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Noandy Jan 2016
Hotel Saudade*
Sebuah cerita pendek*

“Ceritakan padaku,”
Aku yakin semua orang pernah mendengar perintah, atau permintaan itu; diikuti dengan waktu senyap dan getir setelah diminta untuk bercerita dan mencoba menata tutur sedemikian rupa. Menata tutur untuk menyanyikan, dan menuliskan (jika dalam surat,)  pengalaman, senda gurau, romansa, kehilangan,
Rindu, yang entah bagaimana caranya,

Beberapa mengakui bahwa setelah bercerita, mencurahkan isi hati, mereka merasa lega seolah ada beban yang terangkat. Tapi, cerita tidak hanya dapat diutarakan hanya dalam bentuk sepatah kata, sepanjang tangis, pun dalam tawa. Pada sebuah perjalananku (pertamakalinya aku berpergian sendiri, menggantikan ayahku untuk merancang dan menggambar iklan salah satu perusahaan kenalannya.) Aku bertemu seseorang yang memutarbalikkan pandanganku mengenai cerita pengalaman pribadi.
Aku tak tahu siapa dirinya,
Aku belum tahu siapa dirinya—
Namun pria ini mengaku bahwa ia tak memiliki cerita,
Cerita apapun.

Inilah cerita yang kupunya untukmu, cerita yang aneh,
Bukan aneh dalam artian mengerikan.
Malam itu kereta sampai terlalu larut, dan niatanku untuk mencari penginapan yang lebih dekat dengan pusat kota telah lenyap; aku sudah lelah. Sebenarnya aku dapat datang besok, tapi aku memilih untuk datang 2 hari lebih awal dari hari yang dijanjikan agar dapat bersantai.

Aku menjinjing tasku keluar stasiun dan membenarkan topiku, melihat kanan dan kiri dengan was-was sebelum bertanya pada orang-orang sekitar apakah ada penginapan di sekitar sini. Kau tahu betapa canggungnya aku bila bertanya ini dan itu, aku tak biasa berpergian sendiri! Namun karena keadaan mendesak, ya beginilah jadinya. Aku mendapat rujukan bahwa dengan berjalan kaki (sedikit jauh, tapi tak sejauh bila harus menjelajah malam atau menjadi angkutan untuk ke pusat kota) aku dapat sampai ke sebuah penginapan yang namanya terlalu puitis—Hujung Malam.
Apa maksudnya? Penghujung malam?
Apalah yang ada dalam sebuah nama, yang penting aku dapat tidur tenang malam ini, dan berganti penginapan keesokan harinya!

Dinginnya malam kala itu membuat mantel dan bajuku yang berlapis mejadi tidak berguna. Aku sedikit berlari melintasi trotoar yang digenangi beberapa kubangan air kecil, terlihat bak emas disinari pantulan lampu jalan. Sesekali menggosok lensa kacamata bulatku dengan sarung tangan hitam yang kukenakan. Ranting-ranting gemeretak, seolah merasakan juga dingin yang menusuk tulang. Setibanya di sana, aku tidak menyangka bahwa bangunan penginapan satu lantai ini terlihat lebih tua (tapi sangat terawat) dan lebih besar dari kelihatannya. Aku diantar ke kamarku yang terletak pada lorong yang tepat mengelilingi sebuah taman besar.

Setelah mempersilahkan keluar pegawai penginapan yang terlalu ramah bagiku, aku membuka pintu dan memperhatikan keadaan taman kala malam; didepan tiap kamar diletakkan dua buah kursi dan meja kecil. Sebuah pohon besar berdiri gagah di sudut taman, pada bagian tengahnya terdapat air mancur yang dikelilingi patung-patung pualam kecil; malaikat, anak-anak, dan bidadari tak berhati.

Aku mulai memperhatikan keadaan sekitar (yang tak biasanya kulakukan) dan barulah aku menyadari bahwa aku tidak sendirian.
Tidak, tak ada hantu.

Hanya ada sayup-sayup suara harmonika tak sumbang, yang dimainkan dengan tepat dan sedih pada pedihnya malam dingin.
Aku tahu lagu ini,
Lagu zaman Tudor itu, lagu orang-orang yang ditinggalkan.

Aku menoleh seolah digiring oleh angin yang baru saja berhembus, beberapa kamar kosong (kupikir itu kamar kosong, lampunya dindingnya tak menyala) duduk seorang pria berambut panjang, digelung rapi ke belakang, hanya mengenakan kemeja dan rompinya.

Ia ramping, namun pakaiannya tidak lebih besar dari tubuhnya dan justru terpasang pas pada tubuhnya. Rambut bagian depannya yang panjang dan tak ikut terikat rapi ke belakang berjatuhan, membingkai tulang pipinya yang terlihat jelas. Pria itu sibuk dengan alat musiknya dan memejamkan matanya tanpa menyadari kehadiranku. Aku juga sibuk, sibuk memperhatikannya bermain dan mengingat bagaimana Greensleeves selalu menyayat hatiku. Ini kali pertamanya aku mendengar lagu itu dimainkan pada harmonika.

