,
there's nothing I can do about it.
So **** it all
I'm an ugly pink Pig,
I'll grow tusks
be a nasty slobbering Boar
I'm ugly I know it
and it's time to stop crying
time to stop feeling miserable.
I'm ugly and you're gonna know it
won't be able to avoid it
I'll shove my crooked nose in your face
your eyes will play connect-the-dots with my acne
My endomorphic fat will make you glad you're not me
My scraggly hair will give you relief over your haircut
my much too big head is gonna leave you admiring
your fine-sized head in the mirror.

Go to the city friend,
go and live and be glorious,
should you need me
I'll be in the farm
hidden in the swamp
slobbering and snarling
with the company of bugs.
and there,
my friend,
my swan,
my hero,
my goddess,
there, I shall be happy.
Cathyy Apr 2016
It's a life full of games,
From kicking ***** against your neighbour's walls to fixing heartbreaks and charging mobile phones,
You sit with the populars to feel less alone.

And in this game of life,
You'll sometimes have luck when you roll the dice,
But honestly just keep rolling with whatever may come, cause every blessing in itself is a prize..
You've got friends and family,
Teachers and knowledge that will actually come handy,
And you've got stars in your soul,
& a galaxy of a mind that only you control

So run! Under the summer sun
If you want danger here it comes
Oh I'm no stranger to giving up
But as I grow up,
I've started missing how it felt to be.. wildly young (!)
So i'm gonna use my voice,
As this year I'm turning 19 without a choice
Let's run... If not hand in hand,
run as fast as you can, and leave a trail for me
Oh If you can't fall in love with me
Then I hope you'll fall in love with your life at least,
Cause life's a breeze when you live like you're wildly young
This was really fun to write. Hope some of you find it relatable x
Sydney Ann Feb 2015
Okay so I must confess
I'm in love with you
You should know that by now
Don't ask me how it happened
Unless you want to be confused
                                                        ­My voice cannot
                                                         Communicate the beauty
                      But the thing is
                      It's trapped inside
                      Which ***** for me, but I think I can deal
I know I'm vulnerable
But I can make it through fire and ice,
You should know that by now
                                                           ­                  I know I'm secretive,
                                                                ­   No one knows anything about me
                                                              ­ You should know that by now
                                             Oh wait....
                   I'd love to talk to you
                           I know how you're struggling
                                   Seeing it is like seeing my heart die a little bit
                                            Which doesn't make sense
I don't even know you...
     But I'd like to.
                                                             ­  I'd give anything to be close to you
                                                             ­   You should know that by now
                  But just seeing you is enough
             I know you are smart
      An introvert under all that confetti
  Different from those Populars
I know when you look into my eyes you understand a little
I do too,
   But I think you should know that by now
                                                           ­   I have a plan
                                                            ­          I always do
                                                              ­You should know that by now, Love
                                  My plan is to ride fate
                                   I think.
                                          I should know this by now
                   I'm sure you're the only reason I'm here still
                         If you left this world
                            I couldn't make it
                                                 You should know that by now
If the world was a bucket of ***** marbles
          You would be one of those few interesting ones
                  With black painted over
                To conceal the little sun inside you
                         Like me
                            But you don't even try to be
                                                       So Perfect
Much too beautiful for the ***** who broke your heart
    You mourn her
   I wish you'd trust me
When I told you
It doesn't have to be like that
  I can make it stop hurting
     You should know that by now
                                                           ­   It hurts me not to
                                                              ­       Run into your arms every day
                                                             ­                 And never let you go
                                                              ­        Never let you hurt again
                                                           ­     Because I am so in love with you
                                                       You should know that by now.

~ Love,
I wish he could read this
I guess I'm on my own
I love him so
The truth unfolds
Alas, it's much too much
RBHM Dec 2017
She started this simple,
Expressing what she truly felt,
That's what got her here in the first place;
But then she got no more likes,
Not as many comments as she wanted.

And so she diverted her ways,
Copied other people to end up at the top,
"But what's the use," she asks herself.
"If reaching the top meant not knowing who you are anymore?"

She went back to normal,
Showing her true self;
All of the friends and followers she got turned on her,
Said she was changing for the worst;

They didn't understand,
None of them ever understood;
So she tried again,
Copying, being fake;
It worked.

People started calling her beautiful when they were really talking to the makeup once more,
Asking her to dates when they were really using her to be part of "The Populars."

She lived with it,
All throughout high school,
Plastering fake smiles practiced on the mirror the day before,
Wearing clothes she would've liked to burn.

She finally got a chance,
When she started her college,
To be free with who she really was.

She cut off her hair and threw out her clothes,
Got her band posters back and glued them to the dorm room walls,
Started focusing on school.

She graduated four years later,
Top of her class,
With no friends,
No life outside of her studies.

To her, it was worth it;
She felt proud with who she was,
She felt true to herself.
Jessica Burgess Nov 2016
The boys at my school are players
For one minute they have a girlfriend
Then next thing you they hate her

Then the next minute they are with someone new
It's not unusual to see a boy with girl after girl
Or boys who dump girls they get back with them
Because they are soon desperate

So players take advantage
They like preps
Populars and *****

They don't like normal people
That are nice
For they are
Inspired by boys at my school
Tori Schall Sep 2017
Do you regret what you've done?
Do you even know what you did?
Do you want to just forget me?
leave me in the dirt like everyone else?

It's been awhile since I've mentioned it.
All the anger I've kept
has depleted and I just want to disappear
leave nothing of me left

Do you regret what has ahppened
when you broke my heart in pieces
I trusted you and let you in
and you threw me away like garbage

So when you see my body
hanging above the floor
will you finally see the pain
that I have endured?

All these days, alone and lonely
everything I'd done overshadowed
I worked harder than anyone in this room
but nobody seemed to care

They fawned over the populars
the ones who set the stage
they prey upon the weak of others
without even realising our pain

So when I look you in the face
do you regret what you've done?
When you see my body hanging limp
from a rope tied heaven?

Do you regret what you've done
this is my final words
this note is written just for you
to see how much you made me hurt
Max May 2018
The popular group

They are a distinct chatter loop

Starting new drama each day

Being snotty and say their parents' cash is their pay

Buying expensive things for the hell of it

Riding in the new cars, though just a little bit

Always talking in the halls

To avoid them, kids walk into the walls

The lesser kids are like prey

While they are like a manta ray

Always eating in information to be used

The info helps keep the lessers abused

And keeps the populars amused.

The popular group.
Edmond Nov 2024
Do you see me?
On the outskirts of the crowd
Looking in at the talking
Always looking in
If my mouth ever opens
To contribute a word  
I am cut off
The populars owning the chatter
I simply close my mouth
Nod and smile to the others’ looks
And you forget I am here

Do you see me?
In the very centre of the crowd
Looking out at the chatter
Never looking in
Every word from my lips
Is funny, ingenious
The best thing you’ve heard today
I am expected to have words
For every occasion
Just once
I want to close my mouth
Nod and smile to the others’ words
And you forget I am here
Tried to do a little comparison here, lemme know if it worked or if it sounds rough :)

— The End —