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jen Nov 2014
That moment i felt so safe I felt like nothing will break me away or action or touch made me feel so alive till you made me hurt but yet I stode with hope and faith that you will make everything better but yet I couldnt believe you made everything worse u gave me pain missery sadness and tears on my face the way you started making me feel was so full of sorrow and regret I never felt I felt I betrayed myself I hated every inch of me because I still stode with you beyond all the pain I consived with you just because I thought you was the one for me but now I dont know what to say I feel nothing when im near you I feel soulless like when you first learn how to love you dont know where to start or how it will end im still hurt but its hurt of that I realized I have fallen out of love for you I dont cry no more I just feel I dont know like you wasent the one beyond all the time that passed we just wish we can rewind
Storm Raven Oct 2015
We are dancers,
Teardrops form a sad melody,
Forsaken in the crying woods of death,
Missery and sorrow join us.
We are dancers,
You and me,
Our sadness forms the beat,
Dancers of the national ballet of depression.
We are dancers,
You and me.
Just trying something
All I ask is an antidote allowing all adults around the atmospher an appointment about arguing.
Because brother basic bodies are bound to believe bragging & bribing basically being broad brings about the best. But be
Cautious, cause carpets can't carry couches alone, concrete creeps. Causing careless catholic christians to create children.
Don't **** the deranged, dedicate the distaste to the drugs. drinking, and dumb deeds that did it.
Even Eminem explains enternal emotions excellently.
For fear feeds frusttration, though frustration can find fun in fornitcation. Foul. Focus on friends and family.
Getting grouchy gonorrhea grants graves too gorgeous gilrs. Game over.
However, having ****** hardly helps handsome happy hands.
Indicating interesting intakes, involving inception in indecive individuals.
Just joking, jealousy just justifies Jose Cuervo.
Kinddling kindness kidnaps king kong's kingdom.
Learn like lovers, loathing little, liking largely, letting laughs live loudly.
Maning mold mountains out of mud, make missery monogamous with merry.
Never neglect the notion of nice.
Optimism overcomes others opinions.
Personally, persisting perfection probably puts pessimistic patterns in people's personalities.
Quietly questioning their quality.
Rest assured reading random reactions really is redundant.
Searching someones soul secretely sends self salvation.
Take turns, tell truths, talk, these things take time, they are talents to be treasured.
Understanding ultimatums unlocks unlimited unison.
wandabitch Jan 2013
I am goodbye this fear of the world,
Gravity hurts in a whispered word.
Take back choice and laugh on through.
Art darts and target hearts
Can sing the blues,
But not like
The gift

Taking lessons in the outer rim
Grounded to the earth
And then,
With a flip I change the pen,
To stir the thought that
Dwell within.

With form drawn to
Bend and twist,
As the fire
A poet's sin.

Dying with random misfortune.
And missery.
Charmed the last time.
Shelly Chandler Mar 2012
A thousand miles away
Alone in the dark of night
Somethings missing
Somethings not right
Silence fills the room
Like humidity in the air
Lacking breath
Near is my doom
Sadness consumes me
Down into my bones
Laughter and happiness all around
Yet non that I can see

In enters worry
He controls me Invades my thoughts
Makes my world become blurry
As he spins a new being
From his own wicked thread
Wishing he would leave
Needing you to be near
He insists upon my hospitality
Giving me nothing
But hopelessness and dread
Please let me go
Allow me to be free
Free me from this evil

He is worry's favorite company
He spins the wicked thread
Tighter and tighter
Around my neck
Like thieves in the dark of night
My will - they steal
Life fleeting
Gasping for air
My love, my heart, hear me
Remind me of your love
Sit next to me
In the depths of this pit
Hold my hand
Till the monsters release me
From their grasp of death, doom and dread
Breathe sweet life into my lips
Stay till all is still

