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mandala lama Jan 2014
"Errant on the initial perception we sought to lessen misconceptions to none."
but put upon by reason, i call the kings on treason and smash them all for fun.
dodge the waves of lightning though they stand and say i'm lying.
i see how far they'll go to make this death defying.  so i
calculate probability of actuality to infinity
incredulity crawls close to profanity
spiraling seems to be
looming inevitably
Daniel Magner Aug 2013
I worry
because I've been alive
twenty years
and still don't fully like
who I am,
how long will it take
for someone else
to love me?
Daniel Magner 2013
shayla ennis Feb 2014
time is slow and grows,
faster it seems to go,

why is time important?

can we forget how little there is,
how much we want,
live now not later,

from small to big grow we do,
waste not on insecurities,
forget the wanting,
give and receive what's needed,

old we are now no time left,

did i waste what was given in time?

or use it well

by scarlet rose
Lambert Mark Mj Feb 2015
Faith is a funny tale,
Banging!, on no ones thought of what door,
Humming and cooing and my window jail,
and trudging at my pondering floor

To quicksand it desolates -suddenly-
from titular crown of metals to pallid birch,
All cones of mono roll down on a trolley
with the tetra floss that burns the torch,

Fate is a formidable foe,
Descend itself to morrows fort,
discriminating as it comes and goes
to what it justifies at court,

Stepping to festive cascades,
lying faintly on the tomb of beds
Where the harbinger harvest withering fades,
there it cuts the echoing threads

So we alone stroll at chrono's fraud,
Brooming dust into makers state,
Sack of pennies nods; smirks at prudent gestures sad,
That is when and then we go back to old date
Do not step back into past, renew yourself for tomorrow's war
Junche Jul 2018
are not just
until you realize
how it affects
someone's life
Time may pass
words may forgotten
but the impact
would forever change
someone's life
how long will it chase you
those words that greatly changes
that someone's life
by how you decorate her life
with words
that even time
cannot forget
how these words
Simon Nader Jun 2019
And death was the beginning
To start my own journey
For the unknown to bring
It feels like eternity

Many people I met
Friends and foes
But I have felt
Emotion in me grows


Oceans deep
Oceans fall
Somewhere I am
Inside I sleep


I died many times
I traveled everywhere
Beyond dimensions
Just to lead back to you

Where does my heart
Want to be
With you or her
I got to see

I was alive somewhere
Parallel realities
I fell in this despair
Beyond many seas



(Acoustic Guitar Solo)

I lived inside a dream
Down comes the stream
In which dragons still fly
I travel up into the sky

I saw my enemy
And it was me
But I still have a heart
This love ours shall never depart


(Chorus) x 2
Karijinbba Oct 2021
Freedom is power
Born in wealth, the sins
of my fingertips
silent tongue did cast me aside
your kingdom diamond crown.
Chronological genius you
for chrono disaster me Ram.
O feedom who runs free!
Mostly winds fly blowing yelling
hissing out so loud
winds destroying Mansions
strong towers and never get charged
with deadly blowing crimes.
No human has such freedom.
Wind is free to give life or death.
We all pop out giving joy and pain.
We begin in the same womb, yet live estranged from each other on this planet lucky to even share a song
or a poem, slaves to buck
that must be earned to pay for
bare necessities.
Lucky we pay not for oxigen
to breathe as of yet.
Oh that I was wind to fly and
Swirl my lover up and down the whole night through cosmophile
and blow all enemies skyhigh
and back down eighty mile an hour.
If only your freedom winds
joined mine E.T. divine for  
my hurracane dancing twisters
Tycoons or soft breeze
to sway the willows of our sins
Oh wind Tandabam tam-tam
Come be not gone tantric
with passer by greener
grassy winds.
NeroameeAlucard Apr 2016
It should be no surprise
That I felt inspired when I managed to find
Zeal's theme from Chrono Trigger,  Corridors of time
And as I began to ponder this rhyme
I thought "this piece of music is an excellent description of our lives"
Because truthfully, life is a corridor from birth to the grave
The end is inevitable, whether you were born again or unsaved
So I stare at the walls occasionally and at the past I look back
I smile at the memories given to me from days long past
And I March forward once again, and we should all do the same
Life for all is a corridor, the only difference between them is our name
Simon Nader Feb 2019
And death was the beginning
To start my own journey
For the unknown to bring
It feels like eternity

