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jeffrey conyers Oct 2018
Grammarly, you're a lifesaver.
Like gum is too bad breath.
Except, don't twist my words to fit your correct phasing.
Heck, I know what I am saying?

In my mind, I created this.
Just to see you trying to make me say that.
Grammarly, leave a little room.

Remember, this is my poem.
Sure I can push the word ignore.
Then I would have to say that be a bore.
jeffrey conyers Aug 2019
I write using it.
But sometimes, it tries to change my words.
Be creative on its own.

Like a prince trying to dethrone his King.
Yes, Grammarly tries to change things.

Except, let me be me.
Through my writing, I can write poetic themes.

Some come quick.
Some would make great songs.
Until Grammarly think I am writing wrong.
Robert Watson Sep 2021
What Grammarly premium makes me feel like:
a Neanderthal.
Writing some essays today, and the premium suggestion list keeps adding up.
We can all go swimming in the plastic sea
with lego man and his family.

Grammarly says lego should be with a capital L
I told Grammarly to go to hell
I can spell and my words are my words
except for grammarly and lego but there you go
we can't all be perfect
maybe Peter can be
and of course
Lady Penelope
but beware
Parker's a shark in the shallows.

That's it
another load of krap,
oh ****
I shouldn't have said that
now I feel like whatsisname?
you know
that guy in the jewellery game
yeah that's it, Mr
Why would you walk into the lion's den when the lions have yet to be fed?

some things beggar belief, but you can't fill your bellies with belief or so I am led to believe,
some hold out their hands for alms, some hold up their arms in praise,
some hold up banks,

you have to do what or what do you have to do to make it through this obstacle race they call life?
Grammarly tells me I should rewrite that for clarity!!!
as I said
why walk into the lion's den when the lions have yet to be fed.
Mateuš Conrad Mar 2019
.            a variant of "telepathy"...
or the acute relationship
of a schizophrenic menu
   technological advancements...
invisible bypasses of sight...
lost intestine relativity
of cables...
           man on the moon...
  to the simple man,
   epitome, 1990s music...
     some think we're living
in an orwellian reality...
i can't even begin a genesis
of double-think,
without first relying myself
on the simple gesture
of either a roulette,
or a washing machine...
keep it simple,
herr zensor:
stop perplexing me as
if pretending to be
a ******* magician,
dear bureaucrat...
                    you're not Kant...
in the days when
a censor thinks he's
a magician,
and a bureaucrat thinks
he's a "somehow" philosopher?

i'm drunk, and i give a ****
about how i ******* avoid
the lynch mob anti dyslexia...
your average grammarly
user... first gave away
their freedom from a king
via auto-correct,
to an a.i.
   and... m'eh...
  m'eh... meritocracy?
        avoiding that,
is available too?
    smell that?
   smell that pungent scent?
no, no, it's not one of those
fashion houses doing
a take on what
an anorexic's **** looks,
let alone smells like...
an invisible fish...
  ghost's: rats
versus pearl jam's: rats...
counter the former...
you need that creeping
base level
     duet with drums...
like imitation of gnawing...
  sewers, dark future...
    königratte simply said:
shhhhhhh, or "acronym" grand Š...
canadian grunge can do
that to you...
you become...
   sensitive to...
what one could expect to
wrestling with one's shadow,
akin to no god but
to a titan...

- and what was given to them
on a platter...
they deflected...
they needed master a.i.
to correct their grammar...
to correct their spelling...
just when touch-screen
******* of a technology
came, they never, bothered,
to evaluate
the keyboard and a direct
translation onto a pixel /
belzeebub's eye canvas...
it's already demeaning
to have given up my
and if anyone were to read
each and every letter
i used to compose
a print letter with
a yours sincerely
end and signature...
i'd say:
  you signed off on a cipher.

  i mentioned telepathy, didn't i?
try, a simulation of schizophrenic
symptoms in the comments
   schizophrenia "qua" telepathy
that's what the pop comment
section in the internet "agora"
looks like...  

grammarly.... how does it work?
algorithm fed dyslexia,
modern hieroglyphs and...
nothing to do with someone
minding an acute sense of spelling
while conveying meaning
while listening to: crowded house,
weather with you.

