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Elizabeth Feb 2014
If I had religion, and it pulsed through my veins like it does in some,
I'd recant all the sins I have committed since I met you:
Lust, envy, pride, wrath, greed, and gluttony.
But instead I decant the Seven Deadly Sins inside of me:
Lust, envy, pride, wrath, greed, and gluttony,
Everything except the acedia that you stole away forever.
Acedia: apathy, boredom, sloth
Sam Oliver Jan 2011
“Despite all your love for your fellow man, God has gone out of his way to poison you.” I said. The man had been a wreck for most of his life, and the time was right to reap his poor soul. “You have gained nothing that didn't hurt you in the end.” A visible tear rolling down his face, his eyes stared, watery at the back of her head as she walked away.

“People keep speaking of hope and perseverance...” I whispered, his friend putting his hand on this poor man's shoulder, right beside me and offering condolences as I continued to talk. “...But that's what got you this far. Hope is the only reason you are still alive after years of torturing yourself, living amongst these uncaring philistines who consider themselves people, doing everything you can to better their lives, all they give you is grief.” I ended with a bit of a chuckle. He shrugged off his friend's helpful words and separated from him.

“The Bible is an old relic. Judging by your life thus far, do you really think he'd make a place for you in his Heaven?” He stood on a bridge, staring out into the night sky. Even the stars and the moon would not shine on his this cloudy night... What a perfect time to hit him where it hurt... “You aren't worthy. You were born ugly, you have been battered and bruised by everyone you have ever loved, despite many of them claiming the same love of you.” I said. The man had struggled all his life to be loved and this, his twentieth failed attempt, was sure to be his last, the final straw in a life of suffering at the hands of others. Doubtless, he was remembering those many nights where things had looked joyful, only to deceive him of the troubles ahead.

“God has done nothing if not lied to you your whole life. He's taken away all your joy! He's taken your will to laugh, to enjoy the simple things!” I continued, a smug grin spreading across my lips as he walked towards downtown. “Is this the kind of God who would grant you a place among angels? Surely not.” He walked into a pawn shop, his eyes scanning through the armaments laid out before him. Fortunately for me, this day had been a long time coming, and he had previously applied for a  license. He picked out the cheapest pistol available and a small box of rounds. “You are not human in the eyes of men or God and thus, you cannot be saved.” He smiled a fake smile and waved a goodbye to the store owner as he made his way back out. He turned into the first empty back alley he could find.

He rifled through his items, readying the gun in one hand, one of the bullets in the other. His whole body shook in fear and nervousness. “So, lift the cannon,” He held the gun at about chest-height. “Load the charge,” He slid the chamber back to where he could manually load the single shot and slipped it in. “**** it.” He put the chamber back in place, so the gun could properly do its job. “Take it to your 'holy temple'.” He broke out in loud sobs, using his thumb to pull back the hammer.

“Pull the trigger and let the peace of nothing wash over your poor animal soul.” The deed was done. The man no longer suffered the slings and arrows of this world. Instead, he would dangle forever in the halls of Hell from the trees of tristitia...
Alfred Vassallo Apr 2013
Luxuria (Lust)

Asmodeus demon of lust
carnal manipulator
****** captor

Castitas (Chastity)

Embracing virtue
honorable wholesomeness
not through one’s weakness

Gula (Gluttony)

The egocentricity
with which the Lord of the flies
upon us relies

Temperantia (Temperance)

practicing restraint
prudence to judge with regard
remaining on guard

Avaritia (Greed)

The Mammon demon
controlling the warmonger
with vows of power.

Caritas (Charity)

Crave unselfishness
give unreserved empathy
love and sympathy

Acedia (Sloth)

Deny grace and God
so evil shall become fact  
when we fail to act

Industria (Diligence)

Fortitude is a must
persistence in conviction
zealous for passion

Ira (Wrath)

In its purest form
presents violence and hate
Satan’s fate

Patientia (Patience)

mercy to haters
receiving the grace to forgive
rewards are massive

Superbia (Pride)

Lucifer’s downfall
for excessive vanity
destroys humility

Humanitas (Kindness)

Sympathy without bias
belief without bitterness
inspire kindness

Invidia (Envy)

resentful passion
an insatiable desire
potent cause of dire

Humilitas (Humility)

think of yourself less
and not think less of yourself
don’t exalt oneself
NOTE:- This is made up of 14 Haikus based on the seven deadly sins as opposed to the seven virtues
scatterquilt Apr 2011
Confined with restlessness.
And yet we struggle.
It ***** you from becoming.
Like a daffodil thief, they say.
The shadows will lure you.
From the darkness you made.

