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tangshunzi Jul 2014
Vow Renewal ha davvero bisogno di presentazioni .Perché appartiene Gene Simmons e la abiti da sposa on line sua splendida moglie Shannon di Kiss !E.a parte il folle .folle d'amore che tutti noi sappiamo che condividono .questo duo sa anche come ospitare un impressionante bella festa - con file di Pretty in Pink .schiocchi di favoloso e una devozione a tutte le cose ballare degno.Creato da Lady Liberty Eventi + un cuore Matrimoni con fotografie di Trish Barker .c'è molto di più nella galleria .

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Dal Liberty Woodman di Lady Liberty Events.I hanno conosciuto Gene e Shannon per anni ed era così eccitato quando hanno deciso di rinnovare i loro voti alle Hawaii !Abbiamo collaborato con i talentuosi One Matrimoni cuore che gentilmente hanno contribuito a portare tutto il glamour alla vita!

Gene e Shannon volevano un incontro molto intimo dei loro più stretti amici e parenti di essere una parte del loro rinnovo di amore .Abbiamo deciso di fare un palato nero .fard e oro per riunire l'atmosfera glamour e moderno.con il suggerimento perfetto di nervosismo .Il progetto per questa occasione era semplicemente incredibile e era la rappresentazione ideale della loro morbida lato romantico mescolato con il loro rock \u0026rotolare personalità !

All'arrivo gli ospiti hanno fatto la loro strada attraverso un bianco appeso all'ingresso 25ft parete del fiore .dove erano seduti a splendide vignette in stile.Una combinazione di divani vintage.pouf e poltrone accentati con moderni cuscini neri e blush tiro .creando un ambiente opulento per i posti a sedere cerimonia.Flutti che scorre biancheria coprivano le pareti e soffitti .mentre blush e avorio nastri proposto come lo sfondo perfetto per la sposa e lo sposo a dire che faccioènuovo.Affiancato da lussureggianti centrotavola di ortensie e un corridoio personalizzato in mostra il loro monogramma .la passeggiata lungo la navata era niente timido di stordimento .gene \u0026Figlia Shannon ' .Sophie .ha messo insieme una cerimonia calorosa e cordiale e con l'aggiunta dei loro voti personali .non c'era un occhio secco in casa .Poco a poco gli ospiti sanno che ci sarebbe stata una cerimonia a sorpresa da seguire!Shannon illustra la sua sorella Sara .e il suo sposo Greg .felice di poter condividere questo giorno speciale con loro.Sara \u0026Greg ha proceduto con più di una cerimonia tradizionale stile hawaiano che ha aggiunto un'aggiunta unica e incantevole per i festeggiamenti .L'amore era certamente nell'aria !Come la coppia ri - sposato.e sposi fecero il loro ritorno lungo la navata.gli ospiti gettati petali che sono stati elegantemente presentati in sacchetti di rete a ogni sedile rosa .Gli ospiti

diretti verso l'area cocktail .che si è svolta sotto un albero magnificamente fiorito che è stato appeso con centinaia di candele appese .Un albero augurio visualizzazione degli ospitiècarte escort perfettamente ondeggiava nel piacevole brezza hawaiana .Le melodie contemporanee suonate dal duo stringa a condizione che il suono perfetto come ospiti sorseggiavano un cocktail speciali e mordicchiò bocconi .Gli ospiti

sono stati poi invitati a fare la loro strada in reception e zona pranzo .guidati dal suono di freddo jazz suonata dal vivo banda di 9 pezzi .La tavola era apparecchiata con biancheria blush frizzante .carica d'oro eposate e nero cristalleria moderna .Ogni impostazione è accentato con neri abiti da sposa on line laser taglio plexi Consiglio vetro carte.che sembrava incredibile contro il rossore e oro toni .Overhead .festoni di blush tendaggi e lampadari splendidi con sfumature nere fornito una magnifica atmosfera .Oro candelabri \u0026votive oro mercurio sono stati mescolati con le modalità lussureggianti che consisteva di fragranti rose da giardino e ortensie stabiliti nel colpire le navi nere .Le sedie erano vestiti con flirty battiscopa blush che fatica complimentato il paesaggio tavolo .La vivace verde vivente che circonda la zona e il suono luce delle cascate perfezionato l'aspetto della sala da pranzo .

L'enorme pista da ballo bianco incandescente con Gene \u0026Monogramma Shannon ' stato circondato da 4 .100 £ lampadari floreali che erano semplicemente bocca caduta .Vignette Petite circondato il pavimento e sono stati accentati con personalizzati monogramma cuscini di seta dupioni con ricami in oro .Una volta che tutti hanno fatto la loro strada verso la pista da ballo .feste la sera ' aveva appena iniziato !Shannon aveva chiesto karaoke per abiti da sposa corti la ricezione .così abbiamo pensato

così cosa c'è di meglio che avere una band suonare dal vivo come la loro musica di sottofondo !Sophie ( Gene e figlia Shannon ' ) ha iniziato le danze via con la sua interpretazione diè eeautifulèeè et Ultimoè?mentre i suoi genitori amorevolmente ballavano tra di loro e hanno accolto i loro amici e familiari a unirsi a loro sul pavimento .Gene saltò sul contrabbasso .mentre .Sophie \u0026Nick ( i loro figli ) ha cantato tutta la notte .Hanno sicuramente tutti scosso la casa .e ci siamo divertiti tutta la serata !
la serata si è conclusa .Gene e Shannon sono stati presentati con una splendida torta 3-tier .che consisteva di due livelli oro con finiture nere.e un livello inferiore di perfezione filodiffusione avorio rose .Mentre gli ospiti erano riuniti attorno .un solo cuore matrimoni avevano sorpreso gli ospiti con una giornata di modifica video l'intera attività serate .ogni ipotesi era in soggezione .E 'stato il modo perfetto per concludere questa bella raccoltaèsi poteva assolutamente sentire l'amore nell'aria

Banda : Jimmy Mac \u0026 The Kool Kats | Dress Brides 1 : . Jenny Packham | Dress Brides 2 : Badgley Mischka | Cake: DesignerCakes | Restauro : Sugar Beach Catering | Sedia Covers : Wildflower lino | Coordinatore / Progettista : Lady Liberty Eventi | Assistenza design: bianco Orchid Weddings | Designer : Matrimoni Un cuore | Fiori : Uno Matrimoni cuore | biancheria: La Tavola biancheria | Fotografia : TrishFotografia Barker | Luogo Carte : Pitbulls e Posies | String Duo : Don Lax | Luogo : Haiku Mill | caricabatterie: BBJ LinenBadgley Mischka è un membro del nostro Look Book .Per ulteriori informazioni su come vengono scelti i membri .fare clic qui .Wildflower Lino.un'orchidea da sposa bianco .INC .BBJ e Lady Liberty eventi fanno parte del nostro Little Black Book .Scopri come i membri sono scelti visitando la nostra pagina delle FAQ .Wildflower Linen vedi portfolio un'orchidea da sposa bianco .INC vedi portfolio BBJ vedi portfolio Lady Liberty Eventi visualizza
Gene Simmons Vow Renewal_abiti da sposa 2014
tangshunzi Jul 2014
Sono abbastanza positivo che avrei potuto essere migliori amici con questa coppia : un duo che ha avuto il loro primo appuntamento e quattro anni dopo .il loro impegno sul Colbert Report ( vedere che la proposta qui !) e una abiti da sposa corti sposa con un amore profondoper il corallo ispirato il suo preferito Essie smalto per unghie color .Sai solo questo matrimonio era destinato ad essere impressionante e così offre.I fiori di Kathleen Deery nel colore preferito della sposa .la sensazione di un incontro informale con i propri cari .ma sollevavano un miliardo di tacche sulla bella scala e le immagini di Meg Smith che non possiamo mai abbastanza mai abbastanza ;tutti fanno per davvero splendida galleria .Guardalo qui .

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Megan e George sono incontrati durante l'allenamento per una maratona insieme a Brooklyn .George ha invitato Megan ad una registrazione di The Colbert Report per il loro primo appuntamento e un paio di anni dopo la riportò a quello stesso abiti da sposa corti spettacolo da proporre .in onda !

Per il loro matrimonio Megan e George avevano così tanti tocchi personali .da bocce set personalizzato ai cocktail tovaglioli sulla barra stampato con vignette divertenti George - nessun dettaglio è stato lasciato unpersonalized !La loro zia Kimberly è una meravigliosa graphic designer e si avvicinò con il logo per il loro matrimonio - ponti gemelli ( il Brooklyn e il Golden Gate ) intrecciati a simboleggiare questa Coast East meets West Coast coppia .Megan proviene dalla Bay Area e George da Brooklyn .

