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eileen mcgreevy Feb 2011
The alarm stole Byron from his sleep at 5.30 am, a mere 2 hours after stumbling in from one of his so-called little drinks with Jake. Looking down at himself, he'd noticed he hadn't even managed to undress, and , the lack of boxers and an open fly, told him he'd had ***. A pink stamp on his hand, and a faint smell of perfume confirmed his suspected visit to the ******* he visited in the early days with Jake. Before Megan, obviously, but also afterwards, when the anger took hold, sometimes he would stay for hours on end, just soaking up the ***, drink, beautiful girls, telling his story to anyone who'd listen.
Strong painkillers and a full english breakfast saved him from the brink, so much so, he decided to log on, see what was happening on Beautiful Words.Various feed back comments, the usual slight flirtations from some of the female writers, and 7 messages from maiden. He typed in the search for poems and his latest batch were a big hit. "Phantom has 7 new messages from Maiden".(My Torment) had 14 reactions,(she is gone) and ( Megan) was gathering quite an audience, and Holly was slowly realising the pain in these pieces, real, solid pain.So much so, she joined the group. Byron scolled down to the last message  from Maiden. "Dearest Phantom, i feel so much empathy for you and your current situation. Please feel free to talk with me any time you want".Byron wondered if she'd still be as interested if she could see his scars, if she knew he had blindness in one eye, a scar running down the whole of his right ****** area, down to his collar bone.
"Jesus! Aw Jesus!. Byron grabbed his mobile and practically punched in Jakes number, he'd remembered something form the night before. He dared not go there, not without confirmation from Jake, ring ring ring ring "Answer the ******* phone, you divvy!!!!!". The reciever clicked,"Jake, Jake, get your ******* *** over here! NOW!!".Jake knew what he had coming." Just don't shoot the messenger mann". Shoot the messenger?, shoot the ******* messenger?, byron was likely to beat the messenger to death with a beer bottle.
The next 20 minutes was a blur, starting with some brandy, followed by a few smashed plates, an accidental smashing of Megans picture, and some sobbing.Turning the door handle, very very slowly, Jake crept through the door, taking in the deluge. Byron was sitting on the floor, exhausted and crying. "Look pal, she swore me to secrecy, **** it up. It's done! "Ah , **** it up!, that's your advise," Byron felt the blood rise in him, his temple veins were bulging," **** it up, my fiance was pregnant, you knew, you ****, and you want me to **** IT UP!!".
A glass flew in the direction of Jakes head, connecting perfectly, causing him to run for the kitchen, "You said you wouldn't **** the messenger", "Agreed BUDDY" Bryon said sarcastically, "But i didn't say i wouldn't kick 40 shades of **** outta ya!". Byron caught up with Jake and connected a punch, right in the sternom, enough to tear a huge grunt from him, doubling him over. Jake stumbled to the floor of the hall, half running, half dragging his feet. A few more smacks round the head and an airborn candle stick was all it took for Jake to finally plead enough already. The lifelong friends lay on the plush hall carpet, Byron wondering how the hell they would get past this, Jake wondering how many stitches he needed, and if that fit blonde chick was free tonight for a lap dance, and some ***,....
(c) chris smith/ eileen mcgreevy 2011
Mike Hauser Oct 2013
Call me mad if you must
But please first hear me out
I just got back from the Cryogenics lab
And guess who's head I picked from the crowd

If your thinking Jimmy Hoffa
No, he's somewhere deep asleep in concrete
I grabbed someone much more spectacular
I grabbed the frozen head of Walt Disney

You see years ago he had himself chilled
At least that which contains the brain
The useless part they put in a casket
And far be it for me to dig up a grave

I've now got Walt packed on ice in a cooler
It wouldn't do to have his head melt
What kind of operation do you think I'm running here
Some kind of Mickey Mouse?  

First on my agenda find Mr. Disney a body
One that won't give out on him too soon
Cause once we thaw out Walt and he starts to talk
There's no telling what he'll want to do

So I let my fingers do the walking
Here's something interesting...Bodies By Jake
I just hope we find Jakes place in time
Before the ice melts and we are to late... about false advertisement!
Jake the snake didn't sell bodies at all
Walt and I are more than a little disturbed
There really should be some sort of law

Guess I should have thought this all over
Long before I thought of it now
So as a special treat I thought Mr. Disney and me
Could go see his "World", so we headed South

Standing in line to purchase tickets
The cooler shakes when Walt hears the prices by chance
No need to tell you that if he had lower extremities
He would crap them if he wore any pants

We decided to do something a little cheaper
And with a Disney movie just out today
It was kind of hard to follow along though
When all you could hear was his body spinning in the grave, miles away

Guess it's to early to try and bring back Walt Disney
Maybe one day I can try it again
But before we leave for the trip back home
We stop at the concession for diet soda and Jr. mints