What is worth to live then,
When love was so elusive.
And beauty was perfected.
Is it to sacrifice, or to obey?  
Which options do you fancy?

Unfamiliar faces
and more aching angles
where is your bliss,
when passion was misplaced
Until the times that I would gladly fall.
And to where my shepherd meets me.

let life be a mystery
And a mess to those who persecutes it.
When evil must be known
from the nature of good.
If I died and went to heaven...
what then am I afraid of?

Just think of me, my Lord.
like whom you are to me.
Barton D Smock Jul 2013
an orphan in and out of homes connected only by sleep.

a quiet nine months.  

your brother in the cab of a snowplow.  

a clear plastic fork carried up
     your mother’s bare calf.

sister cursing the power company.  sister spinning
     with her palm
          the ceiling fan.  her body lifted

          into the arms of the father

you’ve always had.
aisyahaffandey May 2017
A pleasure
A bliss
An acedia
Remembrance is a pain
Despise hurts
Offensive repugnance
A blessing
A sovereignty
An ******
To let mind dwell away
The Earth, carved with misery and desolation
A labyrinth of tranquility
A quest for placidity
A warfare out of blue
A cure of the old wounds
But not to neglect your mortal shield
As oblivion is addictive
You'll crave for soft darkness
As you embark on a journey to Lethe
Te escribo desde un puerto.
        La mar salvaje llora.
Salvaje, y triste, y solo, te escribo abandonado.
Las olas funerales redoblan el vacío.
Los megáfonos llaman a través de la niebla.
La pálida corola de la lluvia me envuelve.
        Te escribo desolado.
        El alma a toda orquesta,
        la pena a todo trapo,
te escribo desde un puerto con un gemido largo.
¡Ay focos encendidos en los muelles sin gente!
¡Ay viento con harapos de música arrastrada,
campanas sumergidas y gargantas de musgo!
        Te escribo derrotado.
        Soy un hombre perdido.
        Soy mortal. Soy cualquiera.
Recuerdo la ceniza de su rostro de nardo,
el peso de tu cuerpo, tus pasos fatigosos,
tu luto acumulado, tu montaña de acedia,
tu carne macilenta colgando en la butaca,
        tus años carcelarios.
        Caliente y sudorosa,
        obscena, y triste, y blanda,
la butaca conserva, femenina, aquel asco.
La pesadumbre bruta, la pena ******, dulce,
las manchas amarillas con su propio olor acre,
esa huella indecente de un hombre que se entrega,
        lo impúdico: tu llanto.
        Viviendo, viendo, oyendo,
        sucediéndote a ciegas,
lamiendo tus heridas, reptabas por un fango
de dulces linfas gordas, de larvas pululantes,
letargos vegetales y muertes que fecundan.
Seguías, te seguías sin vergüenza, viviendo,
        ¡oh blando y desalmado!
        Tú, cínico, remoto,
        dulce, irónico, triste;
tú, solo en tu elemento, distante y desvelado.
No era piedad la anchura difusa en que flotabas
con tu sonrisa ambigua. Fluías torpemente,
pasivo, indiferente, cansado como el mundo,
        sin un yo, desarmado.
        Estaciones, transcursos,
        circunstancias confusas,
oceánicos hastíos, relojes careados,
eléctricos espartos, posos inconfesables,
naufragios musicales, materias espumosas
y noches que tiritan de estrellas imparciales,
        te hicieron más que humano.
        Allí todo se funde.
        Los objetos no objetan.
Liso brilla lo inmenso bajo un azul parado
y en las plumas sedantes la luz del mundo escapa,
sonríe, tú sonríes, remoto, indiferente,
*******, grotesco, triste, cruel, fatal, adorado
        como un ídolo arcaico.
        Sin intención, sin nombre,
        sin voluntad ni orgullo,
promiscuo, sucio, amable, canalla, nivelado,
capaz de darte a todo, común, diseminabas
podrido las semillas amargas que revientan
en la explosión brillante de un día sin memoria.
        No eras ni alto ni bajo.
        La doble ala del fénix:
        furor, melancolía,
el temblor luminoso de la espira absorbente;