Una delle tradizioni preferite della coppia a casa è la notte di gioco e così avevano Corn Hole e Bocce campo giochi sul prato così come un mazzo di carte da gioco personalizzate nei loro sacchi di benvenuto .Per incorporare la maratoneti amore di esecuzione hanno tenuto un 5k Fun Run .la mattina del loro matrimonio e spediti Marathon Pettorali come Save the Date .colore preferito

della sposa.che abbiamo spesso trovato il suo da portare nelle nostre riunioni di pianificazione .era Corallo .Ispirato da un marchio Essie di smalto ( California Coral ) abbiamo condotto che colore attraverso il tema del matrimonio in modo che tutto sembrava festosa e coesa Fotografia

: Meg Smith Fotografia | dell'artista: vestiti da sposa . Weddings On Film | Planner: Shannon Leahy Eventi| Fiorista : Kathleen Deery | Cake: Sweet Cake | Rosticcerie : Paula LeDuc fine Catering | personalizzata Dance Floor : Yonder

| Hair / Make- up : Julie Morgan | biancheria: La Tavola di lino | Musica : Notorious | Musica : mai Music Group |Materiali di carta: Kimberly Richardson di Seal Bianco Graphics | Photobooth : Magnolia Photo Booth Co. | Residenza privata: Black Swan Lake | Luogo : Black Swan LakeLa Affitti Tavola bisso .Wedding Hair and Make up da Julie Morgan .Sweet Cake .Paula LeDuc Fine Catering e Magnolia Photo Booth Co. sono membri del nostro Little Black Book .Scopri come i membri sono scelti visitando la nostra pagina delle FAQ .La Tavola bisso Affitto PORTFOLIO capelli Wedding and Make-up by Ju ... vedi portfolio dolce sulla torta vedi portfolio Paula LeDuc Fine Catering vedi portfolio Magnolia Photo Booth Co. VIEW
California Coral Wedding da Meg Smith Fotografia_abiti da sposa on line
tangshunzi Aug 2014
Un giorno zeppo -a - blocco pieno di matrimoni di Erich McVey è una buona giornata nei nostri libri .Il suo lavoro è arte .pura e semplice .Da Londra a New York e ora Southern California .stiamo approfondendo una vicenda che mescola la ariosa .bontà scoperta di mangiare all'aperto con fiori organici di Stacey Fitts e la vera bellezza della vecchia architettura spagnola di La Villa San Juan Capistrano .Tuffati nelle immagini di Erich .poi dare un'occhiata al film realizzato dalla moglie di talento .Amy McVey sotto .

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Da Sposa.Steven e mi è piaciuto molto l'idea di avere una sensazione organica naturale nel cuore antico di architettura California spagnola .La villa in San Juan Capistrano ( una città che ha una missione spagnola dal 1776 ) si adattano perfettamente l'immagine .Dal momento che il locale aveva tante bellezze naturali .( alberi .pietre.legno) ci wasnè ètanto che abiti da sera lunghi abbiamo bisogno di fare per far risplendere locale.La nostra visione finito per essere una sensazione di fresco.pulito e organico con tavoli in legno naturale e lenzuola di tela .

Ci sono una quantità illimitata di fai da te che una coppia può fare per il loro matrimonio .Noi didnè èvogliamo spendere troppo tempo su numerosi progettiècosì abbiamo fatto un paio di piccoli oggetti che hanno avuto pochissimo tempo

Le prime voci erano mano stenciled / cuscini dipinti .Abbiamo comprato alcuni grandi cuscini e le coperte in un materiale di tela di lino .Abbiamo poi stampato su varie frasi ( Mr. \u0026 Mrs. .10.12.13 .Amor che significa amore in spagnolo) in uno dei nostri font preferitièBombshell Pro .Questo è stato poi rintracciato sulla carta di cera che viene tagliato con un coltello X - acto .stirato sul cuscino e poi dipinto .Per un tocco in più .il signor cuscino aveva un farfallino messo su di esso e la signora aveva un fiore .

Il secondo reca alcuni dei nostri articoli di carta .Il mio computer marito esperto è in abiti da sera lunghi grado di creare carte di nome .i numeri di tavola .menu e tag coperta che hanno abbinato la nostra suite invito.Tutti gli articoli di carta stampata ha contribuito a mantenere bassi i costi dal momento che didnè èavere il nostro calligrafo loro fare ( 130 + articoli possono essere costosi ) .

Uno dei nostri elementi preferiti del matrimonio erano i fiori.Dato che c'era un sacco di bellezza naturale presso la stavaè èbisogno di fare troppo per fiori .Abbiamo finito con verde fresco con i classici fiori bianchi e avorio .Rami di ulivo sono stati collocati sui tavoli come questi legami in stile California spagnola .

Un altro elemento preferito era tutti i pezzi di calligrafia che sono state diffuse in tutto il locale .Avevamo una bellissima Piantina .segni bar .guestbook .Thank You banner.legno segni signore e la signora presidente.e un segno di benvenuto .Ogni pezzo è stato completamente personalizzato per i nostri gustièanche fino alle allori dei font e foglie di olivo .Questi elementi sono quelli che terremo per sempre nostro bar segno (che ha ciascuno dei nostri consigli cocktail firma ) viene visualizzato nella nostra cucina !Consigli

per le altre coppie : due cose .Primo : Alla fine della giornata .il giorno delle nozze è su di voi e la vostra sarà presto coniugeèuna celebrazione del vostro viaggio insieme attraverso la vita .Dopo la giornata è finita .tutti sono felici e le piccole cose donè èmateria .

Secondo: E ' estremamente importante scegliere un fotografo che siete entrambi a proprio agio.Durante il vostro matrimonio .questo è quello che siete ( probabilmente) trascorrere più tempo con .Poiché questo è un giorno molto nervoso per molti .sanno esattamente cosa fare per contribuire a calmare i nervi .Per noi .Erich McVey e Amy McVey erano marito e moglie team perfetto per noi .Ci siamo conosciuti su Skype ( come sono basate in Oregon) e sapevamo in pochi minuti che erano la nostra squadra .Dopo averli incontrati giù a Santa Barbara per la nostra sessione di fidanzamento solo solidificato che eravamo in ottime mani .

momento più memorabile : Eravamo seduti al nostro tavolo innamorato abiti da sposa stile impero e aveva la vista perfetta di tutti i nostri ospiti di mangiare.ridere e semplicemente divertirsi .Per vedere tutto quello che abbiamo immaginato veniamo insieme così perfettamente e guardare tutto l'amore e il flusso di felicità tutto intorno a noi è stata un'esperienza magica

Fotografia : Erich McVey | Fotografia: . Amy McVey | Planner: Michelle dalla villa di San Juan Capistrano |fiorista : Stacey Fitts | Abito da sposa: Victoria Nicole | Dolci : Jocelyn Jung con I Am The Caker | cancelleria : Alimentazione | Scarpe : Christian Louboutin | Gioielli : Pigment A San Diego | Rosticcerie : Iva Lees Catering | Hair \u0026 Makeup : 10.11 .Trucco | Calligraphy : Mon Voir ( Jenna Rainey ) | Scarpe sposo : Ted Baker | Sposi Abbigliamento: Hugo Boss | Nastro Su Profumo : Frou Frou Chic | Wedding Venue : Villa San Juan CapistranoErich McVey fotografia è un membro del nostro Little Black Book .Scopri come i membri sono scelti visitando la nostra pagina delle FAQ .Erich McVey Fotografia VIEW
Organic Garden Affair a San Juan Capistrano_abiti da sposa vintage
T L Addis Dec 2014
rig was fair
spiked hair
big like an oil rig
six foot tall
square shoulders
coffee-stain birthmark on his cheek
the rest of him freckled
too feared to be fought
betrayed by his own intellect
pacing the lino tiles like a zoo wolf
wrapping tape around pins
to make blow darts
firing them from rolled-up worksheets
sticking in smelly teenage scalps
sticking in the hived cheeks of the quiet boys
muttering accusations
at the closeted gay english teacher
total immunity guaranteed
through hulk and bulk and brazen cruelty
and the fear and the jeer of the crowd