Setelah ia menyelesaikan musiknya, aku menyapa dari kejauhan sambil memegangi gagang pintu kamarku,
Ia hanya menatap ke depan tanpa menoleh atau menjawab, duduk di kursi depan kamarnya dengan kaki kanan disila pada lutut kaki kirinya. Aku hanya dapat melihat hidungnya yang mancung dan matanya yang dibayangi gelap, ia terlihat cantik, dan sepi. Setelah menunggu sedikit lama dan masih tetap diabaikan, aku menghangatkan diriku di kamar. Aku akan berpindah penginapan besok siang.

Ternyata esok berkata lain.
Aku membuka pintu kamarku untuk sarapan dan mendapatinya lagi di tempatyang sama, seolah ia tidak beranjak semalam suntuk.
“Selamat pagi,” sapaku canggung.
“Kau selalu di sini?”
Ia tidak menjawab, hanya menatapku, dan saat itulah aku melihat matanya yang tidak lebih redup dari matahari senja di laut kala mendung.

Ia tidak menjawab, dan aku malah menggeret kursi dari depan salah satu kamar kosong untuk kutempatkan disebelahnya. Kami duduk bersebelahan dalam diam, hanya ditemani rintik hujan yang tak hentinya menghujat; ia mulai memainkan harmonikanya.

Aku beranjak untuk sarapan, dan memperpanjang masa sewa kamarku sampai beberapa hari ke depan.

Setelah aku kembali, ia masih tetap duduk disana, benar-benar tak berpindah dan terus memainkan harmonikanya. Aku tak dapat memperhatikannya lebih lama, aku harus beristirahat dan bersiap-siap untuk besok.

Hari berikutnya tidak banyak yang berubah, pagi masih tetap dirundung hujan dan pria itu masih duduk termenung menghadap taman. Aku bergegas untuk sarapan sebelum pergi ke kota dan menyempatkan diri untuk bertanya mengenai pria yang tak beranjak dari tempatnya. Ada yang bilang bahwa ia dulunya buronan, teman pemilik penginapan yang lalu diberi tempat tinggal disini. Yang lainnya mengatakan bahwa ia dahulu pelancong yang akhirnya memutuskan untuk tinggal dalam penginapan setelah diberi kamar oleh bapak pemilik penginapan yang terkesima olehnya.

Sepulang dari kota aku mengeringkan payungku yang basah kuyub dan mantel yang bagian depannya basah karena terkena air dari kereta kuda yang mendadak lewat didepanku. Bagian bawah gaunku penuh lumpur, dan aku tak tahu apa jadinya sepatuku ini. Aku tak ambil pusing dan kembali keluar kamar untuk sekali lagi mencari tahu tentangnya.
Entahlah, ada hal yang membuatku merasa tertarik. Mungkin karena lagu Tudor itu, mungkin karena ia sama sekali tidak berbicara dan beranjak dari kursi kecil itu. Hanya sesekali melepas ikatan rambutnya, dan membuka jam kantungnya.

Aku sekali lagi menduduki kursi yang kuletakkan di sebelahnya, dan langsung melontarkan pernyataan dan pertanyaan,
“Mereka bilang kau dulunya buronan,” ia terus memandangi jam kantungnya,
“Kenapa kau selalu duduk di kursi ini?”
Aku kira ia takkan menjawabnya, namun malah sebaliknya.
“Memangnya kau tahu kalau aku selalu di sini?”
“Karena aku selalu melihatmu di sini.”
“Itu hanya sebagian bukan keseluruhan.” Ia mengangkat bahunya. “Karena kau selalu melihatku duduk memandangi taman bukan berarti aku selalu melakukannya.”

Aku mengintip jam kantung yang di genggamannya, belum ia tutup. Jarum detiknya tak berjalan, begitu juga jarum panjang dan pendeknya. Namun derasnya hujan dan gema suaranya membuat kesan bahwa jam itu terus berjalan mengejar rindu. Ia mengutak-atik sedikit jamnya, dan jam itu mengeluarkan suara kotak musik. Tapi ini bukan jam kantung dengan kotak musik yang biasa kita lihat, jarum jamnya berputar secara terbalik.

“Boleh aku tahu siapa namamu?” aku mencoba mengajaknya berkenalan.
“Aku membuatmu teringat akan apa?”
“Apa? Entahlah.”
“Bukannya kau berlagak seolah mengenalku? Mengatakan aku selalu di sini.”
“Kau mengingatkanku pada senja di laut saat mendung.”
“Kalau begitu, namaku Laut. Aku selalu di sini seperti laut, kan? Ia tidak berpindah dari tempatnya.”

Percakapan kami terhenti di situ karena hujan makin deras dan aku harus kembali ke kamar untuk menyegerakan gambarku. Aku tidak ke kota lagi esok hari, dan menghabiskan waktu menggambar iklan itu di kursi kecil yang menghadap taman tanpa sepatah katapun, disamping orang yang mengakui dirinya sebagai Laut dan dibawah lindung hujan deras. Kami tidak berbicara pun berbincang, tapi aku menikmati kesepiannya seolah ada rindu yang belum dilunasi.
Tapi entah mengapa aku justru memulai pembicaraan,

“Ada yang bilang kau pelancong, apa kau mau bercerita sudah pergi ke mana saja?”
“Kau jarang berpergian?”
“Kau jarang berpergian, dan aku tak punya cerita.”
“Tak punya cerita?”
“Tak ada yang menarik untuk diceritakan. Tak akan ada yang merasakan sebuah cerita seperti penuturnya.”
Aku menyelesaikan gambarku, dan bersiap untuk menyetorkannya keesokan harinya.

