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Dark n Beautiful Aug 2015
Stop badgering the witness!

Love is a mysterious thing poker face
Even though we tend to think of soul mates
as a symbiotic union, we have to be open-minded

Marriage is a business transaction
We've all had nights we can't remember...
or wish we could forget

as we all recalled it was the mindset
that triggered strong emotion into an explosion
that separate the thing called love.

It’s have been more than twenty odd years since
the Weeper's victims left over tears, that never faded.
the dead  never felt neither pain nor anger

The jury is still deliberating long and hard with miles
  to go on the public views, so once again
if the gloves don't fit you must acquit
  Stop badgering the remaining witnesses America
Love is a mysterious thing, poker face
HOW many of you remember the O.j Simpson case..
Cunning Linguist Dec 2013
Immerse yourself until wholly submerged
in my unholy divergence;
Poor form tormented soul - 
Roll your pain in a J
then dip it in chloroform
Embrace my urges to purge
the remnants of sanity,
Spilling and screaming
all these profanities at humanity

Confuddling all posers
with my bastardized prose ~
Please, continue badgering
and nagging me
with your ****-******* menagerie
of trivial drudgery
I’m in misery so
go ahead and bludgeon me
Square in the noggin’
So that I can jog it,
whilst juggling all these nails
from my coffin

I’m awfully harmful and cruel
got these scoffing jealous skeptics
Acting a fool,
coughing up a lung-full of fuel
for all of the putrid mind puke I spew
My mixing *** skull’s
where the ingredients accrue
Just stew with me for a little
while longer though won’t you

I’m a cancer-ridden addler
babbling mad adages,
ravishingly tenderizing my meat
Laced with some dust from space, yes, no lackage/absence of it lining
within my nasal passages see
spun off some of that absinthe
In a cloud of burning trees
Please tell me you feel me

It’s staggering how I’m both crazy batshit,
**** smooth as rotten laxative cheese
Brain’s melting acidic beef
I’m like Randy Savage I got
Bombastic fat ******* in heat
Straight making my **** go flaccid post-weep

Don’t get offended women
just imagine
How painfully average the package
is within my lap that I’m packin
But now it’s wrapped
and I’m ready to fucken
fully send it no cap
My turnaround is lightning fast
In and out of your *** quick as a wink like The Flash

Faces contort in ghastly panic, actually
Dastardly antics unleashed in vast swarms
Plague the masses in pandemic proportions with them massive casualties factually once more
Give ya some relaxing action 
And skull-**** y’all
with such a passion *******
Your corpse falls to the floor
and right through the trapdoor

Candid, my pen-chance enchants
Heavy-handedly inanimate
in suspended animation
Supplant reality augmentation
Machinations of my imagination;
Implicating **** ransacking  
and seafaring through crab infestations 
Wreaking havoc and bequeathing vengeance
I’m a fire breathing grim reaper reeking of ****** ~

- Off is the nearest direction in which to ****
Dissect my ******* with your tongue
Turnt up ******* plumpies in the rumpus 
Just for the fun of it until I erupt
Remember, I’m avid for dismembering appendages
I expect you’re exceptional at accepting
a barrage of septic bombardment
Chance of success: logistics analysis zero percentage
(Cos I done ******* on all those *******.)

Superbly superlative and speculative
So fast on Adderall
I make Mad Hatter’s head spin
Quicker than you can snap: 
Giving your family heart attacks
Smack you in the face, 
While fapping my fabulous lap rocket

Thunderously plundering under covers
Spring-loaded with faux pas’ so hot
Make your mother’s ***** pop out
and say “hello”
like a Jack-in-the-Box

& U kno Those foxy grandmas
be jaxing off my **** -
Bingo wings beckoning me to flock
Choppin’ up rocks round the clock
with the glock in my pocket til I rot 
Caught em wit the molly-whop eyeballs pop out they sockets all dramatically
Whole squad **** swap the rod, on God
Blow my whole *** when I start spitting them double entendre fatality snowballs
Zippity-zop like Cosby’s special BBQ sauce
Bet I’ll dip my puddin’ pop and stay fresh with the drip til I drop
Y’all just holler when you want me to stop