bevans was dark
six foot one
thick black brush hair
face like a gnarled foot
broken nose with one nostril welded shut
nasal jackal yap-yap-yaps
manic eyes with natural mascara
giving the girls piggy rides
to hold their sunned hockey thighs in his dinner plate hands
bevans of the dark monster ****
flashed around the library
the dinner hall
bevans and his boys
pulling themselves
behind the science desks
wiping their *** on the curtains
squawking, crying with laughter
while the rest of us set fire to peanuts
on tripods with bunsen burners
our pale shrivelled pride
tucked away in the underwear
our mothers bought us

for years rig went with a girl
who looked like a pretty frog
‘i’ve been with her so long
i’ve literally felt her ****
grow in my hands’
she lived in a small village known for its golf course
and when he discovered ecstasy
and diazepam dissolved in buckets of lager
and dumped her without warning
she turned to older boys and farmers for comfort
she became known at school
as the nineteenth hole

rig and bevans
were friends of mine
i kept them close
with quips and hoots and indifference
begging each day
would provide some amusement
some mouse in the grass
to draw their keen eyes
and sharp tobacco tongues
to keep their necks from
twisting back
to snap and bite down
on the weak of the pack
which happened, of course, every few days
when my mother asked why
my shirt was soaked in slashes of blue ink
my hair was burned
there were blow dart spots
of dried blood
on my neck and hands
i told her it was a game
Era su nombre Betsy y era de Ohio.
Un día,
En que al azar vagaba por mi ruta sombría,
Los dos nos encontramos.  Y la quise por bella;
Después amé su alma, porque mi alma en ella
Vio una luz casta y blanca, vio piedad y ternura.

Jirón azul de cielo rompió mi noche oscura,
Y la luz de una estrella de fulgores risueños,
Hizo abrir la dormida floración de mis sueños.

¿Qué fuerza misteriosa la puso en mi camino?...
¿Fue una intuición secreta quizá de mi destino
La que a la senda suya llevó mi errante paso?
¿Fue casual ese encuentro?... ¿Fue presentido
No lo sé... ni me importa.

De raza puritana,
De aquella raza austera que a la costa britana,
Buscando hogar y patria, dijo adiós sin tristeza;
De los lagos del Norte rubia flor de belleza;
Los libros y la música su amada compañía,
Y esquiva a los arranques de ruidosa alegría;
Su flor dilecta, el lirio; mística en sus anhelos,
 -Palomas que sus alas tendían a los cielos;-
En contraste sus hábitos y su elación divina
Con todos los impulsos de mi raza latina;
De regiones distantes dos solitarias palmas,
¿Qué fuerza misteriosa juntó nuestras dos almas?
De su idioma, al principio, pocas frases sabía,
Mas mezclando palabras de su lengua y la mía,
Con versos que copiaba de antiguo Florilegio,
Y dísticos de Byron que aprendí en el Colegio,
Le dije muchas cosas... muchas, en el balneario
Donde por vez primera la vi.
                                              (Del solitario
Poeta fue la Musa desde entonces).

                                      Su gracia
Y atractiva belleza; su aire de aristocracia;
Su cabellera blonda, de un rubio veneciano,
Y su perfil de antiguo camafeo romano;
Sus ojos pensativos y de mirar risueño
Donde flotaba a veces el azul de un ensueño;
Sus mejillas rosadas como un durazno; el breve;
Esbelto busto, en donde tuvo vida la nieve;
Sus veinte años... ¡Qué hermosa primavera florida!
¡Todo en ella era un himno que cantaba la vida!
En bailes, en paseos, en la playa...  doquiera
De todos los galanes la preferida era.

Con su traje de lino, con su blanca sombrilla,
Con sus zapatos grises de reluciente hebilla,
Y el sombrero de paja con una cinta angosta,
Nunca se vio más bella mujer en esa costa.

Quiso aprender mi lengua: cambiábamos lecciones,
Y así fueron frecuentes nuestras conversaciones;
Hasta que al fin un día-mi alma de ella esclava,
-Le dije que era bella... muy bella y que la amaba.

Pasado ya el verano, adiós al mar dijimos,
Y en tren, expreso, todos a la ciudad volvimos.
Rodaban... y rodaban las hojas, desprendidas
En raudos torbellinos, por parques y avenidas;
Del ábrego se oían los resoplidos roncos,
Y entre brumas se alzaban casi escuetos  los troncos;
En las calles formaba la lluvia barrizales
Y eran soplos de invierno las brisas otoñales.
Rodaban... y rodaban las hojas. De ceniza
Parecía el crepúsculo con su niebla plomiza,
Y alzábase doliente la luna, en la gris y ancha
Lámina de los cielos, como amarilla mancha.

Con sombrero de plumas, sobretodo entallado,
Y traje azul oscuro, su rostro sonrosado
Era una nota viva y alegre, era un celaje
En la helada y sombría tristeza del paisaje.

«¡Qué triste es el otoño... qué triste!» me decía;
«Todo se está muriendo... todo está en la agonía,
Mas nuestro amor...»:

(De pronto cayó. Vivos sonrojos
La hicieron al instante bajar los castos ojos).
«También!» dije riendo, «cual todo lo que vuela».
Y reía... reía como alegre chicuela,
Porque su claro instinto de mujer le decía
Que la amaba y que nunca mi pasión moriría.

En bailes, en conciertos, en salones... doquiera

De todos los galanes la preferida era,
Y aunque su amor, a veces, riendo me negaba,
También reía, porque... sabía que me amaba.
Una tarde de invierno, cuando como un sudario
La nieve en albos copos, el parque solitario
Y las calles desiertas cubría; cuando el cielo
Era blanca mortaja; cuando espectros en duelo
Parecían los árboles quemados por el frío,
En un diván sentados, en el salón sombrío,
Junto a la chimenea que con su alegre y clara
Luz daba un vago tinte sonrosado a su cara,
Enjugando una lágrima silenciosa y furtiva,
«Me siento enferma y triste», me dijo pensativa.

Los aullidos del viento vibraban en la sombra...
Y se alejó. Y el roce de su traje en la alfombra
Me arrancó de mis sueños. Incliné la cabeza,
Y solo, y en silencio, quedé con mi tristeza.
Pasó el invierno.
El cielo fue todo resplandores;
El bosque, lira inmensa, y el campo, todo flores.
Y una tarde, su alcoba, después de muchos días,
Dejó por vez primera la enferma.
¡Oh, las sombrías
Noches en vela, noches de indecible martirio,
Noches interminables de fiebre y de delirio,
Cuando todos, henchidos de lágrimas los ojos,
Su vida amada al cielo pedíamos de hinojos,
Mientras que en el silencio de esa calma profunda
Se oía, delirando, su voz de moribunda!

Abierta la ventana que daba al parque, en ondas
De fragancia entró el aura susurrando.  Las frondas
De las viejas encinas sus más gratos rumores
Dieron en el crepúsculo.  Fue el triunfo de las flores
Sobre el verde sombrío de los boscajes.  Era
Una tarde rosada, tarde de primavera.

Envuelta en amplia bata de rojo terciopelo,
Suelta la cabellera, como un dorado velo,
Y en la pálida boca, pálida flor sin vida,
Una sonrisa casta, como estrella dormida,
Tendiéndome la mano, pero baja la frente,
Y esquivando los ojos, avanzó lentamente.

Unidas nuestras manos, a mi lado sentada,
Y un instante en mi hombro su frente reclinada,
Quedamos en silencio...

¡Cuántas veces, de noche,
Lloroso, y en los labios el blasfemo reproche,
Desde ese mismo sitio sus quejidos oía,
Los ahogados quejidos de su larga agonía!
¡Cuántas veces a solas, cerca de esa ventana,
Me sorprendió sin sueño la luz de la mañana,
Mientras que de la Muerte, furtiva y en acecho,
Oíanse los pasos en torno de su lecho!...
De pronto alzó los ojos, llenos de honda dulzura,
Donde brillaba siempre su alma blanca y pura,
Y con su voz de arrullo, voz de celeste encanto,
-«Sé que lloraste... Gracias», me dijo, y rompió en llanto.

Por la abierta ventana soplos primaverales
La fragancia traían de los verdes rosales.