Once we got back to the Cryogenics lab
They're looking for me so over the fence I let the head fly
No need to worry, one of the guard dogs grabbed it
And I'm sure drug it right back inside
I hear that the Disney Corporation, after reading this have gathered together their top notch lawyers and are wanting to set up a meeting...
I'm thinking they're going to offer me a movie deal!   Wish me luck!
I'm thinking Leonardo DiCaprio could play Walt...
Andrew Durst Aug 2013
Jake and I are sitting here
Contemplating about life
As if we're the only philosophers of a stone age.
We've agreed that life is unfair, and that people make mistakes.
We've discovered some old tracks
And played a few games.
My buddy and I go way back 
When I was in the 8th grade as a matter of fact
Speaking of facts
I'll say one thing
Jakes had my back
Since that one spring.
Summer was coming up
And we were bullshittin' again
Talking about love and everything we miss
Passing a cig back and forth
I paused and I asked
What do you think life would be like
If we couldn't remember the past?
Would everyone be considerate and condescending free?
Would people look us in the eyes
And be happy with what they see?
It was just a few questions
Only a few summers ago
Now we're right back at it
Letting it flow
eileen mcgreevy Feb 2011
While Jake was nursing his broken head, Byron was nursing his broken heart.The journey to the hospital was a silent and tense one."Why Jake?", Byron almost laughed at the sight of his friend as he turned to face him, blood all caked to his head, Jake was always a ***** when it came to physical pain. "She swore me to secrecy buddy, she was going to tell you when the cottage was finished. It was a fluke, i saw her at the hospital and she *had to tell me".
A sudden pang of guilt hit Byron, as he looked at the gaping wound on Jakes head. Now, every time he would see the scar, he would remember how it got there. Being a shrink at the hospital had its perks, enabling the two disshevelled men to bypass reception and straight to triage.Byron was beginning to wish he'd brought his laptop with him, he was so bored to the point where he actually contemplated going home."YES, at last", "Jesus bud we've only been here half an hour".
After much deliberation, Byron finally made it home. He headed straight for his laptop. A strange and curious thing to do. Still stained literally from blood sweat and tears. *Ping, a dozen messages on Beautiful Words. Some from his good friends on there,Vampyric, Jester, Lady Luck and, "Yes", Maiden."Dearest Phantom, its been a few days and i know you're uneasy, i can sense it somehow, i meant it when i said i was here for you, feel free to contact me on here, or by email.Kind regards, Maidenx" Byron found his thoughts wandering towards Holly, Maiden, such a sweet, girly name. He began to wonder what she looked like, blonde?, brunette maybe?.
He started writing, writing a poem, for Maiden, he found himself imagining her with pale skin, soft burlesque curves, and, red hair! Real fiery, Megan red, he could feel that little knot at the pit of his stomach, that age old electric shock, the one that felt so good, yet carried with it a sense of dread. A seed opening up, pupating slowly, like a butterfly, eventually becoming a million butterflies,...........
(c) chris smith/eileen mcgreevy 2011  This is the last of my installments as Chris will be taking over for 5 parts. See you in 5
He made
shop mine
whoa the
bit on
his cob
have laggard
him as
their blitz
was hers
and their
juvenile must
throb wherein
nothing matters
these skewers
in prodigal
part of
our tell
a meaning forever
Autumn Jan 2015
We tried to write creatively
But ended up laughing histerically
We chucked bowling ***** as fast as rockets
But later ended up with quail in our pockets

We trudged (cause we do that)
Tiki torches in hand,
Snowshoeing through snow
Which is the opposite of sand

We took a coffee break, and gave our teacher a phone
A couple days later we visited Dolores in the home
Dolores lost her memory, but her legacy remains
Phoenix road, bethal church, will walk through memory lane

We hopped on roofs, just to pass the time
We jammed to a band funk, and a bit of crime
We danced on empty balconies, which was pretty neat
Luckily we had dancing shoes strapped onto our feet

We sentenced a girl to 12 hours of service
Watching her testimony made me nervous
We hiked ol vanralte after the intensity
I’ll never be a lawyer, there’s too much density. (yeah I have no idea)

Tulip time finally showed, bringing us lemonade
I watched you play trombone in the parade.
Slacklining in kollen park is always a highlight
Railroad tracks and corndogs also made my day bright.

We spent some nights on beaches, feeling so free
Finally, we kissed under a willow tree.

We made a card for our favorite teacher
We talked smack about jakeke
We madeout in rental houses
on tiny, old,  living room couches

We climbed never ending stayercases
We read the bible under a sunset
We walked through pirates cove
We crowd surfed to metal concerts

We kissed after mountain biking
Yeah mountain biking, no big deal
We met a man named Russ
We forgot his name for a while, but it came to me during a meal (lies)

We decorated jakes car
Jake come back we're your friends
Jake wy are you in Wyoming
Come back to jakeshouse

We rolled the streets on purple walkers
What more is there to life
Not much, except for JAKESHOUSE
But we weren’t allowed in there most of the time

We let go a Chinese lantern
Aftering becoming emotionally attached
The rest of the night is forgettable,
But also memorable, in it’s own way

We made fires on the tops of very north points
We climbed mountains
jumped off cliffs
built fires

We cuddled on nasty couches
embraced the PDA
We played pool against weird black guys
got a freaking good deal at subway

We saw a scout become an eagle
And a 12 year old in the basement

We made a difference one morning,
Then we napped til two, it was nice
We almost went to a haunted bog walk
But chose not to. Twice.

We drove on the muthafuckin sidewalk,
Right into some mud,
But tyler came to the rescue and to talk
And pulled us out with a thud

We chatted in halls,
And he was late to class.
Everyday in ol chem,
tardy Tim with no pass.

We watched monsters incorporated
In a questionable basement
a 2319 is all you need
for anything ever

We played boggle in a fish bowl
not a literal fishbowl and we didn't eat soup
that was the name of a coffee shop
where you ate froot loops
old poem, finally making it public
Keith Ren Dec 2013
What you doin' there, Left-eye?

seems you got me confused with somebody else.
standing there ****-lacked with surance
like a stand,
a bird-tooth,
a shelf.

your minory flagrance the runge-jakes,
your fiery holes for birth.

