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Nis Jun 2018
Standing at the Rijksmuseum
we find ourselves part of a lesson,
a lesson by a master in his craft.
Our company seven men
some look at us some look away
while Dr. Tulp, our eighth man
digs into the elefant in the room.

The cool body lies bare
like light were coming out of it
reflecting on the faces of the more curious,
leaving in shadows the uninterested ones.
The dead arm opened wide,
some lesson on tendons or bones.
Three hundred and fifty years
mute the master's words so clear
make the master's brushes so loud.

It was a time of studied ignorance,
of white collars on shallow knowledge
when my favourite of the Old Masters was born.

Step back into our reality
observe the beatiful museum
for we are before one of its finest pieces.
But it's hard.
It ***** you in.
Something about the crepuscular glow of the body
makes you get stuck in it.

Observe the perfect composition,
the diverse faces.
It's like a photograph taken at a random instant
yet so deliberate,
so randomly deliberate,
so deliberatly random.
But step back,
look at the whole thing,
it's just
You could say it's just 3D
masterfully represented in 2D
but it is not,
there's something more to it.
Something you could call extradimensional.
It's like if the artist knew the algorithms our mind follows
and knew the exact input needed for the desired output,
even shock.

Let's move on to the next painting,
but don't let this image fade away,
let it rest,
let it click,
and let it grow
in you.
Partially inspired by Nightwatch by King Crimson, in my opinion one of their most underapreciated songs, this is me trying to pass to you the wonderful sensation I felt when looking at Anatomy lesson by Rembrandt, in my opinion one of the best paintings by one of the best paintors ever.
The pharmacist at CVS says I am not prescribed an inhaler anymore.
so in it's place.
I prescribe myself cigarettes

I need something to inhale
cigarettes seem a logical alternative to inhalers

deliberatly I decide to not drive
to the cigar store.
i walk to the cigar store.

it is far enough to be inconvenient
which means maybe
If I am not destined to buy this cigarette
I will receive an overwhelming sensation to turn back

I always add time for potential divine intervention to my agenda.
It happens often enough to be logical

we may have different definitions of logical

the cashier asks my age
And I tell him 21.
I am 22.
somehow In the confusion of waiting for god to prescribe me an overwhelming emotional reaction to not buy cigarettes
Instead of an inhaler.
I forget a whole ******* year of my life.

this is great context for
How I trust myself when making decisions.
which is to say
I don't trust myself to make descisions.

I buy the cigarettes.

upon searching for the optimal location
to loiter and slowly **** myself.
I stumble upon the old teen center.
the first place I was a mentor.

Out the side of the building
There's this rock
Long enough to sit five or so children
two laying down.
it's Perferated like a candy bar
each rectangle curved slightly
custom fit to years of munchkin ****

this slump right here
this slump is my munchkin ****.

each break of chocolate
on the candy bar rock
has a ladyslipper growing behind it.
tips of the five purple flowers
stretch to align perfect with the tips of our childhood belly buttons

humbled, I brush the leaves
excavate delicately
this heirloom.
I had forgotten.

The sky is recovering When I lay myself on the rock.
light grey clouds that want to cry
an optimistic sun that won't let them

I Cover my face with an old journal
made of old book smell.
I smile into the pages.
my lips barely touching the silk threading of her binding.
I've never breathed so intimately
a new lover.
the tip of my nose tucked into her spine.
honeymoon phase, Intoxicating.
Still excited to be in love.

there's breath here
wisdom in the records of
loving young,
cherrishing this new book smell.
Filling your chest with it.

When memories are tangible
There are no more expiration dates

Fill my lungs with
the crisp of unturned pages,
worn leather covers
Soft silk crosstitches

Kiss air into me
from the space between your lines.
I know how intimate an untold story can be.

Today I started breathing
I fell in love With a metaphor.

I never did smoke that cigarette.
mark john junor Aug 2013
forlorn figure standing
on a grey skies beach
gives rise to
thoughts of cold wind and dire essence
a saddness surrounds this misbegotten creature
this mispoken essence of a person in desperation
this crafted image of despair

many years have passed
but isn't it this very thing
this very place
that is the crux of what and who you are
she died on a beach
now you linger here
you cannot will not get past this

she awaits in dreams
clothed in the dim spectral next world
garments that come to mind
a beckoning figure
calling this one on the beach to join her

