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Rose Davis Jan 2016
I call myself a bell-flower,
as you cannot hear my tremulous chime
and I am decorated in purple and blue blossoms
on the only home that holds me tight
though I still want to crawl out of it
and grow up in someone else’s
Umi May 2018
Only in the best season,
The forgotten gateway opens up a field of bell flowers in two colours,
White, the colour of light and love, as pure as it sounds like,
Golden, alike the majestic rising sun in the early morning,
They never cross the road, but are seperated by it, I wonder why...
Perhaps it is the harmony, created by the untouched nature,
Or is it the order they chose to grow in, while the warm weather can be felt through body and soul, through emotions and the mind,
Only the chirping of the locusts, hopping from bell to bellflower,
The road is frankly short, leading to a near forest, yet the sensation, brought to the optic nerve and to the nose through the sweet smell,
This is what makes it something which cannot be truly conveyed in words, because, the untouched nature is art in its very own way,
Until the greed of humanity destroys its gift with their toxity,
What remains are the memories of harmony and grace.

~ Umi
Janette Jan 2013
there are tears,
a sorrow slender
as a bellflower at first,
and opening its slow & delicate way
to grief, fluent as the soul
falling toward you, wet
and gasping, an agony of willows,
late in August & hemlock,
tear strung, haunted,
in the deep blue scythe of hours
you carve out of our secret,

a totem fossil of wild horses,
abandoned & impaled upon a carousel,
that bear a garland of snapdragons
for reign and bridle,
as they open their tiny pink throats to the night,
the calyx trill of tree frogs,
with their penchant for silk
& pink ribbons, pigtails
& sequin dreams,

I am desolate now,
my body a bramble
tangled in its curfew of snow,
upon the window pane,
the incessant thump, thump
of these **** ivory moths,
on each wing, a word I speak in dream,
returns to me, cleft
of blue light, scissor in darkness,
fierce to extinguish the stars
with their vehement lash of wing
to glass, to glass,

your pain is my familiar,
my envy,
my assurance,
and I am calmed
solely with the lace of spanned hands
at the throats small and fluttered vessel,

come, to besiege
the innocence of Summers stray tears....
Cheryllee Jan 2018
The glassy clear water does not know.
But it will soon no longer be so pure.
My brush is running out of time.
I must finish the stroke of color.
The task of keeping the color alive is difficult.
The color once as vivid as the sun, is now of an older paper.
The fading of yellow.
The color once as rich as the most palatable grape, is now of a sickly bellflower.
The fading of purple.
The color once as alive as the fish in the pond, is now of a dwindling flame.
The fading of orange.
The color once as striking as the sky, is now of a mountain with no wanders upon it.
The fading of blue.
The color once as atrocious as the fresh blood from a crying girls arms, is now the discolored water she lay in.
The fading of red.
The colors start as beautiful possibilities.
Yet we always dip our brushes back in the pure water to redeem our admired colors.
The fading of colors is the not the fading of excitement.
It is the fading of accustomed standards.
The sun wanted change of scenery.
The grape longed to be big.
The fish desired to view others.
The sky aspired to change with the sun.
The girl begged for relief, she begged for the standards the fade.
The fading of colors.
Alex Paul Feb 2015
Why love? Why not?
​I find myself taking journeys everywhere. Whether it’s a false adventure throughout my mind or it’s a simple stroll through the halls at school, or why not even a nice run outside in that very ever so breezy wind and fluffy snow falling from the sky? A title, does this poem need any relevance to something? Ask yourself that, interpret it how you would and please yourself. Honestly when there’s infinite possibilities there’s always room for creativity. Back on track now folks. Why love? Why not?
You might be thinking, “Oh what does Mr. Paul have going on right now? Is this a joke, Is this some sort of way of expressing his feelings, or is this some really prolonged way of saying be good to yourself to each and every single student that lies within this room as I read this poem as I speak my thoughts?” Yes indeed I took a perspective of myself there. I went from a thought of one of you to myself thinking. What thoughts exist? Why must a man have feelings? Why must a cat have love for sleep? Why is a dog a man’s best friend? What is this thing that many people claim to have yet there’s no good way of putting it out there? Now I will apologize for avoiding the main topic here, and also for asking all of these questions.  AM I accomplishing anything here, well probably not, Onwards to the point.
A shy fellow goes in and out throughout his days thinking about life. The days go on and on.  He comes across this very kind person. This person is sweet and caring. There should be more and more people like this out there. There certainly is but this is a very nice experience to have. Life goes on and people come and go. Here’s a point that should be put out there, be kind and cherish the ones you love and have good bonds with. If you do that, you’ll make some of the greatest friends you could ask for, males and females alike. Don’t ridicule someone for being wrong, accept his or her views and go with the flow. That’s something I’ve learned to do. Where’s that love topic you might be asking about still as this “poem” goes on? Again we’re almost there.
Roses can be red but violets are also blue, why is this the cliché standard for love? Can a man or woman not just bring a beautiful bellflower, which takes both the red and blue of a rose and violet to make wonderful purple? It doesn’t matter. Love is love; there are endless possibilities of showing and expressing it. Where does this idea come from…. A thought. If you’re shy and awkward you’re fine, if you’re very strict and serious you’re fine, don’t let a simple trait get the best of you because you may have select feelings for someone. Don’t let others make you feel down, don’t let others make you feel bad, never let another person make yourself feel like you don’t belong. Everyone has a spot in life and is well deserving of something. A simple smile, “hello” or even a wave goodbye can make someone’s day. Make yourself feel good. No one deserves to not feel loved. This is all coming from one of the shyest people you could know. Why love, well why not? Love can make someone feel different about a lot of things; then again even the coldest of hearts have room for something.