Palpable, these **** butts malleable as putty
Barbarically barrel rolling into dat ***
rip it to shreds like confetti
Power Pole extend
Face pressed into your *******
Inhaling the wafting aromatic stenches
of distant French fish factories

Clearly getting dome from your dearly betrothed violently
Now she bridal and my seeds spiraling virally
Vital signs finalizing
Bounce that *** like jello
Swell; I’m in your hair like gel
Now swallow my jollies and don’t bother
Unless you hollerin’ and giving me dollars
Zealots idol my harlotry

If nose goes go slow grow low
Throwing those yoloing hoes out windows
This ***** simply bonkers
I conquer fear me

ShFR Dec 2015
If it weren't for the consistent badgering of radical america your roots your nourishment would enrich the very soil our ancestors turned,

but pests and pesticides alike have yet
to be relinquished,

"autumn" has consumed us as smiles fall-- the hazmat suits leave us bare to the weathered reality,

except you,

umbrellas and storm sheltered words nurture loved ones -- you are worth the wait,

with conflict resolve you take off your helmet and gear we are not prepared for such violence -- shielded eyes from falsified truths you bloom and blush,

you are beautiful,

a perfect storm your wrath the 5th element -- uncontrollable you are free as "winter" resides on your shoulder,

she is awakened and unapologetic,
a God among us,

frightfully we are safe we have waited for your wine to runneth and pop goes the cork,

as the war begins your throne you sit with confidence.
© 2015 by S Fraz All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of S Fraz
CrowesMuse Aug 2013
An Open Letter to my Best Friend**

You, dear are the strongest person I know,
And trust me when I say, I know a lot of people.

You stand, rooted as deep as an oak tree in my heart
Your eyes find their way into my dreams, burning with passion and fired belief.
Your sorrow matches the winds of the sea
Constantly badgering you
With the threat of drowning,
I'm so scared you'll take yourself from me.

Your voice is something,
I can only be thankful for
Coming to me in times of need
It has all the power to make my heart soar, suturing the bleed.

Your dreams,
You've been told,
Are far fetched at best
And unachievable at most.

What people don't understand
Is unicorns are shy creatures
Who just don't have the heart
To prove they exist.
Even though they run free,
Jump high
And take great pride
(Their horns are always meticulously shined.)

I think back on the times
You taught me to be strong
Without even knowing
You were consistently adding words  
To my life's song.

The melody just a little sweeter
While it plays in my head
Added like you do with sugar to your coffee before bed.
But needed.
Oh so very needed.

You, my darling, have your roots dug deep
Your dreams being dreamed
Your life, I do believe
Is worth so much more than an amount that any bank could offer,
Is worth more than the english language can explore,

And all I need you need to remember,
The alphabet is composed of 26 letters,

Voldemort wasn't always in power,
take each insult
And pull a Tom Marvolo Riddle out
of the sorting hat.

Believe that the positive outweighs the negative,
And yes that means your scale is wrong.
Tumblr's idea of pretty girls,
Doesn't take place in my song.

So this is an open letter,
To my very best friend.
Darling, please know
You can always depend
and lean
and cry on
and hate
and call
and love
and trust

Nat Lipstadt Aug 2019
The Deepest Twist

for my friends who know that when HP says this my 1300th
poem, it’s off the mark by hundreds; nonetheless
1300 is worthy number to celebrate your affections

you return back my older children, fully grown,
my eldest word babies who never ever visit,
blessing them anew, lavishly, with special wishes

take them,
with both hands, a reacquainting occurs,
the old words, deep twist, now hurtful hurt because
reimagining when and how easy they came to be birthed and
how the replication of that process is now a
practiced impossibility

how they burst forth, in purple majesty, wheat waving,
wholly formed, bathed in holy water, leaving no stretch marks,
only just an empty sac inside instantly needing,
needling me into auto-refilling right away

even the twenty four hour, hard deliveries,
long and arduous, were so easy created faust-fast,
that the errors of typography contained,
became lasting hall marks, iconic nomenclatures of
passionate loving-nonpareil

now, well past point of urgent addiction,
unlike then every glance, each sidewalk cracking,
lamppost shadow casting was
a sea story for a deep dive delving asap