I'm happy enough in the meaningless,
a taxi, directless and first.

I doubt in the walls like a showdown.
I drink the saloon like it's fate.
I'll shave all the mis-hands from struggle,
and pretend I can wake before eight.

you wither the real when it's comfy.
you dote on the fair like a lake.

The wrestling season is over.

We won out,

                                      the Golden Mistake.
Today former doctor John Becker was loving his life with Chris Connor even if they weren’t married or had kids but they always were very friendly with each other but one day John was getting voices in his head from all the people he yelled at when he was a doctor and John wanted to quit his job and go around the USA to escape his voices but Chris told him that if he did that he would regret it but John wasn’t wanting to listen to her because his head was going crazy
And later that day Reggie rang John saying that bob visited her saying he was happy about being at the hockey with him and hearing that made Reggie mad and she was yelling at John on the phone making John worried about where his life was heading hearing fake voices and getting old friends ringing him up upset with him and this made John want to visit his blind best friend jake in his new home in baltimore but when he rang him up jake said he was married with 2 kids and they know nothing about his old life and that is how Jake wanted to keep it.
John got very angry with jake saying I helped you a lot back in the early 2000s late 1990s and jake said yeah I know but you don’t understand this woman doesn’t understand anyone describing the people I was with back then and John said, come on give me a break I helped you now you can help me and jake said ok come to Baltimore but this isn’t a way to turn back the clock and John said goodbye and hung up the phone and said to Chris that he is going to Baltimore to visit jake and Chris started to get upset saying you just want to turn back the clock to back in Those days and John said I am hearing voices and I need to clear my head and Chris said how about I come with you it would be great to catch up and John said fine I guess and suddenly John planned to quit his job at the doctors office leaving Margaret and Linda who are still working there very much in dismay but after thinking about it Linda wanted to retire anyway and move to Los Angeles to meet a former boyfriend and Margaret was starting to feel lonely despite John not leaving yet because with Lewis dead she felt depressed and asked John and Chris if she can join their road trip much to Johns dismay but after saying no in usual John becker fashion he finally gave in and said I will pick you up tomorrow at 7 am and Chris said Margaret is lonely and depressed and could be too depressed for us but John said, she has been working for me for a long time now and she lost her husband and besides it would be good for Jake to see the old gang again and Chris went into the diner to ask hector if it will be alright if they close the diner or sell the diner and hector said well I was looking for somewhere to go in the future but why now and Chris said me and John and Margaret are going to visit Jake and his kids and hector said Jake has kids now, I would like to see him even if he can’t see me and Chris said maybe just let me John and Margaret go because you know johns car and hector said I will fly there where does he live and Chris said ‘Baltimore’ and hector I was always wanting to go there, so let’s go and I would like to see how the blind father is going anyway and when Chris told John that hector is going to fly there John did his usual Becker rage but after that he said ok as long as he doesn’t want a lift and John was suddenly hearing the voice of the journalist in the diner who accused him for being racist and he said ok let’s go to Baltimore and when they got to Baltimore after nearly crashing into a few cars who flipped him off they made it to Jakes house and Kylie who was 6 and Samuel who was 4 answered the door and Samuel said hi are you the angry man and after hearing that John was hearing the voice of Sandra who wrote that book referring him to the angry man and then Jake came in and said hi john
It has been a long time and then he heard Chris and margaret’s voices and said I didn’t expect a reunion and John said Chris is my friend, we live together and Margaret lost Lewis 2 years ago and hector is coming here soon by plane and Jake introduced his wife to his old friends and he said
Judy, this is my friends from the past and Judy said, hi Jake has told us so much about you, in that I say he told us nothing about you and Jake said there is one more coming by plane but it is good to have a reunion and Judy said maybe for you but not for me and John remembered his first dinner party with the gang when Chris and him first met and after that hector turned up and said, it is a pleasure to see you Jake unfortunately you can’t see me and Judy Samuel and Kylie went off to bed and Judy said I hope you guys have accomodation because this house is too small and John said I used to sleep on the couch in front of the tv
So I am fine but Judy said no find other accomodation and see you tomorrow or tonight for dinner, Jake said and at the end John and Chris were talking to each other loving seeing Jake and his new family for the first time and Margaret and hector were depressed together
Margaret because she misses Lewis
And I have no idea why hector is depressed but he wasn’t having *** so that could be the reason
Running out of options it seems
Need a get rich quick scheme
Flip 16s or sell drugs to rich teens
to sick fiends.
Need to get greens by any basic means
My head feels like a split screen
I can either work two jobs like a modern day sucker
Or rob and steal mother ******* for my supper.
Debating which route I should take
Go to work with a smile that's fake
Or on the streets grabbing all I can take
Careful not to make any mistakes
So I don't spend all my days running from jakes
I can't be locked in a place with no escape getting ***** by a biggie smalls look a like
I need to book a flight
Get out the hood tonight
Ryan Jakes Jun 2014
Today's the day,
The big one
The prize fight.
4 weeks of intensive training,
religiously practising our art
sleepless nights and drawing boards
anxiety yours, headscratching, mine
have brought us to this fated hour.
This sainted day shall bring a fight
unto vanilla death
but we Jakes men are strong of heart
and you wear your cape of courage well
as we set out with trusted hound
to defend our fortress
and to mock with disdain
the keeps of our rivals.

