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Speak the truth however bold
Speak what lies inside the hearts folds
Do not fear the pain it may cause
Live the moment, do not once pause
Take the chance and feel free
Speak from the heart so it can be
Forget the cowardess you feel
One minute of bravery can dispell the ills
If you feel it may cause you disdain
Remember true beauty rises from pain
15 seconds of courage is all you need..
Devon Jan 2013
I weighed it. Took measure, found the fears
separate, but equally crushing.

This is my fault.
This is the only love
I'm worthy of
My vacancy
would destroy him
This is all
my fault
already stains us all
And my inaction
paralyzes any hope of redemption

My child will learn
Instead of love.

Her hatred of me
will grow.
And it will all
*be my fault.
ElEschew Jul 2018
Wow its beautiful today
jump in the ocean
The wind is warm and soothing on my skin
**** the wheel, fly off the bridge
Wow i love him
slit your wrists in the tub
Oh my friends are so lovely
they only want you to die
Maybe i should close my eyes
forever you say
Not forever
Forever and a day
The day i can be free to play
The day i breathe my last
The day i dont fear the reaper
youre to full of cowardess
Maybe it is as you say
it is, now listen carefully
Maybe it isnt as you say
no way, listen to what i speak
We all wanna die
Or so Im told
Its not sometimes
Its everyday
Fighting in my mind
Collapsing slowly with time
RW Dennen Feb 2015
Yes, you out there wherever you may be
You try to steal our souls in poems
We know you, to the tee

What twisted motives to be us, by proxy, what cowardess you be
What an empty vessel posses you, such sadness, such despair
You pick our hard imagined fruit and not from your own tree

You clone our minds, like leaches on our skin
You wish us harm, you thieving ***
You wormy monster, a slug, next to kin

I curse you
I loath you
I hate you
You stealers of our youth
Betrayers of our written souls
What lacks is pride, and owners of the truth
ThisIsMe May 2014
It’s in the night,
when light recedes to leave me with my thoughts
and the darkness encompasses every crevice of my room and of my mind,
that the person I am is most illuminated.
In those long hours
that stretch with lack of sleep
my thoughts are as clear as a cloudless blue sky.

On good nights, there'll be thoughts of my future, of my hopes and my dreams.
On good nights my imagination will soar to heights beyond the sky
for on good nights not even the sky is the limit.
But good nights are rare and most nights,
the darkness seeps into my thoughts
with the past.
with each and every imperfection that owns me.
All my weaknesses and fears
are painted on a black canvas
portraying the things I’m so afraid the world will see.
my cowardess,
my fears of betrayal
of feeling too much,
caring too much,
loving too much…yet not enough.

Like tendrils of smoke
the thoughts linger on one fear then float away
only to be replaced by another.
As my eyelids become cinemas of the past,
images of innocence lost flash behind my eyelids
Almost as if they’re stuck on repeat

Sometimes, I embrace those nights
As if they were an old friend.
I wonder if that makes me masochistic but
Truth is those nights,
difficult though they may be,
are the times I’m most honest with myself.
Ma Cherie Jul 2017
your jealousy comes
in an envy green
an your cowardess
shown in yellow

your anger comes
in a
shade of red
an uninvited
is that fellow

an well,
your sadness comes
in a shade of blue
that overwhelms your eyes

though only that
so lovely hue
I say-
looks better
in the skies,

black is what I see
when depression
is with you

an I wish that guy
would NEVER
come around

grey it is the void
when you're
melancholy blue,
an a pin drop
is the ONLY
single sound

sometimes I see ViOleTz
then indigo blue
am I,

I see my reflection
in your very
lovely soul,

an oh every now an then
I see a periwinkle too
peeking through
a curiously small hole

well I love that
shade of blue
it's a favorite
don't you know
the same one
yes you
also have it too,

an you should
really let it show
becuz my baby
don't you know
my love it is just
always color true,

so I wonder
yes I wonder
in this rainbow now of you,

what color then is your love?

Ma Cherie© 2017
Ugh make sense? My life's a mess per usual this is just reflection idk lol! ❤❤❤
pussy wept Sep 2015
Marvel at the sun--any closer and
we'd all be dead.
Man...this planet's great, so many things
to buy!
Savings to checking, please.
Off at 6, on at 6; these jets scare me
every time--every ******* time!

Screams and stomps rattle
my skull
I'm practically chanting ****
****      ****      ****
****!     ****!
but all that squirms out is a whimper
every time--every ******* time!
Silence Screamz Jul 2016
Why do we have to cry a tear?

We bring the feelings to incite our minds


Why do we have to instill the fear?

We bring the fist to bruise our hearts


Why do we have to curse our brothers and sisters?

We bring the words to hurt ourselves


Why do we have to break the world?
Suicide bombers
Work place violence

We bring the gun to silence the crowd


Why can't we just get along

This is a crazy new world
Katrina Zechman Dec 2016
Open your eyes young soul,
to envision your past lives
to learn from your mistakes,
which over time, one has come to hate

To embrace the light you once have shown,
only to find my faith has grown.
to strengthen your mind only to prove,
that you are the one
whom is truly blind.

Lift your head to speak to the world,
buried behind your cowardess
you feel but only a little girl.

Wake up from this awful dream;
you and I , we're on the
same team.

Turn to face the facts, the sky's the limit
and daughter's in love,
this is but one, your horizon lacks.
Look into my face

for my happiness you should embrace.
For you to turn away,
I wait to hear from you
day after day.

Don't shut out your only little girl,
for she is a Diamond, No, more
precious than a Pearl.

Don't turn away in her time of need,
What will that show?
Nothing but greed.

Blocking the truth from reaching your heart,
this was bound to happen,
you knew before you ever hit start.

*I wish you to be happy
and I know you wish me too,
but with out love one truly can't be.

I grant
yourself has always shunned.
Now, I believe it true,
whether or not you do.

I say this last
in hopes it may pass.
No given to me
from one of God's many soldiers

This may hurt you so, but in this truth
you broke your daughters heart
there is always room to fix.
Let et Scar Sep 2018
I have pounded walls til I have BLED..
If you were here you'd be nearly DEAD,
Your selfish actions you'll REGRET,
*** I'm coming to collect the DEBT!

You thought you could finally rest,
*****-*** ***** this was all a test!

I have come to collect the REST,
Of that ******* you call a heart I so detest!

Lil cowardess *****,
You just a puppet on my string,
I'm about to make your head ring,
Aftershocks still lingering,

******* I was always REAL,
Ride or die and all you do is LIE,
This love that I had for you...
It has now decayed just like you!

— The End —