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Judypatooote Apr 2014
The creek out to our cottage
was right out our front door...

The boats were docked on down the line
with fishermen galore...

Motor boat, motor boat
putt, putting down the line...

I know you thought you were quiet
but I could hear you just fine...

I'd lay in bed and listen,
to the fishermen in the boat...

They would talk and laugh
and sometimes tell a joke...

I was just a little girl
wishing I was going with them...

But dad was at work, so there was no way
I'd just have to wait for that special day...

So I'd dream of the time
when I could jump in that boat.

with my fishing pole always ready
had a bobber ready to float...

by ~ judy
The smell of the gasoline from the engines of the motor boat was oddly comforting to me...I guess it was the smell and the purring of the putt putt engines...a memory...
Zachary Devitt Aug 2010
I cast my line into the water. The bobber bounced a few times and then rested on the surface slightly cocked to the side. I pulled my hat down low, just far enough to block the sun and still see the water. Everything was quiet. Tigger was running around the other end of the pond, looking for raccoons I guess. He went to the water and took a drink, then he took off into the woods. He’ll be back. I love that dog. I must have had him for 10 years now.

              I lit up a cigarette, a Marb red. God, this is the life, man, just chillin, fishin. I had other things to do. I should be looking for a job I guess. I should probably be cleaning my apartment, or taking care of those overdraft fees, I forgot about those, ****. Oh well, this is my day. The birds had started to sing again. I whistled along, Andy Griffith’s theme song, God’s gift to whistlin fishermen. I could feel the sun on my bare arms. That’ll be good for my tan. I took another drag on my cigarette, the air was calm enough that I could blow smoke rings. So I did, for about an hour.

Then out of the corner of my eye I saw the tip of my pole dip down a little, it did it again, again, and again. Finally the bobber disappeared under the water. I grabbed my pole and started to reel ‘er in. It was a catfish, about five pounds I’d say. This was perfect, I would get Tigger and we could go home and fry this sucker up, and I would drink a few brews, watch the game and go to bed. What a wonderful day. I called for Tigger, but he didn’t come out of the woods. Probably found one of those *****. So I walked around the pond to where I saw him go in. No matter how many times I called for him he didn’t come back. I searched for two whole hours but I couldn’t find my dog. He was gone.
Cyril Blythe May 2015
Growing up in Northern Alabama means you know that WalMart sells crickets and those crickets are on sale Sunday afternoons. The art of wetting a line was mine to claim from, a young age. Dad and I would spend weekends on various simplistically named bodies of water (Gunterville, Goose Pond, the Elk, the Flint) equipped with an alarming amount of crickets, ZOOM bait, honeywheat bread and cheap ham. Riptide Rush Gatorade and Michelob Ultra were the choice drinks to ensure proper hydration. The days we filled with a simple formula: cast, reel, catch, release. Bass love lake-**** and Crappie muddy banks. Catfish are not worth the effort involved with avoiding their poisonous whiskers when unhooking even though they look like Dinosaurs. After a lunch of sweaty ham and blue-bag doritos a quick swim in the water is absolutely crucial to cool down and finally get rid of the weariness sitting on a rocking boat gives you.  The big fish bite during dusk and dawn. Some only after the sun goes down. Sleep came when the green and white light rods on the boat become too bright for tired eyes. Finding a random small island in the water, tying the boat to an Hardwood Oak, and rolling out the sleeping bags on the red-clay will always provide the best sleep of your life-just don't think about snakes. The stars are always brightest and the cricket and cicada harmony the most melodic on this little Alabamian islands.

With each year the opportunity for these ventures dissipated. The fishing never stopped-the creeks in the neighborhood, pond beside our family home, and lakes on the Robert Trent Jones golf course (the 18th hole on the River Course was the best) provided ample opportunity to cure the itchy thumb syndrome.

I remember in high-school my father would fish alone by the lake with our dog by his side and an Ultra in his cup-holder almost every night. It was his time to unwind and process. I always appreciated his dedication to the art and the mastery of skills he passed on to me, but I never understood why he fished every single evening.

Until now.

I have been in the so called real world for a mere two year since college graduation. I have completed a post-graduate program, dated and broken up with various women, obtained a full time position doing honest and difficult work for those in need, and recently became a Dad to a hound of my own.