la lluvia consentida que duerme en los pianos;
las canciones gangosas lentamente amasadas;
los ojos de paloma sexuales y difuntos;
        cargas opacas; pactos.
        Caricias o perezas,
        extensiones absortas
en donde a veces somos tan tercamente abstractos
y otras veces los pelos fosforecen sexuales,
y fría, dulce, ansiosa, la lisa piel de siempre,
serpiente, silba, sorbe y envuelve en sus anillos
        un triste cuerpo amado.
        No hay clavo último
        no hay centro diamantino,
no hay dignidad posible cuando uno ha visto tanto
y está triste, está triste, sencillamente triste,
se entrega atribulado y en lo efímero sabe
ser otro con los otros, de los otros, en otros:
        seguir, seguir flotando.
        ¡Oh inmemorial,
oh amigo
        amorfo, indiferente!
Deslizándote denso de plasmas milenarios,
tardío, legamoso de vidas maceradas,
cubierto de amapolas nocturnas, indolente,
por tu anchura sin ojos ni límites, acuosa,
        te creía acabado.
        Mas hoy vuelves, proclamas,
        constructor, la alegría;
te desprendes del caos; determinas tus actos
con voluntad terrena y aliento floral, joven.
Ni más ni menos que hombre, levantas tu estatua,
recorres paso a paso tu más acá, lo afirmas,
        llenas tu propio espacio.
        Los jóvenes obreros,
        los hombres materiales,
la gloria colectiva del mundo del trabajo
resuenan en tu pecho cavado por los siglos.
Los primeros motores, las fuerzas matinales,
la explotación consciente de una nueva esperanza
        ordenan hoy tu canto.
        Contra tu propia pena,
        venciéndote a ti mismo,
apagando, olvidando, tú sabes cuánto y cuánto,
cuánta nostalgia lenta con cola de gran lujo,
cuánta triste sustancia cotidiana amasada
con sudor y costumbres de pelos, lluvias, muertes,
        escuchas un mandato.
        Y animas la confianza
        que en ti quizá no existe;
te callas tus cansancios de liquen resbalado;
te impones la alegría como un deber heroico.
¡Por las madres que esperan, por los hombres que aún ríen,
debemos de ponernos más allá del que somos,
        sirviéndolos, matarnos!
        Con rayos o herramientas,
        con iras prometeicas,
con astucia e insistencia, con crueldad y trabajo,
con la vida en un puño que golpea la hueca
cultura de una Europa que acaricia sus muertos,
con todo corazón que, valiente, aún insiste,
        del polvo nos alzamos.
        Cantemos la promesa,
        quizá tan solo un niño,
unos ojos que miran hacia el mundo asombrados,
mas no interrogan; claros, sin reservas, admiran.
¡Por ellos combatimos y a veces somos duros!
¡Bastaría que un niño cualquiera así aprobara
        para justificarnos!
        Te escribo desde un puerto,
        desde una costa rota,
desde un país sin dientes, ni párpados, ni llanto.
Te escribo con sus muertos, te escribo por los vivos,
por todos los que aguantan y aún luchan duramente.
Poca alegría queda ya en esta España nuestra.
        Mas, ya ves, esperamos.
K G Jan 2017
We slipped into our socks, eyes were closed
Soaking boldly within us, acedia's warm coat
View the clement fate, endless reaches cold
Every step lead to atrophy past the belt post

City's first pinching, whipped us into a storm
They pin down our wings so we'd conform
Every breath is an option to plummet or soar
Yet like a moth, i'm drifting down to the floor
Garrett May 2013
Ancillary Artery Athena
An Abstract Apparition
Attracting Adorned Artistry
Adamant Affection
Abdicated Acedia
rin Mar 2018

Castor and Pollux
joined forever at the hip.
I could split myself
into two halves just
so they could each get a taste.
I will etch into
both their ribs and lungs
so when they exhale, it’s my
name that warms their breath.


I have done nothing
but consult oracles to
find a solution
and like Oedipus
I will sit here on my throne
to repeat fathers'
sins. Dear God, am I
the miasma that reeks here?
Would I change, if so?