Many people I met
Friends and foes
But I have felt
Emotion in me grows


Oceans deep
Oceans fall
Somewhere I am
Inside I sleep


I died many times
I traveled everywhere
Beyond dimensions
Just to lead back to you

Where does my heart
Want to be
With you or her
I got to see

I was alive somewhere
Parallel realities
I fell in this despair
Beyond many seas



(Acoustic Guitar Solo)

I lived inside a dream
Down comes the stream
In which dragons still fly
I travel up into the sky

I saw my enemy
And it was me
But I still have a heart
This love ours shall never depart


(Chorus) x 2
Song Lyrics based on a video game with the same name.
Jill Oct 2024
No need for shallow chest breath
I am safe
I can breathe through my belly
Deep, becoming regular
Soothing, smoothing, slowing

No need for organised thought
I am shielded
I can relax into this place
Calm, becoming gentle
Softening, swaying, sliding

No need for clock watching
Dali time only
I can exist, chrono-sheltered
Now, becoming ageless  
Melting, muting, morphing

A door with round window
Mellowing to Renoir-lens
Glossy, smudgy, charm
Hobbit-style architecture
Familiar, shire-y, amiable
Lit warm and soft

A brown carpet bag
Caressing the rich pile
Sturdy, salvaged, true
Tardis-like inner structure
Dependable holder, infinite
For weights and woe

Smooth, even, stone stairs
Descending in timeworn strength
Secure, bendless, cool
Delivering, guiding journey-way
To ease and mend

I tender-lift my bag
Zip open for a prize
On every step

Each stair a healing game
The bag a hungry friend
To hold my heavy goods
And bare them strong for me
As I descend

Step one is for fear
Two for screaming
Three for ache
    with blurred-out meaning
Four for panic
Five dark-dread
    that slither-twists through sleep in bed
If guilt is six
Then shame is seven
    long blame-soaked school without a lesson
Eight for pleading
Nine for weeping
Ten for wounds, and burns, and bleeding

The bag now zipped, trapped weights and woe,
is set down gently, as I go
All grateful heart, and kindess-eyed
Door opens as
I walk outside
Related music Pixies – Monkey gone to heaven, Doolittle (1989)

almat011 May 2019
Love is between a measured chrono-connection, having a quantum thread of memories between lives extending into the infinity of eternity. No matter what is the timing of life, love never dies to the end.
Author: Musin Almat Zhumabekovich
Jill Aug 2024
Sobriety is overrated
Bottle recess for your mind
Pain and time are complicated
Pain and mind are lubricated
Time and mind in competition
Time and pain aligned

Little drops of consolation
Shiny sparkly pools of bliss
Softly viewed through condensation
Revenants by invitation
Bottle-born in resurrection
Noone else to miss

There exists the true addiction
Passing time with those you lost
Pain is not the real affliction
Loss of love holds little friction
Time can pass in all directions
Overlook the cost

Bottles as chrono-transporter
Meaningless in time and pain
Chosen over bricks and mortar
Home inside the pain exporter
Caught inside the time remover
Genie trapped again

Traps are not a solo prison
Bottle is no picky thief
Locked outside your final mission
Circumscribed to watch and listen
Grasping as the brown glass darkens
Wading into grief
Yeah in Texas we love to swang
Switch through the lanes
While smokin' on Mary jane
It don't matter what ya claim
We spit flames sittin' on 84
Twistin' round and round
And you can hear the bassing sounds
Thumpin' keep the streets jumpin'
Much love to the originator
I'm talkin' the ***** creator
Earl Davis a legend so don't be second guessin'
Or you'll be gettin' a blessin'
Surprise from my Smith n Wesson
Sittin on Vogues 15s or 14s
Gold over chrome in chrono order
My appeal is so real
So ya know all haters feel
Jealousy and envy but it don't bend me
I just chill and let the wind breeze take me
Into another zone I'm game smooth *** baritone
Gets me a bunch girls to bone
Intellects sang
rollin'hard chirpin' on them thangs

