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Caleb Hess Aug 2018
A scorpion stings my foot and injects its pain inducing venom into me. The pain spreads throughout my body and as I suffer the scorpion laughs at me whilst I stand underneath the blazing, desert sun with nowhere to go. This vast, empty, waterless desert with nothing to see but sand. Sand as far as the human eye can see, so much empty space yet I still feel trapped in the scorpion’s presence. A dry skeleton confronts me and puts a hole into my arm and ***** all of the meat out of my body until I am only skin and bones. My skin twists and knots around my meatless bones.
I scream.
I scream.
I scream, but when I do it sounds like laughter, so the scorpion and the skeleton laugh with me.
A poem about how friendship can be confusing at times especially when you fail to express yourself and feeling with friends.
neth jones Nov 2015
nothing flights these skies tonite
nothing burns above our heads
or crackles in the air
or glows in the houses about us
as we pace the cool and empty
the alleys and the meatless streets
and the clean scaleless cobbles
carry our patternless birch-bare feet
a sail less nite
but a kite to the imagination
a bringer of new
lighter beings
through our faultless immigration

Previously published [Show Thieves 2010 : An Anthology Of Contemporary Montreal Poetry - 8TH HOUSE PUBLISHING]
fray narte Sep 2022
My throat is heavy with August’s sorrows
I sit by the shore and wait for the weakest waves
to drown my little feet — I  stagger over them like a clumsy giant.
But it’s seaborne sadness wraps, a constant, unrelenting embrace
like a mother’s grief,
a gentle creature’s death,
a rabid dog feasting on a poor, meatless bone.
I am alive — so cruelly alive for it all
as it falls

down my throat, down my chest like a child’s pained whisper.
My body is heavy with August’s weight as I retire to my filthy bed
and hold myself.

Cold are the nights in their quiet,
lackadaisical, taunting hours.

Come now, September. Come, kindly, if you please;
sweep me away into a million, invisible dust particles

under clueless, flickering lights.
don't eat meat of any kind
tofu for you
Mattea Marie Oct 2013
My mother is a vegetarian
I grew up on tofu and kale
We eat meatless meatballs
And always try new organic foods
I know about healthy

Your are the candy
I convince myself I don't need
But still eat anyway

You poison my body
Spreading through my veins
Infecting me
From the inside out

You chip away at my strength
Deteriorate my self esteem
So I'm convinced I need you

I know about healthy
So how did I end up
In such an unhealthy place?
Gaye Sep 2015
I’m not a higher caste-class-Hindu-male,
I cannot be a mute spectator
with a censored mouth and
I don’t want to be a part of a
******* history
that plucked eyes, chopped limbs
and slashed throats.
I want to tell my tomorrows that
I believed in tolerance, patience
And human rights.
Now that makes me a rebel,
An anti-national, a threat!
That’s reason one- I’m disqualified.
Tell me the meaning of life, justice
and freedom my brother
We were the promises of Independence,
The revolution that taught the world-
I don’t like vegetables, orange-vegetables
my land exported
and we got back bananas from
the celebrated republics.
The meatless days left me hungry
I decided to fast, I got jailed
And I know someday these man-eaters
Would hang me.
I don’t speak Hindi, I have no money
I dared to educate and I’m a girl
Now that makes me disqualified.
I need a moral certificate, approval
and a stamp
Just because I have men friends,
I wore lipstick and jeans and I danced.
I’ve to pay a fine, apologize
and spill tears
Because I proclaimed myself a feminist,
A thinker, a dreamer.
Dear society, let me add some more,
I bunked all my moral education classes,
I’m an atheist and a post-modern
I’ve friends- **** hetero and bisexuals
And I eat beef, lamb and pork.
I’ve a tan skin, a flat nose, tiny *******
and a beer belly
I laugh loud, cry and yell at times
And I know there are people out there
Who wants to throw stones, cut my-
body parts and exhibit my remains in a museum,
They need to execute this handicapped
Because she asked too many questions.
Don’t offer me your chocolate-justice
to be denied the next appropriate minute
‘Right’ can never be a synonym to ‘legal’.
So that makes a wrong-carriage
or abortion.
I know I’m disqualified
Now it’s time for the execution,
Hang this heretic!
BKS Dec 2011
I have to say I absolutely love art
The art which feeds from my inspirations
My inspirations which feed from the art based from my core obsession

Although I’m not sure if this is my real obsession

What if it’s an obsession within another?
Or an addiction concealed behind obsession?
How much more burdensome can these be
Will it grow past this point
The point where it’s all I love yet all I fear?

