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Jul 2021 · 635
The Bigger Picture
Devil's Poet Jul 2021
Each a message.
But most can't Decipher
They don't understand the constant panic
The fear of life and death
The pain of smiling when you want to cry
The feeling of self Hatred and being unworthy.
Useless. A waste of space. Not belonging

They only see what you show them
Never trying to get a better look at the picture painted Before their eyes
Eve. If they knew they'd just ignore it.
Like everyone else do.

Each cut is a symbol
Every scratch is a mark
All my bruises are reminders

I hate to see them.
Clear on my skin
Hidden like the emotions
Deep with in

I drown in my own regrets
Tasting every bit of sorrow
Talking with doubt everyday
Feeling numb
But caged in by A burning fire of rage

I can't explain it
I don't want to say
To communicate this...with someone other than me
I'd rather die

But I don't think you understand yet...
The hidden picture
All behind the scenes

Maybe look harder....
For the real me
This one is more personal, but i wanted share and see who can relate
Jul 2021 · 758
Angel with Horns (Part 2)
Devil's Poet Jul 2021
You say I'm wrong
but you know I'm right
which is why we always fight.

I try to be the best I can
but you just want the attention of a man
not the love or care I give

threatening to take my life
when its already yours
I want to make you happy

you just want the money
you don't care
I don't understand...
I want to love you
but I just can't

No matter what I do
it's never enough
I'll do want you to want

just please accept my love
I'll do anything for you
as long as your mine
This is about a girl who only cares about money and herself. Her parent (the man in the poem) will give her anything she wanted, even though she does want his love or to love him. He tries to make it work. but she ends up making him seem like the "Bad guy" in the relationship. All he wants is love. She wants money and attention. He gave her both, now he wants love in return. But she refuses to give it. now he fights to gain her heart while she pushes him away.
(Part three coming soon)
Jun 2021 · 229
Angel with Horns (Part 1)
Devil's Poet Jun 2021
You can pretend to be an angel
But I can see your horns in the shadow you cast
You can say you love me by day
And scream you hate at night
Act dumb all you want
But I know your a cunning snake
Look as sweet as a butterfly
While deep down your venomous spider
I can see what you try to hide
And yet....
I still let you into my life.
I gave you my heart
And you gave me a knife
To prove my love
You want me to die
now I bleed
Whilst you watch me weep
This is a poem I'm sure many can relate to.
Part 2 coming soon
Apr 2021 · 665
Reading at night
Devil's Poet Apr 2021
On your bed
you lay on your back
wrapped up in your favorite cover
Your lamp is on
bringing light to your room
Not too dark but not too bright
a book in hand
One you seem to enjoy
You carefully read over most of the words
sometimes going too fast and restarting the page
You may laugh at what they say
Or cry from the loss of a character
maybe even believe you're in the story yourself
With the peace and quiet of the world around you
It's easy to get lost in your book
Page after page
You get eager to know what happens next
not getting tried of the action, adventure, or romance
All of it keeping you on edge
You read until your eyes wake
and the sun begins to rise
not realizing how you lost time
But all is well
it was worth it
in the end
You finish the book
and the story ends
Now you seek out another
just for the adrenaline
of a new world
What will you read next...
Um- Just a little quick type free flow. What kind of books do you read? Leave it in the comments, please
Apr 2021 · 1.3k
Devil's Poet Apr 2021
We seek out a new world
explore what we can
Find to creatures in the land
whether you be a woman or man
You dive headfirst into the challenge
Not prepared for what might happen

To find what was lost
and bring back home
just to study the unknown

Suppiles is limited so use it wisely
Time is percious
but don't rush

Be aware of what lurks in the dark
animals like we've never seen before
hidden deep with the ground

Some may hide out of fear
of what could be there
But in your mind
you say

"You never know until you get there"
living by your words

Even if it means
travelling to the darkess city
or a lost forest
even a cave no one has ever seen.