Sore hari setelah aku kembali ke penginapan dengan keadaan yang sama, basah, terguyur hujan. Senja dalam hujan kembali ku habiskan bersamanya tanpa sepatah kata dan ia kembali memainkan nada-nada pada harmonikanya. Lagu yang sama dengan yang diputar oleh jam kantungnya. Lagu soal sunyinya malam ditengah laut, menunggu rintik dan bulan yang tak kunjung datang.

“Lagu apa itu? Sama seperti di jam yang kemarin.”
“Pesan Malam.”
“Aku belum pernah mendengarnya.”
“Aku yang membuatnya, wajar kau tidak tahu.”
“Sayang lagunya pendek, lagu yang indah.”
Ia hanya mengangguk,
“Aku akan pulang besok. Terima kasih telah menemaniku disini.”
Ia tak menjawab, dan terus memainkan harmonikanya tanpa menoleh. Seperti suara rintik hujan yang tak tentu, bingung akan apa yang ia tangisi, pria disebelahku tak memiliki cerita, tak bisa bercerita. Namun ia dapat berkisah, kisahnya tertuang pada lantunan nada dan lagu-lagu yang ia mainkan. Aku memejamkan mata, mendengarnya fasih menyihir suara menjadi sebuah fabel dan parabel, berharap dapat menyisihkan kisah-kisah yang tak diutarakan secara tersurat dan harfiah.

Aku undur diri untuk tidur lebih awal, dan menulis sebuah pesan dalam secarik kertas; lagunya mengingatkanku akan bagaimana caranya mengingat dan rindu. Aku harus pulang, tapi entah mengapa aku ingin kembali ke sini.

Dalam hening tidur malamku, ada sebuah lagu yang berulangkali dimainkan tanpa henti. Lagu di penghujung malam, lagu sunyi laut. Aku terbangun, dan dentingnya masih berputar dalam kepalaku.
Sayangnya aku harus kembali sebelum jam 12 esok hari, dan ketika terbangun, aku sayup-sayup sadar akan ketukan halus di pintu kamarku. Aku membukanya setelah memakai mantel, dan memejamkan mata pada keadaan yang sama sambil meluruskan gaun malamku. Hujan masih rintik, malam masih gelap, lampu-lampu menyala beberapa saja, dan hanyalah satu perbedaan; pria itu tak duduk pada kursi kecilnya.

Aku kembali masuk, linglung. Siapa yang tadi mengetuk pintu kamarku? Tanganku meraba gagang pintunya yang sudah menghitam dan saat itulah aku melihat sebuah jam kantung tergantung lesu pada lampu dinding didepan kamarku. Jam kantung yang selalu ia lihat, yang jarum jamnya berputar terbalik.

Tidurku tak kulanjutkan. Aku mengutak-atiknya sesperti yang ia lakukan tadi, dan menyadari bahwa bukan hanya ada satu lagu di situ, namun beberapa lagu pendek. Tiap lagu memiliki suasanya dan warna nada yang berbeda, membangkitkan berbagai macam bentuk ingatan dan kisah-kisah yang dapat kita bayangkan sendiri tanpa dipacu cerita dari siapapun. Hanya sebuah lagu, dan seuntai suasana.

Aku tak dapat terlelap lagi setelahnya. Aku membereskan barang-barangku dan beranjak untuk meninggalkan penginapan. Aku ingin berpamitan padanya dahulu, mengembalikan jam kantungnya, dan berterimakasih atas kisah-kisah yang ia ceritakan secara tersirat dalam senandung sepi. Tapi ia tak di sana, tidak pada kursi kecilnya. Tidak dengan harmonikanya, tidak menatap taman. Ia tak ada dimanapun untuk saat ini, dan aku mengitari taman serta koridor untuk mencari tanda-tanda kehadirannya untuk hasil yang nihil.

Ketika aku menuju serambi depan penginapan barulah aku melihatnya lagi, di ujung koridor, menatap kosong kearahku lalu tersenyum simpul. Senyum yang tak lama langsung sirna. Ia dibalut jas yang biasanya hanya ia selampirkan di kursi kecil dan ia mengurai rambutnya. Aku menyematkan secarik kertas kecil pada telapak tangan kiri beserta jam kantungnya, namun ia enggan menerima jam kantung yang kukembalikan.
“Simpan, dan jaga baik-baik.”
“Aku akan kembali.”
“Kembali kemana?”
“Ke tempat ini.”
“Untuk apa?”
“Bertemu denganmu. Lagi.”
“Bagaiamana kalau aku sudah pergi?”
“Aku akan tetap datang kesini.”
Ia meninggalkanku dalam remang-remang lorong kosong, sambil menggumam setelah melihat tulisan kecil di kertas yang kuberikan.
“Aku tidak paham puisi.”

