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  Mar 2016 Jeni
Bianca Reyes
I carry the
cruelty of Winter

Bleeds through all
of the seasons

Stops at your
heated Summer lips

My frostbitten lips
fear a kiss

The cold follows
with no reasons

Warm shivery sensation
like a splinter

On my mind
At the thought

Of both seasons
Meeting at once
Shared on Hello Poetry on March 21, 2016
All rights reserved

  Mar 2016 Jeni
m i a
please just kiss me until my lips go numb,
trace my skin until my heart starts beating in rhythm like a drum, whisper things in my ear that'll make me go dumb,
darling I would say more, but I should probably stop and now I'm done.**

yours and only yours,
[ h e r]
eli, you always seem to weaken me with those ***** of kryptonite you call eyes.
  Mar 2016 Jeni
Silence Screamz
..a poet's mind never rest.... except when it lies next to the heart that it protects
A poetic short
Jeni Mar 2016
When words do not come
my personal hurricane,
passion fills my heart.
Jeni Mar 2016
At home together
we listen to wind and rain
defining 'content'
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