"complex" this that, and the other...
batallion satan
and timothy looking
squint-eyed at the end of a barrel
of an M16...
  because: when was it ever
an antonym to consider
putting your head into the tip
of a canon, and putting
your head into a lion's gob?

holiday's over, gen X,
oops, i guess...
   when the pop culture hits
the curb...
   you know that there are
only outliers who keep
the already kept momentum alive...
since the everyday grey statistic
of a person,
will continue,
and preserve,
  and crack jokes about
  alpha males with a throng
of beta cucks...
     the solitary confined...
the dried-up eggs
of an inhibited female potential...
and the divorce-court
******* and parasites...

right now?
    if i were at least 50 years old
at the end of the 20th century...
Sistine chapel and what not:
a kept "reverence"...
but nothing i could relate to,
relating to a song by
crowded house...
   or dinosaur jr....
   or blind melon...
or soul asylum
       (david priner...
   he just looks like
paul kossoff in some angles)...

but who's talking?
  i'm 32, i'm the first of the first
youth exposed to the internet...
in the mainstream view,
microsoft chat-rooms...
bypassed myspace...
         when facebook ventured
into the university crowd,
as it spread like a wildfire
via the anti-excuse
for ad-companies:
word of mouth...
        i clocked in on
before... the ****-storm
took off...

      i'm bemused...
comment sections of the internet,
i always find people are
confused with regards
to what a 1st person
architecture looks like
to what a 3rd person
architecture looks like,
notably without a d.m. thread...

       so... these people speak
as they type?
or an avenue in imitating
a schizophrenic symptom
of "hearing voices"?
oh joy...
   until those people never
experience this ancient
bicemeral lineage
of symptoms...
how will they ever know,
made claustrophobic or
egoistic by their own:

**** sodden selves?

  personally? i admire
pontius pilate...
    of all the "characters" in
the new testament,
he's my modus operandi
source of inspiration...
    he's like that tourist,
once upon a time,
in london's trafalgar sq.,
being sold breadcrumbs
by tourist baiters...
  and then...
   the cloud of descending

no... baptism...
baptism does not relieve
one of the "original sin"...
what pontius pilate did
was more than john
the baptist could ever do...
the symbolism
of pontius pilate was always
more to me than
dipping a grown man
into a lake...

   satan? is it really a menacing
  not if you grew up in
and attended a catholic mass,
when the creed is being
   there was always,
something, morbid, beautiful,
but at the same time
menacing associated
with, pontius, pilate,
preceeded by the words:
condemned under...

    like the grand disappearing
act of man,
known to the gods:
of the mortal skew in
a momentary parabolla e.g.,
the footprints of but one man
on the shore,
and then, the grand gasp
of the sigma of: that is man,
what is man...
the heaving grip
of the "totalitarian" grand +
of the: to come
(replacement demographics).

- rigid *******...
their only love, expressed,
is hardly punctured
by punctuation marks,
notably, esp., when deviating
from the claustrophobia
of a paragraph narrative...
******* to all
the descriptive language
with, an anti-******
       of the dialogues...
leaving gaping holes,
gashing wounds
for theatre writers...
who... specialiße in dialogues
and in-between
narration of body-language
gesticulation of
a persona non grata,
           thankfully missing.

poetry? simple...
         paint me a picture;
can't paint me a picture
beside the rigidity of
a geometry?
   or a "thinking outside,
the box"?
   n'ah... let's pretend
i have a short-attention span...
or i'm, currently
fashioning myself
in symptoms of narcolepsy;
what then?

   william burroughs
tapped into this potential...
unlike tristan tzara...
he didn't pull out
snippets of newspaper
from a top-hat,
which was shoved up
the poet's ***
for the sake of the entire
cabaret voltaire outlet
of performance;

no genuine scrutiny on the by-pass,
notably anti-war...
if, war, was, clearly,
mechanisms of torture...
while the rest of us
started playing an evolved
version of hide & seek...
by playing, art,
or... what's called stalling.
Sumit Ganguly Jul 2017
Ropes and strings often syntax them
hammers and pliers verb hard and soft
words and themes are seasoned by us
to appear nice and sensible

Tools are made with precision
they are strong, need adept handling.
No tool ever drew a picture.
Brain and heart can create a world.