Eros and Psyche
have yet to match us, dear boys.
In confessional,
I speak of the flesh-
bruised like rotting fruit, marks
of desperate youth.
Heads bowed in prayer,
this is Dionysiac
ritual madness.


Will Hades greet me?
If I spit coins from my mouth,
will the ferryman
take pity on me?
He must know my odyssey.
This is déjà vu,
a fable passed down
by generations. A hymn,
Homeric and worn.


Adonis river
runs red like veins filled with blood.
The anemones
for my two brothers,
a crown for each of them to  
decorate their heads
before guts are spilled.
I know this will end in war,
no glory for me.


Heroes never die,
they say. So was Heracles
jealous of Linus?
To know forever,
to escape the throes of death
sounds like Hell to me.
What lives on except
curses and their tragedy?
I am no hero.


I will take my fire,
let it blaze until I die.
Prometheus would
have been proud of me.
Maybe from this, I will kindle
something from the heat:
Write poems in ash,
for the ones I have scalded,
or the ones I love.

(Maybe those two things
are not unlike after all.
Maybe so, maybe not.)
exquisitely righteous to have the embodiment
of each and every one
standing before me
for all to see
packaged up (I can't say neat and tidy....but all in one place anyway)
it seems reasonable that one person has one or two
but to find them all in one place....
I see you


they all ring true as they emanate out of you

*we all know what happened to Ursula
I find my recent posts somewhat out of character as I am not a religious type but when the concepts make sense it's hard to ignore....
Jo Feb 2014
My god it's 3 in the afternoon
And still I have yet to move,
My slothful torso
Curling into a comma
To hide my face from what rests
Beyond my maroon sheets.

I want to enjoy this moment
Without feeling guilt
For letting the sunlight
Filter through my black curtains
Onto my fuzzy, outstretched legs.

There are some days
When I refuse to let myself
Have this
Today is not that day.
The knowledge makes me smile.

I rose only once
To make orange spice tea
And to eat sugar cookies
With lemon frosting.
They're delicious, and I can't be
Brought to care
That I won't be burning
Them off later.

I sometimes wish,
That I had someone to share
This feeling with.
Someone to curl into
Quotations with.
I sigh into my pillow,

I grow upset with myself
For wanting something -
For wanting anything -
I see red,
But only for a moment.
I couldn't have this peace,
I knew as much,
So the heat quickly fades.

Still, the people who
Allow themselves such
Simple pleasure,
Such halcyon,
Are who I wish to be.
JT Jun 2016
the world ended in february; it is getting difficult to remember
a time before humanity, ephemeral in the end,
slipped into the gaps between evolution’s gnashing teeth;
i saw the first ghost outside my window
stumbling in the distance from the chapel garden,
walking about the streets with curling fingers,
reaching out to touch warm skin, and i,
behind thick locks and boarded windows,
dared not leave my house for days; in march i sat trembling
as i counted empty jars in my cenotaph pantry;
after eating cat food and the cat i
carried nothing on my back when i fled my home
in search of a safer haven; in april, i stood
on the tops of hollow buildings and looked down at the street
to see faces shining red, ravenous and without mercy in the ash,
i watched a man open up another’s ribcage
like the doors of a hostel, unsealed at the edges
as if just another canned good from a looted grocery store; in may
i caught glimpses of children catatonic in their skin,
orphaned by pestilence and rotting after
their first death and their second, i witnessed
my mother’s apostasy, saw her gnawing on the bones of the vicar
with a king james tattered at her feet; in june i saw my sister
huddled in the corner and clutching a revolver,
white-knuckled, one bullet,
staring down the barrel as wounds bled and hands shook,
and the seed of acedia—germinating in her chest
beside that vile malady—kept her finger twitching just beyond the trigger; i
lamented the absence of the swallowed sun, forgot what apples tasted like,
stopped telling the difference between samaritans and corpses and
observed that which was once called love turn into a hungry fire
as old and primal as leaning stones, carnal and hard and ugly
and spoiled like all else; in july
i noticed my hands had begun to shake every time i heard my name, and i
trudged through another fallen city, broken eyes watching me as i passed
with a shopping cart of tinned pears, the weight of all their hunger tied around my ankles,
marching towards the end beneath a black and starless sky
i felt it, coming closer as i ran,
and crawled, and prayed, and walked. and walked. and walked. and walked. and
in january,
(before i began to fear the human silhouette
and you started holding my hand to keep you sane,)
we drove nowhere on the highway at dusk,
headlights illuminating the obsidian road, moon trailing your truck,
a sacred ghost, omnipresent, neon signs blinking their greetings
for diners and motels and gas station stops, dissonant music laced with static
pouring out your dashboard radio, the two of us
in contented coexistence, wordless,
the world alive and well.
and in february,
in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, the terminus began,
the planet shook for a final time and brought to pass
that which is written—o death,
where is thy sting? o grave,
where is thy victory? the dead shall be raised
incorruptible, and us?
we shall be changed
Joel Mathew Jul 2018
I’m not thinking to myself.
I’m aware of your presence,
Just as you are aware of mine
A soul trapped in a room,
With white walls and neon green stripes