There in a river that flows through my city, but it is to far to venture to every night. The rivers surface in most places reflects bright lights. On weekends you will find kayak enthusiasts paddling against the current like wasps in the wind. The river, here, is a place of fast motion and has forgotten the beauty of a restful yellow bobber downing crickets.

Fishing equates opportunity for breathing. I still wet my line most weekends, but at 24 there is not enough time to recapture the dreams only found on red clay riverbanks. The river remembers and the fish still look like dinosaurs to me.
Audrey Jerome Mar 2014
There is one way I’ll always remember you.
It's a memory that clings to me like clothes to my back
on a Friday afternoon in July.
Your boss let you out early.
I remember the sun on my face
and the sound of
the swamp cicadas seeming to cheer me on.
“Go on.” I hear you say
“Give it a shot. “

There is one way I’ll always remember you.
I stare at my target,
a hard blue plastic
bucket at your feet.
I pick up the Snoopy fishing pole and watch the red bobber
twist and turn about
at the end of the line.
Just like we practiced, I think.
With the swing of an arm and the pull of the trigger I cast it away
and listen to the thunk of the bobber as it lands
in the bucket.
I remember the look on your face.

I haven’t heard that sound
and I haven’t seen that face since.
But I keep casting.
Adam Schwab Mar 2013
A ten minute drive
To a place that I love.
Be thankful your alive and thank the good lord above .
Not many people travel deep to its place.
Get lost from society without a trace.
All you need is a pole and a little bit of faith
In hope of some fish will nibble your bait

My bobber dips and dangles my line
as the sun rays reflect off the water and shine
A strike of a bass has hit up my hope
Making it hard to contain and cope

Some fish  all day for the one to take home
But I'll wait longer for the one that is unseen
And when yours crumbles mine will be chrome
She swim through my heart with pure sanguine

For some it is hard to find what is fond
For silly young Adam, it's fish in a pond
Joe P Dec 2013
Sun crashing through the windows and spilling all over the breakfast table.

Squinted eyes looking out at the everything. Focused out there: Trees. Grass. Light. Dirt. Adventure.

Fruity pebbles drenched in whiteyellow light.

The creaky screen door and the blue steps.

Chipped paint. Splintered wood.
The smell of fresh cut grass.

The smell of dirt caked to our bodies.

The smell of heat and sweat and summer. 

A Baseball glove lying half hidden in the grass.  

A bike parked under the biggest evergreen tree in the world.  

A skateboard under your moms beat up rusty car.

Hands digging through dirt searching for some ancient secret. 

Super secret plans drawn on paper towels.  

****** kneecaps and wooden playgrounds.  

The sound of tires on gravel.

The sound of your laugh.

The sound of your sister crying.

The sound of bodies slapping against the water.  

The creek.

Deeper, longer and more profound than any other creek on the planet.

The woods.

The endless woods and all the beautiful and terrifying things they offered us every day.

The forever extending ripple my bobber sent through the ***** water of that small pond.

My back against the blades of green.

The dipping sun.

The puffs of white in the sky and branches dancing.


All encompassing.  



Beautiful innocent ignorance.  

Sasha Paulona May 2021
They said I'm too young to love him,
What would they do if I told,
I live in my free land of twenties
I heard boys whistle to my sassy moves
But they're too young to my wild wild heart.....

When you parked Scount bobber vintage style
Ripped t-shirt with leather field jacket,
I match my short waitress white dress
For your Latte moments at my coffee shop
Shinning like a god, So I go wild wild wild....

My boyfriend loves me more than ever.
He would sing for me all midnight.
We dance until we drunk on a cheap wine  
This love is pure. But god have mercy on me.
Because you're the one who makes me wild wild wild...…. Truly

I run away from this truth.
To flee from my own sin.
Hide in a pastel fairytale.
Which doesn't make me too jazzy
But I will not let you to break my wild wild heart.

Where my wild heart burned,
All ashes should be scattered
The color of the flames, painted the sky red and orange
Bitter but intoxicating smell of desire,
remains in the air
Then you'll never forget my wild wild heart.
I go wild on you baby................
Avalon's Respite Dec 2015
Passion upon a rocky stream...
youthful expectation of a dueling fray.
Slip-bobber swirls within random eddies
induced from a bottle of Southern Comfort
tossed with wayward abandon.