Bound to be a sunny day
In that sunshine state
Texas breakin' crates cuz our music rake
From the streets to the jail cells
Makin' revenue with the crew
Black & Hebrew
No time for evil I moved pass that level
These devils wanna see me fall
But will Still continue to ball
Til I'm over the top chillin' in a million dollar loft
Breakin' off proper treat my guns
Like a visa
I'll never leave my chopper at home
Pushin' more domes than the astros
Wrapped around ya mind like a lasso
Live everyday Like my last though
Just a hustler spittin over instrumentals
Rhymes verbal where's the punisher?
Foes soon to be a victims
From tyna still thangs
Still servin' up on them thangs
Mateuš Conrad Apr 2018
while lucifers steal the light
of this world,
and take to stage...
basking in the frightening
light of Icarus....
via plagiarism...
synonym, god,
the satans bask
in the ***** of....
a reliquary of shadows;
some people
are just too stupid,
in order to lie...
lacking in chrono--stamina...
biologicznie... słabi;
         herd mentality
always scoops up
the remnant...
not inanimate pluralism
of hoarding....yet stI'll
a pluralism...
the remnant contra the remnants
          soft J
Norwegian fjords...
callous Y... a tree,
a tongue of hydra...
           dirge, and prior
to aeons ago, a Hindu cremation...
a burial at sea...
lost, labours of artefact...
       a love,
surmised via copper.
I got a chrono... something
it meters the time
made in France
set to Greenwich
a silver case
but probably not real
and an expanding strap
in a shrinking World
that's a bonus.
Jill Oct 2024
< I >
Day arc begins. The sunflower class gazes lovingly skyward at their fire-star teacher. The newest pupils chin-strain in awe-focused attention. Reverent but energetic, their heads smooth-turn gradually westward towards their warm reward. Their blooms are a balmy destination for sunning bees. Perfect timing, rippling into the world…  

A sage watched his plants while his plants tracked the sun
He thought that it wasn’t worth noting
that petals would right to keep facing the light
as the sun-facing side was selectively dried

So sagely inquiry was done
Until the idea could receive its refloating

A physical botanist noticed the same
He took it a logic step further
His plants were all placed and completely encased
in a darkness-bound dock for a turn of the clock

The plants kept rotating their aim
And he was the first timing rhythm observer

The more he considered, the more he was sure
He could, based on solid deduction,
with confidence say that they acted this way
Through an inner intense, sunlight following sense

And urged folks to study this more
With rigours of research and science instruction

Years later, two scientists lived in a cave
A one-month foray in spelunking
Still, noiseless and lightless, the cave was all timeless
Just like the plant dock, but encased in cave rock

Their temperature curves did not change
So humans and plants had some notes to exchange…

< II >
People invent fake sunlight. Industry never stops. A timeless, tiring blur of day into night. We sit, pale and caffeinated. A world blinking fluorescent and midnight grey. A modern, diurnal nightmare. Timing battles fought from the inside…

Perched aside the optic nerve
Perfect clock inside the brain
Captured sunlight through the eye
Keeps us synched to night and day
Time and time again

Crossing zones will lead to lags
Clock and earth fall out of step
Difficult to sleep or wake
Model it to count the cost
Measured sleeping debt

Scientists find many clocks
Timing marked out body-wide
Liver, kidney, stomach, skin
Hair and muscle, pancreas
All with clocks inside

Timing cues from inside out
Hormones and adrenal glands
Exercise, consuming food
Drinking, sleeping, changing mood
Moving clockwork hands

    It’s tricky, said the shiftworker
    I’m in a real to-do
    My stomach thinks it’s ten am, my liver, half past two
    My kidneys think it’s yesterday
    My muscles Monday night
    My brain in concert with the earth, keeps timing by the light
    And all I want is sugar and a quiet kiss goodnight

Stomach, head, and heart in flux
Health and safety chrono-shock
Out of synch with social norms
Shiftworkers are precious hands
Pulled around-the-clock

Invisible clocks set with sun-travel springs
A hidden existence in all living things
Ryan O'Leary May 2020
Cuckoo clock
weather vain
sunny day
Daylight saving time end date

thus, go tell the (buttoned down,
     burly, blustering buster)
     "day light save
     ving time" watchman,
     he must absquatulate,
Percheron high horse,
     cuz his curmudgeon,
     crony chrono logical brethren

     will soon expedite
long established decree,
     whereby populace
     linkedin with Doctor
     Frankenstein to accommodate
sans, one third portion
     of the year to activate
"standard time," despite

     less than adequate
advantages figuratively *******
     the "hands of time,"
     despite annual instagram
     "flash mob," who adjudicate
taking timely matter
     to the highest court
    demanding officials

     to administrate
hands down, and
     immediately inculcate
the sensible implementation,
     no more than twelve
     months standard time,
     which the majority do advocate
offers more bene