My soul is stuck in here for eternity,
Waiting to be freed,
From a curse that riddles it.
The curse brought upon me,
By my sin

Sound of a low hum, I’m aware of it now.
So accustomed to it, I forgot it existed.
I take a step towards a wall,
It recedes one, the gap remains.
I’m overcome by this feeling, I’m just aware of.

Hey, you, the one reading this,
Can you make it stop?
This feeling, it’s unpleasant.
I close my eyes hoping for it to end.
Nothing changes, I still see neon stripes.

This wall’s all I can see.
This low hum, all I can hear.
Make it stop. It’s driving me crazy.
It’s amplifying this feeling within.
… He called this my penance.

Aimlessly, I try to run.
I need to feel a sense of change.
This monotonous scene, I wished for it to change,
And it did. I stumbled upon it.
How I wish I hadn’t.

I knew it was here all along, I’m conscious of it now.
Maybe I was so accustomed to it I forgot.
Or maybe it was so painful I chose to forget.
Either way, desperate to change this monotony,
I opened the bag.

A hunch now confirmed - this bag belongs to him.
I know I shouldn’t unravel, the secrets held in it.
But I’m desperate, to change this monotony.
Not like I care anymore…
And so, I opened the door to endless suffering.

It’s coming back, the memory of my sin.
That monotonous feeling gone, but it hurts,
Pain surging through my body, beautiful pain!
I remember what I did to him, I regret everything.
But it still feels like, I’m forgetting something.

It courses through my veins, ripping my mind apart.
The striped walls distort into billowing waves.
My bones shatter, blood oozes out of every orifice
Ecstasy! Masking pain with pain
For one brief moment, my mind was at ease

Soon seven silhouettes, surface above Styx
Ira, Invidia, Avaritia, Superbia,
Acedia, Gula and Luxuria
Surround me. Taking still silent steps towards
When just a step away, they morph into one entity – Him

“I’m sorry” “It’s too late now”
My features wince in pain. Pain,
Quaking through my body, wrecking all my states
Desperate to find comfort I believe
This retribution is my redemption.

His contemptuous glare stares right through me
He wasn’t satisfied. A smile creeps up his face.
“You forgot again” He slid something into my pocket
“This’ll help you remember again” And he disappeared
Into the bright darkness

I rise back to my stature
Tears dripping down “I’m sorry”
My sins hurt him; all I can do is regret
I can’t rewrite what I scrawled
Into the indelible sheets of time

I reach into my pocket and pull it out,
A picture of him crying. All the pieces fall into place
This feeling of tranquillity in this moment of realisation
This silence before the storm, lasts until I process everything
I was looking into a mirror

My heart sinks into chaos
My mind finds order
Pain so unimaginable
Pain so… painful
Stop this…

You, reading this,
Make it stop, please
It’s hurting. I can’t bear it anymore
Please help me…
Tell him to stop.

Well, whatever. I don’t care anymore.