Luego al parque salimos.
Su palidez de cera;
Sus pasos vacilantes al bajar la escalera,
Al andar, su cansancio; los círculos violados
En torno de las claras pupilas; los holgados
Pliegues de su vestido; la enfermiza blancura
De las manos; los dedos, en donde con holgura
Los anillos giraban; la tos, triste presagio
De que estaba marcada para el final naufragio
En la roca sombría de la Muerte; la lenta,
Triste voz; la dulzura de la faz macilenta,
Sus ahogados suspiros, plegarias de su anhelo,
-Plegarias sin palabras para un remoto cielo,-
Su laxitud... ¡Cuán pura, cuán ideal belleza,
Allí mis ojos vieron con su halo de tristeza!...
Y como presintiendo su eterna despedida
En ese dulce instante reconcentré mi vida
Y fue mi amor más grande, fue más intenso y fuerte
Al pensar que muy pronto sería de la Muerte!

Era música el vago rumor de la arboleda,
Y seguimos callados por la oscura alameda.

Al verla se agitaron en sus tallos las rosas;
Más aromas regaron las auras bulliciosas;
Entre arbustos tupidos y fragantes macetas
Asomaron sus ojos azules las violetas;
Todas las campanillas en el verde boscaje
Como que repicaron al ver su rojo traje;
Los pájaros miraban a la convaleciente,
Del parque solitario tantos días ausente;
Se oyeron en las frondas cual vagos cuchicheos,
Y al fin la alada orquesta preludió sus gorjeos
Los cisnes, como góndolas de alba plata bruñida
Enarcaron sus cuellos en el agua dormida
Y del sol a los tibios fulgures vesperales;
Destellaron las colas de los pavos reales.

«La vida es la tristeza», me dijo. «¡Todo anhelo
Del presente, mañana será amargura y duelo;
La vida es desencanto. Feliz creíme un día,
Y ya ves, cuan traidora la suerte y cuan impía!
Como flor, en mi pecho, se abría la Esperanza,
Y ya la desventura por mi camino avanza.
Lentamente mi vida se extingue. Triste, enferma,
¿A qué traer tus sueños a la sombría y yerma
Soledad de mi alma? ¿Para qué tu alegría
Trocar en amargura con mi lenta agonía?
Del árbol de la Vida fui pálido retoño,
Y me iré con las hojas marchitas del otoño;
Para toda esperanza ya soy despojo inerte...
Tú vas para la Vida... ¡yo voy hacia la Muerte!»

«Tus temores», le dije, «son de niña mimada;
Tú todo lo exageras...»

En mi brazo apoyada
El parque abandonamos, y al subir la escalera
Parecía un crepúsculo su rubia cabellera.

Un día, para Ohio, tomó el tren.,.., ¡triste día!
Y alzando la vidriera, cuando el tren ya partía
De la Estación, me dijo:
«Te escribiré primero,
Pero escribe. Hasta pronto...  No olvides que te espero».
Y después.... en sus cartas decía:
«Si vinieras,
¡Qué sorpresa la tuya! ¡Qué cambio...! ¡Si me vieras!
Las brisas de mi lago fueron auras de vida.
Razón tuviste. Ha vuelto la esperanza perdida.
Recuerdas? Tú decías: todo eso pronto pasa,
Y es verdad.  La alegría de nuevo está en mi casa.
Soy otra.... y soy la misma: tú entiendes.  Frescas rosas
Se abren en mis mejillas, que eran dos tuberosas.
(Bien sé que de esta frase burla harás con tu flema,
Mas no importa.  No es mía: la copié de un poema).
Hoy río, canto y juego como chiquilla. El piano,
Cerrado tanto tiempo, ya al roce de mi mano
Es música perenne.  Las viejas Melodías
¡Cómo evocan recuerdos de venturosos días!
Soy otra.... habrás de verlo.  Pasaron mis congojas,
¡Y creí que me iría con las marchitas hojas!».
Sueños de un alma casta... ¡Visión desvanecida!
Creyó en la Vida ... ¡Y pronto la traicionó la Vida!

Para siempre descansa del rigor de la suerte,
Con su velo de novia tejido por la Muerte,
Con todas sus quimeras, con todos sus anhelos,
Junto al nativo lago... bajo brumosos cielos.
Claire Bircher Dec 2010
Pick up teeth from the carpet,
hide under eggshells in the bin,
cancel the appointment with the dentist.

Mop blood from the lino,
straggles of cloth sprawl in pink water,
scrub the memory with bleach.

Ask the girl at the counter
which foundation is best for a blemish,
get it home and sponge over bruises.

Catch the reflection crying
preen her til she’s quiet,
gag with flowers freshly arranged.

Smile on the school run
pretend the kids are happy,
(she thinks it's the reason she stays).
Grace Oct 2017
So you’re clearing out your room,
clearing out more of yourself,
because it’s the end of the world, isn’t it?
The end of an era anyway –
the end of the bad decision to paint
your room pink.
You never really liked the colour pink.
Your old room had been sunshine yellow,
that bright happy colour of raincoats
and welly boots and sunflowers
(and yellow was still my favourite colour
when i painted my room pink –
yellow rubber in my pencil case,
yellow bow in my hair –
a sunshine happy kind of child
but not really. i painted my room pink
just because).
You wanted the new room painted a shade
called jazzberry but you were told it was too dark.
You wrote in the card to your dead great grandmother
that you were having your room painted jazzberry
and then you didn’t.
The card was placed in her coffin and cremated with her,
and you experienced that strange sensation at the funeral
of not feeling what you were supposed to be feeling.
I should cry, you told yourself, I should feel sad,
but you had cried all your tears in advance
and you’d cried them all for dead grasshoppers
and the old house you were leaving behind.
(always the same with me, isn’t it.
tears over everything except the things that matter.
i’m crying on the floor over lino, over my bedroom,
over a dress that’s in the wash and not my wardrobe)
The new bedroom had wardrobes you loved,
mirrors you loved and hated and it was pink.
It was your safe place, the space that wasn’t
really made for you, but was the one place
in this world where nothing could get you
(except me and yourself, but that’s another story).
Anyway, let’s get back to the point.
You’re clearing the room out because it’s the end of the world
and you’ve been putting it off for three years,
but you’re a crumbly cliff and waves are strong.
You’ve been thinking of train tracks
and gosh aren’t you dramatic,
but you’re finally clearing your little self out.
The toys are easy – you keep a couple whose names you remember
(Tallulah, Alfie, Tilly, Phillipa, Clementine
//oh my darling, ruby lips above the water
and the dream of kissing your best friend
that will forever be connected to
oh my darling, Clementine//),
the clothes are easy – in fact,
it’s all easy when you start to let go
of that nasty little girl from the sunshine yellow
and from the pasty pink.
You bundle her off into charity bags and bin liners
and then you find it – the Special Box.
It was your treasure trove in an
orange Jacobs crackers box  so you open it,
thinking you’ll keep everything, and then,
well then it’s a box full of *******.
Not just ******* things that once mattered,
but real ******* – broken pens, meaningless rocks,
used rubbers, crumbled tissues, incomplete
gifts from Christmas crackers
(and how very like you and me – to keep
things that go in the bin. we cling
to the sadness and the guilt and the fear
just because).
You throw away your special box
and you throw away all your junk
(except your new junk –
every train ticket you’ve bought
since the First)
and then the room is empty.
Were you ever here, you wonder
(and what toys will you have to give to your children?
you get asked, and you say you won’t have any.
i won’t because how would i, for one?
how could i, for another?
how could i put them through all this?)
and then you remember, that yes,
you’ll always be there – sunshine yellow,
pasty pink, nasty little version of nasty bigger you,
but for now, you’ve cleared yourself out a bit.
The new room will be blue
and one wall will be papered with books
(and i see what you’ve done –
you’re using the imagery of your own poetry,
because it’s easier to live inside of your own imagery
than deal with anything else, isn’t it)
and maybe, you think and the others think too,
this is a good thing, the sign of a change to come
(but your Special Box was full of *******
and what other evidence do you need
to know that you will never change or move beyond this?
this is as good as it gets).
a poem (kind of - i don't know if this is really poetry or just strings of thoughts to be honest) that i wrote today. not my best but i'm back at uni and not doing poetry this year
RKM Apr 2012
one morning, Jack awoke with a distinct feeling
that something was not quite right.
as he peeled his eyes from a crusty sleep
his suspicions were further aroused by a marked loss
of sight from his right eye
as though he was peering through
a thick charcoal jungle
he clutched his hand towards his face
and was alarmed to find
a rather substantial lock of hairs
protruding from his right eyebrow.
wondering if perhaps he might
still be in a world of waking dreams
where one couldn’t really trust one’s intuitions,
he wandered over to the light switch,
flicked it on/off a couple of times.
having reached the conclusion that
he was definitely not dreaming,
and that his retinas
(or his left one, at least)
were definitely receptive to fluctuating light levels
he made his way to the bathroom
to inspect his face, with one hand
bemusedly fondling his recently grown eye-brow fringe.
in the bathroom he stumbled
across his wife sitting on the toilet.
on catching sight of her hairy husband,
she let out a deranged scream.
"darling, you'll alarm the neighbours" said Jack.
but his wife, who did not seem
to be sufficiently worried about
alarming the neighbours,
or anyone in her resident universe
continued to make strange warbling noises.
so, Jack instead decided to study
his growth in the kitchen sink.
although not made from
exemplary reflective material,
the sink was able to confirm
his impression that his right eyebrow had,
overnight, been subject to an alarming rate of growth.  
his wife appeared in the doorway.
“I’m sorry for screaming.
it was only because I thought you were a pirate”
she said. and though he knew
that this was just one in many
of a long string of inter-marital lies
that bounced between them,
he let it pass. a decision having
been decided upon in perhaps
not the most democratic manner possible,
Jack's wife fetched the kitchen scissors
from the drawer by the dishwasher.
as she snipped away, chunks of black
fell soft like feathers from sunburnt wings
and landed on the Lino.
Jack felt inexplicably sad.
they went off to work as usual,
and no one noticed
the jagged edge of his once pirated-eyebrow.
Jessica Jun 2010
One up the curtain,
Another at my feet,
Another climbing up my leg,
And the others took my seat!!