supplied answers for the internal badgering incessant
happy ****** need, mine, to go, spill the words,
cab or bus motion nursing them,
now they come slowly strolling,
semi-formed, needy, inconclusive, reused,
and feeling as trite as a cloth coat from an old thrift shop,
so wanting for tender loving care,
which is to provide when you are
four score

wondering how easy it was in prior times when inspiration
fell like a deciduous tree’s fall colorings gifts or
as little children’s nightly multitude variety of dream tales,
when whole worlds uncovered, nay, universes,
hidden between summers green grass blades,
or in unique snowflakes

the semi-forgot love affairs that parented poems
by the score of scarred orchestral scores,
now love circle-turn in holding patters in the
crowded skies above nyc,
awaiting for a trafficked man to give permissions
to “run-away”land that rarely is granted

once, poems in turbulent fluid born, noisy ripping of skin,
****** by the emitting of  constant calming tenderous words,
wonderful drippings, so many multiple births in a moment,
even the OBGYN is complaining,

give other poets a chance at parenthood!

the awesome anger of human tragedy is now so shopworn
from over experience,
even god visits less and less, for it is written,
nothing new under the sun*

though soon his annual visitors day approaches (Day of Atonement) and god will require new
words of human comforting,
a new poem acknowledging that being godlike
is ******* hard work,
for humans are annoyingly capable of incredulous kindness

how can one justify allowing unlacing acts of insane violence to tear
the hand stitched lacing fabric that’s ever ready
to bring us together in an instant elegiac joining

the truth is every one of todays poem are clawed,
shovel dug out from cavities and crevasses,
your new words of recognition of the oldies but goodies,
iron of irony, make it hard, hard, painful to write
without an epidural to numb the painful
dumbing down

when I am breaching my waters, I am hard to spot,
we ancient humpbacks live beneath the deep distanced,
cold waters for many more minutes
than we need surface for breathing,
the show-off fluking, less and less,
and when we birth,
every two years,
must bring the calf-poem to the surface instantly,
to breath, lest it die,
all the while repeating to ourselves:

what was miraculous writing is now nearly invisible,
to blinded fingers that arrhythmically cane tap,
words difficult to recall, recalculate, recalibrate
into a wholly poem

only the **** tears,
that same shameful violin permanent-accompaniment,
they laugh at me when now, they alone
come first quickest, all too easy,

appearing nataurally,

without a formal
“He says, "Son, can you play me a memory
I'm not really sure how it goes
But it's sad and it's sweet and I knew it complete
When I wore a younger man's clothes"

Sing us a song, you're the piano man
Sing us a song tonight
Well, we're all in the mood for a melody
And you've got us feelin' alright”
There were grass-hoppers once, in these fields of green.

Leaf-hoppers too and a myriad other tiny wing'ed ones.

Now bees fidget fretfully along the hedgerows.

Lady-bugs, now only the twelve-spot greenhouse slaves.

Monsanto's beetles badgering them as they fiddle.

These ditches that once housed frogs and musk-rat, ferocious diving beetles,

The sky absent the wheeling martins, the boisterous larks.

Gone the pests, I rue the dearth,

bring me back my mud, my earth.

Never was I annoyed by them, always an ally that buggy thing,

Who yet knows how the June bugs sing?
Taru Marcellus Dec 2012
This gun to the temple of my dome
I am faced with a single question
Should I shoot?
Or let fly the words just uttered?

The mouth of the devil’s minion lies open
     and picking
     and nagging
          at a lost cause - a deaf cause
And Yet
     it feels
          it angers
               it rages
no longer containable
     it erupts
no clip for a gun
only bullets of air
air of truth
                                                           ­                  and so
                                                              ­             I choose
                                                          ­        and before I think
a crescendo of cacophony


A tear falls. The truth escapes. A jaw drops.
she did it to herself
all those years of nonstop badgering
she did it to herself
all those years of hypocrisy and disrespect
she did it to herself
blood flows from her eyes for my pleasure
a stream of emotion dammed by emptiness

she did it to herself
Kicking it old skool taking it back to '07. The biggest fight I ever had with my mom.
Dark n Beautiful Jul 2016
Love is a mysterious thing poker face
Even though we tend to think of soul mates as a symbiotic union,
We have to be open-minded to all venues
As we all can recalled from failed romance,
that it was always the mindset
that trigger some strong emotion into the explosion
that separate the thing called love.

