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embedded in the most tenebrous corner of my mind,
harlequin memories of serendipity,
dripping like bittersweet wine,
tantalize me,
begriming what was once an unsoiled canvas.

engulfed in my despondency,
I repose homely
until my mind's taste-buds
savor the saccharine flavors
of its own derisive thoughts.

aroused to say the least,
my mind's libido is now being satisfied.
I lie here,
welcoming all that my thoughts and epiphanies have to offer.
I am unable to disclose what's bestowed to me
but that's irrelevant.

My mind is here...
and open
and anticipating
the pleasing rush
of these thoughts that venture through my head.

The pleasure is overwhelming,
forcing my chakras open
as my ajna awakens from its long slumber.

I crave this foreplay
and I plead with the universe
to make it never-ending
but it seems my cries fall upon deaf ears
and I'm left open-minded
and unfinished.
If you don't understand, you can ask me.
Sanaa May 2014
you’re the light
radiating from a light bulb,
in a dark dust-filled room,
the molecules of air
become visible
when you look their way,

they appear as floating
clouds of pixels,
as though we’ve discovered
the software room
of existence
you look away
on the wall,
and I hope you realize
darling, I see none
but what your eyes
view, because light
still radiates from you
in this room,

you see a wall
cracked, grey, with Roman letters,
and I see
the Trevi fountain of Rome,
perhaps a little romance
would do us no harm  
you look my way,
with eyes so bright,
and my vision deteriorates
unable to see anything
like a car nearing
in the middle of the night,
and its head lights flashing,
blinded I become.

possibly looking into your eyes
blinds me,
and white all I see--
I blink, once and again,
I see vivid purple and blue
figures, faint
from looking your side for far too long.


and perhaps,
this is how I love you,
everything I see
beams with happiness
as though the only Chakra
elevated is Anahata,
but when you leave,
my vision blurs,
and I never see the same again.
Anahata is our ability to love. Ajna is purple. They're both forms of Chakra.
Rama Krsna Apr 2019
my pink rose
during your heavily textured silence
i’ve quietly merged
the dance of the cosmos
my reflection
nowhere to be seen

yet if you look
with that third eye
you will see
in every nook and corner of this cosmos
in every smile,
every frown
and every tear
from here to eternity

© 2019
Dre G Dec 2013
the flames are a warning. that quick
paced *** ***** of a flower shedding
fire-pollen, the same substance found
amongst the flora of that salty gelatin
core of earth, melting the mountains
together with her belly dance.
"onward," she whispers "we have waves
of high frequency yet to consume."
Gigi Tiji Nov 2014
feathers in
green-blue eyes sing as
quiescent chrysalis cracks,
blossoms into butterfly
blue wings blue sky,
love spreads its wings
wide open, speaks ocean  
blue-turquoise truth, anahata  
through lapis lazuli lips, vishuddha
a kiss on the amethyst-lilac forehead,
ajna to the sky, sahasrara
butterfly flew
Muse Feb 2016
The Universe opens your mind
You're Eye is no longer blind
The Truth breaks all lies
Love is an eternal tie
Strength comes from within
Pleasure is found when forgiven
The Self is greater than Fear
Constructive critisism, and tips are welcome(obviously) This was more of a quick thing I may come back to it later
Amy Perry Jul 2020
Right in the center
Between my brows
The third ajna eye
Calls out to the crowd
Consciously choosing
Who to meet
Consciously moving
The world ‘neath my feet
Consistently bruising
Ego’s covering,
Shell so battered
It’s nearly shattered.
Hovering like those
Sacred birds
Iridescent wings
In my dreams
Answering to nature’s
Haunting calls
Answering to future
And destiny’s pulls.
ghost queen Nov 2023
how do i blind my mind’s eye
from the horrors that i see
quiet the screams
of the dying in my ears
that i tremble with rage and fear
at what is about to come
Gigi Tiji Dec 2014
buddha vishudha
sweet purple umbra
ajna penumbra helix ribbons
rise like feathers out of my face

I looked into our eyes today
I tried to smile when I was dripping with awe
and the corners of my mouth quivered 'til my jaw dropped

I sit and breathe deeply as I see our reflections
and the vertices of all our faces interlacing in intricate ways
I find myself breathing in their rhythm
I find myself telling my mother I love her

We cry jovial understanding into each other's eyes

I catapult myself up through
deoxyribonucleic staircases into
blossoming realms of emotion

There's no time! No words.
Everything is so familiarly alien
and entirely understandable.
I feel everything.
Neeloo Neelpari Oct 2018
With darkest kohl
And bright eyes
I look upto you
I try to decipher
The meaning behind
those caring eyes
And sweet smile
Caressing my extended hand
You softly murmur
Is it necessary to name our feelings
Aren't you happy with me
All relationships are fake
Be it blood or world
Why give name to our relationship
Let it be the way we are
Sometimes near, other times far
Yet always in each other's thought
Caring, praying, wishing for well being
Listen, O beautiful!
A bit of sindoor in the parted hair
Is not really a sanction of love
Close your eyes and feel
On your Ajna, the warmth of my kiss
Let it be the eternal beauty spot
The beauty of my feelings
For you..
The kohl melts down the rosy cheek
A beautiful bond is built
Beautiful than the Taj
Tougher than the Wall of China
Sweeter than honey
Innocent like the smile of an infant
A relationship that crosses all barriers
An eternal unnamed bond
So pure as Gangajal...