Breath again slow
Not labored and raspy
Fall into a deep sleep
Head in my lovers lap
Wrap me in your love
Safe now, consumed in you
Ray Feb 2012
I fall to the ground and sip back the poison
Whimpering while the voices scream at me
"You're worthless, you're fat,
you *****, you *******
you're trapped, stuck here with them
you'll never leave your missery,
the years will pass and so will your life
your meaningless life filled with
unaccomplished dreams and failed promises"
I collapse in a pathetic heap
admitting my defeat to them
taking one last sip
as I reach for the gun to shut them up
once and for all
Karijinbba Dec 2020
When a man one adores
shows up a call girl photo card,
make sure you love him more
then you love yourself,
to let such sweetheart
true love best lover go,
like I let mine fly off.
My king understood love by his woman's  jealousy dinamics
shown for him. I understood love
by the trusting self assured
non jealous attitude owned.
So, for this kind of lover.
Fight for his love do cry!
Instead of letting this jeweled king
go to his call girls like I did because
his joy and happiness
was above and beyoud my own.
iI turns out he had given me all his love in written prenuptial contract and had no love for no other queen or slave or call girl to give her he was telling me he was my true love
only mine after two decades!
Foolish me was amnesic and couldn't speak up about the plot of his ancient prenuptial was since he told me
he was married and to never
look back  then he cursed me
to hate him from afar and move on;
which I did, but I didn't choose right .
I fell victim of human predators.
because his lyrics deceived my naive soul in youth I did not tell him I loved him and I lost his love.
slowly but sureky he took his Kammazutra back but I had my own
and just like him my lover brain sixty nine I give to noone I haven't found one worthy to be loved. .
It's disastrous and very foolish.
As I observe a lifetime after,
we both adored each other
in our own well intentioned ways
interchangeably even but other
forces conspire dod to wreck us up.
  without wanting to or knowing how.
We both understood love
in different ways;
this interpretation was
both our downfall my demise was only silence for in my mouth lips and words I had my cure to his live enchantment and end eternal love.
His Karma had pledged
in his Rhett Buttler past life,
he would search world wide,
or buy love if he had to,
but he was going to be loved
only in his way.
So we both lived out our destiny
but life was never the same
ever again as that which
was between us we were identical within m, twin flanes twin souls

Without him physically
my existance was like a dream.
more often like a nightmare.
I lost everything,
and everyone I ever adore.
like a house if cards it came
tumbling all down and,
it materialized even here on HP
since then I learned to close doors
to disconnect say good bye
but to my twin no good bye
it's impossible.
I feel blessed and cursed.
all in all I found misery and pain.
By Karijinbba 1974-95 & on.
Warren-Johnson Aug 2018
Think i lost this one hopelesly
The fight be done!
Yes you sad insipid strugle im done with you!
Oh but only missery to spew!
Damaged i cant recover!
I cant fix this thing!
Oh was it ever mine to have !
Not as it be said but for who actually depend and rely on me!
My true failure!
Not going to be there!
Not much to depend on anyhow!
Comfortably Numb
wandabitch Jan 2013
I look around and am left hanging like a washed up college house,
In my present fix
There is no forward bound.
I want to write...
I want to fight...
Burn fresh fire in a darkened hearth,
Dream and inspire the laughs of tomorrow,
Old Hermes carried me well.

Does choice hang heavy in thought?
Will the heavens take back a star?

And when will courage meet destiny
In life?

Idiology takes my hand and cries
Much to vain with a scarlet smile.

Break a false name
And attach to missery in swing.

Take back the moon
I am zero gravity.
Idiot (ology)
TheTruth Seeker Jun 2013
Lost in the sun
walking the same old road I've been walking for too long
when will the road end in peace
when will the wind ******* a new path to walk
I dream of a day
where there is no pain and suffering in my life
I keep walking this road that destiny and fate both have thrown my way
I feel this rotting toxicaition
eating at my heart
the pain and suffering is a tribulation in itself, that no man wants to endour
Filled with shadows of a will-less man
Clawing and digging my way out of a cynical joke that life has played
Feeling anger towards a god that didnt give me a perfect life,
but instead a life of missery
where all I seek is happiness and peace in my world of "Nirvana"
Dennis Scherle Dec 2014
Every smile is to be paid double its weight in pain, paid outright and full before intrest is gained. I escaped depressions grasps for first 12 years of my life. Someone forgot to tell me what i owe, now i dont mean to seek pitty with my tale of missery and woe. But it seems some nights the devil takes a certain interest in my crimson eliqour of life. he to just wants to see it pour from my veins flow like silk down my leg and hear me say.. nothing.. no cry for help in fear someone would notice the scars i cover with my pair of jeans. Some say its in that that i aquired such a lovely taste a hatred for myself. Others have told me to get over it, everyone feels depressed sometimes, but most nights i dont see the light my path is a foggy stormy night sailing without the stars you can not tell me its the same and im the one who should lay the blaime on myself  for letting it get this bad.
Tell me in ways of desperation
She's saying my name a **** from the raider nation
Under the sun rays of sin city waste land
We could've been made but u had me pacing
Im taking all fades like the time Im facing
Tell me in ways of desperation
She's playing them *****'s Trump in hand never changing
She's looking away but I had her craving
Pmoney my game and I'm never waiting
Could've made you my main but I'm always taken
Tell me in ways of desperation
Tell me in ways of desperation
Hated the fame but the money raked in.
They called u insane throughout your training
They put you in chains until your breaking
Now your stuck in those reins steered by satan
Tell me in ways of desperation
Could've been my brain that's always tainted
The look of shame on his face was painted
Dead I remain cause Im always hated
Was it the pain you retained that keeped u naked
Tell me in ways of desperation
Moments are stainded missery created
Your leaving me to blame and my life was slowly shaded
Were you feeling the same as we became separated
These clouds will rain as our love was faded
Tell me in ways of desperation
Tell me in ways of desperation
Birdy To Be Free May 2015
Tears can't stop flowing
letting my eyes float above reality