Aku tak menoleh ke belakang saat ia berjalan melewatiku; yang kutahu, saat aku membalikkan badan untuk melihat apakah ia duduk di kursi kecil yang sama atau tidak, ia sudah tak ada, dimanapun. Bahkan tak ada suara pintu dibuka yang menandakan apabila ia memasuki kamarnya. Tidak ada lampu dinding didepan kamar yang menyala, hanya aku dan sunyi. Aku, sunyi, dan jam kantung yang putarannya terbalik mengindikasikan kisah masa lampau.
Sebagaimana ia memberi pesan di malam hari, aku mengirimkan secarik surat dalam bentuk sajak;

Untuk pesan malammu,
Yang tiap barisnya menari
Perih dalam benak,
Biarkan tanyaku dirundung rindu
Dan menjadi alasan
Untuk tertawa pada angan yang terlalu luluh
Mereka berhantu,
Dan akan kembali—
Sebagai sesayat serpih
Untuk melabuhkan kisah yang lain
Dalam seuntai surat malam

Memang tidak ada perlunya aku kembali, sayangnya lagu itu berputar-putar terus di kepalaku. Seolah nada-nadanya nyata mengirimkan pesan dan kisah yang berubah pada tiap bunyinya; fana, hanya dalam benak.

Mungkin cerita memang tidak selalu harus diutarakan secara tersurat begitu saja; akan banyak emosi yang terkikis habis, tidak tersalur secara utuh dalam penyampaiannya. Kisah yang disampaikan akan mati. Namun dalam lagu-lagu yang ia pahat abadi dalam jam itu, dan yang ia lantunkan dengan alat musiknya, ia menggiring hati yang tersesat dalam imaji untuk menguraikan kisah-kisah sendiri berdasarkan benak serta pedih. Dan tiap lembaran kisah itu,
Mereka membara,
Dalam kasih dan hidup yang belum pernah kita jalani,
Bahkan sekalipun.

Aku akan kembali, setelah membawa kidung-kidungnya pulang bersamaku. Bukan kembali pulang, namun kembali menemuinya di kemudian hari. Aku yakin, percaya, ia akan tetap disana—Menatap taman dan hujan. Entah bermimpi, entah bercerita dalam asa. Karena ia seperti laut, yang selalu disana dalam gelagap rindu, selalu ada dalam dahaga dan dan sejuknya malam. Juga seperti hujan, yang datang kala sepi dan tak kunjung pulang jua. Menemani dengan gesit suaranya, dalam tiap rintih fana.

Aku akan kembali,
Dan ia akan ada di sana.
that's the tune
every day
around about noon

Elizabethan ear ache for
a Walter Raleigh or a Francis
Drake, cornets
with a flake?
wish the man in the ice cream van would play some Eminem
then I might stop moaning.
L Nicole Jan 2015
the thing about me is that i am a dreamer
i imagine far away coasts and stormy seas
in my bed while listening to fantasia on greensleeves

i imagine i have it all
being charmed by the prince of the renaissance
a forbidden love between big and small
in my bed listening to 12 danzas: oriental

but i suppose time is fading for us dreamers

the coasts are fading and the storms will reign

for we learn to remember

they are only dreams and dreams will come again
was listening to classical, im such a dreamer
Umi Jul 2018
Farewell, to my voice wich vanished beneath the echo of those mountains, disappearing in the far distant, out of reach
The summer sun burns through my skin, lightens up this cold heart of mine for the first ime in a very long time, but even this won't last,
Yet I have no reason to be sad, this agony is bittersweet you see,
Constant change around me, without me changing one bit, it is as if I have become stuck in some kind of loop, unable to ever advance,
What does the future hold for one who has given in to this madness?
Farewell, to all the flowers which were blooming majestically this summer, now withering over to the merciless, drought like heat,
The greensleeves of nature are to already become colourful,
Farewell to all the warmth you have given me before you slipped away into the sea of time, moving on without thinking twice,
When the lullaby of a vampire is sung it'll be time to shut my eyes,
Because then I can be sure that I don't want tomorrow to come,
Farewell to the times we were friends conveying about silly things,
Now everyone can rejoice, once my voice is gone,
Farewell, left behind, I can no longer even cry

kojo Jul 2018
The roses of the garden where but an illusion,
the looking glass was filled with a dead man's dream,
Of flying bullets and a blazing gun,
Our blood was washing down a carbon stream.

I see these visions of another time,
Filling my head with the school-bell chime,
And so the white doves came,
And took me on their shoulders,
And when the night was tame,
The world did seem so much colder.

The sun shone thru the trees,
That's all I could see,
Was the weight of the world,
On the back of a boy,
And his busy brain swirled,
Like a broken Christmas toy.

And so the leaves fell in golden grace,
And my tears swelled in sweet embrace,
The death of a father,
And the sin of a lover,
Seemed to me to be a bother,
And so I ducked for cover.

Behind the pickup truck,
Beneath the carpenter's chair,
Two girls tempted lady-luck,
And the brothers stopped by the village fair.

Until the leaves fall gray,
And the sister-wives see the light,
Cry little boy who can't stop to play,
Beyond the simple town,
Where the Greensleeves start to fight,
And the masses to pray.
Jonny Angel Dec 2013
Cold & alone
on a dreary wintry-morn,
I read Greensleeves.