You do it for the fun
and for the rush
It's like a new adventure every day

"What's next?"
is what you'd say
Apr 2021 · 339
Day into Night
Devil's Poet Apr 2021
Day into night
The moon always in the sky
at anytime Day or Night
As the Sunsets
it's hidden behind the moon
giving it a dim glow
star shows for miles and miles
does it ever end?
most people are sleep
while some stay awake
Day into Night
it's all the same
it's not complete darkness
the moon is just not there
Day into Night
but nothing is here
Day into night
The moon always in the sky
at anytime Day or Night
As the Sunsets
it's hidden behind the moon
giving it a dim glow
star shows for miles and miles
does it ever end?
most people are sleep
while some stay awake
Day into Night
it's all the same
it's not complete darkness
the moon is just not there
Day into Night
but nothing is here
Apr 2021 · 227
Killing my dark world
Devil's Poet Apr 2021
Father is my death,
life is my mother.
Pain is my sister
fear is my brother.
Anger is my earth
while depression is my ocean
Anxiety is my air
My broken heart is the ground
And my lost soul is the sky
and when it rains i cry
Forrest fires of rage
Thunder storms of hate
The shadow covering more the half of the ground
Evil intentions for me....
Thought of suicide
Cuts on my wrist
Harming each tree in my mind
Hurting the plant every time i bled
Like a poison to my head
Blocking out the light
letting all plant life die
refusing to replace each seed
Soon letting the rivers run dry
Leaving me thirsty
killing the happiness that once flowed through me
Like striking down animal with a gun.
But it's just me........
Killing my own f**ked up world
Apr 2021 · 2.1k
A dragon
Devil's Poet Apr 2021
A body bigger than anything we've seen before
Wings longer than a bus and wider than a house
Teeth sharp and point like looking in a alligators mouth!

Scales shining like a ruby in the light
A tail swaying so hard it hit most rocks

Leg's that crushes the ground beneath it's feet
Claws to ripped fresh meat

A roar so loud
It pierced the clouds

Elements of all sorts
Fire, Earth, Air Wind, Metal
So much more

A beast with such power
Sure to make you cowered
Only the bravest dare go against it

Sleeping in caves
Protecting the treasure

So will guide you and some will ****
It's all up to their will

Facing a creature so intelligent
It's would cause fear and worry
But also worship and love

We all know the beast i speak of
The dragon! It goes by many names

The thing we all grew to love
A dragon, More like a god from above

A blessing and A Curse
That's the best way to put it
A Dragon i bet you can't wait to see it

To see it in the sky
Flying high over the town

Hearing roars the sound so close yet so far
Wishing to be blessed

We all know what a dragon is capable of
But see we will risk everything just to get near

A dragon
Something we both love and Fear
Apr 2021 · 103
Over Dosing
Devil's Poet Apr 2021
Addicted to the pills
Taking 'em several times a day
I'm faded on the couch
Staring at ceiling
Trying to figure out why I'm even living
Giving up on life
Suicidal thoughts flowing through my mind
Smoking every day losing the time
Popping another pill or two
Trying to escape reality
Always in love
But people keep hurting me
I tried to survive and fight
But I let the **** and drugs take over my life
now laying on the floor
Foaming out the mouth
Eyes rolled back
All because everything is going south
Depression got the better of me so I turn to the drugs
Writing music and poems
But that wasn't enough
People wouldn't listen
Now look what happened
I'm dying all because no helped heal my sadness
No one bothers to care
always saying "I'm fine"
When really it's all a lie
You look at the cuts on my wrist
Seeing the lines and words curved in
Tears in your eyes
Your now upset because you didn't realize
I was calling out for help
But I got ignored instead
Now my body on the floor
I'm already dead
9-1-1 on the phone
You trying to get me to wake up
eyes all white
My body twitching
I'm getting lost in the darkness
I feel numb, without feelings
I can't feel the sadness
Is this what death is like?
It feels so cold and empty
I don't see a light
Trapped in a void
But I can hear voices from afar
"CLEAR," said the voice
But there was no respond
getting colder by the second
My heart stops beating
And my body stops moving
The last thing I hear is
"I sorry I couldn't help you-"
Tears of a girl falling down her face
I'm sorry baby
I just couldn't take it anymore
I let the pills take me away
Overdosing on the floor
is what was happening anyways
(But at least all the pain will go away)
Apr 2021 · 108
The Ocean is a soup (hehe~)
Devil's Poet Apr 2021
It sounds strange
But the Ocean is a soup
You have your water
and the salt
Fish for the meat
And seaweed and other plants
You can cook it all up
then boom you have a soup
All your ingredients
in one huge bowl
mixing it to together
adding more spices everyday
So like i said
Apr 2021 · 83
Poems made me
Devil's Poet Apr 2021
just know it's free flow