It’s have been more than thirty odd years since
He walked away and left me with deep tattoo tears,
Those tears never fades, but the pain remain the same
Love shouldn’t be a pawn in anyone’s game

Like a needle under my thin layer of skin,
I can see it crawling; it can see it poking,
teasing that draw me closer, and the teasing
that pushed me further away with the wind

Would I ever learn?  Would I ever stop looking for love?
When would my heart say to me, enough is enough?
Stop falling for their lies, get angry and take off something
Or violently break something into pieces, like a thief in the night

  Stop badgering my mind, stop targeting my heart
Because love doesn’t live here anymore… stop!!!!

Self-respect, self-endurance and self-confidence
Now it is my turn to walk away undefeated..

*Feed me the truth not your lies
don't tell me it's chocolate cookies
when it's almond cookies..
don't tell me it's over,
when it now in full bloom
don't tell me you love me
knowing that you belongs to another

words can be so simple just
feed me the truth not your lies.
The reward for our ancestors
Who fought and bled in wars:
A habitat of heartless ******.

What a worthless waste
Of empty vessels to inherit.

Not a gift of love here, merely more chores,
Meaningless words of habit
And badgering demands.

Plastic fruit,
Ingratious friends,
Submitting smiles,
Slimy bags of debt.

Where's my kin?

Ah, I see it.
They're the slaughtered.
Keep your rancid meats, then, suckers - you win.

I'm bound for my heavenly harem, killers.
You can swallow sins.
Added 6:57 Dec 7 2022 - Death of the God of Light, Brothers of Metal
v V v Jan 2011
Your overabundance of meaningless words
are scattered around me like fluttering bugs,
they're wearing me out with their badgering buzz
and making me sick of forever with you.
S Smoothie Jul 2014
to ******* is to know you in some intimate way
and take that private part of you with me
to mess you up from the inside out
the way you tore up my love nook
swearing you loved me all the way
with each heartless pounding grind of your
badgering ram rod you stupid Tom ****
you gave yourself away
and now we play the fuckery game.
Laniatus Oct 2016
All whispers, light and evil,
Derogatory, slaying the soul.
This is daylight -
This is night, the stars join in,
badgering the shying moon;
I wish I was the burning Sun
crying my bleach over fields and trees.
I can't surrender just yet -
But my weakness bleeds
through gulping swallows and choked up laughs
falling on petals, sliding away with the breeze.
I have no light or tunnel to spot it through;
And wouldn't know how to anyway.
Lover of Words May 2013
I don't know what to write or say, my brain is losing its own mind, and my heart lost its way.
Summer started and I crashed into a whole new dimension of sweet intoxicating freedom. But the perfumes were overwhelming and I was scared with all this boundless time.
I searched for friends, but they were no where to be found. And because of this change, I took it out on the one person who never left. Badgering him to be something he wasn't. I was bored and done. Lost in love and wondering who I had become. He was gone to, for some of the time. I knew not what to do, or where to go, or who to even talk to. I felt like a caged animal who had finally be rereleased into the wild, forgetting how to behave its natural way. I withdrew into my security and fought the outside for it kept trying to **** me. I had let my hair run wild, and I didn't wake up till about noon. I was lost, and I felt like a *** off the street without a job. And I struggled to figure out who I was and what was my purpose in life, especially that right now. Right now when life seem to be drifting by and I had all the time in the world, but had nothing to fill it with.
Look this way,
See this feeble smile on my face.
Veins heavy with dwindling gaiety
And badgering vexation.

I was self-destruction
Pulled into grace.
Demons are in everyone,
Not just heathens and rebels.

I envisioned paradise, did you figure?

The barrier was bit by your fangs.