She must have been
someone truly-special
for Him broken
to have written,
such heartfelt words.

O, the pain of love!
Mateuš Conrad Mar 2017
it always comes out of america, it really does!
  you start listening to these guys
in the 21st century talking about psychedelic
"pioneers" from the 20th century...
- hey man! like take this l.s.d.
- n'ah man! d.m.t.! 15min of fab!
- magic mushrooms!
               to be honest, i wouldn't do that -
i don't know why i wouldn't...
       maybe because it's no longer a secret?
carlos casteneda's anthropological study
of a yaqui shaman, don juan -
and don juan says: keep it to yourself!
but no... the americans in the 20th century
had to write poetry... shout the mystic experience
from the rooftops!
and i'm like: well... that's ruined, what's the point
of doing these eywa roots?
              eywa? the avatar planet goddess...
i'd love to have tried those things,
but these fungi have been contaminated by
other people's experiences, which they noted down...
is it really that bad? someone might ask...
it's a bit like disrespecting other people's privacy,
the term privacy? should anyone attempt it...
          you can easily create junkies that way...
i was watching this video once...
  this american girl went in search of ayahuasca
in south america...
   she posted regular videos...
                             after a few videos, and she's
back home in america...
                   she's no longer eating / smoking it...
whatever... she's injecting it...
             move it back to europe...
                                    well, compared to you
"cool kids" in america... (apart from the dutch)...
  we're still going: give us enough *****
and a good song, some tobacco and we tell you
of mysticism of another kind: the type you see
with your naked eyes.
            i can't remember how many times
i had mystical(?) experiences drinking and listening
to music... usually nordic, but also germanic
music... ok even some slavic music...
                               english music?
                          you trying to bribe with candy
and a heart-numbing anesthetic?
                    you think i'd emotionally get-off
on english music? some henry the 8th greensleeves
suite?                        but, it's, only, alcohol...
   i'll mystify alcohol for you... end up feeling
so much that you have to burst into tears
    without any "enlightening" images,
geometric geriatrics...
                                i base everything on sounds,
**** the images, if there's a heaven i want to be
sitting next to homer, blind as a bat, as he ended
up being.
                  you want to know a mystical
experience from europe?
  well... yesterday i woke up with this unforgiving
pain in my neck, like i might have popped a ******
and it got stuck in my neck...
                 i blame the builders making a racket
too early in the morning...
                      so last night i was like: that's it! i've had
enough! **** this *** is good...
      so first it was 70cl of capn' morgan's white ***,
not bad, not bad at all...
              and then onto the pièce de résistance
   capn' morgan's original spiced gold -
                    making up about a litre of ***: in m'ah belly...
i'll be doing an apache yawn in a minute:
   ap ap pa pa pa - lazy onomatopoeia, i know:
i can't be bothered exacting that battle cry...
      but the zenith of this mystical experience came
after i butchered some food (ate it like a ravenous
wolf) - but i said to myself: not tomorrow!
   i'm not going to lie in bed with a neck-ache
like i might have popped a ****** and it got stuck
in my neck (austin powers' ref. third movie?) -
   and lo! behold... i woke up today chirpy like
a sparrow... chirp chirp! chirp chirp!
                                   and did the oddest thing
imaginable... i watched a "movie" -
                      watched batman: arkham city...
the walkthrough... up to chapter 20...
                                  now i see the funny side of professional
gamers... i can sorta start to build up a respect
for them now, before today i thought they
were a joke...
                               it felt like: the opposite of an audiobook?
in my life i might have listened to about 10minutes
of 1 audiobook... couldn't stomach it...
       but these game walkthroughs? now that's an
area i'm really going to discover after today -
they're practically movies (games these days) anyway -
   i remember times when playing games
meant you had sore fingers... like the first
time you pick up the guitar and one of your arms
starts aching because your fingers are getting
fried on the copper strings...
                           for some reason i can't imagine
myself playing a game like the one i ref. -
                     i prefer the game of hacking google...
but yeah... these games are great to watch,
but actually play them?
                        i'd rather shoot myself in the foot
before i start playing them...
    so yeah, the zenith of yesterday's mystical
    a. about a litre of *** (white and amber)
        b. 25mg of amitriptyline
   and crucially    
                                    c. 500mg of naproxen.
and this is for you, *******, having ruined
       the potential of having a psychedelic experience!
i didn't want to know... but thanks for telling me...
    **** yourselves, 20th century buggers
                                      and your poetic buggery.
Dreams of Sepia Oct 2015
Quiet, hallucinating Ombrophile seeks Pluviophobe
to convert to own religion
Must like ******* in the woods at night
& being happy to fight

angrily over nothing & to believe
in little green men
My personal hobbies include punting on the river
& singing ' Greensleeves'
Again, this is NOT a real ad...

' Greensleeves' is a traditional English song which you either love or hate...
'Ombrophile' is a lover of rain.... Pluviophobe is someone who has a fear of rain...

