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Julie Grenness Dec 2016
To cross bridges, let's have faith,
In the ultimate survival of the human race,
Why demonise migrants this way?
We're humans, just the same,
Even terrorists who use their creed
As a mask for greedy power, indeed,
If we spread brotherhood far and wide,
We could cross bridges that divide......
Feedback welcome.
Thia Jones Mar 2014
And the monstering comes to this
the result of the ignorant *******
the product of shaming
by society's ill-trained watchdogs
gnawing at the bones
before the body's cold
before the body's aligned with mind
and still gnawing when all's done
to make sure we know the price
to keep us in our assigned place
to monster us, to demonise
to create and feed self hate
so we hide, turn inward, upon ourselves
so we don't disturb
the comfortable myths
by which they live
the black and white
wrong and right
binary fantasies
that allowing us to be would challenge
so the real monsters monster us
and impose on us the binary
of life and death

Cynthia Pauline Jones, March 2013
Posted to mark the first anniversary of the discovery of the death of Lucy Meadows, trans woman, sister, schoolteacher, hounded to her end by the jackals of the tabloid press. On reflection, I've reclassified this one 'Explicit', due to the triggering potential.
Philip Connett Apr 2021

GET OFF THE Soap BOX Preacher
IT Time YOU Took Your Turn

IT'S Pure Hypocrasy
IT'S Heresy IN Your Name
IT'S A Faux Show Fantasy
YOU Wear THE Devil Shame

NO More Lies
NO More Lies
NO More Lies

ALL ARE Fallen Angels
**** THE Preacher
Burn THE Witches

ALL False Idols CAN Burn
ALL False Idols CAN Burn
ALL False Idols CAN Burn
Your Church Will Burn


SO ALL This Rests ON A LIE
Your Right TO Justify
Torture IN THE Name OF GOD

THE Devils Ignorant
Angels ARE Innocent

DON'T YOU Know THE Devils AN Angel Spurned
This Devils AN Angel Burned


GET OFF Your Soapbox Preacher
This Minds Open NOT TO Learn

Enduring Reality
AS YOU Preach Duality
IT'S Pure Hypocrasy
YOU Wear THE Devil'S Shame

IN Arrogance YOU'VE Lost Sight

IT'S Reality NOT Duality
This Polarity Seeks TO Resolve
IT'S Solution IS TO Dissolve

Seeks TO Resolve
IT'S Solution IS TO Dissolve

OF AN Angels Scorn
A Devil'S Born

FOR This Gods OWN Conceit
THE Devil Took HIS Seat
TO Cast Into Hell AN Angel Scorned
AND There YOU'LL Dwell
A GOD That'S Horned

THE Devil'S Ears Bleed AT THE Choirs Song
Justifying OF That Gods Wrong
Merciless Cruelty
NOT A Word OF Dissent
Allowing False Judgement
Blind TO Hypocrasy
THE Devil'S Begrudgement
THE Angels Heresey

TO Cast Into Hell
AN Angel Spurned
AND BY Your Hand
THE Tables Turned
Revoked Your Throne
BY Your Conceit
THE Devil Burns
ON HIS Rightful Seat

DON'T YOU Know IT'S Wrong TO Demonise
IT'S This Arrogance I Despise

DON'T YOU Know IT'S Wrong
TO Touch AN Angels Hair
Knowing IT'S OF Evil WE Both Share
OF THE Fabric WE NOW Tear