The eldest is outside,
Searching for his prey,
He’s been missing over a week,
I hope that he’s okay.

The one climbing up the curtain,
Well now he’s torn it down,
He’s gone to hide in the bathroom,
While I hang it up and frown.

The one at my feet is now asleep,
Curled upon my lap,
His sister’s come to join him,
They’re both taking a nap.

The one that’s on my seat,
Well now he’s at my feet,
Playing with a toy he’s found,
Squeak, squeakity, squeak!!

The patter on my lino,
Of these beautiful five cats,
Let’s me know that I’m at home,
And where my family’s at!!
Jessica Fowler Mar 2013
Pull the cord.
Click click.
Plunge into night.

Next-door’s light is oil on a puddle
through the dappled window -
bubbles on brown tiles.

Folded towels on toilet lid,
clothes crumpled on lino.
Skin pricked in frozen air.

Knotted hair falls,
shoulders lower into the tank,
steam rising from cold tin.

A baptism - of sorts.
Open mouth, choked,

soaked in this womb,
this tiny ocean.
Lungs searing,

eyes stinging,
light specks dart.
Water’s skin unbroken.
Passing a property I felt compelled to the gate
something had drawn me to stop!
An irresistible urge to go inside the property
having to bang on the red door.
Waiting unable to move from the spot
on that nice day I was cold not hot!

I tried to move how I wanted to run
but my body wouldn't move!
The screams were trapped in my throat
why was I frozen here?
Shuffling noises from within approached
as my space was encroached!

I could now hardly breath as the door opened
a wrinkled old woman stared.
With deep black sunken eyes that glared
the pierced your soul!
As my body was drawn into the room
nearby was a witches broom!

Then it turned into a grim putrid hovel
as other witches appeared!
I lost consciousness at that very moment
waking up on a lino floor.
A middle aged lady staring down at me
as I looked up embarrassingly!

Helping me to a comfortable armchair
she told me I was not the first.
Who had been drawn to her front door
on this spot once it was said.
An evil witches coven had been found
but was burnt to the ground!

Seven witches were caught and put on trial
by the frightened villagers!
And here where the place now stands
they were burnt at the stake!
Saying they cursed the villagers evermore
descendants would knock the door!

As they alone would detect the witches call
realising I was caught here.
My mum gave me a locket I had to wear
said never take it off.
Unless I was compelled into a dwelling
and this story a lady telling!

Only then should I open the hinged locket
that contained the ashes!
Of the seven that died throw them it's face
then run and not look back!
I did as I was told running until I was tired
so long as now I'm retired!

It was a big story in that town I use to live
a mystery fire had caused.
The destruction of the historical cottage
it was never solved.
But I gather there was no more trouble
a locket was found in the rubble!

The Foureyed Poet.
Drawn to an old house I soon found out why and had to run for my life! The Foureyed Poet.
It seems to me that I can never be two
Every circumstance labeled as absolute
Black Or White
Yes Or No
But this isn't how I live
Not only do I possess my strength and courage
Not only can I be gentle and sweet
Not only do I roar across the tundra
Not only do I lay in the meadow quietly
I am not one nor am I the other
I am both the lion and the lamb
This isn't an unfortunate case of division
Yes, you could argue that I'm at war
But I'd rather live with my own opposition
That not know at all what I could live for
Not only do I roar across the tundra
Not only do I lay in the meadow quietly
I am not one nor am I the other
I am both the lion and the lamb
How can I choose sides in a world without limits
How can I deny either of my halves
One can only hope that the ends meet perfectly
One can only hope to rise after the storm
One can only hope to be who she really is
When I roar across the tundra
When I lay in the meadow quietly
I am one and the other
I am both the lino and the lamb
Yo, para todo viaje
-siempre sobre la madera
de mi vagón de tercera-,
voy ligero de equipaje.
Si es de noche, porque no
acostumbro a dormir yo,
y de día, por mirar
los arbolitos pasar,
yo nunca duermo en el tren,
y, sin embargo, voy bien.
¡Este placer de alejarse!
Londres, Madrid, Ponferrada,
tan lindos... para marcharse.
Lo molesto es la llegada.
Luego, el tren, al caminar,
siempre nos hace soñar;
y casi, casi olvidamos
el jamelgo que montamos.
¡Oh, el pollino
que sabe bien el camino!
¿Dónde estamos?
¿Dónde todos nos bajamos?
¡Frente a mí va una monjita
tan bonita!
Tiene esa expresión serena
que a la pena
da una esperanza infinita.
Y yo pienso: Tú eres buena;
porque diste tus amores
a Jesús; porque no quieres
ser madre de pecadores.
Mas tú eres
bendita entre las mujeres,
madrecita virginal.
Algo en tu rostro es divino
bajo tus cofias de lino.
Tus mejillas
-esas rosas amarillas-
fueron rosadas, y, luego,
ardió en tus entrañas fuego;
y hoy, esposa de la Cruz,
ya eres luz, y sólo luz...
¡Todas las mujeres bellas
fueran, como tú, doncellas
en un convento a encerrarse!...
¡Y la niña que yo quiero,
ay, preferirá casarse
con un mocito barbero!
El tren camina y camina,
y la máquina resuella,
y tose con tos ferina.
¡Vamos en una centella!
Tim Knight Feb 2013
She denied the note
with a wave of her hand,
a harsh slice of the independent woman,
right there next to the bookshop stand.

I could tell, you could tell,
the whole ******* shop could tell
that this couple was very much in love.
It was the constant kisses on cheeks and
that rubbing of the palms with thumbs,
that gave their game away.

Tucked beneath wet raincoat pit,
a brochure protruded and hit
every close contact enemy.
It was a bible of new houses;
psalms of yet-to-be-wet-feet-on-new-lino-floors,
prayers of neutral-coloured-baby-room walls,
proverbs of shall-we-frame-this-poster-or-just-BluTac-it-up-and-hope-for-the-­best?.

They left the shop back into the rain
to the sound of several sighs,
thank goodness for the gray
dangerous clouds of the sky.
Georgia Feb 2013
Chair scrapes lino
Dark eyes gaze
Over every facet
Of smokey haze
Spearing the duck
Pursing your lips
Yell in your head
Your voice unzips
A fraudulent noise
A family poised
draft one
Mientras haya
alguna ventana abierta,
ojos que vuelven del sueño,
otra mañana que empieza.
Mar con olas trajineras
-mientras haya-
trajinantes de alegrías,
llevándolas y trayéndolas.
Lino para la hilandera,
árboles que se aventuren,
-mientras haya-
y viento para la vela.
Jazmín, clavel, azucena,
donde están, y donde no
en los nombres que los mientan.
Mientras haya
sombras que la sombra niegan,
pruebas de luz, de que es luz
todo el mundo, menos ellas.
Agua como se la quiera
-mientras haya-
voluble por el arroyo,
fidelísima en la alberca.
Tanta fronda en la sauceda,
tanto pájaro en las ramas
-mientras haya-
tanto canto en la oropéndola.
Un mediodía que acepta
serenamente su sino
que la tarde le revela.
Mientras haya
quien entienda la hoja seca,
falsa elegía, preludio
distante a la primavera.
Colores que a sus ausencias
-mientras haya-
siguiendo a la luz se marchan
y siguiéndola regresan.
Diosas que pasan ligeras
pero se dejan un alma
-mientras haya-
señalada con sus huellas.
Memoria que le convenza
a esta tarde que se muere
de que nunca estará muerta.
Mientras haya
trasluces en la tiniebla,
claridades en secreto,
noches que lo son apenas.
Susurros de estrella a estrella
-mientras haya-
Casiopea que pregunta
y Cisne que la contesta.
Tantas palabras que esperan,
invenciones, clareando
-mientras haya-
amanecer de poema.
Mientras haya
lo que hubo ayer, lo que hay hoy,
lo que venga.
Michael Mar 2019
The Royal Military College
and a definition of Leadership

When I was posted to Duntroon
As C.S.M of 'weeds and seeds',
Its grounds I'd walk each afternoon,
Reflecting on my task, it's needs.