Time passes...hopeful dream dies.

Enticed by a liaison with greener grass.
She swims with lazy nonchalance,
in shallow recesses naked to my sight.
Dining upon her own chosen array.
Casting off the feast I hold before her.

Something fishy going on here!

© S.Loeding
All Rights Reserved
bulletcookie May 2019
left the water running
a slippage of the mind
how long it ran through plumbing
quizzed a liquid block of time

how swift the thought had faded
with fluid cascade views
of an otherness that waded
into ponds of current muse

as a conversation bubbled
and the tangents went astray
leading to the very bobble
that forgetfulness betrayed

Lou Sasol Feb 2015
****** if i
don't have it made,
porch swinging with some lemon aid,
bobber twitching there in the shade.
Weber smoking our ribs are laid.
warm peach pie cause we just got paid
last my Martin on which I serenade
drumhound Mar 2014
please read
before you indulge in this :-) *


The Sandman and I have an agreement:
     I will use his grains sparingly,
In return,
     He dispenses my prescription in
Nearly lethal doses.
          Where only contented dreams live
                    In abbreviated hours
                    Too succinct
To allow anything unpleasant.

          Trail skippingly through
                              ****** worlds
                              Utopian neighbors
                              Calorically absent banquets
Sharing property lines with
Idyllic, passionate women
                  Who peer over their
                   See-through fences
                   Teasing unbridled desire
          Of covering me in a favorite topping.

                                            (Dutifully,­ I double check
                                            Nocturnal filters
                                            To be sure I have prevented
Broadcasting of past names
To my present wife
                                  Half-dozing on the pillow
                                  Taken from my side of the bed.)

A mist sets then rises, a new act begins,
        Transporting near the river
        On the banks of my hometown.
         I am Tom Sawyer,
Lounging proudly with
My Huckleberry friends,
         Fishing line on my toe,
                                Bobber and stink bait
                                Mimicking ***** waves
                                On the Muddy Miss.

The string draws taut bending my stubby digit.
          It’s a big one hanging on
          Pulling so hard
          I'm driven from slumber.
There at my feet I can see I have
Reeled in the finest catch of my life.
                                          A blue eyed,
                                          Small mouth offspring
                                          With panting gills
                           Mumbling something about falling....

Then I remember,
        The only thing
        Better than my dreams
        Is waking to a son
                                 Who believes I am bigger
Than all of his.
Rachel Brainard May 2012
ends in screams of silent tears
for those that are going
and those that have gone.

They once ran through lands
of meadows and streams
tricking teachers into believing they were deathly ill
just so they could go fishing on a sunny afternoon.

He was drafted
leaving her behind
hoping to return with more than a box
to call his own.

They got married
without a proposal
knowing it would
“just happen.”

Together they raised
a girl and a boy
and soon they had children
of their own.

I followed them
like a newborn calf
follows its mother

riding in the combine
running through fields
sitting patiently on ten-gallon buckets
waiting for the bobber to be submerged.

Tonight I, their granddaughter, scream silent tears
she is going and
he is gone.
Graff1980 Feb 2015
I am broken
Not love sick
Sour faced
Teeny bobber

But social devastation
The kind that comes
With the human revelation
That things don’t get better

Greed rules the land
Followed by ignorance
Pacing close second
Racial issues are still
Clouding the way people feel
Cops are still brutalizing
Black people
****** is still a word
I hear regularly
In this a redneck society

Except it is never as simple
As that
The poor suffer
The words won’t come
In lieu I guess a heart ache
Will have to do

I would cry
If I had any tears left
I would try
If I had any hope left
But I am broken
Just the way
Some people like

In truth
Only the insane can remain
Standing unbroken
Keith W Fletcher Feb 2017
So dark the night
And vast the undulating Plains
That to a red eye Rider
The enormous Beast Ablaze with light
Was barely more then a lighter's flame
From 20 miles away and Eight Miles High
In the fluorescent algae Specht water
A party was all-consuming
As the music blasted splitting the silence
Like the appalling amount of lumens shoving back the moonless dark

And yet just beyond the limits of its reach
The ink stain air poised  to Rush into the vacuum left should power fail
Unlike the stately and patient depths
Of the ever patient flashing star like algae filled Sea
Poised not .... content to let be what will be
Collecting trophies was an old Hobby
No rush to interfere
With these ever-expanding beasts Huffing and puffing in laboring air

