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VG E Bacungan Jun 2014
His* thoughts concerned none other,
but of her – her irrational anger.
directed at him for no real matter,
for committing an honest mistake; like it was ******.

She called,
but didn't listen.
She hung up,
without even asking
what really happened.

                       Now he's crying.
                       His being is,
                       no tears are flowing
                       from his eyes
                       for they were barren
                       An empty vessel,
                       he needed loving.
                       But what he got?
                          A message saying. . .
                                                            ­                     *   ~
                                   ­                             *Goodnight, I'm sleeping.
                                                       ­          let's talk some other time.
                                                           ­      I'm tired from working.

                                                       ­                         **   ~
First of the series of poems done solely for the purpose of expressing current extreme feelings. Misunderstanding with my baby. </3
Lyn-Purcell Aug 2018

Let not the trails of life cast us into
the womb of despair
Let not the betrayals of Man embitter
us where we no longer trust
Understand that time on Earth is short.
It is our choice to fight the battles;
the weapons were provided.
Fight to live right, fight to live well.
And when your flame blows out
and you know Eternal Peace,
you would have won the war.
No man is perfect.
No man is a saint.
No man is a God.
Man is Man.
Know your value.
Know your worth.
Live your dreams.
Hone your crafts.
Face your fears.
It's okay to be selfish.
It's okay to make mistakes.
Don't let society eat and tear at you to the
point that it rips your very soul to shreds, and you feel like life is not worth living.
You are entitled to live, so live your best life
and let the haters stew.
But most of all believe...

I know it can be easier said than done, we're only human after all.
I do personally struggle with some of these, but I do try to stick with them.
Life's too short as it is.
When I was younger, I thought being 20 was old.
I'm 23 and man, am I so grateful to still BE here!
Just know no matter the situation, good or bad, it doesn't last forever. Do your best to live right, do your best to do right but also try to live. Many of us exist and survive.
Please live.
Be selfish in a sense that you give yourself the focus and self love that you need. That's where it all begins. ^-^
Lyn ***
Dylan Apr 2012
How is it that all I see and believe
isn't more than what one can conceive?
Trapped inside these bound'ries of mine,
flipping and flopping down the stream of time,
my thoughts not more than the glint of sunshine.

So I laugh! I laugh! Great boisterous humor!
To laugh and to giggle at the falseness and rumors;
to snicker and snacker  at the play of all forms;
to chortle and chuckle at deviations and norms;
I will laugh at the process as my soul transforms.

So I laugh! I laugh! Though pains may embitter!
To laugh and to giggle at all senseless chatter;
to snicker and snacker at what's caught within;
to chortle and chuckle at all that is sin;
I will laugh at the moment when nothing begins.

So join me, my friend, and forget of your fears!
We'll both laugh, together, at the grinding of gears;
we'll both giggle, together, at prophets and seers.

So join me, my friend, and forget of your aches!
Laugh with abandon at this game and its stakes;
laugh with abandon as this machinery breaks.
When I rov’d a young Highlander o’er the dark heath,
  And climb’d thy steep summit, oh Morven of snow!
To gaze on the torrent that thunder’d beneath,
  Or the mist of the tempest that gather’d below;
Untutor’d by science, a stranger to fear,
  And rude as the rocks, where my infancy grew,
No feeling, save one, to my ***** was dear;
  Need I say, my sweet Mary, ’twas centred in you?

Yet it could not be Love, for I knew not the name,—
  What passion can dwell in the heart of a child?
But, still, I perceive an emotion the same
  As I felt, when a boy, on the crag-cover’d wild:
One image, alone, on my ***** impress’d,
  I lov’d my bleak regions, nor panted for new;
And few were my wants, for my wishes were bless’d,
  And pure were my thoughts, for my soul was with you.

I arose with the dawn, with my dog as my guide,
  From mountain to mountain I bounded along;
I breasted the billows of Dee’s rushing tide,
  And heard at a distance the Highlander’s song:
At eve, on my heath-cover’d couch of repose.
  No dreams, save of Mary, were spread to my view;
And warm to the skies my devotions arose,
  For the first of my prayers was a blessing on you.

I left my bleak home, and my visions are gone;
  The mountains are vanish’d, my youth is no more;
As the last of my race, I must wither alone,
  And delight but in days, I have witness’d before:
Ah! splendour has rais’d, but embitter’d my lot;
  More dear were the scenes which my infancy knew:
Though my hopes may have fail’d, yet they are not
Though cold is my heart, still it lingers with you.

When I see some dark hill point its crest to the sky,
  I think of the rocks that o’ershadow Colbleen;
When I see the soft blue of a love-speaking eye,
  I think of those eyes that endear’d the rude scene;
When, haply, some light-waving locks I behold,
  That faintly resemble my Mary’s in hue,
I think on the long flowing ringlets of gold,
  The locks that were sacred to beauty, and you.