Heh, the pain’s fading away already
I’m forgetting again
Trapped, in an endless cycle of time
I’m forgetting everything
Forgetting only to remember again

Acceptance, the last stage of this cycle
I’ve sinned against myself
He’s punishing me for this
I plunge into the tender hands of oblivion
Only to relive this torture when she lets go

I’m a paradox
A nonexistent entity
A human bound to a monster
A soul free of dimensions
Caged in a cube

I’m aware of you
Just as you are aware of me
A soul living by the chasm of insanity
Falling in and getting dragged back
Staying out and getting ****** in
This sure brings back memories! I remember writing this when I was 14. My life was slowing down. Soon enough I realised it had stopped. There wasn't anything new to do. Just the same old monotonous routine. To break that monotony I delved into a past I'd left behind. I ended up getting hurt, but it was fun! I wanted to express the way I felt and that's when I realised I could write poems. This is my first poem. I'm going to write more poems whenever I feel something I don't want to forget. I'm still just a beginner. I'm looking forward to your feedback to help me evolve into a better poet : )
M Feb 2015
my hell is restlessness
restless indifference, acedia,
because the heart of the wanderer rests in travel and movement
and to not move is to be constantly at motion
never ceasing, heart still beating
but not in peace.
Stevie Oct 2021
We all know the bullets have no name,
Murdered by a gunshot wound is the game,
But who is really to blame,
The gang, the armed person, the police,
Screaming for justice, begging them to help us, please,

See we all know that bullets have no aim,
But there always a name to be convicted or claimed,
Whether it a white victim that has no media fame,
But when it's black or Asian victim, a cop is framed,

See we all disagree or agree that racism is systemic,
But don't you see that race is governmental war, is catastrophic,
Maybe is all polemic,
That culture and race, is the source and problematic,
That human race isn't one at all, but in a state of psychogenic,
Believing in a justice or higher power,
That hating on the opposite for there history,
Will give them absolute power,
But yet it's still very much contradictory.

See I maybe the best friend or every label you know,
But I prefer Truth and honest,
Over the fiction and built upon lies,
That run our lives from now, delivering that deathblow,
Cause everything is comparable, but nothing is ever modest,
Cause even anger, happiness, murdered or natural, everything dies.

See in most cultures, you are disowned,
From your family if you're dishonest,
In some countries, you get ******,
For crimes as promised.

I don't hate communities, cults or religion,
Cause even in beliefs that committed crimes of Indigen,
See everything has morals,
But still destroying our ocean corals,
God's and Goddess are mortals,
But never seen by any portals,
I don't belief in the messages they spread,
Or the pages that wrote to be read.

See I believe in Deities not Gods or Goddess's,
I believe in Mother Nature and connections,
I thrive upon hatred and goodness,
Cause personally it's all in reflections,
I still hold faith that humans are my brothers and sisters,
But love my wild brothers and sisters more,
Whether am wounded or full of blisters,
Free my spirit, run with the pack, even in Wolf's lore.

See I don't have bullets, but I have a name,
I don't have a game, does that me being lame,
Even to connect me to humanity, just to blame,
Here a gun, a knife, even a match start the flame,
Yes am white, blue eyes, even dark hair,
But am I really to blame for how other treat you, is that fair,
You're religious or hateful, condemned for the one I love,
Should I really show that I care,
Or fear my eternity, because of someone above,
Or dismiss a book of common prayer.

See I don't judge like the mortals,
I live life by jumping each hurl, walking through portals,
See I don't care what's your religion, gender or ****** orientations,
live life by waking up, examining each daily collations,
See I refuse to see skin colour and culture,
Just to focus on mine, also dream of a better world in the future,
See the only joke I see is the news and social media,
Creating the world, that is known as Acedia,
So you want to say something is woke,
Then wake up and break the yolk,
So you want to say something is phobic,
Learn the definitions, become presbyopic.

So blame it all on Race,
Play the victim, government just played the Ace,
You scream you're angry at those in power,
But you're lover cheated, now you're acting sour,
So you want blame all society,
Playing the victim, relying on government or law compliancy,
So you want to blame homosexuality,
All cultures suffer from father absently,
So you want to blame religion,
Acting like another generation carrier pigeon,
We can blame the cancel culture,
Removing freedom of speech, basic human rights,
Say good bye to our future,
Cause nothing going to be same, but the Northern Lights,
imehsahdehahs Feb 2020
she's money