Unlike the terrafirma and it's  Horizon curve
Where elevation or  terrain
Condenses or expands the vision seen or imagined
That exists just beyond the rise

For virtually flat is the oceans surface
360 degree of a horizon never changing
That can be disconcerting to a newbies mind
Why the sailors of old believe the world to be flat
As a never changing Horizon completely flat and round
Surely means to drop off is always just up ahead

And in that mysterious vast and frightening Darkness
Not much change has a few centuries made
Except the modern vessel pushes the darkness further back
Yet a horizon never changing distance
Flat as a plates Edge
Conjures up illusions of
That drop off ....always up ahead

Aboard the celebrating bobber no one cared
Theirs  was a world of  laughter and Indulgence
And good times to be shared
Safe and secure are the elitists
Giddy with the power carried into marriage from a long Romance
No one picked to pay attention
Upon this lazy pleasure Victory Cruise
So it was it that fateful moment
As the ship rocked  none heard the sudden vicious crack

As any breach will with Insidious skill
Growing by the measure directed by circumstance
So it could be said that those up on Deck
And that at Waters Edge
Were deeply involved in their separate dance
Persistent in their Quest
With joyous abandon the elite who ride so high as to care not
About the underlings the disposables they mistreat
Those very ones they look down on
Until they find they actually need
For the overall success of all involved
But misused abused mistreated and spurned
Not giving the rightful reward of value earned
Unnoticed and unneeded until deemed Worthy
To do for them a manual and demeaning chore

So unnoticed were they in the dark of night
Easing a lifeboat into the dark black ink
Where the joy of song of that multitude aboard
Singing spirited songs as they floated away

Just as those revelers remained
unaware of the ever-evolving crack
That has set its sights on sinking the great ship
Into the arms of  fluorescent splattered black and undulating ink

Until in a sudden and devastating upheaval the crack becomes a ripping tear
And water flowing in ..becomes a devastating disaster
How quickly then the mechanics and generating Power Within
As it sputters then as if to wink to the very patient ink
Flashing light gives way to the impatient darkness no longer held back
And in a pain unknown to those now alone
With wild swings has to right and left it does undo
And at that moment the mass of  mortal coil and Metal is suddenly breached
So Begins the flounder as it sinks slowly into that Darkness below that closes in around her

And even as The Magnificent Lady Liberty goes down
The ones great ship of state lost in the Darkness of more than the night for too long
Even at this fateful moment of last regrets or sudden repentance

Those who were just the elite could be heard to plead
As many cried out for the servants and Expendables that they suddenly  did find they need
Green Coleman lanterns hung over the water , craving the humid night , nocturnal creatures bathed in the artificial lights ....
The metronomic crash of breakers on the aluminum hulled vessel , baiting hooks and tying gear by flashlight or sheer memory .. Horned Owls , Killdeer and Whippoorwills filled the dark night with haunting songs , the crash of bass and topwater shellcrackers would chill the blood for a moment , cause you to breathe in deep  , exhale out loud .... The aroma of lake water , insect repellent and cigar smoke , chewing on a plug of Bloodhound , strained eyes concentrating on nothing but that bobber , waiting on that tasty fish to take it and run ....
Working your piece of the lake till the early morning Sun ....
Copyright February 21 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Slabs are slang for Black Crappie fish ... Very popular in the South and very tasty as well ..
From Jess's Lips Jan 2017
These bobber and blueberry plaid sheets
don’t seem as sleek as they once were.
I don’t think I washed them last week.

A put-together person
really ought to wash their sheets
at least once a month
because wrinkles and stains
don’t just take care of themselves.

Didn’t our mother raise us better?
I ask the neatly put together bed
that silently sleeps beside mine.

Although, I suppose,
the ticking of the clock
is the only answer I’ve got

That bed only stares,
always stares.

That bed is done in purples and reds
and I always said it could use
a dash of black or white.
And when it won’t sleep at night,
I flip its radio on
and I keep country going,
even though I can change it
to play anything that I like.

