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Allania Berkey Sep 2014
Familiarity was a safety net I was unconsciously drawn too.
I reaked civic and utter independence,
But as I got thrown to the curb of life I found my self more twisted than a cork in a wine bottle.
I think about fear more than I actually should.
The thoughts of the future consume me and my being,
"I'm destined for  greatness, I know I am, I know I am."
I say it out loud all the time, but little do the eyes around me know that, vaguely do I believe it myself.
Eyes are constantly watching me.
With hopes of success, and the temperament that I am meant to be great.
A thinker for the world,
A healer for humanity,
A lover for hope.
As eyes watch god,
My vains bleed fear.
I want to believe.
I want to be.
I want to.
I want to.
I want,
But why do I believe I can't.
The mind is a tricky thing in our classist world of upper elites.
Who's bound to break the boundaries into a world of power.
Who's bound to make a change.
My mind is my epic failure,
and my most distinguished enemy.
My subconscious screams "failure, failure, lose, lose, lose"
My willpower struggles to hold on as the elitist feet of silver knocks me off my horse.
I'm in a epic battle, but sometimes I forget with who.
Is it with me?
Is it with the epic power of this world?
Is it with fear of the future?
Who am I, if I am not adequate to myself,
To my being,
To my heart.
When did I get so lost.
And how did it happen?
Why isn't that rain no longer makes rainbows?
When did lemonaid become bitter?
How do I believe in my hopes and dreams?
Am I weak that I'm afraid of the unknown?
Am I weak because I fall to the feet of lust?
Am I weak, or am I really strong because of the knowledge I gained along the way?
My wine tastes bitter, and aged.
My mind grows tired,
My heart reeks pain.
Silently I stare at the wall because there are no windows or doors.
Silently I sip my bitter wine,
and silently it tastes aged.
Tara Geraghty May 2014
Dear Grandma,

How do I remember you?

You left a challenge, a challenge that has been running through my mind for the past 6 months.

Do I remember you for your Movie star looks,
or your most valued picture? (The one with ******, you, your father, and Jesse Owens.)

Do I remember you for your love of expensive things,
and your love of the Olympics?

Do I remember for you athletic ability, or for your distain of the Irish blood that runs in my veins?

Do I remember you for cutting flowers together in the garden, or for cutting me out of family pictures?

Do I remember you for your blue eyes?
Or the extensive **** memorabilia that you collected?

Do I remember you for your love of red lipstick,
or for your classist view of the world?

Do I remember you for your modeling career, or the way that my father took all your money before you were dead and put you in the cheapest nursing home he could find, and then left you there to be sedated into oblivion until you died? (A fate I would not wish on anyone).

I guess only time will tell.

Although you did not teach me the lesson that most grandmothers teach their grandchildren, you taught me some life lessons that have changed who I am and how I act for the better.

Seeing you, when I was just 7, malnourished because of your inability to cook, instilled in me the absolute necessity to know how to cook for myself and those around me.

Seeing your apartment choked to the ceiling with everything from newspaper clippings, and designer coats, to mayonnaise jars and mold, made me see the point of cleaning my room, and not having to many belongings.  

When I was 8, seeing you be cruel to the cleaning lady because of the color of her skin, made me feel sick, and resolve to try and treat everyone I met and knew with equality and fairness.

Watching you squander your money on anything the telemarketer had to offer makes me think twice before I buy anything I think I might need.

You have given me many valuable lessons weather you intended to, or not.

I have heard that the line between good and evil runs in every human heart. This is something I believe. I truly believe, that there was good in you.

The last time I saw you, you were barley conscious.

You said three words to me. "I'm glad you came" and smiled. I will remember you for that smile, and I will remember you for the things you taught me.

I wish you well wherever you choose to go next.

I promise to you that, you will be remembered.

Sincerely, your Granddaughter
Deana Luna Apr 2014
class classist charismatic
lack stacking cracking

in need of discipline
who is abusing their power
just a few just a few

disrespectfully yours
lie down with me. i will tell you secrets you are not ready to hear. introduce you to things you are not ready to know. gaze into your eyes. intrude upon your soul. pull out the words you are not ready to say.

do you feel constrained?
james nordlund Jun 2020
United **** of assassins, cards one and all,
built a house, a country, on the convolution
and the only thing that matters is the show
that must, goes on, then 'the house' won't fall.