How am I supposed to say that I love my body?
How am I supposed to raise a normal self-esteem
And gain respect for myself When
I hate what I see?

And can you even say it’s wrong for me to hate it?
How is it wrong to hate what stares at me from the mirror?
How is it wrong to hate the smooth and pale skin?
The hairless exposure
The hint of bones in my figure

They say that is supposed to be beautiful don’t they?

I have to say I absolutely love what’s in my future
The future which feeds from my inspirations
My inspirations which feed from the future idea of my own self

Although I cannot be sure this will be the real me

What if this future is just a dream?
Or a wish concealed behind a dream?
How much more dangerous can these be?
Will it grow past this point?
This point where this future feeds off of me?

How am I supposed to say I don’t want this?
How am I supposed to hold my esteem at a healthy level
And also be so absorbed when
I know better than to do this

And how can I even think its wrong for me to hate it
How is it wrong to hate the ghost in my mirror?
How is it wrong to hate the sculpted and carved skin
The meatless disclosure
The manifested fissure

They say that is supposed to be beautiful don’t they?
Tracey Katz Dec 2014
I thought I had a thousand words
Folded, like cranes, to gift you
My mouth cannot make their shapes,
They taste of regret, which
Unsettles me, you
Once as familiar to me as
The veins that decorate my
Wrists that I offered you, soft,
Meatless and vulnerable, I
Handed you a cunning blade and
Prayed you would not cut too deeply, or
Too casually, with disregard, I
Took my time in concluding that
A weapon must be passed, with
The blade turned inward, toward
The one who would be wounded most harshly, were they
To stumble and fall upon the cutting edge of trust.
I am bad at flirting…like…really bad
I **** at being subtle.
Your blog is quality and so is mine (on good days, anyways).
I may not be that pretty, but I am a good person.
                                        I won’t ******* over.
And I will make you tea at 2 a.m. and not judge your tastes in music
(out loud).
We can watch Spirited Away or Howl’s Moving Castle or Nausica
and tumble and have *** and wear **** shades.
I will make you breakfast and vegetarian dishes
on Meatless Monday.
We can read Bukowski on swing sets, smoke cigarettes, and drink whiskey, stumble behind bushes and kiss until my lips hurt.
We can have coffee in some place in Asheville and sit really close together and make fun of black-keys hipsters
(even though I really like the Black Keys).
You will probably have to listen to lots of Hole and Rising Appalachia
and read my poetry, but I will always
read your work when you hand it to me.
And probably buy you nice things.
Like a flask with some quote you like on it. Or your favorite pack of cigs with something cute like, ‘let’s have *** in that bathroom’
written on it.
Or a nice sweater because…sweaters are nice and my blow jobs are of legend.
I may not know you that well, but I’d like to.
And I think you would like to get to know me
because I’m pretty rad.
And I look nice in green and dark navy blue,
and my hair looks pretty in the sunlight.  
I’m saying all this because I’m lonely and people with good tastes in music are rare.
I watch stymied
laughters of the world.
They are momentary tragedies.
Hindi laugh,
Asian laugh.
Poking each other in ribs
infused with ****** morrow.
Why do I surreptitiously laugh, aloud on paper?

Each diseased curtain
of sawed-pulp wafts gently on
my breath, through ink, away--
contained in incense clouds
from sandalwood shrubs
which rustled once
beside a child
whose mother
dipped in Ganges
her ceremonial robe
whet, with tears,
the appetite you have
from laughing.

Downtown, outside
my cordoned hallway,
other people cackle;
they laugh like Sheikhs.
They laugh like Mullahs,
                                           rolling copies of Qur'ans
held next to black cloth,
who ask us
"Have you heard the one?"