5th July, 2017.
Naptural Mermaid Dec 2013
I call myself a poet
Yet I'm not grammarly correct
Taking bad breaks
Rhyming here and there

I call myself a poet
As if poetry has been instilled in me
Like I learned it

I call myself a poet
Who has nothing to say but to
Only express my complex emotions

I call myself a poet
Maybe I'm just some pretentious girl
Trying to be deep  
Knowing that the words I express
Are not me

I call myself a poet
Hoping that one day
Someone else will know it

I call myself a poet
Repetition of these words
So it could be heard
That I call myself a poet
There's the thrift shop and
that's the pop the weasel shop,

this is the high street
a bit down on its luck
and these are the councilors
who don't give a ****.

(Grammarly suggests I put a question mark after ****,
so I did, ****, off Grammarly)

I am wondering when
they'll start building again
or have we run out of bricks?

The economy appears to have had
a hysterectomy and
someone will **** me for this.
Elizz Oct 2019

Ombre colored
           Pressed flush to bone

Hellions march
Witch tip  
        To cat tail

Rift n eager
           Expectations above meager
                                        Grammarly says this texts sounds dissatisfying


So upon couch I settle
Lights ground to the pestal
Twill flicker no more

So no knocks at the  door
Happy Halloween everyone be safe! (And aware Big Brother is watching)
Broadly speaking on a narrow field of subjects,
it's how you put it, said the..
..oh, that joke's probably banned.

not got over it yet?
you will.

there's usually an outcome going somewhere when you're looking for somewhere to get out.

The thing about Tuesdays is
there are so many of them
maybe more than Fridays,
they certainly seem to last longer.

Grammarly's still on at me
correcting me
I look on
with that
Mona Lisa smile.
Graff1980 Jun 2015
There were greater writers
That no one will remember
Sinners singing for their dinner
Tale weavers not award winners

But they were better than some of those
**** famous deadbeat poets
Those dirt dry boring heartless poets
Anthology barn describing
Empty mind driving
Generation after generation
Stale lifeless shells of poets

You missed the raw talented
Death seeking reeking writer
While you were pursuing some tired muse
She was riding through the darkness
Spiting you while inviting you
To partake of the snake that eats itself

The academic was systemic
Of the social sickness
That wants grammarly fitness
Till the point they cut the fruit off
And ate the bark
They plugged in the tv man
But ignored the spark
Lost the heart in pursuing
The same style the old poets were using
Till they changed styles to the new old poets

Meanwhile the cutting edge
Was in back water cities
Bleeding all deep poetry
Feeling everything but pity
And writing it so fast and beautifully

But you never took the time to see
Wrote some stuff that puts us all to sleep
Now we are creeping toward the two thousand and twenties
And I have found those once lost voices
They are rocking the twitter feeds
The facebook pages
The tumblr streams
Welcome to the digital age
Don’t need the old guard
To raise us up
It’s a true poets dreams
Were voices scream dissonantly
But still form a social harmony
They won’t forget me
And I won’t miss out on them
what does the Oracle have to say?

things will get badder
before they get better.

then I thought
that I heard someone calling,
but it was me
back to forever falling.

(Grammarly sanctions me
for using
the word badder
and 'quite frankly my dear,
I don't give a ****')
Snow and Jalapeno
hit them hard but
take it slow,
them things kills you
don't you know?

and Grammarly puts up a flag
makes it **** instead of kills
if I've been killed a thousand times
that's a lot of kills,
init Grammarly?
It's always them and us
them are in the limousines
and we're stuck on the bus,
( Grammarly tells me that it
should be
'they are in the limousines' )

dream on Grammarly,

we could be them and them could be us
and then we'd be in the limousines and
they'd be on the bus,

that's beyond a fairy tale
where the coffin waits for one more nail
and the last boat for China's waiting to sail,

I bet it will be a slow one.
Tuesday took its time in coming,
on the plus side
had Tuesday been a red balloon
and I was in the USA
Tuesday wouldn't be here till next week.

bang bang
we shot it down
bang bang
it can't be found

it's easy to be
when the days are stacked
against you.

Grammarly says,
remove the space
should get the **** outa my face
jeez it's not even four thirty yet.
I can hear seagulls
they must be lost
unless like me
they move in a sea
of concrete.