Every child's mind must be gutted of knowledge,
replaced by information, memorization, routine,
rote, so there can be no doubt that the human
being so and it's evolution, will never grow.

That, resulting in the move to 'my kid first',
movement's corporatizing, privatizing education,
cemented 'all about the benjamins' self-possession
in the extreme, me-ism into political technocracy,

where science's supposed progress at all costs
and more, mustn't be abhorred, for, nothing else
matters, "'cause whitie's on the moon" too soon.
Scientism's religion dictating the score,

possession is 9/10 ths of the get away wit' it law,
and the only tenth that should, doesn't matter,
as all citizens that still are scatter from not-sees,
republican conspiracy, and totalitarians, the sino,

gino, aino conspiracy, West/East.  13 % of Bernie
Or Bust 'Bots voted **** installed into the Black
House, some revolution.  Only Black Lives Matters is
grabbing everything it can, Black supremacy in a can.

Also, the supposed "evolution, love revolution",
has extended it's love so far up our ases that we
can't see the forest for the trees, while we're
getting pandemiced by ****'s yaba, daba, dooing,

racing to rallies, to dictate classist and racial tallies, to
the undoing of a nation for the vultures ever circling
above and below, not just Ebony and ivory, the Black,
white supremacies, but, all 23 flavors in this baskin

'n robbins of supremacies, this house of cons, cards.
Convolutionaries have dictated all the news that fits
into the multi-media conspiracy's show, is filled with
their gibberish, now a 'moral revolution', since when

did moralizing stop the global oligarchy's class war
against the lower-middle-class to poor?  **** of Utin
cut food-stamps at the start of the coronaing of the poor,
and he gave 100's of billions to the richest of the rich,

food taken straight out the mouths of babes and given
to billionaires, without a care.  Their moral revival
is racist as well, it says "for people of color", be-
have, besides, this ain't the 50's, we don't need moral

hootinanies sans 'shine, "...we(e),..." need real change
now.  Sadly, that bi-polar axi of supposed powers 'use'
of pandemic to subjugate the world to survival instead
of alival, exigency...humanity, has pulled the rug out...,

determining the Winter of extermination to come, will
surpass their class warfare's liquidation of ases, assets
of the masses en masse's increased rate of blitzkreiging
Gaia's kids to their extinction.  When will the coviding

of a million Americans into their graves matter, a large
% people of color, the largest the poor?  It's happening
to you now.  The Resident-in-Chief's not using the NPA
to nationalize the production of verified accurate tests

to lessen the cost and distribution of, increase use of
them, is society's confession of this genocide and it
should be prosecuted as such, now.  Yet, everybody's
'going along to get along with the program's', new speed,

nearly blitzkreiging, of exterminating mankind to it's
end, readying the world for the almost complete replacing
of orga by mecha after the 'singularity', man by machine,
indicates to rich that it's convolution's working, man

will go out with a whimper, instead of determining that
"death (******) shall have no dominion", or, at least,
"rage, rage against the dying of the light" be the day's
order, are they right, or do you have a will that won't

allow it?  Will you, as a people tell the un-powers that
un-be, that science lost it's sense of proportion, it's
perspective, humanity could no more live on Mars than
**** could fit through the eye of a needle.  That it's

"...funny how one insect can damage so much grain...",
One instant can damage so much Grace, yet, abominable
that only 400 years of supposed science has almost
destroyed what it took The Evolution 15 billion years

to create, the Earth's life!  That, as cults aren't religions,
rather anti-religions, sciences that extinct their own
species are anti-science, and must be defunded.
That, extinction is forever and no one will wear it well.

Their corp. structure's convolution need not con anyone,
we let them steer our perceptions, thoughts, acts, ships.
The Cosmos can't stop us from basing global society on
scarcity, instead of nature's abundance, it can't force us

to walk in nature's balance, giving back to her abundance,
to allow life eternal instead of humanity's extinction in
20 years, to leave no carbon footprints which will echo
forever on, in all ways, always, to gain the sanity to

abolish the 'use' of fossil fuels, thereby ending climate
crisis and abolishing global defacto-slavery, realizing
economic parity, but, you and all, illimitable potential,
indivisible as life can, will you?  Will you take bullets

instead of making them?  Remember, if you didn't vote
for Hillary you voted for Utin and his **** to be illegally
installed into the Black House.  Public records tell who
didn't, stop them from doing it again, or die trying.