it's not real
but still you're standing there
at my missery
I can see you ther STANDING
It's not real.... hehehe...
it's not real...
"But my dearest darling"
it's not real...
Halucinations aren't fun
Try and try again, never say die, always see the bright side, try another approach, don't assume! Ja well, who ever said that sure ain't livin' today.
Ja  ok, the wiles are the same, just more slick and undercover. Why does the woman always think they are the cause of changes in their spouse?
Man, I fell for that one too.
First I think I don't cut the grade, because I'm fat, or sloppy, or, any old excuse I could think of. Then I tried doing as much as I could, running myself to death and back, and still no change.
Oh, I could give a million excuses why it's dead in the bed, and everyone my fault. Ja right, since when is it always the woman's fault.
Okay, I went through a warp tunnel with my hormones. I mean, who does not? It's not like we have an early warning system, built-in, to prepare you for a system meltdown. And of course, then every little hitch gets blamed on you, and your hormone meltdown.
And still the bed stays cold.
And boet, just start questioning those little foxes, and you get the atom bomb effect. I mean, every little drop becomes a raging ocean.And of course, don't forget the ever over used, but still powerful effect  of - 
when you do question, and give your take, on this world war three situation. Yes, of course, there's no other way of getting an answer to all your questions, since
is just not a song anymore. Your melt down, caused every one to not say anything, in fear of world war three. By now, you are so frustrated, inside and out, that you'll try anything, to get back, what you refuse to accept is lost.
And still it stays cold.
And memory – man, this is definitely not a woman. You start to remember all those little things from your “ROSE” years. The days when everything was bliss.
And then you show Einstein that E=MC2, is not the only equation, that can rock this world. Albeit, even if it's only your own little world that gets affected. The equation that's starting to make sense, is that 1+1 is not 2.
And the more this memory gets refreshed, you get to all kinds of answers.
All because you assumed the answers, to questions that are still not answered. Because you are imagining things that are not there.
And still the bed is cold!
Then one day you get asked a question. Because of your superior knowledge, experience and understanding, and above all, just plain being a woman, the answer to all those questions, melt downs, accusations, assumations, equations, world wars, echoing silences and self-castrations, gets wrapped up in one word....
- “FATTYQUE” -.......
And now, your all powerful brain starts to di-sect every and all association to that one word...."Bless their poor hearts....”
You ask for a full sentence, because, on this one, not even Oxford Concise Dictionaries can describe the meaning. You close your eyes, you listen to your heart beat, you hear a rushing waterfall of words....and you see lights like diamonds, you hear your heart beating a staccato, you breathe ever so slightly.....
All of this, in the blink of an eye, you realize that this horror, this torment, this self – whatever good word you can find, for your months, no years of missery is not your doing. Oh no sherry BoB!
You realize, that your horror assumation was actually a coverup. Yes, a real, honest to goodness, James Bond, 007 style, covert action, to disguise the fact, that this world, where men claim to be superior, in all, and every aspect, of anything, can not admit to the woman, not all women, or the world for that matter, the one they professed way in the beginning, that they love and honor, that it is his fault, actually.
He is the cold in the bed!
Then, 1 + 1 becomes 2 + 2, and definitely – FATTYQUE – becomes – Fatigue – and the symptoms of male menopause dance through your minds eye, and you rejoice, you dance, you laugh, you cry, you shout for joy......
All this in the silence and understanding within you.....
Because you are a woman.....
The neck,
turns the head,
where you want it to go!
Kim Jan 2013
I will stand up all night
Since I won’t do anything with my life
I can’t dream nor sleep
This time so late is when I can finally weep

I cry and curse
My tragic course
The days pass and the nights end
But I can only ask myself when?