Take up your arms!
Hold steady...
On my word...

Let the sand castle competition begin.
jeffrey conyers Aug 2018
Always laughed when someone compares Jackson to King?
Far and in between of legacy left apart people.

With hell going on in Chicago?
I'm just inquiring where is Jesse Jackson?
Isn't he leading the charge to address the violence in Chicago?

Seem like the living old guards have gotten rich or wealthy and sitting back like many churches afraid to address the issues of gangs.

Oh, they give you the captured sermons from the podium of preaching.
That , many listen and learn they afraid of Jesus' teaching.

We read the strength of Christ rising to all challenging from those against his preaching.
The struggles from the power that was during his time.

And here we are in modern times and no true religious face want to challenge the violence ripping at Chicago.

Jakes, Osteen, Dollars show you men of successful churches.
And God supposedly asked him to seek a million dollar plane?

But hadn't directed rich or poor ministers to put your money where your  mouth is to be like Jesus?

So where is Jesse?
Natalia mushara Jun 2015
Dis chick got class
Dis chickie got style
Italian breed
Drive one wild
But sorry boys I'm taken
This spaghetti sauce is jakes!
Don't need no real bad boys
Their all baby
And fake
I used to ask myself?
Is Lucifer the bad guy
When his name just means
Illuminated like the third eye
O my
Did he really just say that?
Yeah but God don't have my back
God is indoctrinated from dogma
I'm spittin flames hotta than lava
Standing next to the father
Gold breasted iron plates
Yeah gotta celebrate mentally
Spiritually my birth happened accidentally
Born into world of confusion
Say God is love bit all I see
Is wicked constitutions prostitution
Everywhere we getting hoed out
Got the government rapping us
Every time we shout
Nobody wants peace really want War as ******* soar
Use the eagle for peace
But the eagle never has peace
Tucked away wisdom then have the nerve
To Sat God is everywhere
How? Wen I'm seeing death everywhere
Not one script where Satan's
Holding oppression in there
They say he was the fall of man
Because man began
To understand life and creation
Change your station
Cuz I ain't backing down
This is a sho ground temples of hidden doom
Shield for the wombs
People don't even wanna wake up
To the facts that the bible is our main rival
They preach holiness but the mainsones that's fit for survival
**** td jakes Joel osteens fake *** creflo
Here's a gun for ya temple
Spirits in awe cuz of what I saw
And say what message telepathically lay
In my subconscious sick of nonsense
I'm begging for mercy
Like Percy
til the day I die ill remain in knowledge never thirsty
JP Goss Aug 2017
You can hear the rain as it gathers
Soaked cosmopolitan soldiers in the gravel,
Complaining of urban trenchfoot.
Those stars on their hands, declarations of evil
Felt the roughed hands of homeless men
Asking, “where you gonna be next week?”
And other cherries of vagabond greetings
Of his situational pleasantries;
The kids couldn’t say:
Topics avoided are done so the loudest—

That old man who’s friends with the devil
Lying infirm, walking infirm, his only guests are strangers
I hear his didacticisms from long ago
Curtailing the copper snakes despite their promise of knowledge
Good or evil
Because life is too short to be more than just friends.

Everyone works at least one day on the jakes
At the desk at day’s end
At plaster fist on the rivers in tar
Where Rat-prophets have their
Schizoid visions peaking in fright
To a starlit bible-edge clatter and smash
Shaking and roiling, denimized
Words pinpointing you down
Assembly-lined out by the smirking madman

Capital, he says, capital, capital
Looking out on our heads graduated heads
Cap it all, cap them all,
Jagged and four-squared edge
Happy enough to dogpaddle in a maelstrom
Called Sallie Mae
And to forget ‘graduation’ means ‘to rise’
These ocean floors, dark and darkening.

Yet, his debt crushes him for lack of want,
Chicanery and shady deals
Mine’s a blessing, a burden of love;
The brochure is a better read—