Diverse, the soldiers working here;
Musicians, cooks, the stewards and, it's queer
That from my office window to the square,
Listening to the distant band rehearse, I'm so aware

Of differences. My 'Weeds and Seeds' has lot's of them:
The C.Q.M.S., has just one foot, the other taken by a mine.
The sergeant clerk one leg, one eye and D.C.M.
Drivers without licences; all these are mine.

As well - a different lot, there is Ground Maintenance. This, a platoon
Of Infantry, sick and lame, and drivers banned from driving.
And these, the dispossessed, so take my time that soon
The day has insufficient hours and I'm obsessed, and striving

To resolve what seems to me to be a sorry mess
Left by my predecessor and his Signals boss.
All this compounded by a soldier girl, a pretty stewardess,
Attracting cadets like children round the candy floss.

Doing extra training in the Company Orderly room, that girl.
Stripping back the Lino covered floor and laying polish.
And like the Lino was her weekend stripped of any social whirl
By my reluctance to charge her or to admonish.

This extra training, it was how I thought to exercise my will
On soldiers, disparate, without cohesiveness from within;
Without a unit. And besides, whoever would I find to give close order drill
If all I did was march the guilty ******* in?

Thus it was this day, a balmy, sunny, Sunday afternoon;
The sort of day on which the very soul rejoices;
That after having supped my beer in Sergeants' Mess, Duntroon,
And walking past my office going home, do I hear muffled, unexpected voices.

'Hello, hello. What is all this? What is going on in there'?
Mumbling, giggling, that's the sound I hear of busy industry?
Intrigued, I look to see my victim perched high on wooden chair
Placed on a table, while on their knees her busy, working coterie,

Cadets, bums up, heads down, nosing round the Orderly Room,
Bucket, mop, and squeegee poised behind the flourished, sweeper's broom.
'Oh look at me' I hear them cry - that universal lovers' call.
But their target, when she smiles, she smiles at them one and all.

While to my floor they give their all, a super, waxen, polished gleam.
Because of promises implied and sweetness smiling, seated there.
Of leadership still they've much to learn, t'would seem.
And what better teacher than the pretty girl perched on that chair.
El son del viento en la arcada
tiene la clave de mí mismo:
soy una fuerza exacerbada
y soy un clamor de abismo.
Entre los coros estelares
oigo algo mío disonar.
Mis acciones y mis cantares
tenían ritmo particular.
Vine al torrente de la vida
en Santa Rosa de Osos,
una medianoche encendida
en astros de signos borrosos.
Tomé posesión de la tierra,
mía en el sueño y el lino y el pan;
y, moviendo a las normas guerra,
fui Eva... y fui Adán.
Yo ceñía el campo maduro
como si fuera una mujer,
y me enturbiaba un vino oscuro
de placer.
Yo gustaba la voz del viento
como una piñuela en sazón,
y me la comía... con lamento
de avidez en el corazón.
Y, alígero esquife al día,
y a la noche y al tumbo del mar,
bogaba mi fantasía
en un rayo de luz solar.
Iba tras la forma suprema,
tras la nube y el ruiseñor
y el cristal y el doncel y la gema
del dolor.
Iba al Oriente, al Oriente,
hacia las islas de la luz,
a donde alzara un pueblo ardiente
sublimes himnos a lo azul.
Ya, cruzando la Palestina,
veía el rostro de Benjamín,
su ojo límpido, su boca fina
y su arrebato de carmín.
O de Grecia en el día de oro,
do el cañuto le daba Pan,
amaba a Sófocles en el Coro
sonoro que canta el Peán.
O con celo y ardor de paloma
en celo, en la Arabia de Alá
seguía el curso de Mahoma
por la hermosura de Abdalá:
Abdalá era cosa más bella
que lauro y lira y flauta y miel;
cuando le llevó una doncella
¡cien doncellas murieron por él!
... Mis manos se alzaron al ámbito
para medir la inmensidad;
pero mi corazón buscaba ex-ámbito
la luz, el amor, la verdad.
Mis pies se hincaban en el suelo
cual pezuña de Lucifer,
y algo en mí tendía el vuelo
por la niebla, hacia el rosicler...
Pero la Dama misteriosa
de los cabellos de fulgor
viene y en mí su mano posa
y me infunde un fatal amor.
Y lo demás de mi vida
no es sino aquel amor fatal,
con una que otra lámpara encendida
ante el ara del ideal.
Y errar, errar, errar a solas,
la luz de Saturno en mi sien,
roto mástil sobre las olas
en vaivén.
Y una prez en mi alma colérica
que al torvo sino desafía:
el orgullo de ser, ¡oh América!
el Ashaverus de tu poesía...
Y en la flor fugaz del momento
querer el aroma perdido,
y en un deleite sin pensamiento
hallar la clave del olvido;
después un viento... un viento... un viento...
¡y en ese viento, mi alarido!
Almendra Isabel Jun 2014
Creyeron que era pálida, luego
la encontraron más viva que el
susurro colorido de un árbol de almendra,
estaba ahí llena de figuras de luz
paseándose como cisnes por su frente, entre
la gente, la espesa llama clara de sus pasos
fue inspirando a cada músico, a cada pintor
a cada hombre de traje de lino que caminaba
por el bulevar de los ángeles rotos, creyeron
que su voz era débil, mas cuando la escucharon
una trompeta de caballería anuncio su coro,
tenía tanto esplendor que hubiera dado le vida
a los hombres de piedra, y susurrar sus nombres
era el sabor de un almendro en los labios llenos
de ocasión para el disturbio de la inspiración,
en sus manos se formaban espigas de trigo
lleno de miel, de su espalda podían nacer
tanto gladiolos como destellantes oxidianas suaves,
creyeron que estaba dormida, pero ella ya andaba volando.
Iremos a buscar
hojas de plátano al platanar.
      Se alegra el mar.
Iremos a buscarlas en el camino,
padre de las madejas de lino.
      Se alegra el mar.
Porque la luna (cumple quince años a pena)
se pone blanca, azul, roja, morena.
      Se alegra el mar.
Porque la luna aprende consejo del mar,
en perfume de nardo se quiere mudar.
      Se alegra el mar.
Siete varas de nardo desprenderé
para mi novia de lindo pie.
    Se alegra el mar.
Siete varas de nardo; sólo un aroma,
una sola blancura de pluma de paloma.
      Se alegra el mar.
Vida -le digo- blancas las desprendí, yo bien lo sé,
para mi novia de lindo pie.
      Se alegra el mar.
Vida -le digo- blancas las desprendí.
¡No se vuelvan oscuras por ser de mí!
      Se alegra el mar.
NJ McGourty Mar 2013
In the glass I glimpsed her eyes
they flitted over dappled cream,
but expectation became a cloud
and so fogged her face from me.
I glanced about my forgone haunt
of candy stripe and lino check,
a board on which I could predict
the movements of her interest.
You cannot taste frozen chocolate
or those rainbow splinters.
Yet she was snared in naive thought
and caught in coloured winter.
They make it all round back you know,
But actually they don’t.
They make a cracked kaleidoscope,
its sight is skewed and bitter.
Nigdaw Jun 2019
I wrestle you out of the cupboard under the stairs
Every weekend
Scaring the ******* out of the cat
Who by now knows what is happening,
Perceived as a fight to the death
Filled with electric noise, until finally
I tame the monster and put it to bed
He elects to hide
In the kitchen, under the table.

