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It makes no difference
Whether it is poet freak or Hello poetry
The sites are different
The loopholes are quite apparent
Human psyche is the same
There may be only a change in name

Good poets are every where respected
Fake poets are easily detected
Great poets are always adored
Eternal poets are highly revered

If writing poetry becomes a poet’s obsession
He tries his best to achieve perfection
The main aim of poetry is to please
Our tension it will soon release

The aim of a great poet is to instruct
But every poet’s intention is to construct
The platform for comraderie
Writing poetry is not a reverie

Poetry consoles, delights
Instructs, pleases, and relieves
Even our greatest psychic pain
Writing or reading poetry is a spiritual gain
The spelling Comraderie is wrong.I try to correct it.Or fellow poets may tell me
it all started when i signed the contract
i knew i was ****** just cuz im black
fresh in its like a jail cell with no bail stepped into a world with no feelings
no heart apart
from this contract i got a duffle bag m 16 rifle
Told mama im.goin' to war
she dont understand i may come back in a box hard to dodge the ****
of the government over here
fightin' for some silly *** oil
negoitating with the enemy
but at the same time i am the enemy? United states burnin' up country while we workin' for free
got **** congress makin' millions more times than me
they say it aint a conspiracy?
they say i think too much and that my feelings touched
cuz i been in combat but truth is
they dont want your kids
to know the difference between reality n illusion is but
i say **** the press the army and im coming back vicious revenge
is delicious malicious
acts been done since man crawled out the sand pit times tickin'
grease the c.o.p so gun dont start trippin' and im still.wonderin'
will i escape the pain and misery the governments done to me and my comraderie
we earned the title of a vet
but they pawn us as trophies they get good publicity
sayin' we winnin' the war
when the war is at home rights being takin' every single day CIA Linked with the NSA no more private security
what the ******* think an IP is?
watchin' over us scared of us cuz of a revolution may bust out the cobb webbs been meaning to do this art is a reflection of reality i callit how i see why so many of military corps endin' up in the penitentiary?
cuz fools is pickin' truth over a numbered name excercisin' rights brings society pain got all the conservatives goin' insane
these muthaphukkas know the real
but they braille with they mass appeal startin' race riots white vs black black vs mexican
nigguhs u aint a American
ya stolen
secret society dont want us in unity
so do what the ******* want to embrace ?Crowleys tactics ?
use that black magic and watch em go in flames
use frankincense and myrhh to focus my brain
i got wealths no riches
nigguhs cant put a price on a mind
im the son of garvey malcolm even that crazy boy Carlin
as long as they stand for true
imma stand with you
army fatigue galore guns indeed
breakin' the demons seeds
that was planted long ago in the garden of eden
serpents been on earth since
darkness was first they had to separate dark from the light wrong from right
now that im out on bail
the military losin' there sight too focused on drug cartels
when they ones who sail
the dope in but the hood gets the pen? ultimate perdition folks in the senate listenin' say its us but we ain't got no passports why the **** they hidin gold at the fort?
Knox imagine that if we were to overpower the system the wouldnt have no choice but to listen they silence the powerful voices that influence minds
fools stay on yo grind
and so what even though my comments is being recorded and audit
but im at peace with self i dont see sunshine cuz its shorted
now take this to the daily news
so these public speakers can report it uh
There’s nothing like a frosty winter morning,
when the sky has had enough
of trying to look nice and welcoming
for you today,
but instead decided to take the day off
and retreat under the soft grey fluff of a blanket, and you too,
have done the same, in a show of comraderie,
cracking the window open just enough
to feel each other’s breath
across the zipping air
that won’t stop fussing
or biting off the skin on your right thumb.

There’s nothing like such a morning
when a bottomless pit of steaming hot coffee isn’t enough, though your heart-rate
is through the roof, but you pretend that’s good
for you, as if it’s pumping blood and heating up
your insides.

A morning when the requirement to stay inside
is no longer a discomfort but an opportunity –
for some calm piano tunes,
just like the wind
converging then diverging,  
to serenade you in the background, while your rough
cold hands, stretch out in their familiar spider web
but this time in a slower
motion stretch
and take you to the keyboard once again,
because there’s nothing like it on a frosty, freezing, gloomy winter  
Morning like this.
Showman Feb 2013
It's Friday night.
The drunks are at play.
Is that fun? What they do?
Black out.
I tried it.
"Get it yourself."
They shouted at me.
As I asked for water.
While in a docile state.
And yet.
I still want to join them.
Their comraderie.
Its life.
emily Feb 2014
more than anything, i need your love.
i didn’t dare to ask for it, but
your unexplained adoration slunk seamlessly
into the passing days until i let my guard down
& believed you when you said you felt
the same.

you don’t even know the half of it.
you couldn’t understand how i gave you myself
from the beginning, trusting you to be the one
not to break me, but giving you that crushing capacity
all the same.

