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Vicki Acquah Jan 2016
May 25, 2015 at 3:27am

you have to
run away from
bad decisions

Most forget
You've got to bring some
*** to kick some ***.
So when you are feigning
for a fight.

Remember to
"lead with your head
and cover your behind."

If all else fails, hopefully
you will come to your senses
and haul *** quickly.

For he that fights and runs away,
May live to fight another day;
For he that fights and runs away,
May live to fight another day ;
Vicki Acquah Jan 2016
May 25, 2015 at 3:27am

you have to
run away from
bad decisions

Most forget
You've got to bring some
*** to kick some ***.
So when you are feigning
for a fight.

Remember to
"lead with your head
and cover your behind."

If all else fails, hopefully
you will come to your senses
and haul *** quickly.

For he that fights and runs away,
May live to fight another day ;
For he that fights and runs away,
May live to fight another day ;
Paul Cassano Dec 2014
Back in the day when we could just sit back
Chill out and relax, it was nothing but just that
This one feeling (Psych!) no hidden tax, cleaned up scraps
Advance to attack softly surpass the romance is thick like sap
The impact you had on me I didn't know how to react
The thought is abstract, but intact with vows attached
Our love sapped from each other invitingly,
Finally you see just how much you mean to me
Quite the sheen we had, the luster once explained by Guster
Green light, fourteen, the events unforeseen you must've
Came to me, so afraid, now I'm amazed that I've uh-
found her this early, surely it's not today
It must be a mistake, but I can't contain these sparks
Sparse, is the words I have to say to you, "MONTHS!"
Worse, course you shut a bit of cabinet wood, it creaks
"Curse!", focus not on mom but on her you should be,
gravitational force, by fits and starts, this matter of bursts,
it comes in
I know it but not clear; smokey quarts, ******* crumbs an'
My blank *** mind is turning this into a blank verse
But first, listen to what I have to say, it works!
Not this, at worse I felt reversed, so I put us in park
My feelings for you are neutral, electrons are gone and,
it's too good to be true

You're out of excuses you've run out of time 'n' this ****'s on you
For doubt is bruisin', chewin' spun me around and...

Reminiscin' Cough! It even hurts to say
To breathe, my breath, it isn't here to stay
It's kinda like sleeping, it's just a cousin of death
I'm stickin around but not in this circle,
tripping like a round peg in a square hole,
you grind me into this grounded world of mine
Quit it with the same shape jokes fellow,
with your same lame faces, the same claims are racing below
Chasin immortality, thats a futile fantasy, reality
happily robs your dreams candidly, like you did to me
We're done here. Why can't you see
that when the smoke clears, it's crystal but not amethyst or ruby.
Truthfully I don't understand this new "me", I need an analyst
Matter of factfully, that was an accident, kinda like all this was.
I just ate too much and threw up all over this canvas
And it sounds like practice. Maybe I take you all back, just
grow up, crawl then, complain about this slanted stanza
Anxious I am to end the madness, the recent lack of composure.
but you cannot address the cheapest setback: I'm lonely.
The malice, the heartache, the "palace of flattest objects"
The helpless, the sorry, the callous fingers from these projects
What do they mean to you? Anger? Angst?
Somewhat close to a coat hanger, to hang up all of my paint?!
You're like watching grass grow, and for this **** I'm 'bout to mow

"You think you can do these things but you just can't Nemo!"

Here we go-
You know that one time when I said, "I'll always be here."?
I meant it. Now let go! I said it's over, delirious!
I'm serious, who would ever miss this?
I fear some wickedly addictive feelings are making me trapped
but it feels like it's just two ovaries
No wait, it's just you about to *****-act!
It's a brief pause, but I feel it coming in strong!
The atmosphere is a thief, stealing my breath, so long
I've worked my *** off; it flew away now it's gone,
just like a me to a you, I meet you and ramble on:
I have spent so many days burning our bridges, keeping us afloat
Not once you take time to count me for my vote
Goodbye! Wait, hello... I'm no tough guy, I take chances, though
But you only get one, and this is it, to let you know
I'm outta here for now. And so are you; go.
Rap track my buddy Alex and I are working on at the moment.
Paul Donnell May 2014
My head is full of ****
And my heart is ******* Ill
Your bruisin me your cuttin me your love it ******* kills.
My mind is running fantasies
My hands, a nervous twitch
I try and stay away from you but i cant you ******* *****
It aint right to be so sad
It aint right to be so mad
But if you just dropped dead tonight well Id be ******* glad
And I know that i cant have you
But my chest it ******* heaves
Cause whenever your around me its the way you ******* tease
And if for just one day
That i could hold your hand
Well I just wouldn't care that your boyfriend wants me dead