Yet the day may arrive, when the mountains once more
  Shall rise to my sight, in their mantles of snow;
But while these soar above me, unchang’d as before,
  Will Mary be there to receive me?—ah, no!
Adieu, then, ye hills, where my childhood was bred!
  Thou sweet flowing Dee, to thy waters adieu!
No home in the forest shall shelter my head,—
  Ah! Mary, what home could be mine, but with you?
The sweetest words
embitter my Lady Sea.
Nor can fire evaporate
that raging ocean.

When a man speaks
with voice of mouse,
hear her shriek-ethereal
nullify even love-potions.

I darest ask her,
mustn’t I dare?
Wouldn’t even a grimace,
tease my loving stare?

Lady Sea, storm in your soul.
Were you to splatter like glass
wouldn’t I still find nourishment?
Just an element of you.
Just a taste.
I would consume it infinitely,
leave none to waste.

Lady Sea,
lady see, I whimper, I pine.
Your wish is thine.

Lady Sea,
hair like nimbus sail,
I paddle at your door...
To no avail.
How do you know when you're in love and, most importantly, does it even matter if she doesn't love you back?
Sharon Talbot Jul 2018
"A blue and gold mistake",
Wrote Emily from inside her room,
A self-inflicted tomb,
About a path she could not take,
Into the month of June.

Let others stroll beneath its cerulean sky
And thank the sward, on which they lie,
A lunging into voluptuous play,
Yet blinded to the rushing by
Of sultry month and jovial day.

Did the poet’s being kept apart
From worldly joys well-made,
Or from crystal pools and glaucous glades,
From brilliant sun that fashions shade,
Embitter her admiring heart
To look askance at anything that fades?

Did she not care that
One month, though doomed to end,
Was also made to reappear
After the long march of winter’s year
As the sun came round again,
To loose us from our unlocked pens?
This was inspired by Emily Dickinson's assessment of June as a mistake in her poem "These are the days when the birds come back". I imagined I was writing to her, perhaps reading it outside her window, trying to cheer her up a bit by reminding her that changing seasons are not all bad--that the month of June is not only joyous, but reappears.
Edna Sweetlove Nov 2014
Methinks he doth protest too much
About the abomination of *******,
And of those unnatural ****** urges
By which some men are so sorely tempted.
Is it not an old adage such such comments
Are but a case of hidden desires
Of a similarly 'unnatural' nature
Suppressed through innate guilt and learned shame?
He who struggled against his own dark needs
For manly cameraderie and love,
Succumbing only to sordid secret acts,
Who fought against self-admission of shame
By feigning romantic love for ladies
Is now enraged by gay liberation,
Outraged by the love that now dares
To speak its name and to embrace in public.
For he knows that his time for an honest love
Has gone and only dry ashes remain
To embitter his few remaining days.
Methinks he wanketh in secret.
Gautam vasisth Sep 2017
someone is listening.
someone is listening All the time someone is watching your back . Hardships are fun .
boredom is death.
Death is a pause ,and you need a full stop to stop altogether.  
There is no full stop in a circle but a circle of course is a loci after all of a dot. A full stop. Nucleus is you .
You the periphery .
Death will not ease your thing but will delay and embitter the future.
To the one that is you .
nyant Feb 2018
Oh JD how I admired thee,
your sinister sarcasm,
your sharp screeching scream,
your pink pursed lips,
always as if you were to whistle.

You sat in your chair arms rested,
after another exhausting session with
disengaged delinquents,
I'd always feel a sense of guilt,
as your red face cooled down after every class.

I'd always appreciate the days when we pleased you,
How hard it was to please you.
The prince of of punctuation,
when will these fools stop forgetting where to place their commas,
when will they wake up and realign to the standard Oxford rule.

I wonder if you studied there,
or why you wouldn't drive one,
perhaps that's why you loved the phrase manners makyth so much.

You taught me about literature and African history,
the best possible combination of Shaka speare,
I feel that I impressed you more in the latter,
but that doesn't really matter.

We're world's apart now,
as you continue in your most precious profession,
I lay in my bed writing poems,
slightly clueless about this post adolescent world.

I forget much,
but I'll always remember the strolls to the cats and dogs,
the advice and complaints,
the doubts about saints,
the sky blue in your eyes.

How I wished you would fly,
above  from the gloom that seemed to,
keep your head bowed down to the ground,
that you would once again smile at the sound of the birds at dawn...
Bygones be bygones.

Little did you know that you became a father figure,
I respected your resolute resolve to stand for your convictions,
clarity climbed off the cusp of your tongue as you cried,
you were sure of yourself and spoke your mind,  
I do think you could have been a little more gentle,
So could I.

I learned so much from you,
but I may have also learned your sadness,
but it's something I had to let go,
your roots run deeper than I'll ever know,
maybe something sour happened along the way to embitter them.