The bishops,
priests and
lean over their broaching bellies
to hear described:

Crackling yellow flames cast shadows
on maps for weary pilgrims
with questions inside their heads
suspended on the moon-tides.
They sang in a circle, one.
Motives for allegiance
unraveled on the ground of man's
passion, now rotting, beside the
carcasses of camels
too meatless to eat.

In the once cloudless sky,
separated from the stars eternally,
they conceived of
pangs as great as loneliness
which laughter disguises.

Love, a painful, confusing torment.
of which
laughter never inquires
"Have you the time for me?"
although, every few days,
it should.
Running fingers through our lover's hair,
laughter tempts the intellect eternity to
Constant fascination is
more bearable than death,
we dream.

We all need more
to let go,
let leather reins pulled
taut behind vocal chords
snap free from our hands
in empathy for what
can't be said
and move our tongues aside
to shout
"Again! Again!"
through laughter.

No need.
It repeats, despite encouragement.
Arriving in self-addressed envelopes in your receptacle
                                                      ­ each year
              ­                                                                 ­                                 on your birthday
waiting in the dark, crying:
“Open up!
                   Climb down
out of your body.
                                          Come laugh with me,
                                                             ­               between the stars."

*Laughter is a mini-death.
Tell me men of Agincourt
what was it for
why did we fight and
did we win at all?
A hundred years of war
what was it for?
The prelude that we chew upon
meatless bones across
the Somme?
Tell me,
men of Agincourt,
what was it for?
SamBee Feb 2013
In our hearts we may burn,
But soon sizzle clean.
Our ashes blown
Into the unseen.
Our misty foil flaws,
Since beneath the cracks.
Our past and our sins,
No longer burden our backs.


Our palms wear down our minds
Our bones collide,
Tears are taunting
All set aside.
Whispers woven
Through our cheeks.
Covered by contentment,
Our limbs we speak.

A love aside of
A love forgotten.
Bite until our teeth have rotten.
Sam Temple May 2015
slight ache in my right shoulder blade
let’s me know stressors have been mounting
building slowly, at first
with a struggling child in college algebra
a wife irritated with her perfect job
an old dog leaving a tinge of red behind
when he pees on leaves
I absorb –
late payment
and a new billing statement
showing disregard for salaried employees
direct deposit on the last day of each month
means the last week of each month I do my best
poverty impression
complete with meatless spaghetti and dry oatmeal –
slipping back
I put on my hustla hat
and try slinging the cure
for pennies and a greater credit score
but the flooded market has everybody sitting
with slit eyelids and orange fingertips --
nothing to do now,
but wait
Satsih Verma Oct 2016
Wearing the red bandanna,
you tried to manipulate the bedrock.
Life had been never the same for me.

The ferry sinks the riding
deity in midstream. In polytheism,
I never had my own god.

O the chemistry of love has
changed. Meatless, my skiny arms,
lift the sage of fallen moon in darkness.

I am not ready to conclude
as yet, my epic of fragmented truth.
We were fighting the wars of lame lies.

Who would spare me to become
immortal in stones? Let us not start the
annihilation of sane shadows in the poem.
Marc Hawkins Oct 2017
The story ends how the story begins:
A black dog sniffing and *******,
Marking its territory, threatening
From onyx eyes to stone scraping claws.
It follows me…
Moves itself in like a bad relative,
Intent on bringing turmoil;
On bringing torment.
A fast transformation
From noble to brutal,
From canine king to feral beast
In one snap of it’s jaw…
Chewing my gut like it would old furniture,
******* my mind like it would a *****,
Digging and scraping and scuffing
My inner core,
Leaving me full of holes,
Collapsing my barriers,
Dragging down inner walls
Until I become translucent
And the anxiety never eases.
The light turned out,
The animal becomes invisible in the darkness
But testing me still with tapping paws
As I lie fetus-like in the womb of sodden sheets.
A day may pass…
A week…
A month…
The dog is bored, nothing left to destroy
Only meatless bones,
The marrow ****** from within
It turns full circle and again marks its ground.
It walks, breaking to a trot
Then a canter to a gallop,
The stench of **** a loose diary entry
For a random return.