Punting on the river is a particular activity in England.... google it if you don't know what 'punting' means...
Nigdaw Apr 2023
the sound of the ice cream van
evokes memories of summers
wearing shorts on hot tarmac
which you can almost smell
the heat coming up on your legs
a blast of warm air and fumes
as an engine fights the heat
to bring you your chosen treat
passed from an impossibly high
window already dripping onto
a hand that you pray won't drop it
coldness on the tongue anticipated
but still not ready for just how cold
something can be in contrast to
the baking sun on the back of your
neck, mission complete ritual satisfied
until you hear again the Pied Piper
like chimes of Greensleeves outside
Mateuš Conrad Jun 2016
oh i was a bad man, a bad bad man... i better pay up, and say my prayers; you won't give me the Bob Dylan meadows of Kentucky tomorrow... you won't, just drive-through assertions on centipedes, Alistair Armstrong on the moon, the discovered and boring Alaska and Antarctic... what else, tortoise Tsars talking penguin? before the science gets there, the fiction will be repulsive to begin with.

and to think a tyrant like Henry VIII
could write the anthem (greensleeves) that's not
god save the queen*, and allow the queen her head?
but i'm sure the proverbial fancy of England
undermined both William and Canute
with her willing ways and her
hip-borne sways...
to mind i have but the Arabian girl
in mind her elephant costume of Baghdad -
but of course i revel is speaking for
all things human -
a timely message some would say with
choking at the joke - and i too,
for to hear the cockchafer, candle-lit moonlight
the baking of potatoes, the old ways of communism
spoken from the woods, ancient adverts
for the creased shirt, i'd be the African
                                                Bambo boy of tomorrow;
wild man of the north, whitened, ain't
Eskimo, and ain't no believer in superstition -
a man that feeds no soul to only feed the mind
and this, requested world, clean shaven
and happy tie-tight-dressed for the day-job,
loose feet numbering 7 inches in 12 inch shoes,
my tongue of a pauper in a wallet of a billionaire
spending a lifetimes's worth of food
and whatever vanities dragged into the stench
of a squat.
(20 minute poetry)

Stop me and try one
the ice lolly man
pedals on.

I shout for a cornet,
he cannot hear me
where once he was near me
he's now far away.

No ice cream today then
and when will I get one if
the lolly pop man
won't stop?

Greensleeves and
ice lolly memories
I wonder if Shakespeare
were here would
they stop for him?

This is fantasy
a Central line
romance for me

nothing to do but watch
shoe laces
stop me and tie one
hold on I might buy one
the tube rumbles on
in tune.
The hull was that of a freighter, merchant,
Old, but still under steam,
It rose from off the horizon, distant,
Out of somebody’s dream,
Its livery had been dull and black
But now it flaked and it peeled,
The paint rose up on bubbles of rust
It was once designed to have sealed.

And from its stack there was dark grey smoke
That rose and spread on the sea,
Fouling the air in a narrow track
So they wouldn’t be seen by me,
We put the coastal cutter about
And raised the flag in the sun,
So Sally could see we were headed out
As she went on the Black Dog run.

The day was done it was almost dusk
When we entered that trail of smoke,
The freighter, ‘Emily Greensleeves’ must
Have burnt off a ton of coke,
We only saw her faint through a haze
And never a single crew,
But only Sally up on the bridge
As the dog came rabbiting through.

The dog, as black as a tinker’s ***
Raced back and forth on the deck,
Not so much as a chain restraint
Or a collar stud at its neck,
It stood there slavering down at us
When we got up close with a gun,
And often we thought to pick it off
When out on the Black Dog run.

But then the freighter would slip away
Deep in its trail of smoke,
And we’d be left alone in the bay
Trying to breathe, not choke,
Others have said they will bring her in
This ghostly girl, with a gun,
But nobody’s able to pin her down
When out on the Black Dog run.

David Lewis Paget
Mateuš Conrad Sep 2017
i remember the first time i lost my virginity to a pair of police handcuffs, the ones in england are rigid, so you don't actually get to put your hands behind your back, rather, they're in plain sight, right in front of you... i had the occasional scruff with the law, well, that one time when i was alcohol poisoned by warm ***** and managed to turn a police van into a taxi home... loved the cage though, felt like a bit of a che guevara (gorilla, guerilla, yeah?)... oh, the handcuff loss of virginity... the offence? ******* in a dark alley, next to a dustbin... the **** of a colt of a police officer had too much testosterone in him, kept shouting and shouting at me like batman vs. the joker... i kept from laughing, drunk as i was: i was an inch away from the tsunami of giggles, and he shouted: get up! and i said, i can't be bothered... get up! he shouted, eventually i got up... you know, there's a better insult in poland concerning the police than mere pig... it goes along the nursery "rhyme" of: there's a boppy who only knows how to read, and there's a boppy, who only knows how to write... frau heimlich will explain, in sign language, and that's not braille - so, ****! thank you frau heimlich, for making a, devastating case of ****! (esp. with the missing Я) - i'm copernicus all over it... and make that two shakes of a fox's tale, some ice, a squeeze of lemon, and i'm bound to call your grandma: sunshine!

oh, right, the colt quiff of the blues brothers
suddenly took the cuffs off,
and i was free, ready for my manicure -
because, apparently, ******* in a dark alley
was not so bad, but a drunken brawl was...
i just love the fact that his screaming was
so ineffective on me,
    it almost felt like i became a virus that
built up an immunity to antibiotics -
or anti-*******...
     i might as well have asked for a second
loss of virginity to the handcuffs
by jerking off in public, luckily i had
enough sense in me to snigger while walking
back home...