Where am I going to be next week?
Recalling the difference
Between indebted and dead
Recalling the difference
Between a ton of feathers and that of lead.
Styles Oct 2014
Funny thing about the human race,
So much struggle just to stay in place.
Respect for one another is a give and take.
Even then, some never get a break.
Others take a bigger slice of the cake.
Life's at stake,
All created equal,
But these unfair shareholders
raise the stakes,
to benefit their estates.
These Jakes the snakes,
take the cake,
and make a great escape.
Buy the time, then
Figure eight,
By the time we figure
its too late.
This is life,
no pause button,
You gotta pay for breaks.
Only one life to live,
when it's gone,
it's always too late,
For a date set by fate.
so walk down the right path,
the more you give, the more you have.
It's never too late, as long as you make it last.
Passion is gift gives to the blessed.
Finding your purpose is only part of the test.
Talent is what sets you apart from the rest,
Drive is what keeps you ahead of the rest,
Determination is what makes you the best.
"It's lonely on top," said the lonely man, all upset.
Believing in yourself, by yourself, and that's what you get.
As he is trying to relax watching the nba on cable, Chris is annoying John by showing him all the garments she bought at the shopping centre and John said I am going now and Chris said where are you going and when John said he was going to Jakes, Chris be careful of his wife because I don’t think she approves of the people of her past and John said, Jake needs friends and if Judy can’t except that, too bad and then John went to Jakes and watched the nba and John said do you remember when I said give me your big screen tv and a big argument broke out between John and Jake and Samuel walked in and said daddy who is winning, Jake said home and Samuel said YES and Jake said to John I never gave you the tv and nothing has changed and John said yeah that was the past this is the present, now instead of watching **** you watch Sesame Street and maybe cool cartoons, John then said, you are cool now, Jake and then Jake said remember when you put too much sugar in my coffee but I am willing to forgive and forget, I am a family man, you seem to be the lonely doctor I knew you as and john said ***** you jake and Judy said if you are going to say swear words like that you can leave
Jakey isn’t the same man HD was back then he is a father now and meanwhile back in the hotel Linda rang Margaret up from LA talking about her relationship with another man she just met on the Hollywood sign and Margaret reminded her of when me someone on Valentine’s Day and they broke up on the same day and then Margaret said and today isn’t Valentine’s Day and Chris knocked on the door to model her clothes for hector and Margaret because John was too busy watching sport with Jake and meanwhile Judy said we are having dinner now Jake so your friend has to leave and John remembered Chris’s ex, when he pushed his way between them but said no after knowing Chris wasn’t impressed and John went to the local bar and saw bob there watching cable and said to him what are you doing in here, the bar Is a place for retired people or workers you are none of those and bob said remember when we hung around the diner and you invited me to be your super and John said no Linda did and bob said oh Linda how is she and John said in LA and bob said is her parents still alive and John said mother dead and father still alive but doesn’t spend time with her and John brought bob to be reunited with Chris and margaret and Chris and to meet hector and suddenly Chris decided to throw a pizza and coke party much to Johns dismay and everyone is happy and John was regretting his reuniting of bob when Chris asked bob to join the road trip and bob said fancy Jake being the only one to have kids and he’s blind and John said, I thought you would have kids now bob and they all went to sleep
Ivan Brooks Sr Feb 2018
There is a PDiddy in every hustler,
A Mitchelle Obama in every lady,
A Barrack Obama in every child,
A Micheal Jackson in every singer/performer,
A TD Jakes in every preacher,
A Maya Angelou in every poet,
A Napoleon in every soldier
A Mother Theresa in every little girl,
A Henry Ford in every mechanic,
A Micheal Jordan in every basketball player,
A Picasso in every artist,
A Tupac in every gangster,
A Martin Luther King in every activist,
A Usain Bolt in every sprinter,
An Oprah Winfrey in every presenter,
An Einstein in every intelligent mind.

Greatness lives in each and every one of us
In whatever we do, whoever we are
wheresoever we're come from or go.

Every man is born ready to do exploits...some people never wake to the realism...or afforded the opportunity or answer the call or knock.
Desmond the poet Jan 2019
On my knees, I kneel.
I beg for compassion.
........ Because......
To love is to forgive.
To forgive is to love.
To forgive is divine.
To error is human.

Don't deny the fulfillment of God's law.
love isn't optional but God's command.
And forgiveness is Godly.
Please forgive me, come back home.

Our home has turned into a house.
It's cold, please come back.
Come back and make it warm.
Please come back to restore this home.
Forgiveness is the final form of love.

Forgiving won't change the past.
But can change our future.
Please forgive me, take my hand, let's boldy face the future till death do us part.

After all, in the words of Bishop T. D. Jakes: "love is union of two great forgivers not lovers"
This just show the power of forgiveness.
it's now or never,give your whole to
me,let it feel like it will last
forever.Pull me to and let me have
a breath of your enticing scent of
It's now or never,let my thoughts
and my feelings be freed into
action before time turn me to a
weapon of distraction,let my
needing hands get a nodding yes to
let them touch you like a drunkard
do to a bottle of whisky.
It's now or never,Am a criminal on
love,let my chained mind be in your
peaceful world..Let my lips get
what they don't deserve for your
lips are meant to be with perfection
but that's not me,am not a T.D
Jakes kind of man.
Surely it's now or never forever.
Today will be an interesting day for John Becker, when he was asked by Jake to watch his son Samuel playing basketball for his local school and John was unsure if he really wanted to go but Chris said to him that he needs to go to be there for his friend Jake but John said he left us back then without asking us, and I am not his father so why do I need to go, I thought when I gave up being a doctor I gave up being there for people and Reggie and Chris and Margaret told him he is going and then Reggie said you like sports don’t you, John said yes, and Reggie said well, in the usual Reggie way and Margaret said you are going and so are we, mind you bob and hector wanted to go to see Samuel whip their backs and John said ok but I am not Wearing a tuxedo and bob said I still have the gravy boat you gave me because you missed our get together watching sport and John said ‘good to know’ and Reggie and Margaret said that was a gift for your ex wife’s wedding and you gave it to bob and John said I didn’t want to go right and I got to the station I met a man and he said he was watching the game, so I went home, I didn’t want to go anyway and Margaret said we helped you that day and you lied to us and John said what is the big deal it is in the past and Chris said forget it, let’s go to the court to watch Samuel play
And bob said yes this is going to be fun and hector said I quit my job to go on a road trip with all these people, sounds good and I quit my job to watch kids sport, interesting and bob said I am married but she hates the way I act when something goes wrong, so she refuses to have kids with me and the gang went to the school gym to watch Jakes son Samuel play and the game started and John yelled out as a tall man sat in front of him and he remembered the lousy time he had trying to watch lethal vision and Jake pointed out to Reggie that because of her, his girlfriend through his cane into the traffic and nearly killed him and Reggie said I wanted you to give me that spot for art history and Judy said, really is that what she did, how terrible for you Jake, well me and your kids will never do that to you and after this weird past conversation the tall man left after John coughed all over him and Chris said that wasn’t very nice of you was it, and John said, I had to do that, he was reminding me of the bad time I had that day and I was so stressed I accidentally left Jake in the movie theatre, it was hard
And Chris said really, how did he get home, the next day I rang him to see if he got home alright and he did and Samuel scores a great basket and feels very proud of himself and Judy said to Jake Samuel scored and Jake yelled out well done buddy and Kylie said dad can I have $15 for a hotdog and drink and Judy and Jake said’no’
You can have lunch when you get home and Kylie was starting to ***** saying Samuel gets what he wants all the time, and Jake and Judy said, when we go home you can choose between Mac and cheese and pizza and John said, welcome to the real world Jake and bob said yes that is the real world, blind, wife, kids, junior sports where have you been, we all were out partying and you, Jake were settling down, you even forgot about our planned trip away by aeroplane after Reggie left the diner and Jake said, yeah some trip, they didn’t have peanuts, so we bailed on it, and Reggie said I had to do what I needed to do and Chris said, I took over anyway and it was a rough time but don’t worry especially when I found out you slept with John and Jake said and he tried to hide it by going in the diner with padlock keeping it locked from the outside and then Chris said I threw water on his face but in my defence it wasn’t good and John said, do you want kids Chris and Chris said, maybe one day but it would be hard knowing how hard my parents coped with my sister and John said ok, we are on the same page and then after that conversation was over, Samuel scores the winning basket and Jake and Judy took them out for pizza and the gang went home to talk to each other about where their life was heading and Reggie met up with an old college roommate and they went out partying and Chris and John sat inside watching tv Margaret and hector and bob were remembering old times talking about their 6 years in the Bronx, and everyone was happy
Till next time
Ivan Brooks Sr Jun 2018
Ever since I discovered poetry,
I discovered the blessing of being born into poverty: My life, my struggle, my hustle, my journey is the bedrock of my strength.My story is the source of my inspiration and the caveat of my staying power.