she is everything, she wants

she's money

she is only thing worth while

she's money

she is a pain in the ***

she's money

she is not a another material girl

she's money

she is a million dollar rainbow

she's money

she ain't got no soul

she's money

she is red queen valentine's day'ed

she's money

she lives in acedia's blackest hole

she's money

she is the everlasting dope

she's money

she got coin in her eyes

she's money










"then you will see roses aside"
A ROSE IS A Rose is a ROSE is a ROSE
Stevie Oct 2021
We live, We Rot,
We also die,
We born to seek the truth,
but live in a lie,
To live in forever youth,
Maybe the end is nigh,
and extinction is insight,
Living by the Government orders,
Everything filmed by phones and camcorders,
Fighting against the system,
Destroying all that is wisdom,
I laugh at everything I see on social media,
Cause I don't want to live in a state of acedia,
I am done with the hypocrites,
to be like the army of offended termites,
See I don't lie about being an hyprocite,
There's nothing that I will not admit,
See you think that violence will be the change,
Like a mosh pit to the metal/rock scene,
See I think that violence will never be the change,
Cause the government always wants the votes at the voting machine,
Cause it doesn't fit the cultures at the firing range,
Cause history is full of dirt, so is the future,
nothing that can be cleaned via a washing machine,
Cause let face it, Humanity is an infected wound that needs a suture,
Cause it always about disagreements on skin colour and culture,
First breath to the last, final air exchange,
Bullet to the face, arm, chest, body, beauty changer,
Even Makeup might make a dog still look like it got the mange,
Everyone still in somewhat sort of danger,
See Beauty is not skin deep, it is everything about you,
in life, your either hot or ugly, but one thing at the end we all turn blue,
See you can be hot, but with an attitude of I get what I desire,
Leave you petty and ******* ugly,
See you can be hot, but with an attitude of I can be a classifier,
Leave you looking like a slow hair growth, pretty stubbly,
See you can be ugly, but with an attitude of I work for what I have,
Can leave you pretty and **** hot,
See you can be ugly, but with an attitude of what I have, I also gave,
Can see a woman or a man, that won the lot,
Cause prettiness is worked and earn, respected,
Cause ugliness is sang and burnt, upon reflected,
Often sang by the death choir,
Burnt and set in fire,
Religion is the hateful community,
So is every other community that is a crier,
from the LGBTQ+, Black, Asian, White, It all in disunity,
Slanging matches, slanging arrows, at each other,
Murdering a family, ****** the mother,
Murdering a family, ****** the father,
Murdering a family, ****** the daughter,
Murdering a family, ****** the son,
Murdering a family, ****** the baby,
Murdering a gang, blood brothers,
Murdering a era, one after another,
Education is just a cover,
Truths to discover,
Coffin, Soil just a ground cover,
A Chariot in flames rode by an winged hussar,
Cause communities, cults are all dangerous,
Beliefs, Cultures, Styles will all end in obtaining the justice,
Maybe it Covid, Maybe it us, that was the start of the end,
of a Humane extinction purpose
Very similar to Humane Extinction Purpose Original, but with an extra spice and emotion.
Stevie Oct 2021
we live to rot and die,
To live in truth,
but most choose to live in a lie,
To live in youth,
Maybe the end is nigh,
Living by government orders,
Filming all via camcorders,
Fighting against the system,
Attack, stab, shoot, oh **** missed him,
I laugh at everything on social media,
Cause * living in a state of acedia,
Done with the hypocrites,
That think violence will be the change,
In the mosh pit, ah *
crash the plane from the **** pit,
First breath to last just a final air exchange,
Beauty isn't the looks that we desire,
Cause ugliness is only sang by the death choir,
Cause your skin beauty will fade and crinkle,
You grow old, grey and wrinkle,
Either buried or cremated, ashes sprinkled,
Cause our life is borrowed,
Death is years spent have been brought,
Even our DNA and Chromosomes will one day decode,
Battles psychical, emotional and mentally have been fought,
But the war has been lost, the memory of you is just a after thought,
Communities, cults are all dangerous,
Beliefs, culture, styles all will end in Obtain Justice,
Maybe Covid was meant to be an humane extinction purpose.
Mateuš Conrad Dec 2024
i have a title: which is unusual...
i usually write then leave a title like my own personal
funny: a signature is not:
it's unlike handwriting...
scribble doodle doo d'ah...
  but i actually have a title:
it's burning in my head:

5 days in Hyde Park's Winter Wonrerland...
i have to say... an experience:
there i squabbled
like Dostoyevsky's anti-hero in
the Notes from the Underground:

that came later... underground:
juice juice juice!
some more ***** and coke!
i need to make this coherent
i will make notes!
i swear: rubric!