     fits than drawbacks
     minimally doth aggravate
the Circadian rhythm versus
     physiological affects in aggregate
inclusive would be
     quasi jet lag,
     especially anxiety proponents,
     which claim tampering

     with clockwork does agitate,
nee, this turning
     back and forth
     time pieces can exacerbate
predilection to panic attack
     (case sensitive in point myself),
whereat severe
     disembodied sensation

     finds no alternative,
     or recourse, but amputate
thee noggin yes,
     an extreme alternative
     mostly fashionable
     among decapitated dead,
     who require talking
     heads to articulate

then successful crowned
     subjects with a new,
     (rather preowned noodle)
     (no longer running
     around like a chicken

     without their head) assimilate
among motley crue, with
     whom they undertake
interacting with person,
     or even animal, viz
     skull king recipient.
nvinn fonia Jan 17
Heavenly Sword
Metro: Last Light
Brütal Legend
Lego the Lord of the Rings
Dragon's Crown
South Park: The Stick of Truth
Valkyria Chronicles
fallout 3
Dark Souls
Borderlands 2
BioShock 2
Grand Theft Auto V
Red Dead Redemption
Burnout Paradise
Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit
Ridge Racer
Sonic Generations
Majin And The Forsaken Kingdom
Eternal Sonata
Dragon's Crown
ModNation Racers
Renegade Ops™
The Legend of Korra™
Tornado Outbreak
Motorstorm: Pacific Rift
Strong Bad's Cool Game For Attractive People
Killer Is Dead
Asura's Wrath
No More Heroes: Heroes' Paradise
PlayStation All-Stars: Battle Royale
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel
Lollipop Chainsaw
Afro Samurai
Alice Madness Returns
Call of Juarez Gunslinger
Joe Danger
White Knight Chronicles
split second
mid night club la
nfs most wanted
nfs hot pursuit
drift 3
driver san fransico
colin mac rae dirt
race driver grid
Twisted Metal
Cars 2: The Video Game
Cars 3: Driven to Win
Ridge Racer 7
Stuntman: Ignition
Need for Speed: ProStreet
Juiced 2: Hot Import Nights
Cel Damage HD
Blood Drive
Death Track: Resurrection
Darksiders II
Transformers: Devastation
Battle Fantasia
Bleach Soul Ignition
Soulcalibur IV
Virtua Fighter 5
BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger
Def Jam: Icon
Bleach: Soul Resurreccion
Batman: Arkham City
Dark Souls II
NBA 2K13
GRID (2008)
DiRT 3
BlazBlue: Continuum Shift
Persona 4 Arena
Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse - Episode 2: The Tomb of Sammun-Mak
Need for Speed: Shift
BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma
Brutal Legend
Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed
Shift 2: Unleashed
LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes
NBA JAM: On Fire Edition
SoulCalibur V
Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse - Episode 1: The Penal Zone
Dungeon Defenders
Darkstalkers Resurrection
Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late
The Darkness (2007)
Stick it to the Man!
DeathSpank: Thongs of Virtue
Gatling Gears
After Burner ******
Sega Rally Revo
The House of the Dead: Overkill - Extended Cut
Call of Juarez: Gunslinger
Sideway: New York
no more heroes heroes paradise
Marvel vs. Capcom Origins
anarchy reigns
One Piece: Pirate Warriors 2
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine
Alice: Madness Returns
Battle Princess of Arcadias
Armored Core V
gta 5
red dead redemption
mortal kombat 2011
Tekken Tag Tournament 2
Persona 5
rush n attack ex patriot
last rebellion
golden axe beast rider
cloudy with a chance of meatballs
motorcycle club
shoot many robots
monster madness
burn zombie burn
heavy weapons atomic
wanted corp
hell divers
assault heroes
Alien Breed 3: Descent
dead nation
matt hazard blood bath and beyond
house of dead 4
anarchy reigns
bladestorm nightmare
dragon quest heroes 2
dragon quest heroes
street fighter x tekken
Motorstorm apocalypse
dragon's crown
One Piece: Pirate Warriors
phineas and ferb across the 2nd dimension game
Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection
Final Exam
Swords & Soldiers
One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3
Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm3
Guilty Gear Xrd
Ultra Street Fighter IV
dead or alive 5 ultimate
Dengeki Bunko: Fighting ******
Diablo III
yaiba ninja gaiden
injustice gods among us
Cartoon Network: Punch Time Explosion
Fuel Overdose
Full Auto 2: Battlelines
Top Gun: Hard Lock
ace combat assault horizon

— The End —