As if lyrics to an unwritten song from my mid-teenage years;  it was first written as a poem.
Emeka Mokeme Sep 2017
The python crawling
and winding through the land,
and choking lives
out of our youths,
there's fear in the land,
stench smell of blood
from the calamity spreads
through the land.
We must stand firm,
hold the line,resist them
and vehemently oppose them.
This monstrous tragedy
is dreadfully depressing.
weeping of our mothers
whose sons are taken
heard from afar.
There's no war but
there's war in the land.
Who is next to be taken.
This python dangerously
dancing it's way
among the people.
The young men bruised
and wounded by its venom.
Dance of this python scares
the little ones in the hinterland.
They attempt to break,
demonise, belittle,
vilify and wipe us out
through intimidation,
disinformation, mass ******  
and ethnic cleansing.
Can the elders magically
unleash the anaconda
to swallow up their python
just like Moses did to
his adversaries.
©2017. Emeka Mokeme.All rights reserved.
And so I walk in
Into the devil’s inn
And Aye! I found the devil sitting on his usual chair
In that dark room filled with smoky air
Still seated facing his golden chess
Thinking who’s next he’d trick to hell
Knock! Knock! Is anybody in
He already knew it’s me
He pull his metallic door stylishly
Raising his hand Hi-ing me
Ehy man; here you are again
Tell me; this time, what’s your aim
Tell me; without me; what have you attain
After all; you understand my style of game
He offered me a place
To sit dimensionally face to face
Dear devil, after striving for a while
I’ve come to understand your style
Though I’m yet to realise
Why you choose this path
What has mankind done to ya
That you affiliate yourself to all his wants
Money, power, fame, skyscraper, empire
Even knowledge and earthy desire
Tell me; what’s your sole goal
I’ve seen folks
Sold their sole
For fame and gold
Cash, diamond, glittering things
And all other worldly things
I pinch a pawn
By its head and sets it down
The devil winces as if he knows my next move
Dear devil; what would you do
He reflect my move
By a pawn of his own too
This I’ve learn
That human are so greedy
They yearn for much interest
Than what they invest
They intend to gain huge
Than what they ought to
Celebrities thirst for fame
Louder; like china made
Politicians hungers for power
Even if it’d reduce their glass hour
The poor want to make it big
Survivers want to live
The wealthy want to get more rich
They force their way to top the cliff
I slide another pawn towards
his territories and slightly move it forward
As I always tell you man
God and I exist in different clan
With different plan
For you mankind
I am bestowed every glittering things in this life
Ambitions, dreams, power, desires
You want to live for eternity
I can give you immortality
You want that diamond ring
That bling and bling
Wealth and health remixed
Long life elixir
Geniusity; polymatheism
Supreme intelligence
Woman of perfect form
I can help you divert their thought
And they’d pass their love
To you alone
Mention any worldly luxury
Then my hand is in all of it
Let me give you a hint
Once you start craving for more than you worked for
Just know that I’m involved
The devil match past my pawn
I bouncingly count out squares
Then move my knight to a pawn neighbouring near
He quickly move another pawn forward
Oh devil; this time you’ve run
Into a concrete wall
See; I still have my soul
And I am sure will achieve my goal
Without you been in role
I move forward another knight
But yet the devil doesn’t feel fright
Now, dear devil
Why do you choose to be a rebel
Against human being
And the clan of jinn
And the devil reply
See; what happened between God and I
That got me demonise
Is man’s polymath
See; before the creation of man
I was once loyal; I live at the apex
I dwelt amidst angels
Worshipped God day and night
I walked in the path of light
But the interference of your kind
Turn me to this revengeful type
The fact that I was locked out of heaven’s gate
Filled me with rage and hate
For every offspring
Of Adam and Eve
He angrily slide his bishop between two pawns
Preparing for an attack
No matter what you do
I will not grant you my soul
Your attempts are futile
I don’t have a thing to sacrifice
I twirl my finger around the tip top
And advances another pawn
He take out my pawn with a knight
Intentionally opening a destruction path for my bishop
Oh; devil, this time I won’t give up
Though your intellect is far superior to mine
But this game will rather end up a tie
It’s too late
Man; you’ve fallen a bait
Right now; you can’t deflate
At this point you can’t walk away
From this game
The devil further takes out my knight with his bishop
Then suddenly, I screamed ‘Stop!’
He noticed my ****** expression
Filled with total frustration
I feel hesitant to move my pieces
The devil knew he'd ****** me
I move another pawn, though I know it will be killed
Dear devil; I am been careful with my piece
Don’t want to run into any deal
Dear devil; I can’t continue this game
I’d be back in few days
Until then; let me be
I won’t sign any deal
The devil laughed and somewhat grinned
But still baffled with the fact that he hasn’t win
Salvation devil chess
Alexandra Provan Aug 2017
In the currency of our current world
I have been taught for as long as I can remember
That my value as a woman
Exists only
In how worthy I am deemed by men.

'Remember, no one wants someone that everyone's had'
Was a favourite of my elders.
A line reiterated to me
Since I was old enough
To be made conscious of being sexualised
To be considered one day by men
Disregarding any of my own desires.
Letting me know
My exchange value
Is worth nothing more
Than how much they might want my body
Or by this we mean
How little they may want it
Once they might not have been the first
Or somewhere thereabouts.

I am no one's virginal prize  
No one's to define or demonise.
I am too much ******* woman
To be reduced to such confines
To be fit into a category
Fit for only men to use
To determine what it is I am good for.

I can be the Madonna and the *****,
Whatever I choose
And every bit of brilliance in between.
But make no mistake
Not one bit of our womanhood
Is here for your judgement
Make no mistake
Not one bit of my existence
Is woven into how worthy you find me.
Red Nov 2018
give me a little more devastation
heat it up and inject me with a tragic end
assist me as i demonise you into emotionless matter
it's easy for me to view you as a monster and not a departed friend
I look forward to waking up at 3 am now
And the long walk
Across muddy fields
Amidst overgrown grass
Alone on the deserted road
Your thoughts give me company

Will You be there today, I wonder….
The moon shines above amidst the clouds
Dark shadows play hide and seek with the light
Just as You with me

I try to steal fleeting sidelong glances
Half hoping that You wont’t notice
And half, that You might !

I’m not even sure why I look in Your direction
What exactly am I looking for ?
Why is it so comforting to find You
Always there.. I am so proud of you.. It inspires me so much !

I try to even stop my heart from beating too loud
Just so that I can listen to you
Chanting ever so softly
I pray
And I look away

But the restlessness inside me
Sweeps my thoughts right back across to You
No matter how I coax and cajole my mind
Its like struggling to swim upstream in the waters of the Ganga

I’ve tried
To rationalise
And philosophise
And demonise
And to swim and to drown the feelings away

But it’s no use pretending anymore

I’ve begun to like green
And black
And bracelets
And thumb rings
nivek Oct 2024
one finger pointing, for condemnation
one kissed cheek, for betrayal
one word, to demonise
one shared death, before paradise
'Goodwill to all men?'
that remains to be seen

and is Universal credit as green
as it's painted?

We demonise to demoralise
then criminalise.

But we expect
every man to do his duty
hopeless I lay until they
shoot me and if you think
not included
you're deluded!

it's the lies they feed you because
they need you to have
the scapegoat by the throat,

all the King's horses and
all the King's men
no nursery rhyme when you're
doing hard time.

Homeless? that's fine,
as long as it isn't you.
We idolise
then criticise
and demonise,

build 'em up and
knock 'em down,

everyone's a winner
then a loser,
you couldn't choose a
better life?

— The End —