(c) 2014 Brandon Antonio Smith

(Originally written 11/30/10
Revised 9/24/14)
Miles Halter Jun 2016
I'm writing to remove these feelings.
Last time to this time its been hard concealing,
Each of these bubbling desires have my mind reeling,

I get it, I ******* up, "****** up" told a lie,
I wanted a girl who was down to earth and you want the ******* sky,

I want my eyes to see something new,
I wanted to take a breath and stop being this cliche glue,
My problems don't come from you but my incapability in being true,
I just want to be the one who doesn't have to worry about something new,

I only wanted what I thought  you wanted,
I didn't want closets with skeletons, my life is becoming haunted,

Dreams of slow days, sweaters and fireplaces, curled up with a book,
Not all these questions, always wondering, badgering and skeptical looks,

Maybe occasionally a fancy dinner or a ballroom with cute dress clothes,
Instead of 145% pressure, unrelenting future expectations of marriage, constant all time lows,
God Forbid I smoke,
I understand I made a mistake broke your secret code,

I'm indebted to you bet that makes you happier,
My mistake has turned the page and developed a new chapter,

I've lost control, just don't blame the crash on me,
This was supposed to be our high but my mind is clouded and I can't see,
Ensnared in your guilt restraints and I won't let myself be free,
I hurt the one I love and I deserve to feel every bit painfully,

I . I . I. seems to be all about me,
Admittedly you probably are hurting and it would be disrespectful for me to say these things,
But I'll hope for the best because restricted release would lead to relapse and you know what would bring,

The return of the silver love, Fun thoughts, clouded feelings, and best of all that glazed look in my eyes,
Relapse never had a good disguise,

Maybe it does now?

Maybe this feeling of hurt, pain, disgust, and longing for release, is my new prison,
Those fatal thoughts found a way to be hidden,
Spent all this time trying to become well versed so I could be ridden,
All I've done is cause more harm in vulnerable moments,
Fine, I'll take it and own it,

My mistake turned to mistakes,
I hope you will relate,

Because you've had a hand in my destruction if it meant anything to you,

I can't open up to someone who is constantly not understanding,
I can't relate to your perfection,
My mistakes, your "heartbreak" it should be a reflection,
Just a few nights ago you were telling me I should buy ******* protection,

Love Languages, Embracing Grace, I'll read whatever,
I hope you know a book or some cool quotes aren't going to sever,
My issues from heart, in that place they are regarded as treasure

I try to write in an order, a rhyme scheme maybe?
Seems like word ***** because my stomach is to tired to continue the real thing.

All I wanted was love and quiet,
I guess you want perfect image that is quite loud,
Match made in heaven right?
RJ Days Nov 2015
I saw most minds of my generation
(and a few generations past)
all boiled together
in the cauldron of history,
a simmering creation from ancient recipe–

who take one breath of fearsome air,
positioned on false arousals
erasing ****** decades
badgering doves with tropes
of noble hearts
protecting fiery hearths
with flag of nation raised;

who mix in a dozen distasteful cities,
adorned in luxurious isolation
producing delicate ennui
which finds each donation harmful
as colors pretend monochromatic
talk of godless violence
withstanding headstrong lusts for nil;

who devour a whole fetishized messiah,
crowned by galloping anxiety
obscuring bulleted defects
battling monsters mounted
on imaginary horses–not crosses–
whilst saving purest virtues
of every child & mother

who torch refuge under murderous lights,
presented as shackled dilemmas
casting diabolic martingale
pitted against those urban sissies
of shallow flimsy heart
mirroring frozen affections
for bizarre cloven rambling about “facts”

who finish with crooked saucy error,
whipped from soft flesh
converted into rusty treasure
absurdly vacant demonstrations
topping brightly flavored cries
still couching ambiguous decrees
amid gaunt periodic theatrical spectacle

who bellow “THIS IS US COOKING!”
awaiting timer dings to hail
the proud tentative product
of their latest ghastly confection,
seasoned with salty tears
and wrought of troublingly familiar ingredients

who pair sacrosanct identities with Pinot Noir
and speak of black & white & queer as if
they know who is what and why and think
they’re somehow differently acidic
in a stomach digesting stale bread
sopped up stew of circus elephants

who hardly know to laugh or cry,
when sadly forgetful, they’re surprised
by the unsatisfying result!