[one night, when i confessed how much i feared losing you,
you told me,
“there will be other people.”
but you only made me cry. how could you possibly feel how i feel
when you could see my future in the hands of others & i only have eyes
for you?]

i’m sorry i’m not as whole as i’d like to be.
i’m sorry for apologizing to you
instead of kissing your forehead.
i’m sorry i carved the word “worthless” onto my skin
when i was seventeen
& that you can still read it.

there will always be the loose ends,
the fragments,
pieces of myself that remain
raw & ragged & will never be
like the nervous, automatic game
played by my palms, as they strain to clutch
my naked stomach,
the moment i awake,
with practiced fingers,
confirming i have not became an excess.
“too much” used to be far less literal until
i gave my shrinking self-worth a body to
dwindle in comraderie.

i am waiting for you decide you need someone
with more skin than scar tissue.
i am waiting for you to discover i am far more empty
than full.

i am waiting for these jarring epiphanies to come to you
in a rush of suddenly,
a wave of understanding breaking over your bowed head,
the realization i am not
what you want.

if there’s one thing i know for sure,
you could walk away from me & never look back
& i would only blame myself.
Lily Nov 2015
Once upon a time...
I Met you.
I never thought we would end up like this.
But before I go any further... I must say...
We met, and it was wonderful.
You brought a whole new perspective,
Into my journey of this game named Life.
We talked, and noticed
All the similarities we had.
We became inseparable.
You and I believed it was comraderie at first.
We were brothers,
although many times I had to kindly remind you I was a female.
You and I in the silence,
Was more than a conversation.
Everything we did, was fun.
We went on many adventures,
Your company was like no other....
You were my best friend.
But through one experience...
It seemed the glass broke.
You no longer saw me as a brother...
You saw me as a...
Who knew this view would make you withdraw so quickly.
You retreated and left me in the dark.
You ignored me and avoided me.
I never understood why.
I blamed myself... I lost a brother.
All of a sudden,
You admitted to falling inlove,
With ME.
I was dumbfounded, confused, but most of all happy I heard from you again.
I did not quite understand your feelings,
But your company is what I needed and craved.
Perhaps, knowing how you felt gave me butterflies...
But, I always had them in your company.
Perhaps, I fooled myself into thinking
You were only a brother figure.
Perhaps, this whole time I was inlove with you too...
Just too afraid to admit it.
And with a conversation, and a magical kiss...
I was yours.
That kiss, left me breathless. Sparks were everywhere.
All the fairy tales kisses I believed to be *******...
Came true... When I kissed you.
Everything from then on... Was Magical.
But, like in all stories... Time was not on our side.
Time was our enemy and distance was our betrayer.
Before I left, you began acting strange.
You began ignoring me.
Blinded by love, I kept hopes alive... That this magical reltionship would sustain regardless of the distance.
The day of my birth... You did not come see me. The day of my birth... I was sentenced to leave for awhile.
Where were you? Nowhere to be found.
And when I asked... I instantly knew...
It broke off.
In tears I ran to a friend... Who called you a coward.
I cursed your name...
The last thing you said was
"Happy Birthday, Im sorry".
And here I am.... Foolishly thinking of you.
Without a reason and as my world shatters apart for right now.
There will be brighter days. Those will always come....
Because life never stops for the fool inlove.
©Lily M. Sky
I apologize for the length... Ive been meaning to write this for awhile.
Make me understand.
Go to school learn and leave.
Leave with a complete understanding of what exactly?
State, define, discuss, examine, list the ways to get ahead.
Fight for success, it's a doggy dog world out here...he says.
If you don't take them down they'll take you down, he says.
I don't get it.

Make me understand.
Analyse, evaluate,
Keep those answers to yourself one less mark on their test means one more on your's.
The working world is like a jungle.
Only the strong would survive.
What if I'm weak.
Weak with the mentality that I should help my fellowmen.

Make me understand.
Shouldn't we work together to accomplish success for each person?
Every mouth fed, every table with bread no child dreading the dreadful fears of empty cupboard and dry draws.

Make me understand.
Theories, definitions, calculations, formulate your rise and their downfall.
Accounts  doesn't account for you begging for change on the street.
Change your views and renew your review for when they enter the interview with you will trampled them like the enemies you'll chew.
One more time...

Make me understand.
Write in first person, because you should be the first person on your list.
Neglect the feeling of comraderie or friendship.
The only way to be on top is to start trampling from the bottom.
Remember, no friends in business.
Be a friend for food, then leave them face down and flat on the ground.
Feed those fools with fake smiles and phony promise rings.
Then stand tall and claim your rightful place as king.
Trust me, follow my guidelines and you'll be left standing in triumph.
Okay young Trump?