The radio sits on an empty dresser
next to a bare table now,
one that I really should dust.
You’d be surprised how much collects
when no one stores
deodorant and lip gloss there.
*This style of this piece was inspired by Shoshauna Shy's "Bringing My Son to the Police Station to be Fingerprinted"
The Fire Burns Aug 2017
Cypress branches hang solemnly
in the early morning stillness,
I feel the polar opposite,
I know the knees of the trees
hold bass and crappie
which I am here to catch.

With Texas rigged worms
and with feather-tipped jigs,
I grin with glee at the still water
and make my first cast,
waiting and salivating
with excited anticipation.

The boat glides silently,
trolling motor directed,
ultralight rod, orange and white bobber,
red and chartreuse jig ready,
wrist flick sends a ballistic arcing bait.

Landing 4 inches from the cypress knee
the bobber never stops at the surface,
sinking quickly, I lift the rod, and line runs,
reeling quickly, to prevent tangling,
I boat a sixteen-inch white crappie,
hopefully one of many.
wordvango Nov 2016
you can hear the fingers slide over the cello
deeper than any river
in the rhythm
a riverboat and the slapping
of water like skin
as a bobber rows along
the current tame and mellow
of pre-recordings asking me
to STOP WHAT I'M DOING to hear
some uber-important message
like I owe some cookie-cut IVR fuckbot
my undivided attention, like whoooaa
HOLD. UP. let me sit-the-****-down
with a hot spot o' tea, bobber nodding
do tell, do tell... mmm, you don't say?!

you've got to be ******* me
how the **** these went through
an actual marketing department
not manned by evil narcissist toolfucks

oh, wait...
full name Jan 2015
Could you please please let me know how my life got to be the way it is?
One minute I'm a bird
The next I'm a bobber in choppy water
The next I'm a cinder block dropped in the ocean

I don't understand why good things go and worse things come

I don't understand the prerequisites I completed to deserve the ******* I've been handed

I never will

Please please try to explain
Frank Key Feb 2015
I'll have to make it.
I'll find a little cabin by the lake.
Have some animals.
Goats, chickens.
A cat that prowls around.
And a dog that lays down.
I'll have a little gym set-up.
Free weights and places to hang.
There'll be a fishing pole.
With a box of lures.
Every evening I'll pull out
that box.
And pour over it a while.
Loot at all the lures and
dream of enticing new fish.
Then choose the same one as yesterday.
And yesterday's yesterday.

There'll be a little dock.
That's where I'll have my lawn chair.
And a fishing pole holder.
So I can write when I'm not watching
that bobber bob.

I don't know what I'll have to write about.
Everything will be okay.
It'll be a beautiful life.
Lived on a beautiful day.
That's setting.
Bringing a beautiful,
quiet, night.

Maybe, if I can't write,
I'll stumble off the dock
and check on my lure.
Give it a tug so my fishing pole
thinks there are still fish out here.

I'll hold my breath.
And appreciate this other place
that's mine.
The light rumble of windward waves.
The silence of everything living there.
And how like them I'm quiet too.

Not silent. Even in my dreams
my head is full of the trouble
I'm wading through now.
But maybe,
When I'm finally there.
My head will be empty.

Sinking slowly
Then shooting up.
All without a thought
to make a sound.
And spoil the beautiful,
underwater quiet.
Tyler Morrison Apr 2014
Perched on a Flat
Above Mountains of Black Ash
The Stars Ripple...
As If The Moon
a Bobber—

The Sky

The Stars:
Jewels Sunk Beneath.

(And every evening
a celestial being
gets caught on the hook
'til morning)
Thomas W Case May 2020
How do you think
it feels to be
poor and insane,
looking for
doorways to sleep
in, to creep in out
from the rain?

As a little boy,
I used to fish in
a small quiet
pond on the west
side of town,
catching bluegills in
the young afternoon sun;
sleepy neighborhood,
low crime, safe and serene.
I owned those
autumn days long
ago, bought cheap; the price
of a dozen night crawlers,
and a bobber.