When would the sad nights finish?
When would I find a friend,
A lover a companion that will squish
my fears and scare the pain away

But no, the tears keep dripping
And the moon keeps shinning
The loneliness will stay
and it’s darkness will stain

The never ending fight,
The never ending run
Like a cycle it repeats, isn’t there a might?
A chance of change,

A someone to appear, or as an insomiac
I am doomed to remain.
Alone in my bed, with the eyes wide open
Thinking the worse, in pieces I’m broken,

Can someone try to find me,
And try to repair my sleepy mess
Trying is enought, since my hopes are less
Disapointment has hit me

Twice at least? More than that
I am chained to this bed
I am chained to this missery,
to this mental trap

Should I sane myself?
Or wait to someone to save me
Save me from me, how ridiculous can I be
Maybe the pieces are in a place unseen.

Maybe there’s no pieces to be found
And there’s only a future to make up
Maybe it is better to just sleep
Will it help me to brush the pain with one blink?
jess Oct 2012
When you walked away you took my heart with you.
You ripped it out and only left me broken peices.
peices that wouldnt fit.
you took the memories of love and hate.
you only leaft me pain.
he tried to fix the peices that you left behind,
but you had the major ones.
he knew dep down that i truely did love you.
you only left me peices.
you lesft me pain.
you left me sorrow
you took my love away
you took my ability to trust

you took my heart when you walked away from me
took took my heart and only left my pain ,my missery,and my sorrow.
but you left me one thing
you left my ability to love
thank you
thank you for leaving
manicsurvival Aug 2014
When will they realize that it doesn't matter
that their pessimisticality will only drive them
down dead ends
into enclaves of nothing but missery and dissarray

When will they realize that bestowing discomfort upon a fellow human
is equivalent to cruelty
and that exclusion is as frowned upon as forgetting your mother's birthday

When will they realize that insincerity is our biggest enemy
and that lies are merely self inflicted vitriol
when will they realize that they were wrong
evey time they called me weak

When will they realize that I have risen above being hurt
by their malice
but that I haven't risen above forgiveness and respect
and honor

Perhaps commencement from all but them
will bring me to a state of eternal satisfaction
but I can never forget the mayhem that they brought me
every day, when all I ever did was live
Bluebird Dec 2014
father you went to war you left our home
there are a few thing you said to me
before walking away and leaving us all alone
you said "son, the world must be saved,you see"

you've put your heavy hand on my head
i didn't dare to move or shred a tear,
i clenched my hand hard until it was ****** red,
the colour of missery and fear.

the blood was spilt on the ground
the thirsty land absorbed it all away
the bullet sounds in my head were so loud
were these days for you also gray?