Power of my mind

and I'm letting it go

I wont hold back

on what i think

instead I'll release it

Just like a grenade

My brain explodes

With ideas

I didn't know

i even had

now i share them with the world

and my lads

I write poems from heart and mind

not wasting anytime

i type it quick

Making you think

My thoughts hitting you Hard

just like a whip
My blank mind

suddenly coming to life

Making me write and type

More than ever before

Saying thing i didn't know i wanted to say

Writing things that i never knew was there to be said


Poems they bring out a different side to me

The poems are the reason

I can still believe in my dreams

I can still see me achieve

because poems made me

poems are me

Like the sky to the earth
WE go perfectly with each other

The rain is my thoughts

While the ground is my voice

The air is my flow

The Fire is my passion

The Spirit is my poems

that's all i need

and then i'm free
Apr 2021 · 93
Devil's Poet Apr 2021
Have you ever heard of heaven?
I'm sure you have-
And if you did
You'd be glad to see it.
Said to be the place of light
The home of the holy
Sounds like the best place to be after life
But is it really all that good?
Heaven is made to believe that it's good
All because some people said God is the most pure
and he is our leader
But how can anything be pure when there's a Darkness to every light
A shadow lurking right behind the corner
When god created the earth
He could have destroyed it just as quickly
Most never think of it this way because "He's our god"
there's no such thing as good or bad
There is a balance to everything and everyone
Including Heaven and Hell, Satan and God
Heaven is a place you can go
And you can get to Hell just as quickly.
Don't let what people say distract you from your own opinion on this
Let what you think be heard!
and even if Heaven is not where you wish to go
It's fine
Everyone believes in something
So tell me is Heaven really that good?
because once you find out-
you might not like it
These are just my thoughts
But i need them to be heard
So people can look at things in a different way
It doesn't matter if you want to or not
Deep down you know.....
There's a chance its not as good as it's told to be
So think about it
then come back to me
(Thank you for your time)
Apr 2021 · 109
Somewhere but nowhere
Devil's Poet Apr 2021
I am here
but I'm gone as well.
I exist
but i don't.
I'm alive
But I'm dead.
I am somewhere
But nowhere....
You can not see me
But i can see you-
like a game of Peek-A-Boo
Now you see me
now you don't
I'm by your side
But i disappear
I'm in your arms
But I'm on the floor.
My body is here
But i am not
Here but i'm not at the same time
Where am i?
I don't know-
Because i'm somewhere- meaning nowhere
Apr 2021 · 69
Devil's Poet Apr 2021
When you think of hell
You think of the worst of things
when you think of Satan
you think of evil
But what if it's the completely opposite
What if hell is just a place everyone would want to be
But then soon grow tired of,
A place where you get exactly what you want
Slowly draining you of joy
Giving you everything you could imagine
over and over a again
until you realize there's no use for it
What if Satan isn't evil?
What if he just grants your wishes
until you can't bare to ask for anything else
slowly driving you mad
as you repeat it over and over and over again.
What if-
we've had it all wrong
and that hell is just a place that's never boring but never fun either
Hell....what is it truly like?
I hope some of us don't have to find out-
Apr 2021 · 73
Devil's Poet Apr 2021
In light there is darkness.
In darkness there is light.
In war there will be peace.
In peace there will be war.
There is a balance to everything
even if it doesn't seem like there is
children are given birth to everyday
just like people die every day
By killing one person
you're be saving thousands
but hurting others as well
This is the balance of life
no matter the out come
We humans hunt the animals
and the animals hunt the humans
in today's world
it's **** or get killed
But why does life have to be this way?
well maybe because some are greedy for power
I can't tell anymore
but some day i hope it all changes
Devil's Poet Apr 2021
Something everyone want's to know is
what is death like-
Not very many can tell you
Some may say it's peaceful and Quiet
Other will Say it's dark and lonely.
A lot of people has died over the years
this is how life works
But not everyone can accept that.
Life is wonderful and cruel at the same time.
In life you can do so many things
But not everyone gets to do them.
Life is evil
So much hate in the world
People are *****, killed, and beat every single day
for no reason at all
Are children growing up in such a toxic place.
It's getting harder and harder to find love
So how can life be so good?
No one knows
In the end Death always seems better
because the pain is gone
and you don't have to suffer.
But what about the ones that your leaving behind
how will it effect them?
Will they choice to join you
or will they sty and fight on
I just want to know
will you chose life or death?
it's up to you
Life or death?
I'll ask you again
I'm sorry did i make your head spin
You don't know which one is better anymore-
I'm sorry to hear that
Well lets find out
as we live on in this world
There is no right or wrong when is comes to this
it's all natural
but so foreign to us all
Apr 2021 · 80
Devil's Poet Apr 2021
Twist in the head
we see the world a different way
Some may say i'm strange
but it's all part of the fun
When you see that look in our eyes
you know your life is done
Yes we know we're crazy
and i love it
It's better to be different then fit it
So let me be crazy
i don't really care
but you can try to f**k with me
if you dare
HEY! don't stare at me
I'm just killing someone on the side of the street
Why are you still here you should run
Now your going to be gone
I chase you down laughing happily.
Why are you crying-
are you scared
well you should be
Apr 2021 · 87
Fate can't stop you
Devil's Poet Apr 2021
There is hope
Don't depend on fate
Make your own path
Enjoy your free space
No one can control you
Your making the rules
Now use your power
Devil's Poet Apr 2021
A dim light shines from the moon.
Star twinkle like glitter in the sky.
Gray clouds passing by slowly.

