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 Apr 2015 Karissa
JR Falk
 Apr 2015 Karissa
JR Falk
This was never meant to hurt you.
It was a simple miscommunication,
a stumble of words.
"Words" can be so easily misspelled to say "swords,"
and swords can impale.
I suppose words can, too.
 Apr 2015 Karissa
It gives me
an overwhelming rush of happiness
to get a rare text back from you

Because then
at least
I know you haven't taken your own life
 Apr 2015 Karissa
Sick society
 Apr 2015 Karissa
Funny how people start to care

Only when you're dying or you're dead
 Apr 2015 Karissa
 Apr 2015 Karissa
We tell people to embrace themselves
We tell people to be different
But when they are different we laugh at them
We make fun of them

Because that's what society has taught us to do

We tell people not to care what others think
We tell people not to worry about others
But obviously you should care about what we think
And obviously you should care about everything in others lives

Because that's what society has taught us to do

We tell people it doesn't matter if you're skinny
It doesn't matter if you're not pretty
But if you're not then what are you?
You're the laughingstock of society

Because that's what society has taught us to think

Oh wait where are you going?
Come back
Why did you cut yourself?
Why did you **** yourself?
Come back to society we would never hurt you
society hurts
 Apr 2015 Karissa
hannah andersen
there are no endings
only new beginnings
don't give up
don't you dare give up
 Apr 2015 Karissa
hannah andersen
Welcome to society,
We hope you enjoy your stay,
And please feel free to be yourself,
As long as it’s in the right way,
Make sure you love your body,
Not too much or we’ll tear you down,
We’ll bully you for smiling,
And then wonder why you frown,
We’ll tell you that you’re worthless,
That you shouldn’t make a sound,
And then cry with all the others,
As you’re buried in the ground,
You can fall in love with anyone,
As long as it’s who we choose,
And we’ll let you have your opinions,
But please shape them to our views,
Welcome to society,
We promise that we won’t deceive,
And one more rule now that you’re here,
There’s no way you can leave.
 Apr 2015 Karissa
Mr X
 Apr 2015 Karissa
Mr X
When you did all the evil work,
And I tried raising my voice against it,
Why was it that everyone stood by your side
And deemed me evil?
 Apr 2015 Karissa
Danielle Rose
When dreams become undone due to nightmares
and smiles are replaced by distant blank stares
leaving all that you hoped for at your feet
Shattered into tiny reminders of defeat
You seem to lose sight of what it all truly means
yet remember suddenly why you chose apathy
I look around and all I see are hardened hearts that fail to beat
these vicious cycles that **** humanity
Has everyone lost their sanity?
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