Molly doesn't remember you,
she only remembers the dirt
( from war)
tell me father did you save the earth
as you said you needed to?
war farher and son pain fear
They cry blood
We see them getting buried in the mud
You see them die with bullets thudding to thier chest
And rockets fired in the mist
Houses becoming broken down into dust
Women running to find a shed but getting killed with merciless blood.
They flee to the borders and they get treated with no just.
Mothers and children with no heart as if it is a must.
It pains to see how a man can turn a country to nothing more than a land of dust.
Kills like a vampire craving for blood.
Talking lies and deshonesty to gain people's trust with no soul that cares about them or us.
Isn't it enough how Much you killed for a seat that isn't worth much
A country that has nothing but missery every part you touch
May my heart be yours
May it be enough to get you off this suffering you all feel.
Syria may you always be free.
You are strong standing against the wave of blood and slaughter.
Love you Syria the land of the free.
Death-throws Feb 2016
Guess you dont see the full picture
Just think about yourself
Never someone else.
I cant ask you to understand
The pain in taking one last stand
Stopping was never a switch
A fuse to remove
Some wounds to re-sow
Stopping was missery.
Withdrawl rattled dreams shook me from my sleep.
No cure.
Days and weeks of work.
No sleep,
This could never work
I tried it all for you.
I worked harder then i ever have.
And now you think a relapse
Is all i ever am?
Next time i ask you to change your entire life
Dont blame me if its to hard
Dont blame me for the knife
It was never about you. It was about fixing me
A funny thing called life
We say life is difficult
It is because we want it to be
Animals live in peace
While we sufffer
Humans make the world dark
While Allah made it full of delight
We **** each other for money
While others lie to get some honey
We hurt each other and have pleasure doing so
So how can the world 've dark and we are the missery behind it.
Peace is the answer.
Be happy when you are in pain
Be happy with no complain
You will feel life changed in front of you
Animals die and get killed everyday
Do you see them complain.
We should enjoy the thought that we are able to breath
Which many people had it taken away .
Life is lovely if you want to be
And he'll if you thought about it in that way.
Enjoy life and make it worth your while.
Sander S Vatn Aug 2019
I do not recal this field
Color filled and living
Now frozen and dead
An ocean of sorrow
That once were green
No one by my side
In missery I search
Drowning and doomed
The cold comes once more
All alone
I guess at heart
We are all M.I.A
Just another poem I made while I was gone
Vladimir s Krebs Jul 2018
Her love is so intoxicating she paralyzes with her venom. The toxins are kicking in. She medicates my brain leaving the emotions painless. Agin and again i feel like half awake or in acoma where im not alone. She is my angel my god my vissions i see in my head and my dreams. She spins a web where we lay where she lays me down to rest.  Alone i stand in this life a wisper and a scream. This can be real im going to go insain blowing my mind away. What is left only dilusions of the girl i love. The pain come crashing in with the knife you stabed me twisting till the blood stains your blade. I stand in the rain gettting wet. The tears start to bleed crimison red like when you put crimson red lipstick you kiss me all over with. These games the dreams the vissions you left me with give me the strenght to keep walking threw hell i am traped threw. 3 am you are sitting on the couch you drinking red wine or have you finally trapped your next victim and ****** all his blood out of his vains to show you are my true love. Your love is so strong my night mars never seem to exist when you have me tighlt in your arms. Everyday i see buring firery hell i see people suffer for all there sins they have left scares all over. I will walk threw the vall of death just to be with my wife with her intoxicating aroma she suduces me with. Temtation will only bring me missery. My prince i love you i will catch all the threats in my web making sure your safe. No harm will come when you follow me threw the heavens and hells. She has bit me showing me a life with painless begainaings and endings. My life has been nothing but full of darkness pain and endless battles. My wife is like a black widdow her venom sinks in to my vains like needles setting all my pain go away she sets my fear and endless terros away. She promised me i will not die one breath at a time. She picked me up off the floor when i was to weak to keep going. Everyday my dreams change all i see is her right in front of me her venom gave be the visions of a millions dreams. The thunder storme breakes my silence when the fear is to much to bear. I drift in to my own grave awake or asleep. Feeling like im floating motionless in the ocean where the wakes ******* me down to a wattery grave. Before i get taken she grabes my wrist and pulles me to safty where i will not be dead. I feel like the rain sends my soul away dancing in the rain. Playing with fire is what i like to do she is my little widle fire i love to play with. Her long blond hair leaves me speechless. Everything seems to go crazy into my endless fight i face every day. Every battle i face she always stand by my side and fights all of the darkeast demons that torment me every night and day. Leaving my mind a damgerious thing to play with. My night mar becomes real when i start seeing the demons who have been chasing me threw this endless hell i shall rise to the heavens. I will cast my own shadow to play a psychotic game i like to do when your heart burst with all your emotions at once till your hollow inside.  In the middle of the night i sit up with fear and tears screaming my wifes name even tho she is right next to me. Its 4am nights i see with no sleep upp all night thinking all my thoughts. What is real what is true what is fake. Its time to embrace all the pain you feel and anger you go into. My soul is yours to take her fangs i feel it under my skin feeling like im being burned alive. Her love is all i need to to stay alive her love is what makes my life painless. But she suduces me then gives me her venom leaving me paralyzed into her love and powers of love lust and suductions its our own 50shades of grey with our love we have every day night .

With out her i will slowly drift into madness i will slowly go insain losing everything i hade slowly dying one breath at a time.
the power of lust suduction love will catch you like a spider in a web
Megan Yocom Aug 2018
Despite all my efforts I feel so fragile and weak
I journey for a treasure strength of many I seek

But always out of reach
Never can I hold in hand
I throw the punches but never do they land

Often in a crowded room I can hear my silent scream
It all seems so surreal
All just a bad dream

A fake laugh escape then a smile so untrue
I do it all for your sake I do it all for you

I know you would be sad if you understood how I feel
Yet you don't quite comprehend it's ok I will deal.

So I'll sit alone and silent try my best not to cry
Even tho a part of me is starting to wither and die

Like a plant unwatered
A neverplanted seed
A broken stem of a rose all it does is bleed.

So I keep on living just barely day by day
For now I really believe for me happy is not my way.