Just stop teasing me and leading me on and every day im just mopin round im crying i just want my ******* way. Now i know im unappealing and i know i aint too bright but if you would just come to me and cure me of this blight well I'd treat you really well and I'd save you from your hell, but i know that it wont happen so i hope that you can tell that i want you ******* dead and i wish that you were gone cause my love you hurts so bad that im just ganna crawl in a hole and die
Caroline Lee Jun 2016
Late days weighted heads and moonlight
crossed fingers filthy feet and new wine
I'm in love with every part of this
talk it up tell me you got a lot to say
walk me home unsteady from the heavy day
You've got me in right your prize fighter fist
Old hymns bug bites and middle school
play it off while you fail to keep your cool
I don't know what to say
God's grass I'm reborn into a family
baptized in longing when you look at me
We're all formed from the same unholy clay

and I stay up and bleach away the excess emotion
stomach sick from this heady new ocean
of wanting your fingers on my spine
I sleep late and let the dust collect
a new mystery special, a new set of dots to connect
the weight of wanting to call you 'mine'
but all I say when you ask
is 'thanks for asking I slept fine'

Early days light linen and black coffee
bedheaded and bruisin you caught me
right at the base of my chest
jeff gordon god and all his parlor tricks
morning breath bravado I'm already sick
trying to keep these feelings in check
You're five hundred and seventeen miles away
and I'm seven months from finding the right words to say
that I'm happier in the cracks of your teeth
Common senses debates time and distance
enamored by your subtleties and fighter's stance
you almost negate my unbelief

and I stay up and bleach away the excess emotion
stomach sick from this heady new ocean
of wanting your fingers on my spine
I sleep late and let the dust collect
a new mystery special, a new set of dots to connect
the weight of wanting to call you 'mine'
but all I say when you ask
is 'thanks for asking I slept fine'
A song I'm working on.  Feelings ****.
Sungmoo Bae Aug 2020
Say it to me, baby,

that you want me—still—
after all that I've done to you,
and only.
I hear you breathing out hot
—lying flattened on the cold floor—
even after the hard bruisin'

you've gone through—swell, sure it was.

And I wrecked such havoc on you
all because I care for you,
nothing more, nothing less.

I beat you up swell
to get you in a better shape
just like a sculptor

beating his stone
into the shape of David—bare naked.
I'm modern Michelangelo, so to say,

and I want you
to whisper to me
that you crave me,

    that you desire still
    such tyranny of mine
    even more. So just say it,

for your perfection
and a sheer thrill that follows
—all these right at our hands—are so close.

    Wicked as it is,
    my whispering to you demands it.
(C) Copyright: Saul Bae (Sungmoo Bae)

Last Revised: 21th of December, 2020.
The sight of you,
will always do,
your smile it fills my soul,
it takes away,
the grayest day,
it fills every void and hole.
I don't know why I'm frightened,
The days you end up gone.
I'm the only one to notice,
When my sun ain't there at dawn.

From secrets heard,
told from a bird,
I feel that I am losing.
I'll grip the streams,
and angry screams,
for you I'll take a bruisin'.
I thought that I could have you,
Keeps me here alive.
That there's no one here but us two,
Keeps my forward drive.

The thought of you,
is always nice,
In my mind I do percieve:
A person who,
is just so great,
that no one would believe.
It seems like I am shaking,
Not sure if I want to know.
If you are what I ache for,
Or if it was an illusion,
The fakest kind of glow.
March 2011
Fools try to bitter me
But can't stop my energy
Undercover fantasy trying communicate to me
Flex my soliloquy over my enemies
Turn into minions from my dominion
My intention
To rap the game without conviction
Formin' institutions from concoction
Of my brains infusing
Me with ideas slowly I'm bruisin'
Past centuries into another galaxy
Makin' for my analogy
Flows ufogoly blood spread like butter on bread
From powerful forces projected in his head
Spirit fled colorful voices bred
From lyrics drug em like hopheads
Steppin' through lyrical vestibule
Colossal intellectual
That could ancor any vessel
I'm special equivocal wrestle minds
Beamin' rays mysterio flows intangible
Rhyming multiple syllables
So no matter how I flow
I throw the hardest material
Follow ancient principles
**** aboriginal I be the real impresario since my embryo
Broke through hip hop umbilical
Flows is critical
Got stay true to the game
****** like Cain railin' hataz like Cranes puffin' My jane lovin' hairy strains
I can help it im stuck on spiritual highway
Passin' lanes
JS Clark Apr 2017
A wicked road winds across lawless lands
West of the Pecos.
Where Texas turns to hell; a lone GTO
Scourges smug asphalt with a big block
Renegade ethos.

She’s runnin’ low on gas,
She’s been runnin’ way too fast--
And she’s burnin’ rich--

But that’s good.

Because in that combustive concoction,
Is reflected the nuts and bolts,
Ball peens, and crescent wrenches
Of a provocative, evocative, tool chest lending to
Precision tuned angst riddled verse.

She’s a flat black bad-*** *****,
An epic among American cars--
A ‘69 Judge--the 400 cubic inch
Ram-Air rhythms riffing redline stuff
From bookstores to bars.