Ever since I discovered poetry,
I discovered the mysterious ways in which God's gift to every man is dissimilated.Look at the athletic abilities of Lebron James when he plays basketball, see the prophetic gift of Bishop T D Jakes when he preaches.Look at the artistic brilliance of the jazziest, George Benson when he sings and plays guitar.And, no one alive will ever forget the musical genius of Michael Jackson and the poetic prowess of Maya Angelou.

Ever since I discovered poetry,
I discovered how God uses the foolishness of man to confirm his greatness.Every time I write a masterpiece, somebody somewhere reads it and goes" ***, Wow, this is really good!"

Ever since I discovered poetry,
I discovered that God is the greatest of all poets.From Genesis to Revelation, His words
Compiled into sixty-six meticulously written books remains the bestseller of all times.

Ever since I discovered poetry
I discovered that God is love and love is blind and blindness is nothing because God blessed the blind with hidden eyes in the mind.
I discovered God gave the blind something because of the legendary Steven Wonder and the little blind Liberian boy, Samy Wefur who now sings with the Nigerian star,Flavour.

Ever since I discovered poetry, I discovered a lot! What have you discovered of late?
Let's take it from the top, naw I can't stop, once my ears, catch the beat drop,
Alright, time to throw in my props, like Kevin Lee, still a ***** chasing the bees,
Wait I'm looking for the honey's, never wasted money, in **** I don't trust,
All feelings in a touch, my performance is clutch, like to do *** in the form of Dutch,
Freaky is I so why lie, but back to the mic, I hold it right, cup it like a baby iight,
Fools love to find they way, twisted in the words of my say, well make my day,
You'll be chilling at the dock of the bay, with ya body exposed over the ocean ways,
We undercover mobsters, similiar to Tony Soprano, they say hell's no,
I say hello, from the sneaks of the barrel, double holes, that's how it goes,
Fools can't keep up with the flow, I got a million more, straight up *******,
From the slums of Houston, you can tell I'm a rocket, by how I'm boosting,
Yo we have a problem, but it ain't nothing that a fist, or iron can't resolve em,
Spin like a I revolve em, I'm so cold you see the phlegm, over the world,
My third eye could even blind the Messiah eye, put in front of you, like a sty,
Why ask why, im just freestyling, the art is, I do it for the craft, putting marks to this,
I'm so ludicrous, flippers of the game, get lousy to this, ain't really saying much,
That's why I put my, platinum to golden touch, see the plats don't lie,
Vocals can't even be heard from the skies, yo got girls that blow, like Mahalia Jackson, I gets mad satisfaction, no subtraction,
We only speak addition, to a new edition, so many keys I put to an ignition,
To the rhymes, in the back of my mind, see god and devil's, gave me the design,
So ya can't hold me, flex over the game, the Black Ginolbi, or better yet Kobe,
Smokes high rising, cuz just blaze, did another igniting, ain't no disguising,
The real over the fakes, we throw ****** letters, and Berettas, at the jakes,
Even shoot up the wake, while everybody else is a wake, nah it's never too late,
To show up at the party, hardy hardy, who can see death apart from tragedy,
Ya noble majesty, somebody blast me, so I can show em who is G - O -D,
Yosef ain't never gone drop, even when I'm six feet in my coffin propped,
My eyes closed, but still hear the fear in those, speaking dirt on my name,
Ride back out of the grave, like thriller mayne, that boy is so insane,
Engrained my presence in ya soul, you can't escape the weighing heavy vessel,
And I got the biggest muscles, flex it from Houston all the way to Brussels,
Feel me though, shot out to the real, if you feel, grab a hold of your steel,