she waits for me
I think that's what it really boils down to...I lost her.....and untill I join her I will never have lasting happiness
Ameliorate Jun 2016
Uniluminated room,
Unsure of my surroundings,
Faint white light deliberatly creeping forth brining life to atmospheric tranquility as I begin to release the fear of my unknown and feel safe.
Growing conscious of hands slowly beginning to cradle my waist
I don't have to turn around to know it's you.
We stay like this for a moment just breathing until the silence is broken by very distant music.
"You came", you say, pulling me close.
Smirking to myself I reply with "You didn't think I would?", i can tell you sense the implication of a joke within my voice.
Quickly I find myself spinning around to face you as you twirl me ever so delicately.
"Hello Sweetie", I breathe.
Our movements while minimal, were perfectly timed with our slowly beating hearts.
Music creeped through the distance finally reaching and joining us as we swayed.
At first I couldn't recognize the song playing background noise to our little two-step.
Suddenly as a flash of a mempory, it dawned on me, the soundtrack was our life.
Through distance, through impossibility.
Breathtaking music which was perpetually repeating.
For once in my life, undoubtable clarity.
My eyelids fall closed while your fingers sweep delicately across my face.
Single tear rolls away and I too return my hand to rest upon your body.
Lifeforces entertained my soul wrapped within yours.
Stepping towards forever, eternally.
Terry-ann Jan 2015
I forgot to say I Love You.
I meant to show you just how much you mean to me.
I wanted to tell you just how Deep you've touched my Soul.

I forgot too.
I deliberately forgot too.
I was afraid to let you in.
I was too afraid you'd walk away once you realised it.
I judged you before I knew you,the real you.

Now seeing you with her Hurts.
She makes you feel like a Man.
She shows you the contants of her Heart.
Although she really loves you,I love you More!

I know you question daily how I feel about you.
I know I appear heartless and cold..
You've told me this a million times before..
Truth is I'm beyond Inlove with you.
But I could'nt show you.
I deliberatly forgot to show you.
I forgot to say I Love You.
In memory of Us.The contract!
I wait stupidly
like an anxious child.
For nothing.
I wait as usual
For a person
Who deliberatly
Keeps me at a distance
Who only looks
For what I haven't done
Who scolds instead of loves
I wait
For nothing but a punishment
Ive allowed
To sprawl over me
And slobber themselves
on my pain
I wait
for one who doesn't
Love me or care to love me
How insane
To wish I had something more
To stupidly believe
I even deserve
Such graces.
I'll mever be
Nothing more then
the worthless unit
I am right now.
I'm a monster,
Meant only for use
My while life
Has perpetuated this to me
And every person
I've ever connected to
Has only taken from my soul
Only leaving pain
Its always the same.

I never understood
Why a person would deliberatly harm theirself
Or why they would put up with an abusive relationship that is so extreme that it results in injuries
I never understood why someone would defy the undefyable rule of life, to end their life, which goes against every law of nature
Why would someone **** themself?

...but now i understand...
They would put up with the abuse because they think maybe, just maybe, if i hurt, then he or she doesnt have to...maybe if i take the pain, then my love can live in peace

They cut because it allows them to feel, when everything has gone wrong and the mind has gone numb from the constant heartache, the cut will still throb, and the scars will stay, and always remind you that it was worse at some must have been...

And then their is the unbreakable...broken law...suicide
Suicide is seen as a last resort
In a world where everything amd everyone is against you

And i finally understand
Why these forbidden lawless laws
Inhumanitarian to the very core...
Protrude far from simple imagination, and out into the world

Because hope is bitter sweet
And some people prefer sour
Just alot on my mind
Fynn Sep 2017
This fire does not need blistering branches
just fearsome demons with flaming glances
It cant burn wood or heat your stove
cant throw a spark into the grove
It will not burn you or light your path
This fire is fueled by all of your wrath

And this fire in your heart burns

You try to fight it, and break the chain
But nothing will help, or ease the pain
This knife thats in your back, keeps twisting

And this fire in your heart burns

You cant stop the flames blazing on your heart
until you go deep to extinguish the spark
Deep burrowed in your restless thoughts
lies the answer to the question
you never deliberatly asked

And this fire in your heart burns

The fire grows and drives you insane
it would be so easy to end all this pain
Just a little cut, a friendly red line
down to you wrists and all would be fine
but you resist this cant be the way
and then you fall on your knees starting to pray

And this fire in your heart burns

Your wrath is gone, The fire still hurts
It cant be extinguished by all those words
you spoke to the god your believing in
and all you want is to rip offyour skin
You dont see the solution to the end of this horror
you fall in depression and punch right in the mirror
You decide to end it to escape this life
you walk in your kitchen and take a knife
set it, push it, right in the flames
and the last thing you see is your life in frames

You disappointed your god
made your beloved ones cry
now you started their fire
with your last goodbye

Because this fire burns
Just to pull myself out of heavy critics: I do not support suicide and I never will. I have a friend suffering from depression and I wrote this after we had a long talk. if you are suffering from depression the best thing you can do is to get friends around you and people you trust. There is always someone who cares. Believe me. Never give up.

— The End —