pillcrow and punctuation and poetry
and paragraphs
and i still can't fathom jon fosse
why the nobel but not a cult following:
what would you trade?
a nobel prize
or a cult following?
poison in the serpents tongue:
fame postmortem...
fame in death
is the only death to have had
and twins to life belong
i walked Hyde Park
as Dr Jeckyll...
Mr Hyde i didn't find: although i tried so hard
i saw a shirtless Anglo-Saxon-Viking
in the Fun House going berserker
and i thought: my Odin wouldn't that be
a great beginning of a son
this: puny O Thor...
how you squandered your visage...
thus man included:
child: i'm wearing... show me the puzzle...
the puzzle of whom i represent:

oh my god, oh my god:
English is so dyslexic:
****** is the most pure... of languages:
in terms of letters responding to sounds:
some variations
are included: but only because
the language is ARYAN...
Polish is not a state a nation a people
or a culture:
Polish is a language...
and i sit on it silently with a Lingua Sassi:
the Saxon trade route
via the Atlantic:
i'll soon more to a people who only paddled:
rather than braved the Pacific:
the Atlantic was stubborn
and so cruel
the icebergs... Titanic...
funny how icebergs flow from the tip of south
America up the Atlantic
and not up north via the Pacific:
to an Atheist: what coin flip 5-:50
is there to ratio equal measure
by chance...
but by design... we are VVR: virulent virtual reality:
why do all the icebergs
float up the Atlantic Ocean
rather than the Pacific Ocean:
i know the science:
self-no-self evident... but why not abstract
and compare that natural mechanism
with chance, the Fates: a coin flip...
surely... a Luxemburg sized chunk of
Antarctica could have sailed toward the Pacific...
then again: ooh...
Three main ingredients
salt is the beginning of the earth
it's what kept the clouds like sponges:
only if i get dementia will
i succumb to mushrooms:
until then and now i see clouds
and sponges and the river of life and its mouth
the sea that became compliment
in body of earth
from water: Hydrogen Oxygen
from salt: Sodium Chloride...
light... has no chemistry...
i even asked for the chemical formula of wood:
there is no! chemical formula for wood!
there is geology... but there are no Woodsmen...

oh my god, i think i'm tripping...
and all i did was
drink a little smoke a little
BIG THINK write paint pain a little....
William Wallace the Gromit
when poetry becomes sort of imitation
taking a **** is like not shooting your shot
but instead:
can i have the pear instead?
aren't there more fruits on this cotton candy magic
so Adam and Eve ate the apple...
what if Adam and Steve ate the banana...
which would leave...
Matthew... and... Edie...
on either a pear... or... hmmm...

                    i thought of completing the five senses
with their uttermost discouragement of usage:
myopia: jumped up... then hallucinations
  sight: myopia
   if there are only 4 elements
and only 5 senses...
but isn't thought a 6th sense
and ligthning a 5th element unlike fire..
nothing like fire...
and nothing is not an element?!


the bad sight
the bad smell
the bad sound

           what other senses am i missing?
bad to touch
bad to taste....

  who married Acedia...
                i saw the widow: then i saw the bride....
and negated: thus i hallucinated reality:
best not see to then unsee
simply outright negate
the rain
and the rain...

            so i caught less...
spines of the horizon
from the mosque of the silent mind
but bomber
the buzzing
i hear it
like beehive
i see mustard mingling with honey...
i better punctuatate
unlike who
i haven't read both
Nobel Prize Winners
and Cult Leaders
and Journalists...

           do i see a sleepy: doe eyed
Alice from time to time?
yes: but my shifts are over
over there....

                                   my feet were firmly
on the ground... last shift
i left 1h30min early...
it was ******* down:
    i didn't feel right
living a rat's heave in the: paperback edition...
blah blah...
            the game is rigged: so who the ****
cares about authenticity:
before the Armageddon Marsch...
i speak of only the two of you:
who the two are:
is up to you and you...

                     & next exit: Mongol by rite, never Arab;
ideologies aside:
i prefer the Mongolian version of Islam
than the ****- or
Arab version... Islam is in the wrong hands...
like Christianity passed down
to South Americans: the Vatican:
and Africans: the Past of Europe.... historical Europe:
not the Europe of the zeit: geist.

— The End —