At thirty nine years old,
one October
afternoon, I stumbled
back to my own little
Not much had
changed, the old
wooden steps on the
east side of the
pond were still
there. I crawled
under them, ******
myself and passed out,
dreaming of
bluegills, cattails
and young easy autumn
Jay Sep 2019
Avoid the crystal spheres
Looking glasses of the ******
Treasured possessions of the evils that inhabit them
Give me your arm darling,
Let me pull you away
From it's alluring tongue
For its bobber is laughing
And the Devil cackles with it.
You are safe with me.
the imagery is badbadbadbadbad
james conway Jul 2016
Somewhere behind my eyes as I rest
At that precious slanted sieve
A vortex forms, where life’s radio station spins its tunes
Softly, constantly, the songs of living play  

Concave not convex; oh so inward bent
Songs that filter in reality
Not affectations that filter out
The real thoughts
These songs: As I listen behind my eyes

There I lie wrapped in a warm blanket
Insulated by the down of warm contemplation
Open to the possibilities of my days
Moving at the patient meter of time
Sometimes slowly, sometimes quickly

There in imagined lyrics I drive a winding highway
Up and down grade
Side to side; a 4 wheel on ice; screeching
Relief from studded treads
Fear from the dreaded cliffs of my psyche
Steering by a wheel I hold untouched

Sometimes there I hear me floating free
Like a brilliant, March 1st kite, tightly tethered
A tail of memories keeps my level
A parchment lined with expectation
Thrusts me upward

Or there I lie by a black hills stream
Toe dipping in and out the water
Like a bobber with no real hook
Fishing idle prospects
Touching life’s possibilities obliquely

Or there I am driving small autos with my friends
Us like hectic bumbling actors
Seeking the road out
Spinning around fountains spewing water
Crazy cross way paths that
Pass in phase and double back

Simple songs of truth
The humming of the cast ,
the plop of the bobber
Boyhood daydreams of -
landing a whopper
The cork begins to dance then -
it quickly goes under
The game between angler -
and fish has begun
A flash of the quarry as the
rod bends over double , maybe a bass ,
a perch or a 'channelcat' enticed
to strike from deep down in the -
pond bottom rubble
Give the fish two feet then -
pull back three , heaving left to right in the-
midmorning heat
A final tug at lands end ,
"I've banked a crappie" , proclaims -
a proud young man
A krill filled with every type -
of fish the pond had to offer
Thoughts of bream , coleslaw -
and hush puppies for supper ...

Copyright March 12 , 2018 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
The chatter of wrens , bluejays & warblers
The statuesque heron beside the still waters
Dragonflies make a loud living in the cattail brush
A red & white bobber is 'tickled' before dancing-
across a cattle pond in the noon hush ...
A 'shellcracker' in the bucket
A spinner in my pocket
An angler with a hunch
A bream away from lunch ...
Copyright October 16 , 2021 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
My terrifyingly-terrifical reality warps under therapies psychiatrical
& psychedelical like no Atlantic tuna fisherman's scale pentatonical
upon oceanically-flat, perpendicularly-level sea planes capitalistical
while birds fly lower in an arid-zoned Arizona that's deterministical
& esoterical as men push thumbs up girly ***** for hikes strategical
after circle jerking to shows that're less proctological than athletical
but rarely & lamely ever, hungrily-raunchily-anorexically bulimical
I fork pitches into threshed alfalfa hay bales like I am pyromaniacal
and susceptibly prone to no ills local nor core diseases xenotropical
Hey largish woman, let us fish for warm regards at Cold *** Harbor before our freshest blue turds are totally stolen by a bold **** robber whose pushers are burned crack hoes with clap & an old **** jobber
fishing for the corpses of Frisco floaters with a *****-slotted bobber
off the Golden Gate where gag-happy girls have sold spit as slobber
while each ***** pukes peat & tosses penicillin as a mold-pit lobber
on leave from a Georgia chain-gang as a queer, unshod clod hopper twice demoted from flat-ball spotter to broken Hoboken hobnobber
who, like Hillary, survives on gray, vomited Hoboken squat cobbler
in gay museums & ***** ***** houses as a snot-clobbered shopper
resigned to tease, displease & nonviolently seize Herr Alvin Toffler
Pay more at Mary Tyler Moore's fish store on the floor of the shore,
with Al Gore on his global-warmin' tour to make wealthy men poor
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
It was a great day for a summer stroll.
Just sweetheart, me, and my favorite cane fishing pole.
Looking for a day of fun.
Down at the local fishing pond.