"The root of all oppression lies in (supposed) science",
Gandhi.  They're going to ****** your family, if not with
this virus than another, unless you protect, occupy, GOTV,
"you can't dismantle the man's house with the man's

tools", Lourdes: classism, notseeism, totalitarianism,
defining power as manipulation through to genocide,
instead of learning through to consciousness raising.   Be
well. Viva la vida, solidaridad, la evolucion   :)   reality
If we don't exercise the astronomically increased responsibility to save life, Earth, placed on our shoulders by our fore-bearers, how can we expect our kids to exercise responsibility or his Siamese twin sister freedom will wither like an unused muscle as well.  La machine's devolving every coming generation exponentially more, they actually believe we can live on Mars; humanity's extinction is nigh.  Thanx for all you do; have a great day   :)   reality
Tess Apr 2013
Dear American Dream,
Where’d you go?
I can’t see you
Through all the black smoke.
Are you hiding behind
The soldiers and
The innocent lives
That we take
Each and every day?
And they say
That there’s even a reason
There saying
Something about freedom.

I’m calling for you
But you can’t hear me
Over the screams
Of people crying for equality.
Crying out for mercy
We’re all run by the companies.
And I don’t use the word “evil” lightly,
But minimum wage isn’t
Enough to raise a family.
You can’t even raise a family
If you call yourself gay.
Yeah, this is what we call equality
Here in the USA.
Another killing on the news
Every other day.
But we can’t seem to figure out
How to take the guns away.
So children are dying
And we all look the other way.
How is this okay?

But there’s so much arguing
I can’t seem to get a word in
About how all the people
Who are trying to sneak in
To escape all the violence
In their homeland
Are being persecuted,
Dreams of a better life, executed.
But isn’t that what America stands for?
Getting a new chance, getting to start over.
But it seems that only the rich, white men
Are the ones who even get a chance.
Isn’t that kind of racist?
And classist? And sexist?
What kind of horrible joke is this?
America, the melting ***?
Like oil and water,
The rich men come out on top.

I could go on forever
But I got my point across.
We gotta make things right
Before we’re all lost.
It won’t be easy for any of us,
Especially the President in the White House.
He’s doing what he can
But it’s just not enough.
So we’ve gotta stand together
And shape up.
We’re at the bottom,
So the only way out is up.

Dear American Dream,
It seems to me
This generation’s playing a giant game
Of hide and seek.
But we will find you.
One day we’ll find you
Raise you up on our shoulders
And restore you
To what you used to be.
That’s the way
We’re gonna make this country free.
That is when this country
Will be free.
Michael Marchese Aug 2017
Each day I rise higher
But what is my tune
I feel like I'm sinking
In blues of the moon
And the sunlit tomorrow
Still dreaming of peace
But the gargoyle grey
That prevents this release
Just deceases my hopes
To a blistering frost
Of the wars of mankind
And the children we've lost

All the prices it's cost
All the ads that they sell
All the drugs that they push
As they drag me to hell
So lay siege to my kingdom
My castle of time
My throne of the future
You won't take my mind
With this fake dollar sign
Or this plastic perfection
Just phony expressions

I am the infection
To swine influenza
To pandemic greed
I'm the pile of refuse
Of liberty's breed
I'm the proud single mother
Of Taino suns
I'm the conquistadores
That shot us with guns
I'm the guy on the line
I'm the hungry kid's dog
I'm the choking wage slave
Still inhaling the smog
I'm the cold-blooded bayou
The wilderness soul
I'm the Chesapeake Bay
I'm the diamond in coal
I'm the homeless elitist
The debt degree ride
I'm illusions of choice
Like the heroes who died