Standing by the window
you look your reflecting
smiling as a light breeze flows through your hair.

You heard a noise from outside
you look down
it's white deer

it's fur shining so brightly in the moon light
eating grass by a tree
so quiet and carefully.

You never seen such beauty.
a tear rolls down your cheek
"so many good memories"

Closing the window you went to your bed
resting your head
you smile, closing your eyes
"The night such a wonderful time" you whispered

Counting sheep
"one, two, three"
you started falling asleep
"Night night is a wonderful place to be"
with that you slept peaceful in your bed
Apr 2021 · 76
My Fears of Death
Devil's Poet Apr 2021
I feel something
lurking Behind me
but i turn around
and nothing is there
What is it that is watching me?
i asked myself getting scared
Sitting near the water
watching the fish swim around
to myself i thought
will someone push me in
and leave me to drown
shaking my head
i sighs as i think
about how'll i die
Sitting around a campfire
i stare into the flames
so pretty and bright
but so painful to touch
will i burn forever
in such a beautiful thing
i hope i never find out
some day
Sitting in a tree
as i listen to the animals happily
i see animals of all kinds
but do they see me?
will one attack and take my life
i wonder as i watch them curiously
i lay in my bed staring at the ceiling
Will the roof come down?
Will I die in my sleep?
i sit up as i think
about these things
these are my fears
what about yours ?
Apr 2021 · 71
Am i a Killer?...
Devil's Poet Apr 2021
I can't see
it's so dark
is that a monster lurking in the shadows
No it's my reflection in the mirror
A darkness from within
A fear so strong
Who is this person
A killer?
No it's me
A scared child
nine one one on the dial
someone help me
it's so dark in here
i can't get free
I'm scared
no one hears the called they
echo all around me
A deep fear
A body on the floor
How did this happen?
i don;t remember
dropping the knife on the floor
staring at my hand
shaking so hard
Is this the monster I've become?
Apr 2021 · 97
Is This Life?....
Devil's Poet Apr 2021
Is this life?
Your alive but your not living
You have air but you can't breath
You have eyes but you can not see
Your listening but you hear nothing
You try to speak but no sound comes out
is this our world
so many lies
trying so hard to see the truth
What will we do?
Stuck in this darkness
where is the light
we'll never know
because we lost the fight
what is wrong and what is right?
I can't tell you any more
Might as well go knocking at death's door
Apr 2021 · 80
What is art?....
Devil's Poet Apr 2021
What is art-
is art the air we breath
or the water in the sea
is art something you believe
but can't see
Is art the food we eat
or the water we drink...
art is everything
and nothing
art is nowhere
but somewhere
what is art?
no one knows
because each mind flows a different way
everyday art is made
what is art?
I still ask today
Apr 2021 · 297
Cinnamon Rolls...Mmm~
Devil's Poet Apr 2021
Cinnamon Rolls
in the oven
baked until a light brown color
take the tray out and
let the children ice them
so much fun!
bring them to the table
so sweet and chewy
the icing drips from the side
as you take a big bite
laughing with the family with a big smile
Cinnamon Rolls
something everyone loves
nothing brings closer than the one and only
Cinnamon Rolls
Apr 2021 · 63
Autumn as a boy....
Devil's Poet Apr 2021
Medium length messy orange hair
brown eyes like milk chocolate so fascinating and warm
golden rim glasses complimenting his eyes
A sweet charming smile
A small nose perfect for booping
light but Lovely brown skin
Red freckles on this face
5'5 in height