The sun was was warm and the fish were biting great that day.
Enjoying the pond waves ripple and the way the bobber did sway.
Sweetheart was looking very **** in a seductive way.
But all I had on my mind was fish fillet.
sofolo Sep 2023
You wince. Wave your tears like a flag. Weeping for the hellfire perceived to lick me up. But let me tell you daddy-o…I’m a snack. Your nightmare of a son. A ****-*******, pearl-clutching heart attack.

The shape of me is still here.

The one you taught to bait a hook & reel in a catch. There are two worlds whose shoulders brush. A bobber in a still pond & a broken back. Frog legs in a bag, battered & fried. The other fathers cried. A ****** mess.

The shape of me is still here.

Mutilated, yes. Kissing the flame & wiping the wet from your eyes. Can you comprehend? Have you even tried?
Nellie 55 Apr 2022
I just needed some mental health time. Bring on your doubts I've got plenty of mine. I told the world I wouldn't trust anyone to hit me up, but now I don't really give a ****. I should just cancel my phone plans: I don't think anyone is decent enough to really understand. Bring on the crickets, I'll bring my shine.
Bring on the crickets; you've got no business on my mind.
You watch your own bobber and I'll watch mine.  No need to light my phone up, My trust issues had just enough. I just give up, bring on the crickets it's a beautiful night.
My terrifyingly-terrifical reality warps under therapies psychiatrical
& psychedelical like no Atlantic tuna fisherman's scale pentatonical
upon oceanically-flat, perpendicularly-level sea planes capitalistical
while birds fly lower in an arid-zoned Arizona that's deterministical
& esoterical as men push thumbs up girly ***** for hikes strategical
after circle jerking to shows that're less proctological than athletical
but rarely & lamely ever, hungrily-raunchily-anorexically bulimical
I fork pitches into threshed alfalfa hay bales like I am pyromaniacal
and susceptibly prone to no ills local nor core diseases xenotropical
Hey largish woman, let us fish for warm regards at Cold *** Harbor
before our freshest blue turds are totally stolen by a bold **** robber
whose pushers are burned crack hoes with clap & an old **** jobber
fishing for the corpses of Frisco floaters with a *****-slotted bobber
off the Golden Gate where gag-happy girls have sold spit as slobber
while each ***** pukes peat & tosses penicillin as a mold-pit lobber
on leave from a Georgia chain-gang as a queer, unshod clod hopper
twice demoted from flat-ball spotter to broken Hoboken hobnobber
who, like Hillary, survives on gray, vomited Hoboken squat cobbler
in gay museums & ***** ***** houses as a snot-clobbered shopper
resigned to tease, displease & nonviolently seize Herr Alvin Toffler
Pay more at Mary Tyler Moore's fish store on the floor of the shore,
with Al Gore on his "global"-warmin' tour to make wealthy men poor
I don't puke anymore like I used to once in awhile never always did
'cause I gave up stinking diarrhea-sponsored rotten octopus & squid
that I inhaled like ******* on reduced food stamps when I was a kid
thrilling to vicious Johnny Rotten caterwauling over the bass of Sid
long before biddin' on the corpse of Jimmy Carter with a sealed bid
that I put under my fat folds where the fatty **** was that I often hid
so cops couldn't cop 4 fingers of ganjah rope that made for 1 *** lid
before I ride a homosexy unicorn that ain't by no *** queen been rid
Never have I wanted to scoop up the reekin' **** of an ill, zoo rhino
while I'm happy I wasn't born an easily-sun-burnt, pink-eyed albino
or a back-alley ***** in love with a stinking, Hillary-screwin' wino
whose drunken state makes him reply to cake, "Yes" & to pie, "No"
whilst he pees on California droughted pines from pine A to pine O
Look at me, I'm half stupid from being unlooped so long from here,
like someone unable to revive dead Sonny or disengage harlot Cher
from her lezzy-*** intrigues that Salvatore & Gregory couldn't bear
at the grimy Pittsburgh ****** for which sickly Cher did not prepare
for oozin' vaginal rifts that her gynecologist had to surgically repair
gravelbar Jul 2020
Sky running past orange bobber,
hair full of scales
Moon beheading the queen
of cicadas and nails
Heart hardening like concrete,
eyes blistering salt
Naturally finding fault,
cut clean to the bone
Lighting all the candles in our
little sinking home
Fish making processions,
I'll never be alone

— The End —