blah blah nah nah... beside the point...

upon reading heidegger's aphorism 42 (vi) -
it just strikes me...
    i hear this ******* about identity not being
   the sort of **** that brings about bill C16
and the albino pronoun brigade,
who suddenly go: whoopie and strip it
even further, and we're left with language
like those *Gunther von Hagens
sculptures -
sign me up!
    you know, like totally bleaching people,
stripping them into a post-edenic state -
love the work though, francis baconesque -
can't be a genius: if you can't be mad -
the mad, the bad, and the not-so-bright;
but in this aphorism i conjured up a "spell":
you know that funny feeling you get when
you can reconnect with the antopia?
it's not a utopia as such, more a:
    and all these parts go together,
                                       like an ikea table;
it takes but a simple thing,
a book by a fellow countrymen,
or a song, like track 12, from the film
  ogniem i mieczem - husaria ginie
(death of the winged hussars) -
based on the book by h. sienkiewicz -
thus the aphorism which includes
the following:
   die völkisch (the folkish) worldview,
or better still die völkisch dasein,
the term has actually evolved -
  it's not longer a simply abstract da-sein,
it's concrete in the people, the land,
the artefacts, the basics of the most primitive
kind of artefact: an imprint
on the base of all if not merely some
things organic, inorganic, or at least
the aura of the physical: the melancholy
of, say, the english consistency to be
morose in its weather: overcast;
as you first notice - the first thing you
notice concerning england is:
either a double-decker bus, or the persistence
of overcast clouds... a bit like in the matrix movie;
no wonder then, the sense of humour.
yet that is heidegger's case -
english society has long forgotten its folkish
roots, sure they sometimes play
vaughan williams' fantasia on greensleeves
(and if my informant is correct,
  she mentioned it was originally composed
by the tyrant... henry viii?)
        and those funny looking druids
and the stonehenge -
        but, with kind respect - this country is all
but represented by metropolitanism,
   or that cocktail, cosmopolitanism -
          there is nothing folkish about this place,
a place has been replaced by a world,
been replaced by all things global,
subsequently replaced by an orb,
    a scarab beetle tucking into its dung,
egyptology, a **** similis twice removed
from an orangutan who we started calling
    firlin mc'donald...
                  then onto the moon,
  and **** all elsewhere...
           it's hard to think of a people in the anglophone
world, given that the actual language is
hardly a language for the people,
    so imbedded as to give a literary worth
to the people, a depth...
  english is the lingua franca of today,
or, should i say: lingua commercia -
  and by definition: it's a bit like latin -
                           a language: of dead ideas;
its insulative "protect the women" mentality is
like a cancerous addition to the already
abnormal growth: that, like chernobyl
   didn't ****, ought to have killed many more.
i still can't believe the intellectual toddlers
******* their thumbs clinging to darwinism
like koala bears...
         so yeah... do you think there was a branch
of humanity that evolved from bears?
it's become this boring, this sticking to our
darwinism, that is the source of the most
detestable jokes... as true as it might be:
   the pompousness, oddly enough,
doesn't rub off on continental europeans...
as heidegger points out:
   a people is the ground on which all creativity
proceeds; a people is with regard to the process
of creativity even the root out of which creativity
arises and stand...
  and isn't that the case?
    we've already stripped the people
to the basic grammatical units,
   bleached them, stripped them of an ethno-"bias",
and by that i mean: basic recognition -
  nay! a historical unit of the already governing
         no wonder there's a trans movement
and the abstracting recoil of the absurd -
     i'm the least surprised given that -
       perhaps this was not written in my native
tongue -
               i leave this page, i'll still ****** well
speak it...
    point being... america is a nation of immigrants?
personally? i like to think of them,
as a nation of mongrels...
          i was fed this jealous crap a long time
ago, in high school, where the history teacher
said that i would be the only child in the classroom
to not head into a concentration camp...
oh right: ******* special i was back then...
   just like any rottweiler pure breed looking
at your common mutt...
        and the atypical question in england
is? so, where you from?
    asked by a mix of sikh and irish?
     coupled with: so what ethnicity are you?
and the scary answer, that makes a sikh / irish
mongrel run away?
  oh you know, they sometimes refer to me
as a pure breed.
        mama didn't shnuckle up with some
******* ******.
             yeah, it sometimes gets that bad -
but a question like: where are you from,
                   over a pint of beer -
                       deserves that sort of response;
so when are we gonna talk about
black privilege, the blues, the jazz,
   and the 100m sprint, or the ethiopian /
kenyan long distance runners?
No Greensleeves here
no Elizabethan Reggae
only trees
which are not really green
except in the summer,

the roses are still dreaming
of the sun rising
there’s a while to go yet,

things flit past
but only bats,
so no worries
they’re heading back
after a night out.

Lighting a cigarette
because I’m old fashioned
and don’t Vape,

taking a moment of pleasure,

making it last forever
is more difficult.
Ryan O'Leary Jul 2019
Jackdaws are experiencing
what many families have to
endure, from demanding
children during  summer

Nesting periods have
come to a conclusion, but
the young crows have yet
to learn that they need to
fend for themselves.

