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wyatt rabbit Jul 2014
How could you not fall for
an angel like her?
nobody in their right mind,
not a single person could resist
all that she is and comes with,
h*eaven and hell alike.

lkm Dec 2014
I** walk down the hallway, keeping my head bowed low
No one looked my way, no one said "hello"
So many people, but they didn't know I was there
Invisible I seemed, to all everywhere
Going into class, I went to take my place
Nobody saw me, nobody recognized my face
It kinda looked like I was part of the four walls
Figuring I seemed a ghost, like I was in the hall
I shrugged and closed my eyes shut tightly
Could it be that no one can hear nor see me?
Answers were received for the rest of the day
Nothing I do seemed to make people look my way
This goes to show how unimportant I am
Justin G Jan 2015
In the city that never sleeps
Nobody has time to dream

No one cares for the color scheme
Everybody on these streets are mean
Women over here dress to ****

Yearning for a life to steal
Outrageous trigger happy police
Ruthless, spiteful and rigorous
Kindness comes fatally priced

No time for love or paradise  
Obsessive depression is what's subsidised
Beggars on my train struggle and scuffle
Oblivious oppression lurking
Delirious children deceived  
Yesterday's conception grieved

Craving lust is a must
Ageless shame is  
Rationalized pain
Everyone here idealizes blame
S*erenity is an absentee in this chaotic city
AshMer Feb 2013
It seems that no matter what I do,
Nobody seems to see me through.
And yet I am still so far,
Far away from what I am trying to reach.
Fearing that I would lose everything,
Existing in my own eyes as not being worthy enough.
Can you not see that I hurt?
Too late for your sympathy...
I** thought I had grown weak.
Over and over I couldn't see,
Never realizing what happened to me.

I am a stronger person now!
Never give up!
Always do it your way.
Forget what they think,
For they were only try to bring you down!
Everything that you worked for,
Came from your diligence and determination.
Time will tell you once said,
It's finally time to shine!
Only you can make a difference.
Never look back at the past.... It's history now <3

Thank you for reading my 2 sided story.

Inaffection -
A word I made up. The definition of inaffection is the opposite of affection.

Definition: A feeling of disliking or hatred.
Synonyms: aversion, hate, loathing, abhorrence, pet hate, bete noir, displeasure, disinclination, distaste, disgust, repugnance, antipathy, animosity
Justin Case Nov 2015
All day, every day
Living like I'm free.
Everybody's wondering who I be. Cause
X** marks the spot where my heart belongs
And that's the reason why I write my stupid poems.
Now don't get me wrong, some
Days are easy, but some days are hard;
Returning to the thoughts of us
And when my heart was shattered into shards.

Feeling down, I wonder,
And then I fiure out,
I'm better off without you, cause our
Time was running out. So
Here I lay un my bed, satisfied with life.

Claiming that I've moved on,
Understanding that's what's best, but
Nobody can ever fill your place,
Nobody could make such a mess.
I trusted you, I needed you, but
No longer were you mine. Other
Guys had caught your eye and
Have them you must.
And I'll tell you your biggest
Mistake, trading my love for their lust.
I have moved on, although you still find your way into my dreams occasionally. Too bad for you that I ain't ever taking you back.
Nina McNally Jun 2016
Welcome to the tour, welcome to our family!
In the middle of the concert, in this moment,
Nobody can take this feeling away,
This feeling is ours and forever
Ours!! When we hear Patrick singing to
Us, Pete screaming, Joe giving us lovely guitar
Riffs, and Andy's sick drum beats!
This is our moment, our family  *
this is ours!
©6/2016 McNally/Flanders, Inc.
Written using Fall Out Boy's last tour name, and about the feeling you get when you see your favorite band. <3 No can take it away from you.
Nina McNally Dec 2017
Champion; what does it mean?
How can you be a champion?
And I'm back with a madness;" a
Madness that comes and goes, but "I'm a champion of the
People who don't believe in champions."
If I can live through this, I can do anything!"
Only you can control you're life and don't let
N**obody tell you you're not a champion!
                       *Stay Strong, you can do anything!
first writing of champion that I didn't really care for but wanted to share.
Jeremy Duff Aug 2012

Do you realize what you’re doing
Oh my god get down from there
Nobody wants you dead
Talk to us ok

Just please
Understand how much I love you
My best friend on earth
P**lease don’t jump
I wrote this not you. It's basically, well about suicide. I guess that's obvious.
Annie Potaktos May 2013



Kathy Dehaven Mar 2016
I was the                                                        I waS the
                                                            Child of thE
                                                           ­     Most weLl known
                                                           ­            ActrEss of all
                                                             ­                 Nobody would predict
                                                         ­                 ThAt a child
                                                                ­       Would die so
Girl with a
RocKstar boyfriend.

  I hAd the look.
       Really I had
It all. Until one
daY I lost every-
butterfly May 2017
N -ymph of the sea her grace adorn by emerald, pink morganite and
                                                    - carnelian -
G - oddess of love, beauty and trickery
U - nder world shakins and falls its knees upon seeing her into
Y - onder  - wild and blue
E - vil cripples by the lightness of her face, she is phenomenal
N - othing can stand the gape of her elegance.  

                                                -Wit­hin her -
T - antalizing eyes lie  some magic love spell and tricks
H - ow enticing, No wonder she wins every man’s heart -  immortals or
                                                                ­                        mortals especially Win
I - n just a wink of an eye

M - ountains and seas bow their heads
Y - ou'll  fall into her without hope but desperation

D- on’t ever look at her eyes, you'll be
U - under a life time spell and won’t ever wake up but if
Y - ou want to be
E - nchanted by her love
N- obody would stop you except Win.
Lye Feb 2020
L | oving girls
E | ven if people object
S | taring into each other’s eyes
B | eing together
I  | n a world where love is love
A| nd you’re accepted for who you are
N| obody can tell you to be someone else
Acrostic poem
pea Jul 2020
W hen the silence comes to haunt me,
H ere i am, lost.
Y ou promised.

C omplicated’ they say
A word to describe.
N obody trusted me as you did
‘T oday,not tomorrow’ you begged

I ’m waiting.

F or once, I wonder “is this
O ver?”
R ealizing my mistake, I
G uess I can’t listen to you
E ven your promises.
T oday, just another day..

Y oung and reckless, just like the
O ath you broke
U nlocked, I spill.
an acrostic poem <3
have a great day/night!
also not my best work :(
luv Apr 2024
<b>C</b>radled by night time, stars sharp as syringes
<b>A</b>ngels mingle with demons, shed their wings one by one
<b>N</b>obody cries, no one calls home, no home to call, nowhere to run

<b>I</b> survive into the morning, the sun sets, they say a girl is a gun.

<b>B</b>reaking bread, breaking bones and hearts
<b>U</b>nder the bridge, the train cars pass
<b>M</b>arried to the game, till death do us part.

<b>A</b> quiet pain, the kind that doesn't bleed, but leaves a  scar.

<b>C</b>an you promise me you'll think of me when the ugly turns to art?
<b>I</b> bargain with God, I'll change, just let me make it another night
<b>G</b>otta get myself together, gotta get myself right
<b>A</b>Anchored in pure darkness, I can still remember daylight
<b>R</b>egrets don't care the weather, and clouds won't disperse
<b>E</b>levating myself, come back down feeling worse
<b>T</b>raffic passes overhead, together we dig graves, the truth lurks
<b>T</b>his was fun while it lasted
<b>"E</b>verything was beautiful, and nothing hurt."

— The End —