(Grammarly's going into one, add some comma's John,
oh! keep yer knickers on Grammarly it's Sunday and a day of rest)
swipe me sideways
with a kipper and
thank God it's nearly over.

The bells have rung
the choir has sung
and someone brung
a bottle to the party,

(Grammarly tells me that brung
is an unknown word,
Grammarly oughta
get up North a
bit more)

Don't think of tomorrow as a Monday,
don't think of tomorrow at all,
that's my advice.
There was never a plan
no this, no man
no never, no then or than
no fukin plan
fruition came
limes dropped like lemons
to finish whatever game it was
what was it then?

men'll tell you
what you want to hear,
but if you're savvy
it's in one and out of the other ear,

Grammarly's on my case,
this doesn't work
this isn't right
you shouldn't write this
on a Saturday night,


I'm okay,
this is just pottery
disguised as **** poetry,
Grammarley's still on my case.
I thought that I'd never been older than when I got hold of this pen but that was then and now I'm older still.

it never seems right that when I'm sitting tight time whizzes past me on some flamboyant trajectory leaving me behind and yet when I look behind me time's there and I find me watching time whizzing past me again.

Grammarly tells me, get a grip
Grammarly doesn't half give me the pip
like an old friend, it'll be there at the edn!
Dear People of the World,
I don't mean to be slutty,
But please use me when ever you want.
we know it is Friday,
have you got anything planned?

a night out,
a night in,
a night doing nothing,
perhaps trying to begin
a new chapter?

I hear laughter
but it's only me
laughing at this odd
just corrected me
on the spelling)

I'm still here
enjoying a beer
watching the fireworks.
My chances of being offended ended Delaney's donkey's years ago,
Grammarly just corrected me and did I care? not in the slightest, you can correct me in any way that takes your fancy and that probably offends the corporal punishment crew and ***** them too which more than likely offends everyone who's a carpenter.

you can't win which offends the optimists, the bookmakers, casinos and the wheels of fortune,

some dinosaurs survived the long winter
and that probably offends someone.
Not the same

The result is another poem unlike the one
I wrote in my head.
The poem that has another conclusion
this because the inner voice changed my opinion.
I try the Grammarly that informs about passive
the sentence, well it was meant to be passive, worst
of all, it suggests a change of words which is
Ignored I’m not writing a document.
The Grammarly helpful with my lack of commas
I then correct the poem and send it on its way,
but it is not the poem I wrote in bed.
This week almost killed me
but it did not,
just took a shot at me
and missed,
now it's the weekend
it could be thrills galore,
but whatever it is it has got to
be more
than the previous five days.

This has nothing to do with anything, but
Grammarly is getting right on my ****
underlining bits of text
commenting on what goes where
and what is best
what next?
a chalk duster
flung through the screen at me?

I can roll with the punches
because I'm putting on weight,
well rounded, I'm told,
then again they tell old people
what they want to,
don't you?
Mel Mar 2021
My sister creases her eyebrows with a melodramatic pout and BAM my phone unlocks

My brother, with a satirical smirk gleams at its camera and BAM the same outcome

Within one singular moment, they have access to all my inner secrets and privacy hidden behind the locked screen.

And though it just seems like a software error on apples half, the suspenseful irony is louder than the sound of my phones screen hitting the cold hard and textured pavement.

My reflection, nothing more than the people around me.  

If I were to submit my personality of Turn it in, I fear that it would highlight all the words I have spoken, asking for my references. It would clear me of my ideologies and leave a blank page titled ‘what was original’. Grammarly, would suggest better words and underline my lack of structure. Google docs would warn me that my ‘new draft’ is not yet saved with my improper connections and safari would constantly warn me of possible identity theft.

I’m scared if you get close enough you will find that I am a puzzle made of lost pieces. The completion, a tactile experience of misfits, lifted with bent ends, forced together to create an abstract image of everybody else.

The endless hours spent in confusion, the restless eyes searching for a border, only to find that the picture doesn’t reflect the image on the box.
the image that you expected
The image that you desired.

My mirror, smudged with fingerprints of someone else, angled away from my body only reflecting the people I am ought to become.  

I fear that if a mirror could talk, it would expose me of all that, to which I have stolen.