Caws of complaints from
the rooftops, while down
on the street, Mr Whippy
is playing Greensleeves, to
the dismay of many parents.
Mateuš Conrad Feb 2022
title: VIII
body: hello 'enry,
how long are
those greens?!        again... another 502 bad gateway hack... with ref. to king henry the 8th composing: greensleeves

ich komme: belastet mit

i come: burdened with

well, "for some reason" that sounds
better in Deutsche...
why am i not surprised?
warum bin ich

the two weeks i'll be spending alone,
i don' think i'll be switching
on the television...
if i only had a replacement
akin to a fireplace... or an aquarium...
no, **** that, i'll be drinking,
doing the house chores...
ironing shirts, vacuuming...

i woke today and started thinking...
maybe i should go gay...
literally: LITERALLY...
should i go full gay with a Greek...
last time at Fulham a Greek approached
me coyly... but adamantly...
he complimented me on my beard:
that i looked like a Greek Orthodox PRIEST...
that's what i'm saying...
maybe it might be easier to find
companionship among my fellow ***
if the opposite *** is so ******* opposed:
or rather hides symptoms of ugly
***... choking, strangling... ugh... too much
of too little to begin with...

and why is it that whenever i talk to
people i'm always experiencing
a ******* confession.... huh?!
why are people so open around me?
am i, one-dimensional?
of course i'm teasing the narrative...
i'm teasing the narrative because i know
that i have the one currency most people
don't have: truthfulness...

i'll be Thor in my youth and Odin
on my deathbed...
i already stated...
crows in England fly in a couple...
there's Huginn... there's Muninn...
or if there's only one flying: it's most certainly Huginn...
i.e. will... motivation...

there's too big an undercurrent of a cultural
retrospective happening in Europe
to find oneself Christian...
pagan music...
               enough, is enough...
the biggest troll of the Semites that
******* Lord of the Mosquitos: turning blood
into wine or vice versa... whatever...
the Hebrews have reclaimed their homeland...
or else: they're in North America...

sure... what's the consequence?
Pakistani "invaders"... paedophiles...
Saudi limp-**** fetishists...
gimps... fair enough: if that's the sort of thing
that floats your boat...
how long can a city in a *******
desert survive? 100 years? i give them...
100 years before the prophecy akin
to ***** & Gomorrah comes around...
100 years... sure... have your fun!
please, by all means due... have your fun!
i need to watch it... so that when i die
i'll by dying with a rare sort of comfort
of having predicted the future...

Nick? oh, that ******* from school... Nicholas...
i do hope he ended up living in Australia,
although... the thought of moving to either
Canada, the FSA (federal states of America,
they were never united, were they?),
Australia, New Zealand... eh?! what the ****?!
move there, to the penal colony?
i'd rather ******* to the Kamchatka Peninsula...
see a volcano explode every forthnoight
or something...

          freedom and democracy was something
the west was selling other people of this hearth
for much too long... now look where these people are?
in a ******* grammatical pickle...
just like the nobility at the height of
the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth...
it's sort of easy... shooting yourself in the foot...
what the **** have you allowed to be done
to your language? it really takes a foreigner to keep
up your ******* affairs?! seriously?!

one wasn't expecting such affairs to unfold...
but then: one wasn't expecting to remain
on these isles... are we agreed upon, that this sort of feels...

i must be daydreaming...
there's no other explanation...
even if i begged a reply of Horace...
i'd get a jumbled reply filled with holes
and metaphors...

O menschen! was haben sie gar?

one thing is for sure...
the A on my QWERTY
is almost rubbed out...
   implying? am i going to suddenly convert
to the cult of Allah?
all?                 ah!
that bit?         ha ha...
or maybe that the vowel A is the most
used letter in the vowel category...
idiots write rules for idiots to follow...
someone else writes some ******* for
some people to feel a whole load of *******
about: everyone else...

i guess i'm in the latter category...
why would i care... i can forget about this little
project of mine when i go to the brothel
and when i play out the role of a steward
at a football stadium...
when i mind children and when i mind
old men...
oh man... that recent death at Fulham
crippled my heart for about 10 minutes...
but it most certainly helped me
forget Gemma for those 10 minutes...
i still can't forget her...
i love mad *******... the more problematic they
are the more i'm hard-on for them...
they have to be ****** up:
proper... both in the **** and the head
for me to get some magnetism from
i don't do safe, i don't to sterile...
i don't do armchair opposite *** types...
like i already stated:
here's me thinking about going GAY...

but no... i couldn't stomach TRANS...
gay i can stomach...
two guys with beards kissing i can do...
it's ancient...
why would trans-phobia be categorised
as an "irrational" fear?
can't one possess a rational fear
of being deceived?!
that's like... the whole crux of / on the basis
of the experience / concept of reality and "reality", no?!

well, i'm thinking: go full gay or
just court the mad *******...
otherwise... ******* to the brothel whenever you feel like,
esp. when grooming your cats and the female
is gearing up her backside at you...
o.k., you know what, cat...
   i'm going to dive for that fleshy oyster
i'm, not, going, to properly, eat!

— The End —