who hold their noses, ignore the taste,
with eyes downcast,
some mumbling, most shouting
“Just serve and enjoy!”

hearts long butchered out and filleted
but still pumping as they fed
millennial masses raised on milk
of Secular Western Humanity

gulping slurping moldy vestiges
forgotten soulful terrors consuming cannibal cravings
passions relit by ignorance of the poem
of life replaced by the hum of sly echoes

ricocheting in revolver chambers
ricocheting in rifle chambers
ricocheting in machine gun chambers
ricocheting in chambers of bombers
ricocheting in chambers of bone in skull

oblivious to decimated cities
–struggling against straw men ignorant to the epidemiology
of the ideology of the very viruses they created–
unworthy of mention or count or even noticing brown lives lost

beating beating beating pounding
till knuckles nearly break
atop the drum of warheads’ quiet boom
Long gone are all objections to escaping
the phantasmagoric discomfort of Actual Reality!

beat on beat on beat on end whimperingly
–with renewed amnesia–
in contemporary post-modern
dullness fading sparks of anticlimax
then no denouement… *Il est vrai pour nous aussi…
Au nom de quoi?
gd Nov 2014
I think I've gotten accustomed to this acquired taste of anxiety.
I've got shivers travelling through my fingers
and if you look close enough it's sputtering out sparks
that could probably ignite some sort of ruthless wildfire.

Maybe it's because I've gotten so used to
these constant thoughts of how even the brightest
glimmers of gold tend to give way
and become dull at the slightest sign of ignorance.

Or maybe it's because I've gotten so used to
watching the seasons change
as quickly as those who've already left my life
and never looked back.

It's this constant badgering reminder of how life never waits for anyone
and there you are five months later wondering
how it could have gotten this cold
when you were just wearing a flimsy skirt the day before.

And I have no idea why my heart is pounding
to the rhythm of a drum I've never even heard
or why I'm already nostalgic for things I haven't even lost yet
because I can't seem to grasp onto anything without it

tearing apart
or disintegrating
or disappearing
without a last final glimpse of recognition.

I've gotten so used to holding in my goodbyes
and waiting
and waiting
and waiting until it's just

like sunlight
only after five hours past noon.
like that last bite of sanity
I've already digested three years ago.
like that time I gave myself away
to a boy who only knew how to take.
like the slightest bit of innocence I wasted
trying to hold onto something
and someone I made up so long ago.
like my heart
at the slightest thought of you
changing your mind.

Please don't change your mind.

{I don't want you gone yet}
Raw words Mar 2014
I started to wonder why I had no friends 
Sitting on the beach 
Tears drain from my eyes 
Drips and fear of my demise 
True friends are hard to find and I've never trusted mine 
I do not know there hopes and fears
As they do not know mine 
I am fine left alone 
Although my jealousy rust my bones 
Growing older and confused about what I own
Why I'm here 
I start to live in fear
For the unknown and the ones who promise me words with nothing to show
My trust is strong and I hope to live long 
But this mind is badgering and I start to deteriorate the own
My skin bleeds as I strive for something that can never be seen
This flesh is pointless 
This mind is pointless 
What is love but a burden on my soul 
Trusting another seems so unknown 
I don't know 
How to
Love you
Marshal Gebbie Jan 2017
Corridors of ruthlessness careen across the landscape
Bludgeoning the thoughtless and the thankful intertwined,
Revelling in mindlessness regardless of the politics
Regardless of reaction or relationships defined.
Trammelling the consequence, the flavour and the hue
Stamping on the daisies in this field of brilliant green,
Donning now apparel of a cloak of red indifference
Caring not for criticism or if, indeed, it's seen.
Badgering so bluntly in a curdled tone intolerant
And crudely interrupting all who voice a word of blame,
God that we should dwell in the shadow of this monster
Bulldozed to submission in a rendered pall of shame.

Stand up America!
19 January 2017
H Zul May 2015
of hopes and dreams
tethered to the brink of eyelids-
blink and they're gone.

These thoughts they atrophy
amidst the badgering chaos,
the harshest cacophony, yielding
to the force majeure- the zeitgeist.

Every dream
and every waking phantasm
allude to unkept promises
made to reflections.

Oh how a single beam of light,
straight and unwavering,
scatters as it passes through the fractured mirror
wielding phantoms of a former presence.

Alas the evidence is confounding:
coffee cup rings and half-written lines,
tousled sheets in empty confines,
and hollow eyes with empty stares.

These pieces of a jigsaw,
as disjointed as are confronting memories,
are just as they seem: determinants
of a bigger, scrambled picture.

C'est la vie!
These thoughts they atrophy.
Plateau. Patter.
T Thomas Mar 2017
she was the kind of crazy people thought they liked
had a bit of a wild streak
not much of a filter
and didn't really distinguish who could get with her

at least
that what they thought was all to her

in reality
behind that beautifully masked facade

she was a fragile girl
going through the world
looking only for affection
with maybe just a hint of validation

her eyes dreamed for the world
thinking she was ready
going head first but never steady
not afraid of difficult feats
but quick to leave if her desires never meet

maybe she was fickle
loathed tediousness
and badgering of regrets
(also, the grossness of sweat)

but on the contrary
her patience was weary
and with the dullness of life
she was starting to lose her faith in faeries

maybe a bit scary

but you
you loved her
full and through
and there was nothing
you would not do
just to hear that goofy laugh
and see that dimpled grin

you finally came to terms with it,

your love for her was a blissful sin.
Paula M DiMattio Mar 2016
Resounding Pellets
Beading up hitting windows
The storm rages on

From my youthful eyes
Five steps down red brick sidewalk
Freedom is waiting

A nuisance puddle
For travelers of the day
Cars moving so slow

The echos of pleas
Badgering my mom please please
Let us go outside

A pond of water
To Nellie Albatelley's
Clear across two roads

Finally a yes
Finding appropriate clothing
Without causing fuss

Bare feet and raincoat
Head soaked wading cold water
Presence of laughter

Chattering blue lips
surrendering to chilled bones
Thirty minutes in

Tossing aside clothes
Wrapped securely in blankets
Sharing body heat

Robbed of energy
Eyes closing unwillingly
Afternoon nap time

Cascade windswept rain
Torrential downpour falling
Rain on Eustis street

PMD 3~10~2016
Jessica April Jul 2015
I want to know
why im never good enough
I want to know
What happened,
What made you change your mind
I want to know
What's wrong with me
I want to know
Why some nights I toss and turn and some nights I can't keep my eyes open past 7
I want to know
Why dragging a blade across my skin makes me feel better
I want to know
Why it's hard to breathe sometimes
I want to know
How to stop the voices
I want to know
Why I hear voices,
It's like my own voice,
But in my head
Badgering me,
Harassing me,
Scaring me,
Demanding answers.
It starts off soft, slow: 'why weren't you good enough for him?'
Then it gets louder, less friendly: 'probably cause you're fat, and if not that then you're just ugly'.
I want to know
If the headaches will ever stop
I want to know if any of these pills this man, with many framed papers on his wall,
is giving me are going to help me
I want to know
If I'll ever get better.
SoupHands Mar 2016
I am from
this is an assignment i had to do for my EDEC 250 class
its a poem about where or what im from. i chose a more vague approach. i try not to remember items that brought me to where i am now. but moments and feelings. im actually kind of proud of this.

I am from a blurry past
I am from moving too much
I am from sweltering heat, and bone chilling cold
There is no memory where there should be some
I am from motorcycles, loud noise, and rock music
I am from the justice system and the armed forces
My life has always been loud as hell itself
I am from a nasty divorce
I am from never settling in anywhere I’ve been.
I’m used to feeding on friction and surviving in fire
I am from a long drawn out story that ends horribly
I am from bullies, beatings, and badgering
Peace has never been a friend of mine
I am from sliding along rock bottom
I am from endless hate and cynicism
I am from the roots of pure evil within my own family
Truth be told I’m just a beast with a human heart
I am from finding strength I never knew I had
I am from standing resolute when I should have fallen and rusted away
I am from loyalty and boundless love
The rewards of perseverance far surpass any and all pains this world could curse you with
I am from watching my cold grey heart warm once again
I am from finally seeing how human and fragile I am
I am from Woodland California, where I was born again as a new human being
I am from the country side’s friendly solitude
Greeting me with the gentle arms of the sun
And breezes coolly kissing my neck and head
If I could only tell you exactly how I got here
If I had a dollar for every story I could tell you about my life
I’d have one dollar
I am from the liquor of life
And drink it in gulps
2012, a very different mind, a very different me....
Morgan Evans Aug 2014
Pain is what I feel
When I get hurt
It hurts persistently
The badgering
Oh the Badger
He big me
Ron Richards Mar 2017
wide open my eyes,
all i see is creation of fantasy,
that pierced my imagination,
push me to side and drag me off the cliff,
yes i even over worshiping drugs,
like gods and no one can't make me happy,
spreading my arms up in the air,
the feeling that i had to reach,
to salvation i can't find,
sometimes i dug my own grave,
that beg for impending doom.

i want to stop all this madness,
the addiction that pierced through my life,
****** me and my life.

i got helped for sometimes,
a help that i cant forget,
that instantly cured my depression,
cured all my sorrow,
i been sober but and yet people still treat me like trash,
it is not that i don't desire to change,
to pick up  the pieces i left abandoned on my life.

i always ask question why these things exist,
and why i got influenced all this,
it doesn't bring good in me and just pain,
i been looking at myself through the mirror,
all i hear my self screaming change,
i been gone for a while,
almost a year on my life,
shave my head  and had a long thought,
had a dark-side in me that i can't ignore
had another life in me that i cant reach.

sometime i want to find that special someone
that can  shield all these evil thoughts,
and why all these temptation just stop meeting that person,
why all these doors kept blocking me,
and why all this sins kept appearing,
why all these question keep  badgering me,
i want to change my self,
to become a better place,
all this negativity takes its tool ,
so god help me on next life.

i am just one man filled with passion,
but all these years growing up,
i wasn't the favorite son or relied upon,
i got used like a tool and get beaten up,
yet i stood up for myself,
jealousy began to took over my life and i was drawn into,
this lifestyle that freed my self from this depression,
but its reward are regret.
a milestone of life that i been sober almost 12 years recovering from chronic depression, yes i was a victim of abuse on many, i was victim of people that used me alot.  i hope this poetry make people realize that drugs is not the  ultimatum  to escape your problems. please find help don't be like another  drug addict.
Ceida Uilyc Oct 2018
Why do we do what we do?
Why do we jump even if it’s a dump?
Why do we turn to wolves for a burn?
Why do we heed to bleed?

When the noise lulls and poise hulls
It’s not staggering.
It’s badgering.
Reason, even of a bison catches the raven by awe.
It lays flat and blaze to plaid.
What is reason?
Body electric zapped
lower gastrointestinal tract
wracked with wretchedness
pitted, rocked, and tortured
severe muscle spasms cramp
deathly hallowed deliverance

beseech divine creator to exorcise relief
any panacea trumpeted vetoed
pestilential nausea diarrhea
wreaks relentless havoc
horrid ordeal twists insides
lack strength to live

breathing a laborious effort
bedrest temporarily alleviates
generally healthy ironclad junket
weatherbeaten rickety ship of state
restorative sought trouncing unwell
corporeal self against torture

assailing, castrating,
and drubbing existence
avocations ordinarily promulgating
resplendent joie de vivre
squelched, scotched, and sabotaged,
courtesy minuscule mailer daemons

emotions unlikely culprit,
though times gone by anxiety
tindered, pitched, and kindled
abominable irritable bowel syndrome
prescription medication tempered
badgering, crippling, and debilitating

panic attacks plagued this primate
manifesting feeble endeavor
to experience poignant satiation,
asper simple pleasures nonexotic
endeavors merely passively living
as one organic carbon based

human being finding fulfillment
meditating, reading, and writing,
now fleeced, deprived, and blitzed
suspicious disagreeable provender
perhaps lactose intolerance

after enjoying pizza birthday
fours days prior
celebrating chronological centenary,
sans one frail resident here,
Highland Manor Apartments
suddenly, I feel chill o' rigor mortis!

— The End —