"Can't break the unbreakable, shake the unshakeable,
**** the ungrateful, Yosef merciful and invincible,
It's Yosef baby, it's Yosef baby,
And it's all gravy"
It was a, late night,
I never forget the pictures
In my eyesight,
Iight, just another drama, slash
****** and comma,
Cuz I'ma,
Take you on a one way street, where the
Devil's love to meet,
Beyond the crossroads, many
Guns explode,
See how many souls go,
To heaven but this life is hell,
How can I dwell,
In the house of the Lord,
When all the commandments failed,
Miss the extension of jail, Executed Moses route well,
Staffs turned into snakes, let it rattle
And bite at the Jakes,
It's been war since man,
Crawled out the slime,
Scents of apple pine, fogged its
Way from the treeline,
Had freedom, took sins over
The Garden of Edem, preachers sayin' believe 'em,
Tiers of heaven, I seen 'em,
Gnostic wisdom, watch me bleed 'em,
Manual scripts,
Serenade ya mind from the words encrypt,
Came off the mothership,
Every body tries to dip,
When death confronts em,
They wanna redeem,
But ain't no redeemin',
When the curves sickle is gleamin',
From the sunshine beamin,
Hunters of heaven,
Got demons screamin', either it be physical
Or spiritual,
Some folks do it for commercial, I do it
For the love of the dough,
Wait that's the worlds motto,
Greed love ecstasy and jealousy
Loves to follow,
Open up ya soul like a hallow,
Point blank,
At the purgatory gates, waiting
To get a thanks,
From the sender, no pretender
No exits only an enter,
Tormented by pain, died in vain, repeat
Visions of gore, on the window pane,
Down the walls engrained,
People standing,
Tryna make sense of the madness,
That came,
Three thousands flames,
Lit up and let the balloons go,
Welcome to the Passover show,
I still feel the pain from Lot,
Too many quick to body rot,
Tears of thunder, running down my face
Like snot,
Another victim next up for the plot,
****** sees no races,
Like the judges over court cases,
Only money is the culprit,
Feds to states love to benefit,
A Soulless maze, beyond where
Tactics are made,
No sun lemonade, we prefer dark shades,
While folks ain't seeing,
How the country is raid,
Guns on every corner played,
By the mass media,
Spitting cycle's of wars encyclopedia,
Y'all need ta,
Pay attention to the real, hot shots of the steel,
Leaving folks with a dead conscious appeal,
Let's be real,
I'm like hairs that still, from the coldness
That brings the chill,
Armors of a golden shield, dressed for combat, so I'm ready to ****,
Any intruder, take you through the thrills of
To suit ya,
Mind at ease, walk with me  through the galaxy of Galilee,
Reduction of chaos, so
Keep ya stress pain free,
You in the presence of the Godly,
Yo tdogg, ya know what I'm about to, oh, jam on that *****,
Yeah my heads been loose, troubles cleaned with the goose,
Gray day, mayday mayday, always see a payday cuts by klay,
Thompson, always into somethin, catch the 10s bumpin,
DVDs with the 30 TVs, in my Benzie caught many frenzies,
In the clutch, doubt dutch, what thefuck is going on,
Yo all went wrong, so I gotta play the sad song, funeral home
From the black and silver chrome, now ya buried alone,
In the center zone, earth's now ya manger, faced with danger,
Ever since I seen a stranger, all facts no fiction, crucifixion,
Mayne listen, devils had me by my neck, close to hells kitchin,
Dodge the pitchin, of a heater, slide out home Derek Jeter,
Clean cut with the Caesar, lyrically I beat em all, rise to downfall,
Like the sunrise to sunset, shut down empty threats, so much regret,
Beggin, from my foes on they toes,expose armageddon,
Ain't no letting, up my guns see slash for fun, yo I'm bringing 'em
Catch the runs, ***** dripping, diarrhea style, from da rippin,
Mics crushed like Pippen, yo stay slamming them I'm dipping,
Out the scene,mad machine, mean as Gene, can you see the beam,
From the flash light,souls shining like a million lights,
Gass that, pass that, lyrical content I blass that,haters maskthat,
Hide ya face, what a disgrace, catch the cans of mase, oven
Tough loving, smooth hovering, ghost in the flesh, test
Ya will, you ain't got the heart to ****,yo I'm so real,
MJ thrills, from the bumps of my jeep you'll feel,blood spill,
See his body windmill, thrown in the Hoffa fields, stone cold deals,
Haters better chill, **** bout to get real, man ya steel,
I'm handy as randy, savage like my girls sweeter than candy,
On the hunt, like bonnie **** and stunny, now ya runny,
Bloods I bleed that, cant count that, money in too many racks,
I bomb with flows, octane remains, the highest in *******,
Prices, spit the nicest, flex the Lexus the hypest, who out ripe us,
Plus,the guns is a must, the reign cant stop mayne, flex the range,
Rove word to domino, put that on my nino, word to pastor Jenno,
I see more notes than Ben franklin, got em blanking, shankin,
Mack daddies, caddies 70s long body, move like an Audi,
Engineers these reindeer, games light my flame,my names  
Golden, chosen like the purest calf, these suckas make me laff,
Master my craft, of many of sweet nones, *** weighs a ton,
Still number one, public enemy sons, scope thru the media dons,
Used to wanna feel like Hollywood, Chaka khan and I'm gone,
**** songs, is what I do,freestyle near a theater, or a hood near you,
I spin too, donuts peelin', three sixty wheelin', shake heavens ceiling,
Keep the block hot, without touching spots, it dont stop,