Whatever the case may be,
please forgive any inaccuracy,
I'll always hold you fondly,

Dal90 Jan 2021
With trepidation I say
Hello 2021
I hope you’ve brought your ‘A game’
It’ll take some effort to better last year’s fun
So don’t think about setting Australia on fire
And if we’re dealing in favours
Leave behind that global pandemic
And those backward white supremacists with their guns
Then I reckon we’ll be on to a winner
We’ve already done ourselves a favour by removing the supposed leader of the free world
With a shockingly legal election that relieved the unbearable tension
For now at least
There’s one less person in power who’s a glorified sinner
Even though he’s still somehow revered by millions
Who’ll now have to operate as postillions
Now the “coachman” is as elusive as Ghislaine Maxwell
Nahhh, I shouldn’t be silly
If I think about it I really should become a Palaeontologist
Because I’ve got one hell of a big bone to pick
There’s more problems at play than millionaire paedophiles
Even Harry and Megan leaving the monarchy pales into insignificance
Despite the global shock
Ringing out like the independent chimes of the Liberty Bell in ‘Philly’
Because down in the abandoned streets that I frequent
The dark truth runs a little thicker
Leaving the “real people” rightfully embitter
Did Tashan Danial deserve to only pre-exist?
As knife crime continues to be unaddressed
But what reason is there for these senseless deaths?
Unless those in power are fine with their child growing up as a potential killer?
No, I didn’t think so
And if it is here’s your time to confess
To the continuous incompetent acts of negligence
But even if you looked straight into my eyes
Still, I wouldn’t believe you
Still, I wouldn’t believe you’d know what to do
To turn around the fortunes of a generation trying to survive in unforeseen circumstances
With limited chances
That stems directly from your lack of attention, empathy, opportunity, and hope
But nothing’s changed
You, the Government, still have the means to make it right
Even Taylor and Em had time in a year to release 2 albums apiece
So surely you can up the work ethic
Improve support, funding and increase numbers in the Police
Not by figures, but by actual bodies
And while we're talking about bodies
That’s without mentioning the years of maltreatment of the NHS
Instead you’re all sat at your computers being utterly pathetic
Straight up useless
With more delays than the next James Bond
The only attribute you covet is the ability to cower and abscond
And wait for Marcus Rashford to tackle poverty like he’s got his boots on at Wembley
When the reality is It’s your responsibility
Not his
So take inspiration in 2020’s various acts of tenderness
Rather than solely relying on it in a poverty stricken crises
Because truthfully
You’re operating like you’re unannealed
Far from a position of strength or courage
Unfortunately, there’s thousands of people out there just like you who are failing us
Yet there’s only one Kevin Sinfield
****, what a shame
Because although this new year might be different
The challenges remain unremitting and the same
If anything they’re emerging on the horizon even more ferocious
So take the initiative
And make this year one to remember for the right reasons
Rather than headlines of ongoing intentional malfeasance
Where facts get magically erased and replaced
Hmm has Prince Andrew spoke to the FBI yet?
I guess I’m asking too much in that case
Wouldn’t it be great if there was a coup de grâce?
But don’t ask Jeffrey Epstein about that if you’re looking for an answer
Well, unless you exhume him like a necromancer
Although If you had that power I’d use it for better purposes
To end discrimination and perfect vaccine formulas
On first impressions
I did have you down as a doctorate in witch-doctoring
Because it’s hard to tell where the lies end and where the truth begins
When all we can do is hope for the best
I suppose that’s the point of your potion explosion
Providing the fixated audience with a mass distraction
In our newly affirmed state of vulnerability and despondency
That we’re so desperate to fight ourselves out of
If we’re given a chance to leave our houses that is..
That would be nice
Jeanette Gagnon Jul 2020
A thunderous blast.  The helpless eyes of a nation look on
In horror
Twin brother's crash.  Countless victims  - all with a story
That ended too soon
The world has been shaken.  Camelot is gone.  Innocence

God Bless America

Vacant eyes.  Silent streets.  A day of mourning and
Tearful embraces.  Candlelight vigils.  Flags wave from
Coast to Coast
Black and white become one.  Bitter parties unite and

God Bless America

911.  The call went out and the nation responded by the tens of
Hands grasped all across the land.  They can crash our buildings
And steal
The ones we love.  But they cannot take our memories or break
Our spirit

God Bless America

A thunderous blast.  911. The day has been embedded into our
Let it not embitter us but teach us.   Hatred destroys.   Love
And faith rebuilds.  Let us extend our hands in unison and

God Bless America

This was written in loving memory of Robert J Fangman, who died on flight 93
Natasha Jan 15
Why does it seem like I have a target on my back no matter where no matter what social scene I'm at.
I try to blend in to the crowd but I tend to somehow be the center of a battle ground.
I'm confused.
I often wonder what is it about me that makes people embitter.
They say they seek out people that appear to be weaker.
How can they tell from a first glance encounter?
Why am I a target for an assault inflicted on by a stranger?
Do I cause that demon to thrash around in anger?
What is it about me that brings out your weakness is it my ability to see your incompleteness.
You triggered me from past attacks.
Belittling and name calling brought it all back.
I believed your words and doubted my worth.
It was a reflection of your self loathe that was exposed.
I have found my power now after enduring that shame.
I healed past hurts that I should have reclaimed.
I took my identity back from your berating attack.
I defeated those words rose up found my strength. My courage, and self respect.

— The End —