I am meant for missery lonelyiness and pain
A little bit of mental a small taste of insane

So look for me in the darkness it is where I lye
It is where I'm meant to be untill my last goodbye.
Megan Yocom Feb 2018
There's an ache it's hard to explain.
I hate the silence it seems to taunt me.
Remind me how alone I really am.
Ache for people to understand my desperate plea.
Yet no one listens.
No one wants to.
I ache for a little heartbeat that once was intertwined with mine.
I choose his happiness over mine.
But he doesn't need me.
No reason to want me.
My skin shivers with the desire to be wanted.
I feel utter hopeless invelope every bit of optimistic foolishness.
I sink.
It's not painful it doesn't hurt. I am not sad or tearful.
It's like a whiteboard filled with marks of emotion all of a sudden is wiped clean.
A hole... something should be there.
A puzzle...
Knowing that something just isn't right. That hopeless desperate feeling...the hole is there filling up but with all negative emotions..
Self doubt, low self esteem, I'm useless, who really wants me anyways, rejection, undesireable, ugly, alone, wanting to bleed(fighting the desire to rip into my own flesh just to help me feel), just not good enough, naive, stupid, worthless, unattractive, ****** up, deserves to be alone, all these thoughts fill that hole.
Then I am nothing and everything all the same time.
But that everything is nothing all the same.
Viscous cycle of absolute and utter missery and torturous absence of exuberant life force
But it goes on and on
And tomorrow will be the same and the day after that and that and that.
And suffer for all eternity because my mind tell me I am destined for this fate.
PawanTube May 2019
is this what  feels good,
though i don't feel through
i know i'll be fine without you…
without messages and takls
but despite we rushed up
in the millons of thought
searching where place to go.

i can't handle my emotions and tears
but i'll ready to withstand all missery,
and fear...

it wasn't enough for you
can't even we  speak through
you might looks it  absurd....
you ends up all.....
but, i don't

we nothing left else,
only barely hanging in the memories of......
cause we left there. in the same
we know that it can't  turn backs
i wish that , i can,
and  change things
and RE-START the life once again......
                         ( In Australia )
A beautiful within attractive pregnant woman
Her partner decides to end it all right then
With the blunt end of an ax killed her and baby
Jailed for life fed clothed taught a trade till when
If a dog bights a child on any day they shoot it
This angels life is over her family suffer always
Bring back the electric chair rope or needle
An eye for an eye in religious books it says
Me , I'd tie him to a tree on an ants nest
Pour honey all over him just to be kind
Sit back if I was her family with a wine
Allow him to suffer as they heart and mind
Everybody knows right from wrong in life
If not happy he could have walked away
Put these mongrels out of their missery
Capital punishment for these crimes to pay
Don't any talk to me of forgiveness and love
Religions tried it on Jesus as he didn't agree
With their holier than thou as if once cross
No talk of forgiveness for these crimes to me

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
A single kiss
A single touch
A single hug
A single feeling

I wish for one
It has been years since last I felt
A feeling of belonging
And now I long for it

Long to be touched
Long to be desired
Long to be loved

Could I ever find a happy ending
In a world full of missery?
Raven Dec 2024
Take my disabilities
And extract them out of my body

Extract the very part of me
That people have an issue with
Extract the essence of me

Take the autism
And tear it apart
Rip it to shreds and burn it
Because all of them
Have an issue with it

Take the CFS
And lay it down to rest
Tranquilize it and put it to sleep
Because all of them
Have an issue with it

Take the FND
And turn off its functionality
Ruin its muscles so it loses its grasp
Because all of them
Have an issue with it

Take the DID
And put the people inside of me
Out of their missery
Because all of them
Have an issue with it

Take the POTS
And stop its heart
Neurtralize its beating
Because all of them
Have an issue with it

Except the rare few
But they're too far and in-between
To stop my suffering

"Why does your face look like that"
"Why are you so obsessed with that"
"Why do you talk so loud"
"Why are you so quiet"
"Why do you have so many stuffies"
"Why do you carry a stuffie around like a child"
"Why cant you go to busy places with me"
"Why cant you take a buss"
"Why cant you live alone"
"Why cant you work"
"Why do you have a wheelchair"
"Why cant u walk today"
"Why cant you make your own food"
"Why do u spend so much money"
"Why do you sleep so much"
"Why don't you respond sometimes"
"Why cant we hangout"
"Why are you always so tired"
Why cant you just be normal

Extract my disabilities from my body
And bury them into the core of earth
So that they'll never again be unearthed

— The End —