Now I understand.
Now I'm powerful, now I stand tall
Built a wall to make sure the others fall. So they call me a monster.
Because I needed someone to guide my hand
But unfortunately, I asked the wrong person to...
Make me understand.
                     ~Gabbriella with 2 b's~
Jon Shierling Jan 2015
Where can I find people like me?
Do they actually exist somewhere
out there int the vast expanse of the world?

Or do I sit here bemoaning my self made exile
in the same vein that a child does when placed
in the corner as punishment for some transgression?

Even if there were some community I might
feel welcome in hiding with at some far
flung place pledging true freedom, still I would
suffer the pains of having a broken soul.

It's been a long time since I opened up
my shoebox full of pictures and saw myself
five years old and wading barefoot through
a cold creek....loving every second of it.

There's another polaroid of me feeding a mint
to that angry old donkey, dead years now,
but that ornery ol ******* and I had some
sort've understanding, him knowing his place
and me trying to discover mine.

Most of my life has been spent clawing my
way toward some ill defined future I thought
I had to travel toward in order to live well,
and now I find myself willingly going backward.

My Dad achieved his dream of having land when
I was fifteen, and when I came back to live with him
again, his land became my own, his cares for our place,
became my own, hauling rocks and worrying after fences,
being a part of something that we built from our hands.

The world changed quickly though,
and if I had been older and wiser I
would have expected that the eventual
break would appear when most we all
needed something of peace.

But those minutes in the clear creek,
and that grudging comraderie with a donkey,
getting off the bus when seventeen and having
horses recognize me as I walk down the dirt road,
hoofed friends meeting me at a gate every day;
that is the home I need...and one day will return to.
JDK Oct 2014
I grew up watching my parents reduce themselves to their bassist.
Oops, that's a typo:
They are not musicians.
Debasement, so crass.
Humiliation on full blast.
But I guess it's a fairly common thing to dread family vacations.

My mom can't take the hint.
She can't tell when we're disinterested.
My dad talks a bunch of crazy **** despite who might be listening.

There's an unspoken comraderie amongst us siblings.
We're all in this together.
We fight our inherited,
self-destructive tendencies.
When I lose a battle I can always count on them to make me feel better.

Two have found ther wings.
They flew away from this place.
One soars high,
but I fear the other found himself another cage.

It's okay, I think.
I mean, I think he'll be okay.
As for us remaining two,
we're slowly making our way.
Our way out, is what I mean.
It's what I meant to say.

This nest hasn't been kept very warm,
but I guess it's still a home.
With two featherless,
flightless birds to deal with;
I'm glad I didn't have to go it alone.
Jocular tone, serious subject. I shudder to think where I'd be without them.
Duke Thompson May 2016
I awake at 4am
Meandering through
Selfish thoughts

Toxic grains and growing pains
Have I changed
Or same *******

Same pretend man writing
Heartfelt speeches of comraderie
All lies and I false prophet
Proselytizing strength in numbers
jeffrey robin May 2014
((                       ((
))                        ))
((                     ((
/     \



The spirit

In pure song rising

Out of the agony

Of this ******* civilization


The simple pure pleasures

The love of an honorable mate

The tribal comraderie


We cherish creation and our own


To create



We are it's song

We do not belong

To this ******* civilization


We are noble

We are free

Free of the agony

Of lustful love

And poison greed
jeffrey robin Sep 2014
(        )
                                                              ­         unadorned


Shorn of all our
                                                           human        sensibility!


****** children --- the new rage                            

             Praying to the gods of barbarism !

( WHO -----  CREATED barbarism  ! )


                             Abused and scorned


Do we arm ourselves and

( that doesn't make sense anymore
Now that we are in this Police State



The only POWER

                                       Is        LOVE

( not the kind talked about on HP !  ---

Which is simple the babbling lunacies

Of those completely brainwashed )


We need the LOVE that is rooted in COMMON SHARED INTIMACY

That only nurtures and defends

And is far from the narcissistic jealousy
Of this page


I really cannot do or say too much

Because no- one seems to really care

Enough to become free


So it all just sits as an INTELLECTUAL GAME

That is

I'm just thinking to my self alone

With no sense of any comraderie






                               maybe you might think it cool
to die in your lovers' arms                                

Perhaps we might come to realize

That we might protect ourselves from the harm

See when you look at me
Tell me what you see
I bet you'll see the struggle in me
Enemies in envy
For no **** reason
Maybe its because .I'm still breathin'
Everyday its a ***** season
Hunt a brother shoot a brother
I'm confused cops makin' the news
But when my own **** they own
They pass the views
To world star
Ain't nothing but a trap
To see how ghetto you are
I look beyond that *******
Cuz I know the game
Done changed. I said it many a times
And when will we awake from the mentalities being capture
Lets kick back start a revolution
And inflict pain with catching laughter

