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Donna Jul 2017
School as now finished
Summer holidays are here
My son is happy

<3 **
Can't believe my youngest son has just finished his first year in senior school wow time sure does fly x
Donna Aug 2017
I sipped Diet Coke
Then I done a massive burp
And met up with breeze
Lol okay last silly one x
Donna Apr 2018
Hey what happen to
climbing trees under a sky
full of adventures

Where daisy chains in
a field were hand crafted by
our innocent hands

And catching tadpoles
with our cute green fishing nets  
in dark watered ponds!

And sweet strawberry
and raspberry picking , was
always so much fun!

What about spinning
roundabouts , where our giggles
ended up queasy

And let's not forget
hopscotch , hopping to number
ten was a fab goal

Now teens are getting
stabbed left to die very young
Families broken

Instead of going
outside to find joy in our
good Mother Nature

they prefer there phones!
Whats happen to geniune

Where we'd knock on doors
and ring bells to see happy
loving faces smile

Tis real sad you know..
Technogly just too much..
And gangs are killing

Makes me unhappy
My heart goes out to those who
have been affected

:( :( :(
Reality sometimes is just not nice :(
over 50 teens and people have been stabbed and killed since xmas  due to a point system it's very worrying indeed :makes me so sad :( :( :(
Donna Mar 2018
When I was little
There wa a little toyshop
It was so little

On my birthday when
I was little I'd visit
the little toyshop

It had little toys
and some big toys , it made my
little red heart big

When I was little
the sky looked big , now I'm big
the sky still looks big

When I was little
my house was big , now I'm big
my house is little

When I was little
Daisies looked little ,,now I'm
big..they're still little

Everything is big
And everything is little
Ants are little too  

This is a little
poem , yet my mind is big
like the universe
Just playing with the words little and big :)
Donna Sep 2017
waking in sunrise
we both smile together
eating porridge oats

Inspired this morn as me and my partner Dean eat porridge for breakfast every morning together **
Donna Mar 2018
Today I landed
on my **** , I tried to fly
like a butterfly

But instead I crawled
like a caterpillar and
ate a whole green leaf
O wow had hetic day ain't stop TBH so thought of this one x
Donna Feb 2018
O I'm well tired
My poor feet are bigger than
normal that's not good

I know what a big
elephant feels like now with
there big stompy feet

And it's o so cold
outside that winters trying
to get in my house

I can feel it's bite
What a cheek it as , get out
of my house winter

go outside to the
trees cause no matter what you
do the trees stand tall!

Yeah take that winter!!
And see your fluffy snowflakes
They can shoo off too

Because all they do
is shut down the schools buses
and all train stations

And it melts way to
fast to build a snowman , all
that's left is puddles''

Oh slushy mushy
Fussy crushy lushy snow
Pushy offy please
Fed up with winter roll on spring :) this was inspired today after watching snowflakes full down x
Donna Aug 2017
the sky burped up wind
a case of indigestion
attacked all of earth


'twas a great day to
dry clothes on rotary line
it acted well mad

I tried hanging up
bed sheet but it wrapped me like
chicken fajitas

my hair got messy
and my dress try to fly like
a bright summer kite

I manage to peg
up clothes but not without a
Jackie Chan back flip

and the pegs didn't
help they decided for an
early retirement

ah well least all clothes
are nicely dried now and smell
of summer flowers

just need to tackle
all ironing , now where have my
mountain boots gone!!
It such a windy day today and I actually did get attack by trying to hang up bed sheet it was totally mad x
Donna Aug 2017
We live in a dome
Filled with trees and butterflies
And crispy mixed lilts
Another one that popped into my head x
Donna Sep 2017
Peeling away dark
I held a small ball of light...
a spud potato
Soz can't help my bizarre humour at times :-)
Donna Aug 2017
If ceilings had no
corners there be no walls , we'd all
be just omelettes eggs
Don't ask lol it just popped out like this:)
Donna Sep 2017
I'm going through a change
Just like my tatty old purse
I much prefer notes
fun silly one :-)
Donna Aug 2017
I saw dinosaur
Yeap it took up summers sky
A horse with big wings
Catch up soon at chalet with family x
Seen many horseflies today there massive x
Donna Jul 2017
In a lazy mood
Lots of chores sitting waiting
Now what's on TV :)
Taking it easy having lazy Sunday x
Donna Aug 2017
I saw a crocodile
I said your make lovely shoes
Then it snapped at me!!
Another silly one :)
Donna Aug 2017
I saw a camel
I said 'hello how are you'
But it had the ****!!
Lol okay this is defo last one :-)
Donna Sep 2017
In the last few weeks
Hospital appointments bloomed
I felt like a nurse

My children need scans
Tonsils needed removing
Bad back injures

Blood pressure too high
24 hour monitor
Just kept on bleeping

No more salt intake
So does that mean no more sea!
Cause it too salty :)

The hospital was
always packed reminding me
of a busy mall

Some patients in robes
Some in wheel chairs , doctors seem
to be everywhere

Receptionists smile
So many different exits
It's like a big maze

Least it's all sorted
Got the ball rolling for Health
Tis most important

They even had a
costa coffee , my heart jumped
with a cheeky grin chocolate
Cumberland sausage sandwich with
caramelised onion!!

Whoever idea
it was to put a costa
coffee there..thumbs up

Wow..fingers cross there
me no more hospital check
ups for a while

As I venture out
The trees are still vibrant green
With few leaves on ground

The sun is beaming
The sky is simply lovely
Cars drive on by

Here comes the red bus
Only a few stops then I'm home
To lazy to walk

: )
It been totally manic lately but all seems to be going steadily well x
Donna Aug 2017
Oh dear woke with a
feeling of aneixty
early this morning

there it was sitting
in my chest webbing my heart
into a panic

so I inhaled a
gulp of air held it
for a short while

oops nearly forgot
to exhale , nearly met up with
angels in heaven

soon calmness begins
to settle , kick arsing fear
right down to my toes

where I get up and
walk leaving fear to scatter
alone on carpet

Hmmm must remember
to hoover floors later with
an extra wide smile

outside the weather
looks rather dull again but
that's okay I think

I've got my jacket
and pumps and a packet
of peppermint gum

I can hear lorries
driving by , there must be lots
of deliveries

all ready to stock up
shops or whatever , jeez
there tyres are huge

I take another
swig of deep air and am so
ready for today

manage to get a
grip on my aneixty
which makes me happy

I feel like zorro
as I'm ready to take on
the world with power

got my black cape and
horse chewing a strand of hay  
parked outside waiting

o okay that's an
exaggeration but i
loved zorro when young

Ah well goodbye for
now mustn't ramble on , the
day is waiting for me

— The End —