We dance the waltz of cleanliness
Over carpet, lino, round litter trays
Up stairs and across bookcases
Just you and I, an odd couple
Locked in a battle against dirt and dust
The build up of bacteria (yuk!)
Cleaning away the footprint of a week
On the possessions of our life.

My wife doesn't know about us
You and me and our OCD
We share for an hour, or so, while she's out
Shopping, drinking coffee, with her mum
Ours is a secret affair
******* cat fur out of the crevices,
When I am done we part company
Hiding our passion behind closed doors
Until we meet again, next saturday

My love.
O mamma, o mammina, hai stirato
la nuova camicia di lino?
Non c'era laggiù tra il bucato,
sul bossolo o sul biancospino.
Su gli occhi tu tieni le mani...
Perché? Non lo sai che domani...?
din don dan, din don dan.
Si parlano i bianchi villaggi
cantando in un lume di rosa:
dell'ombra dè monti selvaggi
si sente una romba festosa.
Tu tieni a gli orecchi le mani...
tu piangi; ed è festa domani...
din don dan, din don dan.
Tu pensi... Oh! Ricordo: la pieve...
quanti anni ora sono? Una sera...
il ***** era freddo, di neve;
il ***** era bianco, di cera:
allora sonò la campana
(perché non pareva lontana? )
din don dan, din don dan.
Sonavano a festa, come ora,
per l'angiolo; il nuovo angioletto
nel cielo volava a quell'ora;
ma tu lo volevi al tuo petto,
con noi, nella piccola zana:
gridavi; e lassù la campana...
din don dan, din don dan.

The man who knows not
But knows not that he knows not
Is a fool ....Shun him~
The man who knows not
And knows he knows not
Is a student ...... teach him~
The man who knows
But knows not that he knows
Is asleep ..... awaken him~
But the man who knows
And knows that he knows
Is a teacher.......Learn from him~

Author Unknown..
Placed here by
Terrence Michael Sutton  1979

I feel this has to be  one of the most honest to goodness
facts of being on earth ..
Emmie van Duren Apr 2017
Chittering, flittering, spiky legs skittering,  black crickets sneak underneath the back door -
Skidding on lino and diving for cover as broom bristles sweep them across the smooth floor.
Hiding in crevices, antennae waving, they creep out when I’m dozing off in my chair -
launch at my night light, their whis'pry wings whirring, to tangle their crooked black feet in my hair.
© Emmie van Duren  17th April 2017
passing the bread down the starvation line
nothing changes but nothing
and nothing's the thing we have got,

a ***** spot on the lino
fine for the wino
he doesn't care

no mothering there
no gentle touch
much at all.

I'm fed up and hungry
disgruntled and angry
not even change
it stays the same
just give it another name

oh please
I think I'll **** myself if
someone mentions that.

Time's just the flatline
we're all dead anyway.
The door was ajar to a pokey room
All gloomy and morbid inside,
It gave off an air of despair and gloom
Not joyful, befitting a bride,
The couple arrived as I wandered by,
But she with her eyes on the ground,
While he simply glared as we passed on the stair
As if to say, ‘See what I found!’

I wasn’t that curious back in the day
For couples, they came and they went,
Those pokey apartments so full of decay,
They’d be better off in a tent.
But these two had stayed there much longer than most,
She rarely came out in the light,
And he placed a padlock from door to the doorpost,
Whenever he left in the night.

Whenever he left, and he certainly did,
He’d leave her in there on her own,
Though where he would go, I now think that he hid
For sometimes I heard the girl moan.
I’d feel the floor shudder, and hear the walls creak
While out in the hall it would whine,
And I would go searching, like hide and go seek
To be sure it was nothing of mine.

One night with a rumble behind their front door
I heard someone dragging a case,
That terrible screech on the lino, at least
In that something was dragged out of place,
Could that be a trunk, was he doing a bunk
With her body to sink off the coast?
I called in the cops as I thought she was lost
And they blocked the door off, he was toast.

They opened the trunk, took the padlock away
And that’s where she was, true enough,
When they questioned him why she was locked up inside
‘She’s a penchant for travelling rough.’
They said did she mind and to this she replied
The woman, whose first name was Joyce,
‘He showed me the padlock and said it was wedlock,
I thought that I had little choice.’

David Lewis Paget
Un prado de coral sobre las lises
y en forrajes, praderas de metales;
al este de la luz, los manantiales
del viento, siempre en coro de aprendices.

En la hincada raíz de los maíces,
sobre el lino plural de los perales,
los ángeles despiertos, miel y sales,
que han de bruñirme días más felices.

Vegetal esperanza que me adviene
de la tierra feraz, aya mestiza
que a su pezón jugoso me sostiene

como una negra aya advenediza,
arrulladora y fiel, alma de aurora.
bajo la oscura piel que el tiempo dora.
betterdays Sep 2014
and the word
                 rolled of my tongue
raced past my lips
          to pratt fall to the floor,
buster keaton style
      only to lie in a curlicue
puddle on
the ***** sky blue lino....

people applaud my performance
in a politely
dissaffected way,
returning to they desultory
gossip with regard  to
the state of the art draped
upon the walls....
strange blueprint of
                  mug ulgy beasts.
they say, in excellent      
                 babylonian accents
tibits of manna cake
and spilling ambrosia nectar
all the while....

**** me
i am  going to have to
get the clouds steam cleaned again... hope
monsoonal cleaners are'nt
busy this week..

and the word squiggled away to hide in the corner
in a sales meeting...maybe
me just word doodling ......
after a few drinks...on a friday night....definitley
Dacia B Sep 2015
and i sat there,
alone im your company
on two chairs
in a dingy cheap restaurant  


your blue rimmed hazelnut eyes
ticking around
surveying, tallying, everything.
everything that wasn't me.
the beige monotony of the floors, ceiling and walls.
lino, plastic, sterile, lustless.
the ethnically transplanted food and workers,
cooking distaintly behind to doorway
sweating their ambitions out in the steam gushing out like blood from their childhood pipeline dreams.


my eyes
searching for a flicker of affection
not even love.
mere company?
a loneliness cure?
quicksand that you can't back out of now?

in my eyes a canyon of unspoken truths and  uncertainty gaps across the table.
the weeded arguments  budding their
ugly discordant leaves among the flora.
the canyon swallows my nerves and leaves them to plummet,
down into the blackhole, where the rest of me will go.
is this bad karma for all the string-boys i kept?
that i would become your string-girl!

bearing baskets of love
terrifying, alien love.
only to be haunted by your gaze.

your ticking gaze.
             ticking time bomb.

searching for an escape root?
                as i fall into you.
Illya Oz Apr 2018
The insomniatic somnolence coats me.
16kHz of sound running through my eardrums.
Empty words written on the walls of bathroom cubicals.
The lifes of people who come and go,
Snagged on the emtpy soap dispensers.

***** lino floors folded at the edges.
The rattling sounds of doors locking around me.
Plastic seats flipped down to carry weights,
Of the people who come to just sit down.
The rusted hinges on doors I can't seem to leave through.

This is both my prison and my safety.
I'm sitting in cubical of my school bathrooms because I'm too anxious and depressed to go to class. The door to the bathrooms gets locked during class time so now I'm stuck in here
La sutil hilandera teje su encaje oscuro
Con ansiedad extraña, con paciencia amorosa.
¡Qué prodigio si fuera hecho de lino puro
Y fuera, en vez de negra la araña, color rosa!

En un rincón del huerto aromoso y sombrío
La velluda hilandera teje su tela leve.
En ella sus diamantes suspenderá el rocío
Y la amarán la luna, el alba, el sol, la nieve.

Amiga araña: hilo cual tú mi velo de oro
Y en medio del silencio mis joyas elaboro.
Nos une, pues, la angustia de un idéntico afán.

Mas pagan tu desvelo la luna y el rocío.
¡Dios sabe, amiga araña, qué hallaré por el
¡Dios sabe, amiga araña, qué premio me darán!
Yo soy la movediza perenne; nunca dura
en mi una forma; pronto mi ser se transfigura,
y ya entre guijas de ónix cantando peregrino,
ya en témpanos helados detengo mi camino,
ya vuelo por los aires trocándome en vapores,
ya soy iris en polvo de todos los colores,
o rocío que asciende, o aguacero que llueve...
Mas Dios también me ha dado la albura de la nieve,
la albura de la nieve enigmática y fría
que cae de los cielos como una eucaristía,
que por los puntiagudos techos resbala leda
y que cuando la pisan cruje como la seda.