To bring you this flag
Painted red with their blood
So that all of god's sheep
Would but drown in the flood
Of the unfiltered Flint
Social media trap
And the classist caste system
Increasing the gap
Of the health to the wealthy
Instead of the sick
Of the weak and the tired
Of getting last licks
So don't think I don't notice
This **** isn't fair
I'm just also exhausted
From thinking you'd care
Kelly Mistry Aug 2020
“He looks homeless”
“Can she speak English?”
“It’s hard to take her seriously”

These thoughts have always been with me
Steeped into my thoughts
Into my beliefs
Into my actions

They hide around the corners of my mind
Always part of the background
Or they are front and center
Impossible to unsee

Sometimes I can label them in the moment

Sometimes I can only see their influence with the distance of time
Or through another’s eyes

Where do they come from
How do they shape me
How do they shape everyone around me

How much of my essence is mine?
How many of my thoughts originate outside of me?

I think I’ll never fully know

All I can do
All we can do

Is label
Set aside
And look again
liz Feb 2019
hey baby, big brother
i see your grimace
fake fancy smile like you love me
while you put stars over my words
as though my voice didn't exist
i see you, you can't hide
you know my name
you love the way it tastes
crunching my bones for breakfast
'coz i put my body in this poetry
i could be more explicit
give you the ride of ya life
but you bore me, baby

you think you're so slick
unctuous like an oil spill
slide my words under the rug
thank god i'm quietly political here
or i'd have a lot of asterisks
you know i don't love you
you're laughable
protecting people, you call it
classist notions of self respect
sticks and stones so threatening
too bad the world ain't soft
and asterisks can't cover up
the blood on politicians lips
censoring things
as if what they don't wanna hear
can ever be forgotten

oh i know, dear poem place
your asterisks are kindness
meant to be helpful, maybe
too bad i'm so jaded
i don't see it as such, i'm sorry
can't fight the system
but i will never be polite
i'm explicit to my marrow
tasty, full of sin and rawness
a fragrant flower never silent
so be liberal with the stars
if you so choose to be
but hey, baby
you can't hide from me
lol you tried it, i'm unabashedly explicit loves. get used to it.
07 feb 2019
Michael Marchese Sep 2017
With left so deft you’d think it's theft
We are the blind man's ego death
We see the abstract poverty
In all of its cosmogony
Humanity is Mother Nature
We are but her nomenclature
Poets with a love of wisdom
Burning down this fascist system
Classist, cashist, racist pigs
They step to us with oil rigs
But we got dreamers of all sizes,
Colors, shapes and symbolizes
Universally diverse
Rehearsing every universe
Test our patience is a virtue
Justice will be swift upon you

By egalitarians
Who guillotine these Aryans
That D.A.R.E. to limit our fair share
Of ways to rock this crazy hair
And break this **** down to the truth
As we explore the realms of youth

Our architects will span the seas
On odysseys of Pleiades
Our psychics will make obsolete
The news-feed ticking time bomb tweet
Our rebels will revolt in peace
With furies reigning Ancient Greece
Our sorcerers will cast their spells
And grant each drop of wishing wells
Our Appleseeds will grow year 'round
Upon the fields of common ground
Our leaders will be yoga teachers,
Open mics, and bleacher creatures
We will obligate these morals
Or white wash these dying corals
We will all commiserate
Or drown ourselves in selfish hate
It's not too late to save this place
Our fate rests not in distant space
But in the permanence of ink
Now step aside and let us think
Michael Marchese Sep 2021
In spartan conditions
Inured to privation
In bountiful plenty
I opt for starvation
Been waiting on angels
To cradle my grave
Like a craven
Still craving
A lover to save
Me from clutches of loss
And the jaws of defeat
From the dissatisfaction
Pursuing elite
Living standards
Can’t stand
To compare
My despair
With their lucrative lassitude
Classist career
If I wanted it genuine
I’d disappear
Yet again
Go pretend,
That I can
Belong here
There was no place for me
Since I crawled from the ooze
And confused
With gods it alludes to
Michael Marchese Jan 2024
Am but one
Tiny speck
Of the nothingness
This consumerist
Vast abyss
Classist rift
Stacking the odds
In my favor
Ensuring the wages
I cravingly
My share of the spoils
Then centralize
All the essential
Term oils
With limitless
To define
The decider
The lion,
The tiger,
The eagle

— The End —