This feeling is love and kindness.​​​
I sit with my feet dangling into a circle
whose edge I rest on
as if it were a window sill.

From here the earth looks ancient.
It’s pull mothered by the curvature
of spacetime.
The spring blossoms curving
when they fall.

Our fate floating out there: intangible–
outside this circle where my toes abide
Our fate floating in us: tangible–
The place in which my torso resides

The debate seems fresh unlike the sagely soil. My limbs alive –life giving life– emerging like the pistil from a bellflower
unconcerned with philosophy.
Ronald D Lanor Feb 2017
morning tune
of the bellflower

a quiet yawn

from her
dream shaken

a cottage bird's

the melody
of a forgotten wish
Ramya Oct 2018
A moment that I fill with you
Turns into an oceanful tear yet
Explodes into a bellflower blossom.
I leave it gently at your doorstep.

Your silence behind the door
Filled my room with words.

But oh, I failed to see
A whole garden that burgeoned
At your doorway as a reply.
Eh May 2018
My days as a newspaper boy
in Los Angeles County
With an unkempt beard
and long hair,
Lasted about as long as I expected

I looked awfully sketchy at 3 am roaming the streets of Norwalk and Downey,
or maybe,
I fit in well with the late night diner crowd of the area.
There wasn’t much money left to be made, mostly immigrants and parents needing a third job to pay the rising area rent are here.
The only ones left to throw papers to are aging Asian parents who live vicariously through their children.
And they’re dying off fast.

Getting back at 5 am
and waking the house,
back up at nine to take you to work.
Up the 105
to the 605
We pass through Bellflower
and coast to your theater in Cerritos.
No coffee
Waits on the stereo
The windows are down
no AC
Your feet are on the dash
You’re nursing a Gatorade
to cure this morning’s hangover.
I am at ease.

You don’t remember moments like these until there’s two hours left in your shift and your boss reminds you he needs those reports.
With a clean shaven face and short hair.
This has lasted longer than I expected.
Ksenia Tyltu Dec 2017
Many meetings,
Many greetings,
Only you are still alone.
It's the deepest Northern river
Which is flowing towards home.
Where's your daisy? Where's your bellflower?
You have thrown them away.
But please keep this inner power
Which will light your further way.
Anton Angelino Apr 2023
I like to smell bellflowers in Bellflower, California.
I love the hilltops over Glendale and Mount Hollywood Drive.
Like myself I love them.
I fantasize about highways and neck kisses in the night
Being driven blindfolded to a spot in Griffith Park
Get me out and lead me wherever you want

I dream a bunch of airplanes, but this isn’t JFK
But I don’t dream of oceans nor the ones who tried to drown me screaming help
You brought me to a different beach and as I came out all sandy
I showered it off in the motel and had you on top with your chain dangling
But when I killed the light
I didn’t dream of anything bad.
I didn’t hear waves rolling in my subconsciousness or feel the smoothness of my hands
I felt lucky that this happened to me
not necessary happy, but if I grow to cherish roadtrips like this, we’ll go again and I’ll end up laughing on our way home.
Listen to my favorite record
or a song stuck in your head.

For now I’m lying face up thinking
before I find happiness I gotta embrace my sadness.
Like she did.
Poem #7 off "I Loved You Before I Knew It"

— The End —