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 Jun 2017 Victoria Laws
 Jun 2017 Victoria Laws
You found me
    the way fire finds the parched
    forests of California.
You caressed me
    the way waves caress the crumbling
    coast of every once-great
    Mediterranean city.
You whispered
    like the wind whispers sandstorms
    across the Sahara Desert.
You wept
    water-like into the fissures of my

and froze

until I crumbled;
until I became a memory of myself;
a phantom limb;
a shadow in the dark.
 Jun 2017 Victoria Laws
it's strange
where I stored away
all my loyalties, you
think you can bring
someone back with
courage or bravery
but you're only being
a child, really,

i threaded them
through each vertebrae
and stained every moment
with ink, every truck-ride
soaked in an alan jackson

I don't want to haunt you,
but at night if you are alone
or with a dead arm beneath
a pretty girl, deeply introspective
with the moon on your face
and you begin to tear into
yourself as if something
is lost or fading

all you'll find is a rung
of brass keys where I
told myself i could
where no other woman
has been, and she certainly

if storms are named after people
and every place is a concentrate
of you and me then
i have saturated the walls
in your peace and strength
with all my keys and loyalties
hung in the places you go
to find yourself.
(c) Brooke Otto 2017
Love me, hate me, toss me, burn me, hug me
dissolve me in your tears, keep me far, feel me near
you are like cold icy tasty lemonade, in sunny sweaty day
when i acknowledge you i have nothing to say
You **** me with your sweet grace
With you i feel like i have found my place
Where trees and grass will sing for us
You are my one, there is no past
with you i want to start again
Forget my wounds and selfish gain
I want to travel through your soul
You capture me into your world
I need no gold, refreshing cold
Like old love story never told
You are like icy lemonade on sunny summers day..
 Jun 2017 Victoria Laws
Five jars.
Five jars of dead flowers.  
Every one ,
a present to me,
one for each thing my mother feels guilty for.
Leaving me.
Having me.
Ignoring me.  
Forcing me to do things I don’t want to do.
Jealousy of my success.  
As each petal withers and wilts,
I can read the pain in her face.
She didn’t want me.  
I'm not sure if she even does now.
My body a stem she wants to cut from her life.
But, I grew my thorns to keep that from happening
No body wants to touch a prickly rose.  
Thats the problem,
No body wants to get close to me.  
I bleed dirt.
I’m like a punching sack full of mulch,
bulky and unnecessary.
Despite my lack of water and love,
I’m still standing tall.  
Things are getting better
The sun shines a lot more for me these days.
Now I finally know what it means to enjoy it,
as a daisy in the field
small and innocent once more.
 Jun 2017 Victoria Laws
It's a strange feeling,
being too scared to leave your home,
to have to lock the doors,
and keep checking to make sure they stay locked,
to have people come get you if they want to go on a walk,
to have your mom tell you that she doesn't want you walking alone at any hour,
you even have to drive to work.
I'm terrified.
I don't feel safe being home alone,
being outside,
being in my hometown,
being in my county,
being in my state.
I'm terrified of the things she's capable of.
I'm terrified of the means she's willing to go to,
just to make herself feel better.
I'm terrified of the darkness she brings,
the shadow she casts on my happy life.
And the worst part is,
**I'm not the only one who's terrified of her.
The squad is planning a mass suicide tbh
i´ve been walking on rocky Ground
trying to lift heavy Stones,
rolling them uphill, pulling them down
shaking, stumbling, shoving

it took me a while to realize one thing
some Stones never move
some Rocks never roll
never turning, tipping, trembling

so this Ground will stay rocky
a few Stones will move
some mark my Way
but i´ll be walking, wandering, winning
We all walk on our individual, rocky Path. We all have Obstacles on those Paths and i like to picture them as Stones. Some of them, we can lift. Some of them, we can't. And it´s our choice to rather lose our Strength on them or just walk around them. Do not put your Efforts into things you can't change. Focus on your Path, focus on your Aim. You are not in a hurry. Time is relative. Our Visions are not
 Jun 2017 Victoria Laws
Sal A
 Jun 2017 Victoria Laws
Sal A
Your lips taste like honey,
as they press against mine.
Two pink pillows blessing my soul.
Stirring violent chemical reactions within me.

Your body feels like a petal.
In my arms, against my chest.
I'd say my heart flutters,
but 'leaps' is more appropriate.

Your hair flows like silk.
And you didn't even try to make it look nice.
The way it swirls when you play with it.
Dancing, teasing, flirting with me.

Your eyes look like gems.
They dilate when you laugh.
Caress me when you smile.
Lick me when you gaze.

Your skin feels like a feather.
My fingers crawling, exploring.
As I undo your bra.
Inhaling your sweet scent.

Your legs feel like a bow tie.
Wrapping around my back,
pushing me into you.
As I wake to an empty bed.
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