Top ten gallon hat, while I'm in the stinkin' Lincoln, girls blinkin,
Cuz I'm looking so fly, ostrich seats, with the baddest beats,
Naw ya cant compete,I complete the madness that sweeps,
Like a broom, let off the scent ya perfume, up in the zoom,
See the vultures, pecking at ya skull culture, violence ultra,
Kin to the styles of capone, black Italian mafioso, oh so,
Clever, however I'll still endeavor, money over riches, kiss this,
Felix watches, catch the blotches, on ya spotless, for goodness,
Sakes, watch for the jakes, on the break, for hells sake,
I'm guarding even my own wake, see my funeral, with criminals,
Wild style, tiny gs to youthful juveniles, dont cry now,
Just shed a gun, blast itat the sun, so I feed my holy ones, cons
Cant step to the real reaper, let my wings fly by, now im in ya eye,
Stimulate fear, like its last day here, dark images will appear,
Hovering over the sinful lands, plot the plans, soul stand,
Amongst the loss, city of peasants, slave become pleasant,
But I'm the master waking up the presence, futures past,
Check the blast, dock ya by the rivers, once I delivers,
Magic, make em tragic, zipped the plastic,I'm  a *******,
Daddy should of had meplastered, bed sheet ruckus, ****** us,
Now I'm rushing hours like Chris Tucker, *******,
Derivatives my narrative, gangsta, so the check the carriages,
I laid on, many girls hyped up, when they hear the songs,
This brother stay flexing, nesting,my chariots at the Marriott,
Hoes loving it, exquisite,  watch the foes kiss it, gun mystics,
Class touch, like Melle mel, on the cell, ring the liberty bells, Marvelled the marvelles, always excel,
Never see jails, no story tales, take ya on a shipment, that never fails, dressed with the purple sales,
Growing on ya mind like nails, untouched check the dutch,
Not much,you can do, once I come through, ****** as a piru,
Shoot you, now ya see through, my villains will bleed you,
Evil loves to take a stab, mismatch vocab, see me up on the lab, caught cab, caravan of a goetia strand,
Never been a fan, of fake *******, ride out the glitches, riches
Pitches, sugar pie honey buns, yo big yosef signing ya puns,
Broke from the universal chain, see how many that could hang,
Check the vocals that bang, chips beginning to stang, boomerang,
See me back at it again, flows coping deep into ya mental,
Scripts like a serial, killer filler, moves like thriller, no filter,
This the styles, of the oldie swords with, more tactics than Shinobi,
Haters below me, while a smoke a benzie, tire moving rapidly,
On the highway, thinking of ways, to make a pay, stop at the tre,
My home near the Astrodome, welcome to texas, home,
Of the blades and chrome's, entered another zone, know I'm prone,
Ripping mics, like Jordan eat hot wings, with a touch of Borden,
Ain't none, out soaring scoring, more points, over publishing,
Siblings, know better who's the go getter, funky with mozzarella,
Dance with Cinderellas, before the midnight strikes, likes,
By the radio, saying there he go, flipping rhymes *******,
For sure, pure and raw, as honey, glaring from, the sunny,
Far from funny, mafia **** coldest hits, when the barrel spits,
Splits,ya anatomy who these cats, that' tried to battle me, cry me,
A river, of blood, **** these fake *** young thugs, stuck on drugs,
Give em a blessing, from passed down lessons, you stressing,
Auto tuning, too much, time for me, to perform in the 4 quarter clutch,
Like Horry, at the top, of the center or the inner, corner spinner,
Fools cant hang, hit minds like scorpion pains, drains,
Ya positivity, feel the adrenaline, of the live negativity, reality,
Sinks deeper than an ocean, still coating, rhymes for ya mind,
I'll still grind, reading the rainbows, taught me how to define,
Real against the fake, watch the snakes, of the wicked jakes,
See the outtakes, of the stakes, more souls, on an outbreak,
Watch the virus, moves like a eel cop haters, who dont feel,
Set it off, like Latifah but ain't no dying, in this scene fiends,
Knocking at the door cuz they want more, as I polish the earth's core,
Knocking at the door cuz they want more, as I polish the earth's core,
Yo , I let the spirits come gather round me, let the words invoke thee,
None could hold me, show me, how to flex a beat properly, got ya looking at me,
I'm nasty nas, times three or maybe Jay-z, infused with Pac and Biggie,
Or better yet Scarface Bushwick to Willie Dee, I dont care what they say about me,
Down right cocky, cant block me, slamming suckas like Anfernee, Hardaway
Girls love it the hard way, what I say, one love to the tre, still ******* girls entree,
Oh wait, lord forgive me for that say, everynight a killers on his Qs and pray,
The next soul left astray, dont even know they last day, first 48 on the air waves,
These days, to many critics crave, I bring the heat like Dave, Chappelle
Cast a spell, born in hell from the flesh cracked out of my shell,
Mama tried to learn me well, but my heart's too cold, been turned stale,
Too many fakes, too many jakes, from snakes, funerals and wakes,
Celebration of life, with no cakes, only realist figure is deaths picture,
Snap shot ya life, is on a poster memory of ya missing, in a cellular holster,
Folks really only love you, when you gone, but when they here, they love was gone
Seem rights, loves to find wrong, sound the gong, it's just another sad song,

— The End —