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 Jun 2017 Victoria Laws
 Jun 2017 Victoria Laws
Don't tell a rose how to grow,
And The birds how to chirp.
Don't tell your daughter to be soft,
Don't tell your son how to hurt.

Don't tell the sky what color to bleed,
And a person, the right way to grieve.
Don't try to tame your daughter's tongue,
Don't tell your son the manly ways to love.

Don't tell the wind which way to blow
Or the clouds how hard to rain.  
Don't teach your daughter how to soak,
Don't show your son how to easily reject.

Don't tell the sun to adjust its light
Or the truth how to show itself.
Don't tell your daughter it's feminine to shy,
Don't teach your son how to reign with fists held high.

Don't tell a heart how to beat
Or the mind how not to soar.
Don't clip off your daughter's  wings,
To make them a foundation for your son to grow.

Don't tell a rose how to grow,
Lest it decides to turn its petal into thorns.
Don't tell the birds how to chirp
And have their voices turn into rebellious growls.
Finally, one of my many poems was chosen as a daily.
Just been a 5 years.

I still can't believe it.

Also, thank you for all your reviews and love. I still don't think I'm a poet, I just usually ramble. But I'm so glad you guys gave this poem such love.
Means a lot.

Again, thank you very very much.
Sometimes I find it hard to say
But I would love to tell you in every way
That I love you anyway.
I will always look for ways.
I can't even believe how you hate me now. I literally watched and admired you all my adolescent years with nothing but love and respect for you, and now you can't even stand the sight of me.
My crush.

I watched you grow and change, watched you be in love with other men and even waited for a time when I wouldn't be leading you away from a path by which you would be more suitably rewarded.
My love.

But despite all of this,  I still couldn't offer you enough. I "wrecked" everything.
And yet I had never tried so hard to be the best that you could have in all my life
My family.

I failed you. And now also

I'm sorry you couldn't understand the love that I had tried so furvently to share with you. I had hoped that things could be better than this.

But alas...

Perhaps you'll hear me now as a passing traveler's blessing...

As I say for the last time: good bye my friend,
"I hope you find you're looking for out there"
I always loved you.
 Jun 2017 Victoria Laws
 Jun 2017 Victoria Laws
I smoked three cigarettes today.
My "magic" number.
All to make you go away.
Leaning to poison to ease my void
that you left me.
My heart is empty.
My soul is closed.
My bed is cold.
All because you came back into my life at 3am.
Three days ago.
Not a day goes by
that I don't think your name,
that I don't see your face,
that I don't feel your kiss,
you're everything to me
and I wasn't good enough.

There are some things I can't erase
your memory is one of them
and I wish you'd have stayed
but I was never quiet the best.

Now you run along
calling someone else perfection
while I sit around here
waiting for a way to obliterate your sensations.
About that dude that was my best and my worst.
I own myself
I create myself
Fell in love with myself
And oh how it felt.
 Jun 2017 Victoria Laws
 Jun 2017 Victoria Laws
Every time I miss her,
I suffer from a single thought
every time I kiss her -
she loves me,
she loves me not...

Travelled from a distance,
a single glance just to be cought,
for my precious mistress
she loves me,
she loves me not.

Questions like these warring -
for my sanity they fought
Her feelings never showing,
does she love me...
...she loves me, not.
my thoughts are mixed up of present time
and words of poetry i have not yet written

I think of you but can only make it so far
before my mind creates a metaphor for
the emptiness that this small soul of mine
now is
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