Most of all, I fear that once you unlock the phone, see the puzzle, gaze into my mirror you would find an idiosyncratic reflection that I do not yet recognise.
I'm looking for constructive criticism on my poems so pls comment:)
Neuroses is just another one of the seas we sail on,
Grammarly tells me that it's ( 'are' and not is )
but if you say 'are' at sea,
they might think you're a pirate,
Satsih Verma Nov 2017
How do I remember
you, I ask grammarly
between life and death.

You were not very
keen to know,
what I did not say.

What I saw was a
moonshot, restrained by a dig in.

Ultimately I sniffed that,
nobody wins in love.

The bona fides are at stake.
The mob was not a validity,
stranger than real.

Collectively I will gather
the stones to throw on god.

The road warrior was dead.
There was no path.
You're still asleep
and I know it's Monday,
but that info' will keep.

Grammarly's on at me
to look in the dictionary
and take my cues from
the words set within.

What a malarkey
out in the dark he
looks for a sign and
can't see a thing.
We all want free time
the me, me, me, time
it's my, my, my time
which is funnily enough
time for me time.

( goes around clockwise but none the wiser )

Grammarly tells me to remove an article,
this isn't strip poker though, is it?
but that's
by the by and
something for me and my time.
When you're missing a link in the chain
the outcome, if any, would not be the same
as it would be when you're the full complement,

now some will tell you it's not complement
it's compliment
even Grammarly may have concerns,
either way
whatever you may think
it's still a chain that is missing a link,

the wheels on the bus do not go round and round when it's standing at a stop do they?
it's just a memory.
it must be Tuesday.
it was when I awakened
usually I just awake,
but today is special.

Grammarly goes apoplectic
which is
as far as I know
somewhere in Canada
or it should be.

I need more coffee,
strong and black,
a lot more caffeine
to stop me from falling
right back to sleep.

She says
are you at it again?
I have no idea
what She means.
Grandma Grammarly is watching me
she haunts me day and night and
watches everything I do
especially when I write.
Satsih Verma Mar 2021
Grammarly it hurts.
The pale eyes ****. I clap and ****
the smile. Someone knocks at the door.

Stage was empty. Not
finding any movement. The seminudes
don't want to display cuts and bruises.

Vertigo. My gloves hang.
Wearing a mask, takes away the vibes.
Words sleep on lips. I become dumb.
Grammarly you get on my ****
stop shredding my sentences
and taking my paragraphs to bits,

oops, did I write this in colour?
It's only when you see who is not there
that you realise, eight hundred people, fifteen hundred and ninety-nine eyes and not one or even two of them are yours.

the one-eyed man was drinking a can and I think it was cider and he was using a straw, you may wonder what for, well, it gets you drunk quicker and cheaper so you can sleep a while longer before the hunger starts again,

and I understand that I hunger for, but not, I think for drink, maybe for social interaction, something more?

Grammarly's ravaging me
savaging these words
*** it
I don't care.
Satsih Verma Mar 2021
Grammarly it hurts.
The pale eyes ****. I clap and ****
the smile. Someone knocks at the door.

Stage was empty. Not
finding any movement. The seminudes
don't want to display cuts and bruises.

Vertigo. My gloves hang.
Wearing a mask, takes away the vibes.
Words sleep on lips. I become dumb.
Thus we swerve them
those questions that are so hard
for most men
and we don't answer them.

And the female knows
that nothing grows
in barren ground.

I should have joined the army
but instead
I got me wed.

Grammarly tried to change me wed into mewed
I am a ***** cat

off to work.
This will become a recent post
just as soon as I have written it.

but it's of no consequence
it's just me
scribbling some nonsense.

Tuesday looks as grimm as one
of those dark fairy tales
but it will get better
unlike this.

(Reading between the lines)
Grammarly tells me,
that I'm **** at punctuation,
missing comma's in compound
what does that even mean?
but it will get better,

I'll get better too
when the  work of the
working week
is through.

This is now a recent post
(subject to planning approval)
On the tenth day of the first month in the year of our good gawd is that the time?

tame yourself Grammarly and stop moithering me with suggestions.

Everything wants to chime in without putting the time in to stop and think of how I would feel,
but I feel fine.

It's another day and I shall ****** away until the day is done and then back home for tea,

She asks me
what are you making?
taking a liberty
I say,
love to you.

— The End —