I work a service station on this
Lonely road, in this inferno west of the Pecos.
In the distance, I hear a distinct sound,
The Judge’s 400 big block, roaring with that
Bruisin’ outlaw ethos.

Down this wicked road of the accepted norm
This Judge is soundin’ mighty good,
I know to have the coffee ready,
As I listen to the poetry chanting under the hood.
Matt Jun 2016
This boy had a real penchant for experiences alright. He liked to experiment with his consciousness through the external realm of the world.

The stimulation offered by the external world was like a machine gun to his senses. It wasn’t just an overload of sights and sounds, it was emotion – pure emotion – confusion, loudness, compassion, hurt, pain, suffering, any number of this things in the span of the moment.

That’s what this was alright – the crutch of the moment.

This was the boy at his most primal. Like an animal battling within its natural habitat of survival.

This was a game that was an outcome of itself.

In the trenches, the adrenaline of diving in headfirst.

His eyes are starin’ and his brain a’foamin’.

Make no mistake this boy had takin’ a bruisin’ and he had the marks to prove it.

An inner war, between fear and love, between the mind and the heart and between the left and right hemispheres of the brain. Dark vs light – thoughts vs emotion. We need this working all for the one system; we need to work together on this. We’re only different parts of the one organism.

The excitement of never doing what was going to happen next – an audience of one in the reality show of his mind.

Not knowing how the moment will play out, like a motorbike the speed is picking up and the heart is thundering.
Maria Oct 2018
Winter was a cold set deal,
Scared of all changes
When the world around her moved
She was going through the same phases
She feared of love, death and moving
There she wanted to stay
She feared of the past and cool bruisin,
Scared there won’t be a sunny day

What she didn’t realize, was that she herself was dark
Searching for a person she was never going to become
Going in the deep hole, running out of faith in love
Her skin turning pale like a delicate dove

And suddenly, over time
She rose slowly, one millistep at a time
Her leaves started to grow
Ice started melting, her heart and mind were slowly mending
It was time to let her old self go

She let the birds and the flowers in
The ground around her turned green
She searched for love that was ACTUALLY real
She asked herself why, and she let herself cry
The worst is to end where you begin

She created a crown of flowers, one petal for every experience she’s had
She had the words of her old songs,
Written in the palm of her hand
She learned how to find, the beauty in all things
And that’s when Winter realised, and turned into spring
I wrote this poem a few months ago and it’s a poem that I’m extremely proud of, due to the fact that I can relate to every word of it. I really don’t know how I managed to craft something so beautiful to describe such a bad and heart wrenching period in my life. I hope you like it and that you can relate to it ♥️
jǫrð Nov 2020
Cruisin' for your
Bruisin', & by the
Sound of it you know
The History: You act like you dont.
Heres another wu banger watch the danger jaw arranger
Stranger than fiction pass jurisdiction Christen
Minds from the ointment of a nine shine deeply confined
Cause chaos like Jack Nick off the shine tingle spines
Every word I spit puts haters in line still smoke pines
Trees enjoy the breeze keep it windy flows Pepsi
Crispy with the flavors I rock check the tick tocks Glocks
Rock craniums perform in sold out stadiums podiums
Held like Bane shook the cane sourdough jack
Along with 14 loaves poisonous darts entered the globes
Dipstick the red ****** cloves replenish the self loathes
Big diamond worn on my clothes see my thoughts glow
Langston Hughes to Van Gogh pictures of a crow
**** what ya know we blow spots whips more *** than Joe yo

Check the baggy steelo fashion statement rate this
My performance like Tyson stinging blue hornets
Charlotte still holding a web watching over the pigs
See the thoughts dig a crazy froth from sizzlin' chicken broths
Souls up for ransom feeling like a new P E anthem
Yo address the state of the union see em in confusion
Master sensei fusion melanin activate cause bruisin'
Cruising with Smokey blazin' Robinson holding guns
See my critics is stun way pass number one my cons
Sitting like stages of Ramadon big fish navigatin' ponds
This is for the lost unseen vagabonds Nathan
Can compare to this dare truths to boost the youths tooth's
Chips over the raw hype see how many brothers sniped
Now they mad cuz the blacks emblems finna unite??
Tension rose the heights of a kite on ground or plain sights
Media picking fights with the black and white stereotypes
Cops infused uninformed old **** flags hold tilted unicorns
Switched from whites sheets with holes now they serving
Bullet holes conserve power at the polls see the gains roll
****** Reservoirs bleeding from America the great *****!!!!
Tiger Lily Aug 2020
I Forgot Anxious Sleepless Nights of Liquid Luck

Im just sitting on this planet called earth
Feeling unreliable since my birth
Takin' life's bruisin
Everything was once ok
Not today

Sleepless nights in Dover city
Getting into nitty gritty
Can be ******
Selfless pitty

Past tense

Its all Litty

— The End —