Wearing a cute little beanie hat
A yellow shirt that blends with the season
A nice light jacket the color of Red
A scarf with orange and white stripes
Blue jeans a bit tight
And some nice Tim boots

You can find him at the park
Dancing in the fallen leafs
Or maybe at the pumpkin patch
playing in the maze
or eating pumpkin-flavored everything
with Apple juice on the side
Or maybe at the Bakery
Eating Cookies, Cakes, and many other tasty treats
with friends and family

Baking is his life
Always has been for him
Loves being in the kitchen
Listening to music
It's his ideal place to be
Or in the garden
Making sure his plants are healthy
A lovely and peaceful hobby
perfect for him indeed

A kind, caring young man
taking care of others
Never causing drama for
Calm and collective
keeping everything peaceful and cheery

Always been the helpful parent kind of friend
you would think everyone knew him
being popular because of kindness
but chooses to keep away from everyone instead
but sharing love and happiness to all who make it into his life

Autumn- but...As a boy
sweet and lovable
once you get to know him
throwing love in the air

Autumn but as a boy....
Apr 2021 · 63
Spring as a girl...
Devil's Poet Apr 2021
Around 5'6 to 5'7
Bright Spring Green Eyes
Beautiful Golden Blond Hair that's wavy at the ends
Small pink lips always smiling
cute little ears
and a round face barely matured
Making her look somewhat childlike

You always see her
playing in the rain
No Rain-boot or Jacket
Just her in sandals and
A Sky Blue dress
Or maybe you see her on the stress
Riding her bike quickly
Wind flowing through her hair
As she rides by
Laughing happily

You can find her in a field
dancing with the bees and butterfly's
playing with the animals in the grass
Or climbing with them in the trees

Singing happily as she twirls around
Enjoying the feeling of being free
Becoming one with Nature
Taking care of animals in need

Either making out shapes in the sky
Or Staring up at the moon that's so high
She loves the outdoors more than anything
Like a second home to her

Such an Outgoing and Creative girl
Always had a big heart
Taking on many challenges that come her way
defeating them easily

Always had many friends
it's hard not to love her
People always thought she was special
the way she'd skip the halls or down the road
Waving at stranger or people she knows

Spring as a girl?....
Let me guess
She would be the nicest and sweetest girl
You have ever met

Just like a butterfly
She is one of a kind
Her wings bigger and more colorful than any other
Spreading Happiness with each flap

If Spring was a girl
She'll be everyone's friend
her cheery attitude
Always brings joy to others

Spring As a Girl...
Apr 2021 · 67
If Winter was a boy....
Devil's Poet Apr 2021
Your thinking of a boy
Silver sparkling short hair
Around 6'0 in height
ears pointed at the tip
A smirk on his pale lips
Pale blue eyes
Skin with no color but still shimmers in the sunlight
short sharp Fangs/K9's showed when he smiles

He sitting on a bench
near the frozen pond at a park
watching as small animals danced and played on the ice
or maybe at a shop
sitting at the corner table
sipping hot cocoa as he reads

Enjoying the peace and quiet
keeping to himself
always reading a book it seems
doesn't make many friends

A bit cold-hearted towards many
But it melts away like snow
once you get to know him

Always serious
Because he shows no other emotions
Locked away from the world

Intelligent and Focus
Strong and Weak
in many different ways

If winter was a boy
I'm sure
He'd be alone even in a crowd
But of course, he'll find the right person one day

Always at the bottom of the list
yet the top of the class
Like a ghost
That no one can see
He's there but no one says a thing
If you might just gain a new friend

If Winter was a boy...
He would be shy yet confident
doing what he likes
Just like a snowstorm
he goes where the wind takes him

A blank book
But filled with words
That's how you would describe him

If Winter was a Boy...
Apr 2021 · 1.2k
If Summer were a girl
Devil's Poet Apr 2021
Imagine a girl...
She has Firey orange hair
Lovely golden eyes
Average in height
Skin the picture shade of caramel
Sharp lip, showing her perfect smile
Teeth so white they shine just like the sun.

You see her on the Beach
Laying on the sand
playing in the water
Or getting a tan

Loves to be active
and cheer with her friends
Since the beginning
She'd loved to dance

If Summer was a girl
I bet she's love sport
and the outdoors

I bet she was fun
also fairly smart

A bubbly personality
So outgoing
Never having a bad day

Never having a Dark time
Cause she only gets brighter

If Summer were a girl.....

— The End —