Copyright Marc Hawkins
Mark Bell Sep 2017
Anybody out there ?
Ooh,it's still just me
Trying to communicate
while wanting to flee.
chemicals and synapses
forming a disastrous flaw
Internal wrangling
This curtain will not draw.
i express myself to an empty space
i look in the mirror
But I don't see my face
I'm cursed to debate,everything alone
a dog with no friendship
And a meatless bone.
24 hours,another passing day
A playground without children
empty and grey
Swings  and roundabouts
Are  still going to war
if I was a believer would I still
Have this flaw.
The Missus Prepared Her Trademark Tortilla Pizza

Hmm...yum...after a hard
days night of reading Hebrew,
though I do not know a word,
nonetheless taking leftist to right
correspondence course tubby guru

hoop fully coaxing posthumous fame and glory
detailing mundane epistles about this Matthew,
yours truly indulged in delicious comestible eschew
wing noncombustible vegetarian ingredients,
asper supp pur ream culinary

innovative eats, she whipped up anew
(similar how mine late mum did construe
tasty dishes to buzzfeed famished motley crew),
anyway thee wife comprised something new
microwaved cooked, (the stove off limits),

yet savory extemporaneous hodgepodge
usually delightful originating predicated on Jew
whoosh heritage, sans unpredictable menu
within fount tin head,
where earlier this evening she drew

forth, the above titled nonpareil zesty
substantial adequately satiating
me tummy, which uttered
(rather incoherently) halloo
since supercalifragilous expialidocious impossible
mission to verbalize

with full mouth, relishing anew
analogous when just a whippersnapper,
viz teenage mutant ninja turtle lapping stew
wickedly bubbling cauldron warming Inuits igloo
thawing this adventure seeker,

when a mere hatchling shew
wing fearlessness, I unwittingly got shell lacked
(became nearly homeless) sent askew
enroute rescued courtesy Mister Magoo
aforesaid Eskimos he knew

nursed me back to health
shaman donned as a "FAKE" kangaroo
accompanied by apprentice
trumpeting on Taj Mahal miniature didgeridoo,
which nostalgic "FAKE" memory
spouse poked das man
i.e., dozing papa awake asking review,

regarding Tortilla Pizza comprising:
whole wheat tortilla, dairy free vegan cheese
organic mild salsa
meatless crumbles
cubed eggplant.
Our pudding was icy & love for free Cuban chicks was spicy as the
Obama night drew us into sun-gone darkness & round, meatless fur
burgers that Mooshell made, stirred by hot estrogen that wasn't hers
Qualyxian Quest May 2019
but maybe I have seen Beyond
Obie Dziedzic photo is for real

have to trust my vision
and the insights I can feel

back to meatless meanderings
vegetarian again my meals

allusions and quotations
are two ways that poets steal

I’d like to write a storysong
that helps the commonweal

David Markson touched me deeply
his genre-breaking zeal

I stand and stare in the mirror
and alone in darkness kneel

Then I wager with Pascal
play the hand She deals

                            Hit me!
kfaye Oct 2022
I hope your blood vessels strangle you all at once from the inside, slowly crumpling you to the nothingness you are -

A biological trash compactor of cold, sweaty immolation.

All the lies you tell yourself are laid barefooted across the burning ashes of your self-ruined world.
Everything that you are disintegrates into the vile sludge of your failed human existence.

The violence of Man’s hatred turns on itself, for once.

I hope your god obliterates you -
Or someone else’s god -
Or I’d even settle for a Big Mac truck,
A chicken bone in your

In 1492 a Lesbian was ****** Greek & an S.T.D. was not a disease
& girl **** Vietnamese were knock-offs of pan-faced Han Chinese
Our pudding was icy & love for free Cuban chicks was spicy as the
Obama night drew us into sun-gone darkness & round, meatless fur
burgers that Mooshell made, stirred by hot estrogen that wasn't hers
Your 2 spirit stance smacks of 2 outlets to void ***** whilst guys in
the butch building trades lay down slick pig blood linoleum floorin'

— The End —