Now I see that they don't like me
Critic me cuz I pity
The fool like Mr T my homies
Still roll with me on
The block packin' the glocks
It don't stop baby
My comraderie in position for these ******* to take a hittin'
Abusin' which side you choosin'?
The oppressor or be aggressor
Yes sir
I'll be the black Chavez
Pullin' up in my heavy chevy
Gunnin' with artillery
If I'm.stacked nice
Who could **** with me
Women to men joinin'
The revolution pistols is shootin'
Lightin' muthaphukka like it's Christmas check my diss list
Its goes from the president to the ******' ******* in the cabinet
White house ain't nothing but plantation
Different eras but same situations
I feel locked and shocked
Mentally and any
Got a problem with a slang my tools
Catch a slug a watch ya body drool
Naw don't hate cha it's just po nature
Micah Hoffman Apr 2020
Where in wandering did I go wrong,
or in sailing plot such course?
Now my heart hears echoes like a song,
that resonates from golden source.

That in breathing in I can't let go,
does my error lie in body, or in soul?
What is this sight that holds me so,
as if a wanderer could find his goal.

How is it that that which freezes
also frees me, then sinks me deeper below?
Til' gasping I find again the surface breezes
cresting with the waves that grow.

And how does this storm crashing upon me,
with each wave bear true, like sailor seeking home,
or, like vagabond in forest finding perfect comraderie?
Perhaps I am only dreaming, with further lands and seas to roam.

Yet, don't I question rightly any dream that wakes
and stirs, as if to bloom, watering, as if to flourish?
I wonder, as my inhaled breathe like a sappling shakes,
is the storms weight for roots to take, or is it just to crush?

As I gaze on you, you must think I'm dull,
for in this storm you find me in a lull,
but the pause between waves is not empty, but full.
If I found words for you, they would be wonderful!

Still, even if words were found enough to sonnet fit,
for your beauty, I would lack the wit.
Even if I could craft a sunset,
only a sunrise would be adequate.
Mr. Darcy: I thought poetry was the food of love.
Elizabeth Bennet: Of a fine, stout love it may. But if it is only a vague inclination I'm convinced one poor sonnet would **** it stone dead.
Shaddox Dec 2022
Hello, my friend,
Long time, no see!
Remember that time we went out to sea?

It was you, and me, and our friends,
The tavern was warm and we had mead,
But the sea was calling, you heard it too.
You know that our hearts speak to each other true.

A storm caught us, the sails had broke,
It was dark, it was dank and there was no hope.
Fate took you that night, never to, again, sing
I hope you strayed on an island and became king.

Once again, I go out at sea,
I know I won't come back.
You guys were my life,
I'll treasure our time.
The fish, the song, our comraderie.
Our time.
comraderie feels so abrasive
honesty invasive
when i know you're only talking to me out of pity

isolation feels the safest
so i hope don't you take this
the wrong way but what do you want with me

because if the interaction was pure
why do i feel cored when it's through
my peace for yours
the tradeoff feels tainted and skewed

kinda wish you hadn't asked
or tried to swat away my storm clouds
be content with what you have
and i'll grieve the way my heart allows

your kindness not taken for granted
but i feel how i feel even if you don't understand it

think me oversensitive or unreasonable if you must
but i need loyalty and genuity and intensity and trust

and what can you give but fodder
why even bother

i think i just lost the purpose of my life
and you think you can just tell me it'll be alright

just cut me even deeper if you'd like
if that's the way it is
stage makeup smudged
but you're still shining
a natural talent
with your subtle gaslighting
felt true comraderie
or so i thought
my show of emotion
threw you off

my sympathy
just made you laugh
all my effort
simply trash
in your play
but unaware of the script
felt so real
didn't question it

and now it's time for the big reveal

brutus et tu
yes even you
but what can i do
it was all just an act
all just for laughs
i'm the one walking away
with knives in my back

one misstep
and i fell through the floor
conspired for me
to spring the trap door
as i disappeared
they all clapped for you
frozen in realization
finally seeing the costume

the applause
left ringing in my ears
beneath the stage
was an ocean of tears
never knew i
was hated so much
party going upstairs
now that they think i'm dust

a celebration for the ages

soak myself up
and find my way out
ragged and dizzy
make my way into the crowd
the sound of joy crashes
into silence as they notice me
wineglasses shatter on marble floors
alas the undead king

this used to our kingdom
my beloved castle
overthrown by the ones
i rode beside in battle
a riff on one i've already posted but this is what it started from so ummm... here

— The End —