Cayendo silenciosa, de blanco al mundo arropo.
Subí, vapor, a lo alto, desciendo al suelo, copo;
subí gris de los lagos que la quietud estanca,
y bajo blanca al mundo... ¡Oh qué bello es ser blanca!

¿Por qué soy blanca? En premio al sacrificio mío,
porque tirito para que nadie tenga frío,
porque mi lino todos los fríos almacena
¡y dios me torna blanca por haber sido buena!
¿Verdad que es llevadera la palma del martirio
así? Yo caigo como los pétalos de un lirio
de lo alto, y no pudiendo cantar mi canción pura
con murmurios de linfa, la canto con blancura.

La blancura es el himno más hermoso y más santo;
ser blanca es orar; siendo yo, pues, blanca, oro y canto.
Ser luminosa es otro de los cantos mejores:
¿No ves que las estrellas salmodian con fulgores?
Por eso el rey poeta dijo en himno de amor:
"El firmamento narra la gloria del Señor".

Se tú como la Nieve que inmaculada llueve

Y yo clamé: -¡Alabemos a Dios, hermana Nieve!
Miré ligera Nave,
Que con alas de lino en presto vuelo
Por el aire süave
Iba segura del rigor del Cielo,
Y de tormenta grave.
En los Golfos del Mar el Sol nadaba
Y en sus ondas temblaba;
Y ella, preñada de riquezas sumas,
Rompiendo sus cristales,
Le argentaba de espumas,
Cuando en furor iguales,
En sus velas los vientos se entregaron.
Y dando en un bajío,
Sus leños desató su mismo brío,
Que de escarmientos todo el Mar poblaron,
Dejando de su pérdida en memoria
Rotas jarcias, parleras de su historia.
En un hermoso prado
Verde Laurel reinaba presumido,
De pájaros poblado
Que, cantando, robaban el sentido
Al Argos del cuidado.
De verse con su adorno tan galana
La Tierra estaba ufana,
Y en aura blanda la adulaba el viento,
Cuando una nube fría
Hurtó en breve momento
A mis ojos el día;
Y arrojando del seno un duro rayo,
Tocó la Planta bella
Y juntamente derribó con ella
Toda la gala, Primavera y Mayo.
Quedó el suelo de verde honor robado,
Y vio en cenizas su soberbia el prado.
Vi, con pródiga vena
De parlero cristal, un Arroyuelo
Jugando con la arena,
Y enamorando de su risa al Cielo.
A la margen amena,
Una vez murmurando, otra corriendo,
Estaba entreteniendo;
Espejo guarnecido de esmeralda
Me pareció, al miralle,
Del prado, la guirnalda,
Mas abrióse en el valle
Una envidiosa cueva de repente;
Enmudeció el Arroyo,
Creció la oscuridad del ***** hoyo,
Y sepultó recién nacida fuente,
Cuya corriente breve restauraron
Ojos, que de piadosos la lloraron.
Un pintado Jilguero,
Más ramillete que ave parecía;
Con pico lisonjero
Cantor del Alba, que despierta al día;
Dulce cuanto parlero
Su libertad alegre celebraba,
Y la paz que gozaba,
Cuando en un verde y apacible ramo,
Codicioso de sombra,
Que sobre varia alfombra
Le prometió un reclamo,
Manchadas con la liga vi sus galas;
Y de enemigos brazos
En largas redes, en nudosos lazos,
Presa la ligereza de sus alas,
Mudando el dulce, no aprendido canto,
En lastimero son, en triste llanto.
Nave tomó ya puerto;
Laurel se ve en el Cielo trasplantado,
Y de él teje corona;
Fuente, hoy más pura, a la de Gracia corre
Desde aqueste desierto;
Y pájaro, con tono regalado,
Serafín pisa ya la mejor zona,
Sin que tan alto nido nadie borre.
Así que el que a don Luis llora no sabe
Que, Pájaro, Laurel y Fuente y Nave
Tiene en el Cielo, donde fue escogido,
Flores y Curso largo y Puerto y Nido.
Una selva suntuosa
en el azul celeste su rudo perfil calca.
Un camino. La tierra es de color de rosa,
cual la que pinta fra Doménico Cavalca
en sus Vidas de santos. Se ven extrañas flores
de la flora gloriosa de los cuentos azules,
y entre las ramas encantadas, papemores
cuyo canto extasiara de amor a los bulbules.
(Papemor: ave rara; Bulbules: ruiseñores.)Mi alma frágil se asoma a la ventana obscura
de la torre terrible en que ha treinta años sueña.
La gentil Primavera primavera le augura.
La vida le sonríe rosada y halagüeña.
Y ella exclama: «¡Oh fragante día! ¡Oh sublime día! 
Se diría que el mundo está en flor; se diría
que el corazón sagrado de la tierra se mueve
con un ritmo de dicha; luz brota, gracia llueve.
¡Yo soy la prisionera que sonríe y que canta!»
Y las manos liliales agita, como infanta
real en los balcones del palacio paterno.¿Qué són se escucha, són lejano, vago y tierno?
Por el lado derecho del camino adelanta
el paso leve una adorable teoría
virginal. Siete blancas doncellas, semejantes
a siete blancas rosas de gracia y de harmonía
que el alba constelara de perlas y diamantes.
¡Alabastros celestes habitados por astros:
Dios se refleja en esos dulces alabastros!
Sus vestes son tejidos del lino de la luna.
Van descalzas. Se mira que posan el pie breve
sobre el rosado suelo, como una flor de nieve.
Y los cuellos se inclinan, imperiales, en una
manera que lo excelso pregona de su origen.
Como al compás de un verso su suave paso rigen.
Tal el divino Sandro dejara en sus figuras
esos graciosos gestos en esas líneas puras.
Como a un velado són de liras y laúdes,
divinamente blancas y castas pasan esas
siete bellas princesas. Y esas bellas princesas
son las siete Virtudes.Al lado izquierdo del camino y paralela-
mente, siete mancebos -oro, seda, escarlata,
armas ricas de Oriente- hermosos, parecidos
a los satanes verlenianos de Ecbatana,
vienen también. Sus labios sensuales y encendidos,
de efebos criminales, son cual rosas sangrientas;
sus puñales, de piedras preciosas revestidos
-ojos de víboras de luces fascinantes-,
al cinto penden; arden las púrpuras violentas
en los jubones; ciñen las cabezas triunfantes
oro y rosas; sus ojos, ya lánguidos, ya ardientes,
son dos carbunclos mágicos del fulgor sibilino,
y en sus manos de ambiguos príncipes decadentes
relucen como gemas las uñas de oro fino.
Bellamente infernales,
llenan el aire de hechiceros veneficios
esos siete mancebos. Y son los siete vicios,
los siete poderosos pecados capitales.Y los siete mancebos a las siete doncellas
lanzan vivas miradas de amor. Las Tentaciones.
De sus liras melifluas arrancan vagos sones.
Las princesas prosiguen, adorables visiones
en su blancura de palomas y de estrellas.Unos y otras se pierden por la vía de rosa,
y el alma mía queda pensativa a su paso.
-¡Oh! ¿Qué hay en ti, alma mía?
¡Oh! ¿Qué hay en ti, mi pobre infanta misteriosa?
¿Acaso piensas en la blanca teoría?
los brillantes mancebos te atraen, mariposa?Ella no me responde.
Pensativa se aleja de la obscura ventana
-pensativa y risueña,
de la Bella-durmiente-del-bosque tierna hermana-,
y se adormece en donde
hace treinta años sueña.Y en sueño dice: «¡Oh dulces delicias de los cielos!
¡Oh tierra sonrosada que acarició mis ojos!
-¡Princesas, envolvedme con vuestros blancos velos!
-¡Príncipes, estrechadme con vuestros brazos rojos!»
Dess Ander Feb 2018
I have papercuts
Tearing up scraps of paper
Printed photographs
Of memories that should be in sepia
I didn't know my heart could be shredded
And my soul in pieces
As the loneliness creeps in
Overtaking the mould in the cracks
My head in my hands
Shoulders to the floor
As my tears paint the cracked lino
Cursing you with every expletive...

But you did make breakfast
Every weekend and brought it to me
Those lazy days when you would cuddle me
Then you did hold my hand
When Mom was passing
Your words building me up
The way you built that treehouse...

I don't want to forget the old you
Because maybe, just maybe,
He might return.

— The End —