© Neeloo Neelpari
Taj- Tomb of eternal love, one of the seven wonders , built in Agra, India, a big tourist spot
Gangajal - holy waters of holy river Ganges, India
Universe Poems Sep 2022
Aura energy field,
enclosing any living body or object,
Cakra shield
spiritual energy base of the spine,
awaking and passing through,
seven Cakras
that are mine and yours too
Unbalanced Cakra
abnormal aura's
affect your holistic health,
deep like apple peel corers

© 2022 Carol Natasha Diviney
#carol #natasha #diviney #has #completed #level #three #in #spiritual #healing
#sanskrit #spelling #of #cakra
Onoma Oct 2020
Tower and eidolon, three and a half

times removed--stand still of no man's

land, coiled up in The Alone.

Parashakti...consort, companion, partaker

of Shiva laid down upon her uninhabited

hermitage, and watched as she sleeps.

the way water surrounds the brinks of land--

eating at its sides.

Shiva...tower and eidolon, emptying aloneness

into aloneness.

upon the third distillation, emptiness tears in half.

a half removed from three times.

as Shiva sinks the centers of Oceans that circumambulate

his Ajna, overhanging a crescent moon as a beacon

risen Again.
VL Shade Feb 26
did you ever close your eyes tight as a kid?
i mean, REALLY tight. Tight™.
so tight that the dark gives way
to deeper dark which, inexplicably,
explodes into starburst sparkles of abyss,
dark-light shimmering like eyelid fireworks
Lawrence’s nethers, bemoaning bavarians
and gloom, black blooms blossoming all

keep squeezing. keep looking, head bowed low
do you see the mad shadows now?
at first dancing geometric, measured
soon to vanish spectrally into the void
then – back! now embracing iteration
forward-thinking in their anti-euclidean considerations
midnight backdrop finally filling with colors; form
the first cracks of crimson breaking forth, shaping

don’t give up now. I wouldn't. he wouldn’t.
mama didn’t raise no quitter now, did she?
(or whatever aphorism gets you going
just get there) have you? good. stay.
for me, those shards of red form rivers
tributaries of some inner sanctum
a breach in the boundless black on black
static, silent and solemn, shhhhhhhhs
the space in-between paradoxically shifts. Then,

finally see it. the impossible pool. the reflection
somehow gleaming through white noise to a
subtle blue-sable flow, rippling ever-outward
can you see yourself? no? keep looking down.
i do, my face embarrassingly younger than i’d like to admit
vanity finding me even here, even at the core of my being
for a moment, all is peace. calm. christ-like in repose
memories flood forth, ajna working overtime
these ones don’t smack so sour, more often than not
in my father's favorite dives, only dregs in his glass

but, like all tides, it turns. the backwash bitter
acerbic, odorous. the brimstone feel of it confuses
i’m half-expecting to be boiled by a burst of flame
none comes. the pool simply calms, somehow hellishly frozen
it is a mirror now, harsh and unyielding. i stayed too long (did you?)
nostalgia holds my neck down at first, but only just. they
rush forth, recollections forming a phalanx. a salvo.
Ah! –  but water does better than fused sand can at
justifying a god's ways to man. and so, it gives.
blasting upward, each now an arrowhead, rending rifts across me
traumatic bear trap sprung, Nemesis on Narcissis punishing
a hubris apparently deserving the maximum sentence of

i know what happened to Liropie’s son, gazing longingly into the depths
of his pool, Echo’s pining just ringing out for the first time
how his ardent passion, his primordial linage, burned him
from the inside out. he melted, that child of **** and regality
his tears rending deep rifts, a hunter in bittersweet appreciation
for the trap he understood himself to be snared within. he knew
he'd never leave. must have, storied slayer that he was.
a wounded gazelle in denial, bargaining with the Fates frivolously
he knew the score, packed it in. burst forth into molten golds
and whites. rebirthed radicles reaching for a new day
yet the sky above bears down, ever down, to the vengeful mirror below
always is always, ya know? i get it. but i find myself asking
how long did it take? how long did he bow and bleed?